The Best Beginners Meditation Techniques Are Often the Simplest

The Best Beginners Meditation Techniques Are Often the Simplest

The Best Beginners Meditation Techniques Are Often the Simplest

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 07:00 AM PST

Article by Eva Flores

What many meditation beginners feel the most problematic aspect of the meditative learning process is tailoring the best beginners meditation techniques to their lifestyle and schedule. Meditation does not have to be executed in rigid form using techniques that are often seen executed by advanced practitioners.

There is actually nothing wrong at all with studying meditation in a Buddhist temple with a group of monks humming ohm for hours on end while a long-bearded yogi fills you with infinite wisdom from the universe. We must all find a pragmatic option that accommodates our lifestyle so the goal is to find the best beginners meditation techniques to begin the learning process gradually in a time efficient fashion that does not conflict with our daily schedule.

If you wish to truly learn meditation you must get involved with a hands-on approach that doesn't involve simply studying pages of distracting material or lengthy instruction manuals. Frequently these books will teach beginners to "think of nothing" or the even more vague "casually observe your thoughts come and go". It is very common for a beginner to become even more aimless and mentally clouded with thoughts in their attempt to "think of nothing". Meditation is about learning at a slow comfortable pace with proper direction to quiet the mind. Beginners meditation techniques are just what they imply, those that are easy for a beginner to learn. So what works well for most people is what relaxes them the most in an everyday situation. If you are someone who feels most relaxed laying down on the bed then begin your meditation session there. If you like to relax in a hammock out in the backyard then that would be your jumping off point. Simply apply this to your personality and what relaxes you most easily.

Meditation music is a very popular choice of all the beginners meditation techniques available. Music is commonly one of the most popular forms of relaxation and easiest ways to change one's state so it's really! no surp rise. Meditation music playing in the background helps many people improve focus and concentration while handling daily tasks. For those that wish to sleep more deeply there are meditation cd's designed to promote sound sleep. This is one of the most efficient beginners meditation techniques because the effect places you in the perfect state of mind for meditation and creative visualization. Find what works for you and pursue it with vigor and enthusiasm.

About the Author

Eva Flores enjoys writing on a variety of subjects for self-improvement, entertainment and lifestyle.

Meditation And Its Accesories

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 06:00 AM PST

Article by jackson

The first step is to recognize that not all meditation techniques are the same. The various meditation practices engage the mind in different ways. Vipassna, also commonly (and perhaps loosely) known as mindfulness meditation, emphasizes dispassionate observation and, in its more philosophical form, the contemplation of impermanence, sometimes focusing on the interconnection between mind and body. Zen Buddhist practices are likely to use concentration, whether directed at one's breath or at trying to grasp a Zen koan.

Meditation cushions are commonly referred to as Zafus. They are designed to help the meditation practitioner have a more comfortable, relaxed, and effective meditation session. These cushions do this by allowing you to sit as comfortably as possible while you meditate. They make you as comfortable as possible by giving you the necessary support to keep your spine aligned.

Meditation chairs are designed to help you maintain proper posture and breathing. Both of these concepts must be achieved for you to get the ultimate benefits of these relaxation techniques. The chairs have been created to provide a comfortable place to meditate. Individuals with back problems may find it difficult to hold their posture during meditation. Any pain or discomfort will distract from the goal of relaxing the body and mind.

The disadvantages of books, videos and cds are that you really don't have direct feedback from a trained person, so you can get stuck.What's the right style for you? You need to be honest about your fitness level, commitment and intentions in starting a yoga class. Is it to reduce stress? Get super-fit? Reduce your back pain? Calm your thoughts? Get in touch with your inner wisdom.

The number one issue that must be considered when selecting Meditation CD's is the tempo of the music. When choosing your meditation cd's you need to make sure that the meditation music you choose is written and played at 60 beats per minute. Research has found that meditation music! played at 60 beats per minute will help produce alpha waves on both the left and right side of the brain.

Every cell in our body knows that inspiration truly comes from our spirit position. While our human self is busy with human endeavors, we must remember to reach for our spirit self which is all-knowing and will guide us to choices that are best for us. Our spirit self is a way-shower, a guide, an anchor, and the part of us that is ultimately wise and passionate.

Does it start with an induction phase? Guided meditation is much like hypnosis. In order for it to work correctly you have to be in the correct state of mind. Your subconscious mind has to be in a state that is susceptible to hypnotic or meditative suggestions.

Then there is the standard form of meditation. One way to meditate is to sit on the floor, or on a cushion or a mat and cross your legs. A comfortable chair may also work for your meditation. Being comfortable and having your back straight, so your breath flows easy, is the most important thing. It is a good idea to either have your palms facing up or you can conect your thumb and index finger together.

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Malas and Jeweleries as Yoga Accessories

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 05:00 AM PST

Article by Karan Khalsa

The ancient Vedic Hindu philosophy, Yoga has been derived from the Sanskrit word 'yuj' which means 'to reunite'. Yoga is the philosophy of reuniting one's ownself with the Supreme divine self. This reunion of the atma with the paramatma is not a very easy process rather it is quite a tough task to establish this bond. But from thousands of years ago, this ancient art is proving its potentiality to make a balance between human mind, body and soul - thus help an individual to create the bond with the Omnipotent power. Yoga and its various forms like Hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Kriya yoga and many more have the magical power to transform a human being into a higher level of spiritualism. And if it is practiced with yoga music probably one can expect the best result.

Music has the magical power of soothing and relaxing the mind or brain with its melodious tunes. Some kind of devotional music like meditation music or yoga music increases the level of concentration and thus help people to awaken the self-consciousness. Various yoga DVDs available at Spirit Voyage promise to fulfill the demands of the global yoga practitioners, beginners or aspirants. A huge collection of online yoga music CDs and DVDs are offered by Spirit Voyage.

This online music company also offers Yoga DVDs and CDs for each and every kind of yoga forms - like Hatha yoga, Kundalini yoga, Kriya yoga or Ashtanga yoga. The world famous spiritual singers like Deva Premal, Snatam Kaur, Wah!, Donna De Lory and Gurmukh have lent their pure soulful voices in these albums adding a devotional touch to them. One can check out the latest releases like Tantric Wahe Guru by Snatam Kaur, Live in Love by Shantala and Circle of Fire by Benjy Wertheimer etc. and experience the healing power of devotional music.

Yoga accessories are also a great help for the practitioners. Yoga accessories help to relax the body and feel more comfortable while doing difficult yoga poses or asanas. Some accessories even help to develo! p a bett er level of concentration. There are few yoga accessories without which your yoga practice will remain incomplete such as yoga mat, yoga clothings etc. Like these items, yoga jeweleries and malas are also inevitable for practicing yoga. Jeweleries like sacred mantra engraved karas, lotus ring help to uplift the spiritual senses within and thus make it easy to establish that divine bond. The yoga jewelery sets of earrings and pendants are very much helpful in doing meditation. And if it is paired with meditation music then one can expect perhaps the best result.

Malas are considered as the most important accessories in meditation. We cannot imagine meditating without a sacred 108 Rudraksha mala. The sacred string of 108 beads helps one to focus and concentrate in the meditation practice. The power beads are the most significant spiritual tool to count the prayers or mantras. This helpful device enhances the spiritual mood of the practitioner. A wide range of malas are available at Spirit Voyage like Amethyst mala, Rudraksha mala, Lapis Lazuli mala etc. which will surely heighten the meditative state of the individual. Spirit Voyage aims to help the yoga aspirants in learning and practicing yoga all by themselves. Various Yoga DVDs like Lifecycles and Lifestyles by Yogi Bhajan and Advanced yoga by Rodney Yee are offered at this website which are also a very good option for the yoga lovers to learn and practice yoga at home.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

10 Things You Should Know before Joining Yoga Class

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 04:00 AM PST

Article by Kevin Pederson

Yoga seems to be the buzzword on everyone's lips these days when it comes to working out and getting fit. That is not a bad thing in itself, because yoga offers significant advantages over other forms of exercise. However, there are some things that you should know before you enroll for that yoga class.

1.Not all yoga is the same. There are many different styles and schools of yoga, ranging from fast paced and energetic forms of yoga such as Bikram Yoga and Power Yoga, and slower paced forms of yoga such as Ananda Yoga. Different schools of yoga focus on achieving different goals and it is important to identify what your fitness goals are before joining a particular class. For example, if you're looking for some gentle stretching exercises to keep fit in your old age, then for sure Bikram yoga is not your cup of tea.

2.Consult a doctor before you join. Yoga is a very powerful form of exercise and in addition to its potential for good, it also has the potential to cause great harm if done incorrectly. It is best to get a thorough physical checkup before you join a yoga class. Also be sure to tell your yoga instructor about any pre-existing medical conditions so that he/she can adapt the yoga exercises to suit your specific needs.

3.Look for one-on-one interaction. Yoga students, especially beginners, require special attention and proper instructions. So if you see a class strength of fifty and one yoga instructor, maybe it's time to look for another yoga class.

4.Ensure that your instructors are properly certified. Al though there is no single certifying body for yoga instructors, most instructors will have trained under some specific school of yoga and will have a certificate that says so.

5.Get proper clothes. You cannot perform yoga in tight jeans. A loose t-shirt and a pair of track pants or loose slacks are ideal.

6.Do not stuff your face with food before a yoga class. Yoga involves a lot of core abdominal work and is best performed on an empty stomach.


7.Do not go into a yoga class expecting to develop six-pack abs or sixteen inch biceps. Yoga is not body sculpting. Instead it is a complete holistic approach to fitness and has nothing to do with the size of your abdomen or the state of your abs. The good news is that yoga can really help your lose that flab on your belly.

