Unleash The Healing Ability of Your Body With Reiki Energy Techniques
Unleash The Healing Ability of Your Body With Reiki Energy Techniques |
- Unleash The Healing Ability of Your Body With Reiki Energy Techniques
- Infertility Cures - Holistic Treatments You Should Know About
- Holistic Cancer Treatment
- Weight Loss and Fitness-A Holistic Approach to Wellness
- The Healing Power of Gemstones and Gemstone Jewellery
- Aromatherapy Explained - And Also A Number Of The Advantages From It
- Crystal for Capricorn Sun Sign
- Pain Relief Drug Free Choices and Holistic Psychotherapy
- How Effective Is Holistic Treatment Of Demodex Mange In Dogs?
- Unleash The Healing Ability of Your Body With Reiki Energy Techniques
- Aromatherapy diffusers - The natural alternative to synthetic air fresheners
- Holistic Care For Back Pain
- Using Healing Crystals And Feng Shui To Improve Your Life Style
- The Healing Properties of Tiger's Eye Crystal
- Positive of the Way: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, January 12, 2012
- Aromatherapy Treatment for Health and Wellness
- Dr. Rob’s 3G’s, January 12, 2012
- Release The Healing Power of Your Body Using Reiki Energy Techniques
- Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, January 12, 2012
- Aromatherapy Candles: Scent of Peace
- Promoting the Positive: Negative Pull
- Aromatherapy Jewellery
- Dr. Rob’s 12 Minute Meditation, January 12, 2012
- Let Your Body Repair Itself Using Reiki and Massage Strategies
- A Natural Acne Remedy - The Holistic Approach
Unleash The Healing Ability of Your Body With Reiki Energy Techniques Posted: 12 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST Article by Tina Cruz 06. How Chronic Foot Pain is Reduced? (Energy Medicine, Yuen Method, Hypnosis, NLP)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Infertility Cures - Holistic Treatments You Should Know About Posted: 12 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST Article by Anne P. Jackson Infertility is defined as a couple who has tried to conceive for at least one full year without success. It's not until one full year has passed that most doctors will begin the extensive testing necessary to find the reason for your infertility and any possible infertility cures that may be applicable. There are as many causes of the inability to conceive as there are cures. They range from a low sperm count among men to a tipped uterus in women. Many can be treated by your physician - and many cannot. In fact, many couples find themselves with a diagnosis of "infertility due to unknown etiology" (causes or reasons). It is for those of you with this heart breaking diagnosis that holistic infertility cures may be the most helpful. The holistic approach to medicine treats the mind as well as the body. Holistic medicine stresses the need to look at the entire person. This includes the physical, environmental, emotional, social and spiritual values of the patient. Holistic medicine focuses, not only on the "cure", but on educating people and helping them to realize the potential value in patients becoming more responsible for their own health and achieving balance in their lives. In this way, many illness and problems are avoided and thus never become an issue in the first place! Infertility is caused, not only by physical imperfections in our body, but also by emotional and environmental factors such as chemicals in the air and water around us and the stress of our jobs. Holistic medicine takes these factors into consideration and applies this knowledge to affecting many types of infertility cures. Just look at these three natural infertility cures that can positively affect your chances of conception: 1)Omega-3. Omega-3 is a "good" fat and one that is essential for protecting and keeping our cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, GI and immune systems functioning optimally. Omega-3 research has come a long way recently and you now see products advertising their benef! its in a lmost every grocery and drug store. One study showed increased fertility rates with omega-3 supplementation. Researchers observed that omega-3 supplementation reduced clotting in the endometrial cells lining the uterus, which improved the implantation rates of fertilized eggs. Additionally, an imbalanced omega-6-to-omega-3 ratio has been linked to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a major cause of infertility. 2)Stop smoking and drinking caffeine loaded drinks. Cigarette smoke (including secondhand smoke) has been linked to spontaneous miscarriage, accelerated egg loss and menopause, and the inability for ovaries to produce estrogen. Even men who smoke have lower sperm counts. Many studies have shown that caffeine consumption is related to infertility. 3)Exercise. Both too much exercise and too little can be detrimental to conception. If your BMI of 10-15 percent over optimal OR 10-15 under optimal, your chances of getting pregnant decrease significantly. Getting your weight and exercise regimen under control can greatly increase your chances of success. About the Author These are just three of many, many natural treatments and processes that you can follow in order to work use these infertility cures and finally have the baby you've been dreaming about. To learn more about the Pregnancy Miracle system and to find out how YOU can start re-balancing your body today and start on the path to becoming a proud mother, visit Pregnancy Miracle |
Posted: 12 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST Article by John Daniel Rivera A growing number of people with cancer are now turning to holistic cancer treatment. Some of the available therapies provide help by strengthening the body and controlling the side effects of conventional treatments. Other approaches, because of their gentle, noninvasive nature, may in some cases be preferred over, or used in tandem with, more orthodox treatments. Although there are large number of different holistic therapies, most of them do have common themes. For instance, many of them are based on the belief that a truly healthy body is less vulnerable to cancer. They emphasize that cancer develops as the result of a problem with the immune system or an imbalance in the body, either or both of which may allow the cancer to develop. Thus, they try to reduce or eliminate the underlying problem that allowed the cancer to take hold, and to activate the body's own inherent healing processes so that the body can heal itself. Usually, all alternative treatments are all holistic in approach. This means that the goal is to treat the whole body, rather than just the area seemingly affected by the cancer. Cancer is seen as systemic disease and treatment is individualized, depending on the particular person. Many alternative approaches also aim to treat the individual on a number of different levels, including physical, mental, spiritual and emotional.One of the holistic cancer treatment that gain prominence today among the scientific world is "The one minute cure for all diseases" in their research it is being revealed that if you deprive a cell 35% of its required levels of oxygen for 2days, the cell will become malignant and will be prone to different kinds of diseases including cancer and aids. Most people don't know that lack of oxygen is not only the cause of cancer but is also the cause of all most diseases. When the body is supplied with abundant amounts of oxygen, no microbes, viruses, harmful bacteria, toxins, pathogens and disease microorganisms can survive because they cannot sur! vive in a highly oxygenated environment. For an in depth study of this alternative therapy and more for holistic cancer treatment. Just follow the link and watch also the 5minute video presentation for final assessment: http://curewithinoneminute.com About the Author This article is written by john daniel rivera who is an advocate for natural health and healing, and has been in the field of health for quite a few years. He is interested in illuminating individuals and helping others return to a better quality of health. If you would like to learn more about his approach, please feel free to visit http://www.curewithinoneminute.com http://www.articlesbase.com/alternative-medicine-articles/holistic-cancer-treatment-1183792.html |
