Benefits of the Vajra Guru Mantra

VAJRA GURU PHAN-YONHere is contained a Commentary upon a Mystic Syllables and
the Benefits of a Vajra Guru Mantra, which appears in the
Terma of Tulku Karma Lingpa.
a na dza sha matriarch wa zha matriarch rga rmavajra guru deva dakini hum
I do homage to a Lama, a Yidam, as well as a Dakini.
The Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal spoke:
I, Yeshe Tsogyal, who am a small woman, carrying made an charity of a vast mandala, outer, inner, as well as tip to my Guru, now make this request. O Master Padmasambhava, please grant to us, you who have been a people of Tibet, your constant support as well as good in this benefaction hold up as well as in all destiny lives. There has never been before, nor will there be in a destiny a boon as good as you. you have no disbelief which even I, who am a small woman, shall be given your sadhana which is itself similar to pure as well as precious nectar.
I see which there will come a time in a apart destiny when human beings will retain fickle intellects as well as ever changing opinions. They will be really excitable, impatient, as well as excessively prone to violence. They will adhere to heretical views regarding a Holy Dharma. In particular, they will slander as well as slur a Doctrine of a Supremely Secret Mantras. At which time, for all sentient beings, a 3 good evils of disease, poverty, as well as warfare with terrifying weapons will greatly increase.In particular, there will come a time of distressing suffering for Tibet as well as a Tibetan people when troubles will spread with good devastation opposite a 3 regions of China, Tibet, as well as Central Asia; only similar to when a nest of ants is broken as well as a ants swarm out. You, O Guru, have admitted most skillful means for curing these ills. Nevertheless, for a people of those destiny times there will be conjunction time nor event for a use of sadhana. Only a really few people will even! have a desire to practice. On each hand, disturbances as well as distractions will be awfully clever as well as powerful. Human beings will be incompetent to determine in between themselves. Even a materials required for puja as well as a preparations for sadhana use will be incomplete. In such immorality times, it will be intensely formidable to turn aside or reverse those trends. In such times as those, O Guru, if a single should rest solely upon your sadhana which is a Vajra Guru Mantra, what good as well as value shall come from this? For a consequence of those destiny beings with defective intellects, who have been devoid of deep righteous understanding, please discuss it us.
Then a Great Master spoke:
O loyal daughter, what you have pronounced is really true. Nevertheless, in such destiny periods as those, it is still sure which from use there shall come onward benefits both evident as well as idealisation for all sentient beings. you shall disguise a eighteen kinds of Termas; such as earth treasures, H2O treasures, rock treasures, sky treasures as well as so on, which will contain large numbers of sadhanas as well as tip teachings. In those immorality times, a skillful methods of those who retain good kismet as well as a portentous fluke of events [rten brel grig] have been awfully formidable to accomplish. Such times have been characterized by a depletion of whatever consequence sentient beings might possess.
Nevertheless, if during such places as a twenty 4 Great Places of Pilgrimage, or in a temples as well as villages, or upon a rise of a good mountain, or upon a seaside of a good river, or in a uplands as well as lowlands which have been inhabited by gods, demons, as well as ghosts, should anyone who possesses a tip vows as well as mantras, or monks possessing a vows of a Sangha, or even a layman of righteous conviction or a woman of good character, carrying intensely cultivated a intention to achieve Enlightenment; should any of them be means to repeat a hint of a Vajra Guru Mantra a singl! e hundre d times or a single thousand times or 10 thousand or a single hundred thousand or a single million or a single hundred million times or as most times as possible, a resulting appetite as well as benefits shall be inconceivable to a human mind. Moreover, in all a directions of space, disease, poverty, warfare, antagonistic armies, civil strife, famine, dire prophecies as well as sick omens, all these evils shall be averted. In each direction, a good happening of full of health cattle, abundant crops, as well as sleet in a season shall come. In ones benefaction life, in all destiny lives as well as in a narrow, formidable passage of a Bardo, to a higher chairman you shall be well known in my real presence, to a middle chairman you shall crop up as a vision, as well as to a defective chairman you shall speak to him in his dreams. In addition, it is sure which they shall, carrying perfected progressively a paths as well as stages, enter a land of Camaradvipa as vidyadharas both male as well as female.
If a single though repeats a mantra uninterruptedly a single hundred times a day, he will come in to a thoughts of others appearing in a favorable fashion. There will facilely come to him abundant food, wealth, as well as good fortune. If a single repeats a mantra as most as a single thousand times or 10 thousand times as well as so on, he shall good carry out over a minds of others as well as it is sure which he shall achieve appetite as well as blessing. If a single repeats a mantra a single hundred thousand or 10 million times or more, he will accumulate all a appetite of a Three Worlds as well as good carry out over a 3 Realms of Existence. Gods as well as demons shall turn his servants as well as he shall achieve though any snag whatsoever a 4 enchanting rites. He is afterwards means to immeasurably support all sentient beings as most as he desires. If a single is means to equate as most as thirty million or seventy million recitations, afterwards all a Buddhas of a 3 times of past, present, as well as ! destiny shall regularly be with him. Indeed, he shall be matching with me. All a gods, rakshasas, as well as fierce towering deities shall promise to attend to his commands as well as obey them, accomplishing whatever he entrusts to them.