8.Be prepared to switch off your cellphone and IPod when you enter a yoga class. Yoga is all about reconnecting with your inner self and this is best done without external distractions.

9.Even though yoga may not seem as strenuous as other forms of exercise, be prepared for some slight aches and pains after the first few yoga sessions. This is normal and nothing to panic about. The stretching movements in yoga will exercise parts of your body that you didn't know existed.

10.Keep an open mind. Yoga was developed in a culture that is very different to present Western culture. Some of the concepts and techniques may seem a bit strange at first, but as you continue to practice yoga, you will understand their significance.

About the Author

Kevin Pederson writes content for various yoga poses, positions, and techniques which focuses on a positive state of mind in us.

Yoga upper body strength and balance

Demo of some yoga upper body balances and strength moves

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Know the Ultimate Purpose of Learning How to Meditate

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 03:00 AM PST

Article by Lily Candice

The individual who has realized she needs to return home to a place of peace, love and happiness, devoid of the noise of the mind by learning the true knowledge needs to know How to Meditate. Meditation can be synonymous with freedom - freedom of the mind from hitherto wrong learning and conditioning that have created a veil through which one sees the world. When the genuine seeker learns How to Meditate, this haze is removed and he may now see things and situations as they really are, helping him to better cope with the vagaries and vicissitudes of life.

Meditation is a philosophy of life which is synonymous with India, having being practiced there for centuries. It may be obvious then that there would have developed several ways and schools, each teaching its own way of how to meditate. The Z Meditation center teaches how to meditate using deep deconditioning enquiry and radiant mantras which can be learnt by the committed student in a very short time.

The first step in learning how to meditate is the development of a genuine self conviction that the time has come to be free of the unnecessary baggage that has been holding one down. Once one has recognized this need, the individual will then need to attain a certain level of mental stability and discipline. This is what is sought to be taught by meditation teachers who start the beginner with postures and mantras. These are not actually the meditation in itself, but allow the student to stabilize, getting her ready for the discipline of the practice of meditation.

The goal that is sought to be achieved by learning how to meditate is the ultimate discovery of ones true self, the real essence of being, the soul. The interesting thing to note is that this true self has always been there. However, because of false beliefs, preconceived ideas and conditioning by other people and the environment, one will not be able to perceive this true, pure self.

In a comfortable sitting posture, the practitioner will seek to be in a state! of high alertness, as deep contemplation cannot be achieved with a tired mind. The student should try to face himself and detach from the causes of the agitations and restlessness in his mind. These agitations and restlessness are products of the individual's attachment to certain conditioning and illusionary beliefs that they are not ready to let go off. The result of this deconditioning is to bring the student into a place of unconditioned peace, happiness and love. The teachers at the Z Meditation center will be able to put the determined seeker in a position to be able to achieve this state.

The student who has learnt how to meditate should expect to have achieved holistic health based on natural movements and as time progresses, to find healing to mental, emotional and physical aspects of himself. The ultimate purpose of learning how to meditate is to bring passion, truth and experience to the practitioner.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

A Review on Yoga Poses Galleries on the internet

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST

Article by Nuno P

A Review on Yoga Poses Galleries on the internet

With numerous resources that you can find from the internet, it may be a difficult task for you to find a good yoga postures that will fit in your needs.

And people being more adapt to visual learning, it is much better for us to see the actual pose than to read out the complicated instructions on how to do this properly.

So we have searched through the World Wide Web and compiled all the best yoga poses galleries that can surely help you in your yoga needs.


This website has good resource of yoga poses galleries. They provide yoga classes and workshops designed to increase employee productivity.

They are much more into mental and physical well being and the interests for optimal workforce performance.

They believe that yoga is a scientific discipline of removing or eradicating stress and tension and its source.

They're yoga poses galleries exudes the belief that all tension both physical and mental, is stored somewhere in the body and true stress reduction is a matter of discovering how to release that tension on both levels.

They're Yoga programs directly addresses tension in both the body and the mind. Our classes remove stress from both sources since tension in one area has a direct effect on the other.


This website introduces you to the practice of Yoga, and to the Sunrise Yoga or much more known as the HATHA YOGA all of their classes are provided in Christchurch, New Zealand.

They also supply a range of Yoga products. They also have a lot of photos available on their yoga poses galleries which can really help you in your yoga posture needs.

This site's yoga page provides information about sunrise yoga and Neti Pot for nasal cleansing.

The site provides general information about Yoga including coming events, and they also have a page offering books related to Yoga.


This yoga site was founded by Phil Aston, a specialist in yoga which specializes in stress management and development.

They offer a good size of yoga poses galleries complete with instructions on how to do them correctly.They offer a full holistic approach to mind and body health. Their proven record in helping people overcome stress and enjoy their lives is paramount in this approach.

Their yoga school is located 25 meters from the sea with views over Mount Bay and Saint Michaels Mount in United Kingdom.

Their Yoga poses galleries include pictures and instruction of some basic and expert's yoga poses. They have in their Yoga poses galleries the following poses; The Triangle pose, the wheel pose, the side plank pose, lunging salute, the tree, cobra, the crane pose, the downward facing dog and other yoga poses.

For additional details just visit their site and see for yourself the other available yoga poses.


This site also offers an extensive list of photos on their yoga poses galleries. Their studio is located on the 4th floor of D tower in Cabotville, Chicoppe Center.

It has 1,200 square feet of space that is big enough for you to roll around. They have polished hardwood floors, large traditional south facing windows and big bathrooms.

They also have ample space for parking and the studio is accessible by stairs or elevator.

This are just a few list of yoga poses galleries available online, there are so many other sites that may offer a better list of yoga poses galleries compared to this site.

So don't limit yourself to this list. If you haven't found what you need on the listed sites above, just go around the net and search them on your own.

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Shilpa`s Yoga (English) - Shilpa`s Yoga Music Video

While Standing In Tadasana Bend The Right Leg At The Knee Raise The Right Thigh And Bring The Sole Of The Right Foot As High Up The Inside Of The Left Thigh As Possible. Balancing On The Left Foot Join Your Palms Together And Raise Both Arms Over The Head Keeping The Elbows Straight. Hold The Posture As Long As You Can Breathing Gently Through The Nostrils. Lower The Arms And The Right Leg And Return To The Base Position. Take A Moment And Repeat For The Opposite Leg.The Major Challenge Of Vrikshasana Also Meaning The Tree Pose Is Maintaining Your Balance. Yoga Believes That The Inability To Balance Oneself Is A Manifestation Of A Restless Mind. The Main Benefits Of This Asana Are Increased Powers Of Concentration.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Meditation and Fruit Can Help Boost Energy

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 02:00 AM PST

Because of her participation in Isha Foundation's Inner Engineering meditation program, Los Angeles resident Jennifer Carlson has learned a few uncommon yogic recipes to healthfully boost her energy without stimulants. For Jennifer, these simple recipes in combination with the daily meditation she learned from Isha founder, Sadhguru Vasudev, helped her eliminate a serious caffeine dependency that was robbing her of her health. This meditation and simple dietary additions can provide an alternative method of maintaining high levels of energy throughout the day, especially of interest to those resolving to consume less caffeine for the New Year.

"I am a night-shift nurse, which means I work as long as 12 hours through the night. In an emergency room situation, every moment someone's life depends on my alertness," Jennifer emphasized. I used to drink coffee and soda throughout my shift to maintain my effectiveness. When I came home, I was completely drained, nauseous, and jittery, I would have to eat something really heavy just so I could settle my stomach and sleep for a few hours—then I would begin this cycle all over again. The night-shift was taking such a huge toll on my body. Mentally also, I was feeling depressed. I knew I couldn't survive this much longer, but I value my career."

Then, Jennifer remembered a dietary tip she learned in the Inner Engineering program. "Sadhguru mentioned a white melon that naturally cools the system and gives a natural energy boost without caffeine or other stimulants," she said. Desperate for something to replace caffeine, she tried it. "It has helped dramatically. It makes me feel highly energized and alert, but not at all jittery, nervous or agitated like coffee does—there's no subsequent 'crash' after. It gives me a really healthy feeling boost, not an adrenaline rush."

The white melon Jennifer is referring to is called wintermelon. Eaten mostly in India and China, it is often cubed and added to soups in Asian cooking. However, the yogis of India have long regarded wintermelon as one of the most naturally energizing foods due to its high quotient of what yogic science refers to as 'prana' or vital life energy. To retain this vital energy, wintermelon must be eaten raw.

"In yoga, we do not look at foods in terms of vitamins, minerals or proteins. We categorize food in three ways: positive pranic food, negative pranic food, and zero pranic food," explained Sadhguru in a recent class. "Positive substances are those which, when consumed, add prana to the system. The pranic energy, the vital energy in the body, will increase." According to Sadhguru, wintermelon, fresh coconut, and lemon are among the most pranic foods available.

"This one addition to my diet in combination with my daily meditation practice has enabled me to break the unhealthy cycle of ups-and-downs. I drink 2-3 glasses of wintermelon juice while I am at work to stay energized through the night, and then I sit for about 20 minutes of meditation when my shift is over to rest and re-charge my system," Jennifer explained. "My Shambhavi meditative practice also greatly reduces my need for sleep. So when I come home now, I eat a healthy meal and then sleep for about 5-6 hours." Together, these simple lifestyle changes have even allowed Jennifer to spend time with her kids after school and make them dinner before she goes off to work again.

