Holistic Therapy For Cancer Treatment
Holistic Therapy For Cancer Treatment |
- Holistic Therapy For Cancer Treatment
- For Reiki Healing Advice
- Aromatherapy Holistic Health Store
- Crystal Singing Bowls and Sound Healing
- Kundalini Reiki - How to Awaken Your Kundalini Fire
- Reiki Basics
- Getting Rid of Ringing in the Ears Holistically
- Crystals in Cat Urine? Here's What to Do
- The Best Treatment For a Dog With Crystals in Urine
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Holistic Therapy For Cancer Treatment Posted: 07 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST Article by Nicole Lanning Holistic Healing is all about tapping into the mind-body-spirit connection, plus incorporating the core cause of the problem to heal the issue at hand. Focusing on the topic of healing cancer is a big one that can be diagnosed in men, women, children, and the elderly. It can be healed with a variety of modalities, along with traditional medicine if so pursued. Energy healing cancer, when taking a holistic approach to this, it is about working on these areas individually first before combining them all into one massive healing session that should be repeated daily until the underlying root cause is removed. All cancers are different, as well as each person who has them and their underlying cause and the time that their physical body has dealt with this dis-ease. Due to these factors, this can determine the time frame for the whole healing process to be completed. We will first start with the mind concept and the very first step is to eliminate the issue of fear that is brought up into our emotional levels from dealing with the prognosis. This is probably one of the hardest barriers to break down, but once you have accomplished this feat in and of itself, it will feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. This will shift your mindset into a positive one that is focused on healing and being healthy instead of fear and worry. Energy healing the body concepts with holistic healing can be done with many different modalities that are out in the world. There is no right or wrong one to choose, as it is all about understanding your body the issue that caused this and how you wish to approach the healing for it. You can work with things such as energy healing, sound healing, crystal healing, acupressure, herbal remedies, and much more. The ways to decide this are to listen to your intuition and go with what resonates for your own healing. Healing and strengthening your spirit connections is extremely important to holistic healing for any issue you are working on! . This i s about healing these connections to your higher self, spirit guides, and the Universal Spirit you may call God, Allah, etc. To do this type of healing work, try using tools such as meditation, prayer, and daily journaling. Healing the core issue is the key to a complete and successful healing. Once you eliminate the root cause, the dis-ease will be non-existent, and it will not be able to grow and fester within your body and energy fields, but you have to remove this at the root cause! Block energy and root causes can create these physical dis-eases within our bodies, and we have to remove these causes for the healing to be a complete success. If not the issue will continue to come back and resurface somewhere else within our bodies. After all of the separate areas have been worked on individually and the issues have been dealt with, it is time to bring all of this work together into one holistic healing session to be given every day until the cancer has been completely eliminated. Your body and life will be filled with positive healing energy and you will be healthy and happy to live a balanced life again! About the AuthorNicole Lanning is one of the top experts in the holistic healing realm and with energy healing sessions. Herniated Disc ExercisesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 06 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST Article by sean ladyman Reiki History Originating in Japan in 1922, Mikao Usui developed and trained hes inner ki (life energy or earth energy) in order to apply the healing technique that is known as Reiki. Over time the 'Gokai' or Reiki principles were developed to assist other practioners to follow, thus maintaining the integrity of the original Reiki teachings. Hawayo Takata, a Reiki sensei imported the system from Japan into the United States where she practised the art of healing and trained around 20 others who attained master level Reiki sensei (meaning teacher). Self healing Reiki The development of ki (Japanese origin) or chi (China origin) life energies has been practised in the far east for many centuries, many books have been written around this subject and martial artists spend years - even in some cases their whole lives in developing, recognising and targeting this energy in pursuance of their chosen artform. It is uncertain as to whether the energy is a physical force 'pulled' from the Earth and then concentrated within the student or master for targeting within the guidlines of the relevant practised art form, be it for healing purposes or to gain greater affect of force within the martial systems. Or whether it is more aligned with users own power development from within, what is certain is that there remains a very strong and sustainable belief in the system. Reiki practise commonly involves the practitioner harnessing the energy before allowing it's release, through the hands, which typically would be held over or near to the affected area to produce a healing effect. Distance Reiki There is further methodology which teaches the creation of Reiki energy to be sent over any distance by the use of certain symbols (usually kept very secret, and only taught to sensei who have attained the appropriate level of knowledge) which link the host to the Reiki practitioner who can then send the energy to any specific location regardless of distance. As! with ma ny homeopathic/holistic remedies there is some dispute as to the affectiveness (if any) with this type of process, but certainly it would seem to be a viable option for many who may have been failed by more conventional methods. Practise Reiki Of course there are plenty of people who use Reiki much as one would use any eastern system that typically concentrates the exponents thought and energy process to 'bind' the presense of being with the spirit and physical body - this alone can create feelings akin to balance, understanding, acceptance, increased confidence and improvement in general healthiness. Online Reiki Courses There are plenty of opportunities available, not only to learn through an e-book, but practical centres for training through the many levels so that one would then be able to safely practice on others as memberships allow training to be continually supported and updated, or indeed it is ideal for self-improvement, there are also very good online courses that provide a greater insight to the art through video, audio and reading material as a way to gain greater understanding. Go here for further information about reiki master courses!Click Here! About the AuthorResiding in Cornwall, England I have great interests in all things Japanese, particularly in relation to history, culture, society and travel. I hope you enjoy reading this article and find it to be of use. Thank you for visiting my page. Come and find me on Orange! http://bit.ly/6zQdz Spiritual Chakra Balance MeditationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Aromatherapy Holistic Health Store Posted: 06 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST Article by Sandra Graneau The art and science of using aromatherapy to modify a person's emotions, moods and overall physical well-being has been in practice since the early civilizations. The emergence of more advanced medicine and technologies has deprived aromatherapy of its wide-scale popularity through the years. There are some people, on the other hand, that have never ceased practicing and relying on aromatherapy to improve their health and attain a holistic lifestyle. Now, as the therapeutic type re-emerges, more and more people are getting interested into it. Learning how to use aromatherapy is as easy as 1, 2, and 3. Basically, aromatherapy uses essential oil from herbs that are ideal for maintaining health, relieving stress and regulating the normal blood flow in the body. These essential oils are the lifeline of all aromatherapy forms. The word 'aroma' basically pertains to the sense of smell. And that sense is what aromatherapy targets as the therapy aims to improve body functions and bring about holistic health. Thus, recommended or treatment substances enter the bloodstream basically through the nose, or in some cases, through the microscopic pores of the skin. There are several basic techniques on how aromatherapy can be administered to achieve a holistic lifestyle. First, use essential oils for massage. To be able to do the task, you must mix the essential oil with carrier oil, usually scent-free oil like peach kernel, sweet almond or rapeseed. Make sure that the essential oil will consist of a very minimal portion of the mixture because it can be too harsh for the skin to handle. The oil should then be used as base liquid that will be rubbed throughout the body, or on stressful parts. A good massage wraps the totality of this method. Second, you can have aromatherapy during baths. To do this, all you need to do is to put a few drops of essential oil into a tub of water. You can get into the tub and immerse yourself there for about 20 minutes. Slowly, you would feel the sensa! tion bro ught about by the oil to your skin. For those who are complaining of stiff necks and other swollen or painful parts of the body, you can try aromatherapy using compresses. Just add about 5 drops of essential oil into hot water. Soak a piece of towel or cloth into the mixture, wring out the liquid afterwards, and put the compress into the affected area of the body. For inhalation, just put a few drops of the oil in boiling water. Inhale the steam produced by the simple mixture. The most common and popular technique in aromatherapy nowadays is vaporization. There are aromas diffusing equipment in the market today. Grab one and use it as air freshener in your room. You can use essential oils as bases. Lastly, the most convenient and newest technique is to convert an essential oil into perfume. You can blend your favorite essential oil in perfumes or make perfumes out of combining those oil with non-fragrant alcohol or carrier oils. Getting an aromatherapy does not really need to be costly and time consuming. It could be a convenient and relaxing way to achieve a holistic lifestyle. About the AuthorHolistic Health Store Aromatherapy Health Store Sandra; Freelance writer on health, herbal plants and natural remedies. How to use herbal products to keep in good health |
