Meditation techniques that you can use today

Meditation techniques that you can use today

Meditation techniques that you can use today

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 07:02 AM PST

Article by Snookie hogward}

A visionary experience that allows you to access various plains of consciousness.8. Vipassana Meditation: Usually done in a 10-day silent retreat Vipassna is the true act of know thyself. With no books, TV or anyone to talk to, thus Buddhists state this as the fastest way to peace. To truly understand your own nature.9. Loving Kindness Meditation: Originally a Buddhist form of meditation, this focuses on seeing the world around you as a loving place. Benefits include peace of mind, and change of perception toward your everyday interaction between yourself and the world.10. Buddhist meditation: Focusing on breathing, most Buddhist meditations have various techniques. Scared they assure one on the path toward peace. Most are very visual.Meditation is about staying with the moment, being in touch with your surroundings and your inner world, much of which is more easily accessible when in the meditative state. Practicing meditation techniques on a regular basis (ideally daily or at least 3 or 4 times a week) can be a good way of just taking time out, and allowing yourself to tune into and appreciate the moment: whether you are walking along the seashore, or sitting by a stream, or just noticing the intensity of silence in a still room and enjoying it.Meditation is perhaps most closely linked with Buddhism, and indeed it was the main practice through which its founder, Gautama, finally gamed enlightenment. Buddhism has defined many stages of meditation that are practiced in order to achieve the ultimate level of purifying the mind and clearing away of all thoughts and mental images.However, one of the best-known meditation techniques is yoga, the yoking or harnessing of mental and physical powers, which is very much in the Hindu tradition. Most of us think in terms of "hatha" or royal yoga, which is a series of physical exercises and postures performed to gain physical, and therefore mental, control.Less well-known is "bhakti" yoga, which is focusing of the mind, and is akin to the style of meditation! practic ed in the Christian faith. According to this discipline, the practitioner sits and focuses his or her attention upon an aspect of their god. In so doing, they gain insights into their own responses to the knowledge they have of that god's powers and the lessons to be drawn from stories told of him or her.It has long been a tradition in Christian religious communities, such as convents and monasteries, for monks or nuns to spend a period of time each day in quiet contemplation, often focusing upon a crucifix and contemplating the passion of Christ and all that it means for the believer. This is, of course, one of many meditation techniques, and has all the benefits of helping the individual come to an understanding of his inner beliefs and response to his faith. The practice has also become increasingly popular among lay Christians in recent years.To start meditating, choose a time and a place where you won't be disturbed for the duration of your meditation session.When you are starting out, you may decide to set aside 10 or 15 minutes for your meditation session. This is plenty of time when you are beginning to meditate and in our hectic daily lives it may well be that this is the maximum amount of time that you feel you can devote to meditating.

About the Author

I like to master about nearly anything linked to our mind and brain.I have been studying meditation techniques for quite a few a long time and i still feel like a beginner!meditation techniques

certification courses networking . Tips For Choosing The Best Online Yoga Certification Course For You

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 06:02 AM PST

Article by rinat shlomit

If you stay unhealthy weight or carry out vulnerable health, then join a Yoga Certification style closer to go through these ancient yoga techniques.Now days, going yoga postures remote island easy, but still if one particular dont fully understand how toward operate the postures perfectly the method it will have to continue being eventually a single keep on being doubtlessly less than a desire of a Yoga certification course.Yoga area a best suited blend of suck in exercises furthermore meditation additionally has been followed since various years.With the super busy weight loss schedules plus continual routine life the size of fear of the islands in front of you it truly is pinnacle in addition to as a result the like connected with Yoga has as well risen.But how in opposition to understand yoga postures perfectly? This is where we are using a want of world-wide-web yoga certification courses.

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Find Advanced 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program at Divine light

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by India Internets

Divine Light, as the name suggests, we try to bring in the inner light within you through our yoga program included yoga teacher training Vancouver. Our special 200 Hour programs wherein you can register for the yoga classes. Get trained with our yoga expert and bring in the divine light within yourself.

Divine Light have come up with various 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Programs to bring in the new perspective in everyone's life. Get yourself energized with our rigorous Yoga Classes North Vancouver which helps you to stay fit and healthy. Also, doing yoga has always been beneficial in achieving spiritual happiness. One will get the true happiness within themselves from body to soul.

Divine Light we train our students and therefore help them to develop a better way to live their lives with our Certified Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver. Every year lot of people come to enroll themselves for the Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver. We have a wonderful Yoga Studio Vancouver, where our students practice yoga in a stable and comfortable environment. Thus we provide with all the facilities during the yoga sessions.

Divine Light have thus enlightened the inner self of all our students and give them the best way to lead their life peacefully. Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification includes different types of yoga such as Mantra Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, etc. We have tried our students to mold them accordingly as per the yoga sessions and provide them multiple tools as per their yoga practices.

Our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program have gained popularity in North Vancouver focusing on different postures and breath work in order to prepare the students for spiritual pursuits. Our each Yoga Classes North Vancouver is a great learning experience in order to overcome the physical and mental tiredness. Our students feel free while practicing yoga at Divine Light and our trainers help them to get all the answers for their questions questions through themselves and therefore he! lp them to approach a balanced life.

In today scenario with such a busy scheduled it has become necessary to follow a regime to make yourself feel relaxed for sometime and also keep yourself fit and healthy. All these things can easily be achieved through our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification. We follow a very different approach to teach all our students as we help our students to first connect themselves with the surroundings and then they follow accordingly while practicing yoga at our Yoga Studio Vancouver.

Our Certified Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver includes various physical and breathing exercises which helps to experience a better feeling within yourself and all this comes after joining our Yoga Classes North Vancouver. Our teachers make you follow a best sessions wherein they teach the students with right postures and meditations which will be beneficial for long term in their life. Thus, we provide the best Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver and bring a smile at everyone's face at the end of the sessions and make them feel more fresh and energetic.

So what you all are waiting for come and enroll for our new Certified Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver, at nominal packages so that it fits to everyone's budget and also they can feel that they have come to the right place with the right gestures. One can easily enrol themselves with our online form and submit it to get yourself registered for the great yoga sessions taught by the best teachers in Vancouver. Our Yoga Studio Vancouver are specialized for the group yoga classes for different age group and fitness levels. Here, at Divine light we start with the basic classes and then later moves to the balanced classes wherein one can easily gain each and every step of different types of yoga. For more information please visit our website:

About the Author

Divine light is a professional health care yoga studio founded by Nakul Kapur who's senior registrerd yoga teacher provide 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification, 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program,Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver program.

How Meditation Helps Daily Life

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Mikesmith

How Meditation Helps Daily Life

What is meditation? Many people believe it is something related to spirituality and that has little to do with their regular lives. It is less likely we would hear a person include meditating as part of their daily routine, the way they would mention cooking, cleaning or walking the dog.But those who meditate on a systematic basis, or who have attended a meditation retreat and done repeated practice, can tell us how much it helps with our other activities. Life ceases to be a struggle. With new clarity, problems that seemed complex find swift solutions. When we have a fast-paced life, meditation greatly calms feelings of stress and anxiety. When the difficulties of life bring us down, meditation also relieves depression symptoms. Why is this so? In a meditation called Inner Awakening (, attendees learn how meditation works to resolve problems of daily life. The human energy system holds seven centers, called chakras. They are eager to establish their own long-term take-home practice. These chakras can become blocked by negative emotions when we experience stress. They will then cause anxiety, depression symptoms, and other problems Imagine returning from a meditation such as Inner Awakening, both psychological and physical.During Inner Awakening meditation retreat, the chakras are cleared of this debris by a combination of exercise and meditation Once attendees have experienced this sense of renewal within the meditation retreat setting. As energy rises through the cleared chakras, it bathes and re-vitalizes the brain and nervous system, bringing well-being and optimism. All resulting from the new lifestyle we learned at our meditation. Instruction is provided so they can use the meditation retreat as the beginning of a new way of life. Every daily activity becomes a joyful, energetic experience. In the presence of these positive feelings, anxiety and depression symptoms dissolve away.Once attendees have experienced this sense of renewa! l within the meditation retreat setting, they are eager to establish their own long-term take-home practice. Instruction is provided so they can use the meditation retreat as the beginning of a new way of life. Imagine returning from a meditation such as Inner Awakening, with our chakras cleared and abundant energy flowing through us! Every daily activity becomes a joyful, energetic experience. Life ceases to be a struggle. With new clarity, problems that seemed complex find swift solutions. All resulting from the new lifestyle we learned at our meditation.

