9th World Sound Healing Day on Valentine's Day

February 14, 2011 Valentine's Day is popularly known as a day where the world celebrates love, friendship and relationships. This year, Valentine's Day marks the 9th World Sound Healing Day, created to sound together for peace and harmony of the planet.

Tapped as sonic valentine to the earth, the project is a conscious effort to collectively project sacred sound with the purpose of Global Harmonization, an attempt in assisting and enhancing peace and harmony on earth. At 12 noon Eastern Time, thousands upon thousands of individuals is expected to join and project the heart sound "AH for the 5-minute sounding dedicated as a sonic valentine to Gaia, the Mother Earth, filled with intention and love. The "Ah sound is claimed to be powerful and effective in creating a positive wave of energy.

Individual and group sound activities on this day will be simultaneously done by people from the United States, Asia, Australia and Europe. Headed by Jonathan Goldman, an acclaimed author and award winning musician, claims that the Sound Healing Day will manifest positive shifts and changes for the benefit of the planet.

The World Sound Healing Day is aimed to positively affect the Earth through the use of sound, to bring awareness of the power of intentional sound, and most importantly, to create a conscious humanity using sound for planetary healing.

For more information on the World Sound Healing Day, visit www.worldsoundhealingday.org.

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