Steps to Learn Kundalini Yoga Online

Steps to Learn Kundalini Yoga Online

Steps to Learn Kundalini Yoga Online

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Patresia Adams

According to Yogi Bhajan, "There are eighty-four postures of yoga, but all people, whether Westener or Eastener, have done them in the womb of the mother. So you are yogis anyway."

The key to get benefits from Kundalini Yoga practice is to discover ways of making sure you do it. There are several reasons anyone starts learning Kundalini Yoga online. Kundalini Yoga is a natural, meditative and physical discipline that strengthens the communication between the body and mind. Kundalini is nothing but energy within our body and once it is awakened, we experience self actualization. Kundalini Yoga is one of the most effective yoga therapies to relieve both internal and external pressures of the body. You can also learn Kundalini yoga online in a very simple way. Let's read how.

* Choose an area to practice Kundalini yoga. The place should be clean, airy and away from any external disturbances. Practice yoga on a yoga mat and always wear clothing that is loose and comfortable. * Prepare a time table for each day. In the beginning, you can start with spending 15 to 20 minutes. The most important thing to learn Kundalini yoga online is to adhere to your schedule and don't let other activities interfere.* You can learn Kundalini yoga online through any of websites providing online yoga courses. There are separate programs to learn Kundalini yoga. You can join any of these programs. Watch the video and follow the described steps. Stick to your schedule to make yoga practice effective. * Try to stick to your program as you are learning it online, no one will notice you're absent. You must remain motivated and punctual to learn Kundalini Yoga online.

There are several other benefits in learning yoga online. If any query comes in your mind then you can clear your doubt instantly by asking the experts. The most important thing while doing any online yoga course you must adhere to the specified schedule otherwise you cannot take whole benefits from yoga practice.

Divine Wellness is an i! nteracti ve health portal that offers online classes to learn Kundalini Yoga online and provide interactive sessions, videos and information on treatment with yoga to achieve physical health.

Visit our website for more information on learn Kundalini Yoga online, yoga and physical health.

About the Author

Patresia is a leading yoga expert at Divine Wellness 'a leading yoga portal offering one-to-one live yoga classes via HD video conferencing'.


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Binaural Beats Meditation - Discover 8 Amazing Effects Of Binaural Beats

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by Peter Dougan

Why has binaural beats meditation become all the rage in the relaxation and meditation online forums lately? If used correctly meditative binaural beats can have an exceptional effect on relieving both anxiety and stress. Also binaural beat meditation can, for people using other methods of meditation, raise the levels of their meditational experience to greater heights never before experienced.

Binaural beats meditation has been used for well over a hundred years; their beneficial effects on the body's chemistry have been the subject of many university studies and have been thoroughly researched and documented. The research into binaural beats has shown that they are auditory brain stem responses, these brain stem responses originate from both the left and right side of the brain. They are the result of two different frequencies heard in opposite ears at the same time.

Binaural beats meditation is so simple to use; they are delivered simply by listening to relaxing gentle music on a set of stereo headphones. This music has the binaural beats layered into the background of the music all you have to do is lay back, relax, and listen to the music. Most people have reported a deep sense of relaxation was felt within only five to ten minutes of listening to a recording of binaural beats.

Here are just eight of the most commonly reported results that have been achieved using binaural beats meditation:

1. Improvement in the quality and length of nightly sleep.2. Many experienced an increase in creativity3. Many felt an increased sense of awareness.4. Lucid dreams were reported frequently.5. Some even developed the ability, after several sessions, to remain calm in stressful situations.6. An increase in energy levels was reported by many.7. People experienced in meditation even claim to have an out of body experience for the first time.8. Other experienced meditators had heightened meditation experiences that they directly attributed to the meditative binaural beats.

Binaur! al beats meditation are one of the most effective ways to deal with the day to day pressures and stresses that everybody faces every day of this modern life. They are so simple to use, they can be purchased in both MP3 and CD format, binaural beats can be used wherever and whenever our busy lives give us a spare five or ten minutes. You don't need any fancy expensive equipment, just a MP3 or portable CD player, nor do you need to attend classes or spend years mastering various meditation methods.

Binaural beats meditation offers you a simple method to obtain increased relaxation, inner peace and much less stress in your life. My advice would be for you experience the power of binaural beats for yourself. Download a free sample, listen to it and you will experience for yourself the amazing effect that they will have on your sense of well being.

About the Author

To obtain a greater understanding of the excellent benefits of Binaural Beats Meditation and to get your FREE sample recordings, please take a moment and visit: you will be amazed at what you discover.

Dancing under the Moon - Native American Chant

Dancing under the Moon - Native American Chant

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Learn Yoga Postures Easily through Online Yoga Classes

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

by wovox

Article by Patresia Adams

Yoga has been emerged as one of most sought after medical therapies to treat various diseases. The main purpose of yoga is to increase the inner body's strength to make it strong enough fight against several diseases. It is well known fact that doing regular exercises will keep your body healthy and strong. Today's hectic work life and tight work schedule makes it impossible for an individual to spend time with some exercises.

For those people, online yoga classes become very beneficial with providing online resources to learn various yoga postures in the comfort of your home. However, anyone can schedule a set of exercises but yoga has its own advantages without putting too much stress on your body. Following a regular set of yoga exercises ensure a healthy future for your life. It strengthens the mind, body and soul by establishing a healthy coordination among them.

Nowadays, people are prone to many diseases as they are spending most of their time either in office or in home. Giving some time to yoga exercises provides various health benefits to body. Today, Most of the people in urban cities are affected by various diseases such as hypertension, obesity, high blood pressure, and many more. In order to keep these diseases away from your life, it is necessary to follow some yoga postures on a regular basis.

Many yoga gurus have incorporated internet technology to spread the benefits of yoga worldwide. People can subscribe to these online yoga classes and start leaning various yoga postures from today itself. It is recommended to start with some basic yoga postures online and then gradually move to advanced yoga postures. You can start with the bridge pose but after stretching your body to avoid chances of any injury.

After subscribing you must practice yoga postures online in a calm and clean place. It will provide added benefits to your body along with peace. A regular set of yoga exercises will also boost your stamina.

Divine Wellness, the most comprehensive! resourc e for yoga exercises and postures, offers yoga postures online via HD video conferencing. There can be various applications of yoga exercise such as yoga for golfers.

Visit our website for more information on Yoga postures online, Yoga for golfers and Yoga Poses.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.

Good for a giggle, and to watch me struggle with backbends; viparita chakrasana, what Mr Iyengar describes as the gateway to all advanced backbending postures, yeeha... Note to self-try to make new friends without immediately trying to teach them something. For all I know, Niaz might have gone and ruined all the backs in his village thanks to my generosity. Ah, India! Visit CharleYoga on facebook for more laughs and maybe some yoga;)

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Learn yoga benefits from various online health portals

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Patresia Adams

Practicing from thousand of years, the physical exercises or postures known as yoga is surely important from health and fitness point of view. But with the fast moving world, technically, economically, the craze of yoga has increasing like anything among people of Asian as well western world. The sole reason behind it is that man is involving more and more to developed infrastructure and to satisfy his hunger for money, but in all this he forgot to take care of his physical and mental health, which is most important. And who is not aware of the spiritual and physical benefits of yoga? I guess with the growing trend of Internet, everybody is keen to attend the active online yoga consultants.

