Body Breathing

Sit still in the chair listening to soothing music, or outside listening to the wind in the treetops. As we listen, kindly let your courtesy flow out of your ears as we easily exhale. Repeat for the minute, then do the same thing by your eyes, letting your courtesy go outward upon the breath, solemnly as well as gently. Repeat this by the nostrils, the mouth, then lay sensitively just listening to the song with your total body.Now allow your courtesy to sink into your chest. Feel where your heart center is (at the indicate where the breastbone as well as ribs join) as well as inhale out by it, letting your courtesy go with the breath. Continue kindly for an additional minute, then lay quietly, wakeful of your body.This practice consciously links respiration as well as the shaken system, assisting to foster their well-spoken integration. Feeling your awareness as it flows out upon your exhale gives we the powerful clarity of being during harmony with nature.Adapted from Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2007).

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