The taste of wintermelon is very mild like a cucumber. It has virtually no taste of its own, so it is easy to work into all kinds of salads, smoothies, and juices on hot days. On cold days, you can add either honey or black pepper to the melon to reduce natural cooling qualities in the fruit while retaining its raw energy boost. Wintermelon may not be stocked by your local supermarket, but in most cities it can be found at Chinese markets, Indian markets, or international farmers' markets. Look for a melon about the size, shape and color of a watermelon, but with a characteristic white 'ash-coated' surface. This white powder that coats the outer rind is where the melon also gets the common name 'ashgourd'. This powder is harmless to eat, but becomes sticky when it's wet –it should be rinsed from the surface before slicing the melon open. Uncut, a wintermelon will keep for a month or more in a cool, dry storage area.

Sadhguru will be visiting Houston, TX from May 4-6 to offer a 3-day Inner Engineering program. Sadhguru created Inner Engineering as a powerful antidote to the intense stress of the modern lifestyle. Inner Engineering includes the transmission of the ancient Shambhavi Mahamudra kriya, a powerful 21-minute practice that accelerates inner growth and wellbeing. This 3-day intensive is a rare opportunity to learn from Sadhguru in-person and receive the Shambhavi process directly from him. You need only receive Shambhavi once. As long as you maintain the practice with regularity, it will support your health and inner wellbeing the rest of your life. For more Houston program details, visit Read More @ Source

Simple Practice of How to Meditate

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 01:02 AM PST

Article by Lily Candice

The individual who wishes to free him or herself from the burden of carrying around a lot of unwanted, preconditioned baggage from their minds, allowing for peace and happiness to dwell within, needs to learn how to meditate. The practice of meditation may be learnt from the teachers at Z Meditation, who have developed processes of how to meditate over many years, and can put the student through easily learnt methods of how to meditate within a very short time.

After the prospective student has come to a realization of the amount of clutter that is clouding her mind and develops the desire to rid herself of this unproductive conditioning from the environment, family, friends and society, she has taken the first step in the journey towards total freedom of the mind. With this serious personal conviction, the student may now begin to explore the many methods available of how to meditate.

Z Meditation are spiritual teachers who have made it their purpose to help people out of the bondage they have unwittingly held their minds in through the process of meditation. The methods employed by Z Meditation involve deep deconditioning enquiry and radiant mantras which have proved to have a very high success rate among students who have come to them to learn how to meditate.

Learning how to meditate does not just help us to achieve the lofty goals of love, happiness and peace, being the hidden desire of most living beings. It has also been discovered that learning how to meditate, and religiously practicing this art can free the individual from a lot of physical and mental ailments. This is because the turmoil which is present in a large percentage of people tends to aggravate, or even cause severe ailments. However, when the discerning person can free himself of such dark clouds of the mind, the mind, and consequently, the body are able to perform at optimum levels.

There are several ways of preparing to learn how to meditate prior to an intensive course such as those provided by Z M! editatio n. This simple practice may be carried out for just about ten to fifteen minutes every day with remarkable results. The object here is for the individual to, in a quiet and relaxed place and position, concentrate on the one function of breathing in and out while repeating a single word (such as "calm" or "peace") while the breath is leaving and coming in through the nostrils. This process will produce a calming of the mind, surprising to the student, though the achievement of this may prove difficult as he may have to return to concentrate on the breath after the mind begins to wander. Once the mind is settled on the breath, the calming effect on the mind is achieved.

Much of the stress and tension experienced by people tends to emanate from the turmoil within the mind. When the simple practice of how to meditate described above is learnt, and you can achieve a stillness of the mind, the door opens for contentment and a deep happiness to arise from within which helps us to better cope with the daily hustle, bustle and busyness of life in a better way, relating to other people with a pleasant disposition.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

Simple Practice of How to Meditate

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 01:00 AM PST

Article by Lily Candice

The individual who wishes to free him or herself from the burden of carrying around a lot of unwanted, preconditioned baggage from their minds, allowing for peace and happiness to dwell within, needs to learn how to meditate. The practice of meditation may be learnt from the teachers at Z Meditation, who have developed processes of how to meditate over many years, and can put the student through easily learnt methods of how to meditate within a very short time.

After the prospective student has come to a realization of the amount of clutter that is clouding her mind and develops the desire to rid herself of this unproductive conditioning from the environment, family, friends and society, she has taken the first step in the journey towards total freedom of the mind. With this serious personal conviction, the student may now begin to explore the many methods available of how to meditate.

Z Meditation are spiritual teachers who have made it their purpose to help people out of the bondage they have unwittingly held their minds in through the process of meditation. The methods employed by Z Meditation involve deep deconditioning enquiry and radiant mantras which have proved to have a very high success rate among students who have come to them to learn how to meditate.

Learning how to meditate does not just help us to achieve the lofty goals of love, happiness and peace, being the hidden desire of most living beings. It has also been discovered that learning how to meditate, and religiously practicing this art can free the individual from a lot of physical and mental ailments. This is because the turmoil which is present in a large percentage of people tends to aggravate, or even cause severe ailments. However, when the discerning person can free himself of such dark clouds of the mind, the mind, and consequently, the body are able to perform at optimum levels.

There are several ways of preparing to learn how to meditate prior to an intensive course such as those provided by Z M! editatio n. This simple practice may be carried out for just about ten to fifteen minutes every day with remarkable results. The object here is for the individual to, in a quiet and relaxed place and position, concentrate on the one function of breathing in and out while repeating a single word (such as "calm" or "peace") while the breath is leaving and coming in through the nostrils. This process will produce a calming of the mind, surprising to the student, though the achievement of this may prove difficult as he may have to return to concentrate on the breath after the mind begins to wander. Once the mind is settled on the breath, the calming effect on the mind is achieved.

Much of the stress and tension experienced by people tends to emanate from the turmoil within the mind. When the simple practice of how to meditate described above is learnt, and you can achieve a stillness of the mind, the door opens for contentment and a deep happiness to arise from within which helps us to better cope with the daily hustle, bustle and busyness of life in a better way, relating to other people with a pleasant disposition.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

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This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

The Physical and Mental Benefits of Practicing Yoga

Posted: 10 Jan 2012 12:00 AM PST

Article by Karan Khalsa

Yoga is an ancient art and activity of nourishing and maintaining the physical, mental and spiritual balance of human being. Regular practicing of yoga can improve immune system, lower the cholesterol level, help an individual to relax and even improve the mental clarity. By practicing yoga one can easily connect with his own spiritual self. Daily yoga practicing means doing different yoga poses which are known as asanas regularly. These yoga poses or asanas involve all the body organs and muscles, thus improve the blood circulation in the whole body including some particular areas where normally blood does not flow. Each and every form of yoga is beneficial for human beings. Kundalini yoga helps to awake one's own self-consciousness and unite it with the divine consciousness.

Yoga practice has both its physical and mental benefits as well as spiritual one. Practicing yoga strengthens the immune system, help the body to dump toxins and get more oxygen to all the body cells which give an energized and relaxed feeling after completing a yoga session. Yoga also ensures a better respiration which in turn can stimulate body's lymph system. One can also improve red blood cell count in the body by doing different yoga poses. More red blood cells in the blood denote general improvement of health. Yoga music incorporated in yoga practicing promises the best possible result. Any kind of spiritual music be it meditation music or etc. leaves a soothing effect on the mind and thus increases the concentration level. Yoga also lubricates the body joints and in that way prevent arthritis and other such bone ailments. With regular practice of yoga one can keep his body joints, ligaments and tendons in proper shape and condition. Furthermore, yoga is very much helpful in burning the extra fat and reducing the cholesterol level in the body. It helps to keep body in perfect shape without taking help of any strict diet chart or slimming pills. Yoga also acts as anti-aging formula and many more countless aid to! human k ind.

Yoga is the art of maintaining a balance between mind, body and soul. Yoga gives a perpetual sense of calmness to the mind. Both yoga and meditation calm down the mind and free it from all tensions, worries and anxieties that come with our daily lives. Sometimes people become unconsciously stressed out. They lose their vision or aim in life. Practicing yoga or meditation bring back the concentration and clarity. By doing yoga poses or asanas, one can increase the mind's sensitivity to body sensations. It is the ability to relax consciously when felling stressed out. And perhaps the most important contribution of yoga in human's mind is that it changes the perception or the whole outlook to the life of an individual. It injects a feel good sense into human mind which in turn help to combat any tough phases. Meditation music enhances that feeling of completeness with its calming and soothing tunes. The tranquility of any yoga music transfers the mind of an individual to a higher realm of spirituality and helps it to connect with the divine spirit.

Spirit Voyage, the online music company, has come up with a whole new enticing range of yoga music CDs and DVDs. These yoga DVD will be of great help to the yoga practitioners as well as beginners. Soul Bride by Tarn Taran Singh, Fluid Power Vinyasa Yoga by Shiva Rea, Reaching the Real You DVD by Yogi Bhajan and many more yoga DVD and books are there to help you out in learning and practicing every forms yoga like Kundalini yoga, Hatha yoga etc.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

Practice yoga to loose weight

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 11:00 PM PST

Article by Karan Khalsa

Yoga has been one of the foremost ways in helping people loose weight, without straining their bodies. Yoga and weight loss have gone hand-in-hand in keeping a fit body, mind and soul. There are numerous Yoga exercises which help the people in great way for maintaining the perfect body mass index and thus, making them feel really good about themselves. Yoga always induces a sense of fun and so it is relatively easier to maintain as a regular habit. Besides, Yoga like Asthanga Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga are easier to master and so they are widely followed with zest all throughout the world.

Yoga is way different than all the exercises that are prescribed in the gym. The exercises at the gym make you just fit. Here, Yoga makes the practitioner both healthy and happy. And unlike the exercises in Gym, when people are left exhausted after the session, when a Yoga session gets over, a sense of peacefulness lingers on the whole day. Music also plays a good role in teaming up with Yoga exercises in helping someone attain that perfect health, easily.Yoga Music and its benefit are immense considering the fact that the lifestyles of people have gone down drastically and people no longer rely on a healthy diet. Yoga orders out the metabolism and that makes the burning of fat a much more reality.

