Reiki Brings Harmony to Body, Mind and Spirit

Reiki Brings Harmony to Body, Mind and Spirit

Reiki Brings Harmony to Body, Mind and Spirit

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Louisa Coan

Since thousands of years before the time of Christ or even of Buddha, Reiki has been an effective form of healing with the hands. This gentle, yet effective form of therapy had its beginnings in India. Reiki is a natural-hands-on healing technique that summons the mind, body and spirit of an individual and calls upon that persons• natural power to heal and remain well. When a person has a hands-on Reiki treatment, it clears all physical, spiritual, and emotional blocks and leaves the person feeling relaxed, integrated and whole. Reiki has not always been called Reiki; however, its exact history is unknown because of the ancient practice of keeping an oral history. Reiki disappeared for some period of time, but dates and facts surrounding this phenomenon are not exact. Stories and facts blended and changed as time passed and thoughts were passed from person to person. One thing is well-known today. Reiki was rediscovered and popularized in Japan by a monk who was also a doctor. His name was Dr. Mikao Usui. It was he who gave Reiki its current name. Reiki is the Japanese term for • universal life force• . There are two ways to pronounce this word. In Japan they use the long I sound and say RI-KEE. In the west, we use a long A sound and say RA-KEE. As Reiki has become more and more popular in the western world, the meaning of the term has been broadened to include the concept of omnipresence. This concept introduces the idea of a higher power or one who is constantly present in all places. In esoteric terms, Reiki refers to the concept of consciousness of spirit and the notion that spirit is the manifestation of God in the self. The term • ki• refers to the spiritual vitality that gives all living beings the spark of life. It may seem that we are saying that • ki• is synonymous with soul, and in many ways it is; however, • ki• is even more than that. It is the essence or seed of the soul. The concept of the seed of the soul or • ki• is present in almost every culture. Furt! hermore, it is almost universally understood that the well-being of the soul adds to the well-being of the body. Those who are healthy in body will feel the results in well-being of the soul or • ki• and vice versa. Receiving Reiki treatments regularly helps seekers to maintain perfect balance of mind, body and spirit, while strengthening the immune system and helping the seeker to avoid and ward off illness. A healthy mind, body and spirit promote a healthy immune system, so the more at peace a person is, the healthier s/he will be. A person who is stressed and unhappy will feel sick in spirit or have low • ki• . This can cause a compromised immune system and susceptibility to illness. A person with a negative attitude will also negatively impact the energy of the soul or • ki• . This too, can compromise the immune system.

About the Author

Louisa Coan is writing for Christi Reiki Masters, who are reiki masters offering you holistic healing treatments and courses. They also offer Reiki Bristol and Bristol massage

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Info on Reiki Attunement and Her Features

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by Tukul Renaldi

A number of people saturate their very own spirit with lookups which includes what the heck is Reiki attunement? How's it again carried out in addition to does it do this? These are simply most of the popular problems. Keep towards demystify the complication.

All of the Reiki attunement signifies course of action wherein someone becomes employed while in the Reiki process. Overall, the particular attunement specifically means procedure that will help in the opening up not to mention growth of this inborn psychic qualities. All of the is persuaded of one's practice lay emphasis on that your system helps with wiping out any factors commonly tend to affect your current brain, psychic, physical and emotional body frames. Besides, it may help when it comes to enhancing personal clairvoyant the right gifts.

The attunement system has been attributed to initializing manufacture of a healing systems. These particular recovering systems are generally with us all made the effort however it is difficult for just anyone to get these folks made available to their body doing work platforms because sometimes his or her chakras are often unbalanced. It can also be over the attunement process that the entire transcendental together with very easy guidelines such as the Hermetic Legislations involving Similarity usually are hand-applied. Then again, there are also several other various types of Reiki attunement that include Tibetan, Usui and also Karuna which might be utilised by numerous to always be in a position to employing an alleged length restoration icons which can be recognized by navigate between your place and additionally instance. The procedure of this apply affirms that this past experiences which hails from attunement isn't dependent upon virtually any faith or perhaps place morals. Moreover, typically the attunement takes time and may be studied sometimes.

There's a simple uncertainty in which Reiki power is known as an email power. A professional do use great and bad your mind ins! ide trea tment method period. That misunderstanding mostly appears from the phrase psychic attunement utilized for you to necessarily mean Reiki students being harmonized together with Reiki energy source along with their magnitude. Basically phrased, Reiki will be when compared to telepathy, ESP as well as thought process analyzing power. In past times, the actual modern medical care found didn't dignity the functionality of the Reiki drugs though as increasing numbers of research and also proof any Reiki healing is up and coming, it's always slowly being recognized in the business.

To put it briefly, Reiki is definitely a tem which to refer to any `Life Force' which is regular in every everyday life create. This kind of drive is usually improper considering the email potential of which means power which have been manifested via the human being heads. Reiki attunement comes into play numerous societies and areas only that it may possibly be assigned distinctive terms.

About the Author

Reiki attunement is undoubtedly robust means for helping your physique let go efforts it's got residing in providing the restorative healing potential. Go here directly below intended for in depth info learn how to give you access to this unique powerful and additionally highly effective rehabilitation approach.

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Do You Follow a Holistic Skin Care Regimen?

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Tara Mathews

What is holistic skin care? If you do not know, then chances are you are not practicing it. It means that you are not using chemicals or synthetic products on your skin. You are using natural creams and lotions. Even natural products have some chemicals in them because the natural ingredients need to be processed. However, the natural products do not contain harmful additives.Some of the name brand creams and lotions contain ingredients that can cause harm to your skin. Some products even contain substances that can be toxic to your skin. This includes parabens and dioxane. This wonderful substance is used as a foaming agent and is found is some cosmetic products. Parabens are preservatives that are added to prolong the shelf life of the cream or lotion. It is a potential cancer-causing agent. It has been found in the breast tissue of women with breast cancer. Although inconclusive as to whether it caused the cancer, it is still a good idea to avoid using any products that contain it.A good holistic skin care routine is one that combines natural creams and lotions with a healthy lifestyle. Quite a few factors can influence the appearance of your skin. Smoking is not only bad for the inside of your body, it also bad for your skin as well. It can cause premature lines and wrinkles to form. The suns ultra violet rays are very bad for our skin. They can cause lines, wrinkles and age spots to appear. In addition, more serious issues such as skin cancer is also a concern. If you are out in the sun, you should protect yourself with a sunscreen of at least a rating of SPF 15.Eating the proper food is also a part of a holistic skin care routine. The old saying goes 'you are what you eat' and it is very true. Fatty foods and processed foods are not healthy for your body or your skin. Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables are very healthy for your skin. Some are rich in antioxidants, which helps to heal the body from free radicals.

If you would like more information on holistic skin care! ingredi ents, then please visit my website today.

About the Author

Tara Mathews is an advocate for using organic skin care products. Her plan is to educate people on how to find the best natural skincare. Visit our site for more information today! Tara Mathews

What is the Procedure of Aromatherapy Massage?

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Chirag Kansoda

Aromatherapy massage is one form of message with the use of the highly concentrated oils from plants and herbs, known as the essential oils which are added to massage lotion or oil.

Procedure of Aromatherapy Massage:

The nostrils in this massage are joined to a component of brain which is usually known the limbic system. This limbic system manages emotions and has a great influence on the hormones and the human nervous system.

When one inhales the molecules of essential oil, the messages are communicated to limbic system in body and it has positive effect on the body. It improves the heart rate, reduces the stress level, controls blood pressure, improves breathing, sharpens memory, and helps in digestion and controls the human immune system.

