What's Body Awareness Got To Do With Back Pain Relief?

What's Body Awareness Got To Do With Back Pain Relief?

What's Body Awareness Got To Do With Back Pain Relief?

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by Martin Gladwin

If you have ever suffered from lower back pain, you know how it can affect your whole life. You will do anything to find pain relief once you are stricken. If you go to the doctor, they generally prescribe muscle relaxants and heavy duty pain medications. This usually does not address the true cause of the lower back pain. Most of the time the back pain is caused by lack of core support, muscular imbalances, pelvic instability, poor posture and overall lack of body awareness.

Body awarenesss therapies for the treatment of lower back pain consists of several different exercises and treatments. They are all designed to strengthen the body in the places it is weak which are causing the pain. Treatments also loosen tight muscles and center the body so that the back pain just melts away. Both the exercises and the treatments offer a long term solution to your lower back pain.

One of the best body awareness exercises is Pilates. It helps to correct posture by paying attention to the body's alignment when you are going through the specified movements. It enhances your core strength by developing all the muscles, both large and small, in the trunk area of the body. Not only does it strengthens the muscles, but it balances them and makes them more flexible to help stabilize the spine. Pilates promotes overall flexibility so that the spine can maintain its proper curves while moving forwards, backwards and with twisting movements. It is easy to modify the Pilates exercises so that your body can increase its flexibility at its own pace. Overall, Pilates is a great training tool for body awareness because you need to pay attention to your form while doing the exercises. You can transfer this form to your daily life so that you can move properly throughout the day to protect your spine.

Yoga can also help with lower back pain through body awareness exercises, but you need to let your instructor know about your issues. There are some yoga moves that would not be appropriate for a person wit! h lower back pain. With the proper yoga exercises, you can increase flexibility and strengthen muscles that support the lower back. There is another method that combines functional movements with focus on the mind/body relationship. It is called the Feldenkrais Method. It involves teaching people how to move properly while performing daily tasks and it combines movements that massage and stretch the muscles.

There are many body awareness treatments; massage is probably one of the most popular for obvious reasons. Having someone loosen, realign and relax tight and tired muscles can make a person feel like a million dollars. Reflexology involves stimulating points in the hands and feet with deep compression to trigger increased blood flow throughout the body to balance out the imbalance causing a person's back pain.

You could also use Reiki or Qigong to balance out the energy in the body. This hands on energy work teaches a person to become aware of their body on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. Other body awareness techniques would include polarity work, shamanic healing and chakra balancing. There really are many natural long term solutions for lower back pain instead of the quick fix medical treatments. Becoming aware of your body so that you can strengthen and maintain it for a lifetime is really the best way to deal with ailments like a bad back.

About the Author

Martin Gladwin publishes information to help with your Back Pain Relief. We focus on natural remedies that work at the root cause rathr than masking the symptoms. Find out more about how to get rid of your back pain once and for all at: =>http://www.QBackPainRemedies.com/Blog

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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surgery Info

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Kostas Fufutos

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm ExplanationA localized dilatation (also known as ballooning) of the abdominal aorta that much greater than the typical size by fifty percent or even more is adressed as Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (additionally known as Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm ). Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm is one of the most widespread type of aortic aneurysm that exists.Almost all of the abdominal aortic aneurysms (closed to 90 %) take place:infrarenally (under the kidneys) pararenally (on the level of kidneys)suprarenally (above the kidneys)These aneurysms have a chance to get bigger and might contain a single or perhaps each of the iliac arteries in the pelvis.Abdominal aortic aneurysms are likely to show up more commonly on persons among 65 and Seventy five years old. At the same time adult males and those that smoke possess a more significant possiblity to have a Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm . The vast majority of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm tend to be asymptomatic, nevertheless on a few occasions showing ache on the stomach, back (as a result of stress being put on the surrounding tissues ) or in the lower limbs (as a concequence of interferences to the blood flow). By far the most dangerous side effect of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm are ruptures. Ruptures are most of the times lethal as a concequence of large volumes of blood coming into the stomach cavity. if this thing occurs, death is usually certain and occurs in just a few moments.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Therapy

The surgical treatment employed for the treatment for an abdominal aortic aneurysm is known as Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm surgery, or just Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm repair. The Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm medical procedure which is utilized these days is called Endovascular aneurysm repair,although in the past an open surgical procedure was executed on patients

Endovascular aneurysm repair Information

Endovascular Aneurysm Repair or Endovascular Aortic Repair (and in addition called as EVAR) is a type of Endovascular m! edical o peration that as we said is utilized for managing Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Additionally it's used in the dealing with Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms, in which case the surgical procedure is is termed as Thoracic Endovascular Aortic/Aneurysm Repair (TEVAR). In some rare people a custom-made graft device is utilized to the surgical treatment . This certain graft is created specifically and it contains holes ,that are called fenestrations, which help in keeping patency of selected critical arteries. When this type of graft is employedsurgical procedure called FEVAR (Fenestrated EndoVascular Aortic Repair)

Screening prior to the surgery

Just before a client has the procedure , he must undergo a great assortment of checks. A comprehensive abdomen/pelvis/thorax CT imaging plus numerous blood exams are usually amongst them. Purpose of the CT imaging is to offer the calibre and tortuosity of the iliac arterial blood vessels and also the correlation of the neck of the aneurysm on the renal arteries. All these are crucial aspects for whether the aneurysm can respond to endoluminal repair or not. In unusual occasions that the kidney arteries are quite nearby the aneurysm the customized made fenestrated graft stent is really an alternative way rather than carrying out openmedical operation

Before surgical procedure truly starts the individual is put under general anaesthisia (GA) or an epidural. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm surgical procedure is performed within a crystal clear and sterile place, which commonly is a theater, generally under x-ray fluoroscopic instruction by an Interventional Radiologist. Vascular "sheaths" will likely then be inserted to the femoral arteries on the client. Through these catheters, guide wires and in conclusion the Stent Graft are transferred. Diagnostic angiography pictures from the aorta are obtained and in addition to used to uncover the place that the individual's kidney arterial blood vessels are, in order for the stent graft to get deployed without obstructing them! . Failin g in accomplising will likely bring about renal failing. For this reason the graft sten implementation ought to be completed in great precision. Initially the main body from the stent graft is positioned after which it is accompanied by the "limbs". These certain "limbs" join to the "main" body and lay around the Aortic Bifurcation for greater support, and basically expand to the Iliac arteries.A specifically designed graft stent referred to as Iliac Branch Device (or IBD) is utilized for a number of special conditions when the aneurysm actually reaches the normal Iliac Arteries. This equipment is utilized for protecting the Iliac Arteries as an alternative to blocking them. Sustaining Iliac Arteries is vital and significantly assists in preventing Buttock Claudication. It can also help to sustain full genital functions. When the stent graft is put , it works as an artificial lumen helping the blood to go and circulate down instead of moving throughout aneurysm sac, therefore it quickly reveals the strain from the aneurysm wall, that will thrombose as time passesCurrently there is a modern variation of Endovascular Aortic Repair that is the Hybrid surgical treatment surgical procedure is done inside angiography place and is designed in the right way to join the numerous endovascular surgeries together with minimal wide open surgical procedure . This type of surgery combines the deployment of the stent graft with the open procedure which has the goal to revascularise most of the veins which are covered by it. In this type of surgery considerably more advanced EVAR units are put to use. These kinds of special systems may heal the primary lesion and as well protect the flow of blood to important arteries.

More info at Surgery Information

About the Author

Enthusiastic about developing strategies for birdhouses worldwide. Have a strong interest in short selling toy trucks in Washington, DC.

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Aromatherapy To Promote Hair Growth

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Mary Smith

It is common to find ads in the back of fashion magazines claiming hair growth as the result of the use of certain hair creams. They show a gorgeous woman with thick and luxurious knee-length hair cascading over her shoulders. For some women, however, having long lavish hair is constantly out of reach. There are many causes why some women's hair is slow growing or worse, falling out. It may be caused by stress, medications, hormonal changes, Alopecia, or other undiagnosed medical conditions.

It is estimated that one normally sheds approximately 100 hairs per day. If you suddenly notice significant hair loss and you are unsure of the cause, you should immediately contact your health care professional. This may be an indication of a serious medical condition.