Earlier yoga was related to the relaxation of mind however, recently it was discovered that it is also related to the relaxation of both mind and body. Yoga has a number of benefits which you can utilize to make your routine scheduled better in terms of health and prosperity. The best part about practicing yoga sessions including various postures and exercises is that you don't need a so called reserve place. You can literally practice yoga anywhere and anytime like in the park, in your room, over the roof or even in the back garden of your house, whenever suits you day, evening or morning. Yoga mattress is the only accessories that will require for practicing yoga.

Add on to that it is everyone, so just remove the thought that to perform yoga you need to be a yoga expert. As now there are thousands of online health portals, clubs and centers offering yoga classes from where you can easily get a yoga video or DVD tutorial to help you get started if you do not want to commit to a class.

Divine Wellness, the most comprehensive resource for yoga exercises and postures, offers yoga benefits online via HD video conferencing. There can be various applications of yoga exercises such as yoga for golfers to get Yoga Benefits.

Visit our website for more information on Yog! a Benefi ts online, Yoga benefits and Yoga exercises.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.

Yoga Girls on beach

Blackpool Sands - Saturday 4th July 2009 - Shaz, Fliss & Val stretching before BBQ!

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A Look at the Misconceptions of yoga

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Patresia Adams

Although the power of yoga is constantly spreading throughout the world in the last 30 years, but still there are some misconceptions about this effective method of self-realization. This article describes these misconceptions of yoga and helps you learn more about this powerful ancient method of achieving complete health.

1. Yoga is a sport: Many people think that yoga is just about few physical exercises which are part of a sport, but yoga is a set of physical postures, known as asanas in Sanskrit. People have a misconception that yoga is similar to body building and consider it as a casual sport for passing time which one can take up and practice now and them like any other sport. The truth is that yoga is an art and science of physical, mental and spiritual consciousness. The physical postures are developed to make an individual's body strong enough to overcome various ailments.

2. Yoga is only for women: Although, in many parts of the world, the yoga is practiced by women, but it doesn't mean it is not for men. The fact is that people are searching for inner strength and peace for complete health. Yoga offers something for anyone who wishes an effective method to gain mental, spiritual and physical strength ness.

3. You have to be extremely supple to practice yoga: It is almost true that certain yoga asanas are a bit complex to practice, and require an agile body. However, just as yoga postures should be selected according to the ailments that a person suffers from, an experienced yoga instructor will be able to depict you yoga postures that can be easily done.

4. Yoga practice should be done outdoors: When you perform yoga practices your body becomes highly sensitive to difference in temperature. In case you are outside, a slight breeze can break away your concentration and feel you uncomfortable.

While doing yoga practice, it is important to stay in a clean and peaceful environment to focus on inner self. It will help you in achieving complete health benefit! s from s elected yoga postures.

Divine Wellness is a leading online health portal providing resourceful information on various yoga postures and helps you understand the truth about treatment with Yoga and misconceptions of Yoga.

Visit our website for more information on Misconceptions of Yoga and Treatment with Yoga.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.

Indulge Yourself at One of These Peaceful Meditation Centers

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by Keira Adams

A meditation center is a great place to begin your odyssey into self-enlightenment. Whether you've attended classes before or you're just getting started, there's no better way to learn what meditation is about than through meditation centers. In these quiet, idyllic settings, you will feel a sense of deep meditation and relaxation as you begin your journey. Hopefully, you will acquire enough skills and practice before you leave to carry over into your everyday life. Here are a few of the centers across the nation.

In Los Angeles, the Kadampa Meditation Center is a comfortable white building nestled in the Elysian Valley between Griffith Park and Dodger Stadium, with convenient access from Highway 5. They offer a number of classes, day courses, study programs and retreats. Kids, individuals, couples and families can all attend classes, which focus on breathing techniques, meditation, a short lesson and discussion time.

Their website explains Kadampa Buddhist teachings as such: "If we do not maintain a peaceful state of mind we are not happy even if we have ideal conditions. On the other hand, when our mind is peaceful we are happy even if our external conditions are unpleasant." Rigorous study programs, meditation teacher programs, lunchtime meditations and temple ceremonies are all available. For more information, visit

Spirit Rock is another meditation center in California -- this one in Woodacre, north of San Francisco. In the foothills of beautiful wine country valleys in a little Asian styled wood building, you can find inner peace and respite from the stresses of daily life. According to their website, "The purpose of Spirit Rock is to help each individual find within himself or herself peace, compassion and wisdom, through the practice of mindfulness and insight meditation (vipassana), and to support the individual in taking those qualities into the world." Visitors can attend residential meditation retreats, daylong workshops and weekly! classes . The overnight residential retreats range from five days to twenty-eight days to help students immerse themselves in spiritual meditation and practice. To learn more, visit

"There's a reason why Buddhist monasteries have traditionally been built on high mountaintops or deep in the forest," says Melvin McLeod, editor-in-chief of the Buddhist publication Shambhala Sun. "Getting into nature and breaking from the usual storylines of our lives helps us to tap into our own deeper consciousness." According to Travel and Leisure Magazine, the top meditation center programs are incidentally set in some of the world's most beautiful locations. Some of these retreats include: Ananda in the Himalayas (Uttaranchal, India), Shambhala Mountain Center (Red Feather Lakes, Colorado) and The Middle Way Meditation Retreat (Loei, Thailand). Visit for their full "Top 10 Meditation Retreats" list.

About the Author

Some people choose exercise or therapy to eliminate their stress. Others use simple meditation exercises to help them see the problem or situation in a different light. Mindfulness meditation is tool used by millions to help enhance their lives and free themselves of stress.

Once upon a Time in America - Ennio Morricone - Amapola

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Clear out the misconceptions of yoga and attain holistic health

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Patresia Adams

Originated from Hindu mythology, the power of yoga is constantly spreading throughout the world and more and more people are utilizing the natural benefits of yoga. However, there are still some misconceptions about yoga among a number of people. They think this powerful ancient method of achieving complete health is a sport or only meant for women and they also have misconception in mind that it requires lot of difficult postures and exercise.

There are most of the people, who take yoga is a sport and thinks that yoga is just about few physical exercises which are part of a sport. But let me tell you, yoga is a set of physical postures, known as asanas in Sanskrit. If you have a misconception of yoga that it's similar to body building, then it's your mistake. Yoga is not a casual sport for passing time which one can take up and practice now and then like any other sport. It is an art and science of physical, mental and spiritual consciousness, which makes an individual's body strong enough to overcome various ailments.

In many parts of the world, the yoga is practiced by women and people have misconceptions of yoga that only women can practice it. The fact is that yoga provides inner strength and peace for complete health for every one. Anyone who wishes an effective method to gain mental, spiritual and physical strength ness can practice yoga.

Last but not the least; yoga doesn't demand extreme practice. It's quite true that certain yoga asanas are a bit complex to practice, and require an agile body. However the selection of yoga asanas should be done according to the ailments that a person suffers from. An experienced yoga instructor will be able to depict you yoga postures that can be easily done.

Divine Wellness is a leading online health portal providing resourceful information on various yoga postures and helps you understand the truth about treatment with Yoga and misconceptions of Yoga.

Visit our website Divine Wellness for more information on Misconception! s of Yog a and Treatment with Yoga.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.