Aroma therapy massages uses the essential oils which are also helpful in maintaining the suppleness of the skin.

The different essential oils have various healing properties. Some of the essential oils help in calming the senses while other are used to energize the body. Some of the most used essential oils and some of their properties:

• Calming - Lavender, geranium, chamomile• Energizing - Rosemary• Cleansing - Rosemary• Uplifting - Clary sage, Ylang Ylang, Rose, Neroli• De-congesting - Eucalyptus, Tea tree, Pine

What is the utility of aromatherapy massage?

The Aromatherapy massage can be particularly proficient in changing the conditions and making the improvements in dealing with stress or controlling the emotionally-related conditions which disturb the human behavior. Some of the ailments which can be cured with the aroma therapy massages:

• Stress conditions including the insomnia• Headache• Digestive disorders• Back ache pain• Pre-menstrual syndrome

Some of the examples of research that are made on the process with the aromatherapy massage:

• There are significant results that self-massage improves symptoms and the overall well being in persons ! with lym ph edema. Though it has slightly, if not significantly decreased limb volume. Nevertheless the selection of aromatherapy oils do not bring brought significant improvements than massage done without the aromatherapy oils.

• Researchers observed that patients affected with cancer, particularly in the analgesic care environment, are more and more opting for aromatherapy massage.

What can be expected of an aromatherapy massage?

The aromatherapy massage is conducted after consultation and selection of some more essential oils that are required to get the maximum result. The soothing and the pulsating aroma of the essential oil shall fill the air during the massage.

The massage therapist may also suggest some of the blends that can be used at homes in between the massage treatments.

About the Author

Visit our online Aromatherapy Products shop to find best deals on Aromatherapy Oils, Message Oils, Relaxation Candles, Aromatherapy Bath, Books, Kits and more at discount price. This article was written by Chirag Kansoda and with the help of his staff members. Our team is working on the clients website to improve their natural search engine ranking.

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The Use Of Aromatherapy In Treatment Of Migraines

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by Scott Cole

For those of us who suffer from migraines, the onset of a migraine will often result in a lack of productivity at home and at work, and a completely wasted day. It is extremely difficult for us to focus on the task at hand, and we tend to move more slowly. We tend to lose our motivation to do some of the little things that keep us healthy, such as work out, or even to cook a nice meal for the family. Because of this, we are always looking for ways to help get rid of migraines, and preferably in a natural way.

Many doctors agree that aromatherapy, if used properly, can be an excellent complementary therapy for the migraine sufferer. Aromatherapy is not known to actually eliminate migraine headaches, but when used to complement traditional therapy and medication it can help reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.

Aromatherapy is an alternative and natural healing process that employs the use of plant-derived essential oils to achieve a desired therapeutic effect. It is unknown precisely how aromatherapy works, whether it is the scent or a chemical action of the essential oil itself that provides relief. Because of this unknown factor some physicians worry about potential essential oil interactions with standard drugs used in treating migraines.

When trying aromatherapy to relieve migraines, keep in mind a few safety precautions.

* Always talk to a doctor before trying anything new.

* Speak to an experienced aromatherapist, if possible.

* When combining aromatherapy with other medications, be sure to watch for adverse reactions and report them to a doctor immediately if they occur.

* Buy real plant-derived essential oils designed for aromatherapy. The better products will be sold in dark containers and stored away from direct sunlight.

* Use a carrier oil or aromatherapy diffuser. Essential oils can be powerful irritants and should not be applied directly to the skin.

Essential oils can be employed in variety of ways. They can be used in an! aromath erapy diffuser and inhaled two or three times daily. The oils may be added to a large bowl of hot water and the aroma inhaled with the eyes closed. While the essential oils can also be added to carrier bath, face, or massage oils and applied to the body or bath, this should only be done after consulting with a knowledgeable aroma therapist.

Some of the essential oils often recommended for headache and migraine aromatherapy are lavender, peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus, sandalwood, clary sage, ginger, basil, marjoram, and chamomile.

As mentioned, aroma therapy is not a replacement regimen for migraine treatment. However, it can help reduce the symptoms of migraine, and enhance treatment with normal medication. As such, anyone who suffers from migraines should give some thought to employing aroma therapy in their treatment.

About the Author

Scott Cole has suffered from headaches and migraines for many years, and advocates natural treatments for both at

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Traditional and Western Reiki

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST

by inju

Article by Louisa Coan

The practice of Reiki has helped people relax, overcome stress and get better health since 1922 when it was introduced in Japan by a Japanese Buddhist and has, therefore, been known as an "oriental medicine" by some. However, this form of palm healing has two branches, Traditional Japanese and Western. Traditional is derived from the original and uses extensive hand movements. Western was introduced to the West by Hawayo Hiromi Takata, a Japanese-American woman born in Hawaii who was able to bring Reiki techniques back home after a trip to Japan where she was healed of several conditions by a doctor who was also a Reiki Grand Master. She returned to Hawaii after being trained in the set hand patterns for internal treatments. This differs from the Traditional, which uses an intuitive knowledge of where to place the hands. It is also more adapted to healing. The idea is to promote the life force energy, which is flowing through all people, and which encourages health and happiness. Therefore, if the life force energy is low, illness and stress result. The practice of Reiki, while not religious in any form, is rather spiritual. It is a laying on of hands that is a form of channeled healing, a non-invasive technique that eliminates negativity in the body. This then allows the body's organs to become healthy and function well. Reiki has been said to aid healing in major illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, even multiple sclerosis, as well as more common ailments like colds, sunburn or sore throats. During treatment, the patient will lie on a massage table or be seated or standing, remaining fully clothed. The Reiki practitioner lays hands in a series of positions on the patient's body, depending upon the need of the patient. Each hand position is in place for three to ten minutes, with an entire treatment lasting ninety minutes at the most. Patients have reported being extremely relaxed and "glowing", with a feeling of well being. Reiki treatments usually are done in conjunction with the patient b! eing und er the care of a health care professional. Because Reiki is such a simple technique, anyone can learn the ability to give Reiki treatments, even to themselves if they wish. Reiki teachers are not licensed by any government, but there are certain Reiki centers that license their teachers. Most health insurance companies do not recognize Reiki but there are a few that do.

About the Author

Louisa Coan is writing on behalf of Christi Reiki Masters, who are reiki masters offering you holistic healing treatments and courses. They also offer Bristol massage and Reiki Bristol

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How Aromatherapy Promotes Healing

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 05:00 PM PST

Article by Shams Arefin

Aromatherapy is using powerful aromatic oils to promote healing and rest. The oils are usually made from herbs, and each has specific curing qualities. A common example would be lavender. This flower is utilized to encourage rest and alleviate tension. The oils can be used in a bathtub, used within a vaporizer, or rubbed directly onto the skin. When using aromatherapy, the oils are usually breathed in somehow, and this brings in the oils to the visceral brain of the human body. Therefore, aromatherapy is absolutely not only utilized to cure psychological ailments, but also physical illnesses.

Scented aromatherapy oils are beneficial to your health in a variety of ways. This is because of the natural qualities in the essential oils that are not mixed with anything synthetic, such as air fresheners and perfumes. Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years to promote emotional and physical well being. The scents of the essential oils mix with the natural chemicals that are in the brain, and that is how the oils work.

The essential oils tend to be rather potent, and therefore they must be diluted before they are used. Professionals have been trained on exactly how to use the oils, and to be safe, it is best to consult with one before utilizing this method. Each different type of essential oil has a variety of ailments that it is meant to take care of. Experts in this field have been trained on this aspect of aromatherapy also.

