Kentucky Fried Kung Fu?

"Foreign countries insert some-more importance to a widespread of Buddhism compared with China, that's because you place additional importance upon alternative countries these years," Qian Da-liang, conduct of a Intellectual Property as well as Intangible Assets Management Center during Shaolin Temple, told reporters.
[Shanghai Daily 10 Jan 11] The controversial monk of Shaolin Temple says he will go on to concentrate upon a overseas marketplace even after a universe famous church has opened some-more than 40 centers around a universe to teach foreigners kung fu as well as Zen Buddhism."Only if a church grows stronger abroad will it have a bigger influence during home," Shi Yongxin, a temple's 30th abbot, told a informative attention forum during Peking University over a weekend.Shi pronounced a very old church in central China's Henan Province came up with a convenient unfamiliar growth process - firstly renting houses to teach kung fu as well as afterwards regulating a tuition fees to buy a premises."We almost do not need money, though only need to send out young monks (as trainers), rent a local house, decorate it as well as afterwards start enrollment," he said.The monk pronounced a church did not aim to make money though to foster a Shaolin enlightenment around a world.

Abbot Shi YongxinSince taking up his post in 1999, a abbot's blurb activities - opening pharmacies, kung fu schools as well as online stores - have come underneath fire, with critics saying a church should not rivet in so most money-generating as well as publicity-gaining activities.But Shi pronounced he is dynamic to go on with blurb growth to revitalize a 1,500-year-old church as well as conserve its ric! h Buddhi st as well as informative heritage.The church had set up "culture centers" in cities such as London as well as Berlin where monks could teach in unfamiliar languages, a monk told a forum.He pronounced each center could enroll some-more than 1,000 students each year, mostly adults extraordinary about kung fu as well as Zen.Shi goes to some centers once each dual years to test unfamiliar students upon kung fu.The centers also taught a Chinese denunciation as well as lifestyles of monks to introduce Shaolin enlightenment to foreigners."I hope alternative temples in China can also send monks to universe cities, because it has become an preferred way to foster Buddhism across a world," Shi said.The church also sends monks to perform kung fu shows around a world.Shi pronounced some-more than 400 armed forces monks achieved abroad last year. They achieved in 56 cities in twenty-nine countries in a past 3 years as well as won most prizes.Write to

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