Interacting The Past Life Regression With Hypnotherapy Could Be The Road To Balance Of Mind
Interacting The Past Life Regression With Hypnotherapy Could Be The Road To Balance Of Mind |
- Interacting The Past Life Regression With Hypnotherapy Could Be The Road To Balance Of Mind
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Interacting The Past Life Regression With Hypnotherapy Could Be The Road To Balance Of Mind Posted: 05 Jul 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Jenny christopher The very first reaction that is commonly seen on hearing about hypnotism is fear and apprehension. A majority of people wouldn't want to get hypnotised if given a chance because they tend to associate it with some sinister proposition which they might think is harmful for their mind. There have been suggestions even to such an extent that people might get mentally imbalanced if they go through such a situation. All of such mindsets have been because of the myriad misconceptions that are doing the rounds and mostly because people who are practising hypnotherapy have not been able to create awareness among the common man. The situation is turning towards positive these days as people try and understand the art of hypnotism in the modern world. Scientific development and increased research into mystical elements are being taken up by educated people, who are trying to unravel the mysteries of the mind and the subconscious. Nowadays, all those hypnotherapists who are coming out with solutions for psychiatric disorders are explaining the scientific basis of hypnosis and its positive effect on human beings. The mind is made of plenty of nerves and cells with interactions at a deeper level. With advanced techniques to look into the mind and study its behaviour, many myths have broken and newer theories are coming up, among which one is the idea about hypnosis. Hypnosis is not yet clearly defined medically because it is such an abstract thing that no defined limitations have yet been formulated. But, contrary to popular beliefs, this term denotes a state of mind where the individual is made to focus on the thoughts in a very detailed manner. Simply speaking, this is a state where people are in a heightened state of relaxation position where the body functions normally and a person can be aroused from the condition. There is a situation of trance, where the mind is relaxed and thereby is able to focus. There is awareness but because of the withdrawing of senses, there can be act! ions whi ch one would be hesitant to perform normally. If the opinion of the hypnotherapists would be taken, then they would compare the state with the deep interest that people read a novel. Due to the engrossed mind, people are so lost that they fail to notice any movement near them and yet a loud noise or switching off of the lights brings them back to the normal. Many therapists involved in hypnotherapy in Chennai have the ability to transcend the mind beyond the present and take control of the subject's mind to direct it towards a particular event. Since a number of thoughts and memories are present inside the human brain, stimuli in the right direction can be quite rewarding in helping solve many abstract issues. Past life regression is also a kind of hypnotic state where one can go back to the past by being in the present state, although this phenomenon is not used for therapeutic procedures like that of hypnotherapy. Nowadays, many people who have started centres for counselling in Chennai are trying to make people aware about the methods of Reiki, past life regression and the basics of hypnotism. As the myths of ghosts are being driven away from the minds of the educated society these days, so are the misconceptions needed to be thrown out and things like hypnosis and past life regression should be looked with new perspective. About the is a site for Hypnotherapy, Hypnotherapists, Hypnotherapy in Chennai, Counselling in Chennai, Past Life Regression, Reiki, Ghosts. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Relaxing Music For KidsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 05 Jul 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Peter Dennis Last January, a friend loaned me a DVD called The Living Matrix. It was about quantum physics and some of the things that science is discovering about healing. One segment featured Dr. Eric Pearl and Reconnective Healing, and frankly, that's about the only part I can recall. Reconnective Healing (RH) claims to be something different. It purports to be correlated to a shift that is occurring in human evolution. It claims, that as we are going through this evolutionary shift, new frequencies of light energy are now available to us, and these new frequencies carry new healing information. As we know, our body cells are constantly communicating and sending information back and forth to each other. For example, when there is an injury, the body sends out an alert (information) and chemicals and assistance (information) are sent back to the injured area. RH says that new healing information is now available on planet Earth. It also states that the healing goes to the person's highest need. So, if you are looking for some relief from a twisted ankle, you may not get it, but instead you might get an emotional fix, or you might get something corrected that you weren't aware of, that might later have manifested as a disease. RH is also different from many of the other healing modalities (Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Aroma Therapy, etc.) in that it doesn't require any incantations, intentions, tinkly music, calling in white light, stripping of metal, or asking for protection. The client just lies on a massage table for 20 - 30 minutes, the practitioner never touches the body, and you don't have to think about or believe a thing. Well, with all of the above and many claims of miraculous healings, I had to check it out. I purchased "The Living Matrix", read the book "The Reconnection", had a treatment, took the training program to become certified, and in the last five months, tried it on 18 individuals, over 33 sessions. To date, here are my findings:• Everyone enjoyed the relaxed, peac! eful fee ling that the process brought on.• About half of the 18 reported nothing else that they could identify. This didn't mean that nothing happened, only that they didn't notice anything. These were generally younger people.• Of the other approximate half, four reported feeling a clarity of mind and felt that they had received either a new insight or a resolution to a problem.• Two people reported a drop in stress level and one felt a state of euphoria. The euphoria lasted for about a day; the reduced stress has endured for both individuals.• One woman reported that she had had a chronic sinus problem that had lasted for years. She tried everything including a trip to a Californian Naturopathic clinic with no results. The day after her first treatment with me, it vanished. Three months later, it is starting up again, which to me, is reasonable as the cause was never addressed, as far as I know.• Another individual reported chronic pain in her hips and knees, which vanished the day after her treatment. It's now five months later and she told me she caught herself running up stairs with no experience of pain.• Yours truly had a one inch gash in a rotator cuff muscle and calcium deposits in the other shoulder. Raising my arms to put on a coat was difficult and painful. After two treatments, I now have full range of motion in both shoulders. Both were both previously flirting with surgery, but that's a non-issue today. To me, these results are both interesting and encouraging. My view is that all of these healing modalities work with some people some of the time, and none of them work with everyone all of the time. That said, I think this one is a cut above many, and that doesn't take into account the belief of the subject or the talent of the practitioner. More about this subject and others can be seen at About the Author• Past President of The Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce, The Windsor and District Hu¬man Resources Professionals Association, and the International Graphoanalysis Society.• Held senior Human Resources positions in The Hamilton Group, Green Giant of Canada Ltd, Pillsbury Canada Ltd, and KPMG.• Instructor of Human Resources Manage¬ment at The University of Windsor and at Seneca College.• Best Selling Author and publisher of the books: HANDWRITING ANALYSIS, An Ad-venture in Self-Discovery, Third Edition and METAPHYSICS, An Adventure in Self-Dis-covery.• Certified Consulting Hypnotist• Nordic Pole Walking Instructor• Certified Handwriting Analyst• Reconnective Healing Practitioner• Level 2 Reiki Practitioner Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
New Article A Natural Cure For Acid Reflux Disease - Options For A Safe Holistic Heartburn Treatment Posted: 05 Jul 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by maryhesterman 3 birds and 1 stone! How about curing heartburn losing weight and increasing your sex drive with 5 simple acid and reflux tips. Why a natural cure for acid and reflux is more effective than prescription medication.acid and reflux is the common term for gastro esophageal reflux disease or GERD. Heartburn or acid indigestion is another name that refers to acid and reflux. Heartburn the major symptom of acid and reflux in the esophagus is described to cause a burning uneasiness at the back of the sternum. Ayurvedic Body Treatment is accompanied with a dry silk glove exfoliation followed by a warm herbalized oil application. Therapist applies a mask of purified and herbal clay collected from deep in the earth in remote regions of India. Finding your personal solution and natural remedy for acid and reflux requires diligence experimentation and patience. You will likely need to undergo some diagnostic tests. You may need to try several different solutions before you find the natural remedy for acid and reflux that works best for you. Jeff Martin - certified nutritionist and former heartburn sufferer teaches you his acid reflux freedom step by step success system jam-packed with a valuable information on how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn from the ROOT and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders. Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation. In some people acid and reflux becomes a severe and frequent experience with little or no relief from prescription antacids and acid suppressants. In such cases natural acid and reflux remedies are found to be extremely reliable and effective. Here we discuss about the different home remedies and natural treatments for deriving relief from acid and reflux. Medic! al resul ts have revealed that an estimated twenty percent of people - worldwide - are affected by the ailment commonly known as heartburn on a once a week occurrence. Of those individuals afflicted with the maladies of occasional heartburn there are a considerable number of individuals who suffer repeatedly with the ill effects of such ailment. There are a lot of factors which trigger acid and reflux in our bodies. Most of the time a heartburn attack is unpredictable. Fortunately there are a large variety of acid and reflux medicine options which can provide relief from the symptoms of heartburn and acid and reflux. This article discusses about the different heartburn medication alternatives available for us today. There comes a time in everyone's life when constipation rears its ugly head. The same holds true for dogs unfortunately. Lack of exercise and proper diet can lead to bouts of constipation (sound familiar?). While you may seek a variety of ways to 'eliminate' this problem in your own life let's explore some home remedies for dog constipation which can be utilized in the eventuality it occurs in theirs. About the AuthorHeartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for! Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Read This Healing Heartburn Holistically Posted: 05 Jul 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by annettawhitlatch acid and reflux remedies depend on avoiding food such as red meat citrus fruits coffee and beverages high in caffeine as they may cause flare-up of the esophagus. Eating food which calms the acid and reflux is advised while bad dietary habits should be avoided.Heartburn remedies are everywhere but in this article the author claims that there are no cures for heartburn and acid and reflux. The good news is that there are diets for acid and reflux that can help control the problem. Are you looking for some natural relief for acid and reflux? Here are a few tips for heartburn relief that can be at least give your temporary comfort from that awful burning sensation in your chest. I know that when that digestive acid from the stomach bubbles up into the esophagus it is one of the... Have you been looking for a good natural cure for GERD lately? Is your digestion problem ruining every single quality family dinner? If you are tired of buying antacids that cannot seem to work for you or if you are ready to try out something more natural of a cure for GERD then this article will help you with that. Amazing all-natural heartburn breakthrough permanently eliminates acid reflux without drugs or over the counters. Stop wasting money on pills potions and other worthless quick fix cures… Learn the truth about acid reflux once and for all and finally get the heartburn freedom you deserve: Click Here End Heartburn >> While lifestyle habits can worsen your heartburn symptoms and increase the number of heartburn episodes heartburn is a medical condition with biological causes. Ulcers--small open breaks or craters in the lining of the upper gastrointestinal tract--usually develop in one of two sites. The most common form in the upper portion of the small intestine and are known as duodenal ulcers; less common are those in the stomach itself which are gastric ulcers. Surprisingly 15 to 20 percent of bleeding ulcers occur initially without pain. When sufferers a! re suffe ring from acid and reflux it is important to know what the suitable treatment for acid and reflux is. This is because untreated disease can lead to complications resulting into the worst situation and the possibility of the development of esophageal cancer. Psoriasis is a skin disease which is becoming very common nowadays. A psoriasis patient develops flaking skin that itches a lot and is reddish in appearance. Week 1: Took a pregnancy test last night and found out a baby is on the way. Told hubby and we both were in blissful shock. Went to the doctor for verification and pregnancy test was confirmed. About the AuthorSTOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters... Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 05 Jul 2012 07:00 PM PDT Article by Christopher Cobb Are you sick and tired of trying one bogus diet plan after the another which only left you feeling more hungry and tired all the time without helping you lose a inch of your excess weight?Do you wish to know the secret to beautiful,youthful and radiant skin that is free of common skin problems? Do you wish to know exactly how to "flush out" harmful toxins from your body safely, quickly and naturally so that you get the best daily cleansing.What is Get Juicy Cleanse?The Get Juicy cleanse is a highly effective 10 day "detox coach in your pocket" program that will help you naturally drink your way to radiant skin, renewed energy and an amazing life from simple, tasty drinks - faster than months of dieting, counting calories and exercising ever could help you achieve.Philip and Casey will show you how you can make scrumptious fresh juices, soups and smoothies in under 10 minutes that will make you immediately notice a dramatic change by day 2 not only in your body but in every part of you. Who is Philip McCluskey? Philip Mccluskey, one of the creators of this program is a sought after motivational speaker, author and weight loss expert being featured on CBS, Better CT and Jack Lalane commercials.He has also appeared as a keynote speaker throughout U.S and has also inspired nearly a million viewers who have followed his journey in you tube. After nearly thirty failed diet attempts and the looming prospect of gastric bypass surgery, it was a combination of raw food and juicy cleanses that saved Philip's life, transforming him from a morbidly obese 400 pounds to a fit, energized and glowing 185 pounds.When Philip switched to a 100% raw food lifestyle in 2006, he lost over215 pounds as well as overcame the depression, anxiety, embarrassment,lethargy and illness that had nagged him most of his life. He is also the founder of, a source of advice and inspiration about the raw food lifestyle, relationships and spirituality. He also maintains an amazing online! health store and is also the author of best selling raw recipe books "The world's sexiest diet weight loss program as well as Raw food fast food.He has also completed multiple 60&30 day liquid fasts, completed a 100 day juice fast and taught thousands of women and men how to do it safely and effectively. Who is Casey Lorraine? Casey Lorraine, one of the creators of the program is a certified life coach, detox, wellness and raw foods counselor.She is a trained colon-hydro-therapist and reiki practitioner. She specializes in the application of deep tissue cleansing to create profound and lasting transformation for health and well-being.But it's her powerful story of personal transformation which has demonstrated how effective juice cleansing is.From early childhood she suffered with severe and debilitating eczema. Using steroid creams daily to manage her symptoms, she still was not improving. Between the ages of 12 and 21 things got even worse as her focus shifted to food addiction and emotional eating. It wasn't long before she was battling common weight problems and self-esteem issues -- she had literally become a prisoner in her own body. After studying alternative forms of healing, nutrition and detoxification she began implementing natural whole foods and raw foods into her lifestyle. Needless to say, the results were startling and she is now 95% free from eczema, no longer uses creams, no longer feels puffy or bloated and has seen incredible weight loss results. Taken this dramatic level of success both in her personal life and career she has gone on to teach countless others how to change. What do I Get With The Order? Get Juicy Cleanse is available in two memberships - Silver membership & Limited time gold membership.The Get Juicy Cleanse program for 10 days of liquid cleansing works at one of two levels:Juice Cleanse - a pure juice fast.Liquid Cleanse - a combination of juices, smoothies, blends, and soups.The six videos reveal the biggest and easiest co! re princ iples for completing a successful online cleanse. About the AuthorTo learn more about the get juicy cleanse review check out this article Get Juicy Cleanse or visit Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.A Girl and A HorseThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Free Online Iq Testing From Computer Posted: 05 Jul 2012 06:00 PM PDT Article by Dunkelberger Osburn Thus guess its not a major stealthy more than a few retailers in the Multilevel marketing enterprise similar to the Greatest Level Network marketing business kind and Extended family IQ a new Top-rated Tier MLM is one you could possibly be experiencing an awful lot about incredibly in a short time. Now after being inside of the profession for about 23 a long time, My group is a massive believer in Multilevel marketing and also have had the opportunity to do the tasks many Multilevel marketing firms, with work help to within the advisory stickers a couple of. Whilst there I have been working utilizing quite a few variations of your "Traditional Multilevel marketing" business models and I have also noticed and investigated as each new comp-plan change made from the industry. Often you might almost believe that all other carpet cleaners appeared to be, even with 40 yo and up a long time remain to seeking a higher upland of progress, that by the way magic blend of compensation plan constituents which will in the long run encourage a distributors at the beginning enterprise structure attempts as well as give you an incredibly money making long-standing saved. Lets examine, Unilevel, Data compresion Software, Rollups, Dual, Hybrid Duple, Veiled Bonus, Matrix and for that reason 1000s of those it usually makes my head spin just seeking to understand analysts. "And so which is the top" is maybe the enquiry I appear to be most commonly asked by Multi level marketing hopefuls wanting to be triumphant in Multilevel marketing, and format a whole new Specify an in at present turbulent financial current market place. Within the next help obviously they will be all profitable, all enterprises it does not matter what compensation plan they will try have top earners whos paychecks could cause you to be resentful. The one matter is not surprisingly "in the event that need to be given?" While without a doubt could possibly be large removing type absorbed right down the! center of those market place.On one section will be the "Usual MLM" directors tactics, whatever change of pay approach they might look to wear, and on the other half include the "Top-rated Stage Multi level marketing" companies. In the event you have study all of my put up disclosing the discrepancies such as "Greatest Level Multilevel marketing or Ordinary Which is certainly Better?" you are aware the fact that the elementary solution difference may very well be monetary value of many supplier pack a brand new rep acquires at the time they join plus how much this company gives him money out to your first products envelope. The very best Story MLM providers often have a higher degree wage in the entry enabling a brand new rep to get an income from morning 1 and Traditional Multilevel marketing comp plans usually insert the majority of the income around the backend saved and that can consider several several months or generations to completely form. Now I figured An original way for it down practically now I guess I have to have predicted it, a totally new disparity strikes the financial market. Terrible! Just after i contemplated When i did all of it found out. Come inside Family IQ Folks IQ is regarded as a new "Top Layer Multi level marketing" by way of a fairly more economical create packet and an jeopardizing lingering Multilevel marketing compensation plan within the backend.Precisely what...? I first noticed Family IQ when ever a web online affiliate marketer I realise created about ,000 in cash in a month marketing cardly last 12/2011. It a bit befogged me therefore i did an extensive our verdict on the organization to notice what causes the traffic congestion magic they had performing to them and here s what I actually came to find. Extended family IQ is the mental little one of Tag Hobbins that based this company in 2001. Now Family unit IQ is kind of not used to the Multilevel marketing industry as they just started their current MLM business! kind in about October of last year but the enterprise has flurished for nearly a decade just before while having business in the internet version giving according to the supplier