The 5 Tibetan Rites - Do it Along

5 simple techniques, 20 minutes a day is all it takes for a youthful, energetic you. Practice the 5 Tibetan Rites alongside Raageshwari in this exclusive video and feel the difference. Credits: Written & Directed by Ipshita Maitra Hosted by Raageshwari Loomba and Lorraine More Director of Photography Suresh Rajan Edited by Dilip Ahuja Background score by Kaizad Gherda Additional score by Kuber Bhartiya Sound Design and mix by Kabir Singh Location courtesy: Japalouppe Equestrian Centre Pvt. Ltd. A Kabir Singh Production's film

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Five Reasons Why We Should All Take Up Meditation

Posted: 23 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by Ian Mercer

Meditation is becoming an integral part of the lives of many ordinary people these days. In times gone by, meditation was the preserve of mystics, monks, and wandering ascetics. These people used meditation to achieve a higher state of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.

Since the 1950's things have been changing quite dramatically in this respect. More and more ordinary people are practicing meditation as part of their daily routine. This is because meditation has been proven on many levels to help us in our modern day lifestyles.

Meditation is basically about concentrating upon ourselves for a short period of time on a regular basis. This may sound a little selfish and possibly it is, but when we are constantly concentrating on the needs of others, and not our own needs, we become stressed and fatigued to the point that we are unable to service those needs effectively.

These days most of us go out to work to support our families, on top of that we still have our homes to maintain, we like to spend quality time with our partners and children, we fit in shopping, school runs etc. etc. etc. All of these activities allow precious little time for ourselves to "just be", this is my definition of meditation.

We all need time to ourselves in order to best serve others.

The beauty of meditation is that anyone can do it, we do not need to spend hours meditating each and every day for it to have positive effects on our well being. Even five or ten minutes per day can be highly beneficial, in fact little and often is normally more beneficial than giving up a large chunk of time once in a while.

I now list five of the many benefits that can be gained from meditation.

1. Meditation Enables Us To Show More Empathy Towards Others

2. Meditation Enhances Our Moods

3. Meditation Helps Alleviate Pain

4. Meditation Improves Our General State Of Health

5. Meditation Helps Us to Age Better And Live Longer

If this short article makes you fe! el that you would like to give meditation a go, do some further research into the many forms and methods of meditation and give it a try. I promise you that you won't regret it!

About the Author

Ian writes articles on a number of subjects, mainly within the travel and health categories. Visit his latest website at which helps people choose the ideal memory foam bed topper for their needs.

#1 Swami Dayananda: An Inquiry into the Nature of "I"

Swami Dayananda Saraswati is a traditional Vedantic Master. In this video recording Swamiji is guiding the listener on an inquiry into the nature of "I". Swami Dayananda offered this talk some years ago during one of his visits to the San Francisco Bay Area. By this traditional and thorough oral unfoldment, Swamiji aims to create a sort of a mirror in the mind of the listener that may allow him/her to recognize the true nature of his/her Self. You may learn more about Vedanta and of Swamiji's work by visiting More at

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Stop Tension Headaches - How to get rid of Tension Headache with Yoga

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Raphael Wettenstein

Headache has become a normal part of almost every person's life and the most common form of headache is the 'Tension Headaches'. It can attack a person of any age group.

Generally, it occurs when a person performs an activity that involves holding your head in a position without much movement for a long time. For instance, looking straight to the cinema screen may sometimes cause a tension headache.

There are different ways to get rid of tension headache, but I cannot recommend the available medications for you as most of them have severe side effects on your health. I am going to tell you about one great way that will help you get relief from your tension headache problem.

Yoga, it is a great natural cure to a number of different kinds of medical problems. It cures numerous diseases and disorders without causing any side effects.

The Yoga exercises works effectively for the tension headache problem. Now, the Doctors are also recommending their patients to practice Yoga for the headache problems.

'Sinus Pressure' is a well known cause behind the tension headaches problem and the Yoga breathing techniques and yoga poses work effectively for this by opening sinuses and relieving the tension.

Pain is also a responsible factor behind this problem and yoga works for it as well. The Yoga poses that involves full stretching of the neck, upper back with the chest and shoulders are very good for this problem. Yoga alleviates the pain by releasing the muscular tension in the body parts and increasing the blood circulation to your head. It stimulates the nervous system too. Yoga is really an effective way to get rid of tension headache.

Stress is another major reason that causes tension headache. The stress built in your mind and body blocks the energy in you body and sometimes it can pull the body out of the alignment and that creates pain and tension. Yoga is a sure cure for this problem as it relieves the stress and tension easily wit its postures and breathing t! echnique s.

The Yoga style supports to get rid of headache by directing your focus help you allow your mind and body get relax. It works for releasing the negative energy from your body.

The different Yoga exercises with relaxation and breathing techniques replace the negative energy of our mind with the positive one and release the blocks in the mind.

Muscle tension also creates headaches and Yoga is a perfect solution to this problem. The different yoga exercises work well to relieve both the muscular tension and mental tension.

Yoga helps for Tension Headache by -

Reliving stress and tensionStimulating the oxygen flowRejuvenate the bodyIncreasing vitalityImproving strength

Common Yoga Poses for Tension Headaches -

Hatha Yoga DevanandDownward Facing Dog PoseCat Yoga PoseCobra PoseReclining PoseCorpse Yoga PoseForward bend (Paschimottanasana)Knee press (Butterfly pose)Reclining pose (Shavasana)

Yoga Breathing Exercises -

PranayamasKapalabhattiAlternate nostril breathingSitali & Sitkari

Yoga also emphasizes on good diet to help relive tension and stress. Eating green vegetables and fresh fruits helps a lot. Avoid canned or processed foods, coffee, caffeinated drinks and alkaloids etc. Drink plenty of water and always breathe properly. This yoga style supports to get rid of headache.

Yoga builds our mind healthier and stronger and keeps it less prone to stress and tension. Yoga neutralizes any kinds of negative influences and emotions present in the mind.

Yoga works effectively for the relaxation of the muscles of your head. Yoga calms down your mind and creates peace and thus helps you with the tension headache problem.

So, start practicing Yoga from today and get rid of tension headache.

About the Author

The athor is a long time researcher and a promoter in the fields of fitness and

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A Healthy Exercise In Summer-High Temperature Yoga

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by Stacy

Summer is a hot and dry season. People can do more outdoor sports, because it is too cold in winter in many places to do sports, and people are more likely to get hurt in cold winter.

In summer people can do some outdoor sports, such as tennis, baseball, volleyball and so on, and indoor activities such as yoga. High-temperature yoga is a good choice for people in summer.

What is high temperature yoga?

In a word, high temperature yoga is referring to practice yoga in a heated environment. The temperature should be between 38 ℃ -42 ℃.

High temperature is suitable for many people. The high temperature yoga is in the traditional high temperature on the basis of a study of the 26 action, in accordance with their human muscle, ligament and tendon of the characteristics of a scientific order, including lying, such as standing and Panzuo.

Why the "heating" yoga better for people?

The high temperature Bikram yoga is in a branch of yoga, based on the Hatha yoga.