But Yoga alone is not enough in helping someone to loose weight. It needs to be kept in mind that proper Yoga should be teamed up with better diet and a proper lifestyles. This means that the mind of the person should be free of negative thoughts so as to usher-in better living. Proper meditation will ensure proper mental health as well. It needs to be kept in mind that the mind needs to be focused on an objective and so rigorous meditation should be carried out simultaneously with Yoga exercise. Meditation music plays an immense role in helping someone attain the spiritual objective that any person desires to obtain.

Generally, Yoga and the various exercises associated with it are believed ! to give the people a good loss of weight. The various procedures that are involved with the Yoga such as bending, twisting and others are helpful in loosing weight from the entire body. And these techniques are also good in stimulating the endocrine system. This will ensure that the metabolism rate is raised considerably higher than the average and your body burns fat like never before. Yoga along with Yoga Music makes these tasks a tad easier.

Along with the Yoga there is a need for diet and lifestyle change. For loosing weight, vegetables, fibres, and whole grains should be taken in higher amount. Animal protein-intake is a strict no-no. Consumption of Alcohol is also not allowed. There are numerous Yoga Music CDs and DVDs that are on offer from Spirit Voyage which will help in the Yoga-workouts to make the body burn more calories. AM PM Yoga by Rodney Yee is a particular Yoga DVD which makes Yoga workouts a more fitter affair. And if you are looking for some other Yoga DVD, then you can also surf through hundreds of Spirit Voyage Yoga DVDs that are on offer.

Besides, there are a lot many other Meditation music CDs on offer too. Thunder Love by Jai Uttal, Call of the forest by Baka Beyond make Yoga exercises, fun and uplifting. Thus, Yoga exercises such as Kundalini Yoga, Hatha Yoga and Asthanga Yoga benefit anyone who wants to loose weight and lead a happy, healthy and disease-free life.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

Weight Loss: Strong Abs

This is part 3 of your 4 week weight loss routine. Add this routine onto your week 1 sweaty routine and your week 2, detox routine. Do these 3 routines all together, 3 times this week. Back next week with your final routine! Stick with it and have fun!

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Meditation Yoga - An Easy Technique for Stress Relief

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 10:01 PM PST

Article by Raphael Wettenstein

Yoga and meditation go hand in hand. These two great powers benefit the human kind through many ways. Yoga is not complete without meditation. Do not fool yourself that you are benefiting properly with Yoga without doing meditation.

Yoga is a complete fitness regimen that involves physical movements and breathing techniques that create a connection between the mind and body and balances them, while meditation benefits you with its spiritual powers. It creates a self awareness inside you and you get to know about your real self and thus, it open the doors for you to the real world, a world full of happiness, joy and new opportunities.

Yoga with meditation works well to unify the human soul with the supreme power of God. The Yoga meditation elevates your spirit and soul that brings eternal peace and tranquility in your life.

If you are practicing Yoga without meditation, then you are missing a huge part of the benefits that you can actually gain through this practice.

Meditation Yoga works greatly for stress relief. It brings to you the ultimate mental rejuvenation.

There are many ways to practice meditation along with the yoga postures. The Kudnalini Yoga and Raja Yoga are known for complex medication practices. The Hot yoga offers meditation under a high temperature that helps the practitioner disassociate themselves from the material world.

Today, stress has become a very common thing in our life. It affects our mental and physical health. It affects our capacity to do things and we have to miss a lot of good things in our life at times due to stress.

It is a highly competitive world where we all need to stay fit and healthy to fight the challenges and stay ahead. People simply perish just because they are now aware that stress is the factor that is ruining their health and life. It becomes very necessary in this age to stay fit and active and do good stress management, if you do not want to be left behind. You can take benefit of meditation yoga for str! ess reli ef.

The Meditation Yoga works effectively for stress relief. Millions of people have benefited with it and they are practicing it at the institutes and at their home.

The meditation power in Yoga helps your mind stay free of worries and it gives you great peace. You are free from all the negative emotions and feelings that keep troubling you deep inside you. It allows you to look into yourself. This is a great benefit of meditation yoga for stress relief.

It reduces your tension and stress. It helps you listen to your body and you can feel the energy inside you. The meditation yoga for stress relief helps you connect with your inner persona and get free from all the worries.

The meditation yoga is performed with sitting cross-legged and keeping the spine straight. You are required to rest the hands and place the palms on your legs upwards.

The eyes should be closed and then you need to breathe deeply. It is good to inhale from the center of the body and exhale through the nose. Relax the muscles and forget everything and just concentrate in the moment. It is good to meditate for 5 - 10 minutes daily. The deep breathing and relaxation techniques enhance the benefit of meditation Yoga for stress relief.

So, practice Yoga medication and it will bring a stress free life to you. Both your mind and body will flourish from the benefits of these two great powers. Practice the meditation yoga for stress relief and live healthy.

About the Author

The author is a long time researcher, and a promoter in the fields of holistic wellness and

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Flex Your Body Practicing Hatha Yoga

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 08:00 PM PST

Article by Manish Dutt

Yoga makes people deal with life in a better way. Yoga in its various forms has emancipated the lives of people from all across the globe in a way that made people only happier by the day. Yoga exercises, be it Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga or Asthanga Yoga have their wide-ranging benefits ranging from physical, mental and emotional. People are facing really challenging times with many tension-factors easily finding their way into the minds of people and rendering them disillusioned. Yoga such as Hatha Yoga helps clearing this disillusionment by successfully bringing the person and his inner-self in touch with each other.

Hatha Yoga has been one of the most popular forms of yoga to be practiced by people from all around the world. There are many physical benefits of Hatha Yoga. It improves flexibility and muscle joint mobility. The practice strengthens the spine and helps in building a great posture. All the muscular-skeletal problems are eased away such as bad knees, scoliosis and tight shoulders and neck. The endocrine system also receives a thorough workout and so issues like digestion and eliminations are sorted out. The circulatory system also receives a boost with heart strengthening and immune systems receiving a boost.

Kundalini Yoga and other Yoga forms always have an immense mental benefit on anyone who practices them. These yoga exercises always have meditation playing a significant role in one's routine. Meditation plays a significant role in the upbringing of the mental health of the practicing person. The mental benefits includes - increased body awareness, relieved chronic stress patterns in the body, increased attention and concentration and the spirit becoming one with god. Spirit Voyage brings to you many meditation music CDs and DVDs which can aid you in achieving the spiritual objective and also aiding the Yoga routine.

Meditation music CDs like Meditation Drum by David and Steve Gordon, Meditation for Transformation: Experience and Project by Snatam Kaur immen! sely hel p the people deal with the unwanted noise and aid the process of interacting with one's soul. Hatha Yoga has been one of the most easiest and distinct ways of exercises. It generates motion without causing strain and imbalances in the body. Hatha Yoga is the exercise which makes the body both physically and mentally fit as because it has got no side-effects. Hatha Yoga has the best benefit of invigorating the body, mind and soul of the person and heals the body in the due course of time.

Various Yoga DVDs from Spirit Voyage help to make the task of Yoga exercise both fun and useful. Music has the power to heal the body, mind and soul. There are tremendous reasons why it is recommended to listen to Yoga music while doing Yoga exercise. Hatha Yoga has been tremendous in helping people find relief from the symptoms of several common illnesses such as arthritis, chronic fatigue, diabetes, asthma and obesity. It also delays, to some extent, the signs of aging. Hatha Yoga is tremendous beneficial in allowing oxygen to reach the internal organs.

There are a number of yoga DVDs which one can go through while pursuing Yoga. Spirit Voyage offers the right Yoga DVDs created by professional Yoga Gurus who have years of Yoga experience. Prominent Yoga Gurus such as Snatam Kaur, Deva Premal, Gurmukh have rendered their voices in creating these CDs. Yoga DVD such as Sun Salutations and Discover your Soul will help anyone who wants to benefit from yoga and uplift his life. One will not need to search for another Yoga DVD to quench his thirst for Yoga knowledge.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

Meditation Is Very Important

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 07:00 PM PST

Article by angel

Meditation Is Very Important.

It has a very high objective - to take us away from this world of suffering into the world of happiness, joy and Bliss. It is a method, a discipline, that we have to follow very discreetly and if we follow it properly we will find that meditation helps us to discover ourselves, what we really are.

As we get deeper into meditation we come nearer to the Source of our Being."Many practice "meditation," or focus their minds on an object while attempting to clear out conscious thought, but in order to achieve proper meditation, your brain must first remove all the blockages and disturbances you feel during your average day. We're trained from life that letting go and focusing on one object is a bad thing. Some of us surf the internet even as a television plays in the background, taking on two very attentive activities that divide our attention more than most people would have their entire lives just a few generations ago.

If our minds require so much input just to be entertained, it clearly says something about our state of mind. How can we truly live and appreciate any single thing if we are so scatterbrained we can't even enjoy the simple things in life? Take it all back. Start fresh with our program by removing your mental blocks and showing your mind how to live without the chaos it used to crave.

When we meditate, we are training the mind and body to reach a state of "ecstasy" or "gnosis." In this gnostic state, knowledge spills into our conscious minds from the unconscious as we lose ourselves in deep thought. In order to understand how our program will help you meditate more effectively, we'll look at the anatomy of a meditation session step by step.

Meditation begins when you move from the Beta every-day state to the Alpha state where your mind takes on a more powerful role in calculating, higher language function, and higher cognitive understanding. This is where problems arise for many beginning meditators. The Alpha state isn't ea! sy to ju st naturally "achieve" out of nowhere, unless you know how to do it consciously. The very act of raising to an Alpha level can take years of study to achieve unless you have a point of reference. We offer that point of reference with Binaural Beats so you actually go in the right direction when meditating, rather than just falling asleep.

