The Magic Bowl: Sound for Healing

The Magic Bowl: Sound for Healing

The Magic Bowl: Sound for Healing

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by issa

After a long day at work, I would often find myself relaxing to the sound of New Age music plugged into my ears. It feels like taking that refreshing bath on a tub full of rose petals, as I breathe the aroma of scented lavender essential oil.

I have received a sound file from my friend and he told me to plug it to the speakers so I could feel the vibration of the crystals that are meant to cleanse me of negativity. I was curious and so I tried. I felt deeply relaxed that I dozed off to sleep. Was it because I anticipated its soothing powers? Or is there a real explanation for it?

Sound healing has been practiced through the ages as early as 500 B.C. The Singing Bowls of Tibet were said to emit the sounds of the cosmos. Sound was used as a Shaman's tool in getting in touch with the unknown powers hidden in the universe.

Modern Science may disperse with the spiritual aspects of sound healing but they confirm that music really heals - especially beneficial to those who are suffering chronic fatigue, pain, insomnia, fibromyalgia and depression.

There is surely a science behind the Sanskrit mantra called "AUM" which evokes our very brainwaves to create the healing process in every cells of our bodies. As healing means a process of changing disharmony into harmony, music is just that very vehicle in helping us ease from our disease.

Sounds emit vibrations and these stimulate the brain. No wonder why it's hard to focus when a construction is going on just around the corner. The Tibetans may have those magic, singing bowls that are filled with sacred energy from chants and prayers, but I still have to feel it for myself.

I've heard a lot of people having positive feedback on it, and some even reported to have an Out-of-the-Body experience while being treated. For now, I just enjoy playing my ipod's Crystal Music, reverberating through the four corners of my bedroom wall.

About the Author

Passion to live life to the max have made me want to spread the word on healthy living... besides, living life to the fullest is all about getting your dreams and sharing it with your loved ones, and making sure you have all that energy in keeping fit for that tough ride we call LIFE.

Your Key to Natural Health:

Aphotic Souls vs Baleroc-10 HM

Baleroc the Heroic Difficulty encounter is defeated by Aphotic Souls, a US-Perenolde guild. Restoration Druid Rageclaw's point of view. Probably one of the more difficult fights to heal in the Firelands as a resto Druid imo. For guild and recruitment information visit For Resto Druids having trouble with this encounter, especially with the dilemma of Mana vs Healing Stacks, this is what I suggest. When healing the first shard you should have lifebloom up on tank, and rejuv up on first shard person.. Once at 2 stacks, start nourishing. At 6-9 stacks start regrowth spamming up to 12-13 stacks (15-20 if you have a stack soaker). Then swiftmend right at the very end to get another instant cast worth of stacks. Do the same thing for the 2nd person in the crystal rotation, HoT then nourish until 6-8, then Regrowth. Innervate immediately afterwards (not during you'll waste a GCD of stacks). This is going to use a LOT of mana. There are 2 things you can do to ease the cost. 1. Soaker Strat. Have a soaking phase where both healers (prefer Paladin/Druid/Priest) are on crystal, using only HoTs and Bubbles/Beacon and tank cooldowns to keep the tank alive, abilities that do not trigger the healing buff. Have a soaking shadow priest, DK, or Feral Druid to get their crystal stacks high. If you get your stacks high enough at the start, you won't be as pushed to spend mana for extra stacks later, pop hero, follow your crystal healing rotation, and innervate as soon as ...

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A Review of the Metropolitan Aromatherapy Income Opportunity

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 10:03 PM PST

Article by Brian Garvin & Jeff West

♥ Haul! ♥ is one of my favorite Asian beauty retailers ^_^ I shopped the site when they offered free shipping on USD orders; usually it's free shipping on USD! Products mentioned Koji Dolly Wink Pencil Eyeliner in Black Koji Dolly Wink Liquid Eyeliner in Deep Black My Beauty Diary Earl Grey Tea & Macaron Sheet Mask Silk Whitia Rose Aromatherapy Sheet Mask ☆ ฦ’ฯƒโ„“โ„“ฯƒฯ‰ me on Twitter ☞ ☆ My Website & Blog ☆ ☆ Connect with me on Facebook! ☆ http ☆Business inquiries or you just want to e-mail me ☆ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ☆ Shooppers Delight ☆ Because the working Mother needs a break too! Birchbox-- Luxury samples a month hand picked for you! ShoeDazzle-- Awesome personalized shoe selections: Hautelook-- Closeout prices on beauty, fashion, more Sigma Beauty-- for affordable high quality makeup & brushes! All products were purchased by me. I was not paid to make this video. Opinion is my own!

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Homemade Acne Remedies For Crystal-Clear Skin

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Jason Cartwright

In addition to the many acne treatments now on the market, you can also consider a few homemade acne remedies. After all, what did people do before modern medicine? You can be sure they used a variety of home remedies for battling acne.

As you will notice, we have gathered some exciting information for you to explain how things you normally have around the home, can actually aid clear up your acne, as an alternative of using the "best acne cream".

Acne is a widespread issue with teenagers, and even adults. No matter what age you get acne, your best option is to implement homemade acne remedies as soon as possible. This will increae your chances of curing our acne once and for all.

If you are suffering from pain of acne, we advise you to think about any of the aforementioned natural acne solutions preceding to trying traditional drug, which is ruthless. Home healings are not only helpful and protected; they are also far more inexpensive and handy. Usually, you can obtain on-hand things and produce a blend inside your own residence.

Nearly all homemade acne remedies are so trouble-free that blending them together takes few minutes of your day. Do not forget that constituents not on hand can be located at a neighboring health food store. It is vital that when opting a homemade acne cure you find out about the components as best as feasible.

Moreover, keep in mind that although the majority of these perform remarkably fine, at times an individual has to try multiple home-produced acne cures prior to finding the correct solution. If you are undecided about starting point, you can always speak to an herbal professional for assistance. For beginners, herbs are amazing.

As an example, you can create a mixture of equal parts of herbal extracts to include yellow dock, burdock, sarsaparilla, and cleavers. All of these homemade acne remedies help by cleansing the lymph system and blood. All you need to do is blend one teaspoon of the mixture with water or juice daily. B! ecause t his cleans the inside of the body, oil production is not as great and pores not as clogged.

For cystic acne, forget about using the "best acne cream" for the moment and apply some Tea Tree oil to affected areas of the skin. Other natural acne solutions that work well are tomato blended with cucumber, that helps relieve acne and improve the texture of your skin. Rose water infused with strawberry leaves acts as a fantastic toner, boosting your complexion and preventing further acne problems.

As you can see, clearing acne with a home remedy is simple. All it takes is to know what ingredients to use and the best way to use them. A great option is to visit your local bookstore, buying books that outline a variety of homemade acne remedies, all easy and beneficial.

About the Author

Sign-up for your copy of our FREE "Natural Cure For Acne" E-Course, and know exactly how to outstrip acne for good. For more on acne cure home remedy, follow the link.

