Aromatherapy in the Laundry

Aromatherapy in the Laundry

Aromatherapy in the Laundry

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Wendy Mackay

Doing the washing can seem like a thankless, never ending task. No sooner have you washed, dried, ironed and folded that mountain of clothes, then someone has refilled the laundry hamper and it all starts over again!

Aromatherapy can't make that mountain of washing go away (sorry!) but it can make the whole process of dealing with it so much more pleasant.

Here are a few tips -

Washing You can add a few drops of essential oil to your washing soap or detergent. It is best to choose a liquid and one with little or no fragrance to do this. Use just a very few drops of essential oil and make sure it is thoroughly mixed in the liquid before adding to the machine. You can also do the same with your softener, again making sure it is a no or low-fragranced type. Try lavender for a classic fragrance, lemon for freshness or eucalyptus for the cold winter months.

When hand washing, especially for woolens, I like to use a pure soap, adding some essential oil. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to the final rinse along with a cup of white vinegar, to help remove the last traces of soap. Eucalyptus essential oil will give that classic "wool wash" aroma, or try lavender to help deter moths.

Drying Anyone who dries their washing on a line outside will know how fresh it makes everything smell. I am a great fan of line drying for this reason - plus it is much kinder to both the environment and your power bills! But if you do need to use a dryer, you can also use essential oils to give fabrics a great fragrance. Simply put a couple of drops of essential oil on a price of cotton fabric or an old handkerchief, and place in the dryer with the clothes.

Ironing is for many people one of the most boring parts of doing the laundry! Some people manage to avoid it altogether, but if you cannot, why not incorporate aromatherapy? I do not recommend adding essential oils to the water reservoir of your iron (although I have seen some books recommend it) as ess! ential o ils can react with and damage plastic parts of the iron. However you can add the oils to a spray bottle of water. Shake well and simply spray the fabric before ironing.

Storage Essential oils are also great to fragrance and protect your clothes and other fabrics when storing them. The old lavender sachet (a piece of cloth sewn or tied into a pouch containing died lavender flowers) works great. Lavender is good for deterring creatures such as moths than would damage your clothes, but it is not the only one. Alternatives are rosemary, clove bud, cedarwood, sandalwood, geranium, peppermint or spearmint.

Some ways to use these oils are -

- put some drops of oil on cotton balls and tuck these into the corners of drawers or cupboards.

- put drops on sheets of heavy paper cut to size - let dry, then use these to line drawers or shelves

- refresh fabric lavender sachets with a few drops of lavender essential oil.

About the Author

Wendy Mackay is a qualified Aromatherapist and member of the International Aromatherapy and Aromatic Medicine Association (IMAA). Wendy and her husband David run Essence of Wellbeing a successful Aromatherapy and Natural Skin Care business, based on the beautiful Mornington Peninsula, Australia. Read other Aromatherapy and Natural skin care articles by Wendy Mackay here

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Aromatherapy Oils - Bergamot Essential Oil

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Eric J. Smith

Bergamot Essential Oil is derived from Citrus bergamia. of the Genus "Citrus" and the family "Rutaceae". The Bergamot fruit is roughly the size of a regular orange but with the strong yellow colour of a lemon.

The fruit has a very obvious odour which can not be mistaken. It provides the familiar smell of Early Grey Tea and has several medicinal qualities. I can also remember having Marmalade at an Italian friends house made with a Bergamot base.

Second to Early Grey Tea it most likely recognised as an Aromatherapy Oil.

The Extraction processBergamot Oil can be extracted by Cold pressing or steam extraction. I always consider Cold pressing to be the best extraction method. Cold pressing is a method of extraction of citrus oils such as orange, lemon, grapefruit and bergamot. This is the freshest and purest form of extraction but the shelf life of oils extracted in this manner is reduced.

Uses as an Essential OilBergamot Essential is a must have in your Aromatherapy kit. Its uses are many and varied.

Try some of these:

- Bergamot oil when mixed with other citruses like orange or grapefruit oil makes a welcoming air freshener. Placed in a bowl near the front door or near a window. Ensure placement allows the scent to drift around the room and not lost out the door or window.

- Bergamot oil is an ideal addition to an office environment. It has been known to have a calming effect and has been used by those who are depressed or anxious for its calming effects.

- Put half a dozen drops of Bergamot oil in a bowl with hot water. Breathing the vapours may assist in the prevention and treatment of Acne and other skin conditions. Bergamot oils Anti-bacterial properties may assist in the treatment of Acne.

- Bergamot oil has anti-bacterial properties. Citrus based oil such as Bergamot are excellent for use as cleaners and Disinfectant.

- Adding a few drops of bergamot oil to your regular bath will help prevent skin born infections and ! may aid in the prevention and reduction of eczema.

- Bergamot oil can also make an excellent Deodorant.


Essential oils have many benefits and can aid in the prevention or healing of many complaints. Every individual is different. Some essential oils can be toxic. Some oils must never be ingested while others require limited exposure to the sun due to phototoxicity. Read the label and ask your supplier if you are in doubt of the safest use for any particular oil. Not just the one in this article.

About the Author

Eric J. Smith has studied Natural Therapies and has a strong interest in Nutrition. Eric recommends the Aromatherapy Essential Oils available from Miessence. More information on these Certified Organic Essential Oils can be found by visiting >>

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Aromatherapy Oils - Geranium Essential Oil

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Eric J. Smith

Geranium Essential Oil is derived from the leaf and stalk of the Pelargonium graveolens,from the Geraneaceae family. The graveolens species has a much rosier smell compared to the odoratissimum species, which has more of an apple scent. The Pelargonium graveolens is the most prized of the Geranium Essential Oils.

There are several hundred species of Pelargonium but only around 5 to 10 produce sufficient quantities and quality of Essential OilGeranium Essential Oil is used extensively by Aromatherapists around the world.

As with many Essential Oils, Geranium Oil dates back to Ancient Egyptian times. The Egyptians used Geranium oil to treat tumours. Some say the success with this may have been linked to the Hormone regulating potential of it.

There are many historical uses for Geranium Essential Oil for both Health and Cosmetic purposes.

Oil Extraction process

Geranium Essential Oil is steam distilled from the leaf and stalk of the Pelargonium graveolens shrub.

Uses as an Essential OilGeranium Essential Oil derived from the Pelargonium graveolens species has many uses. Due to its Rose like scent it is often used to substitute or lift Rose Essential Oil. We always recommend you seek advice from a local qualified practitioner before using in any internal application.

- Used in Burners, Geranium Essential Oil provides a relaxing atmosphere in a home or office environment. It can provide relief for stress, anxiety, depression and for giving an overall lift.

- Repellent - Mixed with a good quality organic massage carrier oil, geranium is ideal as an insect repellent.

- There are many uses for Geranium Oil as a skincare remedy. Scalds, eczema, shingles and bruises make the short list of potential patients for Geranium essential oil.

- Hair care - I have heard conversation referencing Geranium Essential Oil to the treatment of Head Lice.

- Geranium Essential Oil also makes an excellent Hard surface household cleaner..


Geran ium Essential Oil is a powerful must have addition to any Home Aromatherapy kit. You will also find your local Aromatherapy therapist has Geranium Essential Oil in their Essentials box.

