Meditation Rapidly Improves Brain Functioning

Meditation Rapidly Improves Brain Functioning

Meditation Rapidly Improves Brain Functioning

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Dr Elaine Ferguson

Earlier brain imaging research has demonstrated that meditation can cause significant improvements in areas related to concentration. Conventional wisdom has led to the notion that a considerable amount of time and training was involved in order to achieve this effect. This perceived time requirement has been a barrier for many desiring to meditate.Fortunately research now reveals that the benefits can be attained in a relatively short period of time. Current research now demonstrates that the mind can be trained much faster than ever previously thought possible.Psychologists investigating the effects mindfulness meditation, found that people can experience an improvement of cognitive (thinking) functions after only four days of meditating for 20 minutes each day!The study was conducted by Fadel Zeidan, Ph.D. at Wake Forest University. He said, "In the behavioral test results, what we are seeing is something that is somewhat comparable to results that have been documented after far more extensive training." The study was conducted at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where he was a doctoral student."The profound improvements that we found after just 4 days of meditation training- are really surprising," Zeidan noted. "It goes to show that the mind is, in fact, easily changeable and highly influenced, especially by meditation."The study was published in the e April 2 issue of Consciousness and Cognition. The research will was presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society's annual meeting in Montreal, April 17-20.Sixty three student volunteers participated, with 49 completing the study. They were randomly assigned to two groups. One received the mindfulness meditation training, while the second listened for20 minutes a day to a book that was read out loud.Before and after the reading and meditation exercises, the students were measured using a variety of tests that assessed their mood and brain function. The two groups were similar in these measurements at the beginning of the study.! They al so both experienced improved mood, but the meditation participants only experienced cognitive functioning improvement.The meditation group scored consistently higher averages than the reading/listening group on all the cognitive tests and as much as ten times better on one challenging test that involved sustaining the ability to focus, while holding other information in mind."The meditation group did especially better on all the cognitive tests that were timed," Zeidan noted. "In tasks where participants had to process information under time constraints causing stress, the group briefly trained in mindfulness performed significantly better."Of greatest note was the difference in their response to a computer test. The meditation-trained group averaged aproximately10 consecutive correct answers, while the listening group averaged approximately one."Findings like these suggest that meditation's benefits may not require extensive training to be realized, and that meditation's first benefits may be associated with increasing the ability to sustain attention," Zeidan said."Further study is warranted," he stressed, noting that brain imaging studies would be helpful in confirming the brain changes that the behavioral tests seem to indicate, "but this seems to be strong evidence for the idea that we may be able to modify our own minds to improve our cognitive processing -- most importantly in the ability to sustain attention and vigilance -- within a week's time."The meditation training involved in the study was an abbreviated "mindfulness" training regime modeled on basic "Shamatha skills" from a Buddhist meditation tradition, conducted by a trained facilitator. As described in the paper, "participants were instructed to relax, with their eyes closed, and to simply focus on the flow of their breath occurring at the tip of their nose. If a random thought arose, they were told to passively notice and acknowledge the thought and to simply let 'it' go, by bringing the attention back to the sensations of the breath."! Subsequ ent training built on this basic model, teaching physical awareness, focus, and mindfulness with regard to distraction.Zeidan compares the four day training to a form of mental calisthenics that prepared their minds for cognitive activity."The simple process of focusing on the breath in a relaxed manner, in a way that teaches you to regulate your emotions by raising one's awareness of mental processes as they're happening is like working out a bicep, but you are doing it to your brain. Mindfulness meditation teaches you to release sensory events that would easily distract, whether it is your own thoughts or an external noise, in an emotion-regulating fashion. This can lead to better, more efficient performance on the intended task."

About the Author

Elaine R. Ferguson, MD is a noted holistic medicine physician, author, consultant and lecturer. Her first book, Healing, Health and Transformation: New Frontiers in Medicine, was widely acclaimed by leaders including Deepak Chopra, MD, Larry Dossey, MD, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, MD. Her website,, provides the latest information on medical research regarding a broad range of health related topics.

Mystic Love

Indian Tantra Balance your lunar and solar energy and achieve great bliss !

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Benefits of Learning and Practice of Meditation in India

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by Lily Candice

A large number of people have increasingly begun to take advantage of the benefits of the practice of meditation in India. Meditation in India is a growing industry which has the double advantage of being both a highly prized vacation option as well as giving an opportunity to the individual to regain the freedom of mind, leading to holistic health benefits. Meditation in India is mostly practiced in learning centers for short periods of time, ranging from three to fourteen days, usually within the confines of serene and hospitable surroundings. Meditation in India as offered by the Z Meditation center, as an example, focuses on the employment of Deep Deconditioning Inquiry and Radiant Mantras to achieve for the participant student, a mind freed of the clutter that has been gathered over several years through wrong learning and other preconceived ideas. This takes place with the help of learned teachers in a most pleasant environment with sublime views in a small town in the popular Himalayas.

The primary focus of the practice of meditation in India is geared towards the freeing of the mind from the clutter that most of us have unwittingly gathered over the years through wrong knowledge and teachings, replacing this with the true knowledge. This process is much like driving the fog away from the atmosphere so the individual going through that area will be able to better see obstacles and impediments in her path. When we begin to realize that a great number of the mental and physical ailments that plague us as human beings stem from an unbalanced state of mind, a mind that is not calm, we will appreciates the benefits of the learning and practice of meditation in India. When the goal of meditation is achieved through diligent practice, the results are a calm mind full of happiness, peace and love; a state in which one is comfortable within his surroundings and with the people around him.

A peaceful mind, centered within a physically fit body, with a soul in tune with her creator will b! e better able to cope with life and all its exigencies. This state of peace, love and happiness is what is sought to be achieved through the practice of meditation in India, an age old tradition which has been learnt and refined by experienced teachers into a process which is easily imparted to the student within a very short time. Such a student who has then learnt the basics of meditation may then go away to his normal surroundings and begin a daily (not more than thirty minutes to one hour a day) of meditation. New levels of productivity coupled with better decision making will be noticed by the diligent devotee. Life is going to through you a hard ball, all the time. To be better prepared with the right state of mind achieved through the practice of meditation in India will be a wise choice.

The commitment and sincerity of the seeker is however very important to the process of learning and practicing meditation. The level of dedication required is high and the seeker of the true knowledge needs to come to learn meditation in India with the inner conviction that she is ready to be free.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

yasmin levy - una noche mas

a few photos i've found online

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Meditation Courses Available in Johannesburg

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Jayme Wium

If you feel stressed, overwhelmed and ineffectual then attending meditation courses might be the perfect solution for you. Meditation is a technique where you focus all your attention in one area. There are well publicized health benefits associated with the practise such as decreased anxiety, increased concentration and a general feeling of happiness. There are only a small percentage of people out of those that try meditation that actually stick with it for the long term. This may be because initial beginners of meditation may fail to realize sustainable practices of meditation, and lose interest due to ineffective or unsatisfying results halfway through. Following are a few tips for beginners of meditation to follow that might help them gain the full benefit of meditation.You should set aside specific time in your day dedicated to performing your meditation courses. Approaching it with discipline is the only way you will be able to reach the next level. Breathing deeply slows the heart rate and relaxes your muscles. It also aids in focussing the mind and is an ideal way to start your practising of meditation. You should also stretch to loosen your tendons and muscles which will in effect assist you in sitting or lying more comfortable. What is more, stretching begins the process of 'going inward' and focuses additional attention to the body.Mediation is an art to be studied and learned. Approaching it as such in a patient way will greatly improve your success rate. The intensity of the effort is much more important than the time spent in meditation. You should never force yourself to meditate to the point of strain or mental fatigue. One other principle to instigate in your meditation sessions is to meditate a little longer each week, in so doing enabling yourself to meditate a little longer each instance. There are plenty of meditation courses available geared toward the beginner to the advanced. It is important to research and investigate the course you intend on attending and to know who y! ou are d ealing with. On the other hand, the fellowship experienced in group situations could greatly impact and inspire your meditation sessions and is worth exploring.

