All You Need to Know About Meditation and Relaxation

All You Need to Know About Meditation and Relaxation

All You Need to Know About Meditation and Relaxation

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by linxiaoxi

Meditation is defined as a state where the body and the mind are extremely focused all the while staying relaxed. People, who practice meditation define the technique as an art to increase focus, awareness, and concentration, they also profess that meditation provides a much more positive outlook to life.chi hair straighteners

The technique of meditation is generally associated with spiritual disciplines like, monks and mystics. For anyone to try mediation you do not have to become a monk or a mystic who practice and enjoy its benefits. There is no requirement for a special place our special room to practice it; it can just be done in your own bedroom or even the living room!

Among the many different approaches to meditation, all approaches follow some common fundamental principles. The most important aspect of these principles is the fact that one needs to remove all the obstructive, negative as well as wandering thoughts and even fantasies to calm the mind to a deep sense of focus. This clears and focuses the mind away from oil distractions and allows you to achieve a higher sense of activity.

The removal of negative thoughts and distractions that pollute the mind is like cleansing the mind of distractions, allowing you to focus on the task ahead with more meaningful and deeper thoughts. Some practitioners of the method often resort to shutting out all sensory input to detach them from the material world. They deprive themselves from all visual, auditory as well as touch senses. This allows them to focus on a more profound and deep thought which their ultimate goal is.

The practice may seem quite absurd but can work wonders for the perfect mediation session. After this self-inflicted sensory deprivation practitioners claim that they are more aware of their surroundings than ever before. For people looking to learn mediation from the television it is highly ill-advised as often the positions on the television are not targeted to a physically able or unable person. And for! newcome rs the inability to contort them into the perfect position can be a little discouraging and can also make them lose interest in meditation.

The best position for any newcomer is the very comfortable sitting position where you are actually sitting them comfortably cross-legged on the floor or on a mat. In order to meditate properly one does not need a particular position but rather the control of mind. Anyone can meditate by sitting, lying down or even walking it is a state of mind that actually matters not the physical occurrence. Any relaxing position can be used to meditate as long as you are not hindered in any way, for example, tight clothing is a straight no-no as they can choke you up and give you a sense of feeling tense.chi straighteners

The external environment for meditation can also play a huge factor words achieving your target. The best environment for meditation is usually a calm and peaceful place without too many distractions, for example your bedroom can be your best place for meditation.

Silence is the best and most preferred way for relaxing and meditating. Any area which is quiet, isolated or even shut off from any auditory disturbances is considered the best place for meditation. For all those TV-based practitioners out there, seeing the monks meditate while humming a mantra or a short creed can also make them interested in getting their own version of the Creed. These are usually a simple sound which holds a mystic value for the monks; it is usually very spiritually invigorating and uplifting. The most common of these creeds is the OM sound, which is derived from Hindu spirituality.

In all fairness meditation is a very low-risk technique to calm the mind as well as the body of the practitioner. It has several benefits to boast off and is well worth the effort or lack there off as we are all relaxing. Studies on the world have shown that meditation techniques are especially useful for athletes and other people in very stressful daily jobs. The effects of the d! aily str ess can cause several physiological disorders and diseases like heart disease, nervous breakdowns and even diabetes.

Practicing such techniques does not take up a lot of time and is usually not bound by any time frame and hence, for any person living in the most stressful work situation can also manage to relax for even two minutes a day. Research has shown that meditating daily for a few minutes at most can really do wonders for your blood pressure and even blood sugar levels. Such techniques are well known in reducing digestive stress and even mental stress, the few relaxing moments that you can catch in a day or not actually add up if you cannot focus and relax properly without any hindrance or disturbances.

Whether meditation as any mystical powers in a matter of debate, but arguably it is the best technique available for relaxation.chi hair tools

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Om Namah Shivaya (Peaceful)

Dedicated to Lord Shiva, our Merciful Lord. Very peaceful song....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~SUBSCRIBE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More labels: 1Aashutosh One who fulfills wishes instantly 2 Aja Unborn 3 Akshayaguna God with limitless attributes 4 Anagha Without any fault 5 Anantadrishti Of infinite vision 6 Augadh One who revels all the time 7 Avyayaprabhu Imperishable Lord 8 Bhairav Lord of terror 9 Bhalanetra One who has an eye in the forehead 10 Bholenath Kind hearted Lord 11 Bhooteshwara Lord of ghosts and evil beings 12 Bhudeva Lord of the earth 13 Bhutapala Protector of the ghosts 14 Chandrapal Master of the moon 15 Chandraprakash One who has moon as a crest 16 Dayalu Compassionate 17 Devadeva Lord of the Lords 18 Dhanadeepa Lord of Wealth 19 Dhyanadeep Icon of meditation and concentration 20 Dhyutidhara Lord of Brilliance 21 Digambara One who has the skies as his clothes 22 Durjaneeya Difficult to be known 23 Durjaya Unvanquished 24 Gangadhara Lord of River Ganga 25 Girijapati Consort of Girija 26 Gunagrahin Acceptor of Gunas 27 Gurudeva Master of All 28 Hara Remover of Sins 29 Jagadisha Master of the Universe 30 Jaradhishamana Redeemer from Afflictions 31 Jatin One who has matted hair 32 Kailas One Who Bestows Peace 33 Kailashadhipati Lord of Mount Kailash 34 Kailashnath Master of Mount Kailash 35 Kamalakshana Lotus-eyed Lord 36 Kantha Ever-Radiant 37 Kapalin One who wears a necklace of skulls 38 Khatvangin One who has the missile khatvangin in his hand 39 Kundalin One who wears ...

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Experience a divine presence practicing Kundalini Yoga

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 06:07 AM PST

Article by Ishika Gill

Since the past 5,000 years, Yoga has been phenomenal in reviving the lives of the people who have always wanted to emancipate themselves. Yoga helps us to discover ourselves and it helps to nurture our positive aspects. Yoga helps us to emerge as better human-beings and arms us to deal with the challenges of day-to-day life. Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word "Yuj" meaning "union". It enables a person to take control over his/her mind, body and soul. Yoga teaches us to be better human-beings who would contribute to the society. Tremendous physical benefits are the immediate by-products of Yoga. But the long-term benefits are even better. A person becomes mindful and aware of his surroundings and thus can lead a better life.An important part of Yoga is meditation. Yoga deals with the physiological aspects and the psychological aspects, and leads a practitioner to a higher level of consciousness. Meditation makes one calm and composed. In today's world, we are increasingly becoming entangled in the troubles of day-to-day life. There is too much mind chatter that has engulfed every individual. In such situations, meditation provides an easy escape route to help find one's self and achieve a state of consciousness. Meditation when practiced with meditation music helps him connect with the inner self. A person suddenly finds a better way to deal with problems and miseries. Meditation music CDs offered by Spirit Voyage are guaranteed to help an individual find that elusive peace. Illumination by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa is a meditation music that can be easily sung along and listened to. Then, there is Kundalini Meditation by Harijiwan Khalsa and the Deva Premal complete music collection, featuring the soulful voice of Deva Premal that will surely make the listener feel joyful. Meditation for Transformation can also help an individual discover himself. This CD contains two 31-minute versions of this special meditation. Within the packaging is a detailed description of the mudra to use in practicing! the med itation accompanied by details of the benefits of doing the meditations.Kundalini Yoga has gained a huge popularity amongst the people worldwide. For thousands of years, the yogic technology of kundalini was veiled in secrecy and passed only from master to chosen disciple. Today, the sacred practice of Kundalini yoga, known for its ability to promote health, creativity, and spiritual awareness, is alive and flourishing in yoga studios nationwide. Kundalini Yoga is not just a simple set of exercises. It is a dynamic and powerful way to increase one's awareness. It is not only beneficial to one's glandular system, but also gives an immense boost to the nervous system, thereby increasing the coordination between the brain and the rest of the body. Meditation consists of an important aspect of Kundalini Yoga. After the Kriyas or the actions, a person is required to meditate to calm his/her body and mind. Yoga is a fun filled and joyous experience when it done under proper guidance and under proper wear. Choosing right kind of Yoga clothes are immensely important for practicing yoga. The Yoga clothes from Spirit Voyage are all stitched in natural and moisture control fabrics. The stylish cuts and full elasticity of these yoga wears shall help a practitioner to move his/her body parts freely, while performing different asanas.We, at Spirit Voyage have a host of Yoga music CDs and DVDs which can assist a person in experiencing divinity through Kundalini Yoga. There is Kundalini Yoga to Detox by Maya Fiennes, Kundalini Yoga: a complete course for beginners compiled by Nirvair Singh Khalsa and finally An introduction to Kundalini Yoga and Chanting by Mantra Girl. Kundalni Yoga for balanced chakras by GuruTej Kaur lets one take good control of the energy circles throughout the body. The practices will intiate powerful Kundalini energy flow from the base of the spine, through the energy circles(chakras), to the entire bio-magnetic field. Kundalini Yoga for Relaxation composed by Nirvair Singh Khalsa is a beautiful ! Yoga DVD that provides deep insights and fun-filled exercises which can put the person into a perfect physical and mental condition. Select a Kundalini Yoga DVD to transform your innerself and experience an eternal bliss. With Spirit Voyage Yoga Music collection, delve deep into the world of serenity and tranquility. You can also browse through the different accessories that Spirit Voyage offers. There are yoga and meditation cushions, yoga rugs and yoga mats on offer. These Yoga Mats shall offer proper cushioning against the hard wood floors, hence allowing the practitioner to practice the asanas, all the more perfectly.