There are some people that should not use aromatherapy at all because of the strength of the oils. If you are pregnant, it is advisable not to use aromatherapy until the baby is born because some of the oils are not safe for the unborn baby. Some people are extremely sensitive to the essential oils and may be allergic to them. These people should not use aromatherapy either. If you are not sure if you may be sensitive to it, it is best to consult a professional as well as do a test to see how your body will react to the oils.

Though there has ! been som e research done to study the actual effects of aromatherapy, it has not been concluded that the essential oils work without a doubt. It has been shown that it does improve the emotional and physical well being of many patients, but not enough to be positive. Through the studies that have been performed, not only did the patients' stress level lower, but those with epilepsy were shown to have fewer seizures.

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EldersBloom - Elders Healing with Reiki

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 04:00 PM PST

by inju

Article by Jeffrey Hotchkiss

In the last column, you learned about Reiki hands-on healing. This week, we'll share a vision for how Reiki can help elders to help the world around them.

You know that elder living facility you drive by every day as you go about your business? During the holiday season, it has a sign out front: "Xmas sale". Imagine, now, that one day the sign says: "Reiki Clinic".

You've heard of Reiki and always wanted to try it. You pull into the parking lot and get out. Walking in the front door, you don't know quite what to expect.

An elder woman in a wheelchair greets you -- "Thank you for coming!", she says. Her radiant smile warms your heart. She gives you a flyer and directs you down the hall to the activities room.

The activities room is divided by privacy screens into a few spaces with massage tables and chairs. You can see a little bit around the edges of the screens -- elders have their hands gently placed on the people who are lying on the tables and sitting in the chairs. The people are deeply relaxed and breathing easily. Quiet, meditative music plays in the background. An elder man takes your name, and tells you you're in luck - there's a table opening in a few minutes.

When your turn comes, you meet the two elders who'll be treating you. They tell you to take your shoes off, lie down, relax and breathe; they'll do the rest. As you lie on the table, they cover you with a warm blanket. You're still not sure what to expect, but all is peaceful and open, and you trust. You start to feel your body relax and sink into the softness of the table.

Standing on each side of you, the elders hold their hands briefly in prayer position. Then, they put their hands on you, gently, respectfully, lovingly, settling softly onto your shoulders and hips. A strange and wonderful warmth blooms throughout your body. It feels like taking a warm bath from the inside out. Without even thinking about it, you take a deep breath, and suddenly you feel as if you're floating. Stress and mu! scle ten sion is just gone. You don't remember when you last felt so relaxed.

The session is over all too soon. When you get up off the table, you feel completely renewed and amazed. You gladly pay the requested fee. On the way out, you notice a wheelchair-bound elder treating a young woman in a chair. The young woman has the most beatific smile on her face.

The next day, a chronic pain you've lived with is suddenly far less painful. You have new energy to get through your day, and noticeably less stress and worry. The feeling continues for several days. You stop in the elder facility to thank them all, and ask, when is the next Reiki clinic?

In a healthy society, elders are revered, listened to, and are invaluable teachers of the young. It feels like we have drifted away from that in our youth-worshipping culture. So many elders live out their years in isolation from the rest of society.

The EldersBloom program introduces Reiki to elders, so that they may improve their quality of life, have more energy to share healing from their life wisdom, and thus enable a joyful reconnecting with their surrounding communities.

Many aspects of Reiki, such as its gentleness, ease of learning, and flexibility around physical limitations, make it ideal for elders. EldersBloom makes Reiki treatment available to elders where they live, offers them Reiki training, and ultimately assists them to provide Reiki healing services to the public.

Today, EldersBloom is in its infancy, with Reiki talks given and scheduled at elder communities in the Portland, Maine area. Tomorrow, we dream it will embody the vision told above. To quote from the original program description:

"Sharing Reiki with our elders, we give them the means to let the treasures in their hearts bloom for all our sakes. Reiki teaches them to heal by awakening their true selves. The beauty of their lives lights them up from within, and we, their children, come to see, sit at their feet, and learn."

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About the Author

Jeffrey Hotchkiss is a Reiki Master Teacher. He teaches and practices in Yarmouth, Maine, and travels to bring Reiki to elder communities.

Reiki Basics

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 03:00 PM PST

Article by Susanne Runion

This article will explain the basics of Reiki, the history, what a typical session is like, and the benefits. It will also explain the chakra system and how blockages can develop.

Reiki is a Japanese healing art developed in the 1800s. Reiki involves laying hands on the body to comfort and relieve pain. Every living thing in the universe has a life force energy flowing through it. This reiki energy is channeled through the hands of the practitioner into the body and aura of the receiver. Reiki heals on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual to balance all of the chakras and helps return the body to its natural perfect state.

What Is A Reiki Session Like?

In a Reiki session, the client is fully dressed and lies down on a massage table under a blanket in a warm, candlelit room with soft music. The therapist lightly places and holds their hands on specific areas of the body for 3 to 5 minutes to rebalance the energy. It induces a deeply restful, meditative state.

How Is Reiki Different Than Massage?

Massage is extremely effective in getting rid of physical tension and often this is what is needed. However, sometimes tension held in the body is caused by emotional trauma, psychological distress, or spiritual despair. Emotions such as fear, guilt, grief and anger can become trapped in the body and mask themselves as muscular tension. Since Reiki works not only on the physical level, but also on the emotional, spiritual and mental levels, it is very effective in such situations. I often combine Reiki with massage to get the benefits of both therapies.

What Are The Benefits Of Reiki?

* Alleviates stress and induces a deep state of relaxation.* Increases the body's natural ability to heal itself.* Eases depression, anxiety, insomnia, lack of confidence, and addiction.* Strengthens the immune system. * Helps in relieving pain. * Balances of the chakras * Clears energy blockages and suppressed emotions.* Aids in healing every known physical and menta! l illnes s. * Works well with traditional medicine and improves its results.* Helps to speed recovery after surgery.* Helps to relieve the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. * Provides limitless benefits of spiritual growth and increases intuition.* Enhances meditation.

What Are Chakras?

Our body contains centers of energy called chakras. There are seven main chakras in our body and they directly correlate with our physical body. They are stacked together in a central column from the crown of your head to the base of your spine, and when they are in balance, we allow life-force energy or chi to flow optimally through us creating a better balance between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of ourselves. Reiki balances all of these energy centers.

1st Chakra - Base of spine. Survival.2nd Chakra - Below the navel. Emotions and reproduction.3rd Chakra - Stomach. Personal Power.4th Chakra - Heart area. Love.5th Chakra - Throat area. Communication.6th Chakra - Third eye. Intuition.7th Chakra - Crown of head. Spirituality.

How Do Blockages Develop In The Chakras?

Our body contains centers of energy called chakras. There are seven main chakras in our body and they directly correlate with our physical body. They are stacked together in a central column from the crown of your head to the base of your spine, and when they are in balance, we allow life-force energy or chi to flow optimally through us creating a better balance between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of ourselves. Reiki balances all of these energy centers.

Physical trauma - injuries, accidents, surgery, illness. Also poor posture and repetitive strain.

Emotional trauma - suppression of emotions, grief, loss, death of a loved one, betrayal, divorce.

Sexual Trauma - sexual abuse, incest, rape, abortion, miscarriage.

Fear, Guilt, Denial, Repressed Anger

How Do I Know If My Chakras Are Blocked?