About the Author

Jayme Wium is an online marketer and copywriter for Body Brilliance in Johannesburg

Learn Various Yoga Positions to Improve Your Health

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Patresia Adams

Yoga is inherited from the Indian sub continent and now spread all across the world. Today, more and more people are joining yoga classes in order to learn basic yoga positions that practice regularly. It has emerged as a natural way to achieve formal fitness and ward off stress. Another reason behind this move is the complexity of life that restricts people from doing any kind of physical exercise due to unavailability of time. In such cases, yoga is found to be more effective in treating various ailments naturally.

Yoga positions include some breathing and sitting exercises that provide numerous health benefits in certain conditions. Although there are various yoga positions to start with, but I would suggest to consult a yoga practitioner in order to learn those yoga positions that are specific to your health condition.

Some basic yoga positions include:

Seated Yoga Position - Seated yoga positions often put their focus on learning disciplined breathing techniques. Under these positions, a person sit cross legged in an erect position and learn to control their diaphragm and let their breathing process work for them.

Standing Yoga Position - Standing yoga positions concentrate on enhancing the flexibility and spinal alignment as well as making the use of breathing techniques.

Supine Yoga Position - This yoga position lengthens and strengthens the spinal column thus energizing parts of the back.

Belly Down Yoga Position - This yoga position focus on abs and upper body strength. In this position, people lift themselves from the ground and perform a series of stretch positions in a fluid motion.

Twisting Yoga Position - This posture is focused primarily on stretching the body, especially the spinal column.

Balancing Yoga Position - It improves the flexibility and strengthens the back and abdominal muscles. Keep yourself in this position for a longer period of time results in improved flexibility.

Divine Wellness is a leading name in online h! ealth po rtals. Divine Wellness provides a platform where users and practitioners can meet and discuss about various yoga positions online. To know more about their online yoga positions and natural remedies thyroid visit

Visit our website for more information on Yoga positions, Natural remedies thyroid and Health yoga.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.

Learn Various Yoga Positions to Improve Your Health

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Patresia Adams

Yoga is inherited from the Indian sub continent and now spread all across the world. Today, more and more people are joining yoga classes in order to learn basic yoga positions that practice regularly. It has emerged as a natural way to achieve formal fitness and ward off stress. Another reason behind this move is the complexity of life that restricts people from doing any kind of physical exercise due to unavailability of time. In such cases, yoga is found to be more effective in treating various ailments naturally.

Yoga positions include some breathing and sitting exercises that provide numerous health benefits in certain conditions. Although there are various yoga positions to start with, but I would suggest to consult a yoga practitioner in order to learn those yoga positions that are specific to your health condition.

Some basic yoga positions include:

Seated Yoga Position - Seated yoga positions often put their focus on learning disciplined breathing techniques. Under these positions, a person sit cross legged in an erect position and learn to control their diaphragm and let their breathing process work for them.

Standing Yoga Position - Standing yoga positions concentrate on enhancing the flexibility and spinal alignment as well as making the use of breathing techniques.

Supine Yoga Position - This yoga position lengthens and strengthens the spinal column thus energizing parts of the back.

Belly Down Yoga Position - This yoga position focus on abs and upper body strength. In this position, people lift themselves from the ground and perform a series of stretch positions in a fluid motion.

Twisting Yoga Position - This posture is focused primarily on stretching the body, especially the spinal column.

Balancing Yoga Position - It improves the flexibility and strengthens the back and abdominal muscles. Keep yourself in this position for a longer period of time results in improved flexibility.

Divine Wellness is a leading name in online h! ealth po rtals. Divine Wellness provides a platform where users and practitioners can meet and discuss about various yoga positions online. To know more about their online yoga positions and natural remedies thyroid visit

Visit our website for more information on Yoga positions, Natural remedies thyroid and Health yoga.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.

Get to Learn Free Yoga for Children

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Patresia Adams

Today, most of the parents pay close attention to their child's health. This is because of the increased load of competition on them. In order to make their children healthy and fit, parents get them learn various trainings about life and health. Yoga is found to be very helpful in making the children strong enough to handle any type of competition at educational level or sports level.

Yoga is an ancient practice of bringing into harmony between your mind and body. It aims at establishing coordination among mind, body and soul. In today's cut throat competition, children need yoga the most. They come across different sets of issues that involve much complexity and yoga is a powerful medium to handle such issues comfortably. There are numerous yoga classes organizers that organize free yoga for children through various online and offline yoga classes. Yoga is also found to be very helpful in developing an insight into child's mind and instigate a new set of energies to make him or her capable in dealing with different levels of competition.

While choosing free yoga class for your children, it is important to find out the level of experience the yoga instructor has in terms of teaching yoga to children. Ultimately it will help you children to establish a cordial relationship with the yoga instructor to get to know more about different yoga poses and postures. A good yoga instructor will always help your children to learn yoga poses that are specifically designed to make him or her more strong and intelligent.

Many people feel that doing yoga exercises put more load on children but it is important to mention here that there are some set of exercises that can be easily performed by children.

If you are looking for free yoga for children, Divine Wellness is a leading health portal provides resourceful information on various yoga poses and postures online yoga for kids.

Visit our website for more information on Free yoga for children, Health yoga and Kriya yoga.

About the Author

Patresia Adams is a healthcare consultant working with Divine Wellness. This interactive health and wellness portal offers Live online yoga classes through high-definition video conferencing.

Tim Pigeon Yoga (At work) =D

Pigeon pose Yoga (full???)

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Peace During National Meditation Month

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Terry Swejkoski

Ashtanga Yoga Retreat is Fascinating and Worthy

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by Yap Shirley

If you uncover that getting employed in a decent work is proving to be a bit of a difficulty for you, why not contemplate visiting an Ashtanga yoga exercise retreat to acquire certified in yoga exercise guidelines since this is the kind of job that has vast potential. Very good yoga instructors are at a premium. Besides you may also get to enjoy your time at an yoga retreat learning the ropes and then get far more satisfaction in providing guidance to others who want to study about Ashtanga yoga exercise.

All you may have to do is enter an Ashtanga yoga retreat and look to get simple certification in yoga, that is going to be adequate to build you going and ensure that you just grow to be competent enough to offer basic directions inside the simple techniques of yoga which are applied in various forms of yoga exercise which includes in Ashtanga yoga and Hatha yoga. It will assist you to acquire your foot inside the door and to also start to get a steady stream of clientele that may perhaps lead to your starting your own yoga studio.

You'll find no doubts about the exciting possibilities awaiting an Ashtanga yoga instructor and with an opportunity to grow to be certified at the yoga exercise retreat you'll certainly locate that you can have a much better chance to explore and benefit from the many new opportunities coming your way. There are numerous Ashtanga yoga retreats located in all parts from the world which includes in Mexico and Thailand where you can go so as to discover to grow to be an Ashtanga teacher. Some of these Ashtanga yoga retreats are situated in idyllic surroundings that only add to the charm of studying to teach the yoga.

Life at an Ashtanga yoga retreat will typically begin with performing Self-Practice after which you will be free of charge to explore the surroundings both within and without the yoga retreat. To be sure, once you enter an Ashtanga yoga retreat your focus will be centered only on this form of yoga exercise and by practicing it diligently yo! u might soon get to understand the essentials of the yoga exercise. So you must do everything that is essential as a way to turn out to be a useful member with the yoga community.

