Churchless potpourri

I've got a little engaging links floating around my email inbox, interjection to blog visitors who wanted to share a little churchless info. Also have a few alternative cyberspace-inspired thoughts floating around my psyche.

Might as well toss them all in to a potpourri post...


Wow! How did a United States ever come out victorious in World War II but carrying "under God" in a Pledge of Allegiance?

Makes me wonder because each president right away finds it necessary to contend May God magnify a United States of America during a finish of his State of a Union speech. (Thanks for promulgation a You Tube link, Robert.)


An India-based spiritual/mystical organization, Radha Soami Satsang Beas, has an armed forces during an estate in Haynes Park, England. The RSSB guru is supposed to be God in human form. Yet lightning struck a Haynes Park center final summer. Could this be a pointer from a real God? (Thanks for a link, Amrat.)


Great... we thought my greatest complaint was perplexing to lose a integrate of pounds which I've gained recently. Now, interjection to an email from Bob, I've learned: "Prayer Warriors as well as Palin Organizing Spiritual Warfare to Take Over America."

Imagine a eremite movement which creates geographic maps of where demons reside as well as claims among its adherents a Republican Party's most new clamp presidential nominee as well as whose leaders have presided over request sessions (one aimed during putting a kibosh upon health-care reform) with a horde of heading GOP figures.

...NAR's [New Apostolic Reformation] videos, according to researcher Rachel Tabachnick, "demonstrate a taking carry out of communities as well as nations through large networks of 'prayer warriors' whose devout warfare is used to ban as well as tumble short a demons which means societ! al ills. Once a territorial demons, witches, as well as generational curses have been removed, a 'born-again' Christians in a videos take carry out of society."

Well, Oregon has so many churchless heathens, demons, as well as witches, I'm substantially low upon a list of Prayer Warrior targets. But it's cool to suppose my residence being upon a map of "where demons reside."


On a certain side, evil spirit writer Anne Rice has deserted orderly Christianity (note: so distant as we know, she isn't a vampire, but merely writes about them).

The writer Anne Rice, best known for her evil spirit novels, made waves final week when she declared upon her Facebook page which she had quit being a Christian. Twelve years after her lapse to Catholicism, Rice pronounced she still believed in God, but that, In a name of Christ, we exclude to be anti-gay. we exclude to be anti-feminist. we exclude to be anti-artificial birth control. we exclude to be anti-Democrat. we exclude to be anti-secular humanism. we exclude to be anti-science. we exclude to be anti-life.

Uh-oh. we consider we know a well-known writer who has only gotten herself upon a Prayer Warrior radar.


This is a relocating mini-movie about a meteor who comes to grips with his/her inevitable tumble to earth. We're all starting to encounter a same end: fallen. we liked how Mr./Ms. Meteor handles a journey.

Fallen from Sascha Geddert upon Vimeo.


The Center for Inquiry voiced a winner in its Campaign for Free Expression Video Contest. Nicely done. Blasphemy contingency be stable along with religiosity.

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