Relax your mind and create a transcending experience as you listen to the yoga and meditation music from Spirit Voyage. Let the serene Kundalini Sadhana Music and the Sanskrit Mantras, the Healing and Massage Therapy Music or the Downtempo and Chill Music lead your senses to a mystic high and evoke a spiritual mood within.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage, an online music store that offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. It also offers Yoga Mats and Yoga Clothes.

Yoga for Your Cycle

Join Neesha for a routine designed to help you on your cycle.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Learn Kundalini Yoga with Kundalini Yoga DVD collection from Spirit Voyage

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 05:09 AM PST

by chexed

Article by Ayaz Khan

Kundalini Yoga is the ancient art and science of expanding and altering the human consciousness. It is the process of awakening the coiled Kundalini energy lying at the base of human spine and raising it up through various chakras. From Muladhara chakra it is raised up to the Crown chakra or Sahasrara Chakra by uniting the cosmic energy or Prana with the eliminating energy or Apana. This higher state of self-consciousness can be achieved through breathing exercises (pranayama), physical poses or postures (asanas), chanting sacred words (mantras), gestures (mudras) and body locks (bhandas). These physical and intellectual practices are the prime components of this Yoga form which generate a pressure which force the untapped power of Kundalini to rise by activating the chakras.

Kundalini yoga is the way of uniting the human consciousness with the divine consciousness or 'Atma' with the 'Paramatma'. By practicing certain exercises and meditation, one can attain this state. Regular practicing of this particular yoga form ensures a better understanding of one's own body and mind where one can feel the movement of the coiled energy inside and outside of the body. Gradually, the individual attains the power of directing Kundalini flow to arouse and awaken the seven chakras and heal himself as well as the surrounding. It expands the human consciousness as well as induces the concentration level. It helps the mind to think of several subjects at a time with complete ease.

Empower your senses by practicing this particular yoga form regularly and in a proper way. To make your yoga practicing more effective and help you to achieve the goal, Spirit Voyage comes up with its vast collection of Kundalini Yoga DVD, ideal for all the Kundalini yoga practitioners worldwide. The Kundalini yoga DVDs available at this online music company, Spirit Voyage, represent the style of Yogi Bhajan. Yogi Bhajan's style of practicing Kundalini yoga incorporates asana, mantra, chakra energy work and mudras, to awaken ! and rais e the kundalini shakti. These yoga DVDs combine kriya with mantra and music along with various kundalini meditative practices.

1000 Years and Beyond by Yogi Bhajan, Healthy Sexy Beautiful Kundalini Yoga DVD by Dr. Gabrielle Pelicci, Kundalini Yoga DVD by Gurmukh, The Awakening by Donna Amrita Davidge, Kundalini Yoga for Relaxation - DVD by Nirvair Singh Khalsa, Early Morning Sadhana - DVD by Nirvair Singh Khalsa, Mantras in Motion by Gurudass Kaur are few from the extensive collection encompassing all spheres of life. Some of the DVDs are ideal for the beginners, whereas some are just perfect for the practitioners.

You can also find children's Kundalini Yoga and even women's Kundalini yoga DVD guide in this awsome collection. Pick a good yoga DVD from the kids collection including Shanti the Yogi - Mountain Adventure DVD by Snatam Kaur, Yoga In Motion - DVD by Shakta Kaur Khalsa, Videos for Kids: Sikhnet Inspiration DVD Vol 5 by Sikhnet etc. and help your kids to understand how to awaken this coiled energy. Awakening Intuition for Women DVD by GuruTej Kaur, Postnatal Kundalini Yoga for New Mothers DVD by Gurmukh, A Woman's Kundalini Yoga Starter Gift Pack will surely enhance a woman's life with their helpful guidance.

One can desire the best result from a yoga session if he/she wears proper yoga clothes and use right kind of yoga accessories like yoga mats, rugs, malas and jewelleries. To help you find the best yoga clothes, yoga mats or other necessary yoga equipments, Spirit Voyage has come up with its varied collection yoga accessories and yoga wear.Step into the divine will with Spirit Voyage yoga and meditation music. The soothing tunes and melodies will connect you to higher spheres. Lead yourself to a spiritual odyssey with yoga and meditation music from Spirit Voyage.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage, an online music store that offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. It also offers Yoga Mats and Yoga Clothes.

Yoga Basics to Improve Alignment

The Anusara method of yoga teaches the "Universal Principles of Alignment" to infuse meaningful intention and balanced action to each asana or pose. Join Neesha as she explains how to apply these principles in order to bring refinement and precision to your yoga practice.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Discover The Best Yoga Mat Bag

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Rene Knapp

<h1> Yoga Mat Bags for You </h1> Having your own equipment is essential for each yoga lover. Probably the most crucial of these pieces of equipment is the yoga exercise pad. There isn't any much better way to carry and keep this mat but to get a dedicated bag for it. Amazed? Well, there's really a thing known as the <u>yoga mat bag</u>. These <u>yoga mat bags</u> are a great way to make certain that your own important yoga exercise mats will be stored protected all the time. Whether you are traveling to your yoga class or perhaps as a house for your yoga mat, these<u>yoga mat bags</u> are certain to maintain your pads thoroughly clean, safe, as well as sparkling! The yoga mat bags work most effectively, simplest, and easy items to keep your yoga pads clean, protected, and secured. The cost of these <u>yoga mat bags</u> vary, generally as a result of it's wide range. The price will start from to as costly as or . What's the main difference? 3 main things make the price differ - the design or style, fabric, and also the vendor. It is in some manner like your own regular bags in ways, but it's special. Each one of these yoga mat bags are made from materials that will ensure that your yoga pads are not scratched or ruined. Most often materials utilized in yoga mat bags are cotton, satin, nylon, and linen. { Satin is one of the preferred materials in making yoga mat bags, for satin makes it much simpler for you to slide in and slide out your mats. | Amongst these four, a lot of people's favorite is satin. It's got somehow a slick feel, which will allow it to be simple for the mat to get slided in and out. Sadly, there are times that these <u>yoga mat bags</u> are pushed aside. You can find people who believes it is fine for them to carry their yoga pads along with their some other yoga gear. It shouldn't be. This is exactly why the <u>yoga mat bags</u> have got storage c! ompartme nts to fit the rest of the items you will need in a yoga exercise practice. <u>Yoga mat bags</u> doesn't simply keep the pads safe, it also enables you to stay organized with all your other things. Incredible right? In deciding on which <u>yoga mat bags</u> to buy, it's also vital that you take into account the size. Think about which items you typically take when attending a yoga exercise session. Also think of the spot where you put your yoga exercise mats and bags in your own home. You'd wish <u>yoga mat bags</u> that fits precisely your pad along with other necessities. You do not have to worry, as it is not difficult to locate a yoga bag that can fit all your things. Everywhere you go, you'll find sporting goods merchants which offer these yoga bags. Just never overlook the two key elements to consider - the items you take as well as the place where you will keep it. These yoga mat bags are important to yoga enthusiasts and practitioners alike. You won't need to be an coach to have a yoga exercise mat right? Obviously if you are doing yoga, you probably possess your own yoga mat. Anywhere you go, there's one thing you can notice about how exactly individuals protects their things. They'd like their things to be kept from dust and damage. This is the job of the <u>yoga mat bags</u>, plus they will keep on carrying this out for a long period.

About the Author

The author is a professional when it comes to Portland plumbing. He has run a plumbing company for ten years.

Yoga Teacher Training Courses in Kathmandu Rather than India

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 03:10 AM PST

Article by Mark Alexander

Yoga Teacher Training Courses India

For years thousands of yoga practitioners have travelled to South Asia to practice in Ashrams, develop their yoga at intensive workshops or ultimately become qualified yoga teachers on one of the many Yoga Alliance certified yoga teacher training courses India has to offer. More and more companies are launching YA certified yoga courses in Varanasi and other spiritual surroundings around India.

Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher Training

Becoming a Yoga Alliance certified teacher has its benefits. Other than the great enjoyment and spiritual satisfaction that teaching to others gives you, the other benefit that cannot be ignored is that YA Certification is a recognized qualification that puts you on the right road to finding work as a qualified yoga teacher enabling you to make a living doing the thing that you love most in this world.

Why Teacher Training Courses India?

The traditional practice of mental and physical health which we have come to know as yoga originated from the North of India and what is now known as Nepal. Even though in recent times it has become more and more popular worldwide and is now taught all over the globe it is likely that the majority of all yoga teachers at one time or another traveled to India to practice yoga or get certified as a teacher; and what better place to bring you closer to yoga and some of the best yoga teachers in the world than the land of its origins, but why not Nepal?

Yoga in Nepal

Anyone who has visited a Himalayan ashram or practiced at a retreat with the magnificent Mount Everest as their backdrop will tell you of an enlightening experience that is not to be forgotten. There is something really special about practicing and learning yoga on the 'Roof of the World', the Himalayas. The historical association that Nepal has with Yoga, being cut off from the hustle and bustle off modern civilization and the beautiful background that the Himalayas gives the region all adds to t! he uniqu e spiritual atmosphere of Nepal and so more and more companies have chosen to offer yoga teacher training courses in this wonderful country.

Yoga Teacher Training Courses Nepal

There are number of Yoga companies to choose from that offer yoga teacher training courses in the Kathmandu valley of Nepal but when it comes to making the choice of which company to take your teacher training course with how can you be sure that you're choosing the right one? Firstly the tell tale sign of a reputable company is whether they offer Yoga Alliance certified courses or not and if so then well, you're half way there.

Yoga Companies Kathmandu

When it comes to choosing a yoga teacher training course with a reputable yoga company in Nepal you can be reassured that you will get great value for your money. The prices for yoga training courses in Nepal vary from around 600 USD for a 4 week/200 hour course to around 900 USD for 6 week/300 hour courses.