In a series of high temperature yoga, it contains the original 26 Hatha yoga postures, and puts them into a scientific order. These actions are in accordance with 26 human muscle, ligament and tendon to the characteristics of science and heating arrangements to pull the order. Yoga practitioners practice yoga in the Bikram requirements from 38 to 40 degrees Celsius at ambient temperature, which makes the practitioners are not easy to get injured.

What should be took into account while taking the high temperature yoga?

1.In a half hour to two before this time, practitioners should not eat, or do not eat the food that cannot obtain in an adequate blood supply.

2.High temperature requires a relatively closed practice room temperature of 40 degrees Celsius.

3.In the process of taking the high temperature yoga, one must promptly add moisture. During taking the yoga, practitioners will sweat. Sweat will taking away a lot of body salts and minerals in the dry state.

4.Do not! drink p lenty of water in a time after yoga, especially pure water. Pure water will making body lost lots of minerals.

5.Dress of doing high temperature doesn't have any special requirements. The absorbent and comfortable sportswear that allows you do some stretching is ok.

Does heating yoga has any side effects?

For physical in a normal state of the people, the high temperature side of yoga as "zero." As the body is always in static state practice, coupled with a high temperature as the body organs and joints of the lubricant, so long as they are experienced coaches in a guided, high temperature yoga can guarantee absolute security.

Which kinds of people don't fit the hot yoga?

People suffering from some chronic diseases are not suitable for hot yoga, such as heart disease, diabetes, epilepsy, kidney disease, severe liver disease, hypertension, and so on. Before taking the high temperature yoga, these people should consult their doctors.

Any other suggestions?

Do not do the Bikram yoga while one has a cold or fever. The high temperature yoga practice has no good to recovery, and practicing the Bikram yoga may cause some trouble to them.

About the Author

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Shit Indian Girls Say 2

More Shit Indian Girls Say @notoriousBAIG, @JaamiBaig,, Featuring and Written by Shaan Baig, Jaami Baig, and Alan Sedghi Edited by Shaan Baig and Jaami Baig Based on "Shit Girls Say" Originally by Kyle Humphrey & Graydon Sheppard

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Immerse Yourself in the Splendor of Yoga and Meditation

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Raj Malhotra

It dates back to 5000 years ago, some Vedic saints thought of a path of physical discipline which will simultaneously initiate their spiritual growth. Sages from that Indus Valley civilization discovered a way or process which will 'yuj' human mind, body and soul in a balanced way. The Sanskrit word 'yuj' means to unite or to rejoin. This word yuj has been evolved to Yoga. Thus, yoga is the way of uniting the finite jiva or human self with the Brahman or the eternal divine self. Brahman or God is a spiritual and impartial entity that coexists everywhere with us in this mundane world of reality. There are five core principles of yoga which help an individual to attain that higher level of spirituality where one can merge with that divine body. These five principles are Asanas (yoga poses), Pranayama (breathing exercises), Shavasana (proper relaxation), Sattvic aahar (vegetarian diet) and Dhyana (meditation). So, meditation is one of the basic five principles of yoga which is practiced to attain a higher level of mindfulness.

Both yoga and meditation are considered as art, art of living a blissful life. Yoga is the way of getting a grip over one's own mind, body and soul. Whereas, meditation is just a constant observation of mind by focusing at a single point in order to perceiving the 'self'. Through regular practicing of meditation, a greater level of will power can be achieved. Meditation does so by calming your soul and liberating it from all unpleasant tensions and stresses. Few equipments play key roles in achieving the goal more easily and smoothly. These powerful equipments, if incorporated in yoga session, can do wonder. Yoga mat is one of them. Yoga mats help the practitioner to get into the asanas more comfortably. These mats give the support to knees, hips, elbows, and at times act like cushions. The Yoga mats also provide a firm grip with their thick texture.

Practicing yoga, in today's perspective, is one of the most important as well as relevant task like having a phone ! number. If you do not have a phone number, you will find yourself lost and alone in this busy world. Likewise, we must connect with the cosmic energy to awaken the inner-self and consciousness. Yoga and meditation are just two path leading towards the same goal. Both yoga and meditation help an individual to discover his/her own tranquil inner self. Generally a person remains unaware of this tranquil sense which lies in an untapped manner within. Few forms of yoga like Kundalini yoga awaken and stimulate this untapped source of energy lying in the base of the spinal cord through some meditative disciplines. This powerful energy can change the course of life in a magical way. People across the world are seeking this spiritual path of yoga and meditation to get over their heavy work pressure, tiredness, anxiety and thus living a calm, contented and blissful life.

Immerse in this splendor of yoga and meditation by listening to tranquil spiritual music offered at Spirit Voyage. This online record label company has a range of such spiritual music encompassing every sphere from yoga, meditation to music for Kundalini yoga and world sacred music. A Hundred Blessings by Mirabai Ceiba, Mantras from the Soul by Guru Amrit Kaur, Into Grace by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa, To Be Home by David Newman are few from the latest music CDs and DVDs range which can create a serene atmosphere around with their peaceful sounds. One can also try out Yoga Revolution, Kundalini Meditation, Adhara etc. from the vast collection.

Devotional singers such as Snatam Kaur, WAH!, Donna De Lory have enriched this music collection with their soulful voices. One can also pick up a helpful yoga DVD from the various ones available at Spirit Voyage which will guide the practitioners properly in their yoga session. The eclectic collection of Yoga DVDs by Spirit Voyage will guide you in your daily yoga practice as well as provide in-depth knowledge on various yoga forms. You can also try out the yoga clothes offered at this site. Stylish as we! ll as co mfortable, these natural fabric made light colored clothes will help you perform different asanas with utmost ease. These yoga clothes are made specifically for active yoga practices with exceptional range of motion, moisture control fabrics and stylish cuts.

Dive into the ocean of spirituality and lead yourself in an ethereal journey with Spirit Voyage.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is an online yoga music store offering different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. Spirit Voyage also offers different kinds of yoga clothes and yoga accessories such as yoga rugs, meditation cushions and yoga mats.

Meditation Guided Zen Practice

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Irwin Myers

Meditation guided in the Zen style might conjure up some familiar images of Buddhist monks reaching enlightenment, but you do not have to have such a deep level of commitment to receive the benefits of Zen guided meditation. In fact, a daily meditation routine that you can work on at your leisure will provide all the positive energy you could want from a meditation routine.

As you work more in Zen guided meditation techniques, you will become a stronger practitioner of meditation and be able to feel results more quickly. Be sure to practice daily to maintain your growth. When choosing a space to meditate in, be sure there is enough room for you. While the maximum benefit of Zen guided meditation might be received from sitting in the full lotus position, it is not mandatory. Your posture should be dictated by your level of comfort first, so when choosing your meditation zone, pick one that will accommodate any posture. It should also be near a wall.

When you practice Zen meditation, sit no more than three feet away from the wall. Your sitting posture is not as important as your physical comfort and state of mind when you meditate, so if you are unable to sit on the floor, sitting in a comfortable chair will do just fine. Be sure to maintain this posture, however. However you choose to sit, keep your back straight and your head just barely titled forward. Your eyes should be open and directed toward the floor (and not the wall in front of you). Place your hands in your lap with the palms facing up.

Unlike certain other guided meditation techniques, there is no set way to breathe, so incorporate any breathing exercise you like into the routine. To begin the more intensive meditation work, you may want to try counting each breath cycle. Try counting from one to ten, and then reversing your count back to one. This is a great way to keep cluttering thoughts from entering your head, as you are focusing mental energy on counting and paying attention to your body's natural rhythms.