PrecautionsEssential oils have many benefits and can aid in the prevention or healing of many complaints. Every individual is different. Some essential oils can be toxic. Some oils must never be ingested while others require limited exposure to the sun due to phototoxicity. Read the label and ask your supplier if you are in doubt of the safest use for any particular oil. Not just the one in this article.

About the Author

Eric J. Smith has studied Natural Therapies and has a strong interest in Nutrition. Eric recommends the Aromatherapy Essential Oils available from Miessence. More information on these Certified Organic Essential Oils can be found by visiting >>

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Tips for Purchasing How to Buy Massage Table, bed, Salon Equipment and Microdermabrasion Machine

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 02:00 PM PDT

by inju

Article by Myrie Grand

A Massage Table is just one of things that are very important in a salon as well as Massage Bed, Salon Equipment and Microdermabrasion Machine. Prior to purchasing this table, you need to be well informed about this. There are many factors you'll want to consider especially when purchasing massage tables that are portable. The amount of comfort should be high. Foam of multi-density and high density does not lose shape when compared with foam of medium or low density. A vinyl cover of fine quality should be employed for topping from the table. The manufactures make vinyl material that differs in softness and quality.

When purchasing a Massage Table, equally as you should be cautious with Massage Bed, Salon Equipment and Microdermabrasion Machine, take note of end plates. The appearance of the end plates makes no difference if you don't want to practice Reiki. The head rest and arm rest should also constitute excellent.

With massage beds, your financial budget really matters among additional circumstances. As an example, some are effective by utilization of water as well as heat. With the right machine, the blood will circulate better, there is certainly relief of muscle tension as well as the client relaxes. The model that you purchase depends upon the goal of the bed. Some models include warranty while complex ones, the facets are remarkable.

Equally as there are numerous considerations while you purchase Massage Table, Massage Bed you also have to be keen with Salon Equipment and Microdermabrasion Machine. Salon equipment includes many products and items and every with the devices are of numerous function. The cost ranges from cheap for some that are very costly and customarily the harder expensive the equipment is, the more beneficial it's. However, with proper research, you can find equipment of high quality at a reasonable price. Suppliers that provide financial option for example leasing are preferable.

When selecting equipment for salon, consider buying used or new! ones. B uying used equipment does not necessarily mean that it is of low quality. Used backpacks are preferable because they're cheaper. Just before spending money on the equipment, make sure to test the product. In this way you'll assured that the equipment is in proper working condition. For items that you need in bulk, purchasing in big amounts costs less. After making the considerations for Massage Table, Massage Bed, Salon Equipment; you are prepared to supply quality services. However, in addition, you need to be keen as you purchase Microdermabrasion Machine.

Before using the Massage Table, Massage Bed or Salon Equipment, you need to be acquainted with the systems, kit, and merchandise. The products vary between manufacturers plus they all give good results and are not unsafe to make use of. The Microdermabrasion Machine is tricky but crucial and you should choose the kit and system that's ideal for your client's skin type.

About the Author

Click here to know more about Massage Bed.

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What is the Holistic Nutrition About and How to Get a Degree in Holistic Nutrition?

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 01:00 PM PDT

by inju

Article by Bimol

The present time is witnessing an interesting and rather unexpected shift in the preferences of the general population as far as its attitude towards health and medicine is concerned. Previously people mostly concentrated on so called "traditional" medicine, which proclaims an extensive usage of surgery. In our times more and more people become interested in "alternative" ways to improve one's health without means of surgical intervention, trusting their preferences to the skills of natural health experts to treat illnesses and chronic diseases. At the same time, the traditional medical specialists begin to recognize and appreciate certain methods and achievements of this "alternative" or natural medicine and its approaches to what it calls "wellness". This field of medical practice is increasingly gaining popularity both among the prospective patients and the experts in traditional medicine as well

One of the biggest reasons behind the growing popularity of natural healing is its much better affordability in comparison with the traditional medical care costs. Initially, exactly the lower spendings on natural healing happened to be the fuel to fire the interest of the general public. Not all people, even those with health insurance, can afford the massive spendings on diagnostic methods, hospitalization and operations, to say nothing about the post-surgery rehabilitation. But there is also another factor, which is not connected with the financial side of this issue. The general public really has become much more interested nowadays in natural health and wellness. This is an overall trend, connected with changes in people's awareness and interest toward holistic ideas.

If you get a holistic nutrition degree and become a holistic nutrition practitioner it would mean that you have been trained in ways to improve people's health and life quality in a comprehensive manner through giving an advice on holistic feeding. You will be promoting natural means of health improvement and preservation! , addres sing the whole body as a whole, according to the holistic doctrine.

The holistic nutrition training offers its students such subjects as general food, holistic health methods, herbology, natural nutritional supplements, as well as the most efficient and proved techniques of holistic health care. Also you can get such specializations as massage therapy, aromatherapy, and digestion. You will be able to provide a client with advice regarding a diet planning according to individual characteristics of the immune system. Also a holistic nutrition training course will teach you methods of consultation in nutrition in general and holistic nutrition as well.

Since the variety of courses in holistic health and nutrition is more than ample nowadays, the prospective students can have a wide choice of options to choose from. Everything will depend on your personality, your individual interests in holistic approach to nutrition and career goals to be achieved, of course. As a rule a certificate or diploma in holistic nutrition can be obtained during about a year. You have to be prepared to obtain comprehensive knowledge is such thins as carbohydrates, lipids and proteins and whole grains. The program will teach you the holistic approaches to preparation of food, to metabolism, to obesity and harmful addictions. The usage of vitamins and minerals is also extensively covered by any decent holistic nutrition training course.

It goes without saying, you are your own master when deciding whichever route to take. But make sure that the program under consideration is of accredited type. In this case you may rest assured that the training contents will comprehensively cover such subjects as anatomy, biology, biochemistry, chemistry, physiology and meditation to give one perfect piece of mind. Through extensive experience accumulated by holistic approach establishments the students enrolled in nutrition education programs are going to get clear understanding of how much the food that people consume is one of! the cri tical factors to influence the general functioning of the human body, which, essentially, is an amazing biological machine. The quality of this machine's operation depends on the quality of fuel you fill it with. The holistic nutrition approach helps students, patients and customers in making informed decisions regarding what to eat to be healthy and how to change their ways, switching to much healthier lifestyles.

Besides the strictly professional training in holistic nutrition in many cases holistic health schools provide a possibility to choose some additional specialization from rather wide range of available subjects. For instance, there are such popular programs as herbal medicine, acupuncture, reiki, introduction to homeopathy, hydrotherapy, massages, reflexology and others - to mention just a few. Generally speaking, all natural approaches to health improvement and preservation are readily available to students of holistic health schools and training programs.

In conclusion it should be mentioned that holistic health training, including the field of holistic nutrition is nowadays available through online education and courses. For many people it represents a perfectly convenient and affordable way to learn new trade and boost their career growth, especially if such people are too busy with everyday responsibilities to afford going to a traditional class to study. Online holistic nutrition training is quite worth your consideration, after all.

About the Author

online nutrition courses

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Strength and Love – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Hello and good morning, Dr. Rob. Another awesome and amazing day in the universe. God has granted you and I the beauty and perfection of this day with love. Life is the journey and all the things that come are God's gifts. Strength and love. Every day live with strength and love. Get up and out, and go do something this day, and live your life with passion and joy. How long and how far? Infinite, energy forever, each of us. This physical body, this momentary life, this story we create—but a story. Now change the story and change the state of mind, and move forward.

