Weekly Tibetan Astrology: January 3 - January 9, 2011

Note: This week we enter a second eleventh, or intercalary Tibetan month, according to a usual Phugpa system. we am keenly aware which most of we impute to either one of dual use calendars: The Complete Tibetan Calendar, published by Nalandabodhi, or a really renouned Rigpa Tibetan Calendar published for several years right away by Sogyal Rinpoche's students. There might be some difficulty brewing, so we want to take just a impulse to explain what is happening. First, a Complete Tibetan Calendar expresses dates dual ways: according to a Phugpa (phug pa/phug lugs) system, which it rsther than unfortunately transliterates as "Phukluk," as well as according to a Tsurphu (mtshur phu/mtshur lugs) system, which it transliterates as "Tsurluk." Rigpa, upon a alternative hand, expresses usually a Phugpa system. Now, this year, 2010 - 2011 Iron Tiger, a Phugpa complement has a "extra" or intercalary month, as well as this is expressed as a doubled eleventh Tibetan month. Tsurphu, upon a alternative hand, has no such month, so according to a Tsurphu complement this week marks a initial day of a twelfth or final month of a Tibetan lunar year, as well as additionally a final month of a Chinese lunar year.
If we aren't confused yet, afterwards I'm not we do a proper job.
To mystify matters, a Complete Tibetan Calendar for Iron Tiger finished upon December 2010, as well as a 2011 Complete Tibetan Calendar for Iron Rabbit -- just published -- has a small blunder of expression. They have been observant Losar, or a Tibetan New Year, falls upon February 3rd, as well as which this is both a "Tsurluk & Phukluk date." That is wrong. In point of fact, this is a Tsurphu date, as well as additionally a usual Chinese monthly monthly calendar date, though a Phugpa date -- which is essentially Losar -- is Mar 5th, as ! a inner evidence of a Complete Tibetan Calendar itself so ably demonstrates, inventory Mar 5th as a initial day of a initial Phugpa month.
With which out of a way, greatfully consider which this Tuesday is an critical day all a approach around. Devote as most of a day to use as we possibly can, as well as when night falls, use like your hair is upon fire. No have a difference what monthly monthly calendar we have been using, a Iron Tiger is still around, still hungry, as well as still has really sharp teeth. Internationally, we have been starting to see some bad news this week, as well as a elements have been starting to have themselves felt.
January 3, 2011 - Chinese 30th, M-T-K 29th. Sheep, Khon, White 6. Conflict expected in a universe arena, as well as positively possible tighten to home, so minimize a probability of those possibilities by participation in dharma activities. Check a eastern sky (from North America) for a Quadrantid Meteor Shower: should be about 120 meteors per hour.

January 4, 2011 - Chinese 1st day of 12th month, M-T-K 30th. Monkey, Dwa, Red 7. Today is zin phung. Note which use is emphasized from right away until a 15th lunar. A partial Solar Eclipse is observed today, so a goods of certain as well as disastrous actions have been multiplied by 10,000. Particularly note which tonight is a night when a fates of those to die during 2011 have been decided. With all this energy, currently is definitely a day to set aside for strong use as well as blow up offerings.

January 5, 2011 - Chinese 2nd, M-T-K 1st day of second eleventh month. Bird, Khen, White 8. Weather might be exciting, as well as a earth might send messages, though try to keep currently up-tempo as well as joyful.

January 6, 2011 - Chinese 3rd, M-T-K 2nd. Dog, Kham, Red 9. A day noted by quite disastrous energies. Success will be fugitive while trouble will be readily during hand.

January 7, 2011 - Chinese 4th, M-T-K 3rd. Pig, Gin, White 1. A day not! ed by qu ite certain energies, as well as increase.

January 8, 2011 - Chinese 4th, M-T-K 4th. Pig, Gin, White 1. Note duplicated day in Chinese practice. The trend toward enlarge continues. Good energies. Venus as well as Mercury in a southeast sky. Check in a early morning.

January 9, 2011 - Chinese 5th, M-T-K 5th. Mouse, Zin, Black 2. Do not expect swell today. A really great day to stay home as well as rest.

Afterthought: Recently, someone wrote in as well as asked if we would proceed including notice of Rahu days. we get most requests for sold attention to sold days, spirits, as well as so forth. If we honored all of these requests, this weekly feature would become tiresome as well as confusing. Nevertheless, we will give we all a quick equates to to work out such days.

The days have been given in this order: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, as well as Rahu. You can see this upon a Tibetan astrological thangkas, with a usual black of a red object (Sun), white crescent moon (Moon), red as well as white eye (Mars), blue hand (Mercury), immature phurba (Jupiter), white arrowhead (Venus), yellow bundle of wood (Saturn), as well as a blue as well as gray bird's conduct (Rahu).

In Tiger, Horse, as well as Dog months, a initial day is counted from Saturn. In Mouse, Dragon, as well as Monkey months, a initial day is counted from Mars. In Pig, Sheep, as well as Hare months, a initial day is counted from a Moon. In Bird, Ox, as well as Snake months, a initial day is counted from Jupiter.

As an example: upon Jan 5th we proceed a Ox month, so which day is Jupiter, Thursday is Venus, Friday is Saturn, Saturday is Rahu, Sunday is Sun, etc. However, we need to assimilate which Rahu's change permeates all days, elements, directions, years, signs, as well as parkha. Just for fun: upon Jan 5th, look high in a southwestern sky after night before ends, as well as we will find Jupiter. On Friday, look in a southeastern sky for a lovely view of S! aturn co mplete with rings.

Naga observations for a eleventh month. The most appropriate offering days have been a 1st, 9th, as well as 21st lunar. Don't have offerings upon a 4th, 5th, 8th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 19th, or 28th.
Consult a lengthened contention of 2010 astrology by clicking here. Consult a lengthened contention of 2011 astrology by clicking here.
Published each Monday during 00:01 though created in advance as well as auto-posted. See a Introduction to Daily Tibetan Astrology for credentials information. If we know a mystic animal of your birth year, we can get report about your certain as well as disastrous days by clicking here. If we don't know a mystic animal of your birth year, we can acquire which report by clicking here. For specific report about a astrology of 2010, inclusive of elements, earth spirits, as well as so forth, greatfully consult a lengthened contention by clicking here. Click here for Hong Kong Observatory acclimatisation tables. Weekly Tibetan Astrology copyright (c) 2010. All rights reserved.

Write to rinpoche2006@gmail.com http://tibetanaltar.blogspot.com

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