1st Chakra - Lower back, sciatica, knee problems. Not fe! eling se cure or grounded. Obsessed with money and survival issues.

2nd Chakra - Lower back and problems with reproductive organs. Difficulty expressing emotions.

3rd Chakra - Stomach problems. Feelings of powerlessness and anger.

4th Chakra - Shoulder tension. Heart, circulation, blood pressure problems. Feelings of grief, loss, depression.

5th Chakra - Neck tension, thyroid, throat problems. Difficulty speaking up or expressing yourself.

6th Chakra - Headaches, vision problems, forgetfulness. Overly logical and rational, afraid to trust intuition.

7th Chakra - Headaches. Spiritual issues. Lacks faith and trust in God.

About the Author

Susanne Runion practices reiki and massage in San Francisco,, and is the author of the online course, "Marketing Secrets for Alternative Health Professionals",

Chakra Ladder ~ Akshara Weave

A visual meditation through the chakras. Music is The Ladder from my recording The 10 Minute Chakra. Film composed by Satya from Hubble telescope images courtesy of NASA.

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Know more all-around Aromatherapy

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 02:00 PM PST

Article by Shela Sladick

Therapy or the sheer enjoyment of enjoying the benefits of crucial oils? Aromatherapy brings together them both from the great use of herbal extracts that induce a state of properly being. Aromatherapy is taken advantage of within a variety of ways and for unique functions a few of them aiming at an enhancement within the well being state other people at useful programs throughout the house. The crucial oils can be inhaled as this kind of steamdispersed or sprayed every of these has its specificity and meets various aromatherapy ranges of performance.

A few drops of crucial oil could be positioned on a tissue and inhaled. There are many wellness affections which might be known to enhance in response to this kind of aromatherapy treatment. This is the scenario with menthol volatile oil inhalation for nausea journey sickness or vomiting and also to give just another illustration get lavender oil that soothes the nerves induces sleep and increases the degree of leisure.

Aromatherapy by steam inhalation is composed from the use of herbal extracts in sizzling water. Unstable oils work great within this blend and many people now rely on them for ambient and well being purposes using the aid of lamps and candles. Rosemary thyme eucalyptus pine orange lemon cinnamon and dozens of other herbal extracts are just the issue you may be needing.

Much more not too long ago the area of aromatherapy has prolonged for the production of numerous products for that common household freshening or as bug repellent components. Presently essential oils can also be widely utilized in the style of cosmetic goods such as perfumes soaps facial toners and lotions the natural components make the products a lot a lot more reliable and safer to utilize.

Aromatherapy does not rely within the easy or singular utilization of essential oils since combinations are most frequently used for the synergistic healing properties. The apps of aromatherapy can therefore be taken benefit of possibly in an organized the! rapeutic environment or within the comfort of ones home or in the privacy of the workplace for that mere implementation of your excellent mood and a great well being.

The net presently represents an excellent source of knowledge and you also can finds plenty of aromatherapy recipes to pick from. The ingredients the mix specificity as well as all the health troubles a certain blend aims at treating are usually specified as well as explained comprehensively. Special health publications also signify a great source of data in terms of studying concerning the advantages and also the uses of aromatherapy.

About the Author

I've been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now.

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Abundance Prosperity Reiki

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Patsy Hamilton

The Abundance Prosperity Reiki group has some different practices than other groups. While the teachings of all Reiki groups are similar on a fundamental level, there are many differences. It seems to have been that way since Master Usui began teaching the art.

Some groups will tell you that "their" Reiki is best for one reason or another. For instance the Abundance Prosperity Reiki group suggests that two of the symbols they use promote the balance of male/female.

This may remind you of the Chinese yin and yang, but there are similar ideas in Ayurvedic medicine which originates in India. These symbols were obviously not used by Master Usui, since Abundance Prosperity Reiki was not founded until 1998 and Usui died in 1926, according to the English translation of a memorial to the man.

But, that does not mean that he would not have approved of the use of other symbols. According to written manuals, some of his first students made changes and additions to the healing art, how it should be used and how it should be taught. For example, it is known that Dr. Hayashi added the twelve hand positions and it was he who taught Mrs. Takata, the woman who introduced Reiki to the United States.

Historically speaking, there are only a few facts that we know about Reiki as it was originally taught. The memorial that now stands in a graveyard at the Jodo shu Saihoji Temple in Tokyo provides us with a little information about the life of Master Usui, but translation has been difficult.

Each symbol in the Japanese written language can mean several things. Even the Japanese calendar is quite different from the calendars used in the West, so dates are sometimes confused and don't always "add up".

Over the years, people have taught that Master Usui was a Christian, a Hindu or a Buddhist. He may have been Shinto, since it was the state religion of Japan during the years that Usui lived. The symbols added by the Abundance Prosperity Reiki group are said to invoke Hindu deities.

Acco rding to the memorial, Usui traveled to Europe, China and America to study. There is no mention of specific religious practices, although the memorial does say that he traveled to Kurama Yama to undergo "rigorous spiritual discipline" and often refers to Usui's "Spiritual Method" of healing.

It really makes no difference which form of Reiki you choose to study. They all work. They can work with any religious beliefs or no religious beliefs. You can learn new symbols and add them to your practice if you want. Undoubtedly, you should learn the basics before you pay the fees to join the Abundance Prosperity Reiki group.

To learn more about the basics, please visit Understanding

About the Author

Patsy Hamilton was a health care provider for over twenty years before becoming a health writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about Reiki. Read more at

Aromatherapy Diffuser

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Mike Rosales

Aromatherapy has become a well-known alternative treatment for chronic medical conditions. Aromatherapy essentially involves inhaling aroma from oils extracted from plants in order to enhance health and well-being. An Aromatherapy Diffuser is a kind of device that allows the scent of essential oils and aromatherapy scents to dissolve into the air. It releases a scented mist into your living space. There is a wide range of diffuser that varies in terms of their technological complexity.

One of the simplest ways to decorate a room with the scent of aromatherapy oil is to simply adding a few drops to a tissue or cotton ball and place the tissue or cotton ball in the center of the room. The scent will slowly disperse into the air in the room. A tissue or cotton ball diffuser is especially useful in small spaces such as closets, vehicles and cabinets. Just a few drops of an essential oil such as balsam or grapefruit can scent an entire car quite nicely. Although this rudimentary kind of Aromatherapy Diffuser works perfectly well, there are electronic devices on the market that do the same job. Aroma oils or essential oils can be mixed with different kinds of natural materials and then mixed into baths. Aromatherapy Diffuser can be used with pure essential oils or fragrance oils. However, only essential oils can help you therapeutically. The fragrance oils do not hold the same therapeutic properties that essential oils do. In addition, fragrance oils are synthetically made and may cause an allergic reaction in some people. In general, you only need to add a few drops of a specific essential oil to a diffuser that works in different ways so read the instructions for use before using one. Usually, it may contain one or more of the highly distilled and pure essential oils.