300 Hours Yoga Courses

There are a number of Kathmandu Yoga schools run by reputable companies that offer an amazing 300 hours yoga holistic course including 200 hours of Yoga Alliance certified training, plus 5-6 weeks of complimentary holistic nutrition training. Unmatched by yoga schools in India these 300 hours yoga courses boast up to 50 hours of yoga teacher training, with a selected few also offering a Thai massage course that will get you certified in Thai massage inclusive of your YTTC price.

About the Author

This article was written and submitted by Mark Alexander Senior SEO and area manager of on behalf of a non-profit organization holding yoga teacher training courses in Kathmandu. The next yoga TTC will be held on 3rd October 2010 for more information visit

What is white tantric yoga and how it works

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 02:04 AM PST

Article by Shirin Joshi

"Meditation is an art to break the habits, to purify the mind and to take care of the daily requirements." - Yogi Bhajan

Yoga is an ancient tradition that has helped the humanity by providing key answers to the problems that have cropped time and again. This five thousand years old tradition has evolved with time and has helped many people lead their lives in a much better way. Yoga and its various forms such as Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga or Ashtanga Yoga enable a person to seek spiritual heights lead them to deeper insights.Music and the practice of yoga is intrinsically related to one another. Music, invokes has a direct influence on the body and its physiology. Thus music when incorporated in a yoga session, create a flow of melody which helps the listening mind elevate to higher realms. Spirit Voyage is an online music store that is committed to making the lives of people, better. It offers various Yoga DVDs and other meditation music CDs which creates a serene ambiance and help a person in achieving a deep meditative state.

White tantric Yoga was founded by Yogi Bhajan who wanted an individual to lead a happy life regardless of the many thoughts and emotions that occur to him/her throughout the day. Yogi Bhajan believed that an average human mind experiences zillions of thoughts, bilions of feelings, millions of emotions, thousands of desires, hundreds of fantasies, multi-realities and personalities. These unchecked thoughts are capable to eat us from within. White tantric Yoga aids a person to break through these blocks and lead a happy life. The person achieves a personal freedom and awareness and thus experiences success. Listening to meditation music CDs while practicing thsi yoga form makes the experience, much more blessed one. Some Cds such as Shakti by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa and The essential touch by James Asher shall surely guide one in the righteous path in this regard.A white tantric workshop typically consists of six to eight kriyas, each spanning 31 to 60 minutes! . Variou s asanas, hand-postures, mental focus and breathing techniques are carried out. The key to white tantra lies in the fact that meditations are done in pairs, sitting opposite a partner. Some of the meditations are done while maintaining eye-contact while some of them are done while keeping the eyes closed. Using the diagonal energy, the Mahan Tantric, Yogi Bhajan, connects his subtle body to the subtle bodies of the participants through the course facilitator. Yoga DVDs like Angular Body energy by Yogi Bhajan and Kundalini yoga : a complete course for beginners immensely help a person by totally aiding the experience.Apart from being a pioneer online music store, Spirit Voyage also offers a variety of yoga accessories such as yoga mats, yoga bags, meditation cushions, jeweleries and many more. The yoga mats help in maintaining a correct posture as well help in retaining the positive energies developed inside the body. Spirit Voyage also offers a wide range of yoga clothes. These yoga clothes are all white and off-white, stitched in natural fibers and are in line with Yogi Bhajan's teachings. It is recommended that Kundalini Yoga practitioners wear natural fibers because they are good for the psyche, for energy levels and for the nervous system.Yoga when it is practiced under proper guidance is a perfect affair. Spirit Voyage has a collection of music CDs and DVDs that shall help a yoga aspirant in many ways. These Cds and Dvds not only include devotional music but also incorporate various mantras and chants, intstrumental music, drum music and more. There are Yoga Audio Instructions Cds as well which includes spoken instruction in yoga, meditation and other health and wellness areas. Artists like Bhakti, Dya Singh and Snatam Kaur have lended their soulful voices. Expert practitioners recommend the use of proper Yoga clothes. Yoga clothes also honor the higher self which shows up after a session in Yoga. White Tantric Yoga will purify and uplift the a being. It is one of the most powerful methods for break! ing subc onscious blocks. This yoga form clears up all elements of the subconscious mind so that the actions are based on a clear mind that understands itself. Thus the results of practicing White Tantric Yoga will be true happiness.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage, an online music store that offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. It also offers Yoga Mats and Yoga Clothes.

Meditation - Having More Fun

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Steve Gillman

There are a lot very good reasons for developing a meditation practice. You are likely to be healthy both physically and mentally. You'll have less stress. You might gain some insight into the workings of your own mind. Your friends may find that you are easier to be around.

Then there are the spiritual goals. Some people use meditation as a form of prayer. For some it means learning to be in the moment, with the hope that this more natural and peaceful state of mind can be carried into everyday life and activities. Other find that meditation helps them to become more compassionate.

Whatever your reasons for meditating, it also can just be pleasurable and interesting. If you want to make it more pleasurable and more interesting, there are some things you can try. The following are just a few examples.

New Meditation Experiences

The first thing you might want to try is meditation CDs or other recordings that use brainwave entrainment technologies. These make meditating easy. Just put on your headphones and listen - that's all it takes. You will be guided into an Alpha state or deeper without any effort.

Some of these recordings are designed strictly for meditation. They are often sold as sets, with each CD or MP3 download meant to take you into a deeper state of consciousness. Others are meant to take you in and out of deeper states on a sort of brainwave roller coaster ride. These might be more useful for stimulating creative thought, or for entertainment than for meditating.

One thing about this powerful technology that makes it very interesting, is that it does the work for you. Some will claim that you lose something if you replace regular meditation practices with brainwave entrainment, and this is a possibility. On the other hand, there is no reason you can't do it both ways. The power of this technology (if you listen while laying down, you'll probably fall asleep in minutes) means you can meditate in places and circumstances that are normally ruled out.

Fo r example, you might not ordinarily think of meditating in the lunch room at your place of employment, or in a coffee shop. But with a meditation recording on an MP3 player, you can do this easily. Sit back and close your eyes and hit the play button. The others in the room will assume you are listening to music, and the recording will diminish the volume of all the distracting sounds in the room.

You can also take a walk while meditating. Just clip that MP3 player to your belt or drop it into your shirt pocket as I do, and put in the ear-buds. I like to walk the woods or along a beach while listening to a brainwave entrainment recording. You might try it on city streets as well. In fact, the small size and almost meaningless weight of MP3 players has opened up many interesting ways to practice meditation using brainwave technologies.

Copyright Steve Gillman. To learn more about Meditation, which are the best meditation recordings, and to get the free Mindpower Meditation ebook, visit:

About the Author

A look at meditation and how to have more interesting experiences while meditating.

Buddhist Meditation Books

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by Rasmus Lindgren

Meditation is a complex, integrated process that requires a great deal of advance preparation; and in learning the ideal positions and techniques that are right for you, it may be helpful to consult some top quality Buddhist meditation books.True, a book can't tell you exactly why you should meditate; the reasons that you adapt this time-honored practice should come from deep within your heart, and be related directly to your quest for personal and spiritual enlightenment.In addition, a book won't tell you just how you should meditate. The precise positions and techniques that you choose will depend on your personal comfort level; and, even more important, on just what you want to achieve as a meditator.So why, then, should you lay down your hard-earned cash on a meditation book? To put it simply, a book of this sort can be your best friend when you first start to meditate. It can tell you what to expect from the meditation experience, the history and theory of Buddhism, and the best ways to sit, think, dress, and even eat in preparation for this process.A Buddhist meditation book also can serve to psych you up for meditation, inspiring and encouraging you along your path of enlightenment. A really good book might even take the place of an instructor or group session; and, unlike a class, you can pick up and put down a meditation book anytime, in accordance with your schedule and personal needs.When choosing a Buddhist meditation book, be sure to research the author of any text that you consider. You may wish to buy a book written by a monk or a longtime instructor; or you may select a text written by a newcomer to the meditation field, in order to get a fresh perspective on the practice of meditation.Make sure also that the book is written using language and terms that you understand; for no matter how beautifully a book is composed or illustrated, its copy will be of little use to one who doesn't understand it. Of course, as time goes on and your experience grows, you may wish to advance to mor! e sophis ticated books with more difficult language.You might also choose a book that has helpful illustrations to guide your way. Sometimes a picture says a thousand words; and an in-depth illustration of meditative positions can be replicated and duplicated to suit your needs.Buddhist meditation books just may be the ultimate resource for today's meditator, whether he/she is embarking on their meditative journey or seeking to refine their skills in this area. Why wait to try an experience that just may change your life? Check out some good Buddhist meditation books today.

About the Author

Rasmus Lindgren has practiced meditation for several years. You can read more about Buddhist Meditation books on his website. He has also created a free course in Buddhist Meditation targeted at beginners.