Weight Loss and Fitness-A Holistic Approach to Wellness Posted: 12 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST Article by Mark Aylward Although I am not a licensed practitioner of any kind, I have spent the better part of my adult life studying as well as applying the practice of wellness. I do not limit this concept to physical, emotional or spiritual wellness, simply wellness on a holistic level. Allow me to define both "Holistic" and "Wellness" as per Merriam-Webster's dictionary Holistic-relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts. Wellness-the quality or state of being in good health If one agrees that wellness is, in it's most effective form, holistic by nature, then it logically follows that one cannot truly be "well" unless all components of wellness are attended to. What I would like to begin to address in this article are what I believe to be the main areas of consideration in the pursuit of wellness: Weight control or weight loss, exercise, diet and emotional/spiritual balance. All of these are closely related to all others in the sense that mastering any one of these areas will likely impact the effectiveness of the others. What I mean for instance is that if you have developed good eating habits (diet) then it is likely that your weight control will be improved. Another example might be, if you exercise regularly chances are you will be more relaxed and likely more balanced emotionally. Finally, if you are in a state of emotional well-being you might be more likely to practice consistency in your exercise and eating habits. All of this logic supports the notion that wellness is optimized when it is practiced holistically. Weight control, in my experience is a very simple concept that most people tend to complicate. This also happens to be one of the main reasons that many people are unsuccessful in their efforts to control their own weight. Successful weight control is a consistent effort to find the balance between exercise and consumption. It is not a magic pill or a magic formula. It involves c! ommitmen t to finding what foods you like that are also healthy and an exercise routine that is both enjoyable and within your time and energy limits. Exercise is also a very misunderstood component to wellness. I have been an athlete my whole life and as such have been exposed to many different opinions and techniques involving exercise. The most important realities about exercise are that you need to start doing something-anything!, and you need to experiment and progress to a routine that is enjoyable and effective FOR YOU. Everybody has a different body makeup, a different metabolism and a different schedule. Do something simple to start and do it consistently and you will eventually develop a routine that works for you. Diet is an often misused term and has quite a different meaning to me than it does to many other people. In a perfect scenario I am not "on a diet" per say, rather I am living a consumption lifestyle that allows me to maintain a healthy weight and feel good physically without having to constantly make major adjustments to how when and what I eat. If a person is constantly dieting it means they have yet to find that eating routine that they can incorporate into their life so they never have to "diet" again. Emotional/Spiritual balance is a lifelong pursuit that is never finished. To be finished is to have stopped the journey before you have reached the destination. I think it is important to understand my perspective here on emotional/spiritual well-being. My approach is non-denominational. I was raised Catholic and I do pray fairly regularly, but, it is clear to me through observation over the years that different forms of meditation and relaxation can have similar and substantial impact on a persons emotional well-being. Much like exercise and diet, there are many ways to improve emotional well-being. In future articles I will expand on all of these ares in the hope that I might trigger in some people a new way of looking at something that will have a positive impact ! on their well-being. About the AuthorMark Aylward is a lifelong practitioner of holistic living, fitness, natural weight loss and wellness. He writes frequently about all of these topics. To learn more about natural weight loss please visit http://www.naturalleanbody.com(c) Copyright-Mark K Aylward All Rights Reserved Worldwide |
The Healing Power of Gemstones and Gemstone Jewellery Posted: 12 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST Article by Maureen Healing Power of Gemstones Throughout the history of mankind, we have had a fascination with beautiful things. For some, the fascination is purely aesthetic. For others, gemstones can hold a more powerful purpose. Wearers of gemstone jewellery may find that the gems they wear provide healing properties for a variety of ailments. Other gemstones simply put the wearer in a certain frame of mind: calm, agitated, contemplative. Whether or not the healing power of gemstones can be scientifically proven, the lovely stones are used all over the world for these purposes. Turquoise, for example, has been used for centuries to strengthen the body and protect the wearer from harm. Beginning with ancient folk remedies, turquoise has been used to promote healing of the lungs, muscles, and soft tissues. It is also said to be a soothing stone that provides the wearer with a clear head and a peaceful heart. Quartz can be found in many varieties, each with its own set of healing powers. Rose quartz, one of the most popular jewellery quartzes, is said to promote a calm, stable frame of mind. It has been used by many to speed the healing of a broken heart, improve self-esteem, and restore calm to turbulent relationships. Smoky quartz is another gemstone said to have extensive healing properties. It is expected to dissipate fear, depression, anxiety, and negativity. Smoky quartz is a gemstone that is often used by businesspeople who want to make wise purchases and come up with creative business solutions. Clear quartz, or rock crystal, is one of the most powerful gemstones. When researching the healing power of gemstones, this is one that will come up very often. It is said to bring harmony and wisdom to the wearer by bringing the power of the universe into them. Clear quartz is also used to promote increased brain function and balance out thoughts and energies. Onyx is a lovely black gemstone found often in gemstone jewellery. It is purported to dispel or deflect negativity! from th e wearer. It has also been said to increase the wearer's decision-making skills and improve self-control. Pearls are without a doubt one of the most often worn gemstones. They come in several colours, but all are said to increase feminine energy and promote a sense of calm and well-being in the wearer. Pearls have been used by many cultures to treat digestive disorders and to ease the process of childbirth. Tiger's eye is an interesting and beautiful gemstone that is said to have great powers of protection. It has been utilized in many cultures to increase psychic ability and encourage calmness in the wearer. There are many more gemstones which are said to have healing powers. Although modern science says that these powers are not possible, people who have seen the results say otherwise. Wearing jewellery made with these gemstones may or may not have these effects on you. Whether you feel the healing effects or not, gemstone jewellery is guaranteed to make you look and feel beautiful. Contact Information:MaureenStone With Style14 Hollies Road, Wilpshire, BlackburnBB1 9NA, U.K.