website..."cutting edge family unit strategy constructing instruments out to remedy methods and reiki healers who can desired to upgrade kids connections". You are aware of, Dr Phil type of junk......... You should a while back, Relations IQ thought they would go with a primary to firmly personal enterprise version and order a Top Level Multi level marketing comp-plan. The Family unit IQ items are all on the net workouts and academic platforms manufactured to help boost interpersonal romantic engagements between family unit, pair, mom and dad and infants, et cetera. When a seller registers they will get admission to all of the on-line preparing panels and since Kids IQ has been generating this workouts format over the last a decade theres as much as you want of your new toy. Now most The very best Rank MLMs have a tendency to dip into the stash varieties of academic treatment and the majority of biased banking (such as Financial Gurus Abroad) or self enchancment interconnected, however the Loved ones IQ line is virtually one from the generous. I ve got to convey that after I first looked at the Relations IQ merchandise selection I was just uncertain about its achieving success as a Multilevel marketing merchandise but after using marketing search, My team has been more or less confounded at how great the attract this product is. Lots of people I sought advice from who exactly have been marketing Folks IQ have been doing incredibly appropriately and averaging queen signups per month. King seller of Extended family IQ is Fasten Stinson, who might has long been tremendously equipped to the joy of First rate Level MLM through the years. Now Cock has existed the Multilevel marketing enterprise for more than no less than 15 years and so he knows the store very well. Dick motivated over in! to the T op-rated Stage MLM business device spray and now have been tranquilly making a kismet by making use of numerous pretty ingenious marketing commissions funnels in accordance to complete response marketing brands. The Loved ones IQ comp-plan The Relations IQ register service is 95.double zero and that is adore thats a supplier can salary to join a "Usual Multi level marketing" if they ordered the superior final result selection in the event that they presence, sadly in the joy of "First rate Tier Multilevel marketing" in which merchandise parcels usually spectrum from 00 on your cheaper to firmly just as much as ,forty thousand dollars on your luxury, the Extended family IQ service is to come in around the low side. It is here that the very best level organ of the comp-plan starts up because anytime you enroll a whole new limb into Folks IQ you will get an enormous 70% costs, securing different one on 00 per new rep your join directly into industry. The original money within the register systems are very compensated out daily given that according to the check in treatment the new individual incoming your business first enrolls on your Extended family IQ place and covers the firm 5 which will in turn convey, at the same time they arent full of life level until these total the settlement of the rest of the joining cost of one thousand for some of their advertiser. It is right, they give you one thousand directly.....Great stroke! Most of the reps actively business the business basically obtain the new enrollee send them a cashiers determine by short-term parcels after which the sponsor goes into your teen back place of work and spark off the distributorship of the new man. So if an important person really wishes to earn money easily, this method operates really well since there is no ceiling concerning how many 4-figure costs slows down they will be able to take delivery of, and that they can naturally receive those daily. Now the Extended family IQ strategy ha! s also a 9 reading "Unilevel" form lasting spend money on regimen which lets reps to actually utilize the continuing expansion of their own small businesses by using a fifty bucks gift each new signup on degree 1 which will in turn at least three then agreed payment on degrees few to 9. One type can be similar to many extremely highly effective hinted gift spend money designs available now. To generally be trained to be brought the residuals, the rep without a doubt have to be working condition by subscribing to the Folks IQ every month membership price of seventynine dollars.00. The settlement on the Loved ones IQ member subscription cost is 6% on levels 1 to drastically few then 4% stages 3-4 to firmly 9.Now in the main part of the enchantment associated with this treaty could possibly be powerful Family unit IQ automated display performed by sovereign distributor Dick Stinson wherein he outlines the pros of the Top Stage Multilevel marketing kind and then demonstrates a number of incidences of his administered various Fedex envelopes each and every day, normally averaging about ,000 per 30 days or averaging about 3,000 in a single recent 4 week period! Lead me way up Scottie! We have arrived right into a parallel whole world! Actually the while or thirdly working hours Cock revealed his span catalog included in cashiers delays I feel I actually sat inside my office chair and said:"Ok already, I receive it, theres hard earned cash inside the price, I like to recommend individuals, now precisely what is next?" New repeatitionswhat the last time is that they meet also accept only one of these recorded commerce indicates and a parodied site to commence opening the word. Now which does the near future hold for this Fusion - Best Stage MLM? Surely from all symbols Extended family IQ is known as an one-of-a-kind example of an of many first Greatest Level MLMs to essentially go stream of traffic. Among the list of key point issues which includes always h! elped yo u petrol a brand new corporations increase occurs when participants can certainly make some money, if ever you have bought lots of people perfecting a great deal, its a lot like plan on throwing petroleum on a dismisss, and there nowadays seems to be a lot of people in Relations IQ initiating a nice profit.And so compelling production aside, everything actually is the demand associated with this Hybrid mobile site Best Layer pact? Perfectly with the use of Family IQ, I do believe its actually combination of factors an individual. What pattern of aspect of a typical Merchandise: Regardless that 95 is beautiful low for some actual First rate Layer Multi level marketing, all of this price point should make it within reach just about any individual who encounters opening and it deposits a fairly huge immense hire for a slight injury. 2. The Dominant Webinar-On-Demand presentation while Fasten Stinson does and where he indicates enough proof of revenue as a result of Fedex envelopes and Cashiers paychecks that they could wallpaper his abode with him or her is outwardly significant component. Generally there are many situation associated with this throughout the entire presentation and once concerning the 4th or 5th your time most people commence to believe that..... Excellent Desolation, I need to a few of those! All new repeatitions get one of these "Almost instantly" slides at their parodied website and the system even shows a special software programs packet while stimulates complimentary Multi level marketing prospective customers close the internet. Now Having been cynical this up to I found out it was various scraper program and I have put to use each of these before and they also do work. All in all considering how addictive nicotine is it would be an understatement to say how superb sales guide and clue system. around three. Company Reliability and Fine Service: Now this is where a many Best Level promotions fall down, What i m saying is lets be honest many in Multilevel market! ing for the sum anyway but occasionally the organization just fails to compare. Thats Extended family IQs area of expertise, these people literally spank of reliability. About the AuthorExamine average iq score now and steer clear from from hassle. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Relaxing Video "NATURE" by Sabrina LewisThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Results Holistic Cures For Yeast Infections That Work! Posted: 05 Jul 2012 05:00 PM PDT Article by stewartweissgerber acid and reflux disease is a condition that is getting lots of attention in the media the past couple of years. Medications for this disease are advertised in magazines and on TV constantly promising to relieve the symptoms so you can live your life like you always have. But this spotlight into the media spotlight has many people asking 'What is acid and reflux?'acid and reflux is a disease that brings discomfort to those who suffer from it. It can happen anytime during day or even at night. Breast feeding makes sure that baby gets the best start in life. Fortunately mother's diet does not have to change as much as during pregnancy however it is still important to be cautious at times. GERD can be devastating and lead to more serious complications. See here for symtoms testing and treatments which your physician may suggest to battle this serious digestive disease. Heartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for! Click Here End Heartburn >> 80 percent of heartburn sufferers report symptoms at night. 75 percent of heartburn sufferers say nighttime heartburn awakens them during the night or prevents them from sleeping. 40 percent say that their nighttime heartburn symptoms affects their ability to work the next day. If taking medication every day is not right for you you might want to check out alternative treatments to assist you. It is not recommended to stop your medication but there may be things that can help you reduce the amount of medication or help you deal with symptoms your medication does not completely get rid of. The following are a few of these alternative treatments that may possibly he! lp you w ith your acid and reflux. Most people have occasional heartburn indigestion symptoms. According to a recent survey 25% of Americans have heartburn once a month and about 12% experience heartburn indigestion symptoms once a week. Opinions about how to get rid of heartburn vary possibly because factors that can trigger heartburn indigestion symptoms vary. Reduce GERD Risks By Eating the Right Foods. Finding a good diet for GERD patients is crucial in order to help them avoid the pain and discomfort usually associated with this disorder. Just by making some changes to the kinds of food you eat you can greatly reduce your risks of suffering from GERD or even prevent the condition from occurring altogether. Pregnancy can be very exhausting especially if you suffer from a pregnancy insomnia sleep disorders. Here are some natural sleep aid tips to have a good night slumber and to have a healthy and well rested pregnancy. About the AuthorHeartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for! Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Lucky stone with the constellation Posted: 05 Jul 2012 04:00 PM PDT |