Yes, share your feelings, your thoughts, and let them go. That's what I do every day. I come back to Thank you God for this day, and I love you. Love, that's what this is about, love. When we share love, love evolves, love comes out, life is so beautiful and perfect! So easy! When you give love, love comes back. You have to hold it and believe it, even when believing doesn't seem possible. Love.

Share love every day. Be loving, kind, and generous in this day as you step forward. Even in the challenges, love. God Bless. Enjoy the day, Dr. Rob. Another awesome and amazing day in the universe.

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Guardian Angels ~ Divine Harmonies ~ Harvey Summers

"Le Choeur Invisible" by Harvey Summers download here : HARMONIES: The recording 'Le Choeur Invisible' composed and performed by Harvey Summers is taken from the CD "Guardian Angels". The album takes you on a musical journey starting with the haunting sounds and echoes of our Guardian Angels that encourages us to hear messages of comfort, guidance and empowerment from the Angelic Realm. The CD is part of a 3 CD set entitled "Divine Harmonies", to listen to this and the other CDs in the set go to the website below. webcast created by http ©2011 blue dot music All Worldwide reserved.

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Read This Holistic Treatment For Heartburn

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by jerryseltz

acid and reflux is quite a serious disease which can give way to other stomach problems. So it is very important for people suffering from chronic heartburn or acid and reflux to soon get some acid and reflux treatments. There are a lot of natural treatments available for curing the problem of acid and reflux.A person that has heartburn symptoms should visit the doctor as soon as possible. The treatment may involve lifestyle changes medication and even surgery.

Are you sick of having to avoid all the good foods that you love because you know that they will just give you heartburn? Do you want to be able to stop taking the nasty antacids and move on with your life? There are natural acid and reflux cures out there and ways to make sure your heartburn does not come back. Here are some helpful tips to get you started.

Heartburn is very uncomfortable and may actually be a symptom of GERT Gastroesophageal reflux disease a chronic digestive disease. GERT can have severe effects which are beyond the scope of this article. Antacids and other over the counter drugs can offer temporary relief and there are also prescription drugs and even surgeries that can help. I personally control my GERT and heartburn through lifestyle adjustments and many other people do too. Here are a few things you can do.

Heartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for!

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth.

If you have! acid an d reflux then you are probably aware of the difficulties that it can create when it comes to eating and planning your meals. Most people who suffer from this problem usually try and stay away from spicy food because they know that it will set it off. The reflux in your stomach is caused by an excess of acidity in your stomach which will often leave you feeling in-digested or having heartburn.

In one of my articles I mentioned the need and importance to create and maintain an alkaline pH level in your body to combat most diseases particularly digestive disorders such as GERD acid and reflux constipation and gastritis. The ideal pH level your blood needs is 7.35 not too acidic and also not too alkaline.

The exciting journey of motherhood has all sorts of pregnancy symptoms attached to it. You have happily discovered that you are pregnant and just like any other mom-to-be you too are worried about what lies ahead in this wonderful journey. No matter how smooth the period is it does come with its own sets and problems.

Although it's not my favorite thing to be in the world I am a mouth ulcer. My street name is most commonly: canker sore. I've got a fancy name and that involves painful open sores that will exist in your mouth when the mucous membrane breaks.

About the Author

Jeff Martin - certified nutritionist and former heartburn sufferer teaches you his acid reflux freedom step by step success system jam-packed with a valuable information on how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn from the ROOT and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders.

Click Here End Heartburn >>

While lifestyle habits can worsen your heartburn symptoms and increase the number of heartburn episodes heartburn is a medical condition with biological causes.

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Video: Mind Creation – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Dr. Rob shares that our mind creates all things, so start the day with gratitude and graciousness!


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Rafting in Rishikesh

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 11:00 AM PDT

by inju

Article by John L Shi

Rishikesh is actually a very preferred place for white water rafting along with other journey activities. Each and every yr, thousands of tourists flock for the World Capital of Yoga, to locate their misplaced spirits, and dwell in the lap of character. Meanwhile the much more sporty spirits, just take out their rafts for a ride and their guts to get a challenge. It is a magical fight in opposition to the quickly flowing cool currents with the Ganges. White water rafting has distinct levels of difficulty, according to your training. Smaller instruction modules are also obtainable for amateurs, whereby they are equipped to fight the ferocity from the Ganges. Punching and Substantial Siding via the madness, most rafters have returned from Rishikesh, using a renewed really like for life. The most effective time to stop by Rishikesh for rafting is from September to November and from March to May well. It covers a number of kilometers, the route being interspersed with rapids which array from Level 1 to Level five.

Several nearby journey agencies provide packages, which normally involve a rafting vacation, in a single day camping, and also a trek among the hills.

The Gateway to Himalayas, Rishikesh also needs to offer you, an array of other adventure activities. It really is the initial location in India to possess a Bungee Leaping point, made under expert designers from New Zealand. A single could also take pleasure in hiking, mountain biking, cliff jumping, mountain climbing, kayaking, rappelling at the same time. Skiing can be performed at Auli, roughly 8-9 hrs push away from Rishikesh, from January up until March. It is also one of the ideal slopes in Asia. Those using a desire to romance the supernatural ethos could also camp quietly about the banks of Ganges.

Rishikesh also presents a host of other solutions like Ayurveda and Reiki therapies, astrology solutions etc. A dip inside the Holy waters of the Ganges is usually a must. It's sure to be a terrific non secular experience. ! Those on a non secular quest could also check out the Lakshman Jhoola, Trayambakeshwar Temple, Shiv Mandir, Bharat Mandir, Rama Jhoola etc. You can also store around the flea markets, which promote different religious paraphernalia, and outfits.

The welcoming nation folks at Rishikesh will flaunt with pleasure, the coming with the Beatles to their small city. The additional musically literate Mozarts will sing The Happy Rishikesh Track for you personally.

Getting to Rishikesh is doable by rail and street. The closest airport will be the Jolly Grant Airport (about fifteen kms.), which presently handles two flights from Delhi. Obtaining to Rishikesh by a car or truck from day-to-day airport is the most possible headache free choice. For travelling about in Rishikesh, autorikshaws, named Vikrams are the top solution.

Most accommodation and dining establishments might be found in Lakshman Jhula, Substantial Bank and Swarg Ashram. The Holy Town is usually a vegetarian hub by law, and will not market alcohol. Even so most restaurants in Lakshman Jhoola will serve you vegetarian delicacies, made in the nature's greatest items. A whole lot of ashrams, just like the Swarga Ashram, give lodging along with Yoga classes. Rishikesh is where journey is ridiculously easy to uncover. And rafting in Rishikesh might be your final and most taking place encounter in daily life!