The higher chairman will achieve in this really hold up a Rainbow Body. The middle chairman will upon a occasion of a Chikhai Bardo comprehend a transparent light of self-illumination [od-gsal]. Even a defective person, once carrying seen my face in a Bardo, will be delivered from a arising of appearances [that normally crop up there], as well as carrying been reborn in Camaradvipa, he shall give infinite support to all sentient beings.
The Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal further requested:
O Great Master, you thank you for such a good boon of vast as well as infinite appetite as well as benefit. However, for a consequence of destiny sentient beings, please expound briefly in sutra fashion, upon a im- measurable appetite as well as good of a explanation upon a cryptic syllables of a Mantra of Guru Padma.
Then a Great Master spoke:
O daughter of a eminent family, which which is called a Vajra Guru Mantra is not only my name, though represents a really heart or critical hint of a Yidams, a 4 types of Tantras, a Nine Vehicles, as well as a eighty 4 thousand sections of a Dharma. This Mantra is finish as well as perfect for it is a really hint of all a Buddhas of a 3 times, of all a Gurus, Devatas, Dakinis, as well as Dharmapalas. If a single should ask what marks a cause of this perfection, afterwards let him attend well as well as fix it resolutely in his mind. Let him repeat a mantra again as well as again. Let him write it down. Then let him instruct as well as explain a meaning to all sentient beings of destiny ages.
OM AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUMAs for a OM, AH, as well as HUM, they have been a autarchic hint of a Body, Speech, as well as Mind. VAJRA is a autarchic hint of a Vajra family, GURU is a autarchic hint of a Jewel family, PADMA is a autarchic hint of a! lotus f amily, as well as SIDDHI is a autarchic hint of a kismet family. As for HUM, it is a su- preme hint of a Tathagata family.OM AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUM
As for OM, it is a soundness of a Sambhogakaya which embodies a Buddhas of a five families. AH is a soundness finish as well as unwavering of a Dharmakaya. HUM is a soundness in a space before to a single of a Guru, who is a Nirmanakaya. VAJRA is a soundness of a boundless public of Herukas. GURU is a soundness of a boundless public of Guru Vidyadharas. PADMA is a soundness of a boundless public of Dakinis as well as Shakinis. SIDDHI is a critical appetite [prana, srog] of all a Wealth Gods as well as Treasure Lords. HUM in a critical appetite of all a Dharmapalas though exception.
As for OM, AH, as well as HUM, they have been a critical energies of a 3 types of Tantras. VAJRA is a critical appetite of a dual sections called a Vinaya as well as a Sutras. GURU is a critical appetite of a dual Abidharma as well as Kriya Tantras. PADMA is a critical appetite of a dual Upaya Tantras as well as Yoga Tantras. SIDDHI is a critical appetite of a dual Mahayoga as well as Anuyogas. HUM is a critical appetite of a Atiyoga.
OM, AH, as well as HUM will freshen all obscurations which get from a Three Poisons. VAJRA will freshen all obscurations which get from hatred. GURU will freshen all obscurations which get from pride. PADMA will freshen all obscurations which get from greed. SIDDHI will freshen all obscurations which get from envy. By HUM, all obscurations which get from a defilements will be purified.
By OM, AH, as well as HUM, a single will acquire a Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, as well as Nirmanakaya. By VAJRA, a single will acquire a Mirror-like Gnosis [jnana]. By GURU, a single will acquire a Gnosis of Sameness. By PADMA, a single will acquire a Discriminating Gnosis. By SIDDHI, a single will acquire a All-Accomplishi! ng Gnosi s. By HUM, a single will ideally acquire all which derives from Gnosis.OM AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUM
By OM, AH, as well as HUM, a single will carry out gods, demons, as well as men. By VAJRA, a single will carry out such antagonistic intoxicating beverage as Gandharvas as well as fire spirits. By GURU, a single will carry out such antagonistic intoxicating beverage as Yama as well as a Rakshasas. By PADMA, a single will carry out such antagonistic intoxicating beverage as H2O sprites as well as air spirits. By SIDDHI, a single will carry out such antagonistic intoxicating beverage as Yakshas as well as absolute demons. By HUM, a single will carry out such antagonistic intoxicating beverage as Planetary Genii as well as Earth Lords.
By OM, AH, as well as HUM, a single will achieve a Six Perfections. By VAJRA, a single will comprehend all a enchanting rites which have been peaceful. By GURU, a single will comprehend all a enchanting rites which enlarge prosperity. By PADMA, a single will comprehend all a enchanting rites of over-powered enchantment. By SIDDHI, a single will comprehend all a enchanting rites of secular success. By HUM, a single will comprehend all a enchanting rites which have been terrifying.