+44 (0)7818033161 http://www.stoneswithstyle.co.uk/ maureen@stoneswithstyle.co.uk About the AuthorMaureen along with Kathryn has formed Stones With Style in July 2006 as business partners. They both have decided that they would like to look at a new career opportunity. They now operate with Kathryn based in Asia sourcing the gemstone jewellery that you see in their collection and Maureen based in the Ribble Valley in Lancashire, UK, operating the sales side of the business. Inside the New Age Nightmare: Testimony of Randall BaerThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Aromatherapy Explained - And Also A Number Of The Advantages From It Posted: 12 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST Article by andreas herzog Should you look at the word aromatherapy, you are going to discover that it's precisely what it sounds like. Aromatherapy is just that, aroma therapy, it's the use of different fragrances to help treat your body and also the mind. And to be specific these kinds of plants are generally known as being aromatic, hence the first part of the name, the next part is actually self explanatory. Aromatherapy works by using your senses to help sooth as well as calm your body and spirit with the use of various fragrances. Your senses are incredibly sensitive, so each day the items that you smell, touch and feel will affect how you feel physically. Aromatherapy can have a good influence as it treats your mind and body through your sense of smell restoring and also promoting balance when you need it most. You're also going to discover that your sense of touch is also something which can be influenced by aromatherapy when you are getting a massage with essential oils. A few of you may already realize this but lavender is something that will assist you to feel more relaxed. If you breath the lavender scent it is going to sooth you, so will the oils when absorbed through the skin through either massage or when you have a bath. One other aromatherapy strategy is to use mint when you're feeling tired and need a boost of energy. Again these oils can be breathed in, utilized during massage or even while bathing. You may not understand this but mint is really used as stimulus for your brain, and it doesn't matter if you simply breathe in the mint or make use of the oil topically. One thing which may surprise you is that aromatherapy becoming a lot more popular every single day. Mainly because this is an all natural approach to dealing with stress along with other issues you are going to find that there have not really been any recorded results of negative side effects. You must understand that if you have allergies to certain oils or fragrances, these are definitely not items you ought to use in your! aromath erapy sessions. And it is not only a type of alternative medicine but is additionally used quite widely as an alternative for cosmetics and it is a very good replacement mainly because the essences of aromatic plants are completely natural and as discussed not harmful to most men and women. One thing I would like to mention about aromatherapy is that it's not solely developed just for humans, as you will see that many people also use these strategies on their pets. Actually some of these fragrances and essential oils have been credited to helping people's canines get over a common cold. Subsequently aromatherapy has been shown to be a really effective treatment for both the body and the mind alike. Since the dawn of man aromatherapy is something that has been used successfully, and you're also going to find that this is a thing that is still being used today by millions of folks around the earth. It is additionally commonly used as natural beauty treatment alternative, along with a way to deal with stress and anxiety. About the AuthorTake a look at these awesome Baby Monitor Reviews to help you choose the perfect baby monitor. Also, looking at our Baby Video Monitor Reviews will make your decision process faster. Thai Medical Foot Massage - Pinyaphat, Ayutthaya, ThailandThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Crystal for Capricorn Sun Sign Posted: 12 Jan 2012 05:00 PM PST Article by Darlene Siddons December 22 January 19 Birthstone: Onyx and GarnetAbundance Stone: Ruby If you are born under this sun sign you can tend to be on the very serious and follow the rules type person, however, that can be balanced out with a true sense of humor. Capricorn sun sign people, like structure and crave authority, if this sounds like you carrying an Onyx will create a balance in these areas. Garnet is the crystal you want to carry to balance out any heaviness or stress of any sort, it is know to be the revitalizing stone and will bring serenity and calm just when it is needed. You will want to always wear and/or carry a Garnet with you, as it will keep you in toned balance. This could even be a great engagement stone as it encourages commitment and fidelity. Many Capricorns love to climb to the top, and that is the top of anything, it can be a profession, a community or an organization or all of them. They love to work, organize and are usual task orientated. With all of this said, a Capricorn is an asset to any business, but usually they like something that they feel they can be in charge with and this is when it is good to wear or carry a Ruby as it will assist you in the ability to succeed and perform with great leadership. Capricorns do not tend to become spiritually orientated until they have feeling of security in their personal and business lives, as most of their time and energy is in climbing the ladder and that doesn't leave much time for anything else. It is rather difficult for you to integrate the inner with outer until you feel you have the extra time for it, this is when it is good for you carry Azurite, as it helps balance this out and opens up your spiritual intuition and encourages more balance in this area. The areas of the body that tend to challenge the Capricorn are the knees, skin and bones of the body, you can tend towards arthritis and what assists in relieving the pain and loosen up the joints is carrying or wearing Fluorite. If you tend to g! et bouts of depression use Amber to counteract these tendencies, it can bring light and well being to your mind, body and soul; and it is a great stone for healing, as it can help draw out the dis-ease in your body and it can heal faster. My mission is to teach and encourage individuals how to find and maintain their balance in mind, body, spirit connection. They learn how to experience the joy of balanced living. I accomplish this thru my Wellness Coach Program, which I offer to individuals and corporations. Sign up for the f.ree report, Learn 7 Ways to Manifest Abundance with Crystals Darlene Siddons Spirited Boutique About the AuthorMy mission is to teach and encourage individuals how to find and maintain their balance in mind, body, spirit connection.They learn how to experience the joy of balanced living. Sign up for the f.ree report, Learn 7 Ways to Manifest Abundance with Crystals Darlene Siddons Spirited Boutique Meditation: Travelling the Sacred Sound CurrentThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Pain Relief Drug Free Choices and Holistic Psychotherapy Posted: 12 Jan 2012 04:00 PM PST Article by createyourhealth You may be looking for pain relief drug free choices and either heard about or was curious about Holistic Psychotherapy. Did you know that holistic pyschotherapy does offer one of the pain relief drug free choices there is out there that truly works. See it uses the tenets and practices of psychotherapy, while also giving time and space to dialogue with our mind-body-spirit. During a Holistic Psychotherapy session, clients sit on a couch or lie on a massage table; they talk with the practitioner and are guided through exercises of breathing and visualization as indicated. Since holistic psychotherapy is one of the pain relief drug free choices, it acknowledges and works from the understanding that we are beings consisting of mind-body-spirit. These aspects of us are inextricably linked, influencing one another, and functioning all at the same time with and without our awareness. We may focus on addressing one aspect of ourselves knowing we are affecting the whole. For example, in exploring physical tension, i.e., chronic back pain, we may release emotional energy held in the body and experience greater insight and consciousness. As a way of surviving overwhelming experiences or trauma, we compartmentalize thoughts and feelings in the mind-body-spirit and experiences go unconscious. This may be helpful in the moment, but when we do not allow these experiences to move through us, we become defended physically and emotionally cut off from ourselves; we live a little less in the world. This can cause anxiety, depression, pain, low self-esteem and addictive patterns. At http://www.createyourhealth.comyou can learn more about how holistic psychotherapy provides the opportunity for clients to address these issues and experience greater knowing of themselves, the meaning of their lives, as well as a great choice among pain relief drug free choices. This will create a transformation and healing that you deserve to experience. So once you learn more you can see if this is the right path for you to follow! 13; About the Authorwww.createyourhealth.comto learn more about alternative medicine and ways to improve your mind and your body. Urban PermacultureThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