About the Author

Hi... Its me Rexion... I always like to write articles. I conduct meditation retreat programs in many places. Now i am doing research about kundalini yoga.

VIBRONIC SOUNDS PART 58 Supreme Third Eye Activation II - Omkar Mantra by shaktipatseer

Check out shaktipatseers new website for advanced and powerful exercises like this! "Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions and fantastic imaginings of living, but in using the higher forces against the lower-escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating in the higher. Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master" meditation, shambhala, emotional intelligence, vipassana, mindfulness, astrology, i ching, numerology, tarot,

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Understanding the different types of Yoga

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 04:05 AM PST

Article by Suzanne Morrison

Anaahat Yoga - Bhramari

Watch Exclusive Video Of Anaahat Yoga - Bhramari Brought To You By Shemaroo And Conducted By Preeti.To Watch More Of This Kindly Click By

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Meditation techniques for ultra deep meditation

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Snookie Stooped}

It may seem strange at first, but with regular practice you will begin to breathe naturally through the diaphragm. Pause momentarily after each inhalation and after expiration. Concentrate on your breathing and feel the air passing through the nose into the diaphragm and keep the attention on the air that is expelled from your body.Advice Never meditate after a big meal; this will make you feel sluggish and tired.Use a stopwatch/timer/alarm to measure you sessions and progress.Develop other meditation techniques and use ones that prove more beneficial.Use other items to aid your meditation session such as meditation CDs, mala beads, meditation cushion or bench.Learning how to meditate for some can initially be quite difficult and may seem little progress is being made but with regular practice and commitment you will begin to feel the benefits and develop in many aspects of your life.Meditate like a zen monk in a few minutes. The assertion appears repeatedly in any Google search for meditation techniques. The claim is that listening to audio meditation recordings containing entrainment media (binaural beats, monaural and isochronic tones) will duplicate the experience of a zen monk who has spent many years in training.In a word, bosh!The facts

Measurements of the brainwaves of meditating monks show that they have substantially increased levels of alpha and theta waves.Alpha and theta wave activity in the human brain can be increased by listening to audio entrainment mediaWhat conclusions can be drawn from these two facts?Only that the brainwave activity is similar in both cases. Nothing more.We cannot draw the conclusion that the experience produced by listening to audio entrainment is identical to that of a meditating monk, yet this is exactly the conclusion that some developers of audio meditation recordings would have you accept.Let's be absolutely clear on this. Increased alpha or theta brain activity can be found in many different situations: daydreaming,! just be fore and during sleep, just after awakening, for example. We would not say, in these situations, that the experience is identical to that of a zen monk meditating, so how can we claim it for an entrainment induced situation. Obviously, we cannot.That audio entrainment recordings produce a meditative state is not in dispute. They do. That this can be beneficial for human health and well-being is well established. That this state is equivalent to that achieved by a long-term zen meditator, is merely an assumption, and a pretty wild one at that.Zen monk training is a total life experience. It involves absolute attendance to the daily routine of a monk. This includes work, study, meditation, the observance of highly detailed rituals associated with many of the day's activities and, most importantly, preoccupation with a koan; an unsolvable conundrum whose purpose is to break through the mind's habitual dualistic thought process to a state of 'no-mind'. (An example of a koan: what is the sound of one hand clapping?). The mind state of a meditating monk is a product of all of this experience, little of which is present when somebody spends 30-60 minutes per day listening to an audio meditation recording.So what?Well, let's look at the results of many experiments with entrainment media. About the Author

I enjoy to understand about anything linked to our mind and brain.I have been studying meditation techniques for a number of several years and i still experience like a beginner!Top ten Meditation techniques , <a href="htt

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A New Beginning with Meditation in India

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 02:03 AM PST

Article by Dave Brown

Meditation in India is an ancient tradition that has come a long way with practices and philosophies evolved by saints, monks, sages and even commoners over the centuries. It is a powerful weapon through which positive energies and thoughts are channelized throughout the human mind, body and soul. With regular practices of the techniques of meditation in India, the positive effects of contemplation can be felt.

Build a new life through meditation in India

Authentic and ancient techniques of meditation in India offer an effective balance between the mind and soul. Practicing such techniques helps in controlling one's thoughts, eliminating any emotion that might disturb the balance of the mind. Meditation in India originally derives its name from the term 'dhyan' or contemplation. It means the reflection of one's inner soul. Since meditation makes a human mind calm and composed, utmost steadiness can be attained by regular contemplating.

Indian meditation centers majorly emphasize on the traditional elements of meditation to regulate the human mind, body and soul giving a whole new meaning to one's life. Techniques of meditation in India create harmony in individual minds dispelling all destructive feelings and making the learners become optimistic about life. Only the techniques of meditation in India come across as the ultimate relief in this world of stress, tension and pain, and help individuals to go above all the worldly suffering and attain paramount joy and bliss. Regular meditation practitioners lead their lives on the fundamental pillars of resolution, endeavor and faith.

Benefits of the techniques of

Ever since inception, has been put to practice by several centers in and around the country and in various forms. Since the popularity of is increasing with time, large number of people from all walks of life is trying to receive its benefits. Meditation in India has been successful in bringing significant positive results on the states of mind, body and soul o! f the pr actitioners. The modern world stands helpless on the materialistic creations of science and technology that define comfort and luxury to the people. But till date, ultimate peace of mind is something indefinable and that can be surely attained through meditation in India.

Worldly wisdom and material belongings can never bring in peace and satisfaction. True joy and contentment is achievable only through the techniques of meditation in India. Consciousness of the mind is achieved and with time the practitioners attain enlightenment. Contemplation techniques practiced during just initiate with concentrating on positive energies and they slowly transcends the practitioners into a whole new being with a new sense of self. This new identity will help you to connect with the entire universe.

At the final stage of meditation in India, when an individual attains enlightenment, stillness of the mind can be experienced without any support. The ancient techniques of meditation in India has evolved over the decades paving way to those people who want to experience the divine feeling of being close to the almighty. People who are looking for will be pleased to know that there are numerous meditation centers in the country offering spiritual illumination.

Z meditation is a leading meditation center in India that provides spiritual courses to practitioners worldwide.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation books at Z Meditation - Meditation Centers, Meditation Centers in India & Good Meditation Books for Beginners

Author Delivers the Secret of Meditation

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST

For anyone who has fallen in love with the works of Persian poet Rumi, Dr. Ahmad Javid's new book "Sufi Light: The Secret of Meditation" (published by Balboa Press) may come as a welcome accompaniment. Like the work of Rumi, "Sufi Light" contemplates the themes of faith, love and the divine.

"The main objective of this book," says Javid, "is to explore the secrets of human and divine love, their relationship, and their interaction through meditation on the personal Name of God, Allah. Such meditation is a portal to draw upon and receive the ever-shining light and a means to live in the divine presence."

Living in this "divine presence" has become the aim for many. "There is a growing awareness about spirituality and increasing interest in religion due to the failure of modernization and rapid technological advancement to provide peace of mind and personal fulfilment," says Javid. "Sufism is becoming more popular, and mystical poetry is being read widely throughout the world. Millions are practicing some form of meditation, yoga, or prayer, as well as attending spiritual retreats. Thousands of books have been written on the subjects of meditation, yoga, positive thinking, the power of imagination, and the laws of attraction. Both men and women have an ever-increasing appetite for self-help spiritual guide books so as to satisfy their inner desire to connect with their source. The number of people seeking the truth is ever increasing."