There are over 500 types of the oils that are used in this traditional alternative form of medicine. Chamomile, orange, lavender, basil, lemon and cypress are just a few of them. In addition, there are different types of d! iffuser in the market. It can be used either as humidifier, atomizer, or air purifier. This scented mist provides a host of benefits such as relief from stress and insomnia, relaxation and air purification by killing bacteria and pollutants. Aromatherapy Diffuser that is heated with a candle is the traditional type of diffuser with a few drops of essential oil with water are added to the ceramic tray on top of the diffuser and a candle is placed underneath the tray to heat up the essential oils and release the therapeutic fragrance into the air. This type of diffuser should not be left unattended. A tea light candle is usually sufficient to use in a candle diffuser. Electric diffuser is considered as the safest type of diffuser that usually has a glass container in which to add the essential oils. It pushes out the different sized essential oil molecules all at the same time and has become more economical and environmentally friendly over time. Some types of electric diffuser now have silver ion sterilization technology which increase resistance to mold, corrosion, deodorize and sterilize. Perhaps one of the most valuable ways in which aromatherapy diffuser can be used in a clinical setting such as a hospital room or therapy room. An essential blend can be adapted to suit the patient's individual therapeutic needs.

However, each patient should be consulted before using an aromatherapy diffuser as some people may not like the fragrance. In addition, there may be ethical considerations to take into account and the reason why many hospitals and therapy rooms in the United States do not routinely carry out this practice.

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Aromatherapy Products: Ease the Pain

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Mike Rosales

The Aromatherapy Products refer to a type of delicate healing that includes the use of flower essences, crystals and essential oils continue to gain popularity over the years. They can be found in a variety of different forms where the most common product is the oil in which can be meant for massage oil for the skin, for relief of pain, aches or stress. You can dab a little bit of oil under your nose and breathe in the fragrance of the aromatherapy oil for a relaxing effect. Some of these products can be in the form of bath salts, facial creams, lotions, candles and incense. The Aromatherapy Products are normally used for mental welfare and to get rid of stress, tension, migraine and headaches. They are naturally made as they are made using natural ingredients and the most commonly used are ones that include soaps, diffusers, essential oils and aroma candles while other types include some lotions, incense, bath salts and facial creams. They usually have a soothing and calming effect that appeal greatly to your senses. Their popularity is increasing continuously and more producers and suppliers are entering the market. More and more people are now into using these products and people who are new to these are often confused about the difference between essential oils and fragrance oils. These two types of products serve entirely different purposes from each other. Fragrance oils are usually means synthetic scents that have been created in a laboratory while essential oils are made from natural plant extracts. Both have a pleasing smell but only essential oils have the benefits of aromatherapy. Essential oils are also significantly more expensive than fragrance oils as they are highly concentrated and must be harvested with extra care. It is true that some people take essential oils internally to achieve the maximum benefits of these products and this type of practice should never be done without the supervision of an expert in aromatherapy. Essential oils may be all-natural but this does not mean t! hat they are completely harmless where many oils used in aromatherapy can have dangerous side effects if not seriously taken by the users. You can enjoy the benefits of these products by purchasing scented candles, soaps or body lotions and if you have some experience with the art of soap making or candle making, you can also create your own homemade aromatherapy products. Just remember that whenever an essential oil is being dispersed through scented candles or soaps, the maximum therapeutic benefits that would come from a more direct application approach are not fully achieved. These types of products are becoming increasingly popular among those who are interested in alternative medicine, the benefits of these aromatherapy products is not always available for everyone.

There are different types of aromatherapy products that are virtually available on the market today and many of these are used to scent a room and create certain types of moods. Using any kind of these products and accessories can be also harmful to you if not properly used. Aromatherapy products you want can be easily found at retail outlets, specialty stores, personal beauty stores, fairs and craft shows.

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Natural Breast Enlargement Massage VIDEO I always felt like something was missing when I had small breasts. I had to do something about it, but surgery wasn't the answer. I share my story on my site at the link above.

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Panic Disorder - Why Do You Need Holistic Treatment?

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Ian Spencer

Do you know why many anxiety patients suffered long term panic attack and only able to control their condition with medication? When the person became rely on the medication to control their anxiety, they risk more severe anxiety attack as those treatment will only relief the sensation of the body but not the mind.Long term or heavy dosage of most medication will have different level of side effects, that's why many people turn their attention to herbal or natural treatment for anxiety. Using natural remedy is good, but will not have "instant effect" like medication, it takes time and effort to see result.When I mention about time, it ranges from 3 days to 3 months. I think this is not a long time to see result, but you gain permanent benefit from the treatment. To maximize the effect of natural treatment, holistic treatment for anxiety was introduced. Holistic treatment the combination of many natural treatment methods, and treat the problems as a whole. The patient undergo holistic treatment will need to change their bad lifestyle and habit. Any lifestyle or habit that contribute to enhance anxiety are considered bad.This guide will help you analyst your condition, know the trigger and cause of your panic attack and help you to cure anxiety from the root, permanently eliminate anxiety from your life. Some of the method requires you to invest on certain medication and program, while most of them are free.You must be prepared to change your lifestyle, habits, diet and use the guide as reference to outline your own treatment plan. Holistic treatment requires a treatment plan that will completely eliminate any kind of activity or event that will contribute to enhance the sense of anxiousness, and only you will know your own condition to outline the treatment plan for yourself.Let's get started...Anxiety and depression are among the leading mental disorders around the globe. Statistics show that about 20 million Americans suffer from this condition. Impressive, isn't it? You would think anx! iety wou ld be more likely to occur in Third-World countries where life is tougher than in Super-Powers such as the USA, where everything is there in plenty. Facts are often stranger than fiction – and this is one scenario that proves this adage amply.Anxiety can attack at any age. Once upon a time, this was believed to be a problem,  which affected most the 18-55 years old bracket; today, you will find anxiety symptoms in children as young as 7. There is too much competition, too many expectations, too much uncertainty and to top it all, there is no way to escape from it. Right from the pre-school days parents instill into the minds of their children that they have to be the best and stay ahead in the race, or they would be total losers. The parents' nervousness is transmitted to their children who gradually become trapped into a 'do-or-die' self-imposed pursuit of excellence. This might not be such a bad idea, if that came from within the child; however, when this comes from outside and does not match capacity, anxiety is born. Once it catches roots, it grows and eats you up from inside every time you want to be the best, to outdo your competition. Adults are exposed to stress and anxiety every day, too. The lucky ones identify it for what it is and adopt measures to eliminate it. Others, who are not so lucky, all prey to it and gradually find themselves falling into a vortex of physical and mental ailments. Then, there are the middle-age people who worry about their direction, personal and professional success in life, their past versus their future, and unless they are really careful, they leave the door wide open for anxiety to creep into their lives.  Senior people are as vulnerable to Anxiety disorder as any others are. They, who are looking at a stretch of indefinite time ahead of them, supported by diminishing income generation powers, and possibly no emotional support is easy prey to feelings of hopelessness, helplessness and fear of what-tomorrow-brings. Their imminent mortality and inability! to stay in full control of their own lives can indeed be depressive.  

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Click Here to grab your FREE Stress Relief Manifesto Report. It'd show you how you can achieve inner calm and eliminate stress from your life forever. For more information on dealing with anxiety, panic attacks and stress. Visit the attack anxiety blog today.