How Effective Is Holistic Treatment Of Demodex Mange In Dogs? Posted: 12 Jan 2012 03:00 PM PST Article by Sally Winter Dermodex mange mites travel from mother to newborn puppy when the puppy is very young. It is completely normal for a puppy to have mange mites on its body. Problems arise when the population of mange mites on the young pup's skin spiral out of control. We can treat dermodex mange with home remedies, but just how effective is holistic treatment of dermodex mange in dogs? When the dermodex mange mite population gets too high, puppies tend to get a skin irritation as a result. Some breeds of dog, like German Shepherds and Pugs, are far more likely to get mange as puppies. The good news is that holistic treatments of dermodex mange in dogs are very effective in clearing up mild cases. More severe cases can also be greatly alleviated using those same holistic treatments. The mange usually starts off as one or two outbreaks around the puppy's face and maybe on his front legs. You need to use a holistic herbal remedy that is going to reduce the mange mite population on his skin and bring the irritation and inflammation back under control. The mange mites in his hair follicles will have made small patches of hairless scaly skin. Killing off these mange mites will do wonders for his skin and coat. Holistic treatment of dermodex mange in dogs will usually involve washing him with a specially formulated shampoo that is going to get those mites under control. Don't be tempted to do this too often as you'll strip his coat and fur of its natural healthy oils and his skin will become more sensitive than usual. Not a good thing when he's struggling with mange mites! About once every two months or so should be about right.In between these anti-mite shampoo sessions, you can make sure that he is regularly groomed as this will help to spread those natural oils through his coat. You can also use a daily spray that is an anti-mites herbal formulation. This tops up the effect of the shampoo until the next time he's getting washed. Also make sure that he is well fed and exercised as a healthy pup will help to fight off! those m ange mites himself. About the AuthorWant some product recommendations for ">holistic treatment of dermodex mange in dogs? ">Click here to find out more. Mixing Grapefruit, Ginger and Onion (Part 1 of 2)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Unleash The Healing Ability of Your Body With Reiki Energy Techniques Posted: 12 Jan 2012 02:00 PM PST Article by Tina Cruz Helen Demetriou - Angel WorkerThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Aromatherapy diffusers - The natural alternative to synthetic air fresheners Posted: 12 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST Article by Caroline Smith There are several types of aromatherapy diffusers, all of which are designed to disperse fragrant and therapeutic essential oils into the air. An aromatherapy diffuser can be used as a natural air freshener in a room or even in a car. Natural plant oils offer an alternative to synthetic fragrances that can cause allergic reactions in some people. As well as having a nice fragrance, pure essential oils can be used to promote physical and psychological well being. As the aroma molecules are diffused into the atmosphere, they're inhaled into the lungs and absorbed into the bloodstream, where their benefits can take effect on the body and mind. Aromatherapy essential oils can be used to produce a calming, refreshing or uplifting mood. Different oils have different aromas and uses. For instance, lavender oil is well known for its relaxing properties, whereas tea tree oil is used by many people to ward off symptoms of colds. Diffusion can be done in a number of ways. Essential oil burners are widely used. These involve a few drops of pure essential oil being diluted in a small bowl of water, which is then heated above a tea light. Some people prefer to simply add the oil to a bowl of boiling water, to avoid the risks of a burning flame. The heat helps to disperse the aroma into a room. Other types of aromatherapy diffusers that use heat include light bulb rings and those that use an electric heat source. Using aromatherapy candles is another popular way to freshen a room. Fan diffusers, powered by either batteries or electricity, work by blowing air over a tray or pad of oil. A special aromatherapy nebulizer is believed by many aromatherapists to be an even more effective way to disperse oils. Nebulizers break down the oil into separate molecules, to make it easier for the lungs to inhale them. For a cheap and portable way to benefit from aromatherapy oils, clay pots are really useful. A few drops of oil added to the pot can slowly disperse through the porous surface to freshen the air in a! room or in a car. Essential oil diffusers are brilliant for freshening the air in a room and creating a welcoming atmosphere, without the use of any artificial chemicals. About the AuthorCaroline Smith is a freelance writer and regular contributor to http://www.aromatherapy-essential-oils.ws - A comprehensive guide to aromatherapy and essential oils. DIY Episode #6- Fizzing Bath BombsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 12 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST Article by Dr. Carri A. Drzyzga Many of us suffer from back pain and serious health problems associated with back pain, compounded over many years, while others may only deal with limited back pain, with the occasional flair up or strain. Many people still have prolonged back pain, no matter what they seem to do about it. They buy back pillows, ergonomic chairs, change their posture, get massages, even take up yoga, but they still are confronted with back pain. If you are one of these people, then you are not alone, as the true cure for back pain might be finally within our grasp. Doctors and chiropractors for years have tried to come up with treatments, and cures for back pain, but have had varied success. It has only been recently, in the latter part of the 20th century, that people started to take more of an interest in holistic medicine to treat their everyday symptoms. This basic premise has led many practitioners to pursue holistic treatment options for patients, especially for back pain, to find a more complete method of treatment. Through these grueling years of study, observation, and trial and error, they have developed a comprehensive treatment for back pain, called Visceral Manipulation Therapy. Visceral Manipulation Therapy is based on the notion that our organs have inherent movement patterns, basically speaking, that they are not frozen in place. Their theory is, that not only do our organs need the ability to move, but need to be able to glide, slide, rotate or compress, when we are physically moving our bodies or when they're standing still. When one of our organs becomes either displaced or compressed by one of its neighbors, it can create abnormal scar tissue if it does not function properly, which can result in chronic irritation or pain. But only in recent years, scientists have proved that organs do have inherent moving patterns, and are connected with ligaments and fascia, which hold our entire bodies together. Visceral Manipulation Therapy allows the restrictions in your body to become ! free, an