After you have ruled out any significant medical condition, you can turn to various aromatherapy Herbal treatments to not only nourish, but also stimulate, the hair follicles and help promote healthy hair growth. One way is to make an aromatherapy infusion that you apply directly to your hair, another is to create a hair and scalp massage oil. An additional hair treatment is made by adding herbal essential oil to your shampoo or conditioner. This is a very simple way to create a wonderful product that works wonders on your hair.

Essential oils are concentrated and care should always be taken care when handling them. It is necessary to add only one or two drops to your conditioner or carrier oil to create a product that is safe and gentle to your skin. Due to the risk of skin irritation, it is recommended to test a small amount in an inconspicuous place before using.

Basil is a beneficial herb that stimulates and promotes hair growth. One can easily make one's own Basil hair oil to massage into the scalp. When treating the hair, one should not discount the importance of scalp massage. The first step to a wonderful hair growth scalp massage is to take the massage oil and warm it in your hands. Then, sit in a chair with one! 's head flipped over. Using the fingertips, begin at the nape of the neck, working little circles of the oil into your scalp. Using a circular motion, continue working up the scalp. This massage promotes healing, health, and improves scalp circulation which, in turn, promotes hair growth.

Finally, finish by using an all-natural boar bristle brush to brush the hair. This aids in even distribution of the oil from the roots to the tips. Remember, a little oil will go a long way, you may want to begin with a small amount and add more, if needed. In order to add shine and sheen or if your hair is dry, you may want to keep the oil in your hair for extra conditioning. If you tend to have oily hair, you may prefer to wash your hair following your scalp massage. If you plan to wash your hair afterwards, it is ideal to perform the scalp massage immediately before showering.

About the Author

Mary Smith writes for several web site magazines, on wellness and health topics.

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Aromatherapy that is Just Right for Winter

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 08:00 PM PDT

by m-c

Article by Alex Rider

As winter approaches people tend to close up their houses against the worsening elements. Grey days get shorter, the air in your house may need some invigoration.

Winter time calls for scents that freshen and cleanse the air. Oils that are typically used are evergreen, citrus, woody, resin and spice. Citrus oils, sharp and zingy, bring about images of oranges tucked deep in stockings and age-old citrus pomanders. Ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon and clove are spicy smells reminding many people of foods like gingerbread and spice cake.

Citrus fruits like oranges used to be a very rare treat at Christmas, let alone any other time of the year. Today's well developed transport and communications systems simply weren't around in the past. An orange by its self was seen as a special present, often around Christmas studded with cloves, carefully dried to retain its scent or rolled in spices. Mixes of citrus and spicy scents help to reduce the common winter feeling of lethargy.

To create an uplifting and fresh clove-studded, rich and spicy scent this Christmas why not mist up the home with the following concoction:

5 drops of ginger5 drops of nutmeg10 drops of cinnamon25 drops of clove bud10 drops of lemon10 drops of bergamot45 drops of sweet orange

Use around 12 drops of this exciting mix per ounce of warm water.

Juniper berry, fir needle and cypress oils provide an image of winter greenery.

When the weather turns to become cold and blustery many people want to remind themselves of lighter and sunnier times. Past practices of cutting and placing a variety of fragrant branches from mistletoe, pine, holly and firs are great ways of releasing lively scents about the home.

A sense of renewal and emergence can be created in your home this winter with the following infusion of uplifting sweet, fresh and forest essential oils:

10 drops of juniper berries4 drops of cypress35 drops of tangerine35 drops of fir needle20 drops of cedarwood40 drops of tangerine

Use ! these oi ls in an electric diffuser, aromatherapy lamp or terra cotta tree ornament.

Frankincense or myrrh have been said to evoke feelings of peacemaking and goodwill. A sense of silent warmth, meditation and spiritual rejuvenation can be created with the following blend of essential oils, all placed with an aromatherapy candle lamp:

30 drops of frankincense30 drops of myrrh15 drops of juniper berry10 drops of cedarwood15 drops of lemon

Herbal teas are also a great way of soothing any sore throats and winter chills that you may have. Be sure to give the following a go:

Basil tea. Reduces a bout of the shiversChamomile tea. Helps banish upset stomachs with its soothing aromaAngelica tea. Great for when you've got the start of a cold or achesBergamot. Effective at relieving sore throats, can also be used as a gargle

So, with all this knowledge go ahead and enjoy the winter season, feeling alive and content no matter what the elements.

About the Author

A great way to start enjoying the benefits of aromatherapy is to use an aromatherapy candle. Look at http://www.aromatherapyretreat.com for more information.

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Thomas rawski with Arsenal Jersey 2012 encourages his teammates

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 07:00 PM PDT

by inju

Article by Soccerjerseysalon

Game, Thomas rawski with New Arsenal Jersey lying on the lawn, can't be calm once. On Tuesday, he and teammates work hard and bring glory on the lawn, he frustrated frustration than many younger teammates. He is 32 years old, is a well-deserved big brother. As an experienced veteran, he knows the significance of such a war. And while young people are also looking forward to the next season is coming back, the Czech midfielder also does not know then can continue the March. His physique, his age, as well as Champions League heavyweight showdown could not find, made him more than others think. Against Tottenham, his midfield wild rush, manufactured and finished his fanchao opponent's third ball. Is the goal, it is more true to see the courage of the manner of ball playing style in the style of the Czech artist reborn! After all, on Tottenham's goal was his first league goals in two years. In addition to the score, fans eye also ran track by Czechs affects. At the Emirates Stadium, Anfield, his academical flexible, agile, there is just enough of make use of every bit of time, people sigh once again. This season, Sir w.Ramsay once dominated the first position in charge of front organizations. But Wales after a serious injury in the near future, Thomas rawski to provoke more beam. AC Milan of the Champions Cup on Tuesday, was Thomas rawski another representative. In the back is in top form little Mozart, almost with their running and Reiki, each covering the stadium grass. Control techniques of skilled, slide tackle and each ball for his selfless attitude, constantly deepening the connotation of a midfield organization and expand the fans for his understanding. The Czech midfielder, is not only the man of iron like Pavel Nedved, also Thomas rawski with Arsenal Jersey coexistence of literature and art of the blood and wizards. Injuries had been dragging his feet to fly as long as health, he'll play a lithe and wild state March. First, he stopped the other within the closed area in Milan's rescue when, a! fter see ing the Abbiati station, Czech people choose a clever way of shooting, "frankly I see goalkeepers at that time had to move in the Middle, I saw his legs moved jinjiao, so I chose to shoot jinjiao, ball into the results. Even winning team of hero, Thomas rawski head remains clear, "first goal obviously is a tonic to us, if the teams scored very early, that will give you a lot of motivation. Team haven't scored so early, but we work together to make this into a reality, because you have to do that, an early goal will make the team firmly believe that possibility of tilting pan. "Can appear in the key date, at a crucial time for the arsenal season, Thomas rawski injuries constantly in recent years has been a miracle. He can become the heart of the main teams in the near future and winning hero, has more on this miracle dazzling ring.Thomas rawski is peace and calm for their evaluation. "If you do not play, I'll enjoy the quiet life, a book or playing on the computer. "I do not know how many times, Thomas rawski was wound down. He has been looking for a pitch of pure land, on this piece of pure land, he can be healthy and fast ride, play your favorite art soccer. Thomas rawski young fame, six years, and he was selected by Czech Giants Sparta. But it all depends on the help of his football family. His father chirri was a former famous players of Czechoslovakia. Little Thomas rawski with Arsenal Shirt have a brother and also small fast kick. However he can be chosen by Sparta, also thanks to his brother. Teams just like his older brother, father of Thomas rawski will not answer: VIP, both brothers were selected to go to, otherwise it will stay with us. In such a "threat" zhixia, Sparta U7 coaches to Thomas rawski trial training opportunities, a little Mozart did not play hit. Thomas rawski subsequent stories, more people become familiar with it. He gives the first impression to be thin. During the Bundesliga because he weighs less than 70 kilograms, in long people crowded Germany football, Thomas rawski 1.75 m! in heig ht is more obscured, in addition, a baby face he makes one feel that he is a child. When the pictures first reported Thomas rawski is entitled: "son, eat a lot of meat." But though his weak, Commander Thomas rawski is carried out on the pitch, in a direct confrontation with the opponents, Thomas rawski could have higher success rate of fifty. I am proud of my teammates," Thomas rawski said after the game, "because we are playing today is a very good football, but sadly, we out", but we can begin to leave. We know that if we can win back, can make history, coach also told us in his speech before the match, I think you see a team effort, we had out, that is regrettable, but not to shame. From people and do all aspects of player, Wenger watch Thomas rawski, this overhaul is the Czech people, but still not be the team give up reason. Professor said: "his body in the Premiership is not popular, but he remained with his fighting spirit and the deal is taller than its tall multi-opponent. Just give him the appropriate timing and location, he will be able to emit light and heat, contributing to the team. Even though he did not play to a favorite location, he also had no complaints, this player is a role model for every professional player. Thomas rawski favorite position is central midfield, from the Bundesliga to the national team, peak performance in this position he spearheaded stark. Arsenal, however, he must be a Fabregas gives way, and this season he was Sir w.Ramsay growth yield of pitch space. However, Arsenal's Arsene Wenger football faith, Thomas rawski when faced with all the suffering is to remain aloof from chaos.What makes excellent Wenger? Thomas rawski answered: "first of all, he was convinced of their selected players, and his views on football, his style of interpretation and win the match. His style is remarkable. So far in my career, I never have worked to his philosophy of the coach. He can teach the players kicked out his pursuit of that style, he also knew how to sign those players can qui! ckly abs orb and understand his philosophy. As big brother of the arsenal now, his voice has also become a team xiaozi bei courageously forward momentum. Crucial time at arsenal in race four, Thomas rawski with Arsenal Jersey 2012 encourages his teammates: "outside always sow dissension, therefore we must be United in the rest of the match. We are now at the location of the first four, wanted to hold this position, solidarity is very important, we cannot be influenced by the outside world. We are in the top four at the end of the season. He likes after retiring back to his hometown, at present is his best choice in London: "I live in the suburbs of London, rather than the city centre, so I don't often go to the city to go shopping, because I do not like people in major cities. In London the best thing is that arsenal, which of course is the reason why I'm here. After I end my career here, I will come back to Prague, where is my home, has always been my home.The article is transferred from http://www.soccerjerseysalon.com/blog