About the Author

To ebook a holiday in Rishikesh, do go to our website. You are able to select amongst the most preferred Rishikesh Rafting holiday package deal itineraries or create a custom-made one. please go to our website river rafting in rishikesh

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Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, July 9, 2012

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 11:00 AM PDT

"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts."
~Eleanor Roosevelt

"Nature often holds up a mirror so we can see more clearly the ongoing processes of growth, renewal, and transformation in our lives."
~Unknown Author

"Each new day greets us with no rules except for the rules we place on it. Greet this new day with open arms and endless possibility."
~Steve Maraboli

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4 Steps to Good Mind Management: Weekly Tips from Judith Geiger

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 10:00 AM PDT

For the last couple of weeks we have been talking about life balance and how to use all three aspects of the Self (mind, body and soul) to accomplish this. We already explored the Three Steps to Care for Your Soul and the 5 Easy Steps to Honor Your Body, so today we will talk about good mind management. We can use our minds to our advantage.

The inventor of mind mapping Tony Buzan tells us How To Use The Brain More Effectively in this YouTube video. In this video he explains the value of day dreaming, one of my favorite past times!

4 Steps to Good Mind Management:

Unplug for a day. Okay, okay realistically unplug for an hour or even a few minutes. Today's fast paced world gives us wonderful opportunities that were never available before, yet with opportunity comes more stress. Our minds fill to capacity and I believe it is important to empty them out occasionally to relieve stress. You can do this by turning off everything electronic and sitting in silence. Do you hear that? It is the sound of …you… hearing yourself think!

Speak kindly to yourself. Stop for just a moment and listen carefully to how you talk to yourself. What are you saying in your mind? People often say such things as, "I am fat! I am ugly, or I have a big ugly nose! My thighs are huge. I will never be able to run a marathon or even walk one." These are very mild compared to some things I have told myself. Why do we do this? Imagine for a moment telling someone you love all of these terrible things. What??? You say you would never do that? Then why do it to you? Start today to honor yourself. Speak only words you would say to those you love, then love yourself in the same way. Words have a great deal of power. Choose your words and thoughts (mind power) wisely!

Let go of negative beliefs. "An old belief is like an old shoe. We so value its comfort that we fail to notice the hole in it." Robert Brault Is your mind holding on to an old negative belief you no longer want? One I have seen often in my coaching practice is "I'm not good enough" or "I'm not smart enough." You can create a new belief today that uplifts and inspires your mind. Simply state the new belief in a positive affirmation starting with I AM …blank, blank, blank! Say the new belief to yourself several times a day until the new belief is formed. Once your unconscious mind believes it, then it naturally becomes your new belief. AWESOME!

Stay in the present moment. We let our minds run away with us, rather than us controlling our minds.Don't let worries about the future or regrets about the past fill your mind. Kyra Sedgwick said in the Good Housekeeping, Jan. 2011 issue "I was always fraught with guilt, and it's such a waste of an emotion. It keeps you out of the moment of being where you are." Let all of that go and concentrate instead on what is before you in the moment. Your mind is much less stressed this way. Just keep bringing your thoughts back to the present whenever they stray.

As you may have noticed everything is connected. When you do something for your body it adds value to your soul and your mind. Do something good for your mind and your soul feels cared for and your body improves. This often happens through better health. Same is true when you practice good soul care your mind is less stressed and your body is nurtured. So continue on your path of good life balance by caring for all of YOU!

"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities." Dr. Seuss

Judith Geiger Master Certified Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Practitioner and Life Coach

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HYDROXYCUT: FDA Recall, Liver Damage, Weightloss, Adrenal Fatigue, Diet, Workouts, Fat

The Hydroxycut hype is not what you think. In this clip Sean, of explains why people use hydroxy cut when they could be controlling cravings through dietary changes without the added adrenal stress

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

New Advice Healing Heartburn Holistically

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by tyrelllabar

If you suffer from heartburn acid and reflux or GERD then you know how miserable it can be. Doctors give you prescription drugs to take to help relieve the discomfort but wouldn't you rather use natural home remedies and cures to treat yourself rather than take the risk of harmful side effects of the drugs?An estimated 75% of patients with asthma also suffer from chronic heartburn or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). People with asthma are twice as likely to suffer GERD as compared to those who do not have asthma and of those who have a more severe chronic form of asthma resistant to treatment are most likely to have GERD.

Discover the latest simple strategies to fast track your acid and reflux-Heartburn relief. Find out why acid and reflux can be more serious than just a burning sensation.

Baking soda is one of the most popular household products used nationwide to clean scrub polish wash cook bake deodorize and yes even use to neutralize the unpleasant burning sensation of heartburn. Just open the fridge of about any American citizen living in the United States and you will probably discover discreetly hidden behind the groceries the well-known orange box Arm & Hammer Baking Soda.

Jeff Martin - certified nutritionist and former heartburn sufferer teaches you his acid reflux freedom step by step success system jam-packed with a valuable information on how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn from the ROOT and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders.

Click Here End Heartburn >>

More than 60 million American adults suffer from heartburn at least once a month and about 25 million American adults suffer from heartburn on a daily basis.

If you're tired of painful attacks of heartburn and of popping handfuls of antacids to make the pain go away you might be interested in knowing just exactly what you're doing to cause the problem. After all heartburn is not contagious so you can't be getting it from someone else and! it real ly is nothing to do with the heart and everything to do with your stomach. Therefore there are numerous things you can do to alleviate the causes of heartburn.

Candidiasis can be a pesky infection to treat more so since the pharmaceutical treatment for such includes the use of powerful systemic antifungals. These antifungals may cause side effects that may even rival the illness it was made to treat. However there have been breakthroughs in the treatment of systemic yeast infections that focus on more natural means of treating the illness.

If you're not managing your heartburn you're putting your health in jeopardy. Find out why in this revealing guide!

According to a recent survey Americans and other westerners suffer from heartburn symptoms more often than people from Asian and eastern countries. Every day people buy hundreds of antacids and other over the counter remedies to stop heartburn.

About the Author

STOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters...

Click Here End Heartburn >>

More than 60 million American adults suffer from heartburn at least once a month and about 25 million American adults suffer from heartburn on a daily basis.

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Posted: 09 Jul 2012 09:00 AM PDT

by inju

Article by JM

Freedom lacks nothing. How simple. Freedom lacks No-Thing.

Think back to a time when you were younger and life felt as if you were the one holding THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD up. As children, we see and experience the world as a much different place. Everything is new and exciting, fresh and shiny. As a child, I felt free. I knew I was free.

Ok. Now think of last week when you were "overwhelmed" with your 3 loads of laundry, returning your 30 missed calls, and not having "time" to eat. Jeez. I get stressed just writing about it.. I will just stop the to-do list there!

Somewhere in between these two life moments having been experienced countless times in countless ways, there is a balance. A breath of fresh air. A shiny light glowing around you. No thoughts circle around. You just are. Being in the moment to be in balance can set you free.

You are the only one to set yourself free and it starts in the mind and heart. I recommend a cd from the store (listed below) that helps open the heart chakra and allows for connection to life force energy through guided meditations. Check out a free demo and read more about this beneficial cd:

CLICK HERE: The Little Reiki Meditation Album (CD) by Philip Permutt

I'm going to go "take life by the hands and hold it up high".

Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn't people feel as free to delight in whatever remains to them?- Rose Kennedy

Free with confidence and flying forward,


Wana take the freedom route?! Leave a comment.. share a story.. we love to hear from you!

Our Mission is to provide spiritual seekers with a large selection of products and services to help them enable their spiritual development.