d with proper treatment in time, it can relieve back pain almost permanently. It will also return the correct mobility patterns to your internal organs, thus enhancing fluid and chemical shifts that may be needed for healing and repair, while improving joint pain as well. Visceral Manipulation can be a great option of back care if you are seeking an alternative, holistic method of treatment. Remember that traditional medicine only treats the symptoms of the problem, whereas holistic medicine goes after the root of the problem, and takes into account the entire health of the body. By treating conditions holistically, you may have better success, and overall increased health at the same time. Before starting any alternative treatment make sure you contact an Ontario Chiropractor, or a doctor in your area for more information. If you enjoyed this article, please feel free to post it to your site or blog and forward this link to your friends. Have a great day! Also, don't forget to visit our blog, where you'll find more great articles on wellness. About the AuthorDr. Carri A. Drzyzga is an Ottawa chiropractor and natural medicine practitioner who is devoted to helping people live longer, healthier lives. You will find great articles on wellness solutions in her blog at http://www.theoutsourcingcompany.com/totalwellness/blog |
Using Healing Crystals And Feng Shui To Improve Your Life Style Posted: 12 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST Article by Groshan Fabiola FENG SHUI USING HEALING CRYSTAL CLEARING STONES & 'I' CHING COINS Have you ever noticed how some spaces are filled with a sense of peace and calm, while others make you feel uneasy or sad, or anxious to leave? This is because spaces become saturated with the residual energy of everything that happens there. Clearing your living or working environment of all chaotic, negative, and stale energy will result not only in an immediate and noticeable transformation of the 'vibe' of your space, but also in an increased sense of well-being for all of its inhabitants. Space Clearing is a simple technique that effectively cleanses any space of this energy residue, resulting in a fresh, vibrant, and healthy environment. It is so important that you clearly understand that the power of the space clearing ritual arises from your clear and strong desire to enact change in your life. Your intention creates a field of energy that acts as a magnetic force for drawing your desires to you. What you focus on is what you will create. Space clearing is an exercise in getting clear about your intentions. Crystals are a light cure and are able to radiate light into the home. Place clear quartz crystals near a window to admire the sparkle of light being emitted into the home. Crystals are able to break up chi in the home by illuminating it and dispersing the negative chi and replacing it with vibrant chi from the sun. The crystal is a medium to bring the sun into more areas of the home. Play with the crystal and you can see the little rainbows dance throughout the room. Feng Shui crystals come in all sizes, colours and shapes, and you choose the correct colour for your intention. Feng Shui, is pronounced Fung Shway, and literally means 'wind and waters'. Traditional methods to enhance and distribute Chi energy Here are the most common methods used to direct and balance chi. Experiment by placing different items in specific positions. Keep a diary of what you do and what effect! s and ch anges you notice in your daily life. FISH BOWLS - are great to strengthen the WATER element to attract chi, wealth and prosperity. If you can't have a live aquarium, try hanging a 'water' type painting. Especially important when there is no other view of water. LIVING PLANTS - Pot plants and flowers enhance and energise the element of WOOD. Use them in corners of your living and dining room but not in the kitchen or bedroom. Look after your plants, keep them healthy and vigourous. CANDLES AND LIGHTS - use these to energise the element of FIRE. Glaring lights are inauspicious whereas bright but subtle lights are favourable. Candles bring life and Yang energy to dead and dark corners. They are very good for balancing odd-shaped rooms. CRYSTALS - are an ancient way of energising the EARTH element. Healing Crystals reflect the light helping to disperse chi into smaller, more beneficial proportions. Hang a glass bell in the rays of the rising sun for good fortune. METAL CHIMES AND BELLS - are very good to energise the METAL element. Metal chimes connect with the wind and bring chi into a room or house. To moderate strong chi, hang near the entrance or window. Hollow chimes channel chi upwards. To assist with CLEARING, carry 4 QUARTZ crystals with 3 'I' Ching coins on a length of red ribbon to hang the coins for good luck. To assist with GOOD FORTUNE, carry 4 JADE crystals with 3 'I' Ching coins on a length of red ribbon to hang the coins for good luck. To assist with GOOD HEALTH, carry 4 AVENTURINE crystals with 3 'I' Ching coins on a length of red ribbon to hang the coins for good luck. To assist with MEDITATION, carry 4 AMETHYST crystals with 3 'I' Ching coins on a length of red ribbon to hang the coins for good luck. To assist with ROMANCE AND LOVE, carry 4 ROSE QUARTZ crystals with 3 'I' Ching coins on a length of red ribbon to hang the coins for good luck. About the AuthorFor more resources about Feng Shui or even about Healing Crystals or especially about I Ching Coins please review these pages. OVERDOSฮฃThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The Healing Properties of Tiger's Eye Crystal Posted: 12 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST Article by Britney Spears For those who believe there are healing powers, and a source of energy that lie in quartz and other stones the Tiger Eye stone is a must have. You can purchase the Tiger's Eye stone in many different forms of jewelry including bracelets, pendants, and necklaces. Whether you choose to purchase them for yourself or to give as a gift it's money well spent. By wearing the Tiger's Eye stone helps clear your mind of any annoying thoughts or stress. It's recommended that you carry it with you everywhere including when you drive to help keep yourself safe from any harm that may come your way. Also its power has the ability to attract wealth, good luck, keep away evil, and protect one's family and friends. The benefits and healing power that the Tiger's Eye stone offers is appreciated and respected by all those who wear it. The Tiger's Eye stone encourages a passion for life and enhances your willpower and drives your will for success. It promotes not only clarity of intention, boosts self esteem, and gives courage, determination, and strength. These are all qualities that are needed in life to give individuals the happy, healthy life. Places such as Africa use the Tiger's Eye stone to ward off what's known as black magic. This is the mixture of evil spirits, evil doing, negative influences, and bad travel vibes. Those who believe that curses exist often keep the Tiger's Eye stone close by. The Tiger Eye stone can be cleansed before ever sending it to someone as a gift or shipping it to a new location. This will help to prevent it from carrying negative energies along with it. To cleanse it, the Tiger Eye stone should be kept in salt water overnight as a way to recharge its energy. Once it has been taken out of the salt water it should then be washed in fresh water and placed in the sun for 2-3 hours. This process should be done every 3 months at least. This allows the user to find their inner strength and light. The Tiger's Eye stone should be protected from sharp blow! s or scr atches so make sure to keep it in a safe place when it's not being worn or used. The Tiger Eye's stone often comes in a variety of shapes and is worn more often in beads or pendants than other pieces of jewelry. The Tiger's Eye stone often consists of golden brown and yellow stripes which gives it its unique appeal. It's also referred to as the African cat's eye or crocidolite cat's-eye. It resembles that of a real tigers eye and received its name due to this. Many individuals of the Zodiac sign regardless of age or sex benefit from the Tiger Eye stone. It often helps to lessen or use in the healing process of several diseases including rheumatic, heart disease, psoriasis, and asthma. For those looking for the perfect gift this is one that can be given out of love, and devotion to another. For those who understand the meaning behind the Tiger's Eye stone, the present will be received with dignity and respect. About the AuthorIf you are looking for a crystal pendant, Ideal Crystal is an online specialty shop offering assorted Tiger's Eye pendants. Farewell bamboo flute and piano duet (from 2011CD The unfinished story part 2 - crystal nocturne)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Positive of the Way: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, January 12, 2012 Posted: 12 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST Hello and good morning to all I am here this day to play away |
