La Jolla Yoga Center Presents Swami Veda Bharati

San Diego, CA. World-Renowned Spiritual Guide, Philosopher, Poet, Author, Lecturer as well as Preceptor; Swami Veda Bharati offers a singular vocalization event during a La Jolla Yoga Center (LJYC) in La Jolla, California, October 9, 2010 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

The special occasion is seen as an unprecedented opportunity to experience an intimate evening with Swami Veda Bharati who has historically not trafficked to La Jolla. As an advanced teacher of meditation, Swami Veda Bharati's provides guidance as well as clarity according to a ancient Himalayan tradition. His interfaith efforts to harmonize mankind have inspired leaders of various religious traditions around a world. "I have no ambition. we only have a very amatory avocation since to me in my devout heritage of a Himalayan Masters who have passed down this avocation from era to generation, perhaps for thousands of generations: The universe has misery, a universe has suffering. Do what we can to reduce a pain. Do what we can to ease people's minds. Don't only counsel, Mr. Therapist...console." - Swami Veda Bharati

Mediators from all around a universe come to experience his teachings as well as deepen their use of meditation. According to Jeanie Carlstead, Founder as well as Director of La Jolla Yoga Center, "We are gay as well as honored which Swami Veda Bharati has chosen a La Jolla Yoga Center to share this singular opportunity into his inspirational voice as well as brilliant insights.

Swami Veda Bharati has outlayed a past 63 years training as well as providing devout guidance he has addressed many UN sponsored sessions together with World Peace Summit, World Parliament of Religions, climate change, as well as sustainable development dialogues around a world.

"In 1996 upon a month travel via India we met a couple of Masters. At a finish it was obvious which Swami Veda's sea of believe as well as abyss of his love was unparalleled as well as which no longer soft my commitment to investigate with him. On a ! lighter note, people always ask me what is so good about his satsang? My answer is: You come in handling upon a Personal Computer as well as we walk out handling upon a Mac. It all changes your handling complement as well as how we view a world." - Dr. Mehrad Nazari, Ph.D, LJYC Instructor as well as Senior Teacher.

Space is limited as well as tickets can be purchased for $49.00 online during or call please 858-456-2412 .

Produced by a La Jolla Yoga Center (LJYC), this event will take place during a 6000 block feet beautiful as well as relaxed oasis in La Jolla, California.


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