By OM, AH, as well as HUM, a single will negate a enchanting influences of both Lamas as well as Bonpos. By VAJRA, a single will negate a antagonistic influences of a nemesis of a gods. By GURU, a single will negate a antagonistic influences of gods, rakshasas, as well as inlet deities. By PADMA, a single will negate a antagonistic influences of minor secular deities as well as demons. By SIDDHI, a single will negate a antagonistic influences of Nagas as well as Earth Lords. By HUM, a single will negate all a antagonistic influences of gods, demons, as well as men.
By OM, AH, as well as HUM, a single will overcome a belligerent hosts of a Five Poisons. By V! AJRA, a single will overcome a belligerent hosts which get from hatred. By GURU, a single will overcome a belligerent hosts which get from pride. By PADMA, a single will overcome a belligerent hosts which get from greed. By SIDDHI, a single will overcome a belligerent hosts which get from envy. By HUM, a single will overcome a belligerent hosts of gods, demons, as well as men.OM AH HUM VAJRA GURU PADMA SIDDHI HUM
By OM, AH, as well as HUM, a single will acquire a siddhis of Body, Speech, as well as Mind. By VAJRA, a single will acquire a siddhis of a Peaceful as well as Wrathful deities [Yi-dam zhi-khro]. By GURU, a single will acquire a siddhis of a Vidyadhara Guru. By PADMA, a single will acquire a siddhis of a Dakinis as well as Dharmapalas. By SIDDHI, a single will acquire siddhis both typical as well as supreme. By HUM, a single will acquire all fathomable siddhis.
By OM, AH, as well as HUM, a single will transmigrate to a Primordial Realm. By VAJRA, a single will transmigrate to a realm of Manifest Happiness which is in a eastern direction. By GURU, a single will transmigrate to a Fortunate Realm, which is in a southern direction. By PADMA, a single will transmigrate to a Realm of Great Bliss, which is in a horse opera direction. By SIDDHI, a single will transmigrate to a Supreme Realm, which is in a northern direction. By HUM, a single will transmigrate to a Unshakeable Realm, which is in a center.
By OM, AH, as well as HUM, a single will acquire a vidyadhara of a Three Bodies. By VAJRA, a single will acquire a vidyadhara, which is determined in a initial stage. By GURU, a single will acquire a vidyadhara of a appetite of longevity. By PADMA, a single will acquire a vidyadhara of a Mahamudra. By SIDDHI, a single will acquire a vidyadhara which is self-created [lhun-grub]. By HUM, a single will acquire a vidyadhara which is completely matured.
If a single pronounces thi! s Vajra Guru Mantra only a single time, afterwards even if misery as well as illness come, a consequence of this shall be greater than a complete area of Jambudvipa. For all those sentient beings who look at, attend to, as well as remember this mantra, it is sure which they shall both males as well as females turn vidyadharas. The loyal difference of a Vajra Guru never fail. If it does not occur which a single attains his desire as you have said, afterwards I, Padma, have unsuccessful all sentient beings. However, since it is sure which you do not fail, afterwards a single should use sadhana as you have instructed. If a single is incompetent to intone a mantra repeatedly, he should mountain it atop a high pole as a feat banner, for though disbelief a really winds will carry it to all sentient beings. Alternatively, he should pull it upon wood, stone, earth, as well as so on, as well as carrying hallowed as well as empowered it [rab- gnas], afterwards place it in a high place along a road. Seeing this there, all beings shall be purified of disease, immorality spirits, as well as obscurations. At such a place, a entrance as well as starting of demons as well as rakshasas have been brought to a halt. Alternatively, a single should write it with gold ink upon pure, dim blue paper as well as afterwards bind it up. Thus immorality spirits, devils, as well as ghosts will be incompetent to do any harm or injury. One carrying died, if it is burnt with a corpse, a rainbow will afterwards appear. Moreover, it is sure which he will transmigrate in to a Great Bliss [bde-chen]. If a single regularly writes as well as reads this mantra, afterwards certainly he shall pass beyond any magnitude of virtue. For a consequence of all destiny sentient beings, you shall write this down as well as disguise it. Then let my son who possesses advantageous kismet recover it.
SAMAYA! GYA GYA GYA!(This is my tip vow, thrice sealed!)Let it be kept tip from those with heretical views.
GYA GYA GYA!However, let it be given to all those who ! have bee n firm in their vows.
Tulku Karma Lingpa recovered a dark value as well as copied this from a Shog-ser.
NOTES: The text of a benefaction work is in a form of a discourse in between a Tibetan princess, Yeshe Tsogyal as well as her Guru, Padmasambhava. This text is a explanation upon a dark significance of a syllables of a Vajra Guru Mantra of Padmasambhava. It is an extract of a larger work, a Shog-ser, belonging to a Terma detected by a good Terton Karma Lingpa. This master is also obliged for discovery of a famous Bardo Thosgrol, or Tibetan Book of a Dead. He is remarkable, in which his initial discoveries occurred when he was though fifteen years of age.
This is an authoritative interpretation from a original Tibetan denunciation edition, which dates from a fourteenth century. It is stable by copyright as well as might not be reproduced though before written permission.
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