Buddhist Meditation Center

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Rasmus Lindgren

While many people choose to practice the art of meditation in the privacy of their own homes, others elect to meditate at a public Buddhist meditation center.Of course, some may question the wisdom of this decision. They reason that meditation is a highly personal practice, and thus should be pursued at a place that is at all times quiet and familiar; something that is familiar and comfortable to the practitioner. And, as the old saying goes, there's no place like home.In actuality, though, home is not always the ultimate locale for peace and tranquility. Of course you love your family and enjoy spending time with them. Between the kids yelling, the phone ringing, the television blasting, and the dog barking, you may be itching for a temporary escape.A Buddhist meditation center can provide this escape, and in a vast variety of ways. Located at various places throughout the world, these centers share a number of common denominators that make them ideal places to research, practice and perfect the art of Buddhist meditation.Before entering a Buddhist meditation center, people often are asked to take off their shoes, turn off their cell phones, and remain quiet throughout the duration of their stay. The enforcement of these simple rules ensures a quiet, sedate atmosphere; one conducive to the success of any meditative session.And while you may not initially feel as comfortable in a meditation center as you would in your own home, many meditation centers are designed to create a warm, clean, beautiful atmosphere. You will meditate in a comfortable, professionally decorated room, one that may have soft music playing in the background. Even your homestead could not provide with the same level of pure, unadulterated escape.Some may argue, however, that meditation is a highly personal experience; one that each practitioner must do alone, at their own pace and in pursuit of their own goals. And while this may be more true for advanced practitioners, beginning meditators may need a bit of help on their pa! th to ul timate enlightenment. And as it turns out, Buddhist meditation centers are staffed with trained instructors who can educate and motivate the uncertain beginner. They are there to help you achieve your personal goals in the field of meditation; and can even help you set some new ones.All in all, Buddhist meditation centers provide a forum for meditation. You will encounter a peaceful atmosphere, learn vital facts about the practice you're studying, and have friends and instructors to consult in case you have questions or concerns.By attending a Buddhist meditation center, you will-to put it simply-be in the right place to meditate.

About the Author

Rasmus Lindgren has practiced meditation for several years. You can read more about Buddhist Meditation Center on his website. He has also created a free course in Buddhist Meditation targeted at beginners.

60mins of "Wave Sounds" "Sleep Video"

MP3 Downloads of many of my videos at Taped in Galveston Texas

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Meditation Tips and Techniques - How to Start Meditating with Ease Today

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 10:01 PM PST

by anna_t

Article by Melissa Harris

Are you keen to learn how to meditate for beginners tips and guides to help you discover the true benefits and positive aspects of meditation for yourself? Meditation can bring so many wonderful benefits to your life and if you have ever spoken to someone who meditates daily then I am sure you know only too well what it can do for you.

Meditation is not difficult, the problem is people overcomplicate the practice by thinking, yes, thinking can stop you from achieving an ultra deep meditative state. Meditation is about silencing the mind and with today's modern life it can be hard to let all those thoughts melt off you when trying to meditate but that is your mission.

In order to learn how to meditate properly you need to understand some of what you can expect and how you can combat these speed bumps without distracting yourself and failing to enter meditation. One simple technique you should try is called the focused breathing exercise which helps you bring your attention away from your thoughts and stress and allows you to quiet your mind.

Find a spot where you will not be disturbed or interrupted and then take this time as your time and your time alone. It doesn't have to be hours, even a ten to fifteen minutes is a great start. Lay or sit comfortably and closes your eyes. Listen to the sound of the air going in and out of your lungs and focus on this feeling. Chances are that you will have random thoughts pop inside your head from nowhere, if this happens simply bring your attention back to the sound of your breathing.

Repeat this process as your body begins to relax and your mind enters complete silence.

There are some great meditation techniques for beginners you can find online but if you want to easily get into deep meditation faster than normally possible you should look at downloading and getting your hands on binaural beats. Binaural beats are extremely effective and one of the most popular applications for binaural beats is you guess it, meditation.

Bina ural beats work by providing your brain with frequencies that help your mind and body relax a lot easier than trying to do it in silence. It takes no experience to get started with binaural beats and meditation, all you need to do is download the required beat and start listening with a pair of headphones or earphones.

Meditation is well worth any frustration you will probably encounter. The benefits of meditation have been known for thousands of years and now meditation is one of the most popular treatments for many mental and physical conditions such as depression, sleep improvement, improved mood and helping improve your outlook on life fast.

About the Author

Discover How to Meditate for Beginners and learn How to Meditate Properly today.

Animal Bar-Red Hot Chili Peppers (lyrics)

Lyrics: Never 21 when everyone's a sailor Coming up strong at the animal bar Ever loving mug of Mr. Norman Mailer Turn another page at the animal bar and it wont be long no it wont be long (2x) Cause it cant be long III the cry of isolation III the high of meditation III for sweet precipitation III the high of deprivation and it wont be long no it wont be long (2x) cause it cant be long Chorus: Rain on my frustration Stake my claim now break this Wash me down my station Makes more rain forsaken In between the sky and every piece of the earth Runnin through the mud i got a feeling of worth All aboard the ship cause your gonna need an ark when the wet comes down you'll be swimmin like a shark mopping up the stain and im a little older the song of rain at the animal bar and it wont be long no it wont be long (2x) cause it cant be long III the cry of isolation III the high of meditation III for sweet precipitation III the high of deprivation (chorus) Raindrops will fall from the sky stealing their shape from your eye Now we can all get some sleep the water the water the water saving us from the heat Some things will die in their place others will leave little trace fire will come find its day the water the water the water washing it all away (chorus) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I dont own all the copyrights i give all credit to Warnerbros. music company.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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National Yoga Month Makes The Joy Of Yoga Available To Everyone

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 09:07 PM PST

Article by Linda Adams

"NaYoMo" might seem like a word from another language to many people, but to yoga enthusiasts, it's music to their ears.

For the uninitiated, NaYoMo stands for National Yoga Month, a once-a-year event that celebrates all things yoga and might be the perfect opportunity for newcomers to finally venture into a yoga studio and find out what yoga is all about.

The special month includes participation from yoga practitioners and studios throughout U.S. and Canada. The month-long event features more than 2000 free classes and lectures designed to bring awareness to the mental and physical health benefits of yoga to people who, for some one reason or another, have not had the opportunity to visit a yoga studio and enjoy a lesson.

Regular and veteran yoga practitioners shouldn't feel left out, however. They will find a number of sessions and discussions that address their more advanced needs and level of expertise.

The celebration of yoga originated with Johannnes Fisslinger who founded the Yoga Health Foundation in Los Angeles. Fisslinger created National Yoga Month to inspire people to join the yoga lifestyle and discover the benefits. Fisslinger's push for National Yoga Month prompted the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to designated the occasion an official health observance in 2008.

In its first year of national observance, National Yoga Month kicked off with a 10-city "Yoga Health Festival" tour that began in Denver and included stops in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Austin, Chicago, Miami and Boston before concluding in Vancouver in October. And along the way, National Yoga Month introduced thousands to yoga philosophy, classes, music, exhibits and entertainment, as well induced a global awareness.

Since that time, National Yoga Month has evolved into a global occasion that brings together hundreds of thousands of instructors and students all over the world. Studios in many of the participating cities offer a free day or even a free week o! f yoga, a feature than has resulted in thousands of new students. Among the other National Yoga Month events planned for 2010 are:

Bhkati Fest in Joshua Tree, California, a four-day festival of lectures, workshops and music.~The four-day Bhkati Fest held in Joshua Tree, California, featuring lectures, music and workshops.}

The Global Mala Yoga For Peace Celebration, featuring sunrise salutations, free yoga workshops, lectures and music held in various cities around the world.

Free in-store yoga classes at Lucy yoga clothing stores nationwide.

Evolvefest, a four-day celebration of yoga, music and community in Vernon, New Jersey.

"Energize Tampa Bay", a daylong celebration of wellness and community featuring yoga demonstrations.

The Evanston Yoga Fest in Evanston, Illinois (just north of Chicago) featuring many of the North Shore's top yoga studios and a meditation session for peace, compassion and prosperity.

These are but a few of the many National Yoga Month events and celebrations taking place around the nation and world. Check with your local yoga studio for information on the events taking place all month long in your area. Use National Yoga Month to introduce you to the joy and benefits of yoga that can last your whole life.

About the Author

Linda Adams really loves all things that have to do with health.

One of the very best yoga blogs Linda has found is Kamloops Yoga Fitness

You can also have a look at Yoga Alignment Poses and Bedtime Postures for No More Snores

Yoga Poo: "GI Cleanse for Bowel Health" - a safe & natural solution for bowel regularity and colon health. Video by YOGABODY Naturals LLC Featuring: Lucas Rockwood Formula Featured: GI Cleanse Want to learn more?

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Yoga Targets Total Wellbeing

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 08:07 PM PST

Article by Linda Adams

You sometimes get asked about your yoga devotion and what yoga really is for. The resurgence of Yoga as a personal activity is due to its total approach to good health. However, we must always take note that the true purpose of Yoga is to put a stop to anguish in this life. Yoga is a program wherein a practitioner is free to establish an aware and deliberate method.

Yoga fills a practitioner with total control (over one's self). It's a wonderful dream to be able to put a stop to anguish and pain in the world; however, time has shown that people seem to always come up with new ways of self-abuse.

The various styles of Yoga are unique in themselves. They have one thing in common, though, the pursuit of total health. There is no such thing as the best style because all the courses of Yoga are directed to improvement of mental, spiritual, emotional and physical well-being.

Having blinders on while looking at the styles of yoga will make one feel compelled to sort, prioritize and judge each style and aspect of Yoga. Actually, this is not a rare occurrence, from an untrained mind and narrow comprehension.

With that kind of mindset, just short of ignorance, it is highly probable to fail to be aware of Yoga in its totality. It is not quite improbable that a newbie to Yoga would develop discipline unguided by a Yoga teacher.

It is highly unlikely for an untrained "monkey mind" to learn discipline without knowledge and use of Pranayama (Yoga's breathing techniques), meditation and mantra (called japa). Anyone can embark on a program of Yoga by himself or herself, but this is not a holistic style.

A beginner to Yoga will not be able to rise above the surface features of Yoga freely. To promote Yoga needs to put it on exhibit. Yet, the sight of a higher form of asana or posture just serves to scare off the public.