Crystal Singing Bowls and Sound Healing Posted: 06 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST Article by Sylvan Newby Copyright (c) 2009 Sylvan Newby Crystal has been used in healing because of its qualities of magnification. Sound has been used in healing because it produces effect, and feeling in the human body. Combining crystal and sound brings about an ingenious synergistic outcome. Different sounds bring about different effects but using the basic sounds of the musical scale (used with the crystal bowls) makes foundational sense. It has been deduced that sound and vibration can be used for effect on the human body because it is accepted that sound produces a tangible effect on the body and sound is vibration. Hans Jenny, a Swiss researcher, showed that with drops of water, this creates a specific sound transducers which can create a wonderful melody that bear resemblance to pretty symmetrical patterns which looks like multifarious cell patterns. These patterns varied from that of a maple leaf to a sand dollar. When the vibrations were removed, the droplets would regain their circular shape. This therefore points to the conclusion that particular sound, including frequencies of sound can change and revise the vibratory and physical structures of human systems. So what sound frequencies might be beneficial for what conditions? There have been explorations with acupuncture points, using ultrasound. This is perhaps the most tangible use of sound as medicine integrated into conventional medicine so far. The traditional massage table has undergone a transformation for the use of sound. Specially placed speakers around the table enable the subject lying down to totally absorb the sound vibrations throughout the body. The potential here is healing, soothing, and relaxing input to the subject. But again, the question?.what sound??..what vibrations? It is up to the intuition and responsiveness of the practitioner to make the ideal choices for healing effect. A finger transducer, developed by Manfred Clynes was one of the first methods used for measuring the effects of sound. The most de! cisive r esults were the positive effects triggered by various classical musical pieces, especially with certain emotions. Further, certain said pieces were found to produce the same emotions in many different people. Sentic waveforms was further developed and has created the sound that can transport you to various levels of consciousness. In the last ten years this movement has mushroomed. To amend the seven centers in the body called the Chakras, the use of Quartz crystal singing bowls are regularly used. Using sound for meditation, stress reduction, and altered states has expanded into the invention of sound tables, but also brain machines which combine light and sound. As this field grows we will continue to see more things like bio-entrainment, binaural beat and hemi-synch systems. But the quartz crystal singing bowls, if chakra tuned, contain a connection to pure tone. This is why the bowls have been found to be an organic, and grounded method for sound healing. About the AuthorYou can find the right quartz crystal singing bowl for you at Sacred Sound Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls because we provide information on the Sacred Chakras, their associated symtoms of imbalance, the the right bowl tuned for that chakra. Visit us at http://www.crystal-singing-bowls.com Alycin's Equine Bodywork - A Spa Day for Your HorseThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Kundalini Reiki - How to Awaken Your Kundalini Fire Posted: 06 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST Article by Yvonne Handford Kundalini Reiki is a very powerful form of spiritual healing which incorporates the combination of two well respected healing modalities - Kundalini and Reiki energy. Reiki is a form of spiritual healing which allows one to open up to true spiritual enlightenment.
Kundalini Reiki was introduced to the earthly plane by Mr. Ole Gabrielsen who has been assisted by a high Master Kuthumi whilst he spent many hours at Holy Communion. Master Kuthumi is also connected to the Crown Chakra (above the head) and The Temple of Love, Wisdom and Understanding. During the training sessions you will be given the attunements and healing techniques used to perform hands on healing treatment on yourself and others. You will also learn how to send healing over distance which is sometimes called remote healing. The base chakra or the Root chakra which is the energy centre located at the base of the spine or the coccyx acts as an entrance for the Kundalini energy. This is sometimes referred to as the "Kundalini Fire". During and after a healing session the energy runs from the base or root chakra up through the whole body systems, including the major and minor energy channels or chakras and lastly out of the Crown chakra Over a period of time this allows the whole body to become completely cleansed. Kundalini Reiki is easy to learn although it is necessary for a student to be attuned to Usui Reiki or Seichim prior to undertaking level One. There are three levels of this training. On completion of level three you are eligible to teach others. The attunement includes 1 - Balance 2 - Diamond Reiki, 3 - Crystalline Reiki 4 - DNA Reiki 5 - Birth trauma Reiki 6 - Location Reiki 7 - Past Life Reiki 8 - Gold Reiki Kundalini Reiki is often stated as being more powerful form of healing than traditional Usui Reiki and is also much quicker and easier to learn and master. Visit http://www.Universalhealingcentre.com/kundalinireik! i.php About the Author Yvonne Handford is an Author, Speaker, Soul Healing Coach, Psychic and Healing Master trained in Usui Reiki and many other healing modalities and alternate therapies. Yvonne is a Healer who specializes in promoting the & Golden Keys to Healing Within and assisting others to live the life of their dreams. Chakra centers heal the human aura energy fieldThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 06 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST Article by Sandy Walden Reiki, pronounced RAY-KEY is defined as Universal Life Force Energy. It is a technique that is used for reducing stress, increasing relaxation and assisting the bodies natural ability to heal itself. It is a natural, safe way of spiritual healing and self improvement that anyone can turn to. It has great beneftits and always creates a beneficial effect. Reiki has been known shown to work well in conjunction with other medical techniques when it comes to relieving side effects and promoting recovery. The ability to use this technique is not taught though it is transferred during the study session. It allows the learners to tap into unlimited supply of energy so as to improve an individual's health which in turn enhances the quality of life. Reiki was developed early in the last century in Japan by Dr. Usui as a system of healing that he practiced and taught basing on his mystical life experience and by making use of his general studies. According to the researchers, Reiki is something that is original and it cannot be compared with other spiritual paths in the world at large. Reiki is available to each and every individual on earth because its use is not dependent on anyone's intellectual capacity. This explains why its use has been widely taught to different people of all ages and backgrounds. Reiki is not a religion though it is spiritual in nature. There is no set of beliefs that one must accept or adhere to in order to learn and use Reiki. This is so because Reiki is not dependant at all and it can work for anyone whether you believe or not. Reiki triggers the bodies natural abilities of healing, improves and helps in maintaining one's health. Reiki's healing is effective and natural therapy that balances energies and brings about well being and health to an individual. This healing is also a system that attains and promotes wholeness of spirit, mind and body as well. It works together with the higher self of the receiver when it comes to prompting health, emotional and psych! ic body. Reiki is unique energy work whereby healing is accomplished through the touch of the hands which allows energy to flow from limitless source to the patient via the practitioner. This kind of healing involves pure energy form and desire of healing. Reiki is believed to aid better sleep, reduce blood pressure and create deep relaxation among others. Reiki is always beneficial, absolutely never causing harm, only being accepted and used as ones higher self chooses. I have found that Reiki has has made profound changes in my life, all for the better. This week I encourage and invite you to experience Reiki and all of it's benefits for yourself. Warmly,Sandy About the AuthorSandy WaldenSerenityHolistic Life Coach and Reiki Master, TeacherHolistic Life Coaching and Reiki sessionsLife Coaching WorkshopsReiki classeswww.SandyWalden.com free remote healing for anxiety, depression, psych. problems, mental balanceThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Getting Rid of Ringing in the Ears Holistically Posted: 06 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST Article by John Cielo When getting rid of ringing in the ears your first choice would normally be to pay a visit to your physician. Perhaps you've already done this, and have already discovered what the majority of your fellow sufferers have found out; that there is no proven cure for tinnitus. There is a statistic that shows that about 95% or so of sufferers never ever get 100% relief from their ringing ears. But that means that some 5% are getting rid of the ringing in the ears. So it can be done! Now, it would be wrong of me to say that I know exactly how these good folks managed to get rid of their ringing ears, because I don't. What I do know, however, is that if you were to use a more wide-ranging approach to treating your tinnitus, you'd have a much better chance of success. 