Javid, who is also a pediatrics physician, brings a unique perspective to his work, bridging eastern and western philosophies.

'Sufi Light and The Secret of Meditation' is the only book uniquely positioned to appeal to all those interested in religion, spirituality, meditation, and yoga—seekers on the path and divine lovers. It is a must read for both teachers and students of spirituality. If they do not know what is divulged in this book, their knowledge of meditation on the Divine is incomplete, and their efforts are just hard labor."

About the Author
Dr. Ahmad Javid is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics. He was born in Pakistan, a twelfth-generation Sufi raised in a traditional religious and spiritual household. He received his medical degree from Khyber Medical College, Peshawar, Pakistan, in 1973. He has a diploma in pediatrics from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Glasgow, and the University College, Dublin, Ireland. He spent 17 years in Iran, where he extensively studied Sufi literature and poetry. He came to the United States in 1993 and finished residency training in pediatrics from Columbia University, New York, where he served as a chief resident as well. He has been invested with khirqa (cloak) of the Sarwari Qaderi order of Sufis.

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The basics of meditation

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Hillary Pike

Hillary Pike on Meditation

Meditation is a process of going inward and connecting with your true self. There are so many different ways to meditate. I want to share with some of my favorite types of meditation, and how they can help you. Yogananda said "The soul loves to meditate for in connection with the spirit lies its greatest joy." The most joyful experiences in my life have been in meditation connecting with spirit. We as humans are training that we need so many things to be happy, such as; the perfect relationship, car, career, home and friends. We search for all of the things outside of ourselves that we think are going to bring us joy. We forget that all the love, joy and peace we could ever imagine lives right inside of ourselves. That is why we meditate to connect with spirit and the joy in our hearts. There are many ways to meditate. One popular style is silent meditation, sitting in silence and focus inwardly or towards God. You can meditate while listening to a guided visualization; this is a great way to use the power of words to bring you into a good feeling. There are many meditations that use matras (words or sounds repeated) and mudras (hand positions that guide reflexes to the brain). Pranyama's are breathing exercises that fill your body with Prana (life force energy). Many Kundalini Yoga meditations bring pranayama, mudras and mantras all together to create an experience of higher consciousness. I have noticed that I am able to stay more focused in my meditations with I bring my attention to a certain place in my body. Try bringing your attention to your third eye point, the dark space in between your eyebrows helps to activate your intuition. The third eye point is your center for intuition. You can also bring your attention to your heart chakra allowing love to expand through it. Two other powerful places are the center of your head which allows you to take back your power and be senior in your body. The higher mind is two inches back and up from the center of your h! ead, thi s space I have noticed makes me feel heightened awareness. Meditation practice it is all about the experience. Work through it with awareness; try different mantras, mudrahs and bringing your awareness to different places to see what the results are for you. You can't do it wrong. Many people believe that they cannot meditate because they cannot get there mind to quiet down. Even many masters of meditation still have thoughts come up, that you cannot control. Be aware while being gentle with yourself. Know that if you have a thought or thoughts that it is okay you are doing the best you can. The more your practice the more aware you will become and the quieter your mind will be. I enjoy using words in my meditations and allowing them to come into feelings. Right now think of the word joy and take three deep breaths allowing joy to spread to every cell in your body. Next use the word love and allow yourself to truly feel the love in your heart and as you breathe let that feeling of love spread to every cell in your body. It is our thoughts and feelings that create our reality. Though meditation you can create more joy and love within yourself.

About the Author

Hillary Pike is a spiritual teacher, yoga instructor and healer. She has been practicing yoga and meditation for over ten years. Hillary heals through her presence and open heart. Her soul's purpose is to assist others open their hearts to creating more love and well-being in their lives. Hillary has traveled the world on the path of light, gaining a diverse prospective on life and spirituality. One of the most transformative experiences of her life was completing the 220 hour Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teacher Training, at the largest spirituality center in the United States, Golden Bridge. There she trained with master teacher and Hollywood's leading pregnancy guru, Gurmukh. Through this training, Hillary developed her desire to share the healing science of breath work, yoga and meditation. Hillary has since gone to many trainings and workshops in Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Mat Pilates, and Mastering Alchemy energy work. Her certifications include 200 hour Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, Overlight Inverse Wave Therapy and Mankind Enlightened Love energy healing. Hillary is also certified to teach Prenatal Yoga and Group Support, she is passionate about sharing the many benefits of Prenatal Yoga. Hillary has a wise soul and a wide array of spiritual teachings and tools that she brings into every session, making it fun and uplifting. Her goal is to assists in raising the consciousness of others, so they can create their reality in presence, joy, gratitude, prosperity and love.

Learn Effective Meditation Techniques So You Can Melt Away Your Tension and Anxiety Once and For All

Posted: 05 Jan 2012 12:02 AM PST

Article by Terry Terracino

Meditation has the effect of renewing both body and soul, and anyone who has practiced meditation in the past can attest to that. Meditation will help you with attaining the perfect balance of consciousness or awareness, which will enable you to do each of the following: remove stress from your mind, coax your body into relaxation, and achieve a sense of inner peace which is unlikely to be attainable apart from meditation.

The upsides of meditation are universal; therefore, it is a relaxation technique that is practiced in numerous countries all over the world. Not everyone practices meditation in the same way, nonetheless.

There are many methods which people use, each of which has its own set of extras. Keep perusing my article to learn more about each of the wonderful advantages of practicing this revered relaxation technique.

Mantra is one of the most popular meditation techniques. Literally translated 'revealed sound,' Mantra meditation involves the repetition of specific words or sounds which appeal to the mind. The particular word or sound that you repeat can be selected for you by a guru or you can choose it for yourself. Through the conscious repetition of the word or sound, your brain can transport itself into a state of meditation.

Another, commonly employed meditation technique is Chakra, which is used to assist you with entering into a more profound state of consciousness and constructing a more definite awareness of self. The word 'Chakra' is representative of a wheel, and the individual spokes of the wheel represents one of a person's seven major nerve centers aligned with the spinal column. While you practice Chakra meditation your mission is to focus your attention to all of the 7 major nerve centers, traverse their inner Chakras, and awaken their consciousness. In doing so you will allow the Chakras to locate and achieve inner peace plus a heightened sense of awareness.

Two additional important meditation techniques are known as Tratka and Vipas! sana. Tr atka is a method that numerous different religions engage in. The goal is to elevate you to the highest state of meditation. This technique involves staring at and focusing on a particular object for a long period of time. Similar to Tratka, Vipassana meditation also strives to raise you to an elevated level of meditation by encouraging you to use self-observation to accomplish clear awareness into your personal being. Vipassana encourages self examination and that with practice, you can recognize unfavorable problems with regard to yourself and actively purge them from your life. The particular reason for Vipassana meditation is to develop insight and boost your experience of bodily feelings.

The four meditation techniques outlined in this piece are just a handful of the various dispirate kinds of techniques that are out there. Choosing the most efficaceous method involves personal preference since what works perfectly for one individual, may not work at all for someone else. Accordingly, it is important to experiment with a few different types of techniques until you find the one which suits you best.

Engaging in meditation may be quite beneficial to body and soul. Studies indicate that meditation can achieve each of the following feats: alleviate stress, relax your mind, enhancement of your general well being. If you have difficulty in deciding on the optimal method for you, keep in mind that you'll reap the benefits once you decide on the technique that best meets your person requirements.

About the Author

For more information on meditation techniques, including a free guide, please visit this website.

How to Experience Oneness & Bliss in Meditation

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 10:01 PM PST

Article by Kip Mazuy

If you want more peace and bliss in your life, whether you want to attain enlightenment and states of oneness or you are simply interested in deep relaxation, yoga and healing, then you probably already know that meditation is the best thing you can do. In this short article about meditation, you will learn how to experience very deep states of peace and oneness in meditation.