The Western world's image of a Yoga instructor is emaciatedly thin, young, exceedingly pliant, muscular and physically endowed. This is also the same view ! of the " ignorant" public. Even Hatha Yoga students. There are even Yoga instructors with a perspective of Yoga limited to a purely physical recreation, akin to gymnastics.

One Yoga lecturer was asked as to the most important physical style of Yoga, to which he replied with the Pranayama.He immediately added that there is a lot more to Yoga than just physical activity. Still, the ensuing long explanation on the matter seemed to fall on uncomprehending ears because another opinion was expressed, on the Headstand (Salamba sirsasana) being the most important characteristic of Yoga.

It turned out that that member of the audience hadn't ever taken any Yoga class at all, because of a fear of having to perform the headstand.

It is very important for Yoga instructors, practitioners and advocates to explain and promote the total health benefits from a consistent performance of Yoga. If not, then the "ignorant" public would just increase in number with their misguided and untrained notions of Yoga.

About the Author

Linda Adams enjoys all things health related.

One of the most excellent yoga websites Linda has found is Kamloops Yoga Fitness, which is a exceptional mix of yoga and exercise.

For more information, have a look at Yoga Benefits Kids As Well one of the finest Yoga blogs.

Slow Down and Start Living With Yoga

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 08:01 PM PST

Article by Vanessa Stoesse

In a world that continuously keeps spinning faster, where the pace of our everyday life is increasing, it can feel as if there are not enough hours in a day to accomplish tasks and that we are in a constant race to catch up with life as opposed to truly living it. People are looking for outlets to distract themselves from the daily frustrations of work, relationship troubles and financial stress. Sleep deprivation, unhealthy diet, extra pounds and mood swings are all too familiar for most. How can we get out of this uncomfort zone - how can we improve our quality of life? The secret? - Yoga! The millions of people who take up the practice of yoga everyday can see its endless benefits. To ask what the benefits of yoga are is almost comparable to ask what the benefits of water are. Like the liquid of life, yoga can be essential in improving your physical well-being and improving your quality of life.But let's get down to it - how can yoga really improve your life?The physical benefits of yoga on the body are the easiest for one to observe. Practicing yoga for a length of time will increase your strength, flexibility, and posture, giving you a more naturally balanced body that you can be comfortable with. Yoga poses called asanas, gently and safely stretch your joints and muscles, releasing any tension you might have in your body as well as giving your joints youthful fluidity.

Some styles of yoga such as Ashtanga and power yoga are more spirited than others and will be more on the physically demanding scale as opposed to the mentally demanding forms of yoga. These yoga styles are demanding exercises that keep you burning off those unwanted calories while giving you the figure you have always dreamt about. Other styles focus more on mental rather than physical strengths, but no matter which type of yoga you find best suited for you, you will sure realize that yoga is the fountain of youth everyone has been looking for.

The less obvious benefit of yoga that might not seem evident at fi! rst but that is no less essential is its ability to improve your daily quality of life. The breathing techniques it teaches allows you to improve your mental capacity to concentrate as well as helping you to reduce your stress level which is easily heightened in the daily grind. Studies have also shown that yoga can be incredibly effective in fighting heart disease. The breathing technique that is taught with yoga has the exceptional ability to reduce one's heart rate and blood pressure. This is ideal for people suffering from hypertension, heart disease, and stroke. But most of call the benefits of yoga that are invisible to the unopened third eye, are happiness, feelings of gratitude and a heightened sense of awareness.

If after reading about all these benefits you're thinking - well, if yoga is comparable to water, why couldn't I just drink a few glasses of H20 and get the same effect? The upside about yoga is that it is more portable and more sustainable than water - you can take your knowledge and practice of yoga anywhere you go, and no one can take it away from you. Throw your mat down on the desert sands in Jordan, practice pranayama on a secluded island in Thailand, or simply hold the lessons of peace in your heart and mind while meditating on a mountaintop in Peru and you will reap the benefits of a healthy and happy life.

More information about the yoga teachers and Yoga teacher training can be found to their website:

About the Author

Information about the yoga teachers and Yoga teacher training can be found to their website:

Chill Out - The Best Places for Yoga in India

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST

by wovox

Article by Jon Simpson

Yoga has been a part of India's ethos and daily practice for over 5,000 years.. As yoga's popularity rises across the world, travellers increasingly are making their way to the land of its birth. In India, yoga retreats have mushroomed across the country from top-end luxury spas to small hotels in religious centres such Thiruvananthapuram in the south. Fortunately for the purists, there are several yoga schools run by grand masters who still teach the practice in the time-tested way, steeped in ancient traditions and philosophy. For them, yoga isn't instant nirvana; it's a way of life.

Book flights to India and take some time out for your mind, body and soul and try one or all of these wonderful yoga retreats.Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute - PuneThis is a must-visit place for any serious yoga practitioner. Run by 90-year old grand master of yoga B.K.S Iyengar himself, along with his children, the Iyengar School emphasises in-depth study of postures and breathing. Situated in Lune, the institute caters to advanced students so make sure you at least know the basics before turning up with your mat. There can be a long waiting list for this one so book in advance and you will need to arrange your own accommodation. Pune has many decent hotels so it shouldn't be a problem.Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute, MysoreMysore is a city of fountains and palaces and is near Bangalore. This institute was established by Sri K Pattabhi Jois, now 93. He propagated the ashtanga vinyasa form of yoga which is more fast paced and uses routines of movement. The courses here range from one to six months and can even be taken in Sanskrit. Jois no longer teaches, lessons are taken by his daughter and grandson, but he is always on site for those who wish to consult him.Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, ChennaiAt this centre the gentle art of viniyoga is taught. The guru is T.K.V Desikachar, who learnt from his father, a practitioner of holistic yoga. The course is made up of elements encompassing breathing, med! itation, therapy and exercise and is a four week program. Courses do book up well in advance so make sure you call early!Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dhanwantari Ashram, TrivandrumJust outside Kerala's capital, this yoga centre is located in a 12 acre ashram and follows a holistic approach. It offers teachings on yoga, philosophy and devotion. The centre is run by 46 year old Italian Doctor, Sivaswaroopananda, who came to India more than a decade ago looking for a more 'meaningful' life. The school offers two week yoga vacations with dorms or tent style lodgings and a mix of yoga practices.Parmarth Niketan, RishikeshNestling in the Himalaya's on the banks of the Ganges River this institute has long catered to India travellers going to the holy city of Rishikesh which has more camps than eateries. Swami Chidanand Saraswati runs the courses in English. The ashram has 1,000 rooms on its 8 acre site; ones with view across the Ganges cost a little more! Meals are vegetarian and every March there is a yoga festival bringing together yoga, Reiki, Shinto yoga and Power yoga.For a touch more luxury...Shreyas, BangaloreRecognised as one of the finest Yoga Retreats in the world, Shreyas is dedicated to promoting the authentic spiritual traditions of yoga in an environment normally associated with a five star hotel. There is daily yoga practice, meditation, chanting and everyone helps either in the vegetable garden, teaching local village children or cooking meals. There are many therapies available from all over the world and different facets of yoga are taught. This is a very luxurious but deeply fulfilling experience.Purple Valley Yoga, GoaThis is a peaceful haven in Goa, lined with sandy beaches and the azure Arabian Sea. The centre hosts some of the world's leading yoga courses and has stunning accommodation. Ashtanga is the main yoga of choice here. The days start with a morning walk to the school, through tropical gardens, there are incredible vegetarian and organic buffets and breakfasts feasts of fruits from the region. ! There is even a laundry service and help organising trips to the surrounding areas. Yossum Retreat, Himalayas, LadakhWake up to pristine peaks of the Himalayas before going to the meditation hall for some soul soothing. There are daily Hatha Yoga, Pranayama Yoga and breathing sessions, active mediations, silent meditations, nature walks through the local area, stunning accommodation and delicious, vegetarian meals provided, made mostly form the organic vegetables that grow in the retreat garden. Whether it's serious practice or a little bit of luxury, India has it all.

About the Author

A true travel author, Jon loves nothing more than taking exciting journeys across the globe waiting for the next piece...

Group Vinyasa Flow

Morning yoga practice during yoga and ayurveda retreat to Kerala, India, 2011 with Nadya Andreeva

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Relieve Your Tension Via Binaural Meditation

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST

Article by D. Murphy

Binaural meditation is really a form of spiritual practice in which you listen to sounds--musical tones--through headphones to be able to induce a state of meditation. The practice of meditation, within the even that you're not familiar with it, is really a practice in which you attempt to reach state of mind in which you feel like you've transcended yourself. That's, you go beyond your own personal emotions or concerns of the immediate moment and "fall into a zone". Actually, numerous athletes and martial artists who obtain superior performances talk about "the Zone" that they go into mentally. This is really a kind of meditation. Fantastic artists also enter into a state of mind that's akin to deep meditation when they produce their novels, musical compositions, paintings, and so on.

Binaural meditation is induced by two extremely slightly various tones being played at the exact same time. One tone is played in one ear and also the other tone is, obviously, played within the other ear. This is why it's essential to listen to binaural beats, as they're known as, via headphones. Some individuals say that in the event you have an advanced surround-sound program you are able to sit between the speakers and obtain the desired effect, but in truth the use of headphones is the recommended way of listening.

The two slightly various tones induce the state of binaural meditation simply because the brain naturally attempts to reconcile them into a single tone. To do this the brain should mix them together in spite of the reality that physically they are two various tones. The brain's mixing activity generates specific brainwaves, and these in turn send the practitioner into a state of meditation--a mental state of timeless lucidity and extreme clarity, beyond personal emotion and personal discernment.