If yo u are less inclined to counting, you may prefer chanting a mantra, which will have basically the same effect. Continue this until you feel yourself reaching the meditative trance. When you continue to practice Zen meditation, you will hopefully feel a decrease in mood swings, anger and stress. If you are looking to remedy those facets, Zen is a great format to try for meditation guided.

About the Author

Irwin Myers is the president of Wellness Engine, a company that is dedicated to teaching wellness through multimedia. Our first production is Psychic Smarts. Visit us at our website at Visit our website at Psychic Smarts and our blog at Psychic Smarts BlogDistributed by

Law Of Attraction: Wake Up Session (Caffeine Replacement)

This session uses a simple 18 Hz (Beta) stimulus as well as a tone with a slowly increasing pitch, to wake and energize the listener. In addition the positive auto-suggestions are designed to increase self awareness. If you like what you hear let us know.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Core Energy Meditation Review - Tips To Know

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by Ryan Parenti

Painless Meditation Methods - Core Energy Meditation Review Of Kevin Schoeniger's TechniquesMeditation may be a challenge for most people in order to perform like a pattern. But it's not as tricky as some can imagine. There can be a number of simple meditation strategies that anyone will comply with toward finding a deeper sense of relaxation. Meditation might be an effective weapon against banishing stress caused by the rigors connected with life. You need to give it a shot and listed below are the uncomplicated steps that you just may follow to help you out.

Among the initial elements is look for a area wherever you possibly can park yourself comfortably. It should also be some area when you are able to have few distractions as doable. Distractions are not fine whenever you are meditating since they might hold you from developing your focus and concentration and hold your mind away from all. When you finally have the hang of meditating by preserving out the interruptions, it is possible to also do your meditation while riding the train, bus or plane.

Following you have a place where you possibly can do your meditation in comfort, you now must decide on a mantra. It can be any word which you really feel might help you really feel laid-back and quiet. Make an effort to go with words on your mantra that genuinely appeals to you. It could even be an individual's very own name provided that it assists you sense optimistic and become mindful of your meditation.

When you have yourself secure and possess chosen a mantra, close your eyes and commence echoing the mantra to yourself. Make it possible for the mantra do what it wants. If it can be something that you wish to repeat it slowly, speedy, quiet or loud, then do so. Strive not to let outside thoughts to bother you while you are carrying out this. Simply dismiss all of them and concentrate on saying your mantra.

While you repeat the mantra, attempt not to get distracted and simply keep in mind what you are expressing ! and focu s onto it. Understand also to remain relaxed and quiet while you try this. In time you might sometimes end up going off over a daydream and stop echoing your mantra. Just try to refocus and keep going on with the meditation earlier than you ward off any more.The actual important to this simple meditation is attempting to not make it possible for interruptions arrive in advance of you whenever you meditate. It could be somewhat hard occasionally to do first, nevertheless it'll develop along the way and can allow you to build up your focus and awareness improved. Following a while, stop echoing your mantra and continue to be calm whilst you're still sitting down comfortably. Do that for about several moments or so. Keep away from receiving up quickly following the meditation. It will end up being similar to leaping up just right after having a good deep rest. It could cause several strains in itself.Another important to effectively make full use of such not hard meditation techniques would be to do it being a habit. Try and spend some free time in your routine in your meditation. Which makes it a good pattern will help to make you boost your capacity to maintain out distractions when you usually do not have them. This meditation approach are generally finished in as little as ten minutes approximately. It is not such a long time to devote on anything which could provide you with several rewards especially in terms of fighting each day anxiety.

About the Author

Did you like these meditation tips? Click here to learn more about meditation and more

5 Tibetan Rites - full demo so you can join in - English - chakra info - Maryse Moerel.wmv

full demo of the 5 Tibetan Rites by Maryse Moerel so you can join this film to do them yourself. English spoken. At the end of the film there is extra information about the 7 chakra's that are stimulated by these yoga exercises. The 7 chakra's relate to your 7 hormone glands. When your horme glans work well, a hormone balance follows and eventually good health and vitality are the results

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Proper Yoga clothing for women and the guaranteed results

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST

Article by Marina J

Your mind, body and soul unite with the practice of yoga and meditation. Yoga is gaining popularity day by day because of the short term and long term benefits it provides. People get attracted towards yoga practice because of two major reasons.1. Some are inspired by spiritual elements that are provided by yoga. 2. Others are attracted because of the increase in flexibility and fitness. It helps in achieving calm, tension free mind along with flexible and fit body. It is always advised to wear proper yoga clothing for women as well as men for confront and relaxation while posing yoga exercise. Yoga helps in awakening the hidden capabilities by balancing one's life. Inner self gets revitalized and guides a man towards holistic path of eternal enlightenment. Marina J Yoga's 8 Step Signature System provide guidance and helps frustrated women ignite their Feminine Side to Build their Business, Make More Money, Free up their Time and get That Relationship! Her Yoga classes are considered to be the best. Yoga postures require and demands for flexibility so it is necessary to follow some rules and principles that are required for practicing yoga. So, it is must to choose a right kind of yoga clothing for women. Marina J concentrates on the fabric and make of the yoga cloths. The yoga clothing must be comfortable so that you can carry out the yoga poses with perfection. During asana the yoga clothing for women must absorb the sweat and allow her to stretch and flex her body with total comfort. Marina J is an online supplier of yoga wear, yoga pants, Pilates clothing, slimming pants, sportswear and gym clothing for women only. Other than this it also provides training, coaching and e-books on yoga and enhancing the feminine power. Their unique designer collection of yoga clothing for women shapes her body and she looks more slim and shapely. Designer collection of yoga wear allows her to do well in her yoga sessions with ease and perfection. The trademarks for the clothing are elasticity and durability! . The yo ga pants are available with slimming designs. You can choose between 3/4th length or full length yoga pants from the Sensual, Flirty and Supreme collection of Marina J. The sports and the yoga wear for women provide firm support to your belly as well as your lower back so that you can easily move during your yoga sessions or while you are working out. The fabric of pants are ultimately stretchable and thus pulls you in everywhere around your derriere, hips, thighs & belly. The Marina J Yoga clothing for women and Yoga programs are scheduled and designed to bring out the goddess in you so that you feel more confident and equally lovely. You feel fabulous when you wear the yoga wear from Marina J because they are supremely sexy, supportive and comfortable. Marina J offers free shipping within Australia on orders that are over 0 AUD.

