True Grit and Lojong

The Utne Reader is running with an essay upon actress Jeff Bridges which makes you want to go see his interpretation of the iconic John Wayne role in the remake of the classical American motion picture True Grit.
It seems which throughout production, Bridges was buried low in Trungpa'sTraining the Mind as well as Cultivating Loving-Kindness.
He tells the interviewer:"I dont know if it has anything to do with the lojong thing, though many things do, in the uncanny way. A bunch of things are popping into my mind. [Pause] True grit means which youre courageous. The unreasoning bent when things get tough is which you protect ourselves, you get hard, you get firm [makes the chopping gesture]bapbapbapbap. But with this lojong idea, its utterly topsy-turvy. When you want to get tough as well as stiff as well as adamant, thats the time to soften as well as see how you competence play or dance with the situation. Then all is workable. In True Grit, my characterall the characters are which way."It is fascinating, over the past forty years or so, to comply Buddhism slowly work its influence upon American renouned culture. It is even some-more fascinating to comply Trungpa Rinpoche's legacy spread in ever-widening rings of influence -- similar to the pebble thrown in the pool of still water. Really, we want to contend which Trungpa Rinpoche's greatness cannot be measured in the century -- what he did for us will live for all time.
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