1. Getting Rid of Ringing in the Ears By Addressing the Causes Eliminating tinnitus means addressing the underlying causes of tinnitus. You see, ringing ears are actually the signs of an underlying problem, rather than the problem itself. And so, unless the underlying issue(s) can be identified and eliminated, there is nothing to prevent the tinnitus continuing to make your life a misery. 2. Ringing in the Ears Causes There are many causes of ringing in the ears. These include things like inner ear infection, impacted ear wax, otosclerosis, Meniere's disease, eustachian tube blockage, head or neck trauma, stress, hypertension, poor blood circulation in the vessels of the head, drug therapy, noise damage, etc. And so you need to address the actual underlying cause in order to eliminate your tinnitus. Unfortunately, as around 43% of sufferers discover, the root cause is sometimes hard to pin down. Under these circumstances if you cannot identify it, you cannot address it, and if you cannot address it, it can be very difficult to eliminate it. 3. Getting Rid of Ringing in the Ears Using Holistic Medicine This is why holistic medicine can be much more effective than other treatment options. Holist! ic treat ment is basically treating the 'whole body' physically, mentally, socially and spiritually (the core self). It is thousands of years old and had Aristotle and Socrates among its adherents. "The whole is more than the sum of its parts" is one way of describing holistic treatment. So by analysing and treating your whole body in this all-encompassing way, you can greatly increase your chances of eliminating your tinnitus... So next, to get more info. on getting rid of ringing in the ears in as little as 2 months (with dramatic relief in as little as 7 days), using a simple 5-step holistic system, please now visit: www.thetinnitussite.info. About the AuthorTo get more tips on how to eliminate tinnitus naturally, please visit: Remedies for Tinnitus. Growing WheatgrassThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Crystals in Cat Urine? Here's What to Do Posted: 06 Jan 2012 05:00 PM PST Article by Laura Ramirez If your pet is suffering from crystals in cat urine, then you need a quick, effective way to stop your cat's suffering and heal the cause of the problem. Bladder stones can be excruciatingly painful and dangerous to your pet's health, so take a moment to read this article and learn what to do and what not to do. Cat Urine Has Crystals: What to Do 1. Take your cat to the vet for a conclusive diagnosis. Some bladder stones require surgery while others (the Struvite type of crystals) can be dissolved with the use of antibiotics or a natural remedy. Your vet will also probably talk to you about feeding your cat a special diet. 2. Feed your cat organic kibble. This is because popular brand name kibble is full of preservatives, additives, artificial dyes, cheap grains and byproducts that can actually cause crystals in cat urine because the ingredients in the food alters the pH of the bladder. In order for your cat to have a healthy urinary system, the pH must be within a specific range. Your vet probably sells this kibble, but you can also pick it up and pet and health food stores. 3. Your vet may prescribe antibiotics, but you should know that antibiotics are drugs that can have side effects, especially for sensitive creatures like cats. Also, since antibiotics don't get to the source of the problem, using them can lead to recurring bladder stones. 4. This is why a growing number of pet owners use natural remedies in place of antibiotics. In addition to getting to the source of the problem, dissolving stones, restoring the pH of the bladder and healing sore and inflamed tissues, these remedies have no side effects and are gentle enough to use daily for cats that have recurring issues due to age or a genetic tendency. In fact these remedies are hands-down the most effective method of dissolving crystals in cat urine. 5. In addition to feeding your cat a healthy diet, make sure your furry friend gets plenty of fresh, filtered water. Water helps to f! lush the body of toxins and makes sure your pet stays hydrated. Dehydration can lead to bladder issues. So there you have it: some simple steps to follow if your pet's cat urine has crystals. Following these steps will heal your cat's urinary problems quickly and will keep your pet vibrant and healthy. About the AuthorLaura Ramirez is a passionate researcher of natural remedies which heal urinary problems and keep pets vibrant and healthy. Find out more about safe, effective ways to heal and maintain your pet's urinary tract health at www.pet-ut-health.com. |
The Best Treatment For a Dog With Crystals in Urine Posted: 06 Jan 2012 04:00 PM PST Article by Laura Ramirez You may be surprised to learn that the best treatment for dog with crystals in urine is not antibiotics. In this article, you will learn why drugs are not always the best route and which safe and effective treatment options you should consider instead. Crystals in Urine of Dog & the Disadvantages of Antibiotics If your dog has the Struvite type of bladder stones, then these crystals can be dissolved using natural remedies or prescription medications. With all the controversy over the use of prescription drugs in humans, it's time we took a hard look at the downside of using antibiotics on our beloved pets. First of all, it's important to note that antibiotics are drugs and no drug is without its side effects. Bladder stones are very painful and since your dog is already suffering, you don't want to compound this with side effects caused by the very medication that is supposed to be a treatment. Second, even if this treatment for dog with crystals in urine works, it can lead to problems in the future. This is because the overuse of antibiotics has led to the development of bacteria-resistant strains which means that if your dog gets an infection or something else that must be treated with antibiotics in the future, the drug may not work. Add to this the fact that antibiotics do not heal the cause of crystals in dog urine, but only curb the symptoms with the hope that the body will heal itself and you begin to understand how ineffective these drugs can really be. This is why pet owners all over the world are turning to homeopathic remedies. These remedies contain proven herbs that heal the cause of the problem, restore the bladder pH (so infection cannot grow and bladder stones cannot form) and also soothe and heal inflamed tissues, quickly reducing pain. Best of all, they are effective, gentle enough to use every day (for aged pets or those that are prone to urinary problems) and are completely safe. Of course, it goes without saying that some supplements a! re bette r than others. Look for one that contains herbs that have proven effective in clinical trials like Staphysagris, Cantharis and Uva Ursi. This is the best way of treating crystals in urine of dog on the market today because it works, your dog will not build a tolerance and there are no painful side effects. In addition to giving your pet a natural remedy, make sure your dog is eating a healthy diet (organic kibble is best), has lots of fresh clean water (dehydration can lead to urinary problems) and gets lots of love and daily exercise. Following these steps means that your dog will heal and quickly get back to his or her old self. About the AuthorLaura Ramirez is a passionate researcher of natural remedies which heal urinary problems and keep pets vibrant and healthy. Find out more about her suggestions for a safe, effective treatment for dog with crystals in urine. |