How to do stretching exercises with your horse

Dr. Joanna Robson shows us how to do simple stretching exercises that will help our equine friends loosen up and feel great! Watch parts 1 and 3 in high definition at

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Azurite and malachite

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Jimmy Reinard

Azurite and malachite are both crystals formed by the weathering process that breaks down natural copper ore deposits. Azurite is a striking brilliant blue colour, with a hardness of around 3.5 to 4 on the Mohs scale as well as a specific gravity of around 3.77 to 3.89 and a refractive index of 1.655-1.909. Azurite is mined for use in paint pigments, often producing a range of blues dependent on the mineral's natural color.Malachite is the Greek translation of moloche, meaning mallow, due to its color.Unfortunately, azurite is unstable in most conditions and loses its brilliant blue color over time or is replaced by its more stable cousin, malachite. Malachite shares the same properties as azurite but appears as a vibrant green mineral. Unlike Azurite, malachite does not require the special handling making it more suitable for use in jewelry but it is also a popular pigment, producing an array of green colors in paints.Both minerals are especially sensitive to acid, often found together, and when found above ground, it's usually a good indicator of copper ore beneath the surface. Azurite is a spiritual stone, believed to help enhance a person's connection with the gods as well as bring calmness and peace. It helps to boost creativity and enhances a person's ability to communicate effectively.Malachite is a healing stone, believed to be good for healing a person's heart, soul, and body. It also opens a person's chakras, bringing clarity. Malachite attracts money, wealth, balance, and love. Blended together, the two stones draw one closer to the spirit, bringing forth a new beginning to life.In Rome malachite was referred to as the 'Peacock Stone' and was linked to their goddess Juno, who protects against lightning, tornados, storms and earthquakes. Some Italian people wear malachite as a personal protector against the evil eye. According to Egyptian legend, the goddess Toeris commissioned a necklace of many different types of beads, one of which was malachite.Malachite is looked upon as the guardi! an gemst one of travelers. It's crystal healing powers include protection, power, hope, love, peace and success in business ventures. The stunner gemstone azurite also stimulates the third eye, for the awakening of psychic abilities, the throat chakra, and for the understanding of messages in ones spiritual quests. It is also said to stimulate intellect.

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Malachite Mall has been specializing in supplying malachite for 7 years. malachite man

Lemurian Seed Crystals at Points of Light A look at our selection of Lemurian Seed Crystals from Brazil.

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Reiki & Self Healing Techniques

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

by inju

Article by Patsy Hamilton

There are many benefits to learning Reiki & self healing is only one. When it comes to mental healing Reiki allows you to let go of those things that may have been bothering you for years.

In some cases, people are unaware of the "energy blocks" that have been stored in their minds since they were small children. In other cases, we are all too aware of the baggage that we carry with us.

In all cases, Reiki & self healing tactics, that can be learned from reading a book, attending a seminar or visiting a healer, can remove those blocks and help you to get rid of the baggage. The energy blocks and baggage can cause not only emotional, but physical problems as well.

Emotional traumas, large and small, are often at the root of chronic back pain, headaches and other physical pains that send us running to the doctor or pharmacy. Conditions such as fibromyalgia and inflammatory bowel diseases respond well to Reiki treatments, particularly if a person is involved in his or her own treatment and practices Reiki & self healing techniques.

If your concerns are mental healing Reiki techniques can be very effective. Anxiety and depression are serious conditions that affect the quality of a person's life. Despite the latest drugs and all that psychologists have learned about treating the mind, depression continues to be one of the more serious problems affecting modern day society.

In 2006 in the United States, over 20 million prescriptions were filled for Prozac, 28 million for Zoloft, 21 million for Wellbutrin and 17 million for Effexor. And those are just some of the more popular anti-depressants. It may be easier to take a pill than it is to learn Reiki & self healing energy medicine, but in many cases, the drugs are ineffective and in some cases they actually worsen the condition.

Most doctors and scientists believe that there must be some sort of chemical imbalance that causes depression and the drugs are designed to correct this chemical imbalance. P! ractitio ners of Reiki and other forms of complementary medicine believe that depression is caused by an imbalance in the flow of energy that surrounds and infuses our physical bodies.

In fact, we believe that all illnesses are caused by a disruption in this energy flow. The disruption may be due to past physical or emotional trauma. It may be due to improper diet, lack of physical activity, unhealthy lifestyle or a general inability to relax and enjoy one's life.

Among other things, if you learn mental healing Reiki techniques, you will learn that we are meant to enjoy our lives, each and every day. This does not mean that there will never be problems, sadness or further trauma, but we learn to understand that those things help us learn and that we can enjoy the bad, as easily as we enjoy the good.

For more information about Reiki & self healing, please visit Understanding

About the Author

Patsy Hamilton was a health care provider for over twenty years before becoming a health writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about Reiki. Read more at

Here's A Quick Description Of What Aromatherapy Is Really

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Clementina Kirkbride

Should you look at the word aromatherapy, you're going to discover that it's just what it sounds like. Aromatherapy is just that, aroma therapy, it's the use of various fragrances to help treat your body as well as the mind. And to be specific these plants are generally known as being aromatic, hence the first part of the name, the next part is actually self explanatory.

By using these different aromas you will see that it is going to help you sooth your body and mind by making use of your senses. What you see, touch and also feel is affecting you in your daily life either in a positive or even a negative way. To calm your body and mind when you're feeling stressed or anxious about something is one of the primary reasons folks use aromatherapy in the first place. You are also going to discover that your sense of touch is also a thing that can be influenced by aromatherapy when you're getting a massage with essential oils.

Lavender is really a fragrance that a lot of folks use when their feeling stressed out in an attempt to become more relaxed. You're going to realize whether you bathe in lavender oil, get a massage with lavender oil or perhaps inhale the fragrance, it is going to help you relax. Yet another great aromatherapy product is mint, as this can help you feel revitalized and provide you with a boost of energy. Again these oils may be breathed in, utilized during massage or perhaps while bathing. You are going to find that these oils actually stimulate your brain any time absorbed through your skin or even breathed in.

Aromatherapy has grown to be the particular alternative treatment of choice for the hectic society we are now living in. It's beneficial because the oils and scents are pure and natural and it's an alternative that's been around too long for it to have any kind of side effect which the general public would find harmful. Having said that you ought to obviously realize that if you're allergic to one of these oils it's not a good idea to use it for aromather! apy.

And it is not only a type of alternative medicine but is in addition used fairly widely as an alternative for cosmetics and it is a very good replacement simply because the essences of aromatic plants are entirely natural and as discussed not harmful to most folks. I should also mention that aromatherapy is not only good for people as it has also been made use of for many domestic pets as well. Essential oils such as niaouli, eucalyptus and tea tree have been credited by dog owners as being effective in dealing with the common colds of our best friend.

The short explanation of aromatherapy should help you understand that this is something that could help virtually anybody deal with different issues within their life. Mainly because aromatherapy has been used for many thousands of years to help cure folks of certain ailments, and it's a thing that is still used today, you need to have complete faith in trying it yourself. Of course, if you are a woman you may want to use a few of these oils as a perfume as opposed to using store bought products.

About the Author

My friend John is an professional in the field of Wellness & weight loss. Discover a lot more about at her web site about

Wi-Fi Battle #138 (Killer Nacho v F22/aRaptor) [500 SUBS!! HACK BATTLE!]

Hey guys, for my 500 subscriber event, FRaptor1 and I decided to start a new format! What!! This format is Hacked Pokemon format, and it's redunkulous. I'm sure you'll love it! Here are the rules: - 4 on 4 - No Ubers - Sleep Clause - Species Clause - Every combination of moves and abilities are allowed on a Pokemon except for no Status recovery moves (like Aromatherapy and Rest) on Wonderguard Spiritomb or Sableye. If you want to test out this awesome format with infinite possibilities in a battle, make sure you vid it and make it a video response to this battle! If there is enough interest, I will consider running a tournament in this format. Anyway, leave a comment about an idea for a Pokemon in this format. That would be cool. And make sure you check FRaptor1's vids out, he's an awesome YT battler: And don't forget to rate, comment, and subscribe!

