Afternoon with the Angels & Spa

Afternoon with the Angels & Spa

Afternoon with the Angels & Spa

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Karen Bianco of Yoga Inspired Studio is inviting meditation enthusiasts to join her in AFTERNOON WITH ANGELS.

The first half of the afternoon will be spent in an angel circle. During the circle Karen will channel messages from the spirit world, asking that that the circle receive healing guidance and support for the upcoming season, and guidance to support participants personally and as a community. Each person will receive an opportunity to receive a personal message from their angels.

What messages do our angels have for us as a community? What messages do they have for you personally? Join and find out!

The second half of the afternoon will be an ANGEL SPA With Your Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides. During an angel spa participants work with specific Archangels to bring clarity and healing in specific areas of our lives. Through meditations and interactive activities participants will connect with your guardian angels and spirit guides with the intention of gaining insight, clarity,and support regarding your life purpose.

To pre-register, visit Read More @ Source

Sound Healing Retreat Immersion

Posted: 06 Jul 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Learn the fundamental and practical use of Sound Healing to benefit your clients and your community. This powerful journey into Sound will enable you to immediately add Sound Healing to your practice or to deepen your current work.

Explore your connection to the universal energy source through the use of tuning forks, crystal singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, voice, and drums.

June 20th-23rd, 2012 four of the world's foremost experts in the art and science of sound healing will come together to immerse retreat participants in the sacred power of sound. This four-day intensive program is ideal for experienced sound healing professionals as well as holistic practitioners who wish to incorporate sound healing into their work. The course will be of specific interest to naturopathic and osteopathic doctors, chiropractors, acupuncturists, and other professionals in the field of complementary and alternative medicine. The program will include instruction on how to structure and conduct a Sound Healing Session with a client, and how to recalibrate and realign energy centers of the body through the use of sound.Those who seek personal transformation through the miracle of sound will also find this to be an incredibly empowering and enriching experience.

The internationally renowned faculty includes Dr. John Beaulieu, Dr. Zacciah Blackburn, Mitch Nur, Ph.D. and Philippe Garnier. Also joining us, special guests Lisa Rafel, Grandmother Barbara Threecrow, and other artists to be announced. The Menla Mountain Retreat Center, located in Phoenicia, NY, just 20 minutes from Woodstock is a stunning venue, known for its beauty and its acoustics.

A certificate of completion, signed by all retreat faculty members, will be awarded to participants who complete this training in sound healing.

The event details are as follows:
June 20, 2012 - 10:30am - June 23, 2012 - 5:30pm
Menla Mountain Retreat Center
375 Pantherkill Road
Phoenicia, NY 12464

For more information, visit Read More @ Source

Fitness Show - Yoga to Eliminate Toxins - Jathara Parivartanasana

Jathara Parivartanasana - Jathara Parivartanasana is also known as the "spinal twist' and is great for increasing elasticity and flexibility of the spine and releasing tension in the hips and back. As the abdominal region gets squeezed it improves digestion and circulation. It also eliminates constipation and assists in toxin elimination.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

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