Posted: 06 Jan 2012 03:00 PM PST Article by Alex If you created a website to promote your business, but you're still wondering when it's going to start bringing you more customers or clients, then I wrote this book especially for you.Over the last five years I've spoken to a great many holistic business owners; including natural health therapists, therapy school owners, natural product shop owners, retreat owners, yoga instuctors, life coaches, spiritual authors, nutrition experts and many many more.And the one thing that many of them have in common is that they all struggle to get more visitors to their website but they don't understand what they're doing wrong or how to solve the problem.After taking a look at their websites I have found that in almost all cases, they are all making the same mistake, and that is that they are not using any Search Engine Optimisation.Since it's such a common problem, and because I can only personally help a small number of people at a time with my work, I knew that I had to write a book that would answer peoples questions and solve their primary internet related problem.The Holistic Internet Marketing Manual How to get your website to the top of Google will explain in a simple, jargon free, language how to make sure that your website gets to the top of Google (and other major search engines) so that you will get more clients through the internet.Here are just some of the things you will learn when you read the manual:- What is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and why it's essential if you want to get more visitors to your website, plus clear instructions on how to optimise your own website.Grab A Copy Click here- Why does Google rank certain websites above others, and how to make sure that Google chooses your website to be top- How to research exactly what keywords your prospects are typing into Google to find your products and service (This is essential for successful SEO)- How to increase your Google PageRank (Google PageRank is a rating system for websites that plays a major role in where we! bsites a re ranked).- How to get more links to your website and why it's important if you want to rank at the top of Google.- How to get more traffic to your site by turning your knowledge into useful articles.- How to easily set up a blog, and why having a blog can set you up as a credible expert so that your prospects are more likely to use you instead of your competitors.- How to promote yourself online using video and audio and why uploading to YouTube can result in floods of new visitors and increase your credibility!- How to get free publicity using online press releases.- How to use Social Media (Including chapters on using Facebook & Twitter). Don't get left behind in the social media craze that's sweeping the internet!- What is social bookmarking and how can it make a big difference to your traffic. Plus a simple tool you can add to your site to encourage people to share your content.Grab A Copy Click here- The very best method to track all your site visitors and find out exactly who is visiting your website, where they came from, and what keywords they typed (and best of all it's 100% free).- Plus much much more Grab A Copy Click here
About the Author Holistic Marketing Manual |
My Dog Has Crystals in its Urine - What Should I Do? Posted: 06 Jan 2012 02:00 PM PST Article by Laura Ramirez If your dog has crystals in urine, then you need to take care of this issue right away because it can be very painful and can lead to other more serious complications. In this article, you'll learn how to treat this condition naturally and quickly and prevent it from ever coming back. A dog with crystals in urine needs to be taken to the vet to determine the cause and type of crystals. Unfortunately, some bladder stones require surgery, while others can be dissolved with antibiotics or natural remedies. If your dog has the Struvite variety of bladder stones then they can be easily treated at home, but there is important information that you'll need to be aware of. Dogs with Crystals in Urine If your vet prescribes antibiotics, then you need to think carefully about whether you will follow this advice. This is because antibiotics are drugs and all drugs have side effects, some of which can worsen your dog's condition. Also, since antibiotics do not heal the cause of bladder crystals, but just suppress the symptoms in the hopes that the body will heal itself, they are not always effective. Couple this with that fact that antibiotics are not as effective as they once were because they are so overused that certain strains of bacteria have become resistant to them. This means that if your dog gets a urinary infection in the future, antibiotics may not work to clear it up. This is why countless pet owners around the world are using natural remedies when their dog has crystals in urine. These remedies are natural, completely safe and have no side effects to speak of. When looking for a good remedy, realize that not all formulations are created equal. Look for a remedy that contains proven ingredients like Uva Ursi, Cantharis, and Staphysagris. These ingredients get to the root cause of bladder crystals, dissolve them, restore the pH of the bladder (which prevents crystals from forming again) and heal painful and inflamed tissues. A good remedy will dissolv! e bladde r stones quickly and is gentle enough to use daily for pets that are elderly or tend to have recurring bladder issues. Hands down a quality natural remedy is the safest and most effective way to address the problem where your dog has crystals in urine. About the AuthorLaura Ramirez is a passionate researcher of natural remedies which heal urinary problems and keep pets vibrant and healthy. Find out more about safe, effective ways to help when your dog has crystals in urine. |
Posted: 06 Jan 2012 01:24 PM PST Article by jacob If you are seeking a career helping others to help themselves, professional certification from a natural healing school may be just the answer! With a vast number of interesting fields of study, professional certification can improve your overall career outlook, giving you the leading edge for employment and promotions within your chosen career. To compete in today's employment market, professional certifications not only help individuals to further their education, but also helps to advance careers by offering the up-to-date skills and training necessary to succeed Natural Healing Online SchoolsSeeking a convenient and modern form of Natural Healing education? Perhaps Natural Healing online schools are the solution to your personal routine. As a school of the modern era, natural healing online learning programs merely require a computer and a reliable Internet connection. Natural Healing courses provide instant access to alternative modality class assignments, quizzes, lectures and interactive educational tools at the convenience of ones home, library or even at work. Learn about many natural healing techniques, diagnosing, and how they may be applied. Allowing individuals to work at their own pace, online schools bring education to the student. Energy HealingEnergy healing careers are often incorporated into broad holistic practices of natural healing. For example, some energy healing careers in Reiki can be quite rewarding - both financially and personally. Depending on experience and training, these energy healing careers can earn practitioners about per client session. Practitioners in energy healing careers draw upon vital energy to remove energy blocks. This is believed to restore balance and harmony back into the physical body to bring about self-healing capabilities. Other energy healing careers include professions in Quantum touch, color therapy, visualization, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), kinesiology and magnetic therapy. Healing ArtsWhile some healing ar! ts caree rs necessitate weeks or months of educational training, others can take up to seven or more years of studies and clinical preparation. For example, if healing arts careers in natural medicine are desirable, then prospective students should review prerequisites for enrollment in naturopathic, chiropractic and acupuncture schools. If you find healing arts careers in energy medicine attractive, then you will find that many energy healing programs entail course-intensive, practical training in a variety of mind-body-spirit therapies including studies in touch therapy, energy balancing (chakra balancing), Reiki, crystal therapy, color therapy, visualization, and other energy healing techniques. Students entering a natural healing education in massage therapy gain hands-on training and knowledge in anatomy and physiology, kinesiology, Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and sometimes, CPR and first aid. In more extensive natural healing education courses in massage therapy, candidates will be introduced to more advanced bodywork modalities like acupressure/Shiatsu, craniosacral therapy, geriatric massage, infant/prenatal massage, animal massage, and countless. About the AuthorRead About International study Programs and also read about Ecology Career and Career in sound Engineering 1 of 6 Gemstones (GEMS) Healing Therapeutic PowerThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Top Eating Disorder Treatment Center Providing A Holistic Approach To Care Casa Palmera Posted: 06 Jan 2012 12:06 PM PST Article by Gretchen Abbey Any eating disorder treatment center has a goal of providing quality care that will assist in the healing of the eating disorder. But unfortunately, not all care is equal in the way it helps. A fact that is widely recognized in the medical community is that a holistic approach to care is always best. Whether you are in need of medical care, psychological care or help for an addiction or behavioral disorder, a holistic approach will address every facet of each individual client. That's one of the reasons that Casa Palmera is a leading anorexia treatment center. You can get complete details about the center's approach to anorexia and bulimia treatment at the website: CasaPalmera.com.So what is a holistic approach to care? As mentioned, this is a type of care that explores a variety of concerns for every client. Not only will the symptoms of the problem be treated and remedied but further exploration will reveal the root cause of the problem(s). This exploration and resulting knowledge allows professionals to do much more than simply 'put a band-aid' on the problem. Through the discovery of the real