About the Author

I like Arsenal FC Soccer Uniform

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Controlling Acne Through Aromatherapy

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by Karina Jacobsen

Acne is a widespread illness, which not only teenagers suffer from but also adults and it can be a very traumatic condition depending on its severity. Acne is caused by certain glands that block up hair follicles and pores, and then bacteria begin to form. This of course results pimples and sometimes they can be boil like in appearance and we all know that they can leave scars.

The occurrence of acne is not fully understood yet but some factors seem to come in to play, such as heredity. This is thought to be because families share the same hair types or it may be they share the same overactive Sebaceous glands. Hormones are another culprit, teenagers may seem to have more of a problem with acne do to hormone changes. Medications, especially steroids, have a link to acne as well.

Due to the physical unattractiveness acne can leave more than just unsightly scars but can also scar the ego mostly in adolescents. We all are aware how teenagers feel that physical appearance is so important. Acne can leave emotional scars such as depression and feelings of isolation from their peers which will result in low self esteem. Adolescence is a time of self discovery, and if you discover that you are not as attractive as others this can lead to adverse psychological problems and can affect you for years to come.

There is a misunderstanding of what causes acne, most people, especially young people (hence the low self esteem) still believe it is caused by unsanitary hygiene. But it is not something that is cured by washing it away, the causes are much deeper than that. The root of acne is below the skin surface so having acne doesn't mean that you are not a clean person.

Acne is an infection caused by bacteria from the blocked hair follicles and since it is caused below the skin surface antibiotics can be very useful in controlling acne. Also the use of antibacterial treatments is helpful. When the acne appears on the skin surface is when most people begin to treat it.

You may not kno! w this b y aromatherapy has many benefits in controlling acne. There are many topical chemical treatments out there for acne but sometimes they can have unwanted side effects like red, sore skin areas or flaking and then sometimes they just out right don't work well. Certain natural plants and herbs have been proven to have many beneficial effects with topical use. In aromatherapy one of the best treatments is tea tree oil because it is a natural antiseptic

You may want to give this all natural and effective recipe a try:

- One ounce of tea tree oil- One ounce of apricot oil with ten drop of lavender- Seven drops of tea tree oil- One drop of geranium oil

Mix them together thoroughly and place in an amber colored receptacle. It will feel very nice on your skin and smell good too.

About the Author

Karina Jacobsen is a staff writer at Alternative Health Advisor and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Wellness Digest.

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How I Used Aromatherapy and Feng Shui in my Home Office

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 05:00 PM PDT

by jainaj

Article by Lisa Herbik

Spiritual Aromatherapy

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 04:00 PM PDT

Article by Michael Douglas

What is Spiritual Aromatherapy?

It is the use of essential oils in order to affect the spirit. In vibrational aromatherapy it is not even necessary to touch the physical body. Instead one works off the body in the aura using a minute amount of essential oil - just one drop will suffice.

What is the Aura?

The idea of an aura may seem strange or even ridiculous to you. However, we are not just a physical body. We are completely surrounded by the subtle energy bodies which make up our human energy field (aura). The size and shape of the aura varies enormously from one person to another. It is filled with many different colours which constantly change depending upon our emotions and well-being. Some are able to see the aura and the colour changes. In our everyday language we talk of being 'green with envy' or 'red with rage' and these lucky individuals would actually be able to 'see' this occurring!

I believe that we can all at least sense the aura. Try the following exercise. Hold your hands out in front of you, palms facing and gently touching each other. Close your eyes and very slowly move your hands a few inches away from each other. Gradually bring them back towards each other. Repeat this several times.

You will feel as if there is 'something' in the space between your hands. This is your energy field! Now try to sense another person's aura. Ask a friend to sit on a chair. Close your eyes and hold your hands a few inches above their head. Slowly move your hands down following the outline of the body and notice any tingling, feelings of warmth, coldness or any other sensations. Ask your friend if they have experienced anything. Amazing isn't it?

What are Chakras?

The word 'chakra' is a Sanskrit word which means 'wheel', 'disc' or 'circle'. The chakras are like constantly revolving wheels of energy which penetrate both the aura and the physical body. They can also be visualised as lotus flowers - each chakra having a different number ! of petal s. The chakras act as a bridge between the physical body and the subtle bodies. There are seven major chakras which are...

- Crown Chakra

- Third Eye/Brow Chakra

- Throat Chakra

- Heart Chakra

- Solar Plexus Chakra

- Abdomen/Sacral Chakra

Balancing the Chakras

Essential oils have the ability to unblock and balance the chakras and to help you along your spiritual path enlightenment. I have listed some suggestions:

Base/Root Chakra

Oils to earth and ground such as benzoin, patchouli, vetivert.

Abdomen/Sacral Chakra

Aphrodisiac oils such as jasmine, neroli, rose, sandalwood, ylang ylang. Anaphrodisiac oils such as marjoram.

Solar Plexus/Navel Chakra

Oils to relax, balance mood swings, protect the solar plexus and increase confidence such as benzoin, chamomile, clary sage, geranium, jasmine, juniper (cleanses), lavender, lemon, mandarin, melissa, neroli, palmarosa, sage (protects), yarrow (protects).

Heart Chakra

Oils to open up and heal the heart such as benzoin, bergamot, geranium, jasmine, lime, mandarin, melissa, neroli, rose, ylang ylang.

Throat Chakra

Oils to encourage communication and creativity such as blue chamomile, black pepper, eucalyptus, ginger, jasmine, and myrrh.

Brow Chakra

Oils to encourage intution and to clarify the mind such as basil, black pepper, carrot seed, clary sage, fennel, ginger, peppermint and rosemary.

Crown Chakra

Oils to open up the mind to spiritual levels such as cedarwood, frankincense, linden blossom, neroli, and rosewood.