What is the cause of stress? All stress can be traced back to one thing: your identification with thinking. Because you believe you are the thinker of your thoughts, you are only able to perceive life through the mind. And at an unconscious level, the mind is constantly reinforcing this idea of you being separate from everything else and thus it is always reinforcing conflict: the conflict between you and everything else.

And the mind does this by avoiding this moment, by keeping your attention in thinking rather than actually experiencing what is here. Because if you actually could experience what is here in this moment beyond the perception of the intellectual and emotional mind, you would experience peace, you would experience oneness.

By practicing meditation, you can experience life beyond the confines of the intellectual mind. You can go beyond separation and conflict and experience what the sages and saints of thousands of years have said: that your true nature is peace and bliss. Oneness is your natural state.

The first way the mind avoids this moment is through constantly moving. So the first part of meditation is to sit still. Find yourself sitting upright without back support if possible. If you need back support, that is fine, do not worry about it.

But after you find yourself sitting comfortably, sit still. This sounds quite easy, but it is not. Because after a short period of time, your body will want to move out of nervousness, out of resistance to this moment. So when this resistance comes up in meditation, simply let it go and remain sitting still.

The second way the min! d avoids this moment is by keeping your attention identified with thinking. So the second part of meditation is to practice being aware of the thoughts arising rather than identified with thinking.

What exactly does this mean? Say a thought arises "I have to do laundry tomorrow." Rather than attaching yourself to that thought and imagining yourself as the "I" in that sentence, just notice it as a thought arising and let it go. At first you might see it as "there is a thought about doing laundry tomorrow" but after a while you do not even need to comprehend the content of the thought, you can just see that there is a thought and then you can let it go.

This takes practice but you can come to the point in meditation where you see thoughts are arising by themselves and have nothing to do with you. You can watch the thoughts come and go in meditation all on their own without affecting you and your experience of peace at all. And when you can get to this state you will begin to experience states of oneness. You will move beyond the confines of this sense of separateness to an experience of being one with everything, to being peace itself.

There is a way to make this practice of meditation much easier and more effective, so that you can attain deep states of peace and oneness much more quickly. In the east, it has been known for centuries that if you want to experience deep states of meditation and oneness, you sat with a fully enlightened master of meditation. Just by sitting in the presence of an enlightened teacher, deep states of meditation and oneness happen effortlessly.

Meditation happens effortlessly in the presence of an enlightened teacher because when you attain high states of meditation and oneness, you naturally radiate Shakti, the subtle energy vibration of bliss. And so when you sit near someone in such a state, you can actually feel this vibration of bliss wash over you. You actually feel peace itself, bliss itself and simply by feeling this peace, you are naturally guided into! deep me ditation.

This is the most effective way to oneness and enlightenment. Trying to do it alone without this Shakti can be very difficult and frustrating.

Recently, there has been an amazing breakthrough in sound research in relation to Shakti. Through special recording techniques and equipment, this Shakti, this vibration of oneness can be recorded and turned into sound. And so simply by listening to some very unique meditation music that contains these sounds made of Shakti, you feel that same bliss vibration and easily experience deep states of meditation and oneness.

You can hear free samples of this music and experience the bliss for yourself by clicking on the "Oneness Meditation CD" link below.

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Listen to Free Samples of an Amazing Shakti CDThat Awakens You into Deep Meditation & OnenessVisit the Oneness Meditation CD Website

For More Free Teachings on Meditation, Awareness& How to Attain Deep States of Oneness Visit the Teachings on Enlightenment Website

Find Easiest Meditation Techniques for Beginners

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Rockeysheen01

We all have much stress and tension regarding our family, work and other problems and the result is that all these have taken a height. It is becoming impossible to control them and hence, there is a need for something which can provide relaxation and peace. Meditation is of great help; it has many benefits like providing you relaxation and peace of mind. Therefore, if you are going through such stress and tension you can try meditation. But since you are a beginner you must try Meditation for Beginners. Here are some easiest Meditation for Beginners techniques:

Breathing meditation- In breathing Meditation for Beginners first you will have to find a calm and quiet place in your house where you can sit and concentrate on your breathing for relaxation without any disturbance. If you are not able to concentrate on your breathing you can think of God or anything which provides you peace of mind. All you have to do is breathe in and breathe out at a slower pace. When you breathe in you must feel that your inner body is filled with positive attitude and throw out all negativity while breathing out.

Meditation through CDs- There is many Meditation for Beginners CDs available in the market which you can buy and get help from. You can choose the ones which help in providing general relaxation or you can select the ones in which you can use meditation to heal your physical or mental ailments. You can take help from guided Meditation for Beginners as well because they will help you to connect with your self, the other worldly entity which is much sought after by many people.

Energy Meditations- These are another way of Meditation for Beginners and they help you to get in touch with yourself by relating to your core energy.

Binaural Beats Meditations- In this meditation for beginners you can listen to a special recorded track which contains binaural beats while meditating so that when you hear it all your brainwaves come down to level and you can experience relaxed and peaceful state! of mind .

All these forms of meditations can be of real help to the beginners as they are very easy but remember to do them correctly otherwise you will not be able to achieve your objectives. These were some of the simplest Meditation for Beginners techniques; there are many others for which you can either seek help from an instructor or search on the internet.

About the Author

This Article on meditation for beginners is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit

Using Meditation for Stress Reduction

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Dion Daly

You could say that meditation is a kind of alternative medicine that stimulates bodily relaxation and emotional stillness. Seeing that meditation produces relaxation both in body and mind this then makes it an ideal practice for stress reduction.

A lot of people think that practising meditation as a way to relieve stress is a load of rubbish because they think that meditation is not a practical answer to eradicating stress. But studies have shown that meditation is an effective method for reducing stress.

Basically meditation is about intentionally calming your mind and body for a certain amount of time. What this means is that it is necessary to draw your attention inwardly so that your mind is on the whole so busy focused on the breathing and body form that there's no time to ponder about the stressful happenings in your life.

One of the good things about meditation is that it is in fact fairly easy to do. You do not need to be a mystic or a spiritual person to practise meditation because meditation is a practise that all kinds of people can do.

Another good thing about meditation is that it does not involve hours of practice at a time for it to be effective in decreasing stress. You can Practice meditation in ten, or twenty- minute time slots once or twice a day.

To make sure you have a successful meditation session you need to ensure that you're in a tranquil, quiet setting. What this means is that when you are going to practice your meditation, you should make sure that you're wearing something that you feel comfortable and relaxed in, try not to wear any clothing that is restrictive. Your environment (whether you're indoors or outdoors) should also be to your liking.

Remember stress reducing meditation is about concentration. Once you're completely relaxed (you can sit cross- legged or sit on a chair or even lie down). Then shut your eyes and concentrate your awareness on your breathing throughout the whole meditation period. Count your breaths. If you wa! nt you c an say the numbers out loud doing this will deter your mind from straying to other thoughts.

Another way to stop your mind straying during your meditation period is to make use of imagery. Imagery is very well-liked in meditation because all you need to do with imagery is concentrate on something you think is pleasing to look at.

Sometimes it can take a bit of time to acquire the ability not to let your mind stray to other thoughts while you're meditating. But the good thing is once you've become skilled at meditation, you'll find you'll be able to do it almost anywhere to calm yourself down when you're feeling overcome by stress. Good Luck!

About the Author

Dion Daly is a certified trainer in hypnosis, a master practitioner in NLP and TLT. He also has a degree in metaphysics.