Energy yoga is an additional way by which Ashtanga yoga is known as and its main focus is on the core and middle part in the body, which is where it truly is believed that the body draws and gets its energy. Energy yoga exercise also has come to be quite well-known and it can be especially helpful for those who wish to strengthen the muscles in their abdomen and to also boast of an upright posture.

About the Author

Chloe Walker has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, since 4 years ago. This author is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, fat loss, fitness and many other more. Check out her latest website in fleet maintenance softwarereview about fleet maintenance management software.

Yoga Teachers Training in North Vancouver, Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Indiainternets

Divine Light is Yoga Studio for Yoga Teacher Training in Vancouver which gives you a solid foundation, enough knowledge of Yoga for a lifetime of practice and the skills necessary to pass these teachings on to others. Nakul Kapur is a Registered Senior Yoga Teacher for Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver.The Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver is a tool to transform your life and your world. Teaching yoga is icing on the cake. You want a meaningful life. To help many people feel good. You can support yourself financially teaching if you stick to it, develop yourself continually (never stop learning), evolve, become valuable.Yoga Teacher Training includes a proper grounding in asana, pranayama and meditation and special yogic techniques. A yoga teacher training program is for yoga learners who want to become Yoga Teachers. He did this not only with the vision to develop yoga professionals, but also to give sincere aspirants the skills of personal discipline and to develop messengers of peace. The Course is a profound, personal experience, based on the ancient teaching system, integrating the student's daily life into the yoga training. By the end of the course the student will possess a firm foundation for teaching others, in addition to strengthening his or her own yoga practice with self-discipline and awareness of the nature of body, mind and spirit. Upon graduation from the course, students receive a certificate of qualification.Each state has a different method for certification for Yoga Teacher Training. You will need to get a bachelor's degree, typically in either education or in the subject matter which you are planning to teach. Most states require advanced training of some sort and in most cases a passing grade on a certification exam. In some cases when the need is extreme, a state will institute alternative means of gaining certification.Meditation, Yoga Therapy, Sanskrit, Chanting, Anatomy, Physiology and Yoga Philosophy are part of Yoga Teacher Training program. A Certificate is granted upon! satisfa ctory completion of all courses and The Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver Certificate from Divine Light is a Certified Private Educational Institute.It is the yoga of fullness that intelligently integrates Hatha, Raja, Karma, Bhakti, Jnana and Nada Yoga to purify and harmonize all aspects of the human personality so that the light of the soul shines forth in its Divine splendour.Yoga Teacher Training program approach is deep, simple and practical and helps people from every background to live a richer, happier life based on lasting yogic values. The basic teaching is that health, peace and joy are already within you. They are your birthright. Yoga Teacher Training Vancouver helps you to uncover them.Yoga teacher training Vancouver incorporate the essence of all the different aspects of Yoga into your practice, to promote a well-balanced development. The course will give you a solid foundation, enough knowledge of Yoga for a lifetime of practice and the skills necessary to pass these teachings on to others.Yoga teacher training Vancouver is the step by step process whereby the individual comes to know his true nature as "Divine".For more information about Yoga, visit:-

About the Author

Yoga teacher training in Vancouver. For more information about Yoga, visit Divine Light.

Phillip Askew & Lydia Walker - Variations On Surya Namaskara (Music by Jonah Rank)

Phillip Askew, yoga instructor, and Lydia Walker, formerly of the School of American Ballet, present their "Variations On Surya Namaskara" as part of Columbia Ballet Collaborative's Fall Show at New York City Center Studio on November 22, 2008. With the improvisational accompaniment of pianist Jonah Rank. Also, see coverage of this by The New York Times at (and watch its video 6:06-6:46 for an excerpt from this piece at another venue). An alternative take of the background music ("AMEN") can be heard and downloaded at For more information on Jonah Rank, please see www.jonahrank .com or subscribe to the monthly E-mailing list at .

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What Does Meditation Do Other than Relaxing Your Mind?

Posted: 22 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by Janna Smith

I think most of us have already seen those who meditate in movies, pictures, or even in real life. Usually if you talk about meditation, everything comes into your mind are those monks who live in mountain temples. You might even question about their beliefs and why they do those things. Many of us are not actually conscious of the true effects of meditation, a form of relaxation.There may be some merit to the last statement. With all of the hassles in life, considering the fast-paced life that we live in, we would have plenty of things to take into consideration and worry. The things that you think about might not all problems, but usually most of the time you are preoccupied with problems and important events. This prevents you from focusing correctly, or from concentrating long.Still, there could be some which claim that even with all the things they worry about; can still focus and concentrate with what they are doing. That is good on their behalf, but that does not happen all the time. There might just be some time wherein you are so filled with other thoughts that forget those which can be more important; and it is simply one of those days that you would like to do something to clear your mind. Basically, that's what meditation is all about, to clear your mind from all worries in order to arrive at an inner peace. Meditation has been present for a long time from people of various cultures and beliefs. They are not just limited to the monks, but rather to a large group of people that meditate in several ways. You might think that meditation is simply done by sitting in a prescribed position, closing the eyes, and chanting something, but this is not so. There are lots of types of meditation, which differ according to our culture. Furthermore, even by just lying or sitting down, you and I can meditate; that's why meditation can also be considered as an alternative therapy in promoting and preserving our health.But how is meditation done? Basically, sometimes it is difficult to be done, because! emptyin g your mind from all worries and concerns is frequently hard even for me. Usually an expert is needed in order to fully meditate, but it is also possible to do it on your own. Many people can meditate by thinking of things that are good in the eyes or that are peaceful; considering nothing else. Sometimes you meditate while listening to a soothing and relaxing sound. There are many ways to meditate, has its health benefits too. By clearing your minds and thoughts, you also indirectly relax your body. As the brain steadily functions, so did the rest of our body. The heart calms down, and our breathing regulates. This in return is said to reduce stress and tension levels to your body. Although it is hard to point out proofs, many of us who meditate claim that we are calmer and more relaxed, knowing that there are better control over our own thoughts.

About the Author

Janna contributes to many free article directories and is a paid staff writer for, where you can find articles on subjects ranging from wood file cabinets to stackable storage bins.


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Law of Attraction & the Role of Meditation

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by I-Grasshopper

Imee Ooi - The Chant Of Metta

Beautiful Buddhist chanting on metta - loving kindness

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How to Know If You Are Meditating Correctly

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 10:00 PM PST

Article by Rhonda Jones

I often tell people that meditation is both the easiest and most difficult spiritual practice to master. It is easy in that any one can learn the techniques to meditate. There are also many tools available that will guide your through a meditation session.

Although I enjoy listening to guided meditation CDs at times, I spend the majority of time meditating in silence or with soft music playing in the background. Because I am a Christian, I use meditation as a way to spend quiet time with God as well as for the mental health benefits. Psalms 46:10 says "be still and know that I am God." I believe that it is during these quiet times with God that my spirit is transformed as well as renewed. Other additional benefits for meditation include stress relief, maintaining peace of mind, and controlling negative thinking.

Unlike a guided meditation, during silent meditation you don't have any prompts telling you how to relax your body or a descriptive narrative telling you what to do. It's pretty much up to you to guide yourself, but that is the easy part.

As I said earlier, meditation is easy because anyone can practice it. However, meditation is very difficult because most of us have a hard time quieting our thoughts and keeping our mind from wandering off. Because of this, some people give up prematurely believing that they can't meditate or it is to hard. But let me give you an analogy of what meditation is like, even what you might consider a "bad" meditation.