cause of the issue, steps can be taken to actually remedy or cure the ailment. Every client is different and unique; it is through individual circumstances and situations that a client develops an eating disorder. As individual struggles and fears are explored and addressed the client will learn things about herself that may have been hidden or forgotten about. Again, this knowledge is beneficial because it helps the client understand the 'why' of her problems. And with the support of the magnificent team of experts at this eating disorder treatment center she will learn how to deal with and manage existing problems while gaining the knowledge needed to eliminate future issues.A holistic approach to care is always provided in a safe, comfortable and secure environment. Nursing care is available around the clock. Any physical symptoms are tended to promptly. Recovery is supported through various tec! hniques. This includes a focus on wholesome eating, stress management, physical fitness and spiritual reflection. Additionally, complementary and alternative techniques can include acupuncture, homeopathy, yoga, meditation, Tai Chi and Pilates. This balanced therapy addresses numerous aspects of each and every client. The end result is that the client not only recovers from the symptoms presented at admission but she will leave the center feeling more self-confident and ready to move on with her life. In essence, a holistic approach touches on every aspect of the client's being. This is what leads to a complete and lasting recovery. About the AuthorGretchen Abbey was once a client at the eating disorder treatment center, Casa Palmera. According to Abbey it was the holistic approach used at this anorexia treatment center that made it worthwhile. She contends that prior treatments at other facilities did not help her. Abbey discovered the website at CasaPalmera.com and learned about its anorexia and bulimia treatment center. You Are What You Eat! - P.4 - Dr. Quiet & Dr. Diet - ChekThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Interesting Careers in Holistic Medical and Human Services Posted: 06 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST Article by Allen Hiles Training for a career can be done by enrolling in an accredited holistic medicine school. You are able to achieve your goals by being familiar with the holistic medicine career training and course options that are offered for you and signing up for a course. Studies could be performed by following numerous pathways where you can choose the amount of training that's best to your requirements and goals. Accredited programs provide career training that's targeted toward your own needs, to be able to assist you to have the abilities to find employment within this area. Possibilities for enrollment inside a greater education training course can be found to offer you the abilities that'll be essential to seek employment. You can decide on different amounts of training including certificates and levels. The amount of training that you decide to obtain can help determine the kind of career that may be joined along with the period of training. Training will help you have the understanding to supply alternative types of medicine and treatment to numerous people. You can begin by researching program to acquire details about the possibilities open to you. Because of the growing demand within the area of drugs, there's a rise in holistic medical schools that provides various courses in health. Learning and studying holistic medicine is definitely a great way to give people a much better outlook in regards to a drug-free treatment and rehab. This can also cause you to appreciate the bond between your body, your brain and also the spirit when it involves medicine. Like a holistic physician, however, you're certainly not just teaching your customers the perfect way to cope with illnesses, but also you are helping them reduce their reliance upon drugs. Human Service Human service is really a career path if you have the passion to enhance the lives of others. The number of potential careers for human services is virtually unlimited based on your individual interests. Students searchin! g to bec ome professional within the area of human services can perform so through numerous accredited schools and schools. Students can gain the understanding and abilities needed to initiate the career of the dreams having a greater education. Degree possibilities can be found at a number of levels within the area of human services. With accredited human services schools and career study options, students can earn an associate's, bachelor's, masters, or doctorates level degree. These job possibilities are became a member of by a number of others where students can function with daycare centers, social services, teens, and Helps services. The abilities learned are put on jobs where professionals provide people with needs for example emotional support, hygiene, food, emergency care, and much more. Students can find the correct educational training path that suites their career goals. To be able to get the accredited education student should investigate the schools they are curious about. This frequently-simple process can involve just asking for the qualifications from the college. The qualifications can have when the school is permitted to award levels in human services. Students that find the correct college for his or her career goals have several educational training options to select from. Education can be obtained in the associate's towards the doctorate's degree level. About the AuthorChoosing the right Holistic Medical Schools or Human Services Schools is probably one of the most important decisions in your career. Shilpa Yoga Class IntroductionThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Powerful Healing Vogel Crystals Posted: 06 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST Article by Olga Rezo Vogel crystal is a type of man made, specially faceted quartz crystal. It was invented some decades ago by Marcel Vogel, a scientist who worked at the IBM laboratories. Apart from conducting scientific research, Marsel Vogel was interested in the metaphysical and spiritual properties of crystals, minerals and stones, but primarily of ordinary quartz or rock crystal quartz. During his experiments, Marcel concluded that by shaping quartz crystal similarly to one of the Kabbalah symbols - the so called "Tree of life", it was possible to enhance its power of cohering pranic energy. He believed that without this special form, quartz's natural ability to receive, amplify and emit energy is not large enough for most practical applications. Vogel crystals are faceted in order to obtain the precise proportions of the Tree of life, as well as those of the Egyptian pyramids, Their both terminations are cut differently, one end is ticker and shorter and the other is longer and thinner. The shorter termination is the receiving part of the crystal, it attracts prana which is then reflected from the faceted body of the crystal. Each of the reflection amplifies the intensity and coherence of the pranic energy. The longer point is serving as a focal point. Here the energy leaves the Vogel crystal and is directed toward the possible applications.The number of facets can vary, and there can be as many as 50 or more of them. Some Vogel crystals have special applications depending on the number of facets. The 4 sided crystals are used for healing, those with 8 facets for releasing strong traumatic experiences, etc. Vogel crystals are excellent tools for releasing blockages and emotional or mental wounds which are suppressed and stored within our etheric or energy body. They can help us restore our ideal pure and original Self, stabilize our energy body and strengthen our meditative practice.Vogel crystals can accompany our best meditative practices. They can help us attain visualization, imagination, and they can tea! ch us ho w to develop altruistic love in all aspect of our lives. They are excellent tools for calming our minds by eliminating all the disquieting thoughts. Meditation with Vogel crystals is very much recommended. Not only could they increase our concentration, but they will bring our energy centers in equilibrium, raise our energy, and expand our consciousness. It does not matter whether your are a beginner in the field of new age meditation and metaphysical work or you are an experienced practitioner - the powerful Vogel crystal can help you increase your inner potential and accelerate your self growth. About the AuthorMore about the physical and metaphysical properties of crystals, minerals, and gemstones you'll be able to discover on Sunny Ray website. Olga Rezo is a spiritual teacher, writer and painter from Belgrade. |