Crystal Grid Silks

Its great to have a sacred geometry template to use with your crystal grids to give that added vibrational frequency to amplify your intentions. These designs were hand made while in Bali using the Tjanting method, each piece taking between 30-40 hours to complete. These are truly alchemical garments of light able to assist your crystal grids in achieving expansion, transmutation and healing by amplifying your energies. Silk is an energy conductor, as crystalline living fibers with the power to heal and raise the vibrations of your intentions. You may purchase these in my shop here: My website:

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Release The Healing Ability of Your Body Through Reiki Energy Strategies

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Brian Kernan

Crystal Gemstone Elixirs For Fun & Abundance

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by Nicole Lanning

You can use crystal and gemstone elixirs to enhance and work with almost anything and everything in your life. They are easy to make, as you only need the appropriate crystal or gemstone, and some distilled or spring water. You will also need one or two glass bowls depending on how you want to charge your water with a direct or indirect method.

Here is a fun one to try and works very well! To make an abundance crystal elixir, try using a crystal gem elixir made from an Emerald, or other appropriate crystal that resonates within your vibrational fields. Make your crystal elixir either by a direct or indirect charge, and charge for at least 1 hour. 24 hours is best and provides a stronger elixir, but if you want to try it out a bit more quickly charge the water at least for 1 hour. Pour your charged water into a spray bottle and lightly mist around your home, office or where ever you are wishing to have more abundance. Remember to mist at least once a day for 7 consecutive days and see how the energies change and more abundance come into your life.Also remember, it is not just the crystal elixir that is creating this. You have to stay in the right frame of mind and be open to however the abundance does manifest. Don't pass the penny on the sidewalk and think "Oh it's just a penny". Pick it up and be thankful for it. The more gratitude you express the more abundance will show up! So stay focused, positive and grateful and use your new crystal elixir to enhance your natural abilities and gifts!

For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at

Many Blessings and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

About the Author

Nicole is a Natural Born Psychic Medium, Ordained Minister, Spiritual Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Energy Healer with the International Natural Healers Association and the World Metaphysical Association.

Crystal Dictionary: Kyanite

The next video in my Crystal Dictionary series. Say hello to KYANITE! Reference Material: "Love is in the Earth" - Melody Note: I am not a gemologist, nor will I claim that title! This video is about crystals and their application to witchcraft and alternative healing practices. =) )O( BB, Laura

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Ready to Cure Tinnitus? - Try a Natural Holistic Approach to Your Tinnitus Cure

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST

Article by William P. Smith

For countless years, humankind has sought after a cure for tinnitus. Yet a single, universally effective cure remains but a delusion. Even the best of modern medicine is hobbled. Medical professionals perform all sorts of tests, prescribe many types of drug treatments, and even carry out surgery, but can only help certain tinnitus victims. Is there any hope?

There is an alternative to the contemporary scientific line of attack to treating ringing ears. The alternative is a natural, holistic approach to the problem of tinnitus. Note that both of these go together: natural and holistic. Folks have often tried this plant based preparation or that homeopathic mixture. And occasionally they work wonders. But as with the progressive physician and hospital dependent approaches, they merely work for some of the people some of the time. None of the natural approaches by itself delivers a fail-safe tinnitus cure for everyone.

Why is it so difficult to develop a comprehensive tinnitus treatment? Probably because tinnitus has multiple causes in most people, rather than one single reason for the problem. In other words, it isn't just one thing that causes tinnitus for most people. It is a complex mix of physical (a food allergy perhaps), environmental (working in a nosiy environment) and psychological (stress often increases the sensations) factors, all combining to cause the banging, roaring, whistling, and other atrocious sound effects in your head.

As a end result, you might need to treat numerous causes before there is a audible improvement in your tinnitus. For example, an herbal treatment could successfully treat the part of your tinnitus that's due to your food allergies, but do nothing at all for the component that is caused by your deafening work surroundings or the anxiety you are suffering because money is tight.

This is why a holistic approach can cure tinnitus. By treating every one of the multiple causes of your ringing ears concurrently, the holistic approach has a impro! ved chan ce of attaining an actual cure. After all, what might work better on a many-faceted problem than a many-faceted solution?

But heed this warning. Holistic natural treatments aren't like getting a prescription from the doctor. They are harder to implement than just taking a few pills, plus they frequently take some time for the effects to become noticeable. Still, the alternate options (more ineffectual medical procedures or a life of galling inner noise) aren't interesting at all. You owe it to yourself to try this before resigning yourself to a lifetime of suffering.

About the Author

Try this holistic approach to curing your tinnitus. Visit this site and start treating your tinnitus the natural holistic way today at:

Beth Moore Physical Health Part 1 of 2

Hi, this is an awesome teaching from James Robison' Life Today Show by a teacher named Beth Moore, it is very good teaching! Don't think I am posting this to pick on us for fasting lately,as you know God's been calling us to do this at this time. Holy Spirit show us what You'd like through these videos and be glorified in and through us God, grant us all Jesus' perfect Shalom in Christs Name I pray, Amen, Amen. Luv Smooth

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Understanding the Basics of Reiki Healing

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 05:04 PM PST

Article by Ryan J Bell

"Healing without energy depletion." That is how Reiki was described in 1922 by its originator, a man named Mikao Usui. It combines the practice of palm healing with other methods to move energy throughout the body to restore a person's health. While there is scant documentation which supports its effectiveness, the methodology has attracted a large following in the West. Today, tens of thousands of people extol the health benefits of receiving treatment.

In this article, we'll briefly explore the practice's history. We'll also explain the ways in which Reiki is used to heal various disorders and the structure under which the methodology is taught to students. Lastly, we'll discuss its movement throughout the West and the factors which influence it.

Origin Of The Teachings

The origins of Reiki began in 1922 on Mount Kurama near the city of Kyoto. Mikao Usui embarked on a 21-day retreat to the mountain in order to meditate, fast, and pray. When he had completed his retreat, he described having a revelation that opened his eyes to the spiritual practice. He claimed to have discovered the secret behind harnessing a spiritual energy and using it to heal others. That same year, Usui relocated to Tokyo to build a university that would be focused entirely on teaching the principles of this new practice.

Usui died four years later, but during that time, he had taught his methodology to over 2,000 students. One of those students was named Chujiro Hayashi who emphasized a simpler approach. Hayashi became a teacher and was instrumental in training Hawayo Takata who in turn, spread the practice throughout the U.S.

Different Paths Of Treatment

The underpinnings of Reiki maintain that there is an unlimited store of healing energy within the universe. This energy can be harnessed by a Master to cure all types of conditions, from physical to spiritual. There are two main paths of treatment: whole-body and localized.

When performing whole-body treatment, the practitioner e! ither pl aces his or her hands on the patient's body or an inch above it. Each position is held for several minutes and an entire session will normally include up to 20 positions. When performing localized treatment, the practitioner will focus on one or more specific areas. This might be performed to heal a physical injury, skin condition, or sporadic pain.