Have you ever burnt food in a pot? I have on many occasions. This is one of the worst things about cooking. Well, if you are like me you probably fill the pot with water in an effort to soften the burnt food. Later you come back to the pot with a scrub brush in hand and begin to scrub and scrub until you can start to see the bottom of the pan again. It may take you 20, 40, or 60 scrubs with the brush before you get all that debris off. However, with each scrub you are taking off a little bit more until finally, you have a! clean p ot again.

That is what meditation is like. Each time your mind wanders off and you bring it back to the present by focusing on your breathing, a sacred word or phrase, it is like one scrub of that brush and little by little you learn to quiet your mind and free it from negative and destructive thinking patterns. With continual practice you can learn to control your mind instead of allowing it to control you.

Therefore, you can't meditate incorrectly unless you give up and don't do it at all.

About the Author

Rhonda Jones is the author of 22 Christian meditation and affirmation Cds, visit to find meditations and affirmations CDs on weight loss, healing, healthy living, peace, joy, and more.

Mp3 Meditation: Is it helpful for beginners meditation?

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 09:00 PM PST

Article by Martin P Kerrigan

Through the centuries meditation has used gongs, chimes, bells, chanting, music and rhythm as aids during meditation. Om is the underlying hum of the universe. Mp3 meditation is a twenty first century adaptation of these principles. Sound is a crucial element of meditation healing and the various meditation techniques. The idea of mp3s is to assist in guided meditation. To settle the incessant, inner chatter that we all have. This is especially true for beginners meditation.

My problem with meditation is quieting my mind. I sit in a darkened room, sometimes with a candle for company, and think about not thinking. Although I have meditated on and off for years, I must admit that often meditation can be a chore. My mind wanders to what I am having for dinner. Have I fed the dog. What do I have to do at work tomorrow. Occasionally, I will realize that I have been elsewhere for a time. But not very often.

Mp3 meditation downloads use Binaural, Monaural and Isochronic tones to induce a deep meditative state. In a later article I will discuss the differences between these tones. For now, if you are interested, I suggest you google them. They are a repetitive tone, somewhat like the soft whoomp! of a ceiling fan, which pulses in the background to a soundtrack of music, water and wind. The effect is both soothing and hypnotic.

What I notice is that one of two things happens while I listen to the download. Either, before I know it, the download has finished and I realize that my mind has been somewhere else for the previous 30 minutes. Or, the sounds seem to go on for hours and I return to them occasionally and think, "Still going."

The interesting thing about using meditation downloads to assist my meditation, is that now I really look forward to settling away and meditating. It is no longer a chore. I seriously enjoy the colors behind my eyes, the waves of energy which gently wash across me and my vision. The entire meditation experience has been deepened and made enticing to me! .

About the Author

Mpk10 is the author of two books, The Adventures of Princess Lau and Uluru Dreaming. He is a student of wing chun kung fu for twenty one years so far. His interests are esoteric, spiritual and Star Trek.For samples of mp3 meditation downloads go to:

Path Of Meditation Leads To Health, Happiness And Spirituality

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by GS VIrk

Melody Gardot - Love Me Like A River Does

Melody Gardot sings "Love Me Like a River Does" with a sultry voice that's filled with enticing romance.

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Buddhism and Meditation

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by Maria Nikole Dy

Meditation is one word that can be described in a hundred ways but because of its broad concept no precise set of words can give its exact meaning. It is one concept that can be better understood if it were experienced rather than explaining it. Meditation may not have an exact definition but we can always understand it better by knowing what meditation is really meant for.

These days, a growing number of people are getting into meditation and some would ask, why? The very core and importance of meditation is to be able to find inner peace. The peace of mind, body and soul is what meditation is really about. When we say the word "peace" these days, we know that this is one kind of luxury not all of us can afford. Sad but true, a lot of people lead lives based on material things. They are always looking ahead of their future without doing a "self-check" which is important. A lot of people get surprised to find themselves in a turmoil after digging deep into their inner selves. This is when meditation becomes really handy and helpful. Meditation helps us reflect on ourselves and our jive with our surroundings as well. Meditation can also be means of seeking of their purpose in life.

Meditation can come in different forms which depend on the culture, race and philosophy. For each and every person, meditation may come differently according to their concept on this. in one side of the world particularly in Asia, Buddhism is a prominent religion that gives importance of Buddhism meditation as a tool for seeking for the meaning of life. Meditation is associated with enlightenment for Buddhists. They become more aware that the world is one place that can cause us pain and agony and Buddhist have this belief that if we acknowledge the presence of these without doing any action of it, then there is no way for us to be freed from this ordeal. Furthermore, meditation for Buddhists is to free man from pain and agony.

A person should know the reason behind pain and suffering. We should lesse! n too mu ch expectation from our surroundings and from ourselves for this can be one cause of unhappiness and this what we should surpass.

Meditation is to be enlightened, to be able to see through life in a more realistic approach and accepting the fact that we are not always in a good situation and this is caused by constant change. Living life to the fullest means taking control of your wants. If we know that what we want is something that is realistic and achievable, we will free ourselves from pain and discontentment.

Meditation simply means the intense search for inner peace and to keep it in us no matter how hard the situation we are in. If we have the right set of goals and inspiration, meditation can help you be more focused in seeing life in the real light and live a life of contentment.

About the Author

Maria Nikole Dy is an online article writer based in the Philippines. More articles on meditation can be found at

THINK ABOUT HIS LOVE (With Lyrics) : Don Moen

Hope you like the vid! I love gospel and Don Moen's songs. I'll try to make videos of his other songs but pls bear with me. Thanks and God bless!

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Ease Your Stress through Meditation

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST

Article by Anthony McBride

Life is full of all sorts of stress today. You might be like other people and trying to find ways of dealing with the stress in your life. One thing you could do for stress that is quite success is meditation. It is easy to learn to do and you can do it in the privacy of your own house. Meditation is one of those practices that have been around for a long time. When it first started being used many years ago it was to get in touch with the mystical or sacred meanings of life. Today though it is primarily used the releasing stress and relaxing. Everyone can do meditation too. It is one thing that does not cost money to do once you learn it that can help you relax and get relief from stress.What is meditation? Meditation is complementary treatment involving the mind and the body. While meditating you need to closely focus your mind to do away with stressful thoughts and feelings that are bearing down on you. This helps relax not only your mind but your body as well.How does meditation benefit you?Meditation can help you balance your life both physically and mentally. Even after a session of meditating is over, the benefits stay with you. You can practice this in the morning to start you day off in a positive way; it will keep you calmer for the whole day. At night if you do it you will sleep better. As you do your meditating you start to leave off the stresses that happened during the day concentrate on relaxing your mind and body instead. Meditation will help you look at what is causing you stress in a new light. You also learn how to deal with anxiety more effectively. It makes you develop more self-awareness. How meditation affects illnesses...Meditation can be used for more than combating stress. It can be useful in making certain medical conditions to keep from worsening. Some conditions can worsen because of stress. There have been studies proving the meditation benefits your health. More research is still needed though to be more conclusive in the findings. However, there are studies that po! int to t he meditation helping certain conditions such as: Cancer High blood pressure Allergies Binge eating Heart disease Asthma Depression Anxiety disorders Pain Substance abuse Fatigue Sleep problemsMeditation can help cancer patients with pain and nausea. This is so important, as they go through treatment for their disease. Someone with high blood pressure can learn how to deal with stress, which could in turn keep their blood pressure from going up so high. These are just two examples of how meditation can help with health issues. Consult your doctor to see how it can help you

About the Author

If you need more information on meditation go to You can find information on other self-help topics there too.