Posted: 06 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST Article by Angela Rubicsa Aromatherapy is a healing therapy that utilizes the absolutely necessary oils of crops to appease and treat countless illnesses. The first recorded use of obligatory oils was in excess of 6000 yrs. ago as a staple of the Egyptian culture and healing system. Today, aromatherapy is assuming form of fashionable for proffering identical benefits in our culture, with one of the most common uses being for relaxation and strain relief.USING THE RIGHT AROMATHERAPY ACCESSORIESBeing an art and science of employing only pure plant extracts or indispensable oils in relaxing, balancing, and rejuvenating a person's body, mind, as well as the spirit, aromatherapy is also now valued for possessing holistic qualities and nature may be confirmed to efficient in certain circumstances and for self-care.Make absolutely certain any aromatherapy merchandise you purchase are 100% natural to reap the full important things about them. A good number retailers sell aromatherapy items with manmade ingredients in them. If the merchandise isn't labeled with all the components being all natural after this you are more fortunate purchasing a different aromatherapy product. You can likewise decide to make your individual aromatherapy items at home. You can buy the essential components at an aromatherapy store, health store, herbalist, or on the internet. Make certain all the ingredients you purchase are 100% natural.Aromatherapy is a flexible and user-friendly sort of curative that gives a long listing of home remedies to maintain your well being without paying for costly treatments or doctor's visits! Additionally, aromatherapy also will provde the a lot required tension aid that you've been looking for to wind down and enhance your well being from the inside out.* Select a soft body brush and/or a therapeutic massage glove and swipe in long brushing actions on the afflicted areas, toward the course of the heart.You can massage the aromatherapy massage cream on your baby's body structure to ensure your baby has a great nervous s! ystem an d correct growth. About the AuthorFrancis Raimer is an commentator on Aromatherapy who also reveals strategies boston university,shopping in las vegas,florida lottery and other associated topics at Zephyr Ion Aromatherapy Vaporizer & |
Holistic Healing Treasures - Natural Foods For Natural Healing Posted: 06 Jan 2012 08:07 AM PST Article by Mishari Jayne There are many ways to have a more healthy lifestyle. It isn't just about consuming fruits and vegetables and keeping fit. Other ways to live more healthy is by consuming herbs and spices that have been know for their healing powers for decades, as well has by using natural remedies of these same healers for first aid and beauty aids. Some of these holistic healers can be found right in your kitchen and don't require any extra effort of searching high and low to find them. Wellness With Lavender Lavender and wellness go hand in hand. Offering exceptional sedation qualities, as well as delicious culinary taste, lavender is beautiful to the sight, heavenly to the nose and senses, and delicious to the taste. It is safe to say that everyone can find peace and wellness with Lavender. Lavender In Medicinal Use Lavender Tea is referred to as a natural sedative. It is helpful for headaches, stress, and faintness.Lavender balm is used for inflammations, cuts and burns. This is highly effective in treating bug bites, bee and wasp stings. It helps eliminate itching and swelling. Bee Sting and Bite Bite First Aid and Natural RemediesMedicinal Use For Wellness, Relaxation and Distressing Lavender oil for the bath is most everyone's favorite. Add a few drops of lavender oil to the bathwater to distress and promote wellness.The burning of lavender essential oil helps to relax and induce feelings of well being. This is commonly known as a form of aromatherapy, and is used often in spa treatments and the home. It is also very helpful in naturally relaxing baby at bedtime.Other Uses of Lavender English Lavender is the most commonly used in cooking. It has a sweet flowery flavor.Dried lavender is often used in combination with other herbs and spices for robust meat dishes like mutton or game. It is very potent, so use carefully.Fresh lavender flowers make a colorful and edible garnish. Desserts can be decorated with crystallized lavender flowers.Lavender,! a membe r of the mint family and is close to rosemary, sage, and thyme, so lavender can be used in most recipes in place of rosemary.The dried flowers can be put in sugar and kept sealed for a few weeks to create a lavender scented sugar to use in cakes, custards and shortbread.Health and CinnamonCinnamon is another common kitchen spice that offers health benefits with healing powers, as well as adds wonderful flavor to savory and sweet dishes. It is also kid friendly and smells fantastic as home incense. Studies have shown the following benefits from the consumption of cinnamon. 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon per day can lower LDL cholesterol.Have a regulatory effect on blood sugarAbility to stop medication-resistant yeast infections.Copenhagen University patients given 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon powder combined with 1 tbls of honey every morning before breakfast had significant relief in arthritis pain after one week and could walk without pain within one month.Smelling cinnamon boosts cognitive function and memory.Researchers at Kansas State University found that cinnamon fights the E-coli bacteria in unpasteurized juices.Facts Cinnamon has an anti-clotting effect on the blood.Cinnamon is a natural food preservative.Cinnamon is a great source of manganese, fiber, iron, and calcium.Other facts about cinnamon True cinnamon is called Ceylon cinnamon and is native to Sri Lanka.Cassia is a relative spice and sometimes sold as cinnamon but it is not "true cinnamon. Most powdered cinnamon sold in the United States is actually cassia.Two teaspoons of cinnamon has about 12 calories.In Ancient Egypt, cinnamon was used in the embalming process.In the Middle Ages, cinnamon was only affordable to the elite of society. A person's social rank was determined by the number of spices they could afford.Use cinnamon to spice up your health and taste buds, and to cozy up the atmosphere in your home through sense of smell.Wellness With Tulsi Tulsi, the "Queen of Herbs", more com! monly kn own as Holy Basil is a healing balm for the body, mind and spirit, and bestows an amazing number of health benefits. Used for thousands of years to prevent and minimize the symptoms of cold and flu, support upper respiratory health, and reduce fevers.Relieves stress / adaptogenBoosts immunityEnhances staminaProvides support during cold seasonPromotes healthy metabolismA natural immuno-modulator (an agent that balances and improves the immune response of the body in fighting disease causing agents such as bacteria, viruses, microbes, allergens etc.)Tulsi can be consumed as an herb in foods, as a hot or cold tea, as capsules, or rubbed directly into the skin as an essential oil, or as part of steam therapy by adding the oil to hot water. Even one cup a day has immense benefits, especially if you keep it regularly in your diet. Increase the cups of Tulsi tea per day when you are down with cold or flu.Health, Fitness, and Popcorn Isn't it great when you find out there is a food you enjoy eating that is actually healthy for a change! If you didn't already know, popcorn is one of those foods. It's good for health and fitness because of the vitamins it provides. It's over weight with healthy benefits and is so easy to prepare eat at the same time. Another great thing about popcorn is that it is versatile and can be eaten in a variety of ways. Popcorn, believe it or not, is a wholegrain and consists of 3 different parts: Bran contains antioxidants, Vitamin B, and FiberEndosperm contains starchy carbohydrates, proteins and small amounts of vitamins and minerals.Germ contains B vitamins, some protein, minerals and healthy fats.Popcorn Health Facts Popcorn has more iron than eggs, roast beef, codfish or milk.Popcorn has calcium and although not as much as milk, the more foods with calcium we eat the better.Popcorn is rich in vitamins thiamine, riboflavin and niacin,as well as, all of the B Complex vitamins.Popcorn provides protein, which as you know, helps in building strong! muscle. Popcorn is low in calories and fat.Popcorn is a versatile food and can be enjoyed in many different ways, with many different flavors.3 cups of popcorn will give you your daily requirement of wholegrain.Reach for health and fitness and consume popcorn as a healthy snack during the day or night, for party nibblers, kids' snack box at school and for party treats and favors. These 4 holistic treasures are likely to already be in your kitchen. Utilize them to their fullest extent and gain holistic healing values toward strengthening health weaknesses, distressing, skin beauty, and improving the quality of your health. Mishari has successfully walked the roads of health and fitness for over 25 years and wants you to Stop dieting.....Start eating....and Start living! Using an honest, all natural diet and nutrition program. http://offto.net/5ypczm/ Feed your health with tasty, recipes that will satisfy your hunger and taste buds. Plus natural remedy recipes for first aid and beauty use. Take a ride on the health side.http://bit.ly/1LpdZk About the AuthorMishari has successfully walked the roads of health and fitness for over 25 years. She and her family exercise healthy living and healthy eating. 