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The Top Three Meditation Needs For Any Practice From Tibet Arts

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 07:03 PM PST

Article by Seo5 Consulting

Whether you practice meditation in between a busy work week or you are a dedicated student, meditation needs will have to be purchased for a comfortable practice. There are many different types of supplies and accessories but three of the most important components of a practice include comfort, which can be achieved with yoga pants and a mediation shawl, and a meditation belt to correct and improve posture. With these supplies, meditation needs can be met, and a purposeful practice can be achieved by anyone, regardless of their goals with meditation.

Yoga Pants

Yoga pants are defined as such because they are comfortable, lightweight and allow the freedom of movement. When meditating, it is not uncommon to sit for long stretches of time. Yoga pants provide an unmatched comfort. They will help the skin to breathe, which will prevent any unpleasant distraction such as becoming too hot and chafing. Yoga pants can be tied with drawstrings at the legs to provide the look that you want for either comfort or style. If you happen to practice yoga as well, these pants provide dual benefits as they can be used for both practices.

Meditation Shawl

When meditating outside a shawl is of utmost importance. Even in some of the hottest countries in the world such as India, meditation shawls are used to stay warm on cold evenings or breezy mornings. One of the fundamental lessons of meditation is to clear and free the mind. This is not as easy as it sounds. There are many physical and mental distractions which prevent this state of relaxation from occurring. Although supplies cannot help with the mental and emotional aspect of this skill, physical comfort through warm and comfortable clothing significantly contributes to the ideal result. Meditation shawls can be purchased in a heavy woollen design or a poly cotton blend. The wool is extremely warm and the poly cotton is ideal for summer evenings.

Meditation Belt

A meditation belt takes strain off the lower back and helps to cor! rect pos ture. Sitting for a long period of time will take getting used to. Students that are new to meditation may become distracted by an aching back and have trouble sitting still long enough to begin receiving the benefits of the practice. A meditation belt will allow an improved form and take pressure off the spine. This will enhance any practice regardless of age or the amount of time that the student has been perfecting their meditation.

Comfortable yoga pants, a warm meditation shawl and a meditation belt provide comfort and a distraction-free practice that will enhance results for any student. These items can be found affordably and easily at an online store that specializes in Buddhist supplies and art from Tibet.

Tibet Art takes care of their customer's meditation needs with a variety of products for anyone from the casual practitioner to the experienced Buddhist monk. To see their catalogue of items visit, TibetArts.

About the Author

Tibet Arts supply a fine range of Tibetan jewelry and Tibetan singing bowls. They are located in Cambridge. Our Store also sells meditation shawl, supplies and manadala earrings. For more information please visit

What are Meditation Techniques for Anxiety and Theta Meditation

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST

Article by Jack Davis

Anxiety is a very common problem that is faced by the people and hence you are not alone. It is well known that how difficult it is to deal with this problem because people are leading a stressful life full of tensions. It is not possible to solve this problem instantly but we can reduce stress and anxiety with the help of Meditation Techniques for Anxiety.

Meditation Techniques for Anxiety helps in quieting the mind by focusing thoughts. If you perform Meditation Techniques for Anxiety regularly you will definitely gain some relief from continuous worries that build up in your mind. Here are some Meditation Techniques for Anxiety, which can be helpful in reducing your anxiety.

The first is Breathing Meditation and this is the simplest type of meditation. In this technique of meditation you will have to completely focus on your breath. It involves concentrating on the breath as it is entering and leaving your body. You can either focus on your nostrils, feeling the breath entering and leaving or you can follow your breath as it goes down into the lungs and comes out again. This is one of the best among other Meditation Techniques for Anxiety because there is no need for any equipment in this method and you can do it at anytime. The second is Guided Meditation and it involves listening to a CD with vocal cues which guide you through a sequence of visualizations. You can imagine relaxing scenes and landscapes which help you to relax and gain relief from anxiety. This is also a great technique among various Meditation Techniques for Anxiety.

We all know that brain is a very complicated system which constantly makes you go through different tasks. It is the brain which enables you to adapt to the changing environment and thereby develops a routine for you. All this happen and we are not aware if it. However, if you wish to re program your brain, you can do so with the help of Theta Meditation.

Before knowing Theta Meditation it is important to know what theta is. Theta is a br! ainwave which has a frequency. This frequency ranges from 4 - 7 Hz and is the second slowest frequency. This theta wave is actually in a working state when you are peaceful and are having good dreams. This is the time when a person is capable to handling stress and has an increased emotional balance. And in Theta Meditation, these theta waves help in increasing the levels of hormonal chemicals like serotonin and melatonin. These hormonal chemicals play a very important part in curing insomnia and depression. Thus, by use of Theta Meditation people suffering from insomnia and depression can be treated.

Theta Meditation is beneficial because it helps in reducing stress. Theta Meditation enables you to relax and makes you more energized and also helps in improving your memory.

Thus, Meditation Techniques for Anxiety and Theta Meditation both are really beneficial in reducing tensions and help to lead a stress free life.

About the Author

Hi This is Jack Davis. You can know more about me by visiting my website at

Jack Davis is a professor of medical science having interest on writing articles on medical science. For more information on Generic Lipitor or Canada RX he recommends to visit site Canadian Pharmacy Online

Shakuhachi (Japanese Flute) with Relaxing Rain Sounds

Japanese flute with the sound of rain.

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A Brief Overview on Some Effective Meditation Tactics

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 05:08 PM PST

Article by Jack Davis

As far because the current world is uneasy, its quite hard to extract psychological peace. Aided by the progress of time, we have been acquiring indulged in a variety of activities ranging from domestic to official. When the first lgt of dawn covers our confront, our brain commences dealing with every and just about every actions suitable till we shut our eyes for the deep slumber. Thus, peace bids adieu and this success in weariness. Effectively, a sound rest isn't the one remedy behind mental peace. Meditation is usually a good means of achieving mental solace. If executed effectively, meditation can operate wonders for that mind likewise because the entire body. You'll find various meditation tactics that will minimize your tension to an excellent extent. You will discover ample meditation tactics that involve a method of transforming your dull detrimental ideas to contemporary and constructive types.

1 in the 1st phase in the direction of meditation is always to be individual. This facilitates your mind to concentrate and concentrate. If you meditate frequently, you might be gain a pure and fantastic sense of one's self. Its an out and out healing process that erases away from strain and anxiety from your mind. Owing towards the swiftly paced current life, we get entangled among tensions and generally property up in several wellbeing penalties. To fulfill the demands of day-to-day everyday living, we typically fail to grant time for you to our wellbeing situations. Persons are identified located on numerous pills and medicines to acquire planning to the following time of day. But all these types of artificial measures consequence in part effects. So its usually superior to go for meditation tactics that assures you to enrich your creative strength and psychological stability.

Its fairly crucial to pick a secluded location for meditation. The location you are choosing must be completely free from distractions. Meditation will not be a typical training which you may perform anyplace! . For re aching ideal final results, an absolute peaceful ambiance is a have to. You'll be able to also opt for a tree shade wherever you are able to achieve concentration. If achievable, choose an indoor spot than an outdoor one. Actually, your existing place might be one particular with the excellent areas for meditation.

Mantra meditation is one particular of your finest meditation strategies by means of which you are able to obtain peaceful and relaxation. Acute meditation inspires and encourages you to achieve excessive awareness and will help you to know your actual ordeals during meditation. You can even feeling your fears at the same time as other feelings without judging them. Amongst one other meditation strategies, Guided meditation assists you to loosen up using the assist of pictures, sounds as well as smells which you generally associate with calmness. When you desire, you are able to even speak to a instructor who can guide you through numerous other meditation approaches.

Binaural beats are among the current enthusiastic technologies that has emerged out from the particular improvement trade. Binaural beats are engineered beats that are used to excite a reaction from the cortical to the mind. These beats enable the human brain to move into a variety of highly effective says that assist us to execute with perfection in varied conditions. This innovative technology of binaural beats have stepped inside the market due to the fact a long time. As time will move, customers will recognize the efficiency of binaural beats and will therefore come between the leading meditation approaches.