Focus and primary objectives of Kundalini Yoga

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 05:00 PM PST

Article by Aman Roy

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that consists of a set of breathing exercises and other kriyas that help to reduce stress and enable a person to relax. This five thousand years old culture that originated in India has blessed the people all over the world, with its huge benefits. Yoga and its various forms does not only help one to be fit and healthy but also elevates his mind and soul to higher realms. There is also an immense importance of music in Yoga. Soothing melody of meditation music induce altered state of consciousness and induce a state of peace and harmony within the listening mind.

Meditation is an important element in Yoga. Exercise routine in Yoga begin and end with meditation. Meditation helps a person to prepare for the Yoga routine by calming the mind from the outside world, enabling the mind to focus on a fixed point. Spirit Voyage is an online music store that has a wide collection of meditation music CDs and Yoga DVDs along yoga clothes and with other yoga accessories such as yoga mats, yoga rugs, meditation cushions, jeweleries and many more. Spirit Voyage Meditation music CDs such as Silent Moonlight meditation by Gurunam Singh and Seasons of the Soul by Prabhu Nam Kaur will help in healing and deep relaxation. There are other beautiful yoga DVD collection that will help one find inner peace and explore the spiritual sides of yoga. Mind and meditation is a Yoga DVD which will be of immense benefit for a practitioner.

Kundalini Yoga, an ancient yoga form that helps one to expand his awareness. By practicing this yoga form, one can go beyond the perceived conscious limits and lead a blissful life. This ancient yoga form also helps to clear any inner duality and create the power to deeply listen. It cultivate inner stillness, prosper and deliver excellence in all that one do. The focus of Kundalini Yoga is on one's personal experience and awareness through the practice of kriya and naad. We awaken the kundalini in order to be able to call upon the full potential! of the nervous and glandular systems and to balance the subtle system of chakras and meridians within the body. "Kriya" is an orchestrated pattern of movements, sound, pranayam, mudras, concentration and meditation that automatically guide the energies of the body and the mind to a specific result or change of consciousness.

Kundalini Yoga does not rely on any one of these techniques per se, although we use many. Instead, it is the unique and tested syntax, within the structure of each kriya, which provides steady, predictable progress and which leverages these basic functions of the body and the mind to create rapid, sustainable, personal growth and healing. In this tradition, meditation is not considered separate from asana or yoga; it is integral to the practice. The exercises in the kriya bring the body and mind to a state where deep meditation is easily achieved.

There are certain pre-requisites to the Kundalini Yoga practice. A Kundalini Yoga session should be practiced in a place not too hot or too cold. Use of proper yoga accessories and wearing the right kind of yoga clothes is a must. Yoga mats not only provide proper cushioning and stability to the practitioner, but also helps the positive energy to retain within the body and prevent it from getting neutralized by reaching the floor. The Yoga clothes offered by Spirit Voyage are both comfortable and durable and are of soothing colors and textures. Furthermore, one can browse through Yoga books and can get meditation malas from this site to gain valuable insights into this centuries old traditions.

So the focus and objective of Kundalini Yoga is ultimately to lead us o a better life, a life filled with happiness, and eternal bliss.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage, an online music store that offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. It also offers Yoga Mats and Yoga Clothes.

5 Several Ways to Meditate - Simple Habit to Meditate Easily

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 04:00 PM PST

Article by Kevin

Convenient are many different ways to reflect.

No particular scheme of meditating is more "right" than an extra, it's simply a question of finding out the reflection method that works best on behalf of you.

You may even observe that the method that moving part best for you diverge according to your own mood otherwise what you are looking on the road to achieve in a given reflection session.

Let's purloin a look at the more public meditation methods:1. Guided reflections. These can be given "inwards person" (they are often worn in large events reminiscent of the ones given sooner than Tony Robbins and Christopher Howard) otherwise they can be pre-recorded next you can listen on the road to them in the reassure of your own home. Guided meditations preserve take many different procedures. They can range from general repose meditations through to specific reflections to help you observe a solution to a personal otherwise a health problem with the aim of is causing you issues.2. Living meditations. These are exactly i'm sorry? they sound like - you self-control concentrate on your breathing such as the main hub of the meditation. Typically a breathing reflection will start with you remark your breathing, paying attention on the road to how you breathe and next moving on to taking profound breaths (inhaling longer, property your breath and then slowly puff out). That said, breathing meditations preserve be a lot more full of life if you want them on the road to be - some breathing meditations self-control get you to follow in the whole process with subdivision and body pressures groups. These are excellent for recharging your oomph and giving you new parallel with the ground of vitality.3. Outer space ordering. This has been popularized in the midst of The Secret and The Regulation of Attraction. Outer space ordering is a sub-set of reflection where you focus on incredible that you want to fascinate into your life. You self-control then visualize what it is that you want to fascinate ! (love, m oney, health, etc) next it is this visualization procedure that is often done inwards a meditative pomp.4. Yoga. This ancient technique is regularly combined with meditation to develop the effect of mutually the yoga and any associated reflection. You can get yoga panache and instructions for download proceeding the internet or you may well prefer the social interface of joining a local yoga panache.5. Electronic meditation. Our prevailing lifestyle encourages us to guise for rapid results. Electronic reflection CDs and MP3s preserve be just the answer on the road to this. Combining relaxing sounds - often rainwater or meditative music - in the midst of "binaural beats" which encourage your reason to drop quickly interested in a meditative state, these modern by e-mail generated meditations are helping scores of people who just retreat't got the time to throw away developing their meditative procedures.

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My passion is to write on wide varieties of subjects.Latest writing is at shun classic knives which contains reviews and other information about Krshaw shun classic santoku knife.

Nadabrahma Meditation

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 03:00 PM PST

Article by Richard A. Manfredi

Find a meditation technique that is just right for you such as the simple Nadabrahma Meditation designed to help you relax and reduce all types of stress. Meditation is a great way to unwind and reduce all types of stress. Yet with such a large selection of both ancient and new meditation techniques available to modern humanity, it can be difficult to find a technique that suits your personality, beliefs and physical abilities. Here is a quick look at Nadabrahma Meditation, a simple meditation technique created by the well-known Indian mystic and spiritual guide Osho.Nadabrahma Meditation is a gentle, sitting meditation technique that can be practiced by Osho Sannyas and other people who wish to tap into the health benefits of meditation. It consists of an hour-long, three-part meditation technique featuring humming and hand movements designed to create an inner balance and harmony between the mind and body. Unlike the Osho dynamic meditation, which is active and wild, Nadabrahma Meditation begins with 30 minutes of humming as you are seated in a relaxed position with eyes closed. The humming should be loud enough that it creates a vibration in your body. After 30 minutes of humming, participants are led into 15 minutes of slow hand movements designed to represent releasing energy outwards to the universe and then taking energy in. The final stage consists of being seated quiet and still for 15 minutes without Osho meditation music or other sounds. The humming portion of Nadabrahma Meditation is part of an old Tibetan technique, which was practiced in the morning; however today it can be done at any time, alone or with others, as long as it is practiced on an empty stomach. To learn more about Nadabrahma Meditation or to purchase Osho discourses on other meditation techniques, please visit

About the Author

Richard A. Manfredi has written about They offer Osho Dynamic Meditation materials including Osho Rajneesh books, Osho meditation CDs and Tantra books, as well as the largest and best selection Osho discourse DVDs.

