Gloria Charlier Speaks on Clinical Aromatherapy

Gloria Charlier, the President and Founder of Holistic Wellness Solutions, is set to speak on the 5th of February regarding Clinical Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils in reducing anxiety and stress. The speaking engagement will be part of the half day program titled "A Time of Warmth and Nurturing! to be held at the Hyde Park Health Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The program will start 10:30 am and will be aimed to help those who are struggling with the challenges of anxiety and stress. Charlier will be discussing how essential oils can help alleviate anxiety and stress, and effectively improve the lives of individuals who are dealing with such issues. Important facts shall be raised to include facts on pure therapeutic oils sourced from all over the world. Discussions on their benefits, how oils can lift individual's moods and spirits, promote relaxation and assist in healing the mind, body and spirit will also be taken up.Holistic Wellness Solutions, a Cincinnati Ohio-Based company, was founded by Charlier, a recognized expert and mentor in holistic healing and wellness.

For more information on the engagement, visit

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