Degrees Of Expertise

There is a structured approach taken when teaching the methodology to new practitioners. Students achieve three "degrees" of learning. The first level focuses on body positions that are considered favorable when performing whole-body treatment. The second level teaches students to use three symbols in harnessing and directing the spiritual energy over greater distances. The third level teaches the student to use a symbol known as Dai Ko Myo. At the end of earning the third degree, the student becomes a Master.

Movement In The West

As noted, Hawayo Takata spread the Reiki methodology throughout the United States decades ago. He was the person who first popularized starting a business which offered Reiki treatment. Since then, the spiritual practice has expanded to include elements of the New Age movement. It is not uncommon to see practitioners integrating the use of Chakras, crystals, and even communicating with spirit guides.

While the use of these New Age techniques is not bad, they do tend to obfuscate the elegant simplicity of Reiki. For purists, it's worth remembering that the foundation of Reiki is based on accessing a universal spiritual energy that can be used to heal all forms of ailments. To that end, it can be a potent strategy for developing a well-balanced, healthy life.

About the Author

Programs Of Light is a premier provider of reiki master training courses, as well as distance healing and animal reiki in Colorado. Check them out online at

Crystals & Stones Part 1 of 5 : Lapis Lazuli

My website: Facebook Me talking about how Lapis Lazuli can be used to improve your communication skills, making things like filming youtube videos & giving talks that little bit easier. I have also included more information on Lapis Lazuli for those who may be interested. you can also go here this is where i buy all my crystals ;) Peace & Love 2 You All Pete

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Energizing Kundalini With Reiki & Crystals

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 04:00 PM PST

Crystals Healing
by dolanh

Article by Nicole Lanning

Your own personal Kundalini energy flow and power is strong in its own right. Adding Reiki energy and flow to this increases the energy flow through your chakras. Kundalini energy flows strong through your main 7 chakra, as well as over 300 minor chakras. Adding and incorporating Reiki into this flow can increase the strength.

Start practicing with either Reiki or your own personal Kundalini energy and then incorporate the other into this. To amplify this even further, you can add an Ammolite to your sessions.

For best results, again start with one or the other, and then add the second level to this. Once you have this energy running and strong, add an Ammolite to the mix. Make sure you have this cleansed a head of time, as well as charged and programmed for this purpose. The more you use this particularly for this session and purpose the more and stronger the energy flow will be for both your own personal Kundalini energy as well as your Reiki flow.

You can start in a meditation or healing session. Make sure you are grounded and centered before beginning with either form. If you are not, things will become very unbalanced and a bit spacey when working. Once you have done both of these, start with your own personal energy Kundalini flow. Then open up your crown chakra and feet chakras and run your Reiki energy flow from the Universal source down through your crown chakra and out of your feet chakras. Next add in your Ammolite, holding this in your dominant hand. Your Kundalini and Reiki flow will be much stronger and easier flowing throughout your 7 main chakras.

For more information, online courses, programs, healing and much more visit us at

Many Blessings and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

About the Author

Nicole is a Natural Born Psychic Medium, Ordained Minister, Spiritual Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Energy Healer with the International Natural Healers Association and the World Metaphysical Association.

My Crystals and Gemstones

Brief video on my stones, crystals and books on chakra healing.

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Aromatherapy Benefits for New Yorkers

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 03:00 PM PST

Article by Michael Hazel

Sensual Massage Massage Therapy,sexy massage,breast massage,sensual massage,spa massage,spa,massages,massager,shiatsu,massage training school,aromatherapy massage,back,neck,thigh,hand,head,stomac h,buttock,boob massage

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Reiki Massage Therapy To Encourage Natural Wellness and Healing

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 02:00 PM PST

Article by Nadine Brown

Frequently you will see Reiki massage which will normally make you think they are identical. Reiki is completely different from massage therapy, but it is very common to see them mixed into one approach. The strict meaning of Reiki is, "universal life force," and that really does encompass the true process of this healing art. You need to recognize that this healing process is based on important concepts that are present in yoga in addition to other Eastern philosophies. Yoga is heavily impacted by the belief of the seven chakras, or energy centers, and those are essential with Reiki massage therapy, also. Reiki is also related to the approach acupuncture uses because in each it is the occurrence and unimpeded energy routes in our body that results in optimum health.

What is of major importance with Reiki is being free of the destructive effects of stress on the body. Massage therapists incorporate their approach with Reiki and work on the seven chakras to develop relaxation and energy circulation. Knowing how to be calm and peaceful will lead to the body's capacity to affect healing on its own. The human body has incredible healing powers as well as being able to stay in good health. One fundamental principle of Reiki healing entails the concept of reaching balance. It is vital to possess balance in our life plus a balance of our life energies.

We all realize that the root causes of a lot of issues points back to stress that is not handled effectively. The way Reiki and other related practitioners believe is that the mind and body may not be balanced along with the lifestyle. Needless to say other actions may worsen these imbalanced states such as poor diet and using unhealthy things. Reiki and massage are typically applied to bring the body into a more tranquil state. The usage of this massage in highly targeted spots in the body will help the stress and anxiety to be expelled.

There is an interesting parallel between these Reiki concepts and acupuncture. Each of the two metho! ds are f ocused on encouraging the flow of life force, of energy, in the body. When that energy is disrupted, then we come to be wide open for a host of probable health issues. In this condition we are not in harmony with energy and life, and then the chance exists to become ill or have problems. It is helpful to consider the ways whereby many people feel in negative terms. Let's have a few examples, and they are irritation, anxieties, fearfulness, depression, rage, etc.

The strength of combining Reiki energy restorative healing plus body massage is usually very effective for many people. But we should point out that, naturally, you will need to generally be willing to consider the principles of this overall holistic approach. But it is fascinating to note that Reiki massage has become widely acknowledged in Western countries. Also consider that Reiki and associated massage can provide the best outcomes from a long term program of therapy.

About the Author

Nadine's websites: Bisnis Mahasiswa, Pustaka Hindu, Sai Baba Bali and Pustaka Hindu

Dr. Abdul Samad Musafir Zheel Sciences Post by Zagham - Morning with Farah Interview with Professor Dr. Abdul Samad Musafir, PhD in Alternative Medicines and an International author of many books. He is founder of Zheel Sciences Institute, SAMDA Products Private Limited. He is founder of the world's most Powerful Healing Energy SAMDA, HMF, PMBL, DA Reiki, DA Instant Yoga, PARAZ, Bio Mind Power and many such mind power disciplines.

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Holistic Healing For Uterine Fibroids

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by G Atkinson

Many women are dissatisfied with the options their doctors give them for dealing with their fibroids and this lead many to look at the available alternatives. Holistic healing for uterine fibroids is an option to consider and many women have found tremendous relief by following this path.