#1 Monroe's Out-of-Body (OBE) Paranormal Transformation of Human Consciousness

Bob Monroe explains his out-of-body (OBE) experience and the transformation of his human consciousness. Paranormal guidance as a PSI component of astral travel and quantum non-local experiences.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

How to Use Mala in Meditation

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 02:00 PM PST

Article by Shirin Joshi

A mala is a string of beads, usually of 108 beads, used in meditation or prayer. It is also known as japa mala or meditation mala. Mala is used as a tool in different meditative practices to keep counting of chanting or reciting sacred mantras. In Hinduism, this practice of meditative repetition of a sacred mantra or the name of God silently or aloud is known as Japa. Japa mala helps the practitioner to focus on the soulful recitation rather than counting the numbers. Japa enhances the meditative practices. Using this string of beads for prayer can be dated back beyond the written history. Using mala is virtually common in all the major religions and other spiritual practices. In Kundalini yoga meditation, mala is considered as an important spiritual tool for its close connection with Nada yoga, the yogic practice of reciting sacred sounds and mantras.

Generally tulsi wood, rudraksh, crystal, sandal wood are the materials used to make malas. Certain properties of each of these materials leave subtle effects on the human subconscious mind. Eachmala has an extra bead i.e. the 109th bead which is called by various names like Sumeru, Guru bead, stupa etc. A tassel hangs from this Guru bead, which symbolizes a thousand lotus petals. This helpful device holds the concentration of the practitioner even if there are disturbing and distracting noises in the surroundings. The traditional way of using a mala is holding it in the right hand between the thumb and the middle finger. Hang the mala between your fingers and rotate the beads one by one as you recite the mantras. Roll one bead after reciting the complete mantra once. in Kundalini yoga meditation, start from the next bead after the Guru Bead and move towards by rolling from one beads to another while repeating the mantra. Use the thumb to pull the next bead after reciting the complete mantra. Thus, you will reach the summit or the Guru bead after completing the full circle. Here one can start it again or make a special prayer with that Sumeru ! or Guru bead.

Practicing mala meditation with mantras yields better result. Spirit Voyage offers Sanskrit mantras collection. This collection includes traditional mantras and instruments such as the harmonium, tablas, sitar, guitar, drums and more and are perfect musical choices to set the mood for yoga practice and meditation. Kundalini Mantra Instruction by Gurudass Kaur, The Essence, Moola Mantra & Mantras For Precarious Times by Deva Premal, Eternal Om by Robert Slap which will provide the pure sacred chants. The online music company, Spirit Voyage, offers a variety of meditation malas which will help you to attain the enlightenment. It ranges from Orange Agate Mala, Tiger's Eye Mala, Amethyst Mala, Rudraksha Mala to Rose Quartz Mala, Carnelian Mala etc. If you are completely new to this spiritual world then take help of a experienced yoga teacher or else a good yoga DVD which will guide you each and every poses, postures and mudras. Collect a good DVD with audio-visual illustrations from the extensive yoga DVD collection offered at Spirit Voyage.

Meditation is a sadhana, a soulful practice. This soulful practice requires complete attention of the practitioner. This mindfulness is also required for other such practices, like yoga etc. If you are practicing yoga or meditation at home, then choose a quiet corner, play some tranquil meditation music and make yourself ready for the practice session. Wear some loose fit clean yoga clothes which are comfortable as well as suitable for such meditative practice. Your yoga clothes needs to be perfect so as to allow you full flexibility as you perform various poses. Spirit Voyage offers yoga wear which are comfortable as well as stylish. There are yoga tops and T-shirts for women and men. Always try to use a yoga mat or rug as yoga mats provide the support to the back, elbows and knees of the practitioner. One can also use meditation cushions or sheepskin instead of yoga mats. Browse through the yoga accessories section offered at Spirit Voyage and pic! k the be st from their huge collection. You may also find some other useful yoga accessories like yoga bags, yoga bottles etc. Dive into the sea of spirituality by practicing mala meditation with the spiritual collection of this online record label music company and enjoy an eternal bliss.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is offering various CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. Spirit Voyage also offers different kinds of yoga clothes and yoga accessories such as yoga rugs, meditation cushions and yoga mats.

Yoga - The Elderly Are Loving It

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Praveen Pandey

The young are coming to yoga centers with the aim to lose flab. But the elderly are not far behind, they want their youth back as well. They feel fit and their ailments, many of which arise from lifestyle problems and neglect at home, are getting resolved. Yoga boosts their self-esteem they say. While some call it 'addiction', others say it has become a habit akin to having one's daily meals, which they cannot afford to skip.

Yoga is the way to a happy, healthy and a long life for the elderly, say experts. "Several studies have shown that yoga has prevented several lifestyle diseases, which come with ageing - namely cardiac, respiratory and bone diseases," says Dr Subhash Manchanda, former head, cardiology, at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and vice chairman, World Academy of Spiritual Sciences.

Confidence booster

Most senior citizens bury themselves in their homes and gradually start losing confidence post retirement. Without a permanent circle of friends - the loss of the office circle is a big loss - they begin to suffer from low self-esteem. Some start feeling purposeless once their chilDr.en move out of the home for higher studies or jobs. Yoga gives such elders a new lease of life, a renewed sense of worth and a fresh spurt of confidence. Fifty-nine year-old Amita Kumar, for example, found it difficult to carry on alone. Amita was distraught and directionless when she lost her husband 18 months ago. Thanks to her regular yoga sessions at Bharat Thakur's artistic yoga classes, she is not just more confident but also healthier today. Yoga has enhanced her quality of life. She says, she's 'addicted' to it.Dressed in a white shirt dotted with blue flowers and body-hugging gray slacks, Amita says: "Yoga gets my day started. I not only feel younger but there is an added enthusiasm in everything I do." The daily dose of yoga gives her the required energy for voluntary social work. Amita works for the uplift of slum girls.

"Yog a works on the principle of psycho-neuro-immunology. There are a large number of hormones which are released when we are happy," says Dr SC Mahapatra, additional professor, department of physiology at AIIMS. "Psychological benefits cannot be ruled out although this can't be measured by science."

All-round health

Is yoga only about de-stressing or does it have health benefits? A few studies offer hope. In 2008, a study conducted over a two-month period on 65 year-olds in the US reveals that Iyengar Yoga showed significant improvement in their balance and stability. The 24 elderly women not only looked fitter, but were more confident when walking and were less likely to fall.

Another US study conducted in 1990 of patients who had coronary heart disease, indicated that a regimen of aerobic exercise and stress reduction, including yoga, combined with a low-fat vegetarian diet, stabilized, and in some cases, reversed arterial blockage.

Yoga indeed comes with a lot of health benefits. Anuj Kumar, yoga trainer at Bharat Thakur's artistic yoga institute says: "Yoga is perhaps the only form of activity that massages all the internal glands and organs of the body in a thorough manner, including those - such as the prostate - that hardly get externally stimulated during our entire lifetime." The stimulation and massage of the organs keeps away disease and provide a forewarning at the first possible instance of a likely onset of a disorder, he adds.Yoga is a sure-shot cure for asthma. For instance, 54-year old Roshni Menon, who could not imagine living without her inhaler, now gets along fine without it. "I have been doing yoga for the last four and half years and I have never had to use my inhaler," she says happily.

Fifty-two year-old Darshan Kumar agrees with Menon. For him, yoga is a way of life. "I can't imagine life without it. Earlier I was unable to read or pick up things located at a distance of one meter. I got my eyesight back after I did su! ryanamas kar for about two years," he adds.

Look younger

Of Anuj Kumar's 400 students, about 25 per cent are above 50. "It is very difficult to determine their age, as all of them look young and gorgeous," he says."Yoga has changed me completely. It has pushed back my age by at least 15 years. I have not just shed weight but have also lost 4.5 inches on my waist," says Roshni.