After mastering Alpha Meditation, you can progress to Theta. Originally, it may take weeks or even years to achieve this state, but with brainwave entrainment, you'll be able to achieve it without problem.

Theta meditation entrainment lowers your brainwave patterning more, promoting a sense of peace, balance, and calm. Those who have mastered Theta meditation enjoy greater health, and a better understanding of the universal peace within us all.

"Theta Meditation is said to be the "Gateway to Eternal Bliss"

True happiness has always been somewhere within you. Don't allow yourself to get lost down the path of Alcohol, Drugs, Violence, and other unhealthy vices. Purify your mind and feel peace within your body.

You'll notice an improvement not only in your own life, but the lives of others who you touch. Don't let your mind suffer any more. Empower yourself today!

Once you begin meditating with this program, you'll be able to learn how "Alpha" brainwaves feel. When you do this, you'll be able to practice and be able to conjure your mind to reach a heightened awareness simply by willing yourself to.

What if you could just say to yourself, "I need to increase my intelligence for this problem," and easily find yourself doing so? In addition, as you learn the basics of brainwave response, you'll be able to understand exactly what's going on with your mind's brainwaves at all times. It's very important in this highly technological world to understand how various things affect our consciousness. This is just the tool to do it!

With the assistance of our brainwave entrainment, soon you'll be a meditative powerhouse, able to focus ! your own energy at will to solve problems, relax, and practice Yoga. The meditation process is seen by several cultures as a stepping stone to higher consciousness. With brainwave entrainment, we make that stepping stone even easier to hop across on your way to enlightenmentGet more info here!

About the Author

for more info go to

Welcoming all to Spirit Voyages collection of exclusive Yoga DVDs

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 06:00 PM PST

Article by Karan Khalsa

Yoga, the 5,000 years old ancient Indian Vedic philosophy of physical and mental disciplines, has been recognized by the world years ago. The major branches of yoga like Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga, Kundalini yoga or Hatha yoga - teach the way to unite the atma with the paramatma. Yoga, for its beneficial role in human life, is considered the most definite way to reach the higher level of spirituality. Day by day people from allover the world are highly appreciating this age old practice and a large number of that people are incorporating it in their daily lives. This scientifically proven method of maintaining a balance between mind, body and soul will never lose its significant even in this high-tech world of complex mechanism. What has changed is the teacher, at the ancient time it used to be the Yoga gurus but now it is the yoga instructors or sometimes self-help yoga DVDs.

Yoga DVDs and CDs are largely replacing human yoga instructors as in todays world it can be the most difficult task to find a proper yoga teacher for yourself. Online music companies are coming up with their huge collection and range of yoga books, yoga music CDs and DVDs. These things can be the best proficient aid to learn yoga at home. One such online music company, Spirit Voyage, is pioneering in offering huge range of CDs and DVDs which encompasses every field of this vast philosophy and its practical applications. This range includes different sections of DVDs on Kundalini yoga, general yoga and Pregnancy yoga. DVDs on yoga for kids and Ashtanga yoga are also available along with Bhangra DVDs. Beginners as well as the yoga aspirants find these DVDs very much helpful for learning and practicing new poses or asanas without taking help from a teacher.

Now, one cannot deny the relation between yoga and music. Yoga helps to establish the connection between the human soul and the divine soul. And music increases the level of concentration which in turn eases the work of establishing the connection. Specific genres ! of music like yoga music or meditation music ensure best result in this field. These kind of music with their soothing tunes and relaxing effect can create magic in yoga practicing by composing the perfect ambiance around. The soulful melodious tunes of this music invokes and uplifts the spiritual senses within. By elevating our consciousness, devotional music makes the path more smooth of reaching the higher realm of divine spirituality.

The healing power of music even effects the human brainwaves, elevates mood and physical health. The universal appeal of music makes it an integral part of human life. Todays hectic lifestyles leave people with lots of stresses, tensions, worries and anxieties. Legendary spiritual singers like Deva Premal, Wah!, Snatam Kaur, Donna De Lory and Gurmukh have lent their pure devotional voices in these yoga music and meditation music CDs and DVDs offered by this company. Practicing yoga and doing meditation are now made easier by the yoga DVDs available at Spirit Voyage. Not only soulful music, these DVDs also contain detailed information about yoga and meditation. One can also get the necessary tips and points which are necessary and important for practicing yoga poses or asanas.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.

The Healthful Benefits Of Yoga

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 05:00 PM PST

Article by Alan Densky

The aim of a spiritual path is to raise our awareness to allow us to directly perceive the spiritual dimension. To be spiritual means to recognize one's own spiritual identity and recognize the transcendental essence of all others. Additionally, it means to see that we are all connected to God and to respect each other in that regard. That is one of the goals of Yoga. But how can we be sure that there even is a God?

This comes through a reawakening of our higher sense of awareness and the perception of our spiritual identity. It is through the process of yoga and the pathway of Sanatana-dharma that we can achieve this higher awareness and comprehend exactly who we are. The Yoga-sutras of Patanjali comprise the basis of yoga practice. However, yoga itself is a deep and serious process, and there are multiple types of yoga that can be practiced. There are four main types of yoga depending on the yoga positions. There is:

Jnana-yoga is the pathway of intellectual growth and understanding the nature of reality.

Karma-yoga is the pathway of right action, detachment from the fruits of one's deeds, and committing our activities to a higher, spiritual purpose. Raja-yoga or Astanga is the pathway of internal meditation and the achievement of higher states of consciousness through various practices. Bhakti-yoga is the pathway of raising our consciousness, and increasing our love and devotion for God and decreasing our attraction for the various aspects of the temporary material world.

There are many other types of yoga, but they are often considered branches of these four paths.

However, in the earliest stages, yoga is, essentially, a tool for controlling the flickering nature of the mind, and for promoting the growth of one's finer traits and expanding one's awareness from material to spiritual awareness. It is taught that Yoga is the process of completely calming the activities of the mind, which include sleep, memory, misconception, imagination, and perceived knowledge.! When th ese are stabilized, then it can be called yoga, which provides the opportunity for the practitioner to become fully aware of his own essential and fundamental nature. Yoga is the attempt to realign our "individual" Selves with the Supreme Self, God.

When you progress in yoga you can feel the unwanted burdens of the mind melt away, such as anxiety, hate, anger, greed, discontent, envy, etc. Then other qualities like peacefulness, tranquility, contentment, and blissfulness will be experienced. These are qualities everyone is trying to find and are among the many things that can be accomplished with yoga, at least on the basic level. As you continue to progress, you may enter into the deeper levels of awareness and transcending the mind and gradually go so far as to attain realizations as to what your own spiritual identity is and what your relationship is with the Absolute. Becoming free from material life and reclaiming one's spiritual identity is the goal of all types of yoga.

But despite all these benefits, people frequently find it quite difficult to follow this path. This is only because they lack the motivation to exercise. But once you start practicing Yoga on a regular basis, it will itself keep you motivated. The benefit of motivation from Yoga practice is what makes Yoga so different from all other health maintenance programs. Yoga can become a part of your everyday life because there is no pain involved.

Why do so many diets fail? Why do so many exercisers quit? Lack of motivation is usually the reason for diet and exercise failure. People already know they should exercise, drink more water, walk more, and eat better, but they must stay motivated without "burning out."

When performing Yoga, positive energy flows throughout the classroom. Positive energy creates exercise motivation and creates powerful visions of success. The next step is to believe the powerful visions of success, which you see. Some people have a fear of success. Perhaps they inherently feel a lack of s! elf-wort h, but Yoga also works on boosting one's self-esteem. It is normal for people to feel apprehensive about change, but change is often one of the gateways to success.

We can say that consistency is essential as far as the benefits of yoga are concerned while we have to take care of the yoga positions. We can't derive benefits from yoga if we are not consistent with our routine. If we fail to be consistent, then it is very hard to get the positive results and yoga can't be blamed for this. To stay motivated, a beneficial technique to use is motivational hypnotherapy.

Self hypnosis therapy has proven to be very effective in keeping us motivated. Self hypnosis is based on the combination of auto suggestion and visual imagery, and it works on a deeper unconscious level than imaginable. Motivational hypnosis therapy converses with your unconscious mind, and urges it to alter self-perception and self-image.

The unconscious mind is largely responsible for the way we think and react. If we train it to think along more positive lines, your subsequent behavior will change as well. You will be motivated to understand the incredible potential that lies within all of us, and by using hypnosis techniques you can tap into that potential. Through positive affirmations such as "I can do it" along with positive visual imagery, self hypnosis programs can retrain your mind into believing that everything is possible, and nothing is impossible. This simply means that yoga combined with motivational hypnosis can help us to swiftly move towards success.

About the Author

Alan B. Densky, CH established his hypnotherapy practice in 1978. He offers a wide range of hypnotherapy programs for all aspects of self-improvement, including self-hypnosis for exercise motivation.

Yoga Asanas in the Sun peaceful yoga practice- includes shoulderstand, plough, bridge, wheel, forward bends,

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Bikram Hot Yoga

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 04:00 PM PST

Article by Tom Edwards

There are many types of yoga practices that you can venture into or try. Most are relatively simple to begin and enjoy the benefits of. On the other hand there are also many asanas which require expertise and cannot be handled by novice. Bikram hot yoga is one of those styles. So you need to understand the Bikram yoga dangers to avoid serious injury.

Founding of Bikram Hot Yoga

Bikram Choudhury is a renowned name in Olympics. He won a gold medal for in the field of weight lifting in the 1960's Olympics. He adapted traditional yoga techniques and incorporated the naturally hot and humid environment of India. He designed Bikram yoga as a form of yoga which increases muscular strength, endurance and weight loss.