Conventional treatment for fibroids usually consists of "watchful waiting", where the size and symptoms of your fibroids are simply monitored for changes. Even if actual treatment is offered, you should be aware that even surgery can be just a temporary solution as this does not address the root causes of your fibroids meaning that they can often return after just a few short months.

The good news about fibroids is that they are rarely dangerous. Providing you have consulted your doctor and she has confirmed that your fibroids are benign, you might like to consider trying holistic healing for uterine fibroids, which works by rebalancing the body and restoring it to optimum health. You can address various areas, such as improving your diet, changing your lifestyle to a healthier one and addressing any problems with your physical and emotional well-being. By using an approach which is "all-encompassing" this eliminates each and every possible cause of fibroids, turning your body into a "fibroid free zone".

As you might have guessed by now, holistic healing for uterine fibroids is not going to be a quick fix approach and will require a good deal of input and motivation. You will be required to make a number of lifestyle changes, amend your diet and adopt a healthier regime altogether.

The areas you will need to consider include:-

* What you eat* Exercise routines* Taking herbal treatments* Detoxification* Cleansing regimes* Relaxation* Chinese medicine* Accupuncture/accupressure* Massage

The achieve the best possible results, you will need to fully adopt holistic healing for uterine fibroids as the key to success is using the multifaceted approach without leaving any of the ste! ps out. You will not gain much benefit by simply selecting the elements which appeal to you most. When used properly, many women begin to get relief from their symptoms within days and see significant results within weeks.

Written by a former fibroid sufferer, the system you are about to see is, quite simply, groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will feel relief that you have finally found something that will genuinely help you get rid of your fibroids.

If you would like to see further information on how a natural treatment could be your best option, please visit How To Get Rid Of Fibroids.

One of the best features of system for holistic healing for uterine fibroids is the 3 months free one-to-one email support offered by the author.

About the Author

Gail advocates using natural treatments for fibroids rather than using conventional medication or surgery as this is a workable long term solution. Conventional medication only treats the symptoms and fibroids are likely to regrow, whereas natural treatments, when used properly can eliminate the root cause by rebalancing the body and restoring overall health.

The Universal Frequency: Schumman Resonance Session (7.83Hz)

"Schumann Resonance" refers to the frequency of the electromagnetic field of the earth. Whether by coincidence or not, it also happens to be a very powerful frequency to use with brainwave entrainment. This frequency has been associated with high levels of hypnotizability, meditation, increased HGH levels and cerebral blood flow levels seem to be much higher while this frequency is being stimulated. This sessions makes an excellent afternoon meditation, and can also be used for sleep induction or general relaxation.

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Holistic Healthcare Treatments

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by Paul Buchanan

There are a wide variety of different healthcare treatments, and many holistic healthcare treatments as well. Holistic is a very broad word that encompasses many different methods of natural healing that include chiropractic work, acupuncture, nutrition therapy, muscle rehabilitation, massage therapy, vitamins and supplements, and minerals. Holistic healing is not for every patient, but there have shown favorable results and a great deal of good can be done by a number of these practices.

Accupuncture for example has gained a great deal of western approval and popularity, as it has been proven to be helpful. There are a few different types of acupuncture that focus on pressure and pain reduction, and not all of them use needles. Acupuncture can be practiced with electricity, pressure, and low intensity lasers to activate the energy pathways that would otherwise require the use of needles. Accupuncture has been credited with relieving a variety of ailments including pain, allergies, smoking cessation, and muscle problems.

Chiropractic manipulation of the musculoskeletal system is proven to be effective in treating muscle and joint problems, and is a good solution for anyone who requires relief but does not want to undertake abrasive, or chemical means of treatment. Neck pain is one of the most commonly cited types of discomfort and is also one of the most easily taken care of types of pain when it comes to joint and muscle pain. There is also an extensive evaluation taken before any adjustments are made, and a series of nutritional recommendations made, which makes it a well rounded experience more so than just a neck cracking session.

Nutrition is a discipline in and of itself, as very little healing can be expected to happen if the proper nutritional base is not present. Nutrition therapy may include weight loss, and laboratory testing to find out what precisely your body is lacking, because every person in the world is distinctly different on the biochemical level. Nutrient i! nsuffici ency is a major problem for many people because their stomach and small intestines do not allow food and liquids to be absorbed properly into the body, and this can cause problems. There are also countless environmental toxins that make our outside environment threatening to our well-being.

It then becomes the responsibility of the individual to replenish and combat environmental stressors for a healthy lifestyle. If you have ever found yourself becoming more sick from medicine, or just not seeing any improvement, it is your duty to know there are other options available to make you as healthy as possible.

Holistic Doctors Raleigh

Holistic Treatment Raleigh

About the Author

Gives input and advice on holistic healthcare treatments.

Allow Your Body Treat Itself Using Reiki and Massage Strategies

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 11:22 AM PST

by inju

Article by Brian Kernan

Moiz Hussain : Secret Of Student Success part 2

Founder of the first Yoga Institute in Pakistan, he presently conducts events, workshops and seminars in Pakistan, India, UAE, Singapore, UK and USA. He holds doctoral degree in Clinical Hypnosis. He is a faculty member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, USA and The National Federation of Neuro Linguistic Psychology (NLP), USA, Certified Reiki Grand Master and Teacher and Licensed Director of Silva Mind Control, USA.

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What exactly is Reiki Healing?

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Krister Kobayashi7

Reiki is a transfer of constructive power through the healer towards the individual they're functioning on. It really is believed that this transfer of power can function together with the body's organic capacity to recover it is self. Reiki utilizes various approaches to restore and stability the lifestyle force power inside an individuals physique. It can be considered to touch all 3 amounts of an individual; the physique, thoughts, and spirit. The phrase alone suggests universal lifestyle power and also the fundamental premise of Reiki would be to find to restore the movement of power inside an individual whose power is unbalanced.

Reiki can be a relaxed functional healing technique to lower strain, ease discomfort, and support remedy. Reiki practitioners maintain the basic energy with the cosmos, is channeled by way of the practitioner to energize the a variety of, physique methods on amounts that endorse curing and completeness. The fingers with the Reiki practitioner are employed to analyze a client's physique, and also to acknowledge and deal with components of condensed power inside the customer.

Does it give good results?

It depends upon whom you consult. The artwork of Reiki would be to have an individual turn out to be deeply calm to ensure that the vibrational power movement inside might be unblocked. Any medical doctor will concur together with the concept that deep rest or meditation will support everyone who's deeply stressed. These that I've personally asked if Reiki operates for them inform me that right after each and every session they really feel serene to radiating a joy from inside.

Is Reiki the very same factor as Spiritual Healing?

The two are comparable as each utilize the laying on of fingers to recover. You'll find key variations although. In Spiritual healing the healer is putting their hand straight onto the physique with the individual they're operating on. In performing so, they're taking their very own individual powerful power and rel! easing i t in to the individual. In impact , the healer is performing all of the function and participant is passive within the method only accepting the power.