The story of VV Menon is similar. The tall, broad-built, white-haired gentleman does not reveal his age at first. "You can put my age as 60. Do I look any older?" he asks with a smile. Menon who is in his seventies, has been a yoga enthusiast for a very long time. "Most people in Delhi have to battle with a lot of health problems as soon as they hit 50, but I have never really had to face any," he adds. "I can do as many as 20-30 suryanamaskars at a go. My blood pressure, sugar levels and cholesterol levels are normal," he adds.

"It is scientifically proven that yoga can delay the biomarkers - graying of hair, wrinkles etc. Yoga helps people slow down ageing. The elderly look young even at 60," says Dr. Manchanda. Yoga works in other subtle ways, say experts. "Even people with rigid bodies start experiencing a remarkable flexibility in even those parts which they have not consciously worked upon," says Anuj Kumar. This means that yoga helps loosen up the body and even acts upon areas that have not gone through the drill. When all the limbs are exercised, they work in harmony to create a situation where flexibility is a guarantee, he adds.

About the Author

Read articles on Diet Plan, Fitness and Yoga, Diabetes, Cancer, Skin Care, Weight Loss, and Health Care at

Meditation for Busy People

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Article by

Are you interested in meditation, but don't feel that you have the time to actually learn how to mediate? Maybe you feel like you could benefit from meditation but aren't sure how to work it into your hectic schedule?

Luckily, meditation doesn't require that you dedicate hours to practice in order to receive fantastic benefits. Even the busiest person can learn to meditate and benefit from the calming effects of this ancient practice. Here are some easy ways to learn and incorporate meditation into your life, no matter how busy you are!

1.Take Mini-Breaks Throughout the Day

You don't have to spend a lot of time meditating; in fact, you can get benefits in as little as five minutes a day. When you wake up in the morning, lie in bed for a few minutes and breathe deeply. Focus on your breathing and let all your other thoughts come and go.

You can also take small breaks throughout the day to practice some meditative breathing. The next time you're stuck in traffic, waiting for an appointment or just sitting at your desk, close your eyes and focus on your breath. For just these few minutes, let the stress of the day go.

2.Learn to use Affirmations

Affirmations are phrases that you use to help you handle stressful situations. These phrases don't need to be complicated, they just need to be reassuring to you. You might say something like, "I can handle this; everything will be okay." It doesn't matter what you say, just as long as you find it helpful and calming.

You might feel silly doing this at first, but stick with it and you'll start to feel more comfortable. And, while it is helpful to say them out loud, you can also say them to yourself. The important thing is that you can hear your own voice as you talk. Over time, you'll find this is a helpful self-calming technique.

3.Practice Walking Meditation

Most people connect meditation with sitting quietly and focusing on your breath. While this is certainly how many people med! itate, i t's not the only way to achieve inner peace. In fact, walking mediation is practiced by many people around the world. When done properly, it can be every bit as calming as traditional meditation. As with all meditation, when stray thoughts enter your mind, acknowledge then dismiss them.

To do this you simply need to focus on the physical sensations of walking. Start by paying attention to how your feet and legs feel as you move. Notice the sensations of your arms swinging back and forth as you take a step. And, of course, focus on your breath as you walk.

When practiced regularly, meditation can relieve muscle tension and mental exhaustion. And, you don't have to have a lot of time to benefit from meditation. Take small breaks in the day to breathe deeply or practice walking meditation. No matter how you do it, meditation will help you deal with the stress of life in a more positive way.

About the Author is dedicated to helping you get the most out of life. Based on the belief that you can change yourself through knowledge, brings you tips, information and tools to help you live life to the fullest.

Meditation and Yoga Music in elevating and healing the mind and soul

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Aman Roy

Yoga has been at the fore-front in emancipating the lives of millions of people throughout the ages. Many people have tremendously benefited from regular practice of Yoga and meditation. Yoga derives from the ancient word "yuj" meaning "union". The aim of the various Yoga forms, such as Kundalini Yoga, Hatha yoga and Ashtanga Yoga is to unite the mind and the body with the universal consciousness. This enables the person to achieve enlightenment and the person experiences eternal peace and tranquility. The time old practice of yoga and meditation is a healing system that leads to a healthy body, peaceful mind, joyous heart and liberated soul.

Music is fundamental to the human kind. Music has been the center of cultures throughout the world and across the time. Music is considered to be the best concetrator as it soothes the mind and the body. Certain rhythms and beats calms and relaxes the mind. In realms of yoga, music plays an important role. Meditation music created by a single instrument such as violin, flute as well as a collection of instruments like gong, bells and bowls can have a mesmerizing effect on the listening mind. Spirit Voyage, an online music store, offers an extensive collection of Yoga DVDs, Yoga Books, meditation music CDs and more and aim to lead the practitioner towards a path of self enlightenment.

In Kundalini Yoga, as one enters into the kriyas, upbeat and energetic music is often helpful. Drum Sex by Brent Lewis available Spirit Voyage is a helpful one. Softer instrumentals can also be incorporated. The upbeat music can help power the class through and give some transcending experiences. For deep relaxation, gong music or singing bowls will be of great help. Venus Gong by Sotantar Simrat Singh and Gratitude (Relaxing Native American Flute Music) by David and Steve Gordon surely come to the aid of a perfect meditation routine. The soothing music from the CDs will surely enable the individual's consciousness to merge with the universal consciousness and be at ! one with god. Yoga must always be practiced under proper guidance. Yoga DVDs from us such as Refining the Spirit, Mind and Meditation (4 DVD Set) and Vitality and Stress (4 DVD Set) will surely help a person in developing the perfect physique and mind through proper practice of Yoga.

There are certain key points that one must keep in mind before practicing Yoga. Proper attire is necessary before doing Yoga. Wearing proper Yoga clothes is a necessity. Wearing right kind of yoga clothes help one to practice the asanas and different poses with all ease. The Yoga clothes offered by Spirit Voyage are all white as white absorbs all the colours and thus is the source of radiant energy. Another important issue is the place where the Yoga must be carried out. The place should neither be too cold or too hot. Decorating the place with spritual posters and pictures is a good idea. The sights will elevate a yogic mind to a spiritual high. Use of proper Yoga mats and yoga and meditation rugs is a good idea.Spirit Voyage offers different kinds of Yoga mats from Spirit Voyage which are not only soft, but are durable and easy to wash.

Kundalini Yoga professes a series of Kriyas, Mudras and meditation techniques that will surely help in rising of the Kundalini energy, that lies dormant. Kundalini Yoga gurus believe that there is a tremendously infinite energy that exists at the base of the spine. As the energy rises up through the chakras or the energy centers, a person feels is enlightened from within and is able to find the inner peace. Music in yoga session or during meditation shall help in soothing and elevating the mind and the soul of the practitioner to a new high.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage, an online music store that offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. It also offers Yoga Mats and Yoga Clothes.

Lee Brice- A Woman Like You + Lyrics [New Single 2011] in HD

Lyrics: Last night, outta the blue Driftin' off to the evening news You said "Honey, what would you do If you'd never met me" I just laughed, said "I don't know, But I could take a couple guesses though" And then tried to dig real deep, Said, "Darling honestly... I'd do a lot more offshore fishin' I'd probably eat more drive-thru chicken Take a few strokes off my golf game If I'd have never known your name I'd still be driving that old green 'Nova I probably never would have heard of yoga Be a better football fan But if I was a single man Alone and out there on the loose Well I'd be looking for a woman like you." I could tell that got her attention So I said, "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I wouldn't trade a single day For a hundred years the other way." She just smiled and rolled her eyes, Cause she's heard all of my lines Courtesy of I said, "C'mon on girl, seriously If I hadn't been so lucky I'd be shootin' pool in my bachelor pad Playing bass in my cover band Restocking up cold Bud Light For poker every Tuesday night, yeah I'd have a dirtbike in the shed And not one throw pillow on the bed I'd keep my cash in a coffee can But if I was a single man Alone and out there on the loose Well I'd be looking for a woman like you." She knows what a mess I'd be if I didn't have her here But to be sure, I whispered in her ear "You know I get sick deep-sea fishin' And you make the best fried chicken I got a hopeless golf game I love the sound of your name I might ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now


Posted: 21 Jan 2012 10:00 AM PST

Article by Simon Lee

As we know, the main components of the environment include sound and image. The more pleasure the sound and image bring for the takers, the easier they will feel to loosen their parts to start doing the guided meditation.