Binaural meditation could be utilized by anybody, and this is why it has caught fire in recent years. Usually, reaching the deeper states of meditation is feasible only following nu! merous y ears of practice and discipline. The only exception would be the fantastic artist, but how numerous individuals are fantastic artistic talents or have the drive to practice their art at an intense level almost every single day? So, in truth, even the artist and also the athlete are continuously practicing. Yet by utilizing binaural beats, the "common man" can appreciate the advantages of meditation.

The advantages of binaural meditation are numerous. They consist of tension reduction, the speeding up of physical healing, enhanced creativity, improvement of memory, as well as anti-aging energies being stimulated. These are among the leading advantages of all meditation practices, actually; so, benefiting from meditation via listening to binaural beats with out needing to be some "Zen master" is now a highly sought-after expertise and practice.

To engage in binaural meditation, you require: a sound program with headphones; a binaural beats recording; along with a quiet, comfortable place where you are able to sit or lie down in solitude for 20 to 40 minutes with out any disturbance. It's recommended by those with expertise that you simply engage in binaural meditation twice every day, preferably within the early morning and then once more within the evening or just prior to bed.

About the Author

Are you looking for a way to reduce stress and focus? Maybe it's about time you give binaural meditation a try. It's by far the fastest and easiest way to meditate!

Jupiter's 528Hz Connection (Solfeggio & binaural beats)

Jupiter's 528 Hz Connection The sound of Jupiter's Electromagnetic voices with gamalon music and pure Solfeggio tones 396Hz, 528 Hz, 639Hz, 741Hz, & 852 Hz. Background syntersizer interactions blend with the sound of Jujpiters electromagnetic particles from the solar winds. This music also contains unison therapys Alpha brainwave entrainment at a rhythm of 8Hz; at a phantom Solfeggio tone of 174Hz. To feel an extra spacey meditation effect; listen with stereo headphones. The Solfeggio frequencies; are from an ancient musical scale used in ancient music, chants and ceremonies. The Solfeggio tones were believed to enable spiritual blessings and transformation when played or sung in harmony. Regardless of ones individual beliefs, as each note has a different tuning from the conventional musical scale, these tones provide a new stimulus to the mind and physical system. Its recently accepted by scientists; that by just providing the brain with new input alone, has many benefits; in relation to brain plasticity (keeping the mind young healthy and active). As the mind becomes healthy the physical body responds and also reaps its own reward. Solfeggio Hz Meditation is a modern adaptation of the ancient the Solfeggio scale, combined with Unison Therapys Alpha Theta and Delta brainwave entrainment(binaural beats). Solfeggio Hz Meditation can be played as ambient music or with stereo headphones, making it a powerful audio healing tool for relaxation ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Can You Practice Meditation On Your Own?

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 05:00 PM PST

Article by Dr. Robert Puff

There seems to be too much mysticism in the minds of some people when they hear the word, "meditation". However, the whole concept of meditation is not confined only to the spiritual or mystical, as many people now practice meditation in order to achieve relaxation and improve their mental focus. Actually, you do not even have to belong to a certain religious sect in order to benefit from the practice of meditation. It can be used to induce a feeling of relaxation anytime and anywhere you please.

Meditation is simply a process of focusing your mind on something that can create a sense of awareness. It can simply mean listening to sounds that create images of calmness in the mind or even listening to the flow of your breathing. It is not really a technique, but a state of mind, where the mind is free from scattered thoughts.

There are several elements necessary in order to succeed in meditating. One is a quiet place, if you are just new in practicing meditation. As you get more used to meditating, you would learn to concentrate even in the midst of distractions. This means you can meditate even during very stressful situations such as a company meeting or a confrontation with a family member.

Learning how to breathe is an essential element of successful meditation. Relaxed breathing is a technique where you breathe deeply using your diaphragm muscles to fill the lungs with air. The slow, rhythmic release of air from the lungs contributes a sense of calm.

A thought, a word, or an image to focus on is also necessary to have a successful meditation experience. In order to focus your attention, you can look at or think of a specific object like a place that you associate with peace. You can also recite a mantra (a phrase or a word that is repeated several times); the act of repeating the mantra over and over forces the mind to focus on the sound.

How To Practice Meditation On Your Own

Yes, it is possible to practi! ce medit ation on your own. Choose the time and place where you will not be disturbed and follow these simple steps:

1. Practice deep breathing. Focus on how your breathing flows and try to keep a rhythmic pattern of breathing in and breathing out. Try to listen to the sounds you make while breathing.

2. Try focusing attention on different parts of your body. Be aware of the body's different sensations; if you feel there is a tense muscle anywhere focus your attention on it and imagine slowly lifting the tension away.

3. Take a relaxing walk and combine it with meditation. You can do this anywhere - at the park or inside a mall. Slow down your pace so that you can concentrate on your movements.

4. Take time to focus on gratitude. Expressing gratitude for things that give you joy - family, friends, and sometimes, objects can make you feel relaxed and calm. You can whisper a prayer of thanks for all these things; you can listen to some spiritual music or read inspiring messages.

There is no need to panic whenever your mind drifts during meditation. This is quite common even with people who have been meditating for quite a long time. When this happens, bring your attention back by focusing on an object, a thought or a sensation.

The art of meditation takes some practice before you can perfect it. Once you make it a habit to meditate regularly, you would find a more relaxed state of mind which is able to deal with daily stressful situations.

About the Author

Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D. has been studying and practicing meditation for over 30 years. He has a free weekly podcast where you can learn everything you need to know about meditation, whether you are looking to start your own personal meditation practice, have been meditating a long time, or are simply exploring the topic. To learn more, go to

Solfeggio Harmonics - Numinous Accord 963 Hz

Music By Source Vibrations Video Artist: Devorah~Rhea A Collaboration of Love and Sound Full length version of this and other Solfeggio frequencies, Meditations and Sound healing audio tracks available at: Please use stereo headphones. _()_ _()_ _()_ Music and digital art contributions by Source Vibrations, thank you Source Vibrations for healing the planet with music. _()_ _()_ _()_ http _\|/_ Numinous ~ in communion with a wholly other ~ Amen _()_ _()_ _()_With Love, Rhea and Asa All music tracks are original and the sole property of Source Vibrations. If you would like to use our audio programs for any reason, please feel free to contact us at:

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Why Hypnosis Is Better For Stress Than Meditating

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 04:00 PM PST

Article by Beatrice Boyce

Stress Is The Life Killer

Stress is the greatest problem for people in the modern world, and it's much worse than just health problems such as heart attacks that are brought on by too much stress for way too long.

Stress impacts EVERYTHING.

Stress kills our libido, our enjoyment of life; stress causes disturbed emotions of anger, rage, sadness and depression; stress makes us clumsy; stress causes us to make mistakes and worst of all, stress makes us think stupid thoughts (we become "stress stupid") and it cuts off the internal flow to our creative and innate talents and abilities.

It is clear that we ALL need to de-stress, whether we are teenagers who suffer from acne and migraines as a result of stress, men and women in "anger management", authors who suffer from writer's block, business people who burst a blood vessel, or parents at home who aren't enjoying their kids but end up screaming at them instead.

So how do we de-stress, and urgently, and FAST?

Why Stress & Meditation Are At Odds

Many hold that meditating and meditation is the answer to stress.Meditating and meditation is the act of entering into altered states of consciousness, to widen our conscious awareness and to re-connect with the superconsciousness of our energy mind (subconscious mind, subconsciousness).

This does not happen when we are stressed - a person under stress is like a TV that isn't tuning properly. Everything is disturbed, mad, doesn't fit together, there is no clarity.

Trying to meditate when you are stressed is like trying to be romantic with a pick axe embedded in your forehead - try as you might, it's not going to work very well if ever at all.

So we have the classic Catch 22 and another big stressor to add to all of that stress - a stressed person is TOLD to relax and go away and meditate, but they can't meditate because they're way too stressed!

Why Hypnosis Is The Best For Stress

Long before a person who is under a lot of stress can ev! en BEGIN to enjoy harp music to relax them even further, they need to be made to slow down into other states of being, and for that you need HELP.

"A good talking to" by a sympathetic other is the most NATURAL way of getting rid of stress invented by human kind, and it even exceeds physical touch approaches in high stress situations; it precedes them too. We "talk" a potential suicide victim DOWN from the top of a building, not massage them off; we "talk" an angry man with a gun down into lowering it, we don't pat him on the back.

That is exactly where hypnosis comes in to help with stress.

Hypnosis is DESIGNED to assist people to ENTER INTO AN ALTERED STATE of meditation - that is the first purpose of hypnosis, and its speciality.

Often people get confused by the "instructions" or the content of hypnosis - the post hypnotic suggestions for change that take all the attention, but it is the fact that hypnosis brings people into the restful meditative state where they even become RECEPTIVE to suggestions, ideas, visions and new thoughts is where the power of hypnosis to heal the mind actually lies.

From Hypnosis To Meditation - Breaking The Stress Loop

"Going into trance" is something that we learn and we are taught when a hypnotist talks to us, and talks us down from the stress of the thoughts that fly here, there and everywhere, into a relaxed state of clarity, and peace, where your body is at ease and mind healing can finally begin.


It is a learned skill that gets ever better with practice.

So my recommendation to combat stress, and to learn how to relax and EVENTUALLY to be able to meditate successfully, which then leads to being able to control one's own stress levels in the real world and to be able to relax and de-stress even in the middle of a stressful situation, is to DO HYPNOSIS - and LOTS OF IT.

Rather than to hopelessly try and "find inner peace" so necessary for mind healing without ! guidance , do hypnosis inductions. This is as easy as sitting down in a chair, putting on the headphones and letting the hypnotist do their job.