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Expect the Unexpected: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, January 25, 2012

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Hello and good morning
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
Blessings to you
My intention today, Expect the Unexpected

You say it will never happen
Nothing good will come of that
I get nothing in return
No gratitude you say
I never win; I never make it to that
Give yourself some slack
Expect the unexpected
Expect the goodness in life
Expect the prize
Expect you're alive!
Expect goodness in the day
As you practice gratitude, I say
That attitude, it's all good
Always lucky you see
The harder I work
The luckier I be
Expect what you thought you couldn't have
What you thought it wouldn't be
What you thought life wouldn't see
Expect perfection in the day
And remember it's what you think and say
Expect God's gift this day
Then you'll get it and you'll play
With love do I say, expect the unexpected!
And you will see it's all within thee
What you thought you feared, it comes to be
Now let go and you will see
Everything you expect, it comes to be
Now blessings I see
I know God's gift is this day; it's all good I say
Love, Dr. Rob

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Quadratus Lumborum Stretch

Neuromuscular Therapist Sam Visnic from teaches how to get an effective quadratus lumborum stretch and exercise for the quadratus lumborum muscle.

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Aromatherapy Supplies

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by Mike Rosales

The term aromatherapy usually refers to the natural healing practices that people believe can cure numerous health disorders such as anxiety, depression and headaches. There are different types of aromatherapy techniques that can fill the need for a variety of Aromatherapy Supplies. These normally include some household products, carrier oils and also diffusers. The proper application of aromatherapy deals with the proper use of essential oils such as lavender, sweet orange and also bergamot. Some people purchase commercial supplies and these are usually divided into two categories. There are supplies with to health issues and also for beauty. These include items such as massage lotions, rubs and bath salts while the other category falls to supplies that are used for household matter such as candles and room sprays. Many people are confused about the essential oil content and turn their attentions to pure essential oils. The essential oils are directly applied to the skin for it may cause skin problems. For that reason, people who buy essential oils for such matter should also purchase some carrier oils or bases for the essential oils can safely be mixed into the carrier oils before the actual procedure. The diffusers are also a type of Aromatherapy Supplies that give the scents of oils and diffusing the scent of essential oils with heat is usually a common aromatherapy practice. Many people use oil burners in order to attain this matter. This can actually be lead to wrong practice, mainly because they are usually designed so as to not burn the oils. Normally, there is a space where the oil is held a sufficient distance above the candle. In some instances such as when a person is inside a tent, office or vehicle, fire may be prevented or unwise.

There are numerous options that are available in these some sort of cases. The electric oil warmers are examples of Aromatherapy Supplies that work in a similar way as to oil burners apart from the heat is generated electrically. In cases where ele! ctricity is not available, there are also reed diffusers that are usually composed of a container where the oil is placed and reed sticks extend from it then thereby distributing the scent. There are also clip-on diffusers that can be placed on the vents in an automobile. The nasal inhalers are also a type of aromatherapy supplies that allow a person to conveniently take in a desired scent without waiting for it to diffuse. It is much like commercial nasal inhalers and these items are specifically designed for personal use. Removable cotton swabs can be dipped into oils and inserted into the nasal inhaler. If needed, the cap can be removed from the inhaler and it can be placed in or near the nose, exposing a person to the scent of the oil inside.

Make sure that the aromatherapy supplies you want to buy are also sealed because unsealed containers only mean that the contents of the bottle have already been used or contaminated by other people who are also testing the oils. They come in a wide range of prices and the prices depend on the country from which they came, especially if the ingredients used are organic and wild-harvested. If you have any serious ailments or severe symptoms, do not attempt to use aromatherapy supplies without the consent of your doctor.

About the Author,

First Class Thai Massage in Singapore !

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Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, January 25, 2012

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

"The best things in life are unexpected – because there were no expectations." ~Eli Khamarov

"If you do not expect the unexpected you will not find it, for it is not to be reached by search or trail."  ~Heraclitus

"You have to take risks. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen."  ~Paulo Coelho

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Reiki Attunement - What is Involved?

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

by eylon

Article by David W Bates

Reiki students pass through three stages of instruction to eventually become a Reiki Master; during each of these stages the student will receive at least one attunement.Generally known as attunement (the term I will use in this article) it is also called initiation or empowerment.Reiki practitioners believe that universal energy surrounds all of us and we can all make use of it, ultimately as a healing force. This energy is said to flow through channels within an individual.It is the aim of a Reiki teacher to open these channels within students ensuring that they will then become a direct channel for Reiki. The Reiki energy will now be able to flow freely through the student's body and pass on to someone else.An attunement is a process that creates a Reiki healer. While it does not actually give the receiver anything new, it opens and aligns what was already within them.The process of attunement is simple and non invasive, it basically involves the Reiki master placing their hands on prescribed areas of the student's body. Reiki symbols and gestures will also be involved, the symbols are sacred and vary according to individual Reiki masters and the type of Reiki being initiated.The attunement can be used on anyone; it is not a ritual or allied to any religious philosophy. It is a short process and is carried out with the student fully clothed, they are however required to remove all jewelry and anything metallic they may be wearing. The student can sit or stand but their feet must be touching the ground and their shoes removed.What the student feels during the attunement will vary greatly, some acknowledge feeling sensations of heat, coolness or tingling, some have a feeling of total peace and wonder and many experience the healing energy running through them for the first time.After receiving all stages of attunement (ending at the third stage of Reiki healing) the students are now deemed Reiki masters and become capable of carrying out attunements themselves.

About the Author

David Bates is a complementary therapy specialist from the UK; he has an interest in several natural therapy sites including:

Before the World Wakes: Morning Meditation

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

In the first moments of day before our mind is fully awake can be a wonderful time for meditation.

Just before the coming of the pale rays of dawn, Mother Nature exists in a state of flux. Earth's energy is stable, free of the disordered vibrations that are a by-product of humanity's comings and goings. In these first moments of day, when the sun's golden light is only just peeking over the horizon, our animal mind remains in the land of slumber though we ourselves are awake. Deep sleep has washed away the impurities of existence that accumulated within us, so our mental, physical, and emotional potential is heightened. To meditate in this peaceful yet energetically charged in-between time is to connect with the divine in an extremely intimate fashion. We discover a new kinship with the universal life force during morning meditations because our awareness becomes a mirror for earthly consciousness—we wake as the world wakes, quietly embracing the joy of being and setting the tone for a serene, fulfilling day.

In the first glorious glow of morning, the light, air, and energy flowing around us speak in hushed tones of the activity to come. While we recognize that another day of being means becoming once again immersed in the challenges of action and reaction, we also understand that we can draw upon the unique energetic qualities of daybreak for comfort, creativity, and vigor. There is bliss in the simple knowledge that we have been given the gift of another day of existence. We are inspired by sights and sounds of the sun's gentle ascension. Birds serenade the luminosity, which grows richer by the minute. And though we may feel a residual lethargy, our vitality returns as our meditation helps us to become one with the stirring of other beings rubbing the sleep from their eyes. At the start of each day, our destiny has not yet been written, and so there is nothing we cannot do.

How we choose to meditate is less important than our choice to attune ourselves to the spirit of wakefulness that travels round the world each and every day. Even the briefest moment of quiet contemplation in the muted light of the sun can put all that is yet to come into perspective. As a consequence of our daybreak reflections, our lives are imbued with the same stability, tranquility, and increased awareness that humanity has long associated with the stillness of early morning.

~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM


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New Age

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Rachel Ann

Wherever you go today, there will be some sign of New Age. From books and magazines to music, whole shops dedicated to various paraphernalia and seminars or conventions; every town, every city and a huge part of the internet will have something involving the New Age Movement. But what is it all about?