About the Author

gym clothing | yoga e-books | yoga wear & yoga classes | Relationship Coaching

Yoga Fitness for better health

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 05:00 PM PST

Article by Anjani

Yoga fitness is really a most perfect answer to many of the failing of our inactive life. And brining our body in a good shape with yoga is a great choice to some of the present demand, aggressive ego-based sports that many new fitness fans feel frightened by If doesn't matter you are just planning to start yoga or you are an advanced power yoga yogi, there is a way, a time, and space to practice yoga retreat india that is right for you. Yoga Fitness GainsYoga is nowadays is too popular due to its large numbers of followers and classes that have exposed outstanding results for both young and old alike. Therefore whether you are a pregnant woman, or you are in your 60's or play child, yoga will have something appropriate for yoga teacher training india. It has been noticed that yoga is easily get absorbed to different body, its stretching and breathing different poses are not just for the trendy twenty something's who desire to sustain their figure. Yoga Is Great For Kids! Yoga was previously not accepted by the kids but after introducing yoga ashram classes as a part of the physical educations curriculum, it has welcome by the students, teacher and parents as most preferred body exercised to keep body fitness. Yoga a natural way to treat body problem Yoga is nowadays become a most desired way to treat the body problem that occur with our wrong way of treating our body such as sitting long day in the office in a single positions. In our modern society we habit of eating outside or most spicy and junked food fatty. But thanks our yoga's group who making it popular by devoting their time to help the people get out many problems that occurring in our life due to modern life. Right way to do yoga If you already a performing yoga or planning yoga, the first thing you must keep in mind that if you do not practice yoga in a right way or poses then it is off no use and can harm in some way. So you must join a yoga teacher training classes from a reputed yoga ashram to learn perfect technique for ! all the purpose and to gain more benefits to your body. You can join different yoga classes as per choices and budget at and you will learn your most precious thing that help you to keep your body energized every time.

About the Author


How To Meditate Better Than Your Guru: The Feedback Solution

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 04:00 PM PST

Article by Carol E. McMahon, Ph.D.

Better than your Guru? No joke is intended. Read this and you'll know how to meditate better than Gurus past and present. You'll be free of the problem that limits success in all forms of meditation: mind's uncontrollable wandering. Even Gurus are plagued by drifting and dreaming; time spent wandering when they'd hoped for attention. Now an easy solution makes success a sure thing. The solution is "feedback." Here's how it works and how to use it.

Why Meditation Needs Feedback.

Attention is the key to success in meditation. Attention makes meditation work. When you sit down to meditate however, even with the best intentions, the mind wanders. Attention is hard to hold on to, but why? The answer holds the solution!

Why is attention so hard to hold on to? It's because you lose attention without knowing you are losing it. In meditation, attention slips away unseen. To a research psychologist with an interest in skill learning, the solution is obvious: meditation needs feedback.

The Feedback Solution.

In meditation, your aim is attention, but if you can't see your target you can't correct your aim. Meditation is like shooting darts blindfolded. To excel in meditation (as in darts), you need to see what you are doing. You need a way to monitor attention. You need feedback.

Where can you find feedback? Amazingly, it's been right before our eyes all along, unrecognized.

Where To Find Feedback? Right Before Your Eyes!

I found feedback by accident while meditating with my eyes open. My attention was focused on a spot on the floor when I noticed a small halo of light flickering round it. I knew the light was feedback -- visual proof of attention - the key to self-guidance and guaranteed success. It works like this.

"Seeing The Light:" Precision Guidance From Feedback. The light I saw had been seen before. (It's seen with Zen's "open gaze" - it's reported at enlightenment.) Its origin (and usefulness) however, was never before recogniz! ed. We m issed the fact that this light is brought about by attention itself.

A sensation of light is produced when focused attention holds the eyes still. The steady gaze holds the image in the same place on the eyes' retinas. Retinal fatigue follows, and with it visual distortion in the form of light. As long as you attend, you see the light. When your mind wanders however, your eyes wander and the light disappears. In this way it signals attention and alerts you when you wander off. Its feedback gives you precision self-guidance.

If you focus on the light you sustain attention. I did so, and in under an hour I experienced the breakthrough so hard to achieve with traditional methods. Meditation with feedback is a whole new ballgame. In place of wandering in circles there's a straight line to success.

'A Whole New Ballgame:' The Feedback Advantage.

With traditional methods, mind's wandering severely limits success. You can expect slow, or even no practice skill development. (It's possible to get even less effective with practice.) Slow, unreliably progress is standard, and there's no guarantee of return on invested time. Feedback solves these problems with ease. Here's the how-to.

The Feedback Method How-To.

Focusing discs specially designed to facilitate feedback are available online at (A spot on the floor will do in a pinch.) Simply focus with a gentle gaze on the bull's eye. Visual distortion (the sensation of light) will appear, signaling attention. Shift your attention to the light. When your mind wanders, your eyes will wander and the light will vanish. That's your signal to re-focus on the bull's eye. (Don't follow the old advice: "Go into the light." The light is feedback, your anchor for attention. Hold on!) Hold on to feedback and you hold on to attention. Feedback guarantees it.

Meditating in Circles versus Straight Line Meditation. Traditional meditation wanders. When you stop wandering you cover ground fast.! Feedbac k guides you straight to your goal, taking you further, faster than any prior method. You'll find detailed instruction for all practice levels and self-tests to guide you in STRAIGHT LINE MEDITATION: HOW TO RESTORE AWARENESS AND WHY YOU NEED TO, by Carol E. McMahon, Ph.D. with Master Deac Cataldo. See the light. Your Guru will be awed. More at

About the Author

As a National Science Foundation Trainee, Carol earned a Doctorate in psychology from Penn State University. Her book WHERE MEDICINE FAILS (paperback 2009), was a driving force in the holistic health movement. Carol is author of STRAIGHT LINE MEDITATION with martial arts Master Deac Cataldo. Her book is available free of charge to retreat center and prison libraries. More at: and

Terence McKenna: What's to be done?

A quite dynamic video with Terence this time. I've been using videos instead of stills this time. The video is about how to navigate without letting ideologies confuse you in your worldview. Enjoy!

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Benefits of Kriya Yoga - Get them Online

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 03:00 PM PST

Article by Patresia Adams

Since ancient times, Kriya yoga is very popular in terms of its rejuvenating benefits. The system of Kriya yoga consists of different levels of Pranayama based on techniques that are intended to catalyze the spiritual development and engender a profound state of tranquility and God-communion.

According to Lahiri Mahasaya, Kriya yoga is learned via Guru-disciple relationship. As per yogananda, "The Kriya yogi mentally directs his life energy to revolve, upward and downward, around the six spinal centres - medullary, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal plexuses. These centres belong to the twelve astral signs of the zodiac, the symbolic Cosmic Man.

The Kriya Yoga branch of Yoga is known as the amalgamation of Bhakti, Jnana and Karma yoga, can be traced back to more than 3000 years. Its practice requires complete dedication to God and following a daily routine self-disciplining of the body and the mind. It also believes in the existence of inner and outer dimensions of the mind. Jnana yoga frees the mind from all restraints and develops intellect.

Today, people who don't have enough time to join a regular class can choose from various online yoga sites. These sites allow people to practice anytime depending on their work schedule and other various issues. They use high-definition video to enable the individual to learn all the important aspects of Kriya yoga. With the increasing popularity of these yoga sites, many people are joining these Kriya yoga online classes regularly.

Kriya yoga is based on Kundalini yoga and includes similar poses and meditation methods. Generally, Kriya adds some spiritual and mysterious guidelines. It is always good to take the learning from an experienced yoga guru. He will be able to choose the best form of yoga depending upon your health status. By regularly practicing these Kriya yoga poses online, one can achieve the state of self-consciousness and self-realization.

Divine Wellness is a leading name in online health porta! ls. Divi ne Wellness provides a platform where users and practitioners can meet and discuss about various Kriya Yoga Online. To know more about their online yoga exercises and yoga poses online, visit

Visit our website for more information on Kriya yoga online, Yoga and yoga poses online.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.