Hypnosis CDs, mp3s and tapes are readily and freely available; there are MANY free downloads and trial downloads available.

Try many, and if you find a hypnotist that YOU GET ON WITH, someone you find relaxing to listen to and who can make you feel safe, relaxed and you can feel your stress begin to drain away as they speak with you, you have struck "Anti-Stress Gold".

Now you have a tool to help you break out of the stress loop.Use this hypnotist to de-stress you regularly and as often as you possibly can.

You will find after a few repetitions that you LEARN TO LEARN TO RELAX and HOW YOU DO THAT.

Now, you are ready to start meditating on your own.

Anti-Stress Meditation In The Moment

When you are out and about in your daily environment and you notice your stress levels rising, remember your hypnotist and what they said, just for a moment. Find out if you can feel your stress beginning to flow away. Even if your stress abates just a little bit, you can know that you are now on your way - you have started to learn to control your states of being, your states of mind.

This is the beginning of a new stress free life.

Life will ALWAYS be stressful.

We need to learn to be able to notice when we're stressed, and to step back from that into the clarity of altered states.

That is what hypnosis teaches you, teaches you easily, and just for the listening, no willpower required at all.

When you have learned the basics of relaxation, THEN and only THEN are you ready to begin to meditate on your own, or to use meditation devices that require these basic skills of knowing how to shift state in the first place.

Hypnosis, Stress & Meditation - In Conclusion

Using hypnosis for stress relief doesn't mean that you should only look at hypnosis programs designed for stress alone. Remember that what you w! ant to l earn is the skill of altering your states of being, so that you can also then meditate and get all the health benefits from that; but more importantly even still, so that you can de-stress yourself in REAL LIFE.

You can choose ANY good hypnotist, and ANY good hypnosis program that excites you, in a double benefit, because it is not the CONTENT, but the hypnosis skills themselves you need to learn to put an end to being in stress states all the time.

You can choose intelligence enhancing hypnosis programs; mind healing programs; performance programs, health programs - the CONTENT is irrelevant and just the icing on the cake.

Hypnosis is a WONDERFUL and incredibly USEFUL tool for dealing with the human mind, for healing the mind, and for getting our thoughts and conscious mind under control.

Explore. Find a GOOD hypnotist who can teach you the life saving skill of going into trance, and you get control not just of your stress, but of your entire WORLD.

About the Author

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BEST Self Hypnosis for Confidence Audio - Bryan Zuniga

GET THE FREE FULL VERSION OF THIS AUDIO HERE: HOW TO BE MORE CONFIDENT TRAINING VIDEO : If you haven't heard about hypnosis yet let me explain to you what it really is and how it can impact your life today. Hypnosis is a tool you can use to access you unconscious mind which controls the way you feel, think and act. So through hypnosis and in this video I help you access the power of your unconscious to start thinking, feeling and acting more confident. Bryan Z. Blog: Facebook Twitter: hypnosis for confidence

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Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver, Certified Yoga Teachers Training Vancouver, Yoga instructors in Vancouver

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 03:00 PM PST

Article by Nakul Kapur

You Know How To Get The Benefits Of Meditation?

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 02:00 PM PST

Article by Vilma J. Richards

Many individuals who meditate usually could know the benefits of meditation so far as their religious effectively-being is concerned. People generally use their time to meditate to help them keep calm and targeted and to advertise a sense of relaxation. Nevertheless, there are lots of well being benefits of meditation that will go unrecognized.

The overall have an effect on of this apply on the human physique is beneficial to the individual. Probably the most outstanding benefits of meditation is relaxation. Research present that stress and anxiety can lead to well being problems. If a person takes time to meditate on a regular basis he will feel relaxed and calm.

The advantages of meditation involve decrease ranges of blood lactate which is linked with the discount of the variety of panic assaults in the individual. Individuals who undergo from panic attacks can reap the benefits of meditation that promote rest as well as chemical balances that assist regulate the nervous system and scale back stress.

Individuals experiencing great intervals of stress including life altering episodes like the loss of a beloved one or a divorce can use meditative practices to help deal with their distress.Some attribute this to one of the advantages of meditation that entails a rise of serotonin manufacturing within the brain. Elevated serotonin levels are recognized to assist elevate mood. Too little serotonin in a person's system can lead to conditions like despair, insomnia and obesity.

Meditative practices are recognized to gradual the individual's coronary heart charge while rising blood flow. These are two of the advantages of meditation that may assist an individual bring his blood pressure rate back to regular with repeated practice. The rise in blood flow along with the slower heart fee serves to decrease blood pressure.

Researchers additionally suggest that some of the advantages of meditation include an individual's capability to fend off sicknesses including cancer. These! researc h recognize that the meditative course of produces cells that the body uses to kill bacteria, viruses and even most cancers cells. These benefits of mediation typically go unnoticed by most of the people but they are quite important.

I know the advantages of meditation first hand because I began participating within the process whereas attempting to recuperate from a automobile accident. I suffered from severe decrease back ache and muscle spasms. These symptoms were accompanied by debilitating headaches in addition to weight acquire and depression.

After a couple of months of following meditative routines each and every day I made a full recovery. I also notice that I've a neater time getting through the chilly and flu season if I meditate on a daily basis. My experience is probably not scientific proof of the benefits of meditation but it's sufficient for me to proceed the practice.

About the Author

V.J.Richards writes articles on several topics. Check her latest article on Florida Gators Baby Car Seat CoverAlso visit the How to Buy a Baby Car Seat website.

Morning Mantra - Shri Vishnu

pratah smarami bhavabhitimahartishantyai narayanam garudavahanamabjanabham grahabhibhutavaravaranamuktihetum chakrayudham tarunavarijapatranetram pratarnamami manasa vachasa cha murdhna padaravindayugalam paramasya pumsah narayanasya narakarnavataranasya parayanapravanavipraparayanasya pratarbhajami bhajatamabhaya~nkaram tam prakhsarva janmakrita papabhayapahatyai yo grahavaktrapatita~nghrigajendraghora shokapranashanakaro dhritashankhachakrah Track: Morning Mantra Shri Vishnu Artist: Soma Singh Album: Suryodaya - Morning Mantras According to the Indian system of calculating time, the day is divided into eight prahars of three hours each. The second half of the second prahar ie from 4.30 AM to 6.00 AM is called the 'brahma mahurat.' This is the best time for a person to engage in meditation and prayer. Those who wake up at this time are able to soak up nature's energy in order to invigorate their minds and rejuvenate their bodies. The great sage, Manu, the law giver said, "Brahma mahurate chaanu chintayate." This means that, "Man should awaken during the brahma mahurat and reflect on his dharma and its meanings as are relevant to him." He will then understand and grasp the real meaning of the scriptures, like the Vedas and the Upanishads. Early dawn is thus the most suitable time for spiritual and intellectual growth. At this time, man through prayer and contemplation, is able to experience the vastness of ...

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Yoga Mats - The Best Selection you can get

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Adrian Blashki

Are you looking for a new yoga mat? Or do you want to get into yoga and want to get your first own yoga mat? EMP Industries, an Australian owned and Melbourne based company is specialized in offering yoga mats. We understand that the needs and preferences of yogis vary. Therefore we have made it our goal to offer our customers the best yoga mats in the world at great prices.

Are you looking for a yoga mat that is anti-slip and provides you with the best traction? EMP Industries certainly has the solution for you. We offer yoga mats made out of 100% natural rubber, TPE, JUTE PER or foam. The best thing is that no matter what price category you are interested in, we will have the right yoga mat for you - from budget yoga mats to Jade Yoga Mats or VB yoga mats.

Our most popular mats are:- Jade Yoga Mat (best traction and 100% rubber) -- click here to view- VB Yoga Mat (German manufactured high premium yoga mat) -- click here to view- Budget Foam Yoga Mat (great price!) -- click here to view

Yoga mats are thinner than regular exercise or pilates mats to allow optimal balance while yet giving you some cushioning to support your knees, feet, hands, etc.. In order to hold poses it is necessary that yoga mats provide you with some form of traction and anti-slip behavior. This grip enables you to hold poses even when your hands and feet get sweaty. Some yoga mats even have moisture absorbing functionalities which means that excess sweat is absorbed by the mat giving you better grip. The regular size of a yoga mat is usually around 60 to 62cm wide and 172-176cm long. EMP also offers extra wide and/or extra long yoga mats for taller yogis (click here to view).

If you are travelling a lot with your yoga mat you might want to consider a thinner yoga mat that is lighter and easier to carry than some of the high quality mats. We offer a great range of travel yoga mats that weigh less than 2kg and are smaller when rolled up (due to their thinner fabric).

EMP also offers many othe! r Yoga P rops and Yoga Accessories that you might want. For example we offer Yoga Blocks, Yoga Blankets, Stretching Straps, Yoga DVDs, and much much more. Simple check out our website: EMP Industries Website - click here

About the Author

Adrian Blashki, owner of EMP Industries in Melbourne

Hatha Nauli krya Yoga Marcello -

Hatha yoga nauli bandha banda abdomen rotation Ashtanga hatha karma shat krya

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Find out yoga teacher training Vancouver & yoga teacher training certification in Vancouver

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by India Internets

yoga supplies has it all

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Qdid123

The Most Common Types of Yoga

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 10:02 AM PST

Article by Qdid123

There are so many different types of yoga today, with this a problematic situation forbeginners, it is best to choose a form of yoga that is appropriate for each individual'slevel of fitness, physical and spiritual goals and health condition.