In Reiki, the practitioner isn't putting their fingers straight around the individual in many instances. The healer is putting their hand over the individual permitting the recipient to draw any power which is necessary. So the recipient is as actively concerned inside the procedure because the healer is. It makes it possible for the individual to get duty for their very own healing.

In a lot of circumstances a Reiki Grasp will recommend that an individual go via a sequence of atonements. This really is exactly where the healer will use historic seems and symbols in the course of a session or sequence of periods to attune an individuals nervous method bringing it to a greater amount of power vibrations.

Lengthy expression utilization of Reiki can restore the physique as power channels are opened up permitting you to cope with tension and anxiousness. The important to achievement with Reiki treatment is standard therapies. It'll not remedy you of the sickness in 1 check out; nevertheless, lengthy expression practice will compliment any healthcare program of treatment options which you are undertaking.

The positive aspects of entire physique Reiki treatment options which are undertaken on the normal foundation is permitting your personal physique to grow to be in tune with alone, therefore decreasing the tension and anxiousness that faces each and every day. Regardless of whether you're a wholesome individual or 1 who's undertaking sequence health care remedies, the inward peace and harmony the treatment bestows is priceless.

About the Author

Krister is very famous Reiki healer. Just get through to reiki and understand all of the rewards of Reiki nowadays.

Jonathan Goldman ~Root Chakra~ Ruby Resonance

Crystal Bowl Chakra Chants

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Healing mental wounds and dropping emotional baggage.

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 10:08 AM PST

Article by Sutekh

There are things that everyone on this planet experiences regardless of where you were born, what hue of skin you have, or what religious doctrine you subscribe to. One of these things is being emotionally scarred. Whether it be a bully beating on you as a child, being sexually abused, or past loves lost. We all have these experiences. For many, these occurrences completely derail potentially fruit bearing relationships and associations.How do we heal these wounds? How do we let go?

Letting go of past hurts is a MUST

I'm coming with another boxing analogy again. I know I use them often but I feel as though boxing has so many parallels to life in general it cannot be overlooked. So you have a potential championship fighter quickly rising through the ranks of his division. They are gleaming with confidence and ready to take on any challenges thrown in front of them. Until one fight where their opponent just has the perfect style to offset any advantages they may have. It's the 9th round and he goes down hard, his equilibrium completely thrown off and the ten count is up and the bell sounds. He just got his first loss and by knockout. Now faced with a damaging mental blow they come to a fork in the road, will they now associate all boxers they face with being knocked out? Or will they treat it as an isolated incident and know that that boxer they faced just had their card, accept it and move on. This is the dilemma facing us all. When we fail a class with one specific teacher, does this mean that we are never going to excel in the subject? If we are hurt by a man or woman in a relationship does that mean all men and women are going to do wrong by you? Of course not, but many of us have this subconscious belief that it will, even if we show the opposite sentiments outwardly.

When I was in the first grade there was an embarrassing incident that tool place when I was presenting a project in front of the class. I still have a little too much pride to go into complete detail, but from ! then up until a few years ago speaking in front of groups of people was completely terrifying even I didn't give off any visible signs. There are a slew of things that I did to conquer this and they apply to anything; relationships, childhood scars, fears of flying etc. Just about anything.

What you have to do

What worked for me and the first step I took was visualization. Visualization that I would go and speak in front of groups with great success and the audience would show the utmost adoration. I know this will sound cliche`, but fear of failure is a great way to bungle anything. Visualizing failure results in failure, so do the opposite and visualize yourself as a success. Leave that childhood incident back in that classroom is what I did. That was then and this is now. It's a new day and I'm not the same person with the same outlook and I will accept new things into my life and not shut them out because of something non -related to that specific incident.

Another great tool is to write your pains down in a journal/diary. Put the burden on the book and release it from psyche. When you decide to write something new, you turn the page. Just like you "turn the page" on a past wound. Then once you are done writing that day and when all the pages are full you can "close the book" on a lot of pain and suffering and leave it in the book and not carry it around with you and have to work against you. There are also crystal therapies and reflexology techniques like EFT (Emotional freedom technique) that will help you. I will get into that later though. The bottom line is you don't have to carry this weight around like an albatross around your neck, there are ways to check that baggage at the door. So you don't have to unload this baggage on everyone you come in contact with. Thanks for reading


About the Author

Sutekh aka Seth Nanton is a holistic health advocate,metaphysical student and practitioner

Crystal Energies

Quartz is used in common electrical appliences like mobile phones, watches, speakers etc... This clip takes you through a stunning display of Kovarskis Collection Jewellery along with healing imagery & poses the question: "If quartz can regulate energy in all those devices, what can it do to us?"

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Nothing Fishy Here! Cure Bacterial Vaginosis Holistically

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Terry Robbins

Formerly known as Gardnerella vaginitis after the bacteria that was thought to lead to bacterial vaginosis, this condition occurs when the vagina experiences an unusual overgrowth of bacteria. Although bacteria vaginosis may not have any symptoms, the most common one is the "fishy" odor which can be downright embarrassing. This "Nothing Fishy Here! Cure Bacterial Vaginosis Holistically" article helps you find natural solutions for this vaginal infection.

Vaginal Infections (Vaginitis)

Most of the vaginal infections or vaginitis cases that women seek treatment for each year are mainly caused by bacterial vaginosis (40 to 50%). The other common vaginal infections are yeast infections (20 to 25%) and trichomoniasis (15 to 20%). These are the top three vaginal infections or vaginitis that women experience during a year. All of them have some form of excessive vaginal discharge and a doctor's test will usually reveal which vaginal infection the patient suffers from conclusively since all three have the same or similar symptoms. Do note that these vaginal infections can also not produce any symptoms at all.

The vagina has a normal discharge that flows daily as a way of maintaining a normal and healthy environment. A normal vaginal discharge is typically clear or milky and odorless. If you noticed a change in the color, amount of the discharge, smell, itching, irritation, etc, this could mean that you have a vaginal infection or vaginitis.

Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It simply results from the overgrowth of certain bacterial that are found in the vagina. The common indicator of the condition is an excessive discharge that is white or gray in color although it can be any color. This discharge will also be associated with an odor that has been described as "fishy".

Causes for Bacterial Vaginosis

Although the exact cause for this imbalance in the growth of bacteria in the vagina or! overgro wth of bacteria in the vagina leading to this vaginal infection is unknown, certain factors increase the risk that a woman will develop this condition such as;

1. Smoking

2. Vaginal douching or using vaginal sprays and perfumes

3. Having a sexual partner who is female

4. Having many sexual partners

Although women with multiple sexual partners make up the majority of bacterial vaginosis cases, it is important to remember that a woman with little to no sexual activity can still develop this vaginal infection.

Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment

1. Traditional Medicine

Traditional medicine usually prescribes either oral antibiotics or antibiotics in the form of creams or gels that can be applied directly to the vagina. Since traditional medicine does not treat the root cause of the condition and simply treats the symptoms (the discharge and odor), this condition usually returns in the year after treatment. These antibiotics are also expensive and lead to various side effects. Using antibiotics frequently may also lead your body to develop a resistance to antibiotics.

The most common antibiotics precribed for this vaginal infection include Metronidazole (in pill or gel form), Tinidazole (has less side effects than Metronidazole) and a vaginal clindamycin cream.

2. Holistic Remedies

Holistic or natural treatments for bacterial vaginosis cure tend to treat the underlying root cause for this hormonal imbalance and not just the symptoms. Holistic remedies also do not lead to any side effects and use ingredients that you can easily obtain from your local health or drug stores at minimal cost. Choosing holistic remedies also ensures that you avoid the problem of having recurrent bacterial vaginosis since the root cause is usually treated.

About the Author

Create a bacterial vaginosis free body so that you are able to say to yourself "Nothing fishy here!" Discover a bacterial vaginosis natural cure that has been found to treat the condition using a three step technique to cure the condition in three days. Visit to find out more.

How To Treat Ovarian Cysts Holistically

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST

Article by C Oliver

In general terms, natural medicine sees the body as a "whole" with the implication that what affects one organ or part of the body will have a knock-on effect on another. Conventional medicine tends to treat the body as if it is a set of separate organs, each having no bearing on the other. When looking at how to treat ovarian cyst holistically, the principle is that this condition is not necessarily a problem with the ovaries themselves, but that the whole body is not working as it should and the manifestation of this just happens to be in the ovaries.

In some women, this imbalance could result in other conditions, such as fibroids or endometriosis or even diseases of the major organs.

The aim of holistic medicine is to restore the inner balance and increase optimal genetic function and provide the means for the body to cleanse and heal itself. Compare this to conventional medicine, the aim of which is to make the patient comfortable, providing symptomatic relief which simply masks what is still going on under the surface.

To treat ovarian cysts holistically, it will be necessary to make dietary modifications to eat a healthy, nourishing diet which is free from additives, toxins and pesticides. Research has shown that eating no more than the recommended calorific allowance is beneficial for normalizing hormones. In addition, detoxification is also an essential step, to cleans the body of accumulated poisons, which can fuel the growth of cysts.

Improvements in your exercise routine and ensuring that you manage stress well are also important elements to help the body heal itself but it must be remembered that this type of treatment requires some commitment to make the necessary lifestyle and dietary changes. However, most women find that just getting started and committing to change is the most difficult part and that once they begin to treat ovarian cysts holistically, the benefits begin to become apparent.

If you would like to learn exactly how to cure ovarian cyst! s natura lly and eliminate all associated symptoms completely, please visit Ovarian Cyst Miracle.

The unique feature of this treatment is the personal one-to-one email counseling given by the devoted creator of the system, herself a former sufferer, who is totally committed to helping as many women as possible to be cyst-free for life by learning how to treat ovarian cysts holistically.

About the Author

A writer on female health issues, Charlotte reviews various natural systems and remedies, particularly in respect of reproductive health. She has a particular interest in the problems experienced by women suffering from ovarian cysts, as she is a former sufferer herself prior to the birth of her children. After several frustrating visits to her doctor and after almost losing an ovary, it was only by using a holistic remedy that freed her from her symptoms.

How to Design Your Own Aromatherapy and Herbal Gift Baskets

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Trevor Price

Aromatherapy gift baskets are a great present that you can put together yourself - it shows you care enough to extend effort into the creation of the gift and also demonstrates you care about the well-being of the recipient.

Aromatherapy is an ancient medicinal custom that believes certain herbs and scents can invigorate the mind, soothe frazzled nerves and relieve aching muscles. So, keep reading for some great aromatherapy gift ideas.

Homemade Aromatherapy Bath Blend

An aromatic or herbal bath is not much different from plunging into a bathtub full of herbal tea - so, if you'd drink a cup of chamomile tea to relax, sinking into a chamomile bath will have a similar effect.

To make a customized bath blend for your gift recipient, simply mix together a few favorite herbs like dried ginger flakes or dried lavender and wrap them in a small muslin bundle. Then, tie it up with string, like a large tea bag.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are the pure essence of a plant and the center of aromatherapy. They are inhaled and believed to have both psychological and physiological benefits for the inhaler.

The idea is that the smell will not only trigger a psychological effect in the brain but also a physiological one in the body. For example, the aroma of ginger zest may invigorate you, while the scent of mint can soothe you or help an upset stomach.

Instruction Book

Stacks of aromatherapy oils and herbal bath sachets won't be of much use if someone doesn't know how best to use them. To avoid this problem, tuck an introduction to aromatherapy booklet into your aromatherapy gift baskets. That way, your gift recipient will be able to look up each plant and herb to learn about their benefits.

Candles and Incense

An aromatherapy gift bag or basket wouldn't be complete without a few scented candles and incense sticks. They not only fill your home with beautiful scents, but those same scents work to relax you, fight fatigue and make you feel ! great. S o, fill out those gift baskets with some great scented candles or an incense set that includes all your favorite scent-pleasing aromas.

For an added touch, you can even make your own scented candles with rolled beeswax. Simply spray each sheet of beeswax with a diluted mixture of essential oils and water. The scent will seep into the wax.

Homemade Herbal Cream

A truly personal touch for your aromatherapy gift baskets is a handmade aromatherapy facial moisturizer. To make your own blend, simply mix together 2 teaspoons of hazelnut oil, 1 teaspoon of almond oil and 8 drops of your favorite essential aromatherapy oil.

Orange oil is a great choice as it is chock full of antioxidants and helps to rejuvenate the skin and prevent wrinkles.

About the Author

For great information on beauty & cosmetics - see - a popular site providing insights on enhancing your attractiveness - such as the Obagi skin care system - wholesale colognes - and many more!

Moon River - Raw Food Health Retreat Moon River Retreat Center, a unique raw food health retreat situated on the beautiful Hudson River, New York, invites you to join us for a rejuvinating vacation of peaceful relaxation, while eating gourmet raw food meals prepared especially for you. Raw vegan gourmet chef, Catherine Moon Rubin, will delight your taste buds with delicious, healthful, life-enhancing, all organic raw food recipes, while catering to your special dietary needs. Start your day with yoga and meditation, wheat grass juice and your favorite fruit and vegetable juices. Indulge in one of Catherines breakfast specialties like sprouted grain cereals, rawlicious blueberry pancakes, live cinnamon rolls with cashew cream frosting, or her I cant believe its not yogurt! fruit nogurt. Want to focus on healing and relaxation? Enjoy a facial at Weleda Spa, or cleanse with a colonic at Green Moon Whole Life Care. Catherine can arrange for you a wide variety of therapies including massage therapy, reiki, aromatherapy, stress management, acupuncture, eurythmy and crystal bowl sound healing. Book a week stay at Moon River and get a free massage! For more information or to make a booking, please visit

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Essential Energy Healing -- Find Out The Truth

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by Michael Hills

Essential energy healing is essentially spiritual in nature, but has a physical effect. The morphogenic field of focused thought patterns carry the healing energy through spirit. The WhiteLight Self-Empowerment is probably one of the most powerful of all essential energy healing systems. It being a registered system means its frequency is ensured to remain very high into the future.