It is not, as some may believe, a religion in itself. There is no common holy scripture, central organisation or membership, in fact followers are encouraged to choose the belief system (some of which will follow in a moment) they are most comfortable with. Many individuals simply take a part of the various beliefs and practices and incorporate them into their lives alongside their existing religious affiliation.

So what are the various fundamental beliefs within this New Age Movement? Some believe that everything in existance stems from one divine source of energy, this is referred to as Monism. In Pantheism, followed by others, the belief is that everything existing is God, and God is everything existing, resulting in the concept of individual divinity - each and every individual is God. Here God is not seen as existing in some heavenly place, or being revealed in sacred scriptures, but he is being sought within the inner self and throughout all of the universe. Another group follows the belief that God is the entire universe while trascending the universe at the same time, a belief system known as Panentheism. Reincarnation (a repeating cycle of birth, death, rebirth) and Karma (the belief that all deeds within one life will be either rewarded or punished in the next) are linked and both originate from Hinduism. Most believe in auras and the ability of some individuals to detect and interpret them, thus being able to diagnose the physical, mental and spiritual health of an individual. Many believe that an intense mystical experience, often brought about by hypnosis, guided imagery or meditation, as well as - occasionally - the use of drugs, will result in and enhance a personal transf! ormation leading to the development of psychic powers, the ability to heal and a greater understanding of the universe as a whole. Ecological responsibility is a widespread belief that it is of paramount importance to unite in oder to protect the earth - a living entity, known as Mother Earth, or Gaia.

Practices within New Age are varied and many of them are also practised - or to be precise have been practised long before it's emergence - by many who do not consider themselves to be part of it. These practices include channelling, crystal healing (many believe crystals contain healing energies), meditation, divination (techniques include the use of runes, tarot cards, pendulums and the I ching), astrology, holistic health - for instance homeopathy, reflexology, iridology, aromatherapy, etc - and the human potential movement, a collection of therapies involving individuals or groups using mental or physical methods to help individuals achieve advanced spirituality (methods include meditation, primal scream therapy and yoga, among others).

About the Author

Rachel Ann writes for the metaphysical industry and is a reiki master, and spiritualist, all articles are unbiased and fact based. Recommended websites are:Psychic readingPsychic readingPsychic Reading

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What is the significance of crystals? A guest brings Jess a crystal that was charged by the crystal skulls. Jess shares her take on crystals.

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Holistic Healthcare and the Advantages of Treating Pets Naturally

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Jeff Grill

Most pet owners think of natural care for pets only when they are not able to treat certain health problems with conventional medications. It really need not be that way. Holistic treatment can be extremely good for your pet and can give excellent results in the long term. The question I want to ask you is simple - why do you always look to treat a problem if you can prevent it in the first place?

Holistic remedies are not just good at treating health problems in pets, but can be equally good at preventing them as well. So, if you give your pet a regular dose of high quality herbal remedies, it will certainly keep it healthy, young, and active for a long time. Let me tell you why you should consider treating pets naturally as opposed to treating them with conventional medications.

1. Holistic remedies can be effective in those pets that respond. This is similar to the ability of Cranberry Juice in humans (and pets too!) to help prevent urinary tract infections. Before being domesticated, pets in the wild sought out herbs to help the body protect itself from disease.

2. They are very safe. Since they are completely natural, there are no risks of side effects at all. This is easily the biggest advantage of treating pets naturally.

3. They can support the immune system of your pet when given regularly. They can also strengthen the vital organs and improve their functioning. They can keep blood sugar and blood pressure levels under control. They can fight the free radicals that damage your pet's body and prevent cell damage in the long term. While more research is needed on these effects, the body of supportive evidence is growing.

Natural care for pets, as you can see, can be both effective and safe. The important thing, however, is that you should choose the right kind of remedies to get the results you want. If you choose substandard products, they might be harmful to your pet's health.

How do you find out if an herbal product is good enough or not? Let me tell ! you.

The quality of herbal remedies is only as good as the quality of their ingredients. So, you should go for products which contain highly potent herbs which can improve your pet's health and vitality. Some of the names that come to my mind immediately include Astragalus membranaceous (Huang Qi), Viscum album (Mistletoe), Sylibum marianus (Milk Thistle), Withania somnifera (Indian ginseng), Uncaria tormentosa (Cat's Claw), and Echinacea purpurea. A number of clinical studies have been done on these herbs and their medicinal properties have been proven beyond doubt.

A high quality holistic supplement which contains the herbs mentioned above is your best choice when it comes to treating pets naturally. Such a natural supplement can increase your pet's disease resistance capacity and improve its health and vitality to a great extent.

About the Author

The author of this article, Jeff Grill, is an editor of the leading online resource for pet care information, Dog Health Guide as well as the Cat Health Guide.

If You Want To Learn About Aromatherapy Listed Below Are The Basics

Posted: 25 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by Etoile Sankt

In relation to aromatherapy you should already recognize what this is just by checking out the name. This is just yet another type of therapy but rather than seeing a therapist you make use of the fragrances from various plants. To simplify this even more if you look at the first part of the word aroma, this means fragrance or smell, and I know you already know what therapy means.

By using these different aromas you will see that it is going to help you sooth your body and mind by making use of your senses. What you see, touch as well as feel affects you in your life either in a positive or even a negative way. You are also going to discover that aromatherapy is something which folks normally use when they're anxious or stressed out as it can help them calm your body and mind. Your sense of feeling is the other part of the senses affected by aromatherapy as essential oils can also be absorbed through your skin during massage or while bathing in water that contains essential oils.

Therefore, for instance, if you feel stressed, plants like lavender will help you to relax. You're going to discover whether you bathe in lavender oil, get a massage with lavender oil or simply inhale the fragrance, it is going to help you relax. Yet another great aromatherapy product is mint, as this will assist you to feel revitalized and provide you with a boost of energy. Much like lavender this oil can be useful when receiving a massage, breathing in the fragrance or perhaps you can simply add these oils to your bath. You are going to realize that these oils actually stimulate your brain any time absorbed through your skin or breathed in.

Something which may surprise you is that aromatherapy becoming more and more popular every single day. It is beneficial mainly because the oils and scents are pure and natural and it's an alternative which has been around too long for it to have any sort of side effect which the general public would find harmful. You must understand that if you have allergies to c! ertain o ils or fragrances, these are definitely not items you should use in your aromatherapy sessions.

There's a lot of men and women these days who will actually use aromatherapy products rather than various cosmetics and also perfumes, mainly because it's an all natural alternative. One thing I would like to mention about aromatherapy is that it is not solely designed just for humans, as you will recognize that many individuals also use these techniques on their pets. Essential oils for instance niaouli, eucalyptus and tea tree are being credited by dog owners as being good at fighting the common colds of our best friend.

In conclusion aromatherapy has been shown to be an incredibly effective treatment for both the body and the mind alike. Because aromatherapy has been used for many a huge number of years to help cure people of certain ailments, and it's a thing that is still used today, you need to have complete faith in trying it yourself. And if you are a woman you may possibly want to use a few of these oils as a perfume instead of using store purchased products.

About the Author

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Part 1 Blooming Under Stress The Story of Dr. Judy Griffin

Part 1 of the Story of Judy Griffin. Ph.D. is an internationally renowned aroma therapist, author, lecturer and herbalist. Challenged with Crohn's Disease and unable to be cured with Western medicine, she turned to nature for healing.

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