Some of the most common types of yoga are listed below and briefly explained toguide you in choosing the best type of yoga that you can start with.Iyengar Yoga: focused on the alignment and precisemovements. Yoga props such as blocks and straps are usually used as part of this

type of yoga for those beginners who are not as flexible as the experts as to compensate for injuries.These Yoga props help assist all sorts of people to be able to do the poses comfortably.Because of its attention to details and the flexible modification of poses, these typesof yoga is often a good form of exercise for people with back pain or neck pain, asthey are likely to benefit from the random alteration to the poses.

Practicing these types will give you a good knowledge on the classics in yogaposes so that whatever other style you practice, you will have the basic fundamentalson how to do each position.

In Iyengar yoga the teacher focuses more on alignment and inner awareness. Thisawareness starts with the body and expands to other parts of the self as onecontinues with the regularity of practice.

Ashtanga Yoga: commonly called "power yoga" because it isfocused on a powerful flowing movement.Such movements include pushups and lunges, which deals with strength andstamina. These types are best for people who have successfully overcomeback injuries and are looking for more challenging practice.People who are already athletic such as runners, gymnasts and cyclists who want to

add more balance and concentration to their routines are also utilizing these types of yoga.Bikram Yoga: also known as the "hot yoga" for this isdone in a very warm room. These types of yoga are excellent tools for increasing flexibilitybecause the heat helps tissue to s! tretch.B ut keep in mind that it is not applicable to those that havedeveloped cardio vascular diseases due to the strain placed on the body whenvigorously exercising in the heat.

Viniyoga: links breathe and movement in flowing exercises thatare adapted to each individual. These are often a good form of yoga for those withback problems or neck injuries because it can be easily adapted by anyone.

Raja Yoga:aims for liberation through meditation. These typesof yoga are only for those people who are capable of intense concentration.

Bhakti yoga: or commonly known as devotional yoga. These types of yoga focus onself surrender in the face of the divine.

Mantra yoga: much more know as the "yoga of potent sound,". These types of yogaaims at liberation through the verbal or mental repetition of empowered sounds,

such as "om," "hum," or "ram."

There are so many yoga institutions to choose from. It is also a good idea thatbefore going into a class, discuss with the teacher first regarding hi or her philosophyand beliefs in order to find the most appropriate and personally appealing form ofyoga for you. article source :

About the Author

Hi. I'm Didik Suprianto from Indonesia, archipelago of over 17.000 islands.I'm a half time internet marketer.I love Sports and travelling! I created this article as a guide to help you find all the best in yoga

Refocus Making use of Brainwave Meditation

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by D Murphy

Brainwave meditation is 1 of the very best techniques to remove stress, produce clarity, and regain emotional control. However, it takes a whole lot of practice to learn how you can meditate and there are times where you just get into the correct state due to the fact your day has been such a challenge. This type of meditation can assist in these situations as it enables you to get into a meditative state and enhances the outcomes of your meditation.

For beginners, meditating is extremely difficult. It is tough to sit in 1 position and clear up your thoughts and emotions. It frequently takes weeks or months to get into the practice of performing this. Utilizing binaural beats can support get into this state quicker and less difficult. Binaural beats send various frequencies in each ear and induces your brain to relax less difficult.

You can pretty much call it brainwave meditation as it uses frequencies on your brainwaves to produce the desired result. This type of meditation has numerous uses. One way to use it's to needless to say assist you get into a meditative state less difficult. A lot of individuals who've been practicing meditation already report that using binaural beats helped them go deeper and produced better results like improved relaxation, clarity, and emotional control.

Making use of brainwave meditation might be a excellent method to remove mental, emotional, and physical stress. We typically deal with so many issues in our lives and by the time we get property, it could be hard to focus on the task at hand. Taking some time out to meditate making use of binaural beats can actually support you reboot your system and get reenergized.

You are able to also use brainwave meditation to assist you sleep greater. Nearly everybody suffers from insomnia time to time. The most common cause of being unable to sleep is anxiety and stress. Some individuals naturally can't stop their thoughts at night which prevents them from going to sleep.

By just putting on y! our head phones and listening to a binaural track, you are able to induce your self to relaxation very speedily. Many people notice much less tossing and turning, improved sleep high quality, and ability to get to sleep quicker. This is frequently a better answer than going to your local pharmacy and getting sleeping pills as you can get fairly dependent on them.

To get the full advantages of brainwave meditation, you are able to get a binaural track from a reputable firm. One of the difficulties that some audio tracks have is that they are not pleasing to the ears. It is possible to hear hissing and a lot of static which could be quite distracting. That's why you ought to look for an audio track that is kind to your ears. Some vendors have samples you'll be able to listen to prior to purchasing.

In conclusion, brainwave meditation has a lot of distinct uses and in the event you want to take up meditation or get far more out of your session, you ought to give it a try. This is also a great sleep aid so in the event you have trouble sleeping as numerous men and women do, using binaural beats may be of fantastic aid.

About the Author

Are you looking for a way to reduce stress and focus? Maybe it's about time you give brainwave meditation a try. It's by far the fastest and easiest way to meditate!

Alex Collier Earth Transformation

in5d UPDATED DAILY! The Internet's largest Esoteric, Spiritual and Metaphysical Database! Presentation: "Mentoring the Earth," Alex Collier will discuss his most recent contact experiences with the Andromedans, and how they are helping mentor humanity in the transition to a galactic society. According to the Andromedans, open contact with extraterrestrials will require great discernment. Not all extraterrestrials have our best interest at heart according to what has been revealed to Alex. The Andromedans warn that some groups will bare gifts and then ask for something that we could not possibly give. And turn on us.............For 2 thousand years religions have believed in the Book of Revelations. And the universe is going to oblige us by playing it out. Except it's not about being saved, its about self-responsibility, voluntary introspection and spiritual evolvement. Thank you, Dr. Salla, for allowing me to upload this video to my in5d channel! If anyone wants to purchase the DVD to this video, you can find it here: Exopolitics website: www.Exopolitics.Org For more on spirituality and metaphysics, please visit http and Honors for this video (2) #16 - Top Favorited (Today)) - Science & Technology #66 - Top Rated (Today)) - Science & Technology in5d spiritual, awakening, journey, ascension, enlightenment, meditation, 2012, doomsday, apocalypse, prophecy, 11:11, 1111, 5d earth, 3rd eye, pineal gland, spirit guide ...

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The Seven Major Types of Yoga

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 08:45 AM PST

Article by Donald Fountain

With the Yoga tradition, there are many different strands of development. Each of these Yoga traditions has its own subdivisions. An easy way to think of this is to think about Yoga as a giant tree. This tree has eight branches. Each branch of the Yoga tree has its own unique character, but each of these branches is still part of the same tree. The great thing about the different branches of Yoga is that within this diverse discipline, you are certain to find the type of Yoga that's right for your lifestyle and your personality.

In the discipline of Yoga, there are seven principle branches. Each of these branches is approached from a different physical and mental standpoint. Within these seven principal yoga branches, there are even smaller subdivisions, but these seven branches are what form the base of the discipline itself.

Bhakti Yoga: Those who practice this discipline believe that The Divine (also known as the Supreme Being) transcends their lives. Due to this belief, they feel moved to connect or merge with that Supreme Being through various devotions. Bhakti Yoga includes practices such as meditation upon the Divine, producing flower offerings, singing songs of praise, and thought control.

Hatha Yoga: The primary goal of all branches of Yoga is enlightenment. but all take a different approach. Hatha Yoga takes this approach via enlightenment through the body. The thought here is that the upper stages of meditation and thought are impossible to achieve without the purification and perfection of the body.

Inana Yoga: Also called philosophical yoga, Inana Yoga focuses on the idea of nondualism. This particular idea is that reality is singular. Your perceptions are only real at your current level of consciousness, and these particular things are not eventually real as distinct items. Practitioners believe that once you realize this, you have achieved enlightenment, and you become one with the Divine.

Karma Yoga: This branch of yoga focuses on a lifestyle. A lifes! tyle of acting without attachment, with unselfishness, and living a life of integrity. Practitioners of this branch of yoga believe that you must act responsibly at all times, since actions have far reaching consequences.

Manta Yoga: A mantra is defined as a sound, a syllable, a word, or perhaps a group of words that is capable of producing "transformation". Thus, Mantra Yoga is focused around using sound to harmonize not only the body but the mind. Many practitioners will receive a word or phrase from their teacher, and they are asked to repeat it as often as possible, seeking enlightenment through it.

Raja Yoga: Also known as royal, or classical yoga, is a multi-prong style of yoga that focuses on moral discipline (Yama), self-restraint (Niyama), posture (Asana), breathing (Pranayama), sensory control (pratyahara), concentration (Dharana), meditation (Dhyana), and ecstasy (Samadhi).

Tantra Yoga: One of the most complex, and therefore misunderstood branches of Yoga, this discipline is a strict spiritual discipline involving very complex rituals, and detailed visualizations of deities. This discipline is oftentimes confused with spiritualized sex. There are some sex rituals used in some schools of Tantric Yoga (called left-hand schools), but they are not a regular practice in the majority.

The decision that you make to follow will be a personal one, and highly dependent on you as a person. Many times this will come down to whether you are using yoga as fitness training, yoga as a sport, as a body-oriented therapy, a comprehensive lifestyle, or as a spiritual discipline. However you choose, the different types of yoga offer something for everyone.

About the Author

As a corporate trainer, Internet Marketer, Web Designer, Programmer, and Pastor, Don brings a wealth of experience to his article writing, and has a unique take on life. Currently, he works as a corporate trainer within one of the largest web hosting firms in the nation, and spends his time writing and maintaining several blogs, one of which is, a site devoted to ceramic cast iron cookware

King of the Hill - Yogi Victor

Funny scenes of a silly yoga instructor who tries to teach Hank yoga. (voiced by Johnny Depp) Hilarious! Must watch!

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