The founder Daniela says: "White" has the highest energy vibration. It stands for spirituality, healing, clarity, and transcendence. "White" is nearer to the source (God) than all other colors. it is the mirror, and the channel of divine and spiritual qualities.

It helps to open chakras. It helps to clear, to enlarge, to cure, to energize, and connect the chakras with the pure white spirit energy. It goes beyond reiki, and does a great job of clearing our physical body, and our entire ethereal body, right down to every cell.

When you work with this essential energy healing, your vibration increases so that you can come into contact with divine channels. These channels can come in many forms. They can be your higher-self, your spiritual guides, and many other higher information sources, and sources still left to discover.

WhiteLight uses no symbols like in the traditional reiki realm, but is similar to reiki only it is much purer. The results of this kind of healing can be significant indeed.

This powerful system uses the image of a white, crystal-clear, radiant energy orb. And it is perfect for distance healing, spiritual healing, and it is similar to a reiki attunement, but has a higher vibrational frequency.

This is my experience: working with this system you will likely become very clear in your thoughts and feelings. Your intuition will be sharpened, which is good for essential energy healing.

WhiteLight can be learned directly in a seminar without being attuned in any other healing system.

It is suggested, however, for distance attunements, that the student learns a! t least the 1st degree in another Reiki system before doing this.

Yes, like everything else in life it takes work, but the more you work with it, the higher the frequency will become, the stronger the energy will become.

I think WhiteLight is the perfect healing energy. This is really an excellent system!

About the Author

If you want to learn real and powerful essential energy healing go here:essential energy healing right now, or go essential energy healing here.

Energy Muse - Voice Sound Healing

Shaman Emanuel performs a voice healing ceremony at Energy Muse HQ. Playback and turn up the volume to hear the powerful energy of this talented voice healer.

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Aromatherapy With The Early Greek

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Krystal Bennion

Aromatherapy did not just start today. Or yesterday. Or last year. Or this decade. The term may have been coined and may be just decades old, the whole practice of aromatherapy is as old as the early civilizations. It was something that most early civilizations practiced and there were some who believed that it was a way to appease the gods. There were also those who believed that aromatherapy was a way for the gods to send healing to common folk. There were also early civilizations which practiced aromatherapy only with the noble people. One of the early civilizations that had used aromatherapy was the Greeks. According to historians, although there were other civilizations that used aromatherapy before the Greeks, this civilization thought that this practice was something that had to do with their gods. Remember that the Greeks had mythology stories and they believed in gods and goddesses and higher powers. With that, they came up with the thought that aromatherapy was something that the gods gave to the people. The knowledge of how to use plants was what the gods sent and with that knowledge, aromatherapy came about. The healers of the Greeks were using plants to cure a person from a malady. It was said that these healers used plants to help people heal from a physical disease. It was also plants that helped people heal from emotional disease. One of these Greek healers was Hippocrates who is more known as the father of medicine. What he did was he experimented and used plants. There was also this other Greek perfume maker who went by the name Megallus. Megallus had been able to create a perfume which he then called megaleion. This was made up of myrrh mixed with a base that was oil and fat. According to historians, Megallus used megaleion because it had a wonderful aroma. But aside from that, megaleion also had the capacity to heal wounds as well as it helped inflammations of the skin go down. These are just a couple of accounts on how early civilizations look at aromatherapy. They may have c! alled th is practice by other names. They may not even have had a name for it - it was just something that they knew worked and so they did it. But aromatherapy before is still aromatherapy today. The differences though would be that it now has a name and there are now other ways of practicing aromatherapy and that includes lighting up scented organic candles and natural wax candles.

About the Author

Krystal loves writing and writes about anything.

Chemistry of Essential Oils with Dr David Stewart

Chemistry of Essential Oils with Dr David Stewart on TruthBrigade Radio Dr. David Stewart studied theology, philosophy, and English at Central Methodist College in Fayette, Missouri (1955-58) and studied chemistry, biology and social sciences at Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg (1962-63). He also trained as a commercial photography at Los Angeles Trade Technical College (1959-60). He completed a BS degree in Mathematics and Physics at Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy in 1965 and was salutatorian of his graduating class. His MS and PhD degrees are in geophysics (theoretical seismology) and were earned from the University of Missouri at Rolla in 1969 and 1971 respectively. His doctoral dissertation is a mathematical discourse on vibrational modes and spectral analysis of frequencies in solid matter applying the 3-dimensional tensor calculus developed by Albert Einstein. He spent a semester in medical school at the University of North Carolina (1973) and has been a Certified Childbirth Educator (CCE) with the American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth (AAHCC) since 1975. He has spent some 200 hours in training with Dr. Gary Young (ND), internationally recognized authority on aromatherapy, essential oil production, and the originator of Raindrop Therapy. Dr. Stewart has also been a Registered Aromatherapist (RA) with the nationally recognized Aromatherapy Registration Council (ARC), which is endorsed by the National Association of ...

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The Health Benefits of a Holistic Lifestyle

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Kelly Price

The fast food culture and fat rich grubs and snacks that fit in the bills of comforts eats and binge eats play a major role in making you unhealthy and sick. Holistic lifestyle focuses all the aspects of your life including the mind, body, spirit and the environment where you live. Only when there is a perfect harmony can you expect holistic health care and wellness and mental peace

Eating a well balanced diet alone will not make you healthy and happy; leading a natural and well balanced life is what makes you happy. A natural approach in your life enables you to lead a happier and more satisfying life. Holistic health care depends on the type of food you eat, the place where you live, your career choice, your way of thinking and the quality of personal relationships among many other factors. You can change your life for the better by choosing the right options available to you.

The hectic pace of the modern lives have left no time for you to pursue the hobbies you like the most or to spend time with your dear and near ones or to foster your spiritual life. Natural essential oils used in aromatherapy can soothe your minds and body is quite effective in treating many disease conditions and depression. Essential oils from plants like rose, peppermint, lavender and lemon can help in the holistic care of your body. You can indulge in a relaxing massage in them or inhale them directly. There are scented candles containing these oils which on lighting emit a soft scent that would enliven your work space and homes, making you much more relaxed and happy.

Holistic medicine emphasizes on treating the person as a whole and not for any specific disease condition and the essential oils used in aromatherapy can change your mood and make you relaxed and happy.

About the Author is a useful site where you can get more useful information on holistic lifestyle and the various aspects of holistic health care among others. There is a huge collection of aromatherapy products and health care books and CDs which would give more insight on this topic.

What The Heck Is Aromatherapy Mist?

