Meditation Guided Mantras

Meditation Guided Mantras

Meditation Guided Mantras

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Irwin Myers

Meditation guided mantras are a great way to work on your meditation sessions. When you decide to practice mantra meditation, the first key to success obviously lies within the mantra you select. When deciding on a mantra, you should do more than just read it from a piece of paper or your computer screen. Say it out loud. If it is the right mantra, it should resonate with you. Also choose a mantra you intend to stick to, as choosing a different mantra can reset your meditative progress. If you need help in identifying a good mantra for yourself, Google 'mantras' and you'll find a host of ideas.

If you are already a meditation practitioner, you will likely have completed this task already. For instance, a famous Japanese mantra is "Nam, Meohho Renge Kio." Before you begin your meditation practice, you should define an area in your home for meditating. This space should be somewhat private to prevent disturbances, and it should also be easily accessible to you. Once you have chosen your meditation space, you can decide what position to meditate from. You may need to try a few different positions to find out which will work best for you, just as you did when selecting your mantra.

You may want to select a symbolic meditation guide. This can be something arbitrary that you visualize while meditating, or it can be a symbol of your mantra. Like your mantra, this symbol should remain the same throughout your meditation practice. As you prepare to begin your meditation schedule, you will want to work on breathing exercises geared specifically toward your goals. For mantra meditation, it is oftentimes helpful to learn to breathe primarily through your left nostril.

As your mantra meditation grows stronger and stronger, you may need a material object to link you back to the physical world. A set of Mala beads can make the perfect tool for such a purpose. The weight of the beads in your hand will keep a small portion of your mind attached to the physical world, allowing for an easier tra! nsition back after you finish your meditation routine. A string of beads can also provide an excellent guide through a series of repeated mantras. You could recite the mantra once for each bead, looping all the way around at least once per meditation session. If beads do not feel like the best tool for you to use, you can also rely on a guided meditation CD or DVD to walk you through a healthy, fulfilling and satisfying cycle through your practice of meditation guided.

About the Author

Irwin Myers is the president of Wellness Engine, a company that is dedicated to teaching wellness through multimedia. Our first production is Psychic Smarts. Visit us at our website at Visit our website at Psychic Smarts and our blog at Psychic Smarts BlogDistributed by

Important Yoga Tips for Kids

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Karan Khalsa

Yoga refers to the traditional way of maintaining physical and mental disciplines through meditative practices. Yoga helps to get physical and mental fitness and create a balance between mind, body and soul. In the current scenario, yoga is very much useful for everybody, be it an adult or a child to fight away stresses. Nowadays children are under immense pressure of homework, extra-curricular activities, competition with others and performance anxiety. Yoga for kids delivers many a benefits to children for relaxing and making themselves able to cope with this increasing pressure of modern lifestyle. A distinct form of yoga, Kundalini yoga, plays an important role in children's yoga practicing. Children can practice yoga taking help from various Yoga DVDs offered by Spirit Voyage.

A growing number of kids are turning to Yoga as it helps them to enhance self-consciousness, build self-control, generate better body awareness and flexibility over everything. By practicing Yoga, children can easily coordinate with the happenings around them. It will be more useful if they carry these skills in their daily chores. Yoga has the power to treat different illness even the severe ones. By practicing yoga kids can learn how to tune their own bodies and gaining control over both body and mind. Childhood is the first step of building a balanced future. So by bolstering self-esteem a balanced future can be achieved. Practicing yoga helps kids to attain this self-esteem paired with healthy body and mind. Yoga music can be a good help for getting the right mood while doing the asanas. A perfect yoga session ends with meditation. Meditation music enhances the atmosphere with its calm and soothing tunes.

Some rules should be followed by everyone while doing Yogasadhana or practicing yoga. Like kids should not have heavy meal right before starting the yoga session. Yogasadhana in full stomach should be avoided. It is better to do yoga in quiet place as it helps to concentrate. Here yoga mat is very much! useful and effective. Beginners can start with some easy poses and then go for the tough ones according to their own capability. Each yoga session should be completed with 'Do Nothing Pose' or 'Savasana'. Lying on the back with the arms resting alongside the body and the palms facing the ceiling while breathing very slowly is the original pose of Savasana. This pose helps to relax and rejuvenate one's mind and body.