Aromatherapy: Esoteric & Spiritual applications Posted: 05 Jul 2012 03:00 PM PDT Article by Danny Siegenthaler The third and final part of this three part series on Aromatherapy and Essential oils deals with the more esoteric aspects of Essential oils. There is a long history of Essential oils being used for spiritual purposes and in rituals. Incense is just one example of essential oils being used in religious ceremonies and for inducing a 'spiritual' environment.c. The Way Essential Oils Effect the Etheric Body or Psycho-spiritual LevelThe historical use of aromatic oils and resins goes back many thousands of years in human history and traverses many cultures and civilizations on our planet.In China, incense was burned to purify the atmosphere and rid the environment of evil spirits, in India, incense was and is used in all temples of all persuasions to sanctify the devotions; in Mexico, incenses were used in rituals to induce trance-like states in the participants to make them more accepting in their role of living sacrifice to the Gods; in Northern Europe the Druids used incenses which were sacred to the Earth Mother; the Greeks and Romans also used essential oils and fragrant herbs in all aspects of their daily lives, and many of their practices were learned from the Egyptians and Mesopotamians who were without doubt, the absolute masters in the Art of "Aromatherapy".The first people to dispense aromatics as medicines in Ancient Egypt were the priests - they were the first Aromatherapists. As the use of aromatic substances became more common, they were also used by the physicians.At Heliopolis, the city dedicated to Ra the Sun-God, incense was burned 3 times a day: sunrise, noon, and sunset. This incense was called Kuphi or Kyphi and contained 16 ingredients including cassia, Calamus, Citronella, Cinnamon, Peppermint, Pistacia, Juniper, Acacia, Henna, Cypress, Myrrh, Raisins, Frankincense, and Morning Glory.Aromatherapy was used in the healing temples in both Egypt and later in Greece, which also incorporated the use of color healing utilizing solar light. Great glass windows of various colors ! were bui lt in to the ceilings of these temples at specific points, corresponding with the journey of the sun across the sky. The patient was placed in the stream of colored light and incense was burned or oils applied to the patient as need dictated. This form of healing is called Heliotherapy.Even as recently as the Middle Ages in Europe, fragrant herbs were known to possess special healing properties by virtue of their fragrances, and were burned in the streets to counteract the odor and ill effects of the poor hygiene of the times. During the time of the Great Plague this method was also used to anticepticise the air.Essential Oils, via their own innate LIFE FORCE ENERGY, can help change energy imbalances in our Aura (Etheric body). They can adjust the way in which we perceive, feel and think about both ourselves and our environment working from the Spiritual Level 'downwards'.They can help us have a more positive, relaxed or energetic mood, help us to concentrate better, develop our "psychic awareness", and act as a bridge to help us access "deeper" or "higher" levels of consciousness. This function of Essential Oils overlaps with the effects oils have on the Brain, but it must be remembered that the Nervous and Hormonal Systems are the physical "translators" of the Etheric dimensions. The use of Aromatic plants as Incense in religious and ritual practices is based on this knowledge. Incense purifies, acts as a libation or gesture of respect to higher intelligences and gives us a "doorway" for entry into the Astral realms.It is believed that Essential Oils, when used in the form of "incensing", are signals to those other dimensions where we find our Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides, Gods and Goddesses and states of pure "Cosmic Consciousness" and form a means whereby we can show our intention or willingness to open our consciousness to those realities. The result being that these Beings are able to communicate with us or through us more easily.By developing our sensitivity to other levels of energy/being and o! ther lev els of our own consciousness, we are better able to develop our healing powers and accelerate our own personal/spiritual growth. Because we are conditioned from birth to relate primarily to the physical plane of existence we tend to have some degree of difficulty in shifting to the spiritual levels without some assistance. Essential oils can help us with this.THE SENSE OF SMELL AND ETHERIC ENERGYFrom an energy point of view, the sense of smell relates to the Element called AKASHA or ETHER. This is the Universal and All-Pervading element, the Element of Spirit, and it has the ability to transform itself into anyone of the forms of Elemental Energy. It is also closely related to the Element of Air, which is related to the sense of taste. Man's sense of smell is not as acute as that of a dog or a moth, however, it is never the less quite acute, and man is capable of distinguishing many thousands of odors. The exact way in which odor perception takes place is still quite a mystery to medical science. There is sound knowledge of the structures involved in odor perception, but the function itself still has many unanswered questions.By developing the sense of smell we are provided with a means by which we may use essences and aromatic substances to create a mood, a feeling, an atmosphere, or change our state of being to one which is more in harmony with our True Selves, and which aids the development of our higher senses. Most people think of incense in the context of 'joss sticks'. To many people, incense is something that gives a nice fragrance to an environment and little more. But the act of burning incense is more than this, and fragrances have quite profound effects.Perfumes and aroma have a great power to influence the mind and to lift the consciousness. They can arouse memory and distant recollections, as well as soul memories (past lives).Use of incense sharpens the perception beyond the ordinary and encourages better powers of discrimination.When we decide to extend our consciousness we must fi! rst pass through the different layers of our own psychological makeup. 'Incense' helps to ease the passage through these layers of self to the Universal light, creating a link or channel between us and the formative energies of the Universe and our own Being.When essential oils, resins or gums are burned, their substance 'etherealises' and passes to the subtler planes opening the way for the return flow of energy. By being consciously aware of the incense or oil we are using, and by being aware of its properties, and in tune with our intention, we can work more effectively and more powerfully, whether it be in healing or meditation techniques.Essential oils form a bridge commonly used by Auric Healers to set a communication link between the physical and etheric bodies. The radiations from natural aromatic substances also nourish our natural energies and spirit. Odors are known to give off vibrations which fit into the known electromagnetic scale and are thought to vibrate in the Infra-Red end of the color spectrum. This is also known as the "invisible colors'.Colors and odors are said to have a parallel, also odors and music, and odor and shape. The notes of the Diatonic Scale (A,G,C,B,D,F,) have been correlated to odors, and various compounds in aromatic molecules are known to have certain shapes, e.g. round molecules tend to have a camphor-like smell, disc shapes to have a floral odor, and wedge shapes to have a Peppermint fragrance.These facts present a definite argument in favor of the 'Vibration' theory, and the way odors have an effect on the "Sixth Sense".Taking these correspondences a little further it is of interest to note that some essential oils are pigmented, which often relates to their therapeutic properties, for example: - Benzoin is red and is used to promote healing; - Bergamot is green and is used in the treatment of urinary tract disorders; - Lemon is yellow and is used in the treatment of the digestive system; - Chamomile is blue and is used against inflammation of the skin and mucous memb! ranes of the body.These colors also have therapeutic applications in color therapy, in which red is considered an energizing and warming color, green is balancing and harmonizing, yellow stimulates the digestion, and blue is relaxing and cooling.<b<Essential oils also have Yin and Yang properties:YIN being those characteristics of passive, contracting, inwards looking, empty, dark, cold, moist, sedating, inhaling, venous blood, parasympathetic nervous system, fear, caution, and the color blue.YANG being those characteristics of active, outward going, expanding, opening, full, light, hot, dry, stimulating, arterial blood, sympathetic nerves, also anger, courage and the color red. The qualities of Yin and Yang represent the forces or energies of opposites in the natural world.1.There are 3 things to remember when using essential oils and aromatic substances in meditations and Psychic Healing :2.Be aware of your breathing. This can be accomplished through the practice of simple breathing techniques, in which you can calm your thoughts and emotions by slowing and deepening your breathing cycle.3.Choose oils which will enhance your experience and balance your energies.When using oils as 'incense', remember that the "incense" becomes charged with your personal energy. Purity of motive and purpose, and sincerity are essential requirements in the art of censing. Clearness of intention is also important. About the AuthorDanny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and aromatherapist, theyhave created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Details A Natural Cure For Acid Reflux Disease - Options For A Safe Holistic Heartburn Treatment Posted: 05 Jul 2012 02:00 PM PDT Article by lindsyruel acid and reflux disease that is commonly referred to as heartburn is a condition that commonly affects both men and women of any age. There are many drugs that are available on the market and as is common with many drugs they only treat the symptoms and not the root cause which means that this often excruciatingly painful condition will return again and again. To not only treat the symptoms of heartburn but also the root cause here are some home remedies for acid and reflux.If you are suffering from the discomfort of acid and reflux you've found the right article. I will tell you about 3 home remedies for heartburn relief that have worked for me in the past and could possibly save you hundreds of dollars. Are you tired of taking the same medication all over and over again and achieving minimal or zero results and do you still find yourself in pain because of GERD? Try doing these 3 remedies for 3 days and get immediate results! Learn how to cure GERD the natural way! If you are experiencing acid and reflux or GERD do you think you would opt to go for natural cures? Are they truly beneficial? Well there are a number of reasons why some people are more comfortable going natural. First off natural cures for acid and reflux are relatively cheaper. STOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters... Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. Heartburn can be quite irritating at times. It usually occurs after we eat certain foods that do not agree with us such as spi! cy foods . However there is a cure for this digestive problem that will put an end to the discomfort of heartburn for once and for all! Heartburn relief is hard to find. I have some natural things you can do to achieve it. The need for a natural remedy for heartburn is strong: millions of people around the world suffer from heartburn. The truth is however that in most cases the condition is caused by poor eating habits and can be easily avoided. Unfortunately most people do not want to change their habits. We all know what stomach pain is like. We also know how difficult it can be to figure out what the cause is. The list in this article can give you an idea about what it can be and in which direction you should go in order to alleviate it. About the AuthorNew E-book Reveals Unique Holistic Strategies to Cure Acid Reflux. Discover How To Quickly And Easily Cure Heartburn Permanently... Even If Everything Else You Tried had Failed... Without Drugs Without Over The Counters and Without Nasty Side Effects - Guaranteed! Click Here End Heartburn >> While lifestyle habits can worsen your heartburn symptoms and increase the number of heartburn episodes heartburn is a medical condition with biological causes. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Binaural Beats And How To Develop Clairvoyant Psychic Powers Posted: 05 Jul 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by Beth Huliz The French word, 'clairvoyance' means clear vision and basically refers to the ability of those psychics who are able to see objects that are normally invisible to others. Not only can they see events that are happening elsewhere but are also able to view events that have happened in the past or will happen in future. It must be noted at this point that psychic ability is something that is inherent in each and every individual in this word but most of us are not aware of it. Many clairvoyants call it the sixth sense or ESP (Extra Sensory Perceptions) that is present within our subconscious waiting to be tapped into and developed. The only differentiator that a clairvoyant psychic can be said to have with that of an ordinary human being is his awareness about his inherent ability and his ability to induce a trance which gives him such psychic information. For some, it is a result of effort, which they have taken in developing this power while for some it comes naturally, an experience that is a bit scary as they start seeing strange things. A clairvoyant psychic is open to the world of spirits and hence uses this connection for seeking psychic information. They let the forces of energy guide them in perceiving such information through visions. From the countless movies and TV Shows that we have seen on the subject, we have an impression that clairvoyants see crystal clear images in their mind's eye. But the fact is that the visions come to them in a flash, usually coupled with certain strong emotions or feelings attached to it. What the psychics do after this is to convert or describe this information as best as they can so that it makes sense to another person and helps him out in his life. Let say, this person had taken a decision in life. So the clairvoyant's vision can assure him or make his hopes sore signaling that this decision would eventually bring good luck. It may not be the case that these visions are always positive in nature. If it happe! ns to be a negative one, through psychic readings, the person is suggested alternate avenues to go forward in order to avoid such negative outcome. Clairvoyant readings are an amazing way to read a subject's life situations or events by breaking through the physical barriers like time and place. Clairvoyant readings are psychic in nature and are thus independent of the ordinary five sense organs that a human possesses or the level of intelligence you has. Clairvoyant readings are usually done in person or over the phone; however, you can also get a reading through email, online chat and video conferencing. The Internet has made it extremely easy to find a clairvoyant when needed. You can find various types of clairvoyant readings in the countless websites in the internet. These vary from alternate healing reading and soul healing to angel reading and even past life readings. Flipping through the local yellow pages will also give you many sources for local clairvoyant readers. Psychic abilities are innate or inherent. That is, each and every individual possesses them within which can be tapped into and developed. Known as the sixth sense, this facilitates one to see things beyond the boundaries of the physical world. If one can develop this inborn ability of himself, you will be able to tune into higher layers of consciousness and can receive information or see things that others cannot. But this is normally not possible as humans from their birth only use the bare minimum of brain power for their most basic survival needs. To enhance your levels of awareness and brain expansion, a person must start regular meditation sessions. With these regular sessions, the person can go into higher planes of consciousness to enabling them to receive images and messages. Trusting your instincts or your gut feeling really is one of the most crucial aspects in clairvoyance development. A person who is developing their clairvoyance ability should never put dismiss their feelin! gs and i nstincts. They should not question the logic behind receiving signals from the subconscious mind. Clairvoyance development takes time and most importantly patience. Though it can be difficult in the beginning but regular practice in trusting your instincts and inner thoughts will strengthen your sixth sense and you will have the real power of clairvoyance. About the AuthorDiscover the amazing experience of becoming clairvoyant from the popular site. Find details of developing a clairvoyancepowers with a clairvoyant FREE DVD Package when you visit here. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Experience An Thrilling Adventurous Holiday In India Posted: 05 Jul 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Anima Sharma India offers great opportunities for hiking, mountaineering, rafting, skiing, paragliding, mountain biking, at high altitude jeep safari in it for the adventure lovers. Trekking in India is considered one of the most popular adventure sports and popular, attractive hiking devotees from all over the world. The Himalayas of India is a paradise for hikers. Everything here is, the simple nature guides you through pine forests and alpine meadows to the strong gradients at high altitudes, where sparkling glacial lakes will take your breath away. Take your pick and enjoy what can only offer the Himalayas. There is something for everyone. Families can go camping or stay in hotels to suit all tastes and budgets. Main hard adventure seekers can go on expeditions to peaks difficult in the stunning mountains of the Himalayas. The Himalayas of India hides exotic places and people and more over it is excellent weekend trips from Delhi. The legendary Ladakh, with its spectacular lunarscape dotted with ancient Buddhist monasteries and Nubra valleys impressive Zanskar. Or visit SPITI a valley high altitude cold desert border with Tibet and Buddhist culture exhibit. Sikkim, Darjeeling, and Garhwal, each with its own unique style and experience of the Himalayas. All you need is the capability to take pleasure in reasonable physical, budget and the inclination. For culture lovers, there is a tempting array of historic sites and cultures to explore and experiment. India is a land of pilgrimage. There are endless places, shrines, stupas, temples, gurdwaras villages and sacred rivers. You can visit historical monuments. The Taj Mahal, the temples of Khajuraho, Varansi, Red Fort, Fatehpur Sikri, palaces of Rajasthan and more. For nature lovers, India presents jungle safaris, desert safaris in Rajasthan, elephant and tiger reserves, houseboats in the backwaters of Kerala, tea gardens and coffee. India has the wonderful snow capped mountains, glaciers seem Crystal, enchanting waterfalls and rivers,! with my stifying forests provide scope of each type of adventures in India, to every lover of adventure. There's adventure around the world for all ages. Rafting in India in turbulent snow feed river water is excellent for river rafting. From mountaineering in the Himalayas, the highest mountain in the world, complete with hiking and rock climbing, paragliding, rafting the river, there are several areas of adventure tourism in India. Cycling in India in Himalayas can be a great experience which you will cherish through out life. Adventure games such as mountain biking, mountain rally, skiing is becoming famous day by day in India with all ages of travelers around the world and especially among young people. Tourists who love different types of adventure can experience camel safaris, jeep safaris, elephant safaris and Horse Safaris. Travelers in search of exciting adventure sports will love India. Fishing, rafting, paragliding, skiing, mountaineering, hiking and are on offer in and around North India Himalayan Mountains. You will find many companies that organize adventure tours and run on almost all the tourist places in India. Among the most reputable that has high safety standards are the Himalayan Travel, Adventure Tours, North Face and the government run Directorate of Mountaineering and Allied Sports. Many people head off on a trip to Leh from Manali, which is a lifelong journey in the lap of Himalayas. For something different, Trans Himalayan adventures organize parties to the extent of cure (including Yoga, Ayurveda and Reiki) and visits the monastery are also the major events in memory. Trekking in India is the most excellent for traveling around the raw delicacy of the mountains. India's mountains provide stunning routes, trekking impressive and full of action. About the AuthorThe author is the expert writer having vast experience about the travel industry. Currently he is writing on various topics related to Adventure companies like: adventure trips india, cycling trips india, valley of flowers, cycling tours india, trekking himalayas etc. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.2012 Gregg Braden on Mayan CalendarThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
New Holistic Treatment For Acid Reflux Posted: 05 Jul 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by hsiukozee acid and reflux heartburn is a common condition these days. So common that even children are complaining about it now a days.A problem that many people have acid and reflux isn't severe in most cases but it's still something that shouldn't be ignored. There are a number of methods that can be used to prevent or get rid of acid and reflux. Below are just four acid and reflux home remedies that can be used. Currently there are many acid and reflux prevention methods that are fast easy and not at all life-altering. They are effective and will help you to get the condition under control so that you won't be as concerned with its discomfort and pain anymore. The majority of acid and reflux prevention techniques involve certain changes to your diet though there are other steps that you can take to make certain that you are keeping your symptoms to a minimum. Have you been searching for a cure for tinnitus for some time? Then look no further the answer is here and it is easy and effective. STOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters... Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. If you have had the pain of heartburn then chances are you are looking for a way to avoid getting heartburn again. You can get heartburn under control by making simple changes to your diet and by figuring out what sets off your heartburn symptoms. Eating healthy is one of the best choices you can make for your overall health and body. Many people suffer from heartburn that uncomforta! ble burn ing sensation that occurs just under the heart from time to time but if it occurs regularly and gets progressively worse there is a good chance that acid and reflux disease is the culprit. The burning and discomfort is caused by stomach acid that is back flowing into the esophagus the tube that runs from the throat to the stomach. So many people rinse out their mouths with proprietary brands of mouthwash once twice or more times a day. We do that because we have been seduced by the psychology of misleading advertisements. Who doesn't want fresh breath and a clean taste in the mouth - especially when it's coupled with the promise of a wonderful lifestyle? But is mouthwash any good? Could these products actually be harmful? I think you will find the truth is quite disturbing. Which home remedies for acne scars actually work? And which acne home remedies are safe for sensitive skin? Here are some of the natural acne scar healing tips we have learned that are the gentlest and safest for sensitive skin. About the AuthorHeartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for! Click Here End Heartburn >> While lifestyle habits can worsen your heartburn symptoms and increase the number of heartburn episodes heartburn is a medical condition with biological causes. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Relax Your Body With Spa Procedures Posted: 05 Jul 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Rusddq Dealing with emotional stress as a day-to-day program isn't that simple and easy and if you wish to take some day vacations in order to keep your mind at rest then you have to do so. If you're tired of working on a daily basis with practically no splits at all or if you have children that you must look after you still absolutely need time for yourself, to unwind your mind, body and soul. There are methods that can solve your daily pressure within no time. Here are where SPA corporations come to your help for you to get the relief you really need! Day spa companies provide you with such services like various kinds of therapies, massages, treatment procedures that you can't do effectively at home. Medical spa consultants know best precisely what your body needs to get relaxed as well as your brain to feel free from anxiety and stress. Mostly people get accustomed to being pressured, anxious, run-down or heavy so they don't even pay attention to it. This might transform into sadness or simply emotional disorders. That's the reason why SPA treatments are highly recommended when feeling stress. SPA treatment therapy is very well liked throughout the world. It might be pricey, even so, you can find affordable spa treatments just for your pocket. You can easily find quite a lot of SPA companies that offer these types of services in your city, but you should appeal at the ones that offer not simply specialized spa services and certified professionals that will know how to relax your body, but also types of procedures and strategies that are well-known worldwide. If you live in great britan in the West Midlands of England, Birmingham I suggest you to definitely try Relax Your Mind Events. They supply programs like crystal therapies, E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Therapy), Yoga exercise, Meditation, Tai Chi, Pilates workouts, Reiki etc. I respect them for their desire for receiving not only optimistic, but even bad feedback to further improve their service quality so that you can feel good. A! t their official web page you are able to book your retreat as well as check out the newest confirmed Relax your Mind events. Another advantage of this Birmingham SPA is that it isn't only offering widely used solutions spread over the whole world, but also cheap SPA days in Birmingham so that you can enjoy and not to worry for the bucks you may pay for it. Spas in Birmingham are remarkable, but this particular one is perfect for you not just cause of the cheap price, but as well as because you will immerse into the realm of tenderness and affection! About the AuthorFor more information about spa days in birmingham visit our website: birmingham spa Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Abraham Hicks -- What is VortexThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
How Is Yoga and Naturopathy in Ayurveda Conducted? Posted: 05 Jul 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by SN Ayurveda The power of Ayurveda is standard in naturopathy practice, but yoga and naturopathy in Ayurveda what is it? Most of us human beings have accepted the use of certain herbs like brahmi, neem, kashni, ashwagandha etc. because they are very easily available. For example to relieve ourselves from pain, naturopathic practitioners propose shiatsu, magnet medical care, and even reiki. Yet again, yoga is a non-medicine arrangement for natural cure. Nature cure states that ailment is not due to any bacteria or viruses in it, the illnesses come out when the percentage of disease-inducing poisons and pollution increases in the body. Treating both the mind and the body is what the essence of Yoga and Naturopathy in Ayurveda. Now let us look at the different kinds of alternative treatments and see as to how it all has the same kind of treatment. What is Naturopathy? Naturopathic treatment is established on the faith that the human body consists of an inherent healing capability. Naturopathic treatment involves adequate diet, lifestyle changes, exercise, and up-to-date natural medical care to improve your body's capability to fend off and fight various kinds of diseases. The human body is a complex and interrelated system according to naturopathy. One of the most common naturopathy treatments for asthma involves swallowing a small fish in a particular season. It is known as the fish treatment. The intervention is very effective and quiet a lot of people rush to Hyderabad during the seasons, where it is usually carried out. What is yoga? Yoga is yet another conventional way of healing both, your body and mind. Yoga actually means union and is a form of exercise that promotes a lot of improvement in the long run. Physically, yoga helps to cleanse your body from toxins, and tones your muscles by improving the circulation of blood. It also helps in correcting the postures of your body. Yogic exercises are actually practiced very early in the morning even before the sun rises. The! time is so chosen because the air at this time is pure and the rays from the rising sun help to heal certain dermis ailments. Yogic workouts begin with deep breathing and it is followed by different Asanas that deal with a precise disease or particular part of the body. Yoga actually recharges you by dispersing the weariness in the most of the very little used body parts, whilst simultaneously instilling an internal tranquil in a person. Similarly, Ayurveda also believes in curing the diseases by diet and exercises. A lot of herbs are used in treating different diseases. The kind of treatment bestowed to patients depends on the disease for which the intervention is sought. If you want your skin to be toned, then you can opt for rejuvenation therapy. Therapeutic treatments include intervention for sleep disorder and even delusion and mental illness, and degenerative joint diseases. Thus, we can say that yoga and naturopathy in Ayurveda mean the same thing, which is to treat both body and mind and cure any disease. About the AuthorSree Narayana Institute of Ayurvedic Studies and Research was established in the year 2004 by Sree Narayana Health Care Society. It is a registered charitable society constituted by a group of social workers, educationalists and devotees of Sree Narayana Guru. Sree Narayana Guru, a well respected and devoted figure was a saint, social reformer and educationalist. Above all, he was an Ayurvedic physician. The objective of the society is to impart high quality education, research and treatment in Ayurveda, traditional system of medicine and treatment. More information please visit -</a > Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Massage Therapy - Identify Where Your Body Holds Stress Posted: 05 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Ashley J Downs The planet's ever-developing technology has created a world of automated conveniences, where little movement is required and this impairs our ability to connect with our bodies, and so a growing number of people are responding to this disconnection by going to massage therapists for relaxation. Massage is the manipulation of the soft-tissues of the body and it helps to ease stress and muscular tension, relieve pain from injuries, and speed healing from certain acute and chronic conditions. Today millions of people worldwide visit massage therapists as a form of regular health-care maintenance and it has been shown to increase the body's production of pain-killing endorphins and the mood-altering hormone serotonin. It can also slow the release of the stress hormone cortisol and for this reason massage is often prescribed as an adjunctive therapy for people whose immune systems are compromised by stress. Many body tensions may be the result of lifelong patterns of tension or they may be caused by current or past physical trauma. Be it a stiff neck, rounded shoulders like you are carrying the weight of the world, or a sunken, withdrawn chest that tries to shield its owner from life's stresses, massage therapists act as facilitators or catalysts of change to the body structure or posture, working with you to address habitual body patterns. Most of us have a predominant holding pattern that may be one of those listed above, and many of us have combinations of holding patterns. It is the massage therapist's contact with the body or movement of the body that help's you gain insight into your pattern of holding, or lack of flow, and makes you aware of the increased energy it takes to hold that pattern. This way you can slowly learn to reduce or eliminate the holding pattern, which is often a defence mechanism. Therapeutic massage is no longer perceived strictly as a luxury and today there are some eighty different types of massage and related forms of ! bodywork . Traditional European massage includes methods based on conventional Western concepts of anatomy and physiology and includes Swedish massage, the most widely employed massage technique in the world today. Contemporary Western massage is also based on modern concepts of anatomy, and includes a wide variety of manipulative techniques that go beyond the original framework of Swedish massage such as sports massage. Acupressure and Shiatsu which, although not founded in traditional Chinese medicine, are intended to affect the energy field that is believed to surround and infuse the human body by applying pressure or by the passage or placement of the hands in or through the energy field. Other examples of energy methods include polarity therapy and Reiki. Many massage practitioners use a combination of these methods, depending on what the client needs at the time. To find a suitable therapist for you, try asking friends or trusted health-care practitioners for referrals and recommendations. Before you make an appointment with a therapist, find out whether he or she is nationally certified, ask about what kind of training the therapist has had and find out whether he or she specialises in a particular kind of massage. About the AuthorAfter suffering shoulder and back problems as a result of stress-related postural misalignment, Ashley J Downs has been receiving regular Sports Massage in Southend. To find out more about Sports Massages, visit Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Prosperity Abundance Law of Attraction VideoThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Updated Facts Heartburn Treatments - Holistic Methods Posted: 05 Jul 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by alexisduncil All you need to know about frequent and constant heartburn is discussed in this article. You will also learn the common signs symptoms and treatments of heartburn.A leading expert in Oriental medicine reveals two simple and effective home remedies for nausea. These remedies are proven in research and often used in lieu of drugs. Laryngopharyngeal Reflux is a complicated type of acid and reflux disease. It is a condition wherein the upper esophageal sphincter malfunctions and the acid back flows to the esophagus and enters into the throat and voice box. When this happens extreme pain is felt by the person. One unique characteristic of lpr reflux is that not all people do experience heartburn as with gerd or gastroesophageal disease. Heartburn Home Remedies are ideal substitutes to medication as they have no side effects and are much safer and easier on the stomach. When you feel that burning sensation building up try some of these proven heartburn home remedies below for instant calming relief. STOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters... Click Here End Heartburn >> 80 percent of heartburn sufferers report symptoms at night. 