We offer hundreds of ebooks on metaphysical subjects, herbal supplements, incense; essential oils, candles; inspirational and meditation music; spiritual videos, tarot cards, pendant jewelry, clothing and more.

We also offer Psychic readings of various types to help provide direction to yo! ur life.

NewAgeDiscounts provides free information on endless metaphysical topics in our integrated blog library. Martin's interest in the Paranormal and Occult goes back to his childhood. He has had many paranormal experiences and has been a student of Eastern Philosophies and Meditation for 40 years. Seeking Enlightenment; he knows that we are already all Enlightened. We just have to realize this deeply.

His books are expressions of his creativity to help others understand what he has internalized through study, experience, and membership in different societies. You can see all of his books on the homepage of

The videos on this site are an outgrowth of his book on Immortality and recent seminars where this material and exercises were detailed and presented to an audience.

Martin is also an Engineer by training and has had multiple careers. He has a B.S. degree in Engineering Science from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1977. He has done extensive graduate work in management and computer science. His career includes many years working for GE and HP. Martin also owns his own software and consulting business.

Not many technical persons or scientists spend a lot of time in parallel studying the Metaphysical and have had many spiritual or psychic experiences too. Therefore, Martin believes that he can provide a unique vantage point to integrate Western Scientific thinking with Eastern exploration of the mind and spirit.

Martin has also recently expanded his writing to science fiction and has completed his first full novel "Out of this Universe"

About the Author

The Author has had many paranormal experiences and has been a student of Eastern Philosophies and Meditation for 35 years.Seeking Enlightenment; he knows that we are already all Enlightened. We just have to realize this deeply.His books are expressions of his creativity to help others understand what he has internalized through study, experience, and membership in different societies.

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Life in Constant Renewal: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, July 9, 2012

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Hello and good morning, Dr. Rob
A beautiful day
Life in Constant Renewal
My intention this day

We're here this day to let go thy way
To let go of the past and live in the new
The constant renewal; yes, newness is here
And it's here for us to cheer
To let go of the past, and live in the now
The dream of the day was what we thought yesterday
Of how beauty and good, and great is thy way
Pure love do I say, the beauty and good
Is change all the way
Yes, change is the gift of the gods, and all new
This do I know in the beauty of today
And I say thank you God for this day
This love, this way
In the pain of the old is the creation of the new
Let go, let God and all will renew
The struggle you see is what you think it be
Now think it a journey and of joy in the way
For the challenges be there for us to share the day
Renewal and love every day, I say
And blessings thy way
In renewal be good
Dr. Rob

Another awesome and amazing day in the universe

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FBE Spa Vibration Exercise Machine on the Tyra Show

AHPR's Rosalynn Basford demonstrates FBE Holistic Health and Fitness vibration exercise machine on the Tyra Show. 10 Minutes on this machine is the equivalent of 60 minutes at the Gym! Lose Weight Fast!

Video Rating: 0 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Journal Writing Can Help You

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT

"The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium." ~Norbet Platt

Author, Mary Gardener, of the book, MY LIFE MATTERS – A Personal Record, One Day at a Time shares, "It is in the activities of everyday life, the grand and the small, that we can find the realities of why our lives matter, to ourselves and to those we love. Unless we find some way to capture some of those memories – things we did, saw, thought about, felt or dreamed – we can forget them and lose the opportunity to enjoy them again, or reflect upon them, figure out why they matter to us."

Journal writing allows us to share feelings, chronicle life's moments, and find meaning in our daily occurrences. We can look within ourselves, gain perspective, and see our personal growth over time. Here, there are no limitations to what we write and a safe place to express emotions. You can scribble ideas, a single word and streams of sentences that depict emotions. There is no right or wrong method, and it's what works best for you.

Studies show that the practice of journal writing provides both a sense of well-being and health benefits that include: relief of physical stress shown by lowered blood pressure, generally improved physical health, reduction in anxiety.

Elizabeth Scott, MS, states in What Are The Benefits of Journaling? Journaling allows people to clarify their thoughts and feelings, thereby gaining valuable self-knowledge. It's also a good problem-solving tool; oftentimes, one can hash out a problem and come up with solutions more easily on paper. Journaling about traumatic events helps one process them by fully exploring and releasing the emotions involved, and by engaging both hemispheres of the brain in the process, allowing the experience to become fully integrated in one's mind.

Two Inspired ideas:

Pen in Bite Size Journals. I have found my preference to be pretty colored journals bite size in nature that fit in my purse. Hence, when an idea, thought or feeling arrives, I can capture the essence of the feeling, write it down and reflect later in the day.

Gratitude Journal. Next to my bedside table is a journal marked gratitude. Here, I write my THANK YOU list, each morning. It takes about 2-5minutes, to write down three things that I am grateful for in my life, my breathe, my dog bunny, my talents. The items change each day but the intention is the same to give gratitude.

Connect with Laura Ponticello at and

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Auth Method of Therapeutic Massage

Learn to massage without taxing the delicate joints of the hand and increase career longevity. Learn to give a full body massage using the forearms as the primary tool. These techniques can be used for both deep tissue work and light circulatory massage. This DVD teaches simple qi gong exercises for better body mechanics, as well as, how to use body weight to engage tissue, depth of pressure, speed of strokes and developing sensitivity in the forearms.

Video Rating: 5 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Establishing Your Own Relaxation Room

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by Marie Malacaman

Returning to Creative Dreams: Return and Reclaim

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 07:02 AM PDT

Take the time to reclaim your creativity and watch your life blossom as a result.

As children, many of us entertained fantasies or even goals of being an actor, singer, dancer, artist, or musician. In some cases, we received enough encouragement to develop our abilities in those creative arenas, but somewhere along the way we stopped. This stopping may have been due to circumstances beyond our control or to our own unconscious acts of self-sabotage. Being creative can be scary in a world that seems to value logic over imagination and practicality over dreaming. We can forgive ourselves for shutting down or turning our attention away from our inner artist, but perhaps we can also take steps to reclaim our dreams.

In certain times and places, developing a creative ability was considered an important part of being a well-rounded human being. It was not necessary to be a professional or a masterly genius, because the act of creativity was valued in and of itself. It gifts are manifold—from the sheer pleasure of allowing our imaginations free reign to sharing and enjoying the fruits of our labor. Children share drawings and songs freely, without self-consciousness, and there is no reason why we cannot do the same thing. You may already be remembering some lost form of expression, such as making jewelry or writing songs. Your soul may be responding with an energetic lift as it feels its way back to a time when it was allowed to express itself freely. Your brain, on the other hand, may be throwing up obstacles, like the idea that you are too old or do not have the time.

The truth is, you are not too old, and if you have time to pick up a pen, you have time to make a doodle or write a haiku. Recognize that the obstacles you find before you have arisen from a place of fear and that they will wane in power every time you do something creative. Each creative act takes you deeper into a realm of beauty and magic, a realm that you have every right to return to and reclaim. –by Madisyn Taylor

~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM

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Travel Safely Using Aromatherapy Essential Oils

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 07:00 AM PDT

Article by Tricia Jones

Essential oils can actually be used when traveling. They may aid in a wide number of travel related problems such as jet lag, sun burn, travel sickness, and insect bites.