Choudhury has gone to great lengths to keep his form of yoga intact and guarded from misinterpretation. He has limited the access of his yoga only to those who have learnt yoga from his Yoga College of India situated in California and if anyone wishes to edify the same to others then they should be literally licensed by Choudhury himself. While there may be similar sounding yoga classes throughout the country, in order to legally be considered a real Bikram hot yoga class, these criteria must be met.

What Makes Sizzling Bikram Yoga Different From Others Conventional Forms of Yoga?

Bikram hot yoga is done in a room heated to 105 degrees. The humidity levels in the room are typically from 40% to 60%. Sizzling Bikram yoga requires heat as an integral part of the yoga session and cannot do without it. The heat factor involved makes this yoga form a relative calisthenics session and not a respite. An extreme amount of perspiration is expelled; cleansing the body of toxins. It is advised to have an excess intake of water before even starting the session to shun any dehydration problems. The heat gets the cardiovascular system pumping for an ultimate workout and allows the body to stretch further and hold poses longer, which increase endurance and strength.

The s! ession i nvolves a total of 26 postures, or asanas. These are done in a specific order and repeated again. Each asana lasts for a period of 10 to 60 seconds. And the total session is 90 minutes long. The first twelve poses are standing poses. And the rest are done either in sitting positions or by lying down on the floor.

The Poses of Bikram Hot Yoga:1. Asana involving intense inhalation and done while standing2. A posture wherein a half moon pose has to be done by allowing the hands to touch the feet3. Awkward pose4. An asana posing as an eagle5. Standing head to knee pose6. An asana wherein you are required to position in a bow stretching fashion7. Balancing stick pose8. An asana wherein you are required to stretch your feet9. Triangle pose10. Standing separate leg head to knee pose11. Tree pose12. Toe stand pose13. An asana where you are lying down calmly14. Wind removing pose15. Sit up16. An asana wherein you have to pose like a snake and ravel around17. Locust pose18. Full locust pose19. Bow pose20. Fixed firm pose21. An asana wherein you pose like a half tortoise and dwell22. An asana wherein you have to position like a camel23. Rabbit pose24. Head to knee pose25. An asana which shows as if you are turning your spine around26. An asana which shows as if you are blowing air firmly

Aside from the obvious benefits of Bikram yoga, there are many advantages of doing this sizzling Bikram yoga. Bikram Choudhury and other dedicated clique of this form of yoga proclaim it to heal many forms of illnesses if practiced no less than ten times during a month. Those who have signs showing up as auto immune illnesses and sclerosis can for sure find great difference on practicing this form of yoga. Because of the intense cleansing of toxins and opening of pores, some have found their skin is healthier, brighter and free from issues such as eczema.

The argument is intense on the aspect of involving conventional yoga along with tough workout, while the critics blame it as a rebellion yoga form which spoils t! he tranq uility and serenity of typical yoga.

About the Author

How to do yoga

Know the Benefits from Practicing Meditation in India

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 03:00 PM PST

Article by Lily Candice

Meditation in India has become something of an institution with thousands flocking to India year after year to partake from the immense benefits of practicing meditation in India. The primary aim of meditation in India is the learning and ultimate daily practice of meditation, a way of life whereby the individual seeks to free herself from the burden of having a tumultuous mind, to bring herself back from the place of wrong knowledge and behavior to a place where the mind is at peace with herself and her environment, a state of mind which allows for optimum performance in daily chores and other activities. There are several schools of meditation in India, most of which have been developed from the ancient Buddhist religious practice into forms that are easily acceptable by people across the globe today. It is important to note that present day meditation in India usually has any religious affiliation, enabling individuals from any religious background to easily partake and benefit from practicing meditation in India. One of such schools offering meditation in India is the Z Meditation center which employs the use of Deep Deconditioning Inquiry and Radiant Mantras in their effort to bring the willing lost back home.The most essential prerequisite for beginning meditation in India is a sincere conviction and the discipline to follow through on the courses made available. It would also be wise for the intending adherent of meditation in India to become moderate in all human activity, especially those they derive pleasure from such as eating, sleeping and other activity of recreation. This is not in effort to make life dull, but on the contrary to make life more exciting by living in the here and now. Meditation in India seeks to help the individual achieve a balanced mind in which he will be able to make better decisions concerning the daily issues of life that we all face as adults.Most centers for meditation in India are located in serene environments, away from the hustle and bustle of modern cit! y life. The Z Meditation center as an example is found in a small town within the Himalayas, boasting of a peaceful atmosphere which allows for creative thinking and surrounded with one of the most pleasant and breathtaking landscapes you will find anywhere. In this kind of surroundings, it will be easy for the student to leave aside lingering cares and to concentrate on imbibing the knowledge which will enable a better way of living and coping with life.Meditation in India is not however limited to those who can make the journey to India, though for most of the advanced courses, a trip to India would become essential. Several schools of meditation in India offer online courses whereby the student may carry out the learning process within his own environment. This however does not negate from the fact that a certain level of discipline and commitment will still be required for the student to gain adequate useful knowledge of meditation in India.The Z Meditation center offers on campus and online courses for those desirous of coming back home and living in the moment. This enables a more wholesome lifestyle which in turn removes the fear of the future, and regrets about the past.

About the Author

Lily Candice is regular article writer for Meditation in India at Z Meditation in India

Success In Golf And Meditation. The Same Skills?

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 02:00 PM PST

Article by

When we say to people that you need the same skills to be a successful golfer as you do meditator it usually raises a huge laugh. Golf and meditation are miles apart. Some often suggest that in hitting the perfect Golf shot you need to be in a focussed meditative state, but that's as far as it gets.

What do you think?

I know. You think we're crazy. But let's look at the evidence. Let's just look at what's needed to be a successful meditator and you can decide whether the same skills and behaviour patterns are needed to be successful in golf.

Meditation, at least in our experience is very rewarding but extremely frustrating. We often feel that everything is great. Our concentration is high and we feel really peaceful and happy only to find the next day that we are back to square one and cannot focus at all. Our thoughts are all over the place. (Callaway X-22 Iron Set= )

During meditation we invest many hours thinking about our strengths and how we may improve.

We know that in order to be successful we must sit down and practice every day. In fact, at least twice a day. We know, to our cost, that we cannot afford to miss a practice session. After all the more you practice the less surprises you get.

The key to success is our thoughts. If we can get our thoughts right the rest will follow. If we can keep focussed on our strengths and positive thoughts then we can access our naturally peaceful and happy selves. To us negative thoughts are no more, no less than waste thoughts. They are a waste of our time and effort because they don't produce anything they just take away from us.

The feelings you get from meditation is so addictive that before you realise it meditation becomes the key to your life and you can't manage a day without it.

Food is so important to maintaining concentration. When we eat the correct food, food that is high in nutrients and vitamins we perform better.

At ! the same time we must ensure that we drink enough water because if we become dehydrated then our performance is impaired. In other words instead of meditating we fall asleep.

The correct amount of Rest and Sleep are important because if you skimp on either then you don't perform. You cannot concentrate. You cannot focus the mind. If your concentration is high then you reap the reward. If your concentration is low your mind wanders and sleep invades the space.

Meditation is a solo sport. Although, we can and do sometimes meditate with a group. Although we can sometimes feel we perform better when meditating with others. The bottom line is it is me and my connection, me and my thoughts. It is not a team game even though others appear to be doing the same thing.

But perhaps the most interesting of all is what makes us and other mediators keep returning time after time. (Callaway FT-IQ Driver= )


People who meditate love the challenge of calming their minds. We love the thought that it is possible to rid the mind of all the rubbish and concentrate on our strengths. We love doing things that test our skills. We love questioning our ability. Meditation like Golf is the ultimate challenge because it has not been beaten. There is no one who has completed the perfect round. Although we all strive to be perfect, we are involved in pursuing an activity where perfection is impossible. Therefore it is the ultimate Zeigarnik effect.

The Zeigarnik effect: named after Bluma Zeigarnik, a Russian psychologist is the drive within us to complete tasks. That part of us that cannot stand the fact that something is incomplete. Hasn't been finished.

Both meditation and Golf are tasks that are, by their very nature, incomplete tasks. They cannot be completed. There is no perfect round. No one alive has reached that perfect state of being. Thus people who follow Golf and meditation are drawn by the fact that i! t cannot be completed. If it was possible to complete then we would leave them and try something new.

Therefore we are addicted to meditation because we are addicted to completion. The fact that we always leave our meditation without reaching that perfect state of love, peace and happiness makes us return to try again. To move towards "completion".

Is it the same for Golf? Are you addicted to that perfect round? Do you constantly return to the course to improve your handicap. Are you in search of the "completion".

We have many friends who have retired to perfect their golf. Many of them now see their job as playing golf. Everything else is secondary.

They like us want to learn. We all want to complete the task. We want to be able to say we have completed the ultimate challenge.

About the Author

We provide very competitive wholesale prices to our resellers who aim to develop their business.All of our clubs in are imported from an authorized and certificated supplier,guarantees that our products will be of the highest quality available, made of high grade materials, and play with high performance.

10 Yoga Blogs to Watch

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 01:00 PM PST

Article by Ayaz Khan

Lately it seems like everyone has a blog, whether for hydroponic tomato growers, lovers of all things Pomeranian, or aficionados of tango. The yoga world is no exception, and this practice that spent so long in remote mountain caves is now online and accessible for everyone with an internet hook up and a love of all things asana.

Blogs can be a beautiful thing. They can give you a sense of community and connection and a valuable source of information at no cost and with very little investment of time. The challenge becomes in separating the gems from, let's face it, the glass. You hardly have time to squeeze in your practice of yoga, let alone time to search and read and screen the best of the best blogs.