About the Author

Hi This is Jack Davis. You can know more about me by visiting my website at

Jack Davis is a professor of medical science having interest on writing articles on medical science. For more information on Generic Lipitor or Canada RX he recommends to visit site Canadian Pharmacy Online

Binaural Beats for High Mental Activity | Gamma Waves

Binaural Beats High gamma binaural beats are associated with high mental activity. Ideally when we are actively and deeply focused on task or during meditation, our brain tends to generate frequency higher than normal (between 25-100 Hz). As you listen to this music your brain resonates at much higher frequency in response. This music is designed in such a way that at certain interval you would notice music trying to push you to higher frequency level. This is to ensure when brain tries to restore its frequency back to where it was, the music pushes it again to the higher side. This step is really essential to have continual effect on your brain for your higher mental activities. Try this music before your task that requires high mental activity. And please leave your experiences and feedback. This music will soon be available to download from

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This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Proper Meditation Techniques Means Effective Meditation

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 04:00 PM PST

Article by Rockeysheen01

Well there are several meditation techniques that are used by the beginners in order to ensure a significant peace of mind for them. Just practicing meditation is not enough for the individuals. There are several other things that are required to be taken into consideration by them. You practice meditation but if not properly, it would hardly show any result. Thus, you must not only ensure that you practice meditation, but you must also make sure that the meditation techniques are proper. Of course being proper means effective results, but along with being proper, it is important that a practitioner is regular in his approach.One day you practice the meditation techniques properly and the next day you miss, it will hardly give pout any result. Thus, it is important for all to be proper in approach, while being regular in practice at the same time. The process of meditation has become so popular nowadays that whichever medium you follow you will get so many guides related to meditation that you would hardly face any problem during your practice. In fact, there are several TV programmes that are telecasted on the screens in order to help the novices become expert practitioners. In addition, the magazines and other printed versions also specify the relevant steps in which the individuals should practice their meditation techniques. In present times, competition has increased to a great extent. As a result of this, the individuals face several mental problems because of their tensions. In this situation, practicing meditation techniques properly is of great significance. Practicing meditation means a relaxed mind and fresh start to whatever an individual does. Along with being proper and regular in approach, there are certain other things that are also required to be taken into consideration. To make the meditation techniques effective, you must make sure that you choose a quiet and peaceful place. Ensure that you are not disturbed whole you meditate.Disturbances make meditation techniques ineffectiv! e. Thus, ensure being undisturbed till you meditate. Sitting in a relevant posture is also very important. Thus, make sure you are in a lotus or half-lotus position. This is the best posture for meditation, which makes sure that the techniques would be effective enough. These are important as meditation techniques are adopted for enhanced focus and concentration to achieve the level of peace. Thus, if you're really desire to be free from your mental chaos. Start meditating as soon as possible.

About the Author

This Article on meditation techniques is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit

How Can Meditation for Beginners Be Made Effective

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 03:01 PM PST

Article by Rockeysheen01

Today, lifestyle of the people has changed and they have to face a lot of stress and tension which can be either personal or professional. Due to this stress and tension many other health problems are seen among various individuals. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of this stress and tension in order to lead a healthy life. The best way to lead a healthy life and overcome stress and tension is meditation. However, Meditation for Beginners is not very easy because meditation requires concentration of mind, body and soul which is very difficult to achieve.Meditation is very useful in reducing stress and tension to a great extent. But the people who are beginners have problem in concentrating because they are not used to it and their mind gets diverted here and there. Therefore, Meditation for Beginners has to be made effective in order to achieve desired results. This can be done by using various tools. If you are not able to concentrate then you can take help of meditation CDs and meditation books. With the help of these meditation CDs and books you will be able perform Meditation for Beginners easily. You can also seek help from a personal trainer for meditating as they will be able to guide you properly.There are many people who have a great deal of problem in concentrating even after taking help of meditation CDs and books. It is necessary for them to find a calm and quiet place where there are no means of distractions, then it is advisable to play a music CD, sit straight with closed eyes and concentrate by taking deep breaths. The music CD should have a soothing music which helps in providing relaxation. It can contain anything like sounds of birds, sound of waterfall or other sounds of nature. This will be of great help for the Meditation for Beginners to meditate and they will be able to attain relaxation from stress and tension thereby overcoming other diseases resulting from such stress and tension.But the people performing Meditation for Beginners should make it a point to meditate ! regularl y because it is said that the more you practice the better you will be able to concentrate. It is important to fix a time and meditate daily because it is often said that irregularity in meditation causes ineffectiveness of the process. Therefore, if you want your desired results you must perform Meditation for Beginners regularly.

About the Author

This Article on meditation for beginners is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit

Sounds of Autumn

Nature sounds are ideal for relaxation and meditation

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some easy meditation techniques for the beginners

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 02:04 PM PST

Article by Rockeysheen01

Meditation is one of the most effective ways of staying fit, both physically as well as mentally. Thus what are some of the easiest techniques in meditation for beginners is a question that is asked by many people who wish to start with the meditation for the overall well being of their individual lives. Well, it is needless to mention that meditation has loads of benefits that can help you to attain a relaxed state of mind. This is one of the major factors as to why most people of the world are opting for the meditation classes on a regular basis. If you are interested in starting with such class, another pounding question that you must be worrying about is where to really begin this?You can always start with your local meditation class that is held in the vicinity of your area. There are always some places that are advertised like the local health food shop or the health care centre etc. Most often than not, these shops and centres are associated with the meditation and the yoga classes as these two subjects often go hand in hand. Thus if you are not sure about where to really begin, you can surely start by spending some time at the local yoga centre or the local meditation classes. On the contrary, if you are a tech savvy person, you can also try the online meditation for beginners. There are some websites that hold the online classes. These online classes have almost the same advantages as that of the class bound meditation centres. Instead they offer the flexibility of time so that you can manage your work and other necessities while also meditating.If you are confident enough, you can also download the course of meditation for beginners. There is plethora of such options available for a nominal charge and you can download the course material and start meditating all by your own. For example, the breathing meditation is an ideal way to start meditating for all people who are just beginners. Apart from that, there are also many other guidance meditation kits available readily in the market as! well as online. All these meditation guides help you in connecting with your spirit that resides inside your body. Many people believe this inner spirit is the one who guides us in life and with the help of meditation you can activate that spirit.

About the Author

This Article on meditation for beginners is constructed by Rockeysheen. He has in-depth knowledge on different issues related to health and contributes his skills writing different topics related to health and meditation techniques, which has left a mark in the industry. For More Information he recommends to visit

Meditation - Easy Tools for Success

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by GiGi Konwin

Do you want to learn how to meditate? Have you tried to meditate but you keep falling asleep? Or you're not sure you are doing it right? Do you keep thinking about other things while you are trying to "clear your mind"? First you need to decide what type of meditation you want to do. There are basically two types of meditation - active and passive. Passive meditation is clearing the mind of all thoughts. You can then allow your "inner voice" or "minds eye" to speak to you. Passive meditation is good for reducing stress, increasing creativity, or just getting in some quiet time. Active meditation is when you keep your mind active by working on a particular problem in your life or focusing on accomplishing certain goals you have set. Using affirmations while meditating are particularly helpful in this area. There are many simple techniques to help you meditate. You may have read about them already. They include breathing techniques, repeating mantras, sitting up so you don't fall asleep and visualizing certain objects. These are all good techniques and will help you accomplish reaching that alpha brain wave level necessary for meditation.However, for a beginner, it can be frustrating, especially if you are not sure that you are reaching the alpha level. There are tools available that can help you. The easiest way to get started is with guided meditation cds. These recordings may have background music or binaural beats designed to help your brain get to the alpha level. Most of them will have a relaxation exercise. These are useful for passive meditation.More advanced techniques for active meditation will have subliminal messages and/or auditory affirmations depending upon what goals you would like to accomplish. Some are called self-hypnosis cds but they really are the same as guided meditations. These are helpful in keeping you on track during your meditation. It is very easy to lose your focus when you meditate and have your thoughts drift off to other areas. Concentrating on listening to the cds! will he lp you maintain your focus.Where can you get these cds and how much do they cost? Believe it or not, some of them are free! More advanced cds with subliminal or auditory affirmations are usually less than . There are even guided meditations you can download from music sites. Some of the cds require a good set of headphones. Remember, meditation is all about relaxing and de-stressing. If you find yourself getting stressed out about relaxing, it may be helpful to use one of these meditation aids to get started. To find out more about these meditation tools, you can do a search on google or click here.