Yoga for kids also enhances the power of imagination and self-expression as it makes the mind clear from all unnecessary thoughts. Yoga controls and directs mind to a more focussed way. It teaches kids to be less dependent on others and more self-disciplined. Children get the confidence to work together and help each other to reach their respective goals. Yoga also helps to strengthen the family ties as different generations take part in Yoga session together. It makes the little ones feel closer to their families and loved ones. Children often experience tension and worries before tests or exams which can be healed by breathing techniques and meditation. Different types of Yoga is useful for kids like Hatha yoga and Kundalini yoga. The prime philosophy of Kundalini yoga i.e. identifying, exploring and exercising buried energy makes it an ideal choice for children of all ages. And when this yoga is practiced with meditation music, it becomes more powerful and effective as music generates more concentration.

Music makes kids more interested in practicing yoga regularly. Spirit Voyage is an online company offering a vast collection of Yoga DVDs for kids. These CDs and DVDs for kids contain devotional chantings and divine musics where legends like Snatam Kaur, Shakta Kaur Khalsa, Deva Singh Khalsa and Wah! have lent their ethereal voices. This collection of Yoga music helps kids to attend yoga session regularly and keep all tensions and anxieties away from their daily life.

About the Author

The author writes of Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

Music That You Can Listen To While Meditating

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

Article by Willie Greg

For people who are into meditation, one of the most crucial factors for them to do the practice properly is to hear some meditation music. Depending on the form of meditation you are practicing, meditation music plays a very big role in achieving the success in any meditation session.

What is meditation music should be

People who have been practicing meditation for so long would definitely agree that the hardest thing to fight off during meditation is chatters or babblers. This is because this tiny sound can penetrate the mind and distract it from whatever it has been doing.

To be able to avoid the distraction brought by this simple sound, they have found a way to fight it off using meditation music. Of all the many kinds of music out there, people-specially those who are just beginning are having a hard time choosing which one would suit the practice.

Here are some guidelines in choosing the meditation music for you:

1. Make sure that it doesn't have lyrics. In choosing meditation music, it is always best to choose music that has no lyrics because it can only distract your concentration. If you find plain rhythm boring, try to play something that has lyrics that your don't understand so you don't have to think what the song is saying. Aside from distracting your thoughts through the words you understand, music with lyrics will also encourage you to sing along which will totally shatter your concentration.

2. Relaxing music with soft rhythm is always advisable. For starters, this type of music will do you good because it will help you clear your mind and focus on something. But, if you are already in a higher level of meditation, you can choose music that have faster rhythm and beats or anything that your truly enjoy because this can no longer distract you.

3. Try to experiment. Although soft and relaxing music is always advisable, try to play other types of music. Who knows? You might find better concentration of you play something that you truly e! njoy.

4. Simple and soothing music is sure to focus your attention. If you don't have the luxury of time to experiment on types of music to be played during meditation, then try surefire hits, which are simple and soothing music. Some of these may include classical sounds, sounds from the nature such as clapping of thunder, sounds of big waves, sounds of insects, and the wind. Other alternative options may also include simple instruments including tibetan singing bowl, flute, sitar, and tamboura which are known to have meditative inducing qualities.

When choosing meditation music, it is very important to keep in mind that the type you should play must induce you to deep concentration and not into deep sleep. If you are the type who practices mediation in just one place, then it is best if you play the same meditation music all over again. But if you are the type who changes places, then it is best to bring along several types of medication music to help you adjust to the place.

You can download the meditation music that you like from various meditation sites in the Internet and burn in a CD. But if you burn have a portable MP3 player, it is best to upload the music there so you can listen to it anytime you want to practice meditation.

About the Author

Willie Greg is an expert in Internet marketing. He writes articles about internet business and other related topics.For the listing of corporate events visits corporate events and trade shows calendar.

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