Going on holidays and vacations means traveling which is so much fun, however, plenty of health problems may come up during traveling. Aromatherapy can be used for minor health problems. Many essential oils assist in relieving travel symptoms which include sun burn, insect bites and sickness. With just a little knowledge and practice, a number of minor health problems can be prevented from ruining a vacation.

Essential Oils for Curing Travel Sickness

Whether travel sickness occurs in a car, on a plane, or on a boat, ginger and peppermint essential oils can be used. Ginger essential oil is very effective in relieving sea sickness while peppermint essential oil is calming for the stomach. You can inhale the essential oils from a tissue, or you can combine it with a lotion or carrier oil before the journey and rub the stomach with it.

Essential Oils as a Relief to Jet Lag

Jet lag usually occurs after a very long flight. The differing time zones interfere with the body's clock synchronization. To help keep your mind alert and focused while to a different time zone, use grapefruit essential oil once you arrive at your destination. You can also additionally use geranium and lavender essential oils, either in a lotion or in a bath, to help you relax before you go to bed and aid induce sleep. You can also stimulate the mind in the morning by using peppermint.

Essential Oils for Stomach Upsets

Minor stomach upsets usually occur when on vacation as a result of a change in water and different food types. Ginger and peppermint essential oils assist in relieving the pain caused by minor stomach upsets. Also, acidic disorders can be treated using lemon essential oil. Ensure that you prepare a carrier oil or lotion with the right essential oils before going on a trip.

Using Essential Oils to Treat! Sun Bur n

Excessive sun while on vacation can lead to sun burn with inflammation, redness and soreness. However, sun burn can be relieved with roman chamomile, geranium, lavender and peppermint essential oils. You should combine the essential oil that is appropriate in a lotion base rather than with a carrier oil because it is more soothing. Apply this combination to the areas with sun burn with care.

Treating Insect Bites Using Essential Oils

There are plenty of insects that can cause extremely painful bites but this depends on the location of where you are going on vacation. You can use lemongrass or citronella essential oils either in a spray or in a carrier oil base to prevent getting bit by insects. Tea tree, lavender, geranium and eucalyptus essential oils can aid in relieving insect bites. You can combine more than one of these essential oils in a lotion base (white) and spread evenly to the area that is affected.

Wherever or whenever you go on vacation or on business you can keep yourself safe and improve the quality of your trip if you take along your own aromatherapy kit.

About the Author

Click on aromatherapy essential oils for some great products and customer reviews. Or for more information visit

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Aromatherapy and how it can benefit you

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 06:00 AM PDT

by m-c

Article by Dima Dimitrev

It can not be denied that a good aromatherapy massage is really a divine experience and giving a massage can be as enjoyable as receiving it. You can of course massage the oils into your skin yourself and get help from that, but the most enjoyable and at the same time the most relaxing is to have someone else do it on you - preferably qualified massage therapist- although a friend with so called good hands might be more than enough sometimes. The moment the masseuse places her hands on the other persons' body, they start to heal their body and mind at the same time. The nerves wake up immediately sending messages to the brain, which in turn sends the so called reaction instructions all over the body. Since the body and mind are connected to each other, the skilled but sensitive aromatherapy massage can have a deep emotional effect. Sometimes it can even arouse such state as the people meditating experience. When the tensed muscles start to relax then sometimes the emotions which you have kept down will also disembroil. Some people cry when they do not wish to, but after receiving massage they still may feel nicely relaxed and calm. Others may feel slightly frivolous, like they have just had some glasses of vine; some fall into sleep. This kind of reaction, even in the form of tears, is positive and necessary to be healthy. It is a well known fact that cancer is widely spread with the people who have the tendency to get depressed or who hide their personal feelings from the others to please them. But nothing useful comes out of massage, when the giver and the taker have no sympathy. When you are giving a massage you need to develop an ability to switch to your partners' wishes, which enables your hands to move intuitively to the places on his body which are sore and to take away the pain. Although it is for the most part an innate ability, which only very few people have, we all can improve our massage skills with such means as meditation, relaxation and consistency with nature. If you are receivin! g massag e, you need to learn how to receive it, that means how to open yourself to the experience and how to have trust in the masseuse, whether his is a professional or just your partner. You do not reach that when you constantly babble and move. Instead you should close your eyes, take some deep breaths and relax on order to get a great experience. After that focus your attention to the touch, enjoy the feeling; let your body turn heavy and powerless. Do not try to help the masseuse with for example raising your head; if he needs to turn your head from one side to another, to massage the part of your neck, let him do it. Body, mind and soul are connected; so if one aspect is influenced, then so is the whole. So have massage done or do it yourself in order to create a harmony between body, mind and soul. You can read more on Dublin Massage Therapy

About the Author

Dublin Massage is a professional massage therapy provider for clients in Dublin, Ireland.

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Enzyme Nutrition - The Important to Longevity

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Jane Ogihara

Macrobiotic nutrition has established that if we return to a diet regime based on total cereal grains, vegetables and fruit with animal solutions, somewhat than our present reliance on animal products and solutions, refined/chemically engineered foods, and sugar, we can regain our bodily and mental wellness.Consequently, Macrobiotic nutrition establishes Ideas of Organic Well being Treatment:&middot Beneficial wellness is a normal state&middot The physique functions to manage equilibrium and heal by itself&middot Acute illness is a manifestation that the entire body is struggling to recover alone&middot Persistent illness is a signal that healing has failedThe Seven Crucial Parts for Macrobiotic diet are found in these foods groups:Carbohydrates - full grains, (no wheat) beans, vegetables, seeds, fruitsProteins - beans, bean goods, fish, seeds, nuts, meat, eggs, dairyFats and oils - cooking oils, nut butters, nuts, seeds, butterMinerals - salts, sea veggies, vegetables, fish, meatNutritional vitamins - greens, fruits, sea greensEnzymes - fermented meals, raw vegetables and fruitsWater - spring h2o, vegetables, fruitsUtilizing the description of disorder advancement, we can readily realize the have to have for improve. For comfort the description is described as 3 unique phases but in practice the stages meld into every single other with no distinct division.Progress of Disease - Stage oneBy definition there is an imbalance between intake of, and requirement for nutrients. In theory this could be a deficiency but in our present day society it is much more very likely to be an excess.There could be a reduction of appetite or the man or woman will become a fussy eater most individuals above-journey this by consuming ever before-much more tasty processed food items.The extra may possibly be saved as weight (nature's way of providing for lean situations which no lengthier exists).Stay away from the mistake of pondering that if a particular person is lean they are not overeating. Instead! of stor ing excess, the entire body may well function to preserve a harmony by removing the excess (Principle 2 previously mentioned)This produces a person or extra of the subsequent signs and symptoms:&middot Enhanced bodily activity, boisterousness (diagnosed as ADHD -- pharmaceuticals are recommended)&middot Persistent hair reduction (diagnosed as genetic baldness)&middot Dry, scaly skin&middot Itchy skin&middot Occasional vomiting--(diagnosed as 24-hour flu or an exotic title du jour)&middot Occasional diarrhea&middot Discharges from orifices - eyes, genital method&middot Tooth tartar&middot Unpleasant physique odors&middot Powerful-smelling urine, urinary crystals&middot Lousy breathThese are warning indications of improper elimination relatively than true sickness. They show that the entire body is doing adjustments to sustain its wholesome standing. If only one particular of these symptoms is current this is a warning that variations to the lifestyle - primarily diet plan - are essential.Growth of Sickness - Stage twoIf imbalance between consumption and requirement persists, the develop-up of wastes will gradually lead to impairment of the major organ methods. If the organs of elimination are impacted this will accelerate the method of deterioration.In time, (days/months depending on the personal) indications of real sickness will look. At very first these have a tendency to be physiological in nature fairly than as a result of degenerative alterations in the organ techniques:&middot Indicators of irritation e.g.