75 percent of heartburn sufferers say nighttime heartburn awakens them during the night or prevents them from sleeping. 40 percent say that their nighttime heartburn symptoms affects their ability to work the next day. If we want to have a proper digestive system we need the stomach to do the job of breaking down our solid food so that we can properly digest it. So it is natural for us to have acid in our stomachs. It is not the acids that causes heartburn. Are you looking for some acid and reflux natural cure? Are you tired of taking cha! lky anta cids just to see that your problem keeps coming back over and over again? If you are tired of your digestion problem ruining a nice quality dinner time with the family then you should at least try these 3 acid and reflux natural cure that are known to give relief for those who suffer from it. Stomach acid is vital into digesting food so if your stomach is having a hard time breaking down food its initial reaction is to produce more acid and taking in medications that neutralizes the acid itself will just perpetuate the problem. It can interfere with your body's natural process so it is suggested that you use an acid and reflux natural treatment instead of using harmful drugs. Would you like to know the top five medications for acid and reflux Relief? Some may be known to you and others may be new. About the AuthorJeff Martin - certified nutritionist and former heartburn sufferer teaches you his acid reflux freedom step by step success system jam-packed with a valuable information on how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn from the ROOT and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders. Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Remember the Light Side: In Praise of Fun Posted: 05 Jul 2012 07:00 AM PDT During our journey we can become very serious, it is important to remember to have fun along the way. Often when we talk about fun, or doing things just for fun, we talk about it in a dismissive way as if fun isn't important. We tend to value hard work and seriousness, and we forget to pay our respects to the equally important, light side of silliness and laughter. This is ironic because we all know the feeling of euphoria that follows a good burst of laughter, and how it leaves us less stressed, more openhearted, and more ready to reach out to people. We are far more likely to walk down the street smiling and open after we've had a good laugh, and this tends to catch on, inspiring smiles from the people we pass who then positively influence everyone they encounter. Witnessing this kind of chain reaction makes you think that having fun might be one of our most powerful tools for changing the world. Laughter is good medicine, and we all have this medicine available to us whenever we recall a funny story or act in a silly way. We magnify the effects of this medicine when we share it with the people in our lives. If we are lucky, they will have something funny to share with us as well, and the life-loving sound of laughter will continue to roll out of our mouths and into the world. Of course, it is also important to allow ourselves to be serious and to honor that side of ourselves so that we stay balanced. After a great deal of merriment, it can actually be a pleasure to settle down and focus on work, or take some time for introspection until our next round of fun begins. -by Madisyn Taylor ~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM Read More @ Source |
Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Posted: 05 Jul 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Danny Siegenthaler Aromatherapy makes use of Essential oils. This 3-Part article will provide some detailed insight into the use of Essential oils in Aromatherapy. We will look at: a) Where Essential oils come from, b) The way Essential oils effect the mind and emotions, and c) The way Essential oils effect the etheric body or the physcho-spiritual levela) WHERE DO ESSENTIAL OILS COME FROM ? - Essential Oils - Part 1 The odoriferous substances (Essential oils) themselves are formed in the chloroplasts of the leaves where they combine with glucose to form glucides and are then circulated around the plant in this form. At certain times of the day or year they are stored in particular parts of the plant. In some plants, the essential oils are produced by the secretory tissues, and in others they are combined with glycosides, and are therefore not detectable until the plant is dried or crushed, e.g.: Valerian Essential oils are considered to be an important part of the plant's metabolism: some have hormonal activity and others are a stage in some other process, e.g.: the oil found in the rind of the orange is a stage in Vitamin A synthesis. Essential oils can be found in almost any part of the plant, in differing concentrations, depending on the plant itself, the time of day and year. They may be found in the roots (e.g.: Calamus and Valerian), flowers (e.g. Lavender, Rose,), bark (e.g. Sandalwood, Cedarwood), fruits (e.g.: Lemon, Cardamom, Orange), berries (e.g. Juniper), leaves (e.g. Thyme, Rosemary, Sage). Plants which contain essences must be picked at the correct time of day and in the correct season, and in particular weather conditions in order that a maximum yield of the essential oils can be obtained, and of course, as with all medicinal or nutritional plants, soil conditions, and climatic conditions will also dictate the quality of the oils obtained. Heavy, concentrated oils are called ABSOLUTES e.g.: Rose, Jasmine, Oils which are solid at room temperature and which must be warmed before use are called ! BALSAMS, e.g.: Benzoin and Camphor. HOW DO ESSENTIAL OILS WORK? Essential oils are known to have an effect on us in three different, but overlapping, ways. a) On the physical body, both locally and systemically, via the lymphatic and blood circulation. b) On the mind and emotions via the Sense of Smell and the Limbic System. c) On the "Etheric Energy System" of the body via the energy vibration of the individual oils themselves.The Way Essential Oils Effect the Physical Body When Essential oils are applied to the surface of the body, either via Massage, Baths, Compresses, Creams or Lotions, they will have an effect locally (i.e. the site at which they are applied), and Systemically (i.e. throughout the body). The Systemic effect occurs when essential oils are absorbed through the skin into the Lymphatic Circulation, and they are then dumped from the Lymphatic circulation into the blood stream. Once the oils are circulating in the blood, they are carried to their TARGET ORGAN/S, where they exert a therapeutic effect on the specific tissues. Every Essential oil has its own Target Organ, e.g. Juniper oil targets the urinary tract and kidneys in particular, with secondary effects on the Digestive, Respiratory and Reproductive Systems. Chamomile Oil targets the Nervous System via which it can then exert a broad effect on many other body Systems, like the Digestive Tract for example. Even when Essential oils are inhaled only, say in the form of a steam inhalation for a cold or as a fumigator for a background "psychological" effect, the oils will be absorbed across the mucous membranes of the Respiratory Tract and lungs into the blood stream, where once again, they can travel around the body very rapidly. If Essential Oils are taken orally, their absorption through the Mucosa of the stomach and into the blood is very rapid. Very few essential oils are actually 'digested', which is fortunate as their Therapeutic principles may well be altered if this were the case. The reason why Essential Oils behave in this ma! nner in the body is because the molecules of which they are composed are organic molecules and very small indeed. Below are some of the more common Therapeutic Properties which can be obtained by using Essential Oils.SOME THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES OF ESSENTIAL OILS1. ANTISEPTIC All essential oils are to a greater or lesser extent ANTISEPTIC. This is one of their most important and valuable properties. This broad description of ANTISEPSIS includes anti viral, antifungal, anti-bacterial and general anti-microbial activity which is found in such oils as: Lemon, Thyme, Tea Tree, Garlic, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, Pine, Lavender and Sandalwood.2. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY Oils with this property help to ease inflammation. The symptoms of inflammation are typified by pain, redness, swelling, and partial or total loss of function of the tissue involved. Examples of oils with this property are Chamomile, Rose, Lavender, Sandalwood, Myrrh and Benzoin.3. CYTOPHYLACTIC Restoration of tissue function and regeneration of cells is another outstanding property of essential oils. Oils such as Pine, Basil and Rosemary are known to restore function to the adrenal glands, Jasmine, Cypress, and Ylang Ylang restore function of reproductive endocrine glands, lavender and chamomile stimulate cell regeneration in the skin.4. SEDATIVE Essential oils may also have a pronounced effect on the nervous system by producing relaxation, pain relief and relieving muscle spasm. Oils with these properties include Lavender, Neroli, Rose, Geranium and Ylang Ylang. However, the most outstanding property possessed by essential oils is their antiseptic/antigenetic properly. This is well documented in Dr Jean Valnet's book, "The Practice of Aromatherapy" and he discusses at length the effects of specific oils in relation to the control of extremely virulent microbes like Meningitis bacteria, Golden Staphylococcus bacteria and typhoid bacteria. In your Reading for Week One, in the Chapter entitled "The Healing Power of Plants", from Va! lnet's b ook, there are extensive references to the many ways in which essential oils can affect the physical body. It is critical to your full understanding and appreciation of Essential Oil Therapy that you appreciate the ways in which essential oils can have both a healing and preventive role in diseases involving invasion of the body by microbes. About the AuthorDanny Siegenthaler is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and together with his wife Susan, a medical herbalist and aromatherapist, they have created Natural Skin Care Products by Wildcrafted Herbal Products to share their 40 years of combined expertise with you. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, July 5, 2012 Posted: 05 Jul 2012 06:00 AM PDT "A waiting person is a patient person. The word patience means the willingness to stay where we are and live the situation out to the full in the belief that something hidden there will manifest itself to us." "Never think that God's delays are God's denials. Hold on; hold fast; hold out. Patience is genius." "Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day." |