About the Author

For more information on href="http://www.massagemanual.com/aromatherapy/index.htm">aromatherapy, essential oils blends and recipes, href="http://massagemanual.com/massage/oil.htm">massage oils... please visit href="http://massagemanual.com">MassageManual.com

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Tips for the Ultimate Girls’ Weekend in Birmingham

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 03:00 PM PDT

Article by Harvey McEwan

Have you and your girlfriends been planning a weekend getaway for ages, but not been able to agree on where to go? Do some of you want a relaxing spa weekend while others are up for partying non-stop? Venture to a destination where you can do both. Treat yourselves to drinks and dancing on Friday night, shop till you drop on Saturday and let yourselves be pampered on the Sunday before heading home. Birmingham has it all. With excellent transport links to most parts of the UK, as well as international destinations via its airport, the city is a great choice for a girls' weekend.


Birmingham is home to a whole host of excellent shopping destinations from independent boutiques to vast shopping centres housing high street names and designer labels. The Bullring centre is a state-of-the-art complex most renowned for Selfridges, the architecture of which has been much spoken about.The Mailbox is a waterside shopping centre with an in-house Harvey Nichols and many other shops, including designer stores. Both centres offer great lunching and afternoon tea opportunities for when you feel a bit peckish.For those ladies looking for a bit of glitz and glam, Birmingham's luxurious Jewellery Quarter is the place to be. Home to more than 400 jewellery business, shoppers are spoilt for choice.An independent shopping paradise is the Custard Factory area, the city's new arts and media quarter, home to vintage boutiques, craft companies, local designer shops and more.


The amount of students in Birmingham means the city never sleeps. You'll find excellent bars and clubs scattered throughout town to suit any taste. The Mailbox is a sophisticated destination gathering some of the city's most glamorous crowds. For stylish and pricey outings, try Apres or Mechu clubs.Broad Street is where most revellers flock to. Its selection of bars and clubs caters for all ages, tastes and group sizes. Some names to look out for are Mischka's, Rococo and Bar Risa.For more indepen! dent nig htlife, see what's on the Custard Factory agenda.


Spa-loving ladies are spoilt for choice in Birmingham, home to many a great spa with seemingly endless treatment lists. Many offer special deals for groups so do your research before setting off.Solace Spa is housed in a beautiful brick building in the city centre. The spacious treatment rooms and relaxation areas are plush and comfortable. Treatments include hot stone massages, reflexology and reiki.At One day spa is a haven in the city's famous Great Western Arcade. Service is excellent, as are the treatments on offer, including a coconut rub and milk ritual wrap, and a lava shell massage.Clover Spa has both indoor and outdoor facilities in a hotel setting. Some of the more unusual treatments include hopi ear candles and holistic total body care.These are just some recommendations. You'll find the city has even more to offer.


There are many hotels in Birmingham to suit any budget. If you're only in town for a few days, be sure to choose a central hotel in Birmingham that offers a late check-out time, a 24-hour snack shop and room service like the Hilton Garden Inn.

About the Author


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Spa With Cruises To Make You Beauty

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 02:00 PM PDT

by inju

Article by Rahulthinktank

Spa On cruises, all this thinking and designed for the passenger to pass it your best, relax, watch your health and beauty, as these are the objective pursued by these cruises. For this reason, also tend to have large gyms and areas for physical activities, which help to keep the body in motion to achieve also a good fit.

Holistic Spa

The holistic discipline is a part of the belief that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, meaning that it must consider the whole and not each of the parts separately. It is not just a sum of parts but the parts that constitute the whole are interdependent with each other. Thus, the holistic considers the body as a system as a whole entity, which also includes body, mind and spirit.

Following this concept, the holistic Spa includes among their activities and other things that benefit other types of Spa may not be aware of. The idea behind this type of Spas is to make the guest feel well can not only physical but spiritual. The Spa caters holistic body, mind and spirit alike, to make the person feel good in all aspects surrounding it. They use all kinds of techniques. In addition to the typical activities of any Spa as massage, the hot springs and the like, typically include activities such as yoga, Reiki, relaxation therapy, the use of oils and flower essences, bath salts fruit, types of meditation etc.

The holistic Spa is also typically including Eastern origin that helps relax and connect and relax body, mind and spirit. Some holistic spas also include other activities that are good and give comfort to the body, which will vary according to the needs of each patient. That is, some holistic spas also contemplated plans or programs for people with obesity who also receives guidance from a nutritionist. Other people come to receive treatment for specific ailments such as cellulite, varicose veins, etc. All these treatments are also often supplemented by other activities such as hiking, gymnastics or swimming, they also help t! o increa se well-being and can also help connect body and soul.

Day spa services:

Jacuzzi spa

A Jacuzzi spa is only one hotel that offers the service of their offer therapeutic Jacuzzi spa and use it as your main marketing tool to attract customers, who come to the establishment in order to enjoy the benefits and the benefits of the Jacuzzi. Some hotels include a Jacuzzi in the rooms.

The Jacuzzi can be included in a full-service spa or appear as the only service available. Although this is usually less common, if it becomes a differential for many hotels that helps customers to attract them but not looking for a hotel spa treatment, if they value you can relax in the Jacuzzi at the end of the day.

But what features a Jacuzzi Spa?

Today, we are familiar with private Jacuzzi that we can have many installed in our homes. The tubs are generally installed in bathtubs, small or large, located in the bathrooms of homes, so they are somewhat limited.

A Jacuzzi Spa Hotel offers the same but on a larger scale. Baths are usually large-scale, closer to the concept of pools, which follow one after another. In these pools, jacuzzi, different speeds of running water, water at different temperatures, so that each will generate an effect and the combination of all welfare state generates the final.

The Hotel Spa Jacuzzi are specially designed to eliminate physical and mental fatigue generated in our society today, and get to act in this way, against musculoskeletal disorders caused by the fatigue and the stress daily. However, the Jacuzzi Spa is not intended to solve internal problems more severe. It should be clear on this point, not to be unpleasant to be created after disappointments unrealistic expectations. The Spa Jacuzzi is ideal to retrieve a lost mood fatigue, but not to fight disease.

Cruises Spa

Today, in addition to the Spa Hotel and Day Spa, there is another alternative to enjoy the benefits of a spa in a different environment a! nd total ly relaxing, it's about cruises Spa. These cruises are a great option to enjoy a family holiday, couples, or friends. Spa Cruises offer many activities and throughout the days of the cruise, you can keep trying and combining all the activities offered. This is a very relaxing and enjoyable trip that allows completely relax and forget for a few days of everything that happens in the world. The sea, the sea breeze, the weather, rest, together with all the benefits offered by the cruise, makes an unforgettable cruise vacation spa, which will recharge the batteries and be back with renewed energy. Of these trips, it is customary to return with a deep sense of peace and prosperity.

Medical spa services :

The cruises are usually very comprehensive and offer endless possibilities when it comes to enjoy as the whole boat is available to tourists or passengers. While they may offer the same services that some hotels combine these treatments with the sea is a bonus that will help you relax and stay at the Spa is even more enjoyable.

About the Author

Get log on to spa services that brings you with the best spa in delhi along with the best massage in delhi here with under kerala ayurveda massage care center to make your body fit and fine.