Aromatherapy Treatment for Health and Wellness Posted: 12 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST Article by Evelyn Lim Aromatherapy is one of the fastest growing form of treatment in the world. Aromatherapy treatment is the use of volatile oils derived from plants to affect the mood or health. However, manufacturers now also used the term to also describe the herbal oils and scents used in soaps, lotions, shampoos and conditioners. People tend to perceive that the higher prices on these items are justified because of the "aromatherapeutic" value in them. While aromatherapy treatment is regarded as a complementary medical tool in the United States, the role of essential oils and aromatherapy are taken more seriously in Europe. In France, for instance, many essential oils are available only by prescription and aromatherapy is a part of conventional medicine. While most people believe that aromatherapy is all about what your nose senses, there is far more to it than just scent. Essential oils are extracts from plants, many of which do have pharmacologic effects on the body and mind. For instance, lavender oil has a specific chemical makeup that is thought to act on chemical receptors in the brain. Aromatherapy treatment is used in the relief of pain and nausea, often post-operative or in conjunction with chemotherapy. The therapeutic effects include: * Antiseptic effects, for example, antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial* Anesthetic effects, for example, some essential oils like menthol or camphor temporarily dampen pain receptors. Oil of camphor, for instance, is widely used to relieve the pain of toothaches.Effects on the central nervous system that may induce relaxation or other psychological effects. Thus, if you are feeling stressed or anxious, aromatherapy treatment can help calm you down and put you in a relaxed state of mind. Examples here include basil, bergamot, Bomeo camphor, cinnamon, clove, cypress, eucalyptus, garlic, geranium, ginger, hyssop, lavender, lemon, marjoram, meroli, nutmeg, onion, peppermint, pine, rose, rosemary, thyme.The different ways whereby you can obtain t! he benef its of aromatherapy include:* inhalation, the most common method of delivering essential oils, is either by diffusing the oil in the air, or by direct inhalation through inhalers.* Absorption through the skin in baths, massages and compresses* Absorption through the mucus membranes* Ingestion - rarely used, and only with medical supervison. There exist very few controlled studies to prove the effectiveness or safety of aromatherapy, but some uses of aromatherapy treatment have long been accepted. These include the use of eucalyptus and menthol for treating congestion and upper respiratory infections, and the use of lavender for pain relief and relaxation. These are just one of the many ideas that you can use for your health and wellness plan. The side effects of aromatherapy are little and it can most certainly add a touch of freshness to your home and working environment. About the AuthorLooking for a current health article to read? Check out this health article directory for a growing database of articles on natural health, fitness and nutrition. |
Dr. Rob’s 3G’s, January 12, 2012 Posted: 12 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST Gratitude: I am blessed with choices to create my life as I dream Goals: to see the love in all things and know that I am always on the right path of this journey Game plan: to read and write of the gifts that I've been given, and know that I am positive of the way and the direction I seek Read More @ Source |
Release The Healing Power of Your Body Using Reiki Energy Techniques Posted: 12 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST Article by Vanesa Estrada People are so familiarized with Reiki massage, and perhaps have come to consider of it as one distinct process. In fact, they are two different therapies, but many times a massage therapist will incorporate the two approaches. The interpretation of Reiki is, universal life force energy, and that can provide a clue about what this approach is really all about. Actually, the same identical elements that can be found in Eastern martial arts and even yoga are also important in Reiki. Yoga is heavily inspired by the notion of the seven chakras, or energy centers, and those are very important with Reiki massage therapy, as well. Reiki is also related to the approach acupuncture uses because in both it is the presence and unimpeded energy pathways in our body that results in optimum health. The aim of Reiki is to promote relaxation and the decrease of stress and anxiety. That is one reason you will frequently see massage therapy combined with Reiki healing principles regarding the body's energy centers, or chakras. When the body is completely relaxed and can properly manage everyday stress, then that will result in a greater capacity to heal itself. It is true that your body will heal and keep a high level of strong health. It is helpful to grasp that a balanced state of being is critical to health in any Eastern methods together with Reiki. After progress has been made, next we must work to keep our energy circulation balanced at all times. Western medicine has long recognized the role of an excessive amount of stress and the failure to deal with it as precursors to many illnesses. The way Reiki and other similar practitioners think is that the mind and body aren't balanced along with the lifestyle. So many Western people contribute to this imbalanced state with the overall lifestyle they pick. Reiki and massage are often applied to bring the body into a more peaceful state. Massaging important areas of the body will assist the body to relieve stress. We want to discuss Reiki along wi! th acupu ncture because there are significant comparisons. Each of the two methods are related to encouraging the movement of life force, of energy, in the body. When that energy is disrupted, then we become wide open for a host of possible health issues. The diminished amounts of life energy presents a state of imbalance and will ultimately lead to physical or other ailments. We all understand that it seems usual for people to engage in all manner of distressing and unhealthy thinking and attitudes. Let's have several examples, and they are irritability, worries, fearfulness, depression, frustration, etc. It is the strong emphasis placed on eliminating stress and tension through massage and Reiki therapies that will allow it to work so well. Obviously, not all individuals are open to Eastern philosophies as they concern overall health and treatment. But people are all unique, and Reiki plus massage will not have an attraction which is easy to understand. Reiki therapeutic massage represents a strategic solution which indicates you should use it on-going in your overall pursuit of healthiness. About the AuthorVanesa's websites: Tarom Airlines, Thai Air, Thai AirAsia and Thai Airway. 03. How to Eliminate Fears to Lose Weight? (Energy Medicine, Yuen Method, Hypnosis, NLP)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, January 12, 2012 Posted: 12 Jan 2012 08:00 AM PST "We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature – trees, flowers, grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence… We need silence to be able to touch souls." ~Mother Teresa "Understand that the right to choose your own path is a sacred privilege. Use it. Dwell in possibility." ~Oprah Winfrey "God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons we could not learn in any other way. The way we learn those lessons is not to deny the feelings but to find the meanings underlying them." ~Stanley Lindquist Read More @ Source |