About the Author

This Herbalife independent distributor is {among|amongst|amid} the most {serious|severe|significant|critical|really serious|considerable|major} Herbalife {experts|specialists|professionals|authorities|gurus|industry experts|pros} when it {comes|arrives} to {nutrition|diet}. {Helping|Assisting|Aiding|Supporting} {people|individuals|folks|men and women|people today|persons|many people} {getting|obta

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New Advice Holistic Treatment For Acid Reflux

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 04:00 AM PDT

Article by cariearmento

acid and reflux can be defined as the condition by which the gastric juice present within the stomach returns back into the throat of esophagus. The lower esophageal sphincter is the circular muscle that divides the esophagus from the stomach and weakening of these muscles are the root cause of moving up of the stomach acid finally causing acid and reflux sore throat and other related disorders. For those who are looking for heartburn remedies you should not miss this article because in this article you will discover 3 sure fire tips to naturally alleviate acid and reflux and heartburn. I wrote this article because I know how annoying heartburn can be and the methods that you will discover in this article has worked fine for me and I think it will work with you too.

One important thing to remember is heartburn is in no way related to the heart or a heart attack. It's simply called heartburn because you feel a burning sensation under the breast bone of your chest. Heartburn is in fact a digestive disorder.

Heartburn is a real problem for a lot of people. I want to show you the types of treatments that are available to you to help solve it.

Jeff Martin - certified nutritionist and former heartburn sufferer teaches you his acid reflux freedom step by step success system jam-packed with a valuable information on how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn from the ROOT and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders.

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth.

Haggard from the effects of acid and reflux and desperately clawing for a shred of hope Jenny tried something different. Though she gave her best effort Jenny expected identical results to the scores of programs she had previously attempted. Two days later Jenny phone! d her do ctor and cancelled the surgery. Using the health-expert endorsed power of ''food combining'' Jenny successfully scavenged her life back from the heinous effects of acid and reflux.

One of the most common digestive complaints is constipation and constipation can and will affect anyone. Given its frequent occurrence across different people all over you can never be too careful these days; hence natural remedies for constipation would be the answer to those wanting relief without getting too nervous about what it is that they put inside their body.

The CPAP machine will give great relief to most sufferers of sleep apnea. Unfortunately it does have some associated side effects including stomach bloating.

Yes there are many modern medical treatments from drugs and medications to over the counter antacids that are often used to combat acid and reflux symptoms. Unfortunately these aren't really a cure - they are just used for relief from pain of symptoms from an ongoing health problem. Using this type of medication does not act as a long term remedy.

About the Author

Jeff Martin - certified nutritionist and former heartburn sufferer teaches you his acid reflux freedom step by step success system jam-packed with a valuable information on how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn from the ROOT and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders.

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth.

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How to purchase Massage Table, Bed, Salon Equipment and Microdermabrasion Machine

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 03:00 AM PDT

by inju

Article by Nitin Patidar

A Massage Table is one of items that are important in a salon in addition to Massage Bed, Salon Equipment and Microdermabrasion Machine. Prior to purchasing this table, you need to be well informed about it. There are several factors that you need to consider especially when purchasing massage tables that are portable. The level of comfort must be high. Foam of multi-density and high density does not lose shape compared to foam of medium or low density. A vinyl cover of good quality should be used for topping off the table. The manufactures make vinyl material that differs in softness and quality.

When purchasing a Massage Table, just as you need to be cautious with Massage Bed, Salon Equipment and Microdermabrasion Machine, pay attention to end plates. The design of the end plates is not important unless you intend to practice Reiki. The head rest and arm rest must also be of top quality.

With massage beds, your budget really matters among other factors. For example, some are effective by use of water and heat. With the right machine, the blood will circulate better, there is relief of muscle tension and the client relaxes. The model that you purchase is determined by the purpose of the bed. Some models come with warranty while complex ones, the facets are remarkable.

Just as there are many factors to consider as you purchase Massage Table, Massage Bed you also need to be keen with Salon Equipment and Microdermabrasion Machine. Salon equipment includes many products and items and each of the equipment is of different function. The price ranges from cheap to some that are too expensive and generally the more expensive the equipment is, the more beneficial it is. However, with proper research, you can find equipment of top quality at a reasonable price. Suppliers that provide financial option such as leasing are preferable.

When purchasing equipment for salon, consider buying used or new ones. Buying used equipment does not mean that it is of poor quality. Used items are ! preferab le because they are cheaper. Prior to paying for the equipment, remember to test the item. This way you will assured that the equipment is in proper working condition. For items that you need in bulk, purchasing in bulk will cost you less. After making the considerations for Massage Table, Massage Bed, Salon Equipment; you are ready to offer quality services. However, you also need to be keen as you purchase Microdermabrasion Machine.

Before using the Massage Table, Massage Bed or Salon Equipment, you need to be familiar with the systems, kit, and products. These products vary between manufacturers and they all give good results and are not unsafe to use. The Microdermabrasion Machine is tricky but crucial and you should choose the kit and system that is suitable for your client's skin type.

About the Author

Click here to know more about Massage Table.

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Improving Health Through Integrative Medicine

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 02:00 AM PDT

Article by rose salv

Integrative Medicine utilizes exactly what it looks at the particular "best" regarding the two american medicine (precisely what is trained with typical Healthcare Universities) using alternative methods, which includes non- Traditional western medicine (which includes acupuncture and acupressure, homeopathy, organic, Reiki, Blossom Essences, nutraceutical (vitamin supplements along with other supplements), and many others. A lot of the particular "common perception theory" guiding this strategy is the fact that although for certain life threatening situations, one should instantly utilize alleopathic approach, for several other signs and scenarios, it would be beneficial to steer clear of the "quick fix" chemical/ pharmaceutical strategy. This is especially true pertaining to situations similar to a lot of colds as well as cool and also flu-like signs and symptoms, in which, although prescription drugs may possibly take away the signs or symptoms rapidly, there is certainly normally a "bounce-back" effect, since even though symptoms are generally diminished and "masked," the root condition nevertheless is available. An alternative approach may be for you to try to increase as well as increase a person's body's defence mechanism by subtracting selected supplements and vitamins, along with altering certain lifestyle actions.

In lots of areas of the globe, physicians will often suggest homeopathy as well as homeopathic treatments of those kind of non-threatening conditions, because they work on constructing the human body's capability to be better and more proof against the underlying will cause. A lot of advocates associated with alternative/ integrative/ health and fitness beliefs, state that they have got observed that will individuals dealt with a lot more holistically and with no hiding symptoms, typically evidence much fewer repeat installments of situations for example common colds. Professionally, I am a huge believer within the integrative method, because it did so successfully when c! amping. I've been fortunate enough to have got less common colds, and so forth., as compared to the majority of the individuals around myself for most, decades, since I started out this method.