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July 2011 Vedic Astrology Perspective

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Internet site Style Types - How to Develop the Holistic Website

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Linwood Marks

For confident - usually keep in mind the importance of usability, because the consequence of your operate, the site, should be a practical tool which fulfills its function.Knowledge of composition by yourself is not ample to create clean and exclusive internet site style style. Every artist has his individual inimitable 'hand', his type. The internet site design developed will depend on the targets of the web site, it's target marketplace, the goods or services supplied by it really is operator or the kind of details it desires to convey.Beneath are some examples of site style variations (just pay interest - designers love mix variations):Collage - a assortment of pictures that merge to some thing absolutely new.Ornament - abstract and attention grabbing.Glass effect - "glass" buttons, reflections and "plastic" panels "web2" - style (it would seem it is everywhere).Typography - typeface selection, size, layout, combinations of typeface and color.Futurism - outstanding for the appropriate type of data or providers, 'all about future'.Minimalism - provides the visitor area to 'breath', fresh, uncluttered.Retro and Classic -reproduce outdated-fashioned motifs, tendencies and objects that had been an crucial element of the earlier.I wish it aids you create productive internet web sites and web page patterns in significantly less time, with less energy and with much more affect. Or cheers you up.There are a lot of site design variations to pick from but finding the style to finest in shape your program is the important to results. A beginning site designer can often begin off in the improper path as he or she options a website. At the core of the dilemma is a absence of information about the kinds of sites you can develop.The 1st rule of thumb is to have a strategy prior to you begin any site since you are primarily creating a company. You are developing a site business unless of course you might be building it for entertaining, and even nonetheless, the! greates t technique is to treat it as a business. Once you have decided on the purpose and goal of your internet site, appear for distinct site layout styles to fulfill your mission.Are you planning to create an e-commerce web site and promote items? If so, research your levels of competition like you would for any organization. In every circumstance you'll want to appear at the page rank of your competition's internet site to see how long it will just take to make a revenue. By the way, Seo Quake is excellent for studying website web page rank.This style of website layout is merely acknowledged as an e-commerce website. You will need to have a buying cart to obtain funds from paying consumers and a distinctive item that has not been saturated in the industry area. Good items nonetheless exist. Be positive your web host has a very good status for technical help. It will arrive in helpful when your website goes down and you need to know how shortly it will be back again on the web.If you might be in the details organization, you will most likely construct an e-book type web site. This design of internet site is normally developed around a item that you create in the sort of an e-e-book.

About the Author

Hi there all of you I would like to share my knowlage with you on website designing and search engine optimisation. I hope this information might be of use to people hoping to get into the field of website design and seo.Internet site Layout - Hardware and Software package Instruments You May possibly Want</

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Healthiest Juices: The Top Four Holistic Vegetable And Fruit Juices List

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Charlie Raynedun

We are all aware that fruits and veggie drinks are undoubtedly a very good resource for vitamins and minerals but an issue that most wellness fanatics would certainly inquire is which fruit and veggies are regarded to have the most healthiest juices.

In this particular article we are going to explore some of the fruit and veggies that are deemed as the healthiest by many people.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is actually regarded as as one of the healthiest juices that you can give your system due to the fact it includes all natural qualities which consists of b vitamins,E & C furthermore calcium and potassium. Remember, pimples are normally shaped whenever a hair follicle ends up being inflamed contributing to inflammation and redness. The unique properties of freshly squeezed lemon juice assists the impacted areas and a excellent help in lessening acne scarring.

Tomato Juice

An additional beverage that is deemed as the most healthy is the tomato juice or some people may refer to it as superfood for the heart. According to a Harvard investigation nearly all kinds of tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamins A and C, constitute a top supply of lycopene, and supply a fantastic source of potassium.

Both vitamin A and lycopene stops oxidation of bad cholestrerol levels, while lycopene also reduces amounts of C-reactive proteins. Daily consumption of tomato juice and other tomato based products may possibly reduce the risk of heart problems by up to 30%.

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate has also proven to decrease bad cholestrerol levels and keep your heart healthy and strong. It's even one of the greatest fruit juices to consume for preventing breast, and prostate cancer by just drinking a single serving of natural pomegranate fruit juice daily.

Cranberry Juice

It's loaded with ascorbic acid, which is vital to a healthy immune system. Unsweetened cranberry juice also can lessen your risk of bladder infections.

Now tha t you know many of the healthiest juices available you can now implement what you know and begin incorporating these fruit drinks into your diet. Not only are these juices healthy but it also taste great, it can also be created using cheap juice recipes and will be enjoyed by many of the members of the family.

You can also use the juices above if you are thinking of going through a juice fast or a juice fasting plan but never forget to see with your doctor first and do a bit of research about these kinds of diet programs before you decide to really begin with it. Although, these fat loss programs are safe it is advisable to listen to your doctor's tips first.

If fruit and vegetable juices isn't actually your thing don't worry, mainly because there is also a diet program called vegetable cleanse diet. The key of this diet regime is fairly similar to the juice fasting diet but instead of juicing the fruit and veggies it involves ingesting an assortment of fruits and veggies for a duration of at the least 72 hours or even a lot more to cleanse and detoxify the body.

Bear in mind being healthy doesn't need to be a negative experience and it doesn't need to be expensive, simply take note of the healthy fruit juices that has been stated earlier and include it to your diet.

About the Author

Discover the healthiest juices and find out the best way to integrate it into your daily diet by checking out my site about vegetable cleanse.

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Better Sexual Intercourse Alleviating Prostate Disorders The Natural And Holistic Way

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by manuelbeyser

Getting a larger penis is something that most men desire in their lives. After all men watch adult movies and compare themselves to the actors and the results leave them feeling inadequate. It has been statistically proven that eight out of ten women prefer a larger and thicker penis because it provides them with more pleasure in the bedroom.

The size of your penis seems to be an obsession with the majority of guys. Most of us average sized and endowed men often fantasise about having a bigger manhood. However in the pursuit of sexual happiness both guys and girls would love to know how to increase penis girth.

Do you feel insecure about how the size of your penis measure up? Do you lack confidence when your performance in bed is called for? Take heart! Studies have shown that more than 80% of guys out there have some issues relating to the size of their manhood and are anxious to find one single proven solution to end their size insecurities. Keep reading and discover the real truth about penis male enlargement and what you can do to build to add 2-4' to your size.

Are you happy with the size of your penis? If you are not then take action today! Once you understand how simple it is to enlarge your penis you will wonder why you waited so long. Enlarge your penis NOW >>

When it comes to lovemaking it is very true that men would like to give the girlfriend intense orgasm. Every man would like to become the best lover of the girl. As a result it is very important for you to learn the ways to turn her on. There are indeed some techniques for you to do so. Be sure to discover these techniques so that you can perform perfectly on bed.

Do you want a bigger manhood? I am sure you do! Are you looking for a safe and affordable way to increase the length and girth of your penis? I am sure you are! Discover a safe and affordable way to get a bigger manhood in this article...

penis male enlargement has always been an art rather than a science with lots of! methods tried haphazard in order to get the big gains that men are looking for. That's changing today as more precise data becomes available on how the penis works and how to make it grow in a way that works fast and lasts for good. What this research shows is that natural methods are far more effective on both these scores. I've written this article to introduce the facts about the natural methods and what they can do for you.

These days it is possible to enlarge the penis. There are a whole range of techniques available for men but quality and effectiveness is obviously not the same. Quality methods are really important because they will determine how good the end result will be.

About the Author

Are you happy with your penis size? Most men are not. If you want to enlarge your penis size permanently and see huge gains - read on.. Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life! Enlarge your penis at home >>

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Aromatherapy For Headache Relief

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 09:00 AM PDT

by justin

Article by Lisa Davis

We live in stressful times and many people unfortunately bear witness to this by suffering from headaches. Headaches are the result of a number of different factors. In fact, often times headaches are in indication that something else is taking place in the body. For example, an impacted tooth or a jaw infection can cause a headache. Anxiety, tension, and stress can be the source of a painful headaches. Sometimes an allergy or sinus pressure causes what is known as a sinus headache. Straining the eyes can also result in headaches; eye strain is very common in those who work with small print, computer screens, or finely detailed objects. People who work with loud noises also suffer from headaches. This category includes such people as construction workers and even elementary school teachers. Some headaches are called migraines, and though they are excruciatingly painful, they have no known cause.

The most common headache remedies are Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, and Aspirin. For frequent headache sufferers, the thought of taking daily medication may not be very appealing. If the headache results from an allergy or a sinus infection, treating the source of the infection will help prevent future headaches. Headaches caused by eyestrain may indicated the need for a visit to the eye doctor. In fact, if you wear glasses and are suffering from frequent headaches, it may be a sign that you need to have your eyes checked. You may need a stronger prescription. Just as your headache may indicate the necessity for a visit to the eye doctor, it may also be a warning that you need to visit the dentist. If you are having tooth trouble, you may have discovered the cause of your headache. For those whose work makes strong demands on the eyes, it is helpful to take frequent breaks from your work and to palm the eyes. This entails using the palm of the hands to gently massage the eye area while the eyes are closed. This can relieve some of the stress from the eyes. If your work mandates that you to sit in front o! f a comp uter screen, make sure to take breaks often and to get up and walk around.