Great Tips on meditation techniques

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 02:00 PM PST

Article by Sean Jordan

Types of Yoga Which Can Help You Lose Weight

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Content Writer

Yogic Valium. Chill out w/ Laurel House

Before you turn to the pill cabinet, try out this single-pose dose of yoga. It's been shown to help ease anxiety, decompress stress, and help you calm down!

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

The Reasons To Meditate Have Been Established By Science

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Keira Adams

Meditation in the Western World is often viewed as simply paying close attention to something and giving it our complete focus. Yet Eastern philosophy views it as a way to eliminate earthly desires, overcome barriers to oneness and transcend from the physical to the spiritual realm. These loftier ideas aren't always grasped by science-minded Westerners, who generally question the validity of herbal supplements, acupuncture and meditation that have been working for Eastern cultures over the past 2,500 years. Yet this intense curiosity has driven scientific research and the findings confirm that there is something magical about it. If you've ever wondered about the reasons to meditate, then read on for some of the exciting studies published about how it works in the mind and body.

Insomniacs are one group of people who can realize tremendous benefits from meditation. At the June 2009 Associated Professional Sleep Societies meeting, researchers from Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Evanston, Illinois reported their findings that meditating in the daytime improved the quality of sleep in patients with insomnia. Patients noted marked improvement in their sleep latency, total sleep time, total wake time, sleep efficiency, sleep quality and depression symptoms after two months of practicing Kriya Yoga meditation methods. "Results of the study show that teaching deep relaxation techniques during the daytime can help improve sleep at night," said study leader Ramadevi Gourineni MD.

Zen meditation has been shown to lower pain sensitivity both in and out of a meditative state. The study conducted by the Universite de Montreal found that those who meditate breathed at an average of 12 breaths per minutes, compared to 15 breaths per minute in those who don't meditate. The ultimate result for practitioners was an 18% reduction in pain sensitivity. "If meditation can change the way someone feels pain, thereby reducing the amount of pain medication required for an ailment, that would be clearly bene! ficial," explains co-author Joshua A. Grant.

If you're depressed, you might benefit significantly from meditation. An Oxford University study indicates that mindfulness meditation significantly reduces the number of people with depression. Study leader Professor Mark Williams said: "We are on the brink of discovering really important things about how people can learn to stay well after depression. Our aim is to help people to find long-term freedom from the daily battle with their moods."

People with early stage dementia also have good reasons to meditate. Qigong and Taiji exercises and meditation classes improved mood and cognitive function in nearly all participants after 20 weeks of meditation therapy, researchers found. "The clinical findings, from my perspective, go far beyond the statistical findings," said Sandy Burgener from the University of Illinois. "People were happier when they were in the treatment group. Two men came in with walkers and left without them. One is in our Taiji group three years later and is still not using a walker."

About the Author

Meditation can help you clear your mind and help eliminate a lot of stress in your life. It may seem like simple breathing exercises and weird poses on a mat but it actually does work. Try it for yourself by clicking here for more meditation information.


Posted: 22 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Dr. Shanker Adawal

1) Believe it or not, Mediation has been around the world even before the written history. All religions be it Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism etc., Meditation has a traditional placed in all though only few person resort to mediation in search of peace for self and for the world. Who gets to mediation intern, depends on the planetary forces with which the native was born. In other words, apart from other planet, placement of Jupiter has a major role to play via mediation. Other persons are induced to meditation on advice fro the improvement of their SELF-morally, physically and mentally. Meditation has various facets and it depend on the native to the extent he is devoted to do meditation some do it seriously with all devotion where as some would just complete formality i.e. by recitation of a mantra or so.

2) The unanswered question is what MEDIATION is. Some say to attain spirituality Moksha, meditation is the Path, other are satisfied in saying that Meditation is a process that is an end in itself. A systematic technique fro taking hold of and concentrating to the utmost degree our lantant mental power. It consists in training the mind, aspecially attention and will, so that we can set forth from the surface level of conscienoseness and journey into the very depths."

3) By deep concentration, the native gets absorbed by the object of his attention to the point where he no longer feels separate from it. Result one feel relaxed yet alert and receptive yet undistracted. Desires to get anything and to go any where - the native simply pays attention and relax in the moment of mental bliss. Meditation gives enhanced ability to focus attention and concentrate. But how to control the Mind (In astrology our mind is the Moon). Hence the Moon has a big role to play in the field of meditation and it is stable mind (MOON) which is messing in searching your inner-self.

4) Meditation is an act (Deed)-Karma. Mental stress etc, can be controlled or removed via mediation which has been accep! ted as a technique ideally suited to a persons' physical, emotional and mental needs.

5) In medical science, the doctors have been using and advising meditation to the patients. Mediation is use to help people to manage pain or reduce/remove any type of illness via meditation which includes recitation of some Mantra -even the recitation of one word - ALL-IN-ONE-'OM' is sufficient for concentration of mind and getting recovered from the diseases. It is known to all that in yogas and naturopathy mediation has been given a high place and physicians and the rapists have trained patients in meditation to help them to recover from the illness-at times imaginary. I have read about one Dean Ornish, a well known physician and author from Palo Alto Calif. It is stated that he used meditation as part of his programmed to help heart attack victims with severs arterial blockages via meditation (apparently depending on the condition of the patient). Further, it is stated that Meditation help the blood in the body to flow more freely-thus reducing future risks of heart attacks and strokes. Recently, a Mantra Healing Centre had been established at Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi though the move had been criticized by some of the opponents including been critcised by some of the opponents including Doctors. I had congratuled the Delhi Government specially Shri Sahib Singh Verma and Health Minister Shri Harash Vardhan for the good move keeping in view that the whole infrastructure i.e. medical science, astrology, yogas, naturopathy, Ayurvedic system of medicine etc. exist for the welfare of mankind removal of their troubles - mental and physical.6) The concept of meditation has spread to westerners and Indian's system of Mantras and Vedic Astrology had been received well. All are in search of mental peace though the peace has to come from 'within' of the native - hence the need to search your soul. If this concept of meditation is practiced, accepted and preached by Nations, the global tension would come to an end p! eace wou ld prevail.

About the Author

Dr. Shanker Adawal, Jyotishacharya in Astrology is a professional and Astrology is his passion and an urge. His predictive technique is based on Bhrigu Technique whose principles and doctrines have been deciphered from research of above two decades.

Sleepwalk Guitar Lesson (Simple!) by Uncle Raggy

Easiest real version of Sleepwalk EVER! Took 50 years for this!!!

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Finding Meditation Classes and Courses in Johannesburg

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Jayme Wium

Finding groups and classes for meditation in Johannesburg may not prove so difficult as there are many different organizations offering a variety of meditation courses. Yet many people do not seem to understand what meditation is, or the benefits it can hold. The difficulty derives from the fact that meditation has garnered an unfair reputation as being a hoax. That is the reason why many people cannot see or appreciate the value to meditation, or any of the benefits to be had by the practise of this form or relaxation. This is an unjustified and unfair myth. The practice of meditation itself holds undisputed benefits to the body and mind.In order to gain a true appreciation for meditation, you may need to explore the meaning of meditation. Once again you are likely to find various places that deal with meditation in Johannesburg, including classes and courses on its origin and evolution. The basic principle of meditation is that it aids people in calming their minds down, and clearing their thoughts. This in turn allows them to meditate on issues they want resolved or the formation of ideas, or some problems that need a different approach. Although meditation may sound like some numinous way to go about bettering yourself as a person, it really is much simpler than some people think.Meditation may be such a helpful tool in helping many people because it allows for them to spend time focusing on the problems or situations that bother them, and to gain a deeper understanding of those problems while their minds are clear and calm. The time spent meditating may help people to see their problems differently, and to gain a better understanding of their life, resulting in them growing spiritually and learning to better their lives through relaxation techniques.Meditation in Johannesburg is brought alive by many talented teachers and enthusiasts. There are several well known organizations offering differing levels of meditation classes in and around Johannesburg, but be sure to check their legitimacy a! nd speak to other students before deciding on any one of them.