About the Author

GiGi publishes a self help product review site which includes reviews of books,audio, movies and software. Many free resources!Self Help Product Reviews

The Process Of Guided Meditation

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Kelly Kauffman

There are many different methods of guided meditation. Since each person has a different goal when starting the meditation process, there are several ways to achieve these goals with diverse guided meditation programs. There are a few steps that the meditating person must go through in order to achieve a complete meditative state. Most of these steps in the process focus mainly on relaxation and the clearing of the mind. Since clearing the mind can be a difficult task to achieve, people who find interest in meditation turn to guided meditation to help them to center their minds and bodies. The guided meditation process can make meditating seem achievable and can help the user to feel more grounded and in touch with themselves rather than feeling lost while trying to quiet their mind.

There are many different ways to achieve a meditative state but most of these processes start by instructing the person to sit in a comfortable position. It is also very important that the person is in a quiet space with no distractions or sounds around that could divert the concentration that is needed. Guided meditation generally instructs the person who is meditating to quiet and stop the mind. This means that the person should release any thoughts from his or her mind and concentrate on nothingness. The meditating person should also make sure that his or her body is completely relaxed and there is no strain on any body part while sitting in the position.

The goal of a guided mediation session is to achieve a completely empty mind and a clear conscious. This moment of complete silence and peacefulness allows the person to experience what a feeling of whole calmness is throughout the body. This calm feeling usually makes the stress of everyday life melt away for many people. Once this feeling of calm has been experienced by a meditating person, he or she focuses on achieving this feeling throughout the day and not only during a meditation session.

Many guided meditation processes also include a ma! ntra. A mantra is the expression of a sound from the meditating body. This expression of sound can also aid in the calming of the body and mind at once. The most common mantra that is expressed in guided meditation is the "Om". By releasing this sound from the mouth, the person who is meditating finds it less complicated to eliminate excessive thoughts from the mind. Centering the mind and body in a quiet fashion is easily achieved with a mantra that is shown through a guided meditation session.

A meditative state should be achieved by the mediating person for about 15 minutes a day. However, everyone is different and many people will find that a more substantial amount of time is more beneficial for them. Through the use of guided mediation, many users have also found that the advice and process that is shown can be used throughout their day to relive stress and tension or to deal with difficult situations.

About the Author

Karen Kauffman, a well known freelance writer, prepared this article for Meditation CDs

Kathi Wilson -- 'Mighty Rushing Breath of God' Christian Soaking Praise and Worship Music

Get the CD / Downloads at This is quiet praise and worship music, soothing prayer and devotional music, healing music for entering into God's presence. Christian soaking music is all about soaking in the presence of the Lord. It is beautiful, relaxing, uplifting and inspirational Christian music, prophetic and revelatory, anointed music for receiving from the Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus! More videos coming. Our testimonies from people who use this music is that the Lord is bringing great healing and transformation to them, healing emotional wounds, providing relief from chronic pain, helping people who have trouble sleeping, and much more. These are songs of faith inspired by the Holy Spirit. Devotionals, devotions, Gateway House of Prayer, healing meditation, intercession music, music ministry, spiritual, peaceful music, meditation and Christian massage music, Christian music for massage. Tranquil, calm, prayers, guitar, piano, acoustic, soft. Christian counseling music, music therapy, music for grief and loss recovery music, music for mourning music, transformational, breakthrough, intimate, intimacy with God, intimacy with the Lord, songs, Christian counseling, bereavement support music, comfort, get his MP3 for free

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Six Branches Of Yoga

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 11:02 AM PST

Article by Carrie A.Hall

Hatha YogaHatha Yoga is the path of Physical Yoga or Yoga of Postures is the most popular branch of Yoga. Hatha Yoga considered the body as the vehicle for the soul. It uses Physical Poses or Asana, Breathing Techniques or Pranayama, Meditation in order to bring the body in perfect health and for the more subtle spiritual elements of the mind to emerge freely. The practice of Hatha Yoga will result to the union of the body and the soul, it aims to make the body perfect and fill it with life force.

Bhakti YogaBhakti Yoga is the path of heart and devotion or the Yoga of devotion. Yogis who practice Bhakti Yoga sees the Divine in everyone and everything he encounters. This lead him to develop love, acceptance and tolerance for all. Bhaki Yoga teaches a person to have a devotion to God and all things through devotion to life and love.

Raja YogaRaja means "royal". Raja Yoga is the path of Yoga that focuses on meditation and contemplation. It is based on the Eight Limbs of Yoga which was discussed in the Yoga Sutra. This Yoga path teaches deep self respect through self mastery. The self here is honored. Raja Yoga believes that the universe exists for the self, giving the self an illusion of centrality which results to self respect and respect for all creatures. Raja Yoga is also referred to as the King of Yogas, majority of its practitioners live in spiritual or religious orders.

Jnana YogaJnana Yoga is the path of Yoga that deals with wisdom and knowledge or the Yoga of the mind. Jnana Yogis pays tribute on man's intelligence. They try to surpass limitations by unifying intellect and wisdom. Jnana Yoga tries to obtain existence beyond doctrine and ideological controversies by accepting all other philosophies and religion. It also uses an open, rational and curious mind in studying the spirit.

Karma YogaKarma Yoga believes that your present situation is based on your past actions. Karma Yoga is the path of service; it refers to the energy of action. This path requires you to be ! selfless . Performing a selfless service is the essence of Karma Yoga or consciously choosing a future that is free from negativity and selfishness knowing that your life is a consequence of your past actions. Karma Yoga practices try to change your action towards the good - good words, good thoughts, good deeds, in order to change your soul. By being selfless, you change your consciousness which leads to a change in your destiny.

Tantra YogaTantra Yoga is the path of ritual and perhaps the most misunderstood path. Some may think of Tantra Yoga as sorcery, witchcraft, magic spell or some mysterious formula. Most people perceive Tantra Yoga as sexual. All of these perceptions are far from truth. Tantra is the knowledge concerning Tattva (Truth or Brahman) and Mantra (mystic syllables). It utilizes rituals to respectfully experience the sacred in everything we do, not just sex though sex is a part of it. It aims to expand our awareness in all states - whether awake or asleep. Tantra Yoga practitioners must have purity, humility, devotion, courage, dedication to his Guru, cosmic love, faithfulness, contentment, dispassion, non-covetousness, and truthfulness.

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Flowmotion® :: Sarah Tomson Beyer :: Yoga Flow 3 (2007) :: (audio swap)

replaced here :: | Flowmotion® :: Sarah Tomson Beyer :: + http :: An internationally recognized teacher and entrepreneur based in Park City, Utah; Sarah is the creator of Flowmotion® and the Founder / Chief Executive Sheekynista of the progressive apparel line, meSheeky. She has been featured on the cover of Yoga Journal, in a video with Shiva Rea, and in several other yoga-related publications. Music :: Down + Out by Boozoo Bajou. Filmed by + thanks to ::

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Yoga Postures and Yoga Asanas

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Rob Daniels

Copyright 2006 Rob Daniels

Many yoga styles have been derived from classical yoga, and are designed to suit various preferences. Most of the different yoga positions practiced fall into one of two categories: meditative or therapeutic. There are literally hundreds of yoga basic positions or yoga asanas. All of the yoga positions are designed to provide benefits for both the mind and the body.

