Mass Bird and Fish Deaths: Signs and Omens

Dead birds have been descending from a sky in America as well as Sweden. Millions of passed fish have been soaking ashore in North America, South America, as well as New Zealand. What does it mean?
In a Tibetan healing as well as astrological belief system, there have been signs or omens occurring in inlet -- these have been well known as ltas-mo -- which conform to one or a alternative of a 8 classes of spirits. These have been in all described as "signs which originate prior" to outbreaks, plagues, epidemics, as well as pandemics. When observed, they clearly foretell a appearance of disease -- as well as in a little case, foretell distressing acts of war.
As an example, particular sounds done by mountain springs, or particular atmospheric appearances might prove a exasperation of nagas. When tiny creatures which eat grass have been found genocide it indicates a sadak disturbance. Certain cloud formations prove hostility from a mamos.
Since a initial of a year, you have review alarming reports of mass bird as well as fish deaths. These appear to be taking place all over a world. Someone has mapped out a location of a incidents, as well as which map is shown above. Currently, effort is being invested to determine a means of a incidents, as well as a series of opposite explanations have been put forward.
From a Tibetan perspective, a precise means or causes of death, as well as indeed, a locations of a deaths, have been less important which a fact of a deaths themselves. Briefly stated, it might not make a difference why they died; it matters which they died during all.
Some people have been tempted to courtesy this as a make a difference belonging to 2011, though actually, this is a make a difference belonging to a year of a Iron Tiger, which is still with us. You might recall, when you did a astrological comment for 2010, you wrote, "! me very, really absolute forces will come to life -- as well as rare agitation or activity among energetically angry intoxicating beverage of all classes."
We shall have some-more to say upon a make a difference in a future post, though for a moment please understand -- you cannot continue to mindlessly provoke a sourroundings without consequence.
We have been not a usually inhabitants of this environment. Whether you "see" or "believe in" a alternative inhabitants matters really little, for they have been there.
And they have been sending messages.
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