You should seek medical assistance any time you have a persistent headache. Headaches should not be ignored. Headaches may be a symptom of an underlying, yet serious medical condition that needs immediate treatment. Aromatherapy can be very beneficial in treating many headaches. Aromatherapy is also a preferable alternative to regular aspirin use. Frequent aspirin use causes thinning of the blood and can lead to stomach irritation, as well as other dangerous side effects. A wonderful headache treatment can be found by creating massage oil using basil and rosemary essential oils. Add 5 drops of rosemary and 5 drops of basil to 1 ounce of carrier oil, such as Sweet Almond. Use this oil to massage the temples and across the forehead at the first signs of a headache.

About the Author

Lisa Davis enjoys writing for several well-known online magazines, on health and beauty and health and wellness issues.

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Brain development takes place holistically using seacod

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Varshanicholas

Studies prove there is a direct link between a person's brain development and the environment he/she lives in. For proper development of mental faculties, a safe environment is very important. Ensuring a safe biological environment is also important. Also, partaking of a wholesome nutritious diet and staying away from environmental hazards ensures good mental health.

A very important factor when it comes to having good memory is taking an active interest in the activities you perform. Interest automatically boosts recollection. Health drinks are also available in the market these days, which contain essential nutrients that help increase memory power. Also, being happy is much more conducive to remembering things better than being joyless and disinterested is. These days, each and everyone face a lot of stress in his/her life. Hence, retaining memory has become quite difficult. A good diet is very important to improve memory power. One should have wholesome meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Consuming nuts like walnuts and almonds aid improving memory. Good sleep is also very essential to revitalize the brain. Playing mind games like Sudoku, Chess, solving the Rubik's Cube, Scrabble, etc go a long way in enhancing memory power. More you use your brain; the more its functioning is improved.

Solving jigsaw puzzles, riddles, and Mensa quizzes also help a lot. Deep breathing exercises also help a lot to improve memory power. Many games on the internet too are helpful. Herbal medicines are also available on the market these days to boost memory power. These can also be ordered online. Lack of sleep is very detrimental to brain and body functioning. Regular, sufficient sleep of about eight hours helps refresh the mind and helps in repairing the wear and tear of body tissues. There are many workshops held these days which help enhance and improve memory power by indulging in simple exercises, meditation, healthy diet and stress free environment.

Imparting social skills and the abi! lity to mingle easily with others is important for brain development. A home environment which is very stressful can be extremely detrimental to a child or even an adult's mental health. These can cause poor attention spans, lack of interest in daily activities, depression, low confidence, social phobia, emotional and adjustment problems and so on. It is thus extremely important to keep the atmosphere at home full of love, trust and care. Proper exercise also goes a long way in helping develop good mental health. Exercise helps the release of 'feel good' hormones in the body, which in turn boosts the production of healthy brain cells. Healthy food like lentils, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes should be included in the daily diet as they help in brain development by providing a lot of nutrients to the body which are vital for its proper functioning. Meditation is one good technique to boost mental health as it relaxes both the body and the mind. Good, peaceful sleep lasting seven to eight hours is also of paramount importance to proper mental health.

About the Author

sevenseasseacod - Sea cod oil capsules are best vitamin supplements in the market because of its highly effective for all age groups for maintain their physical and mental health and improve memory power

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Aromatherapy for Stress Relief at Work

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by John Pawlett

Most people work a 40 hour week so we can estimate that we typically spend about 2,000 hours at work each year. And many people work even more than this. Yet we often don't take the time to ensure that our job setting is a pleasant place to be. Our jobs are often very stressful and stress is a known trigger for many common ailments and diseases. Many studies have been done on the relationship between job stress and a variety of ailments. Mood and sleep disturbances, upset stomach, headaches and disturbed relationships with family and friends are examples of stress related problems that are quick to develop.

Before you think about stress reduction, start by identifying the particular stresses in your work and the effect they have on you. What, specifically, is it about your work situation that makes you feel anxious, angry, frustrated, burned out, depressed, etc? Do you have a difficult boss or co-worker? Do you have too much work and not enough time to do it? When you come up with your list of stressors, address them one at a time.

Managing stress is a slow and measured process that should take place over time and not all at once. Take stock of the situation and make a note of the things that are causing you the most concern. Look at things that you can do, or ask for support that will ease the situation, no matter how small. Set some achievable goals towards removing the problem. Think back to some similar situations you have overcome and apply these lessons.

A common reaction to a stressful situation is to try to escape, at least temporarily, by taking a coffee break or a quick smoke. But this only adds to the toxins in your body and does not attempt to deal with the underlying causes. A more effective response is to confront the tasks that cause you stress. Develop healthy habits one day at a time. Take a short walk in the morning, eat regularly, take time over your meals, and keep in touch with your mind and body.

It can be very beneficial to change your own outlook and! actions rather than trying to change others who you believe are the cause of your stress. No matter what the causes of your tension and stress are, there are many strategies you can use to help protect you against the ill effects of stress. We elaborate on a different strategy to relieve stress each month in this newsletter.

Implementing aromatherapy into your life can go a long way in easing your stress as well as the stress levels of others around you. One of the main attributes of pure essential oils is their ability to relieve stress with immediate positive benefits. Because of the emotional elements which are at play in stress-related conditions, the choice of essential oils depends largely on the causes of the problem and the temperment of each individual and how they respond under pressure. Only use oils that appeal to you. If you do not like the scent, it will not have the desired effect.There are many ways to bring aromatherapy into the workplace. Diffusers heat essential oils and allows their molecules to be released into the atmosphere. Inhaling different essential oils can alter your mood, stimulate creativity, help concentration and rid an area of airborne viruses and bacteria. Scenting your office with Lavender essential oil is said to reduce computer errors at least 25%.If you have to work in an air conditioned or stuffy building, using essential oils in a diffuser or spritzing a spritzer can really clear the air. Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint and Rosemary are all excellent for a quick pick me up. Try Chamomile, Lavender, Orange or Sandalwood oil. All are thought to help combat stress and tension. Here are a few more ideas to get you started.

If you cant use a diffuser at work, simply put a drop of essential oil on a tissue and keep with you to sniff whenever you need to.

Put a few drops of your favorite essential oil on the cardboard tube inside a roll of toilet paper to fragrance the bathroom at work.

Let scent be your calling card. Simply add your favorite essen! tial oil s to cotton balls and place your business cards and the cotton balls in a box with a lid. Keep tightly closed for at least 1 week.

Mix 5 drops of Lavender essential oil (or your favorite oil) into about a teaspoon of Jojoba or Almond oil. Dab on a cloth and wipe the surfaces of your desk and top of the computer. When the heat of the computer warms the oil there is a pleasant fresh fragrance wafting through the air.

About the Author

Aromatherapy Gifts is an informative website that looks into all aspects of Fragrencies from oils throught to candels.To find out more visit Aromatherapy

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Posted: 14 Jul 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes

Top 5 Aromatherapy Essential Oils for Beginners

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 05:00 AM PDT

by Zero-X

Article by Marian Brown

Aromatherapy is the art and science of using essential oils (oils extracted from plants) for a healthy benefit. Because aromatherapy can be done as a self-help technique, it can be used for a variety of common health issues. Below is a list of the Top 5 essential oils that beginners can use for common issues.

Eucalyptus -- Eucalyptus Globulus Eucalyptus has a stimulating smell that clears congestion. It has a long history and is common in many of today's over-the-counter cold preparations. It is a powerful antiseptic which reportedly kills airborne germs. It is excellent in vaporizers during cold and flu season.

Lavender -- Lavandula Augustifolia Lavender has a mild fragrance and is often used in potpourri, soaps, & talcs. It is a gentle oil that may be applied directly to the skin. It is excellent for use on burns. Lavender is widely known for its relaxation properties. It is an excellent stress reducer.

Peppermint -- Mentha Piperita The distinctive smell of peppermint is widely recognized. This essential oil should not be used internally or directly on the skin. It is a very potent inhalant which contains menthol which clears the head and stimulates thinking. Also, it has traditionally been used for nausea, headaches and fatigue. It makes an excellent foot massage when mixed with carrier oil.

Rosemary -- Rosmarinus Officinalis Rosemary has a long history and has been valued as sacred and religious oil. It has antiseptic properties. Rosemary is a powerful physical and mental booster and is often used in "Wake Up" blends.