15.1ct LIDDICOATITE TOURMALINE Slice - MadagascarThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Learn more regarding Aromatherapy Supplies Posted: 06 Jan 2012 07:01 AM PST Article by Craig Deluzio A continual difficulty for a lot of individuals is in which to purchase aromatherapy materials from. The recipes could possibly be actually magic but without having the right components and the greatest important oils the perfumes blends and organic skincare products would not be the same. The aromatherapy supplies need to as a result be bought from extremely trustworthy resources and for this purpose youll be able to examine the lists of suppliers posted online. The situation with most aromatherapy supplies is quality not any scented candle and sweet smelling substance you find on the shelf has the healing powers youre after. Contemplate the following ideas when shopping for aromatherapy materials. Given that oils will be the most important elements let us start with their packaging and storing. To start with a good aromatherapy supplies resource is not going to sell crucial oils which are kept in distinct bottles or plastic bottles. Light includes a harmful result on the herbal oily extracts ruining the internal properties and rendering the active substances ineffective. Consequently you should only buy individuals aromatherapy supplies that are stored in darkish glass recipients. Even in your own home youve to shop them away from any warmth source and ideally in a dry dark spot. The subsequent phase is made up in checking the purity content of the aromatherapy supplies. You will find quite a bit of goods that carry the label aromatherapy materials within this group occasionally contain perfume or fragrance oil. Such ingredients represent a distinct signal the products isnt all natural. Allnatural identical oil will not equal crucial oil and this means that perfumery chemicals with a prospective wellness hazard are existing inside the blend. Maintain in brain the fact that only 100 pure organic oils should be used for aromatherapy purposes since the herbal composition represents the single aspect to have healing powers under the circumstances. By no means purchase aromatherapy! materia ls that appear dusty. This is a obvious indicator not just of negligence around the portion from the seller but in addition an indicator that the products has long been too long a time around the shelf. Even though the expiry date has not handed but it is far better to get an item which has just been from the manufacturing procedure as with age aromatherapy supplies often shed their properties and aromatic scent. And final but not minimum the value might be another concern of paramount significance for the option of aromatherapy supplies. Exotics oils for instance will likely be much more expensive than the rather common ones. About the AuthorHi, Im an article writer expert, whose mission is to help people how to improve quality life, teaching different topics but always without wasting their time and money on expensive daily tips. Moreover would you like to discover more about aromatherapy certificate programs ? Take a peek at our aromatherapy for depression web-site. |
Gout Natural Healing - How to Cure Gout in Hours Posted: 06 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST Article by Joe Barton Gout natural healing has everything to do with uric acid. If your doctor has not told you, gout is caused by too much uric acid in the body. When uric acid is not flushed properly, the result is pain caused by this disease. In this article, you will learn 3 ways to cure gout naturally. Because there is no medicated cure for this disease, many patients are using natural remedies for their treatment. And because doctors do not prescribe alternative treatments, the internet can be a great source to find effective and researched ways to cure your pain. Let's get started! Gout Natural Healing Usually this disease will affect the big toe! However, there are other joints that can be inflamed. The joints have very small crystals of uric acid that have been deposited because of the body's inability to flush the acid. In this article, you will learn the 3 basic rules of treating this painful disease. 1. Flushing the acid is important. Prevention is always the best medicine. I have heard this numerous times and it really makes sense when it comes to this disease. Flushing can only take place when you drink enough water and eat enough of it. I will explain how you eat water in a second. You should drink at least 100 ounces of water a day. That is quite a bit if you consider that a gallon of water is 128 ounces. Therefore, you need to drink almost a gallon of water a day. Unfortunately, about 90% of Americans are dehydrated and don't even know it. The sad thing is that clean water is everywhere! It's not in most countries. You can also eat water by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables daily. Fruits and veggies have water soluble fiber that will also help flush the uric acid. You should be eating at least 4 servings of vegetables and 2 fruits daily. It is important to eat more vegetables than fruit to lessen the fruit intake. High sugar intake is another cause of gout. 2. Neutralizing uric acid is the 2nd step to treating this ! disease. You can do this with numerous foods and fruits that are at most grocery stores. For instance, strawberries, blueberries and grapes have all been helpful for neutralizing the acid. There are many more foods and remedies that can also neutralize the acid. 3. Finally, your lifestyle habits are also important. For instance, exercise can help flush the acid but also break up the crystals so your body can flush them naturally. Maintaining your ideal body weight is also critical to staying gout free. Gout Free in 2 Hours With 1 trip to the grocery store and 2 hours, you can be gout free! Learn about a 100% guaranteed gout cure that is doctor approved and researched. Download this remedy report now for 50% off! Cure Gout Guaranteed and Doctor Approved! Joe Barton teamed up with a natural health doctor to provide you with the 7 most effective gout natural healing around. Learn about the cure now! Gout Natural Healing About the AuthorJoe Barton is the founder of Barton Publishing Inc., a leading natural health company specializing in publishing cutting edge reports that show people how to cure and treat themselves using safe, natural, and proven remedies. Joe has helped thousands of people with simple gout alternative treatments. Learn about gout natural healing now. http://www.cureyourgout.com/g1 |
Thoughts: The Creation Ground of Experience Posted: 06 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST During the day we can monitor our thoughts to see if we are investing our energy where it isn't useful. Our thoughts are powerful forces in the creation of our experience of life. You may be able to recall a time when frustration that was based on a misunderstanding completely evaporated when your understanding changed. This is because our interpretation defines our experience, and it can change in an instant. Our only true reality is the present moment, so rather than merely accepting that life is happening to us, we can harness the power of our thoughts to actively create a positive reality. For example, we can choose to appreciate beauty around us rather than focusing on traffic or look for admirable qualities in the people we deal with rather than focusing on the negative. By choosing how to interpret and define each moment with your thoughts, you truly create your reality. Throughout the day, we can monitor our thoughts to catch ourselves in the middle of investing our energy elsewhere—such as into belief in limitations—and instead pull our focus back to the infinite possibilities of the present. Taking a deep breath will help us center our thoughts on being in our bodies right now. Regular meditation allows us to gain mastery over our minds so that we can still our thoughts to focus on the pureness of being. If we mentally dwell on the past or the future, we may miss the experience of living in the present moment. Setting and visualizing goals is wonderful, but we can bring our thoughts into our current experience by taking steps to create them now. Our minds are powerful tools that we can harness to create our reality. Through them we move the unformed energy of the universe into form, which gives us direction for our words and actions. Each thought is like a stone dropped into a lake, sending ripples out into our world to affect all they touch. We can choose our focus and how we invest our energy, which gives us the power to design our lives to be whatever we choose in each and every moment. ~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM Read More @ SourceIsha Foundation - Inner Engineering VideoThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 06 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST Article by Brian LaShure Whether you're a teacher, doctor, or stay-at-home mom, life moves pretty fast, and the daily stresses and anxieties that build up can sometimes become overwhelming. Choose a natural de-stressor by burning aromatherapy soy candles to create a warm and relaxing mood around your home or office. Aromatherapy is an ancient practice that uses essential oils, meaning the purest essence of a plant, to produce physical and psychological effects. The particular plant combination that is used will depend on the desired effect. In addition to essential plant oils, aromatherapy employs other natural ingredients such as salts, cold pressed vegetable oils, sugars, milk powders, clays and mud. If stress at work is making you tired and anxious, use aromatherapy soy candles that contain lavender or chamomile to create a relaxing nighttime environment. Alternately, peppermint, rosemary and ginger are good scents to consider for more energy. Grapefruit, lemon and orange scents are thought to bring happiness and peace, and countless other combinations can be used for many types of aromatherapy. Some commonly used herbs are sage, rosemary and eucalyptus, while others prefer sweet scents like vanilla, cinnamon and coffee. You need only choose the combinations that are most pleasing to you and that create the desired mood effect. All natural candles are the best kind to use for aromatherapy, and many kinds of soy candles are available that are kind to the environment. Aromatherapy soy candles are made from 100% vegetable wax, an energy source that is completely biodegradable and renewable. Soy candles are safer and cleaner than petroleum-based, paraffin candles, and burn just as long. Paraffin is a by-product of petroleum refining processes. Therefore, traditional paraffin candles may release harmful petroleum pollutants, some of which are known by the EPA to be carcinogens. This is what the black residue sometimes