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Jenny Plonker

This writer has been learning and using aromatherapy for nearly twenty years, and even I had never heard of aromatherapy mist. That's one of the great things about aromatherapy – you never can learn it all. Some find this frustrating, but others find it invigorating. You might discover that your favorite aromatherapy supplier mist call an aromatherapy mist by another name like "spray".

So, What Is It Then?

You ever squirt yourself with cologne and miss? Suddenly, you're choking on the way too fragrant cloud that attacks your eyes, nasal linings and your tongue. An aromatherapy mist kind of works on that principle, but it's much less intense. The spray is very thin – almost gas rather than liquid. It scents the air rather than your skin.

You can then spritz this aromatherapy mist about your head. Works when you know you're not going to be moving anywhere for a while. This is especially good for those who need some quick stress relief while at work or even more intense relaxation assistance when trying to get to sleep.

Body Sprays

There are aromatherapy mists that are gentle enough to use as body sprays or body mists. Read the label carefully to see if it is okay for contact with human skin. Don't just assume. Some aromatherapy oils are far too irritating to touch, even in a diluted form. And there are those of us that have more sensitive skin than others.

I'm one that has skin of asbestos when it comes to marjoram essential oil. You never should put it undiluted on your skin – unless you're me. I use it as a perfume, in the bath, mixed with body lotions and as a linen spray. However, I would do a tiny skin patch test of any aromatherapy mist to see if your skin tolerates it.

You know your skin hasn't tolerated it if you have problems breathing, suddenly get hives or itchiness. Then, you should wash the stuff off and, if you feel you are about to choke, call an ambulance. This extreme reaction is very rare, but you should be aware of it. If, however, n! othing h appens to your test patch after 24 hours, then it's pretty safe to assume you can use it on other parts of your body.

Pure Or A Blend

There are two kind of aromatherapy mists and, by the time this is published, I wouldn't be at all surprised if there's a third. In the meantime, you can get pure or blended aromatherapy mists. Pure means just one oil is used, while there is a whole cast of characters in a blended formula.

About the Author

For more information on this and other aromatherapy sprays visit the aromatherapy soy candles shop now.

How to set up and use a reed diffuser

In this video I show you how to set up and use a reed diffuser. For more information on the different types of diffusers available, please visit our website at

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Natural Medicine – Is There A Difference Between Herbal, Homeopathic, and Holistic?

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by R.D. Hawkins

There is no shortage of terms when describing natural or alternative medicine. Of course you have natural and alternative but then there are herbal, homeopathic, and holistic. The confusion is sometimes so great it just might make a normally conservative natural health advocate scramble to catch that pesky beetle and send it down the hatch; all in the name of natural.

If this has happened to you the good news is that unless your pest control man just sprayed insecticide chances are you will be none the worse for wear and might even get a little extra protein out of your insect snack.

But while our somewhat off the wall example is a little farfetched it does prove a point and that is just because it is natural doesn't necessarily mean it will be helpful, and in fact sometimes natural things can be downright dangerous (azaleas, certain mushrooms, mistletoe, etc..) .

As we move past the these types of generalizations our focus start to turn more to specific terms such as herbal, homeopathic, and holistic. Defining them becomes much easier and the separation becomes much greater.

What in a term? Herbal, Homeopathic, and Holistic

Herbal remedies are those which, you guess it, are made from herbs. For example many of the herbal remedies for depression and anxiety contain St. John's wort whereas, many of those fatigue contain ginseng. Most contain 5 or less ingredients and have multiple advantages depending on what herbs are included, the preparation method, and the form of delivery.The term homeopathy is often confused with herbal, and oftentimes you will see an alternative remedy described as herbal and homeopathic. That said, these two forms of natural medicine couldn't be more different.

Homeopathy is a system of medicine that uses many different types of ingredients found in nature in diluted form. The three principles that govern homeopathic medicine are the law of similars, the single medicine, and the minimum dose. According to the law of similars, "like! cures l ike" which means that an illness can be treated by administering small doses of substances that produce effects similar to the disease or condition itself.

Homeopathic remedies can contain just a few ingredients or in some cases 20 or more. Oddly enough homeopathic remedies are considered to be safer than most herbal remedies and have been shown to be very effective in treating certain mental health disorders such as ADHD.

And finally that leaves us only with holistic medicine. Holistic medicine could be accurately described as a form of therapy whose goal is to treat the whole person, not just the part, or parts, in which the symptoms, or symptoms, occur. This type of medicine is the preferred choice for most naturopathic doctors and often includes a combination of diet, exercise, relaxation techniques, as well as other forms of complementary medicine, combined with herbal and/or homeopathic remedies.

About the Author

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field.To learn more about natural health with important information about herbal and homeopathic remediesClick Here

Holistic Dental Practices

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Charlene Johnson

Buy An Aromatherapy Scented Candle To Help You Relax

Posted: 08 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by info

There are reports stating that smell is definitely one of the quickest ways to create a mood change in a person, so the use of an aromatherapy scented candle makes a lot of sense. As aromatherapy is becoming more accepted in treating different conditions, it makes perfect sense to add different essential oils to candles to bring about different mood changes, and also makes a perfect to distribute the aroma.Many research centers around the world claim that studies show aromas sparked off old memories in people, this is because our oldest memories are usually about smells. It is also claimed that essential oils like lavender and vanilla can help a person to relax.Gift sets are available today which include both aromatherapy scented candles and bath oils that complement each other. There's nothing better than soothing your aching body and tired mind in a bath in which lavender or peony bath oils have been added, plus an aromatherapy scented candle with the same scent burning close by.Aromatherapy scented candles have different uses:Burning an aromatherapy scented candle can create physical and mental well-being, in addition to scented candles also make great gifts. In addition, buying a scented candle plus a decorative candle holder will add a decorative touch to any room in your home.Many aromatherapy scented candles are manufactured from soybean wax in preference to paraffin wax, this is because more and more people are becoming aware of green and environmental issues. Soy wax has many benefits which include, burning cleaner, it's a natural product, there's no odor, and it doesn't contaminate the essential oils in the aromatherapy scented candle.There are several blends all essential oils available, for example, rosewood and cedar wood to aid relaxation, and for a restful nights sleep burn an aromatherapy scented candle that contains Roman chamomile and lavender.Aromatherapy scented candles are used by lots of aromatherapy practitioners in their massage rooms to create a relaxing atmosphere for cl! ients. T his provides two types of relaxation for the client, one being aroma, the other by massaging essential oils into the body of the client.The demand and use of aromatherapy scented candles is growing every year, and you can purchase scented candles, either from your local health store or the Internet. On the other hand, you may want to make your own candles, purchasing the essential oils and wax to do this is simply a matter of going online or taking a trip to a health store. You will need to ensure the essential oils you purchase a pure, and it may be a good idea to choose organic oils where possible.

About the Author

Go to our website for more information on a aromatherapy scented candle and scented candles.

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