Aromatherapy Candles: Scent of Peace Posted: 12 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST Article by Tania Penwell A friend of mine called Charlene, who runs an aromatherapy course in Lincoln, Nebraska, told me a story about a young man who had just joined the course and was raring to go because he had read so much about aromatherapy. It was Charlene's practice to light an aromatherapy candle at the beginning of every session and ask the participants what the fragrance reminded them of. As it happened, she was using a lavender candle and asked the young man what he could smell. He took a deep breath, and with a look of great disappointment on his face, said, "Room freshener!" "I never found out what he was expecting," Charlene later told me. With apologies for this initial digression, I think the young man got it at least partially right. Aromatherapy candles are a room freshener par excellence, because they keep a room smelling exquisite for hours together. However, what makes them even better is that they have therapeutic effects on the mind and body. Why is that? Well, aromatherapy candles are made of wax laced with essential oils from certain aromatic plants, so that as the wax melts, the molecules of the plant extract are diffused into the environment, thus creating a heavenly fragrance. So which are the plants from which aromatherapy candles draw their fragrances? The answer is not exactly straightforward, since any or more than one part of a particular plant may be the source of the fragrance. But that minor complication apart, lavender is the most popular oil when it comes to aromatherapy candles. That does not mean you don't have a wide enough choice, given the speed with which the popularity of aromatherapy is increasing. According to aromatherapy practitioners like Charlene, there are candles to suit all moods. So if you are suffering from insomnia, light sage, chamomile, and ylang ylang candles next to your bath. Those suffering from depression should try rosemary and grapefruit aromatherapy candles, while all-purpose aromatherapy candles contain extracts of sandalwood, ! eucalypt us, geranium, peppermint, and many other plants. However, you may very well find that reactions vary from person to person, so it is best not to generalize if you are using a candle for therapy. Consult an expert first. In addition to aromas, these candles are also available in a vast array of shapes and sizes. So you can go for a floating, pillar, gel, votive or jar candle. In addition, if you feel up to it, you can prepare a personalized aromatherapy candle at home by mixing and matching several aromas. To get you started, try a blend of cinnamon, clove and nutmeg. An alternative could be a refreshing and stimulating mix of peppermint, lemon, and rosemary. Don't forget to write in with the results! About the AuthorTania Penwell provides information on aromatherapy candles for Candles-4-U.com. |
Promoting the Positive: Negative Pull Posted: 12 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST We always have the option to not participate in negativity or to find a way to create a positive direction instead. Sometimes we start out with the best intentions to think and speak only positive thoughts, but the people around us throw us off course. Not everyone fully understands the power our thoughts and words have, or even if they do, they may be stuck in old patterns of negativity. Much of our habitual communication takes the form of complaining and criticizing, and it can be hard to find a way into certain conversations without lapsing into those old habits. However, we always have the option not to participate in negativity or to find a way to influence the situation in a positive direction. In the right company, you may even be able to directly acknowledge the fact that things have taken a negative turn, thus freeing yourself and others from the negative pull. Not everyone will respond to your cues, and there's no need to become overly attached to the idea of changing other people, because people have to choose for themselves how they will be in the world. Many people choose negativity because it is familiar to them and feels safe. It is important to give people the space to find their own way, but you can always set an example, subtly representing the power of being positive. At times you may interject an affirmative statement into the conversation, and at others you may simply change the subject. You may also simply withdraw your energy and presence, which also makes a subtle statement. If you feel comfortable enough with somebody that is always negative, perhaps you can have an honest conversation with them; after all, awareness is the first step to change. A powerful way to free yourself from the negative pull is to enlist allies who are similarly minded. You and a friend, coworker, or family member may agree to work together to continually shift the energy in a situation in a positive direction. The power of two people working to promote the positive is exponentially greater than one person working on their own. As you and your allies work together to lift the energy around you, you will be amazed to see how quickly the positive pull begins to draw people into its orbit, freeing one mind after another from negativity into light. ~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM Read More @ SourceLaw of Attraction: Accelerated Healing & Growth - Headphones RequiredThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 12 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST Article by Sharon Hopkins Aromatherapy is the most sought after forms of therapy in today's world. If the fragrance could heal then there is no alternate to it. Essential Oil content does the dual job of aiding in enhancing the health of the skin and its fragrance gives the mood swings a rest and puts you at peace. Cosmetic aromatherapy for obvious reasons is gaining in popularity too in this form of therapy. We just cannot piggyback our aromatherapy practitioner wherever we go and so the viable alternative should be aromatherapy jewellery. True to its nature aromatherapy jewelry not only adorns and adds beauty to the beholder but also gives its therapeutic effect on all time of the day. It is usually a necklace that is preferred for this particular criterion. The lockets are the source for the space where one could have vial of aromatherapy ingredient and which then would give you the fragrance and the cure. There is always a satisfaction in giving and of course healing. When one adorns the aromatherapy jewellery, it not only provides you with its effects but the residue effects the crowd near you and as natural the individual being in the presence of loved and cared ones would add another jewel to his or her personality by adoring this aromatherapy jewel. As with all good things they come in small sizes the jewels, it could a bracelet, a necklace, a pendant, or even a wrist band. When on a shopping spree to purchase aromatherapy jewelry make sure the pure essential oil is embedded in its structured place and be sure of the quality. Avail for only genuine products in this criterion. Lavender is the most potent source of aromatherapy essential oils and is recommended to be used in the vial containing the jewellery. Though most of the pendants in the necklace comes chosen by the retailer there are options of jewels wherein the socket is left open for the user to insert essential oil of his or her choice. This allows for you to choose and exhibit and exhale and inhale the fragrance of your choice. These are called dif! fuser pe ndant necklaces and are available widely. Apart from the physical beauty this form of aromatherapy jewellery