Posted: 05 Jul 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Kuehne Lawler Dealing with tension as a daily program is not that easy and if you need to take some day pauses to keep your mind at rest then you definitely have to do it. If you are sick and tired of working every single day with little to no breaks at all or maybe you have young children that you must look after you still require time for yourself, to unwind your mind, body and soul. There are methods that may possibly reduce your daily tension within just no time. Here are where Day spa corporations come to your help for you to get the comfort you absolutely need! SPA companies provide you with such services like different types of treatments, deep massages, medical treatments you simply can't do at home. SPA experts know best what exactly your body needs to get relaxed as well as your head to feel free from anxiety and stress. Most commonly individuals get used to being pressured, nervous, run-down or heavy so they don't even pay attention to it. This may occasionally turn into depression or perhaps psychological issues. That's the reason why SPA methods are immensely important when experiencing tension. SPA methods are quite popular all over the world. It might be pricey, but you can find affordable spa treatments just for your pocket.You can easily find quite a lot of SPA companies that supply these services in your area, even so, you should appeal at those that offer not simply professional spa services and certified professionals that will know how to calm down your body, but even types of procedures and strategies that are well-known around the world.If your home is in the united kingdom in the West Midlands of England, Birmingham I strongly suggest you to definitely experiment with Relax Your Mind Events. They supply services like crystal therapies, E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Therapy), Yoga exercises, Meditation, Tai Chi, Pilates workouts, Reiki etc. I admire them for their desire for getting not only beneficial, but even negative feedback to further improve their service quality so that you can feel g! reat. At their official website you are able to book your refuge and also pay attention to the most up-to-date verified Relax your Mind events. Another advantage of this Birmingham SPA is that it is not just offering popular solutions spread over the whole world, but even cheap spa birmingham for you to enjoy and not to care about the bucks you may spend on it. Spas in Birmingham are amazing, but this one is ideal for you not just cause of the cheap value, but also because you will immerse into the world of tenderness and affection! About the AuthorFor more information about spa days birmingham visit our website: click here Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Simply Chillout - MoonThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Sitting Still and Loving: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, July 5, 2012 Posted: 05 Jul 2012 05:00 AM PDT A beautiful day, Dr. Rob The challenge is our ancient instinct It is another awesome and amazing day |
Counterculture Aromatherapy - Patchouli Essential Oil Posted: 05 Jul 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Misty Rae Cech, ND Patchouli's History and Uses Ah, Patchouli oil - people seem to love it or hate it. This well know essential oil has a somewhat deserved reputation as the scent of the Hippy generation (according to one source, it's use began as a mask for the odor of a particularly cherished herb), though it's traditional use dates back hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. Today, Patchouli oil has a well-deserved reputation in aromatherapy, with it's deep, musky, and sweet odor, and Earth and Fire balancing energy. It is an exotic aroma that can forever leave an imprint on the olfactory memory. Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin) is a perennial herb native to Southeast Asia, growing wild in Sumatra and Java at elevations between 3,000 and 6,000 feet - though it's cultivation is more pervasive in lower tropical jungles. This bushy plant grows to the height of 3 feet, having a strong stem and soft, hairy leaves. For essential oil production, the plant is cut two or three times per year, with the best quality oil derived from leaves harvested in the wet season. The leaves are hand picked, bundled or baled, and allowed to partially dry in the shade and ferment for a few days before the oil is extracted via steam distillation (Patchouli oil is now becoming available as a CO2 extract in limited quantities). The fermentation process softens the plant's cell walls, easing the extraction of the oil. The relative ease of it's cultivation, and it's high oil yield keeps the price of true Patchouli essential oils relatively low. It is important to note however, Patchouli is one of the few essential oils that improve with age (others being Frankincense, Cedarwood, Sandalwood and Vetiver), and that a properly aged Patchouli oil is much more desirable than a fresh one. Over time, the oil looses a harshness that many find distasteful, and adds a sweet top note. As it ages, the oil turns from light yellow to a deep amber, with the aroma becoming smoother and more rich. Principal constituents of the oil include: Patcho! ulol (25 -35%), Alpha-Bulnesene (12-20%), Alpha-Guaiene + Seychellene (15-25%), and Alpha-Patchoulene (5-9%). Perhaps first due to it's power as a moth repellent, the aroma of Patchouli was pervasive in cloth and clothing exported from India in the 19th century. The scent became an indicator of true 'Oriental' fabric, so much so that English and French garment makers were obliged to scent their imitation products with Patchouli to ensure their acceptance in the domestic marketplace. Beyond its use for preventing holes from being eaten in one's cloting, Patchouli oil has been used for centuries in traditional medicine in Malaysia, China and Japan. Primarily indicated for skin conditions, Patchouli may be of benefit in cases of dermatitis, eczema, acne, dry chapped skin, and other irritating conditions, along with dandruff and oily scalp conditions. As a cell rejuvenator, it may help in healing wounds and reducing the appearance of scars. It is considered an excellent remedy for insect and snake bites, and has been used as a fumigant and rubbing oil to prevent the spread of fevers and to strengthen the immune system. Aromatherapy and Perfumery Uses of Patchouli Oil Patchouli oil is considered an excellent base note and fixative in perfumery, being a component in many famous perfumes. As a fixative, it slows the evaporation of other, more volatile oils so that their aroma may be released over a longer period of time. A little patchouli can be used in natural perfume blends, adding that special deep and earthy aroma. It mixes well with many essential oils, with almost all common oils being mentioned across a variety of sources - these include Vetiver, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Bergamot, Cedarwood, Myrrh, Jasmine, Rose, Citrus oils, Clary Sage, Lemongrass, Geranium and Ginger. In Aromatherapy, Patchouli is considered a great balancer, relaxing yet stimulating, particularly relevant for conditions of weak immunity where overwork and anxiety have left the individual in a susceptible sta! te. It i s said to bring the three principal forces at work within the body - the Creative at the navel, the Heart center, and transcendental wisdom a the crown - into harmony. Patchouli oil may also relieve the strain of those with excessive mental activity who may feel 'out of touch' with their body and sensuality. It has been considered a relaxing aphrodisiac, and can be helpful for those with impotence, frigidity, and sexual anxiety that are products of mental anguish. Patchouli combines this aphrodisiac effect with an antidepressant one, uplifting the mind with it's sweet, warm, spicy scent. As if this were not enough, Patchouli is thought to be a bringer of prosperity and abundance. Perhaps by allowing one to open to these possibilities energetically, the oil is used in ceremonies and prayers by those in need of financial or other type of infusion in their lives. One may simply close their eyes, imagine the abundance they need, and inhale the oil's aroma for a few seconds. For a few simple blends, try: 3 parts Patchouli and 1 part Rosemary Cineol. This is a wonderfully uplifting blend combining the deep earthiness of Patchouli with the invigorating aroma of Rosemary. This can certainly be worn as a perfume, or used in a diffuser. When the going gets tedious, try brightening with 3 parts Coriander, 2 parts Patchouli and 1 part Bergamot. This may uplift the spirits and remind one of the joy to be found in life. For the sensually insecure, try 1 part Geranium, 1 part Patchouli and 1 part Bergamot. A beautiful yet simple blend for getting comfortable in one's own skin. It may take a little education, but many who claim to have a dislike for Patchouli may truly enjoy it when finally getting to sample a properly aged or beautifully blended oil. About the AuthorMisty Rae Cech, ND, is a Naturopath and yoga instructor practicing in Boulder, Colorado - she is the owner of Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Hair Loss Solution: Try Aromatherapy Posted: 05 Jul 2012 03:00 AM PDT |
Jane Austen Singing School for Young Ladies Summer Concert Posted: 05 Jul 2012 03:00 AM PDT The Jane Austen Singing School for Young Ladies, with assistance from the Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA), Syracuse Region, will present a summer concert of music, readings, and dance in the Dobson Fellowship Hall of the First Presbyterian Church, 97 E. Genesee St., Skaneateles, on Sunday, July 22, 2012, at 3:00 p.m. The concert is open to the public. Admission is free, but free will donations to support the continuing work of the Singing School are accepted. The Singing School was created in Fall 2009 by Dr. Joanna Manring as a historical performing experience for young women ages 12-18. Dr. Manring, a graduate of Peabody Conservatory, aims to help young women develop self-esteem by learning healthy vocal technique and musicianship in a supportive environment. JASNA is an organization with over 4,000 members in almost 70 regional groups across the U.S. and Canada. Its mission is to foster among the widest number of readers the study, appreciation, and understanding of Jane Austen's works, her life, and her genius. The JASNA Syracuse Region includes all 13xxx and some 14xxx zip codes. More information about the Region is available at its website ( The Young Ladies appearing in the summer program will include the Misses Chloe Strang, Imogen Olson, Emily Short, Julia Hearn, Maddie VanRiper, and Maria McLean (all Singing School veterans), and the Misses Mary Lambdin, Allison Lambdin, Carolina Toledo, Meg Lovier, and Aggie Woodbury (first-time participants). The accompanists will be Mr. Jimmy Drancsak, violin; Ms. Sophie Hearn, flute; and Mrs. Claire Howard, piano. Ms. Susanne Marshall and Miss Christina Marshall will act as sewing mistresses to the Young Ladies. Dr. Manring has worked to select music that would have been familiar in Jane Austen's world. The program also includes short readings from Austen's letters and novels, as well as English country dancing (the type of dancing seen in films and TV series based on Austen's novels). The dancing is being taught to the Young Ladies by the Co-Coordinator of JASNA Syracuse, Miss Lisa Brown. JASNA Syracuse Regional Coordinator Ms. A. Marie Sprayberry will introduce the concert. So, now that summer finery and summer engagements (in Jane Austen's own words) are upon us, we hope you'll join us for a summer engagement in Skaneateles! Read More @ Source |
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