No worries! Spirit Voyage has trolled the web, repeated the sun salutations, chanted the "om" and found you ten yoga blogs to follow. You're certain to find the right style, speed and format that will best support you and your practice from our list.

1) Spirit Voyage

If we may so ourselves (and we don't mind if we do), the Spirit Voyage blog is a wonderful resource for all things yoga, chant and Kundalini. Articles range from interviews with sacred chant artists like Snatam Kaur to entries on Kundalini yoga kriyas to balance the chakras to mantras for prosperity. Quality is high, the photos are informative, and there are helpful links to products and websites that might be of interest to the yogic community.

2) Yoga Mint

This wonderful blog offers bit sized pieces of advice to freshen your day like a little mint. It covers yoga and all things related to the yogic lifestyle. Recent articles include advice on how to wash your hair the yogic way and how food can help your neck!

3) Yoga Journal

Yoga Journal is always a wonderful resource for any yogi and the blogs online are from members of the yoga world who are sharing yoga with seniors in libraries, their young sons in th! eir livi ng rooms, and themselves in the dark where no one can see them. You'll learn how very not alone you are if you are still trying to master downward dog and find a friend you've never met working on Peacock pose.

4) Elephant Journal

Elephant Journal is hardly a journal. It's more like an online world that pulls together yoga and yogic living into an elephant sized resource. They aren't afraid to tackle issues like the environment and even controversial topics like marijuana use for PSTD.

5) I am Woman

This blog is devoted to Kundalini yoga for women as taught by Yogi Bhajan. In addition to its discussions of Yogi Bhajan's teachings and Kundalini, it also addresses topics of interest to women around the world, such as genital mutilation in Africa and the passage of the health care bill in the US stipulating that insurance companies cannot raise premiums for women simply for being women.

6) Yoga Like Salt

Small town yoga at its best. This well-written and insightful blog is from a small town northern California yoga teacher who taps into the pulse of yoga outside of the big cities and away from famous yoga studios. A recent post eloquently examined whether your backbends could be making you angry.

7) The Everything Yoga Blog

This blog is about, you guessed it, everything yoga. The writer of this blog enjoys just about every style of yoga and blogs about all of them. Good for book reviews and diet tips as well.

8) Yoga Abode

A wonderful resource for yogis, especially European yogis. Featured poses, interviews with yoga teachers, and much more.

9) Metal Yoga's Blog

This blog reminds us of what we like about the yoga world. This is the word craft of a metal rocker with long hair, tattoos and great form. Well-written, well-thought a! nd frank ly, stereotype shattering. Heavy on yoga theory, this is a wonderful place to read about one man's journey into the yamas and niyamas of yoga.

10) Peace Love Yoga

A niche blog for the lovers of Ashtanga yoga, this blog has beautiful demonstration videos and lovely photos of travel around Iceland. It reminds us to get up off the mat and take our yoga out into the world.

Did we miss anything? Tell us about your favorite yoga blogs!

*Editor's note: Ramdesh failed to mention her own blog No Ordinary Light which is one of the best yogic lifestyle blogs out there

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage, an online music store that offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. It also offers Yoga Mats and Yoga Clothes and other yoga accessories.

How to Manifest Your Desires | Manifestation Techniques

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 12:00 PM PST

Desire Manifestation

Techniques to Manifest Desires

With the new year upon us and many of us having forged resolutions and goals, I thought this would be a good time to summarize all the techniques and wisdom from previous articles on how to manifest your desires.  This knowledge and these techniques can be very useful, not just in helping you manifest your intentions, but very useful in helping you determine what indeed is worth manifesting in the first place.

Below are the best articles on the topic of manifestation from past years.  I have provided a summary of each of these articles below, and you can click the title link to read the articles which are of interest to you.

1. The 4 Key Laws of Manifesting Desires:

If you are interested in manifestation, law of attraction and intention manifestation this article is a must read.  It summarizes the topic of desires end to end.  It discusses the mysterious states of desirelessness and witnessing, and also explains what kind of desires one ought to pursue and what kind of desires the Universe helps fulfill.  This is one of the most popular and important articles on the topic of manifestation.

2. Secret to Manifesting Abundance and Wealth:

In this followup article to the 4 Key Laws of Manifestation, I discuss what I con! sider th e fifth law of manifesting desires.  This article goes into the difficult topic of security and how it needs to be approached in order to have the Universe taking care of you and fulfilling your desires. 

3. Relax and Let the Universe Fulfill Your Desires:

Along the lines of the fifth law of manifestation, this article explores the value and practice of "going with the flow".  The great challenge and benefits of this approach are discussed, and it includes a funny real life event of mine to illustrate the points.

4. Meditation for Making Money and Success:

This article details a visualization meditation often used for manifesting money, success, or anything else you feel you need in your life.  It exploits the power of the Third Eye and the mind to assist with the manifestation.

5. Infinite Energy and Prosperity Meditation:

Here you will find details of the powerful kundalini yoga technique to bring upon you blessings and rewards.  There is also a video demo of how to practice this potent technique.

In addition to the above articles, the following posts also explore manifestation and mind power, and you might find them useful in helpin! g you re alize your desires.

Visualization Technique to Manifest Desires

Weight Loss Meditation

Mind Power to Manifest Desires and Intentions

If you have used techniques to help you manifest your desires successfully, please do share them with us in the comments section below.  I am sure everyone will benefit from your feedback.

If you enjoy any of the articles of Mastery of Meditation and Yoga, please do share them with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, etc.  I appreciate your love and support.

Connect w/ Anmol

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Related posts:

  1. Effective Visualization Technique to Manifest Your Desires and Dreams
  2. Mind Power to Manifest Intentions & Desires Instantly
  3. Secret to Manifesting Abundance and Wealth
  4. The 4 Key Universal Laws For Manifesting Desire If You Absolutely Must
  5. Weight Loss Visualization Meditation w/ 3SRB Breathing Technique- Guided Meditation Book- Ch 6
Read More @ Source

Stress Relief Techniques - Look At Meditation, Not Medication, For The Therapy You Need!

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 11:00 AM PST

Article by Paul Summers

Most of us live stressful lives, overloading ourselves with work in order to maintain a competitive edge. But this stress is the gateway to mental and emotional ailments, which in turn create real and physical health problems. There are, however, ways to cope without turning to drugs or medication. More than ever before, meditation is a great option when considering stress relief techniques, in order to help maintain a healthy and happy life.

Traditional meditation focuses on objects, like a candle, or your breath. Your mind and body relaxes and you experience inner peace. The more you are focused the better the results. Meditation develops your concentration levels. Many people believe meditation is not right for them. However, anyone can easily learn meditation and if practiced regularly it will help you know yourself better. Here are some meditation techniques that are easy to follow yet work effectively.

The most basic form of meditation is to close your eyes and count your breaths. You simply breathe in and breathe out whilst paying attention to the sensation of your breath coming in. You feel the air coming in and going out of your nostrils. This helps you concentrate. As you follow this simple technique, you will notice that your focus on counting your breaths is increasing and your contact with the outside world is reducing. Keep your eyes closed during this process and remain focused.

Another common technique is the use of a mantra. In traditional Hindu culture, the word 'Om' is considered magical, with healing powers. The skill lies in chanting it from the bottom of your heart. It can be any mantra - all you have to do is to chant it again and again so that your mind focuses on it. When you chant anything repeatedly whilst sitting in a quiet room with your eyes closed, you will notice your contact with the outside world is reduced.

Over the years, meditation is one of the stress relief techniques that has undergone many transformations. Now, using advanced yet si! mple tec hniques, meditation becomes easy to do. One of these is the initiation technique. After a Divine Energy initiation, from a competent master, you can achieve a deep meditation state instantly. To reach such a deep state of meditation used to require months of intense training, but today can be achieved very quickly, using modern training techniques.

Thinking positive thoughts during meditation can have a positive affect on your body. This is known as 'self healing meditation' and requires deep meditation. Through this, positive energy is produced in our body that accelerates the healing process. These days, this form of meditation is commonly suggested by hospitals.

If you are deciding which of the many stress relief techniques is right for you, meditation should be seriously considered. During meditation, you should be in a calm and quiet place. This will help you focus. The mat or carpet you are practicing on should be comfortable, otherwise you can become easily distracted. Early morning is the best time to meditate as the mind is fresh. Drinking a glass or two of water before meditating is a good idea, however eating too much is not. Keep yourself light and your mind relaxed. With your stomach neither empty nor full, you will concentrate better.

About the Author

Discover a world of natural stress relief techniques, designed to help you cope with the pressures of modern day living. Instead of turning to medicines to treat symptoms, try a natural remedy that will strike at the root cause of stress, depression and anxiety problems. Check out for details.


Among past threats to the republic-the great hyperspace war stands above all other wars in galactic history. In fact, the battle we fight today is in many ways an extension of this same conflict. The sith empire we believed we had destroyed in this war has now returned to avenge its defeat. The historical factors that set the stage for the modern conflict bear close examination. I believe the greatest factor of all may have been the way the republic concluded the great hyperspace war. The great hyperspace war began at a time when the republic had enjoyed several millennia of peace, growth, and consolidation. In contrast, the sith empire was ending its centuries-long adolescent period. Undiscovered by the republic, the sith had conquered all the star systems near korriban. they were now seeking new opportunities for expansion. At this time, a brutal power struggle had broken out following the death of the sith ruler. Among the contenders was the dark lord, naga sadow. Whether by chance or by destiny, it was at this time that two republic explorers stumbled onto korriban. Naga sadow seized this opportunity to gain political advantage. The explorers were imprisoned as spies, but naga sadow staged an attack to liberate one of explorers and left evidence suggesting the attack was a republic military operation. Leveraging the widespread fear of an impending republic invasion, naga sadow rallied the sith to unite behind his cause—a pre-emptive strike against their newly ...

Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Meditation is Healthy

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 10:10 AM PST

Article by Rune S.

People have been doing meditation for thousands of years and now researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is trying to find out if it really has any effect on us.

Eight weeks of meditation 41 people were divided into two random groups, where one had to go to weekly meditation and do daily exercises at home. The rest lived as usual, and thus acted as a control group.

After eight weeks of meditation, scientists measured the electrical activity in the anterior part of the brain. As it turned out the meditators group had increased activity on the left side, something you often see when people feel positive and optimistic. Such activity is also associated with reduced anxiety and a general positive feeling state.

Strengthened immune system To test the meditation effect on the immune system, all 41 was given influenza vaccine after the experiment. This means specifically that the immune system reacts, and stock antibody, and thus researchers could see if meditation made any difference.

It did. Both four and eight weeks after the vaccine the group that meditated had a much higher level of antibodies in the blood.

- Although this was a small study, and they have to investigate more on the field to say, the result is very encouraging, said Dr. Richard Davidson, who heads the project. University of Wisconsin-Madison has one of the few communities in the world to research on meditation.

Cooperating with the Dalai Lama The researchers have included collaboration with the Dalai Lama, and he has been one of the world's foremost practitioners of meditation that now is joining the researchers team. Lama on his side was very interested in the university's brain-scanning equipment.

The aim of this investigation to determine whether meditation can really be a useful tool in medicine, psychology and education, says the team. Currently, they do surveys on a group of people who meditated regularly for over 30 years.

But the road to knowledge is still long. This! first s urvey was just a little test that can provide a more firm conclusion that meditation is healthy, and it looks promising, this is definitely worth further research.

Learn meditation, find enlightenment. Mindfulness is a type of meditation that essentially involves focusing on your mind in the present. To be mindful is to be aware of your thoughts and actions in the present, without judging yourself. Research suggests that mindfulness meditation may improve mood, decrease stress, and boost immune function. Meditation makes you happy and healthy, and is completely free. Here you can learn to meditate

About the Author

A man interested in the spiritual essence of life, im also a practitioner of meditation and Reiki (Healing). Here you can learn to meditate

Alborosie - Diversity [Reggae1008]

Lyrics: this is for my people oh my Jah Jah people di conquering lion shall come yeaa ayyy I don't want to live in the past so I'm looking for a brand new day my homeland is right there behind your eyes and God almighty watch mi same way someone is judging my spirituality laughing of my meditation don't be afraid of adversity there's not complexion bless shall be di one who living in love respect and dedication bless shall be the one who live in love love you king Selassie promise you I'll keep your crown love you king Selassie no man will bring mi down love you king selassie promise you I'll keep your crown love you king Selassie no man will bring mi down live in love and life shall bloom God is waiting here don't be scared where you're going cause you no live no where simple people simple life cah we dont see perfection (perfection) from many years we're been living in a life of illusion love you king Selassie promise you I'll keep your crown love you king Selassie no man will bring mi down love you king selassie promise you I'll keep your crown love you king Selassie no man will bring mi down I don't want to living in the ? I'm looking for bright ur day my homeland is right there di ? island God almighty watch mi same way yes they're judging my spirituality and they laughing of my meditation I'm not afraid of adversity there is not complexion bless shall be di one who live in love respect and dedication bless shall be the one who live in love love you king Selassie ...

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Yoga for A Healthy Mind and Body

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 09:07 AM PST

Article by Ayaz Khan

Yoga is known as "the art of living". Since antiquity, human beings have been reaping benefits of this boon to mankind. Yoga with its various forms of physical exercises and meditative disciplines, are guiding human beings in the right path of attaining health and wellness. This health and wellness encompasses both physical and mental spheres. When a person is completely fit physically, then his/her mental state will also be just fine. Regular practicing of yoga ensures a healthy state of body free from any illness and diseases. For ages, various kinds of yoga like Kundalini yoga, Bikram Yoga, Raja yoga etc. have been practiced to unite mind, body and soul by creating a balance between these three most important elements of a human being. While the meditative disciplines or meditation heals the mind from all negativities and purifies the soul, the physical exercises make the body fit and strong and help it to fight off all disturbing diseases and ailments.

Yoga offers myriad benefits. It nourishes and uplifts the physical, mental as well as spiritual state of a human being. It improves the body's immune system, level of blood circulation in allover the body, lower the cholesterol level, helps the body to relax and rejuvenate and countless other benefits. Practicing yoga means practicing various physical exercises which are known as poses or 'asanas'. Each of the yoga forms like Kundalini yoga, Hatha yoga, Karma yoga etc. have their own poses and postures. These asanas can be simple as well as complex at times. These asanas have a therapeutic effect on allover the body. By stretching and moving different body parts and body muscles, it increases the flexibility of the body which in turn provides strength to the muscles. Yoga also boosts the human respiratory system, lymph system, increases red blood cell counts and strengthens the body joints. Furthermore, yoga is also beneficial for cardiovascular system. It can cure many a diseases like asthma, arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, p! iles and the list goes on.

When the body is liberated from any troubling ailments, the mind automatically becomes serene as it is said that healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Yoga, by increasing the mental clarity, awakens the inner senses by activating our inner powers. Yoga also helps to improve the mind's sensitivity towards body sensations. This increases the ability of relaxing or sensing consciously when you are feeling exhausted or stressed out. A sense of calmness prevails when an individual has the ability to control his/her own mind. Besides, yoga also ensures control of mind over body. This ancient Vedic art also increases the level of concentration, helps to develop a positive outlook towards life, removes all negative thoughts and fills the mind with a tranquil sense of calmness.

Stay healthy by practicing yoga daily and soulfully. Wear clothes which are loose fit and comfortable. Try out the yoga clothes available with Spirit Voyage. The yoga clothes available with Spirit Voyage are designed to offer you fullest comfort. Moisture control fabrics enable the practitioner to perform all the poses with utmost ease. Spirit Voyage offers various accessories such as yoga rugs, yoga mats, cushions, malas and jeweleries and many more. Yoga mats and yoga rugs provide proper cushioning and resilience to the practitioner.

Extensive and admirable collection of meditation and yoga music form Spirit Voyage shall make a yoga session blissful. Artistes such as Snatam Kaur, Deva Premal, Gurmukh, Donna De Lory, have enriched this divine music collection by lending their melodious voices in these music CDs and DVDs.

One can also take help of the various yoga DVDs available at the site. Check out the latest yoga DVD collection which has Gurmukh Complete DVD Collection, Shiva Rea Complete Music and DVD Collection, Advanced Yoga and many more. Choose a suitable yoga or meditation music CD and lead yourself to an ethereal journey to experience the eternal bliss.

About the Author

The author writes for Spirit Voyage which is an online yoga music store offering different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms. Spirit Voyage also offers different kinds of yoga clothes and yoga accessories such as yoga rugs, meditation cushions and yoga mats.

How to Meditate For Inner Wisdom

Posted: 09 Jan 2012 08:02 AM PST

Article by sarah labdar

When most people think about meditation they think of someone sitting Indian style on the floor with their eyes closed, breathing in and out. Although this thinking is not entirely wrong it doesn't explain what mediation is or how you benefit from it. The purpose of meditation is subjective to each participant, however the ultimate go is clarity, peace and enlightenment. Normally practiced independently, the objective of each individual experience is to calm a stressful, chaotic, and rampant mind. A peaceful mind can be more focused and able to experience true happiness. Meditation dates back to the prehistoric eras and has been incorporated in religious and spiritual worship for thousands of years. Presently, meditation is most correlated with the Buddhist religion, however is also used in several other religions such as Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Taoist, and Jewish Kabbalah. In Buda, meditation is used for two reasons, to transform the mind and to explore the mind. The ultimate goal is to reach enlightenment, which for Buddhists means to free oneself from suffering. The act of meditation is to go beyond regular everyday impulsive thinking. The idea is to get to a deeper state of being, relaxation or awareness. Benefits that mediation totes include achievement of a higher state of consciousness, compassion and loving kindness, greater focus, creativity or self-awareness, and simply a more relaxed and peaceful frame of mind. Meditation allows the practitioner to free their mind of all the chaos in the world. It also allows the person to focus on singular goals making them more focused and determined once finished with the meditation. Well, meditation is not as easy as it sounds. The 21st century lifestyle doesn't allow for very much time to think, regardless of having enough time to meditate. Because of our lifestyles we are constantly on the go, doing things, so our minds are constantly racing. However, meditation can allow the mind to calm and be more focused to actually get thing! s done. When you meditate it needs to be quiet, you need to be able to clear your mind of everything that you have to do, that you need to do or that you want to do. The next step is to keep your posture and focus on your breathing. I don't know if you have ever tried to sit up straight, with your eyes closed, and focus on your breathing even for just 10 minutes. It's hard! But it's not impossible. Start out with a small amount of time and build on it each time you meditate. Try to get into a routine. As you meditate daily, your body and mind will be come accustomed to a calming and peaceful nature. It is at this time that you will obtain true happiness. As meditation becomes more and more popular as not only a religious or spiritual practice but as an alternative medicine, meditation instructors are becoming more available for people who want to start practicing. Meditation although mainly practiced in solitary can be learned and taught in-group settings. Once you begin to meditate and really become self-aware, you will want to meditate every day.

About the Author

Graduated with a BA in exercise science and have worked in the medical field since. My focus is alternative medicine however all aspects of health interest me. Check out my health website! Everyday Health, Live your Life to the fullest!

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