Each of the five prayer positions have a corresponding yoga position, and the positions together activate all seven chakras or energy fields in the body. The different yoga types and positions focus on different chakras or energy forces. The numerous positions that are part of yoga were originally designed to prepare the body for meditation.

Asanas, the actual poses or positions of yoga, may seem difficult or complicated to the novice. However keep in mind that all the basic positions of yoga are designed to help develop both strength and flexibility. Many yoga positions involve deep stretching and, as such, could help the repetitive trauma disorders tendonitis, tennis elbow, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

A basic knowledge of yoga postures and philosophy is helpful, but not essential. If you cannot be comfortable in your meditation and yoga positions, then you will be unsuccessful.

Unfortunately, many believe that yoga requires tremendous flexibility and the willingness to twist oneself into pretzel-like positions while chanting something unintelligible. But yoga is a series of in and out breaths which move through a variety of physical positions. The physical part of yoga consists of a series of stretching and strength-building positions of varying difficulty.

Although most yoga exercises are safe for nearly everyone, certain twist positions should not be done by pregnant women or people with back problems.

Muscles stretch better when they are warm so be sure to practice yoga in a comfortable environment. Remember to sink into yoga positions slowly and carefully to av! oid inju ry. Don't try to hold poses for too long of a time period. If you get used to practicing yoga positions everyday, it is expected that your bones and muscles will react accordingly.

It is recommended that practitioners include some form of yoga positions and preferably a yoga routine in daily life. When done properly yoga should increase the lubrication of the joints, ligaments and tendons. The well researched yoga positions exercise different tendons and ligaments of the body so focus on those difficult areas. There are a lot of yoga positions and poses that is built to enhance posture. The Yoga philosophy urges that the necessary inhibition of mental states is brought about by practice and conquest of desire. Through the practice of yoga an individual can gain information about physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well being.

The yoga postures are often misconstrued as the definition of yoga. Stretching is only a small part of the yoga philosophy. To be rid of sorrow and sin, one must, according to yoga philosophy, attain spiritual unification, the consciousness of two in one, or yoga. Each pose integrates the foundational principles of asana, anatomy, and yoga philosophy, and develops the transcendent inner experience. For an authentic appreciation of the Yoga philosophy of mind, it is essential that these ideas be fully explored.

About the Author

Rob Daniels is a long term practitioner of Yoga and Pilates additional articles available at Pilates Shop and Yoga Store

Meditation Techniques For Time Pressed Executives

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Roy Thomsitt

Meditation, quite rightly, has an image of relaxation, peace and quiet, and many may interpret this as meaning meditation can only be for those who have time to laze around half the day. For this reason, those people, such as business executives, who live a pressured life with little or no time to spare, may assume that meditation can never have a place in their lives. That is a shame, as meditation techniques can be quite flexible and quite easy to fit in to a busy day.

The benefits of meditation can be so great to somebody under pressure, that even a few minutes occasionally may bring a noticeable benefit. For a busy executive to have reached their position in life, they are likely to be determined and intelligent individuals. This can often mean that, should they perceive a benefit in an activity, then they will continue or extend that activity. It is therefore possible that an executive trying out even a brief period of meditation may soon adopt some meditation technique or other on a regular basis.

What type of meditation techniques may fit in with an executive lifestyle? Important features of meditation are being able to breathe well and consciously, relax and clear the mind, and then focus the mind. An executive with perpetual meetings and a full diary, with pressures to perform and maximise profits, may think such things cannot be fitted into their busy lives.

It is true to say that the most powerful and beneficial meditation sessions are prolonged. However, that does not mean short periods of meditation are a waste of time; far from it. An executive is probably geared up to packing as much into their day as possible and, although it may be difficult to clear a hyperactive mind, they may well learn to pack in short meditation sessions also. In so doing, they may well find that those sessions give them a boost that is far greater and more beneficial than caffeine.

So, what techniques can an executive use during their busy day? Here are a few ideas:

1. If using! public transport to get to and from work, and you are able to sit down, it can be a good time to close your eyes, concentrate on correct breathing, and try to shut out the surrounding sounds. Commuting can be a very stressful experience every day of the week, so a snatched meditation session, even in far from ideal conditions, may minimize those negative effects, or even turn them on their head. In fact, it can be good practice to try to meditate in difficult conditions, as that makes ideal conditions even more beneficial later on.

The secret to these train or bus sessions is not to fall asleep, and to concentrate extra hard on maintaining the focus.

2. Do you go to a gym or health spa? Whether at lunch time or in the evening, this can be a good time to tag on a short meditation session. If you have finished your work out, you need some time to shower and relax your body a bit. Following that with a 10 minute or more period of meditation could work wonders. Most gyms or health spas will have a room you can use for a short spell of peace, so it is worth asking. A vacant massage room would serve the purpose.

3. Control your diary, and schedule in a mid morning and mid afternoon "tea or coffee" break. Only instead of tea and coffee, drink water, sit comfortably, focus on your breathing and then when totally relaxed, have a short session of meditation, focusing on something calming and not related to work. Even 10 minutes can provide a power inducing respite from the day's work, and the chances are you will not lose time, but rather gain time, as you will work more effectively.

Snatched meditation sessions spread through the day may not be the stuff of traditional meditation, but they are certainly better than none at all. Hopefully, the rejuvenated executive will perceive enough benefits to set aside time in the evenings and weekends to learn full meditation, and then be able to return to work at the top of is game every weekday morning.

About the Author

This meditation techniques article was written by Roy Thomsitt, owner and part author of the Routes To Self Improvement website.

Feeling Run Down? Need To Have Some Fun? Try Yoga, Of Any Type

Posted: 04 Jan 2012 08:20 AM PST

Article by Peter Crump

Although Yoga is extremely well known as a health and relaxation and entertaining discipline, it is not so well known that there are quite a number of different types of Yoga. And for anyone considering taking up Yoga it is important to understand these different Yoga types. All Yoga styles will work well as a general health and fitness discipline, but you may want to investigate the different disciplines of Yoga if you are intending to be more involved in your Yoga.

So before taking your first Yoga class find out a bit about what style of Yoga it teaches. There are in fact many different styles, some similar to others, but there are not so many well known and fashionable styles of Yoga.

Bikram Yoga, or what is known as Hot Yoga, in certainly a well known and modern style of Yoga, and popular now. It is a style of Yoga developed by Bikram Choudhury and has some detractors. As Yoga involves various routines and body postures, and this style is no different in that respect. There are a series of 26 poses in the normal Bikram Yoga routine. They are performed in an extremely hot room and this is thought to improve the relaxation effect of the routines and to help cleanse the body.

Another very popular style of Yoga is Hatha Yoga. This is one of the most likely forms of Yoga that you will come across if you are looking for Yoga classes. It includes many of the basic Yoga poses which are used in many of the Yoga styles. These are performed in an extremely slow way, and this style is therefore not extremely strenuous. Hatha is therefore a good Yoga style for those who are new to Yoga, or for those who are less flexible.

Another extremely well known form of Yoga is Vinyasa Yoga. This is also one of the most likely forms of Yoga that would be offered by the more common Yoga classes. It is a style founded on a series of stretches known as the Sun Salutations. As with many Yoga styles it incorporates and emphasis the importance of controlled breathing and adherents attempt to synchro! nise the ir breathing with each of the movements. It can be faster than Hatha Yoga and often requires a more advanced degree of fitness and flexibility than Hatha Yoga.

There are many other forms of Yoga, however if you are a Yoga beginner then these are some of the most common forms that you will encounter if you are looking for Yoga classes.

Whatever style you ultimately choose, Yoga is a discipline that has many advantages to your physical and mental health. It is fun and satisfying, and if you are considering taking up Yoga you will not be disappointed. Give it a go.

About the Author

To find out more about Yoga visit Peter's Website The Good Yoga Guide at and find out about Yoga Health Benefits and more including Yoga resources

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