seen on walls and surfaces near to the candle is. Because soy candles are m! ade from all natural, minimally processed materials, they burn much cleaner and do not release harmful chemicals into the air. Usually, all natural candles use a lead-free, cotton or hemp wick and are free from chemical dyes. However, it is important to check with the particular manufacturer before choosing an aromatherapy soy candle. When burning soy aromatherapy candles it's important to consider safety. Never leave a lit candle unattended or within reach of young ones. Always burn candles on a heat-resistant surface and away from any flammable objects. Do not burn near wind or draft. Before using, cut the wick of the candle to 1/4" in length and do not move candle while it is lit. Aromatherapy soy candles should be kept out of direct sunlight and stored at temperatures below 80 degrees. All natural candles using essential oils for fragrance are an inexpensive and environmentally friendly way to induce relaxation, improve vitality, and increase happiness on a daily basis. Choose the right scents for your home or office, or give the gift of aromatherapy to a friend or family member. Use aromatherapy soy candles daily to enhance your mood, because sometimes the most effective remedies are the simplest ones. About the AuthorFor more information on aromatherapy, aromatherapy candles, soy candles and other custom made candles, stop by our Promethean Candle Boutique online store. April 2011 Favorites ❤This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Future Life Now: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, January 6, 2012 Posted: 06 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST Hello and good morning to all This is the day Depression Reduction Session - Headphones RequiredThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 06 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST Article by Carl Frazier Aromatherapy can be described as the use of essential aromatic oils for promoting a healthy body and mind. In other words, aromatherapy is the holistic method of taking care of your body and mind via use of natural fragrances. Interestingly, this holistic approach treats the total person and not just the pain or illness. Aromatherapy is a natural and alternative treatment which is used in addition to traditional medicine. The oils used in aromatherapy have a strong smelling. After the treatment, people feel it soothing and relaxing which has a healing effect. Aromatherapy can be had in a spa or can be done in your home. Aromatherapy changes your total frame of mind and promotes feelings of total relaxation. The essential oil fragrances turn on the limbic system, which reinforces the vital emotions and the vital part of the brain. Further, instant and deep breathing of certain oils can help lighten respiratory de-congestion. Aromatherapy treatment relieves pains, aches and eases tension. Because, these essential oils have antiseptic properties and can kill fungi, and microbes when applied on the skin. Besides, aromatherapy treatment is soothing, light, and rhythmical. The massage is light and rhythmic, touching all the vital acupressure points incorporating the energetic healing and lymph massage techniques. It is particularly beneficial in lessening the effects of stress. Aromatherapy provides instant relief from stress which has a positive effect on the body and mind. Aromatic massage with the help of aromatic oils can improve your health, enjoyment of life and well being. In fact, good health is a matter of healthy synchronization between body, mind, and spirit and in such a state of well being, healing takes place through body's innate intelligence. A large number of people feel a kind of harmony is existent between the scented oils and the body. They believe that when these oils are used in a massage, they are passed on to the specific organs or systems of! the bod y where they enhance the natural functions of these organs. Aromatherapy is a natural and alternative system of medicine. It is easy to use and has tremendous healing effect on body and mind. Aromatherapy is an ancient system of medicine and has been in use for over several centuries. Several people have discovered astonishing uses for these essential oils. These essential oils can be used for fighting acne, skin irritations, relief from insect bites and skin imperfections. Some of these oils are effective against colds and congestion. Eucalyptus oil which is very effective against various ailments can be rubbed on your body to get relief from chest congestion. Apart from this, there are many ways in which these oils can be used for home remedies too. A few drops of these essential oils can be placed in your bath for a soothing touch, or disperse them in an oil burner and inhale these healing fumes. It is to be understood that different oils are useful for different ailments. These oils are effective in the treatment of skin conditions like eczema, acne, burns, herpes, and cuts etc. Even certain irritating conditions like congestion, ear aches, toothaches and muscle pains and are also effectively cured by aromatherapy. About the AuthorVisit us for more information about aromatherapy and aromatherapy benefits. June Faves! | FleurDeForceThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, January 6, 2012 Posted: 06 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." ~John Lennon "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed." ~Wayne Dyer Read More @ SourceParasites, Fungal Infections are pandemic in America -CHEKThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Crystal Therapy Can Make The Daily Grind Less Of A Grind Posted: 06 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST Article by Erich Wasfer Life can be quite stressful at times. Going to work every single day and attending to other responsibilities can practically drain the energy out of you. You can feel frustrated with daily disappointments that can range from illness, professional problems, and love issues and even from the pressures of a coming exam or a promotion. If you want to take a healing break from these things, then you can use crystal therapy. You can use it to get help in healing illness, in balancing energies, in protecting yourself from negative energies and even in finding love in this world. Here are some important points that you should know about crystal therapy. The Basics of Crystal TherapyThe belief in crystal therapy is based on the belief that certain crystals and charm stones have a lot to do with the balancing of energies within us. Of course, it is also set on the idea that we all have a kind of vibration energy system and the use of these charm stones and crystals can d much to tune this system out. In other words, these lovely stones have healing or mystical powers within them and we all can use them by ourselves or though the help of a crystal therapist. The efficiency of this kind of therapy would be based not only on the ability to draw a crystal's powers out but also in the stone's chemical composition, its kind, its color, its atomic structure and its over physical form. This also means that a certain crystal can have specific special powers that can answer to certain needs. However, the idea that a single charm stone usually contains not just one kind of healing power but several. If you want to use crystal therapy for various healing purposes, then here is a simple guide about particular crystals and charm stones and their corresponding strengths. 1. Chakra Balancers There are certain crystals which can help you in the balancing of your energy. This is a good place to start if you do not know yet which area of focus you would want. To have an overall balanced nature, then ! you can make use of jade, serpentine and fulgurite as your chakra balancing stones. 2. Love Crystals If you want to get help in the area of love, then you can make use of love crystals. The most popular ones are the rose quartz, apatite and the colbaltocalcite. These charm stones give off warm and soft energies so they are best to either to attract love or even to help you be more compassionate to those around you. 3. Energizing Charm Stones If you are bit low in terms of energy, then you can use amulets, rings or any other jewelry piece with opal or topaz stones as part of your crystal therapy. These charm stones can help you when you are weakened and fatigued. Just be sure to keep them away from your bedside so you can have a good night's rest. 4. Memory Keepers There are stones which help the memory retain much information and so they are also called crystal record keepers. Some examples include rubies, garnets and carnelians. They can be quite useful when you are preparing for exams. 5. Protective and Shielding Crystals Diamonds, yellow jasper and fluorite are the best protective charm stones. They work best when worn as a jewelry ornament or when kept in the purse or pockets. These crystals primarily work by absorbing the negative energies around you so knowing how to cleanse them fro time to time is also important. The use of the above-mentioned crystals are all part of crystal therapy which mainly aim to balance the energy within you. Crystal therapy is also known to heal and relax the body and mind and also to strengthen the body's immune system. About the AuthorErich Wasfer is working on building his dream home theater. His first toy for his new home theater is an old fashioned popcorn machine. If not sitting back, eating popcorn, and enjoying a move, Erich works on his site with reviews of popcorn machines for sale, as well as a review of the Salton popcorn maker. Bro.Sevan pt.16This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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