Study Shows Source of Stress Differ by Gender

Study Shows Source of Stress Differ by Gender

Study Shows Source of Stress Differ by Gender

Posted: 29 Feb 2012 07:15 PM PST

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Polaris Marketing Research Inc. announced today additional findings from their latest survey of online Americans, supported by Research Now for data collection and analysis: Women and men respondents report different sources of stress and different ways of dealing with their stress.

Women respondents were significantly more likely to report financial issues, lack of time, family problems, living situation and relationship issues as causing them stress. Men respondents, on the other hand were more likely to say that work issues were causing their stress. Men were also more likely to say they had "no main source of stress."

For both women and men, watching television is the most frequently cited activity for relieving stress. Seventy percent of women and 64 percent of men say they are "very likely" or "likely" to watch television to relieve stress.

"While women have more stressors in their lives, they also use more diverse ways of relieving stress. Women are also significantly more likely than men to sleep, listen to music, surf the Internet, socialize, read a book, or eat their favorite 'comfort foods'. In fact, men were only more significantly likely than women to play video games to relieve stress," said Polaris President Jan Carlson.

Women and men's likelihood to engage in these activities to relieve stress did not differ by gender: work on a hobby/crafts, take a vacation, have an alcoholic beverage, and meditate.

source: Read More @ Source

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