I will be individually grateful for you to the medical professional for quite some time, the actual past due Doctor. Robert Atkins. Though Dr. The atkins diet was acknowledged by many much more with regard to his way of weight loss along with diet regime compared to other things, Low carb contacted medical treatment coming from a great integrative strategy. He or she was often very pleased to imply that he supported his or her strategy because he had hundreds and hundreds of medical instances to support his / her hypotheses (his or her person's true situations in their medical practice). Consequently, I'd personally strongly suggest that anybody interested in comprehending more about the actual usefulness of integrative medicine throughout specific situations, examine Medical professional. John Atkins' e-book, "Dr. Atkins' Vita-Nutrient Answer.Inch Here is to improve health!

About the Author

Richard Brody provides above Thirty years consultative revenue, advertising and marketing, instruction, managerial, and processes encounter. He's got qualified marketing and advertising individuals many industries, provided a huge selection of workshops, appeared being a company spokesperson about more than 2 hundred tv and radio applications, along with frequently sites about real estate property, governmental policies, financial aspects, supervision, leadership, negotiations, conventions and conferences, and many others. Richard features negotiated, set up and/ or even organized hundreds of seminars and conventions.Check us out medicina integrativa today!

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A Leading Wantagh Holistic Masseuse Removes Symptoms Of Severe Pain

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 01:00 AM PDT

Article by Troy Justice

People suffering from chronic pain usually find that their options are tight. Pain pills offer minimal relief for a small amount of time, and since your entire body builds a level of resistance to them even that alleviation will wane. Surgery is an option in some cases, but many physicians think twice to perform the surgeries on younger people because of the restricted life span of limb replacement surgeries. There are times when you could think like the only option is to know how to dwell with the pain, however with massage therapy you do not need to put up with a life of agony.A massage is the pressing and rubbing of the muscles, skin, tendons and ligaments for relaxation. Massage therapy is the art of controlling the soft-tissue to assist patients find alleviation from chronic pain. Soothing strokes that are smooth and long are used together with kneading movements and other techniques to help out muscles relax, and pain disappears. Together with long strokes and kneading movements, massage therapists will also utilize vibrations and tapping movements to treat the muscles. This therapy has been used for centuries and is now returning to the forefront as a reputable, non-chemical remedy for chronic pain.Muscle therapy was initially used widely in preparation for further remedies, such as exercises. However, it was discovered that the massage treatment alone helped to relieve pain. The massaging motion improves circulation, delivering more oxygen to the area along with important nutrients. It helps to rest the muscles so mobility and flexibility could be improved. It also functions to clear waste from the muscles, assisting to decrease stiffness and pain in the joints as well as the muscles. Here are some of the specific ailments that massage therapy could efficiently cure.Chronic back pain - Massage therapy is a staple within the offices of many chiropractors because it is so widely recognized as being good for back pain.Arthritis - The Arthritis Foundation reports that massage therapy works wel! l becaus e it helps reduce painful muscle spasms, and it aids the body in producing natural endorphins that could help block pain.Headaches - Massages work to lessen stress levels in the body, successfully assisting to lower the occurrence of headaches, tension and migraines.Muscle pain - Sports athletes have known for decades the benefit of massage for muscle pains from spasms, strains and even sprains.Stress - It is also no surprise that it's so effective in managing stress-related ailments as the massage allows you to unwind and relax.Repetitive strain injuries - Even injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome react very well to massage therapy.Circulatory problems - The massaging motion can help stimulate blood flow, alleviating respiratory and even circulatory problems.Stress and anxiety - The massaging action permits the entire body to relax, which will help cure anxiety and depression.Stiffness - As the muscle knots are exercised and relieved, pain and stiffness throughout the entire body can be alleviated.Insomnia - Stress can wreck havoc on the entire body, just like disrupting sleep. As the body is permitted to relax through massage therapy, natural sleep habits can resume.Menopause - Hormone therapy isn't usually enough, but massage has the capacity to aid women obtain relief from the symptoms of menopause.Enhance natural immunity - Massage energizes the lymph flow, creating an all-natural lift to the body's immune system.Massage therapists in New York are needed to be licensed. They must be no less than 18 years of age and be a graduate student of a massage therapy course that is authorized by the State Education Department. They must get a minimum of 1000 hours of education in subject matter such as neurology, anatomy, kinesiology, hygiene, pathology, physiology, mycology, first aid, CPR and infection control. They have to also know what is incorporated in the products that they use for massages as well as comprehending the technique, theory and practice of oriental and western massage therapy. Just before! being g iven a license they also must finish at least 150 hours of practice on a willing volunteer.

About the Author

Eugene Wood is a registered and accredited NYC Massage Therapist dedicated to leading-edge healing methods of minimizing excessive pain. Go to his site if you are looking for a Massage in NYC, or simply wish to understand more about his solutions.Massage in NYC

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Curing Stress and fatigue With Meditation

Posted: 09 Jul 2012 12:00 AM PDT

Article by Marie Malacaman

Unwind. Chill. Don't stress. Take it easy. To a specific person who's being affected by stress, nothing of these words imply something. They can't guide an individual live through both the physical or mental indication of stress, whether it's insomnia, muscle tension, severe headaches, tiredness, frustration, poor focus, constant worry, paranoia, and so much more. The way to a soundbody and mind is really what you look for; and meditation aided by crystal singing bowls might be the assistance you absolutely need. There are a lot of ways you can deal stress as well as its reasons. One of the most famous technique of addressing it is by taking it on at a multi-faceted view; by incorporating more than one approach. Stress is from certain cause things; possibly through your professional life-a sure project, your employment, a co-worker, a superior-or through your personal life-a relative, a relationship, your own personal goals, and for all you find out, a certain amount of both. At any rate, you will have to address them at some point. Whether you are complete and able to do this is another matter. If you a multi-pronged tack at taking care of stress, you can be better willing to deal with such issues; stronger and more strong. To beat back the stress, you can begin an activity;something that will get you physically energetic. This endorphin kick also comes in handy. Meditate. Make time for yourself, by yourself. Increase your meditation along with sound therapy treatment also; utilize quartz crystal singing bowls. Their clear sound plus vibration detoxifies the nature since they re-energize. Stop other unpleasant stimuli-not to get wrongly identified as "man made," although at this, we suggest, something that our own bodies really don't produce or perhaps do not produce in the very same amounts we ingest from industrial merchandise, think coffee, cigarette smoking, alcohol, and prescription medicine. Think "natural high." That's what you need to be concentrating on.

Having crystal sin! ging bow ls in the house sounds slightly uncommon. If you think maybe about it, you'll have piece of old eastern practice right in your home. Along with this,consider it more, it's the one which has been used to assist in healing both body and mind for many years.Eliminate as often adverse energy of all sorts, from chaos, to people, to distractions in your own mind. Meditation with singing bowls will work only that. A crystal singing bowl, when played out, lets out a much of the best and most natural tones we will ever hear. This transports an immediately repairing, tranquil, as well as cleansing effects.

About the Author

Quartz crystal singing bowls are definitely the most artistic way to use beautiful sounds which have an effect on the body in postive and natural techniques. To read more helpful bits of details about crystal singing bowls, check out the links provided.

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