About the Author

Jayme Wium is an online marketer and copywriter for Body Brilliance in Gauteng

Meditation And The Law Of Attraction

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Stephen Frost

Meditation plus the law of attraction function hand in hand within numerous respects. Naturally numerous folks have spoken around the employment of the law of attraction to acquire what you wish for, although rarely do they declare a small number fundamental points around it. Points that while you are searching to develop a serene life crammed with bliss could be vital as to how points come about, plus highly importantly what is achievable.The law of attraction is all around bringing inwards what you wish for, well frequently in order to acquire what you wish for you should release particular points that thwart it from occurring. Similarly if present is destructive behaviour about you then that should be assessed, occasionally it is self produced, alternative occasions by other people. Regardless for the location that behaviour arrives from it must be checked, what is the logic for it? Furthermore if arriving from someone else then what could be prepared to conquer it, if subsequent to much interaction the subject is insurmountable at that time you could require to part ways with that individual, regardless of how much they could mean to you. In order to gain inside what you yearn for you should produce fertile ground in support of the growing of what you desire to harvest, tainted ground has to be cleaned.This is a location that meditation arrives in. Via bringing a moment to meditate upon the numerous things inside your life you could touch into the reasons and constraints upon particular situations. If you are maintaining challenges inside fundamental relationships then dive into yourself inside meditation and survey how your own actions hold accountability. What changes should you render in order to produce improved factors, plus what will you require from persons about you, this is highly crucial. Your meditation shall furthermore assist you in conjunction with stress reduction about all challenges, that stress reduction would assist you with shifting to the place you want to be present.Afte! r you ha ve cleaned out the points that restrain you back, counting your own challenges in relation to yourself, you could shift forwards. Within studying how to meditate you unlock yourself up to the universe plus after you have prepared so the universe opens itself to you. With the universe at that time wide open you could dive deep inside your meditation, down into what is known as the void, the location for absolute potential. What time you are inside this area you are able to sow the seeds for your willpower inside fertile and receptive earth. This is why you should be free from all which holds you back, what you sow at this point while you meditate is what is going to grow and thrive, alongside all you have placed about it.Once more a fundamental matter at this point is the meditation area which you make use of, your meditation area must be of comfort plus inside a location unbound from disturbance, somewhere you could concentrate fully upon what you are going after. What time you are studying how to meditate it is of great consequence to concentrate fully so you could shift into meditation further effortlessly, while you are working upon your dreams plus building the planet you yearn for that concentration inside meditation is once more vitally focal.Working with incense otherwise even music may assist alongside a procedure akin to this, plus for persons studying how to meditate and desiring to move through this type of procedure then there are guided meditations accessible. Thanks to the contemporary world we live inside the majority of such items are accessible from numerous new age plus alternate stores right through the US, UK and the remainder of the planet so please fix yourself up in support of accomplishment appropriately.I really wish you all good fortune alongside producing and rejoicing the life you desire to possess. May you all partake of serene meditations, Namaste.

About the Author

The website has been created in order to assist anyone wishing to meditate, be they starting out meditating if they are just beginning or going to deeper spiritual realms with more advanced meditation.

Gandalf (Sacred River) Peaceful

Love one another, find peace.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Zen and Meditation

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

Article by Sylvia Smelcer

Surely, you have seen images of the practitioners of Buddhism sitting in the lotus position. Those familiar with such a posture are undoubtedly aware that when practitioners are in such a position they are meditating. Without a doubt, meditation can be considered one of the most vital components to the practice of this eastern religion.

Yes, if there was one component that most people were familiar about when it comes to Zen Buddhism it would be the art and science of meditation. Now, while most people are familiar with the concept of meditation, they are probably only familiar with it on a cursory level. Meditation is not just about calming and relaxing the mind. There is a deeper meaning and spirituality behind it. As such, a greater exploration of the process is worth engaging.

So, what is the primary purpose of meditation in Zen Buddhism? It should come as no surprise that the purpose of meditation is to attain enlightenment. Actually, the prime purpose of meditating is to remove many of the common obstacles to attaining enlightenment. This is achieved through reflecting on life, the universe, and all things in between. Through closing one's eyes, relaxing, and looking inward, it becomes possible to see one's experiences in a clearer perspective. Such a process allows for a greater understanding of oneself and one's place in the world. It also aids in reducing the psychic noise and internal dialogue that may clutter how we perceive things and how we act.

In some ways, you could say that meditation can be a form of personal psychotherapy. Our perceptions and actions can be dictated by the inaccurate way we see things. Personal psychoses can lead to poor interpersonal and intrapersonal relations. By calming the mind, we can get a better handle on both these components. That, in turn, allows us to be more effective in our daily pursuits and also aids in the potential to attain enlightenment.

Through years of practice, Zen experts have found ways to get the most out of m! editatio n practice. Often, Zen meditation will involve pondering on a Zen koan. A koan is a form of riddle/parable designed to be pondered on. Generally, the messages and morals of a Zen koan are ambiguous. Such ambiguity is by design because it promotes the potential to think deeply on the answer to the riddle. In most instances, there is no answer to be found and finding a definitive answer is not the purpose. The goal is to develop deep personal insights that can help you improve spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. The inclusion of a koan helps provide targeted thinking on a particular concept. For many, this aid in making the meditation session quite fruitful because pondering on the koans helps keep the mind focused.

Similarly, some may ponder on a mantra. A mantra can be a word or phrase that when meditated upon can also lead to deep insights and meaning. A basic mantra such as "life is all things good" can mean different things for different people. Regardless of what its individual interpretations mean, great insights can be derived when thinking of this or any other mantra. As with this koan, a mantra can prevent the unfortunate instance of intrusive thoughts permeating the mind and undermining the value of the session.

It is important to point out there needs to be a specific process involved with performing mediation. Namely, you will need to set aside quiet time in a special place in order to perform it. Noise and distractions can undermine your ability to properly mediate. That is why you need to pick the proper time and place to meditate.

Additionally, you will want to be as comfortable as possible when you meditate. That means you need to wear loose fitting clothing and have a cushioned mat in which to sit upon. Why is this so? If you are not comfortable, you run the risk of being distracted and that certainly would not help the cause in any way.

Consistent practice is a must for those that want to get the most out of meditation. The more you do it, the better you wi! ll becom e at it. This means you will get greater benefits from it. Hopefully, the end result will be the proper attainment of enlightenment.

About the Author

Sylvia Smelcer is the owner of e-commerce websites with Buddhist items, including stores selling tingshas, and a store selling Buddhist malas.

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