Nowadays, the high rate of patients suffering stress due to the pressure of the modern life in hospitals serves as a wake-up call for all the people living in the current society. Therefore, most citizens now tend to spend more time on doing activities for relaxation. Not strangely enough, the main effect of these methods is to help people to keep from the high pace of life in most of the modern cities. Of all the popular methods of relaxation, meditation, the traditional therapy for mental problems in the East, is catching on very rapidly all over the world. Not mention to the other forms of meditation, the very basic form for all the takers is guided meditation. Guided meditation is originally the elementary step to the higher level. With the help of the subjective factors, guided meditation becomes the inspiration for the taker to gradually get on well with the powerful nature. All these factors are in charge of creating the convenient and comfortable for the takers. To make a good connection with the nature, the takers need to be given the best conditions to prime their mind for the co-ordination with the nature around. However, it is not simple to choose what is the most convenient for guided meditation.

As we know, the main components of the environment include sound and image. The more pleasure the sound and image bring for the takers, the easier they will feel to loosen their parts to start doing the guided meditation. To create an intriguing scenery, we can use the beautiful and delicate paintings or pictures. Meanwhile, it is not also easier to find what to make good sound. The popular current way of making sound now is the use of guided meditation cd and guided meditation mp3. It is suggested that you should buy guided medit! ation cd s with tunable music without words. It is simpler that you can listen to a guided meditation mp3 with a series of volumes 2.0 or more. The sound system needs to be designed to leave the human minds absorbing in the smooth sound. On many websites are a lot of good guided meditation mp3 posted for downloading. In addition, the temperature must be taken into account. Fresh and cool air is a good condition for concentration.

When the taker has succeeded getting in harmony with the nature, he can feel the power flow running through his body. At that time, he has made a holistic connection between the physical and the mental. Gradually, he can control and keep the balance of this power flow. It enables him to adjust his mentality in relation to the change of the parts of his body. At a more effective level, it turns into healing meditation. It has been proved that the people taking meditation has his injury healed more quickly than the ordinary. Even, the people having achieved the healing meditation can use their power to cure some diseases for the others.

In conclusion, meditation brings a lot of benefits for the people taking it. It is emphasized that the good outside conditions are not just enough, the concentration and persistence is the most important factor.

About the Author

Simon Lee writes informative and unique articles about Guided Meditation and Mindfulness Meditation. One thing that separates Simon Lee from others is the passion he puts into it, knowing full well and respecting the time viewers spend on reading his work.

Ajahn Chah - Mindful Way

Excerpts from the BBC documentary 'The Mindful Way' which show Luang Por Chah (also available in full on, briefly featuring the young Ajahn Liam who was later nominated by Luang Por Chah to lead Wat Pah Pong and continues to do so. For more video, audio and text see http Video series of biography of Ajahn Chah:

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

What is Kundalini meditation

Posted: 21 Jan 2012 09:00 AM PST

Article by Ayaz Khan

Yoga refers to a set of physical and mental exercises that tends to unite the body,mind and the soul. The five thousand years old science of yoga has lived through generations because of the immense benefits that mankind has derived from it. Any yoga forms, be it Kundalini Yoga, Hatha yoga or Ashthanga Yoga, it helps a person in re-inventing oneself, making the person healthy, happy and holy. Yoga derives from the Sanskrit word, "Yuj" meaning "to unite" or "unity". The unity here is the union of the body and the mind. Meditation, one of the important aspects of yoga, is a discipline through which a person becomes more aware of his inner self.Music has a profund effect on the psyche f the human being. Since time immemorial, music and yoga are intrinsically related to each other. Music has many therapeutic qualities aside from general relaxation and stress relief. And in the realms of yoga, music is known to create a quiet and inspiring atmosphere. Spirit Voyage, an online music company, has an extensive collection of yoga and meditation music CDs and DVDs in store.

Kundalini meditation is a very integral part of Kundalini Yoga session and help a person to re-establish with one's rhythm and enables a person to talk to the higher self and appreciate the unique life. A daily round of Kundalini meditation cleanses the mind and helps us in avoiding the mistakes and focus all our energies while becoming happier and staying clear in our subconscious. The human mind witnesses around 50,000 different emotions and thoughts in a single day. Controlling all of them is simply impossible. Meditation lets a person be in tune with the thoughts and let the emotions be without interfering in the daily life. This enables the person to deal with stress and at the same time, interact with others. Spirit Voyage has a wide range of meditation music CDs which help a person to de-stress. Into Grace by Guru Shabad Singh Khalsa and Gratitude by David and Steve Gordon are two such CDs which will surely make one find on! eself ag ain.

The perfect place to practice Kundalini meditation is a comfortable location which is quiet and neither too hot nor too cold. Sitting on something supportive but soft is advisable. Most practitioners use sheep skin or good quality Yoga mats. People with rigid body are advised to use a yoga and meditation cushion to relieve pressure from their lower spine. Yoga mats enable a person to carry out different Yoga poses with utmost ease, subtracting the fear of loosing the balance while performing the different poses. They also aid the person in keeping the positive energies generated in the body during the yoga and meditation session and prevent it getting neutralized by coming to the contact of the earth. The positive energies are there in the body much after the session is over, all because of proper Yoga Mats. The perfect period of practicing Kundalini Meditation is anytime when a person is alert. Experienced meditators prefer morning 4-8am so that the energy stays with them throughout the day. Some also practice the meditation round just before going to sleep so as to un-clutter their minds for a deep sleep. Another vital component of the meditation routine is the use of proper Yoga clothes. The material used to create the clothes enable a person to perform the meditations in a perfect way. Many practitioners believe that meditation is a process to connect with higher self and they believe in clothes that honor this. The Yoga clothes on offer from Spirit Voyage are light, durable and are perfect for any Yoga routine.

Understanding Kundalini yoga is a very important thing. Kundalini Yoga, the technology behind it can only be understood through proper guidance and under proper mentality. The Yoga DVD collection from our site will surely make understanding Kundalini Yoga, a much easier affair. Flow yoga for Beginners by Shiva Rea, Kundalini Yoga to Detox by Maya Fiennes, Add Grace and prosperity with Kundalini Yoga by Nirvair Singh Khalsa are those Yoga DVDs which will surely make you at o! ne with yourself.

Kundalini meditation is all about getting to know oneself better and handling the day to day challenges in a much better way. The meditation routine will surely make you healthier, happier and holier. Rediscover yourself today.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage, an online music store that offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. It also offers Yoga Mats, Yoga Clothes and other yoga accessories.

[Ultra DeepMeditation] - Binaural Beats

NOTE: Use headphones while listening. Binaural beats affect our brainwaves directly and can alter moods, behavior, even consciousness. A binaureal beat is created by playing a different tone in each ear, and the interference pattern between the slightly differing frequencies creates the illusion of a beat. It's intended to be heard through headphones, so there's no cross-channel bleed across both ears.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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