Tea Tree Oil -- Melaleuca Alternifolia Tea Tree oil has a very distinct, medicinal-like smell. It may be applied directly to the skin. It is exceptional for use on cuts, acne, warts, and other skin/fungal infections. It may be added to shampoo as head lice or flea repellent.

About the Author

Marian Brown has been active in holistic health care for over 20 years. She is editor of Holistic Health News Visit our site at http://www.hhnews.com to join our free email newsletter.

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What Lies Beneath The Great Pyramid Of King Khufu

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by Ahmed Hussein

As I stood next to the great pyramid at the ancient Giza plateau in Egypt, it latterly took my breath away, The majestic 146 meters high pyramid stands there for more than four thousand yeas enduring the challenges of time, weather and enemy attacks , This Is a scene that I could not forget until I decided to dig deeper into the secrets , the mysteries and the history behind this magnificent structure.The builder of the great pyramid was king Khufu, son of king Senferu , He ruled the old kingdom from 2589 to 2566 B.C , His full name was Khnum Khufu which means "The God Khnum Protects me", He had 9 sons and 15 daughter, Very soon after he took the throne, king Khufu decided to start building the great pyramid , it is thought that he consulted a magician back then whose name was Djedi but the reasons for this are still unknown, It was thought that Khufu enslaved his people to get the great pyramid built but those theories were actually a complete fabrication as historians and explorer came up with evidence that those who built the pyramids were chosen according to a specific criteria and they got paid to do the job, To get the pyramid built, King Khufu and his architects brought huge limestone blocks from the city of Tura across the river Nile as well as huge granite blocks from the city of Aswan , 5 to 20 meters wooden boats was used to transfer the limestone and the granite to the construction site as the high water from the river Nile came really near the site during the flooding season creating a natural harbor that was used to the benefit of building the great pyramid .There are a lot of debates regarding why king Khufu built the great pyramids, most historian recommend that it was built for a spiritual purpose, as king Khufu got buried there in the king's chamber inside the heart of the great pyramid, But it's hard to believe at least for myself that this huge building is just a tomb that honors the king, And in fact I don't think that anyone can tell for sure why Khufu built the great pyramid! , and th e reason for this is that till today historians and explorers are still discovering more and more information about the great pyramid, There are secret chambers inside the structure that was not seen by human eye since the pyramid was built , The Djedi project team which is an international-Egyptian joint team named after the magician who consulted Khufu when he planned the layout of his building are awaiting official permission to explore 4 narrow shafts found inside the heart of the great pyramid using micro robots , And according to Reuters, The team is very confident that a new discovery will be made soon , Will 2012 solve the great pyramid mystery? Let's wait and see. Another secret that I came across while researching is how the pyramid is aligned exactly to the magnetic north while historians do not have any evidence that the ancient Egyptian invented the compass or even used any similar devices, That alone is a proof that the ancient Egyptians had knowledge and technology that we are still unaware of, All energy healers, Reiki channels -If you believe in cosmic energy--confirmed that if you make a pyramid using the same dimensions of the great pyramid and align it to the magnetic north, it produces unknown kind of energy called the cosmic energy or the life energy and this energy is at its peak exactly at the center of the model pyramid (same location where the king was buried), The energy produced have capabilities of preserving food and sharpening razor blades, I decided to test this myself and for the test I used to green bananas, I place one inside the model pyramid and the other outside of it, After a week , The banana inside the pyramid stayed green and healthy while the one that was outside turned black! That is just another confirmation that this magnificent building is not just a tomb, There is actually a lot more to it, And hopefully time will bring more answers.

About the Author

Reuters news agency The Egyptian Pyramids book for dr.Ismael abdelfattah. The miracle of the great pyramid, Dr.Zahi Hawas

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Aromatherapy For Energy

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 03:00 AM PDT

Article by Angela Power

Aromatherapy involves the use of natural plant essences to promote health, wellbeing and vitality. These natural plant essences commonly known as essential oils are highly concentrated and are extracted from aromatic plants and trees known to exhibit therapeutic properties.

Each of these plants contains a small percentage of essential oil which varies from plant to plant. How much of a percentage together with the method of extraction and availability, usually determines its price. For example it takes more than three times the weight of rose petals to lavender flowers to extract the same volume of essential oil and this is primarily why rose oil commands such a premium price over lavender.

Essential oils have been utilized by man for their therapeutic benefits for thousands of years. Records going as far back as Ancient Egypt show the High Priests and Royal Family members used pure essential oils in natural skin care cosmetics, perfumes, medicines and massage oils. Christ Himself was anointed with Spikenard signifying the link between Body, Mind and Spirit and the use of essential oils in healing.

These oils deliver a distinctly unique source of energy, both physical and spiritual. You could say that cars too evolve from different components, and acceleration or speed is the energy created as the end result. By contrast, essential oils are so much more. They are a living intelligence emanating from within the aromatic plant. That is why some essential oils can be described as fresh and lively or warm and earthy. Such is the comparison of manmade verses nature.

The physical side of natural Aromatherapy as energy medicine is the breaking down of these so called components of essential oils (their chemistry, biophysics etc) into antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral to name just a few physical actions. On the other hand Spiritual or subtle energy is present in all organic life. It flows through us all and is also known among other names as qi or chi (Chinese) or as prana (Sa! nskrit) the lifeforce that emanates from all living things. So too the uniquely delicate energy captured within the essential oils such as rose or neroli reminds us of gentle love and the beauty that abounds not only in nature but also within ourselves. This subtle energy vibrates at the souls level wrapping us in the wings of an angel.

So when we use essential oils in everyday life, either through inhalation for a cold or in a carrier oil for a relaxing massage or simply diffusing the oils a distinctly different energy is created within our being. Each essential oil is a holistic creation that has the intelligence capable of influencing us on a physical, emotional or spiritual level. When using essential oils harmonically our life force has the subtle potential to transform dynamically.

The following oils will naturally harmonize and enhance each other. Neroli (orange blossom) with it's delicate and sophisticated scent calms the nerves and uplifts the Spirit. It is a sensual oil that is both soothing for negative emotions and harmoniously grounding. Orange (fruit) is a sweet, warm and joyful oil. It conveys an easy-going approach for the obsessive perfectionist types. Lastly, Petitgrain (stem) is bitter and herbaceous instilling comfort and settling emotions. The 'Reunited Blend' is uplifting for both young and old!

About the Author

Angela Power enjoys writing articles on aromatherapy and is renowned for her ability to provide knowledge through her real life experiences. Visit her Garden Apothecary website for further articles on natural Aromatherapy & the use of Massage Oils.

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Massage Therapies reduces Dementia

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 02:00 AM PDT

by Kurrs

Article by Book_mydoctor

From the ancient times there are varies of message therapies are in the trend in India and aboard too. Massage Therapy is quite helpfulto get relief from the discomfort and symptoms of dementia. Dementia is a set of syndrome means loss of memory and loss of cognitive function, as well as affective and behavioral disturbances. Irritability, aggression and anxiety may occur in response to loss of self control and memory of a patient. It is a progressive, deteriorating disorder that affects language, attention, memory, emotions and problem-solving capabilities of an affected person. Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia.

Dementia has many causes according to the type of the condition. Some dementias occur on their own and not as result of another disease. Much of the causes are still unknown.

Head Massage can assist in comforting a patient under distress. Study says Touch Therapy and massaging has played a vital role to come down the effects of dementia disorder to the patient. Light, soothing massage or other non-invasive methods such as Reiki, Aromatherapy can relax agitated behaviors of a distressed person.

Unfriendly behaviors, frequent withdrawal and separationare also common factors in people with dementia because of the patient's inability to communicate and get along in social cultural or communication settings. If all such type of behaviors can be relaxed with applying of massage along with tiring to maintain regular interaction with normal social and personal routine. Talking and exchanging thoughts of these persons among their friends or doctors are also very helpful to deal with their abnormality problems.

Other problems associated with dementia are insomnia, depression, anxiety and grief or some kind of ego problem, misunderstanding, lacking of interest in gathering knowledge can be concluded. All such behaviors problems can be sorted out by taking short intervals of massages by some professionals. It creates a sense of peaceof mind to the patient.

