Churchless potpourri
I've got a little engaging links floating around my email inbox, interjection to blog visitors who wanted to share a little churchless info. Also have a few alternative cyberspace-inspired thoughts floating around my psyche. Might as well toss them all in to a potpourri post... ----------------------------------- Wow! How did a United States ever come out victorious in World War II but carrying "under God" in a Pledge of Allegiance? Makes me wonder because each president right away finds it necessary to contend May God magnify a United States of America during a finish of his State of a Union speech. (Thanks for promulgation a You Tube link, Robert.) ----------------------------------- An India-based spiritual/mystical organization, Radha Soami Satsang Beas, has an armed forces during an estate in Haynes Park, England. The RSSB guru is supposed to be God in human form. Yet lightning struck a Haynes Park center final summer. Could this be a pointer from a real God? (Thanks...