provides it also acts as a stress reliever and allows you to remain at calm and peace when the situation demands it. All in all, aromatherapy jewellery could be termed as a cosmetic that heals with fragrance while looking good. About the AuthorSharon Hopkins manages sites related to Aromatherapy, your online guide to Aromatherapy alternative medicine. She also writes for Massage Therapy, Yoga and more. DIY Episode #15- Natural DeodorantThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Dr. Rob’s 12 Minute Meditation, January 12, 2012 Posted: 12 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST It all starts with the breath Read More @ Source Cannabis Connection explained by Manly HallThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Let Your Body Repair Itself Using Reiki and Massage Strategies Posted: 12 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST Article by Eric Meier People are so familiarized with Reiki massage, and perhaps have come to consider of it as one distinct method. Reiki is different from massage therapy, but it is quite typical to see them blended into one approach. Reiki means, universal life force, and that actually speaks about the very basis and importance of what it is exactly about. In fact, the same identical factors that can be found in Eastern martial arts as well as yoga are also essential in Reiki. Just one principle which embodies the seven chakras of the body system are an fundamental part of the Reiki massage method. Reiki is also related to the way acupuncture uses because in both it is the presence and unimpeded energy paths in our body that makes for optimum health. What Reiki therapy does is create complete calm and peace in the body so tension is released. That is one explanation you usually see massage therapy combined with Reiki healing principles concerning the body's energy centers, or chakras. The belief is that your body is able to heal itself, but that's only feasible when you can stay relaxed. It is no hidden knowledge that a healthy body is capable of defending itself and developing a balanced and strong state of being. It is helpful to understand that a balanced state of being is critical to health in any Eastern methods as well as Reiki. After progress has been made, after that we must work to hold our energy circulation balanced at all times. There are very many medical conditions and situations that result from excessive stress and anxiety. Many Eastern health practitioners will look at many of these scenarios as having a state of imbalance. So many Western people bring about to this imbalanced condition with the general lifestyle they pick. So it is quite important in Reiki massage treatment to achieve an overall higher state of relaxation and calmness. Massaging vital areas of the body will help the body to release stress. There exists an intriguing parallel between these Reiki concepts and acupu! ncture. They each consider the healthy condition of our energy as incredibly important to health. Also, both of these areas are dependant on the thought that physical and emotional problems occur due to a blockage or restriction of the natural motion of our life force, or energy, within our bodies. The decreased amounts of life energy signifies a state of imbalance and will sooner or later lead to physical or other ailments. Just consider of all the different negative forms of thinking and belief that individuals may have. There are far too many things to cover including anxiety, obsessive thoughts, being angry for any reason, low self worth plus countless more. That is the reason why the dual approach of promoting relaxation through massage as well as the energy work from Reiki can be successful for many people. Of course, not all individuals are open to Eastern philosophies as they concern well being and treatment. But people are all different, and Reiki plus massage will not have an attraction which is reasonable. If you want to experience the most potent effects of Reiki massage, then you need to use it on a long term time frame. About the AuthorEric's websites: Grooms Cakes, Graffiti Cans, Mules for Sale and Rashes in Children. |
A Natural Acne Remedy - The Holistic Approach Posted: 12 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST Article by Ken Stephens If you DO NOT suffer from some type of acne, chances are that you know someone WHO DOES. Millions of us have one form or another of acne. Be it the common teenage variety that most of us have had to deal with at some point in our lives to the rarer forms of adult acne, we all know the aggravating, humiliating and even emotionally depressing toll that acne can take from us. What is worse, a lot of acne remedies on the market today don't even treat the root causes of most common acne types. If you are tired of medications and drugs that don't work and are looking for natural acne remedies that have been proven effective then rest assured that there is a holistic system designed to provide permanent relief of your acne problem.Treating the underlying causes of acne, not just the symptoms, is crucial to eliminating acne and achieving clear skin. Of course, achieving the internal balance necessary in remedying acne is in large part a function of our diet and nutrition. The misconception that diet has no affect on acne is based on conclusions drawn from flawed studies that were performed over 30 years ago and have since been debunked by more recent clinical trials and research studies. The myth that what you put in your mouth (and thus your body) does not affect your skin complexion is nonsense. The food you eat is now thought to be one of the leading factors which affects the process of eliminating toxins from your body that can cause and aggravate your acne. Some examples of foods that can trigger and inflame acne are: milk, sugar, and hydrogenated oils (trans fat). Some beneficial foods are: leafy greens, nuts, and essential fatty acids (fish oils - omega3). Have you ever asked yourself why some people get acne and others seem to be totally immune to it? It's a fact that the acne bacteria (Propionibacterium acnes) occurs in everyone, but it does not cause everyone to get acne does it? Just like many of the bacteria that lives in our body, if it is kept in balance it will go about it's business! without bothering us. Our bodies are in many respects like a machine and if one part of that machine is "out of whack" then other parts of that machine may not function properly. It is in this way acne may form. Acne is caused by an over production of sebum on the skin. Sebum is an oil secreted by the sebaceous glands of the skin and acne bacteria flourish in it. But it is only when an excessive amount of this oil is formed that acne gets to be a problem and the excessive sebum is mainly caused by a hormonal imbalance. Do you see where this is going? The acne bacteria IS NOT the underlying problem. The hormonal imbalance IS. So using medicated creams and lotions will only treat the symptoms, not what is really causing the problem. To eradicate acne we need to treat the underlying problem systematically, holistically, to return the body to it's overall balance and get it back into proper working order. Natural remedies for acne may not be the quick fix that most of us are seeking when we want relief from our reoccurring acne problem. In fact it may take a few weeks to see results, but a holistic system is the best way to completely get rid of problem acne. In fact, a natural holistic system results in the best remedy for curing all types of acne whether you are a teen or an adult. In this day and age of quick fix medications which often don't fix anything, if you decide to choose a holistic approach to remedy your acne problem, just be prepared for surprising and pleasant results. About the AuthorFor more info about a natural acne remedy using whole body holistics go to: "Acne No More" - There you will find the best selling ebook "Acne No More - Open The Door To An Acne Free Life" written by Mike Walden, a certified nutritionist, independent medical researcher, natural health consultant and best selling author. |
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