Subseq uently each person does have different perception about message therapies then; they can start with short sittings as under the guidance of their physician or some massage expert. There is a caution first you yourself must ensure about the massage therapist that they are renounced.

Although no standard treatment for dementia exists, its symptoms can be treated. Additional treatments aim to reduce the risk factors for further brain damage.

Thus a gentle or slow stroke massage can reduce the physical expressions of anxiety in those suffering from dementia, including Alzheimer's Disorder. Dementia is resulting from brain disorders that greatly impair cognitive skills, without causing a loss of consciousness. It is most commonly found in the elderly.

Various popular alternatives are available to cure dementia; however one should be cautious while using these alternatives to slow the progress of the disease

About the Author

The writer of this article is associated with BookMyDoctor.com and writing about the various diseases since a long time, in this article the writer mainly focused on the treatment of dementia and primary symptoms of dementia, and about the various causes of dementia that a patient can feel during this disease

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How To Make A Penis Larger With Out Pumps Or Pills T Boost Takes Holistic Approach To Men'S Reproductive Health

Posted: 14 Jul 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by desiremcraney

If you want to enlarge your penis naturally then this article is just right for you. Here we will discuss three effective ways to add to your penis' length and girth. All of these techniques focus on improving blood circulation in the erectile tissue thus ensuring that the results are permanent.

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You can make your penis much bigger and thicker and able to satisfy any woman and make them climax. I went from a pitiful 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about which methods actually work for getting a big thick penis that can satisfy and impress any woman.

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Sexual dysfunction in men is largely referred to as erectile early dysfunction. There are some natural erection pills that can help you get harder and longer lasting erections without any side effects at all.

If you've bought a penis extender or are thinking of buying one you need to know how to use it. After all in order to see a gain in size you need to use the device correctly. If you don't you would have been better off not buying one at all.

About the Author

Are you happy with the size of your penis? Do you wish that there was a guaranteed way to enlarge your penis safely? Look no further - It is now guaranteed and safe to add up to 4 inches to your penis size in just a matter of weeks! The best part is you can start TODAY adding length and girth to your penis size. Click here to get Bigger >>

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Posted: 14 Jul 2012 12:00 AM PDT




Everybody is full of dreams and hope, like a ten year old boy who inspires to be the next David Beckham, or like a 65 year old man who still has a faint hope of winning every time he buys a Lottery ticket on a Saturday morning. Everyone has a goal, a target that they want to reach, whether it is realistic or seemingly unachievable. But, John Richardson who left school with 'nothing' has managed to get where he dreamed of since he had his first encounter with hypnotherapy at the age of eight - through an episode of Scooby Doo. 'I walked out of school with 'nothing', but only want and desire to become successful,' he vows.John Richardson is a perfect example which shows that you can be what you want to be, as he goes on to say '…with want and desire you can achieve anything.' Those words have an overall meaning which says that if you persevere, you can achieve the dream you aim for. Before he reached his dream of becoming a hypnotherapist, John Richardson had a very successful career in sales. 'Before I started working professionally as a hypnotherapist I had a successful career in sales...' To show that he isn't a man who has his head in the clouds, he says that he is not afraid to go back to his old job: 'I would do anything to make money,' he admits. After realizing that being involved in sales was not what he wanted to do for the rest of his life, he started to take action on his life-long ambition of becoming a hypnotherapist. 'It's always been a passion…' he states, 'and then became a full-time career.' He learnt the stage side of hypnotherapy first by a stage hypnotist, which proved to be very costly. '…this has got a cost of thousands of pounds to learn.' He then went on a clinical course that took two years to study; and after all that, he finally gained a diploma in holistic hypnotherapy. When asked if he did any research from books, he casually turned around in his office chair and waved at the back wall, which was covere! d by a t ightly packed bookshelf, and said: 'I read loads,' with a smirk. Like everyone, John Richardson has somebody who he looks up to. 'People like Paul McKenna, Richard Bandler, and probably Derren Brown.' These are the people who influenced him most on his journey to being successful, and put him in a trance-like state of his own. But he doesn't inspire to be like them. John said that he wants to make his work kind of unique, so therefore he is not following in their footsteps. 'I'm working more as a clinical hypnotherapist, being on the medical side,' he said, which involves focusing on the well-being of people, and working mainly with weight loss. John didn't just let local people and friends spread the word about him to get known, but promotes himself through magazines and newspapers, as well as his own website. On his website and within articles, he includes his phone number and E-Mail address, so people know how to get in contact. He is also a FaceBook user, and people get in touch with him there, too. When somebody does book an appointment, the number of sessions they have vary with what they are visiting him for. 'Normally it runs over eight visits if it is analysis that people need, and that's getting to the root of the problem of what's causing them to feel the way they do. I do one session things such as smoking and fear of flying…' But usually, he says that it runs over an eight week course. John treats every individual separately, and doesn't have just one way of doing things. He and the client decide on how many visits they feel is suitable, and added that his motto was 'We fit the technique to the client, not the client to the technique.' Over the course of him being a hypnotherapist, he does get a challenge every now and then that seems to be beyond redemption. 'You get this thing called subconscious resistance when the mind is not prepared to change,' he explains. But John never gives up, and usually gets to the bottom of it providing the client is prepared to carry on. He has what he cal! ls 'easi er' problems to deal with, which are things like smoking. Although he doesn't take people on who are, for example, addicted to drugs, as he states 'it's more of a specialist thing,' he says that they are one of the hardest issues to deal with. 'Being addicted to drugs is probably the hardest one, as it forms a chemical imbalance within the mind; therefore a lot of the true issues have been masked by the drugs.'As we see on T.V or how we might imagine it, I asked John if he used candles, incense and music to try and calm and relax the client. But he doesn't do that. 'That's mainly for therapies like reiki, wher mine is more clinical…' and he states that they are not needed. Every time John relieves a client he gains a sense of satisfaction. He says that it is far from being 'another day in the office', and pauses to think for a moment. 'It's more like scoring a goal at Wembley,' he jokes. A typical working day for John Richardson includes a lot of hard work. 'I usually start at half past nine with my first appointment, and I can usually see two in the morning and probably three in the afternoon, and then two after tea. So I do work a long day.' As John is so dedicated to his work, and why he is successful and recommended by a lot of people who have been to see him is because he puts maximum time and effort in. 'Because the people who ring me up are wanting to get well, I feel that its an urgency, so I put the hours in.' He tells me that each session lasts roughly about one hour, but he will run over if he has to do so. Every day appears to be different, as he gets fewer clients, or sometimes he has more. The topics also vary with what he has to deal with, as some people visit him for smoking or weight loss, and then other individuals call in for other neurotic complaints like depression. As he puts in all this effort, I wondered if his job ever got stressful. He quite simply said 'No.' I asked him then if it was quite relaxing. 'Because you look at other people who come and see me and you think how luc! ky am I to feel as good as I do? So no, it does make you feel good,' he explained. I carried on and tried find out if there was anything that did stress him out or work him up about his dream job, but he only recalled what he told me about subconscious resistance. Everybody that comes to see John will have gained some benefit, even if they are not fully cured. 'I would say that I work on about a 96% success rate which is very good for a hypnotist,' he boasted, 'so I am very happy about that,' John added proudly. I wondered if he liked working from home, or if he preferred in an office. 'No, I just work from home, which actually is my office, which is next door to my home,' he joked. It was very inspiring to meet this intelligent, charismatic, wise individual, as it made me realise that if you believe and persevere, you can get to where you dream to be. John has proved exactly that, and this is why a lot of people look up to him. He told me to follow your dreams and don't give up, because if you want it bad enough, you will achieve it.



About the Author

John Richardson is the founder of The Feelbetterfast Clinic and creatorof Mind Imagery Reprogramming [M.I.R] the purest form of hypnotherapy. Also a specialist in Natural-Analysis- Hypnotherapy and developer of theLose Weight And Feel-Better-Fast System Of Natural Weight Management.

"John Richardson is fast becoming one of the leading authorities on the Hypno-Gastric Band Procedure and permanent weight loss.

www.feelbetterfast.co.uk also http://www.hypno-band.org.uk

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

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