Ken Wilber's creationism is pseudo-science

I used to enjoy celebration of the mass Ken Wilber's take upon reality, a.k.a. Integral Theory. But eventually it dawned upon me which Wilber takes the lot of liberties with facts about inlet (human as well as otherwise), so most of his integrating involves untruths.

Case in point: David Christopher Lane's short, easy-to-read pictorial essay, "Frisky Dirt: Why Ken Wilber's New Creationism is Pseudoscience."

Lane persuasively argues which supposedly super-brilliant Ken Wilber actually is clueless about how expansion works. Chance plays the role, though healthy preference is anything though pointless (that's why it's called selection, Ken).

Wilber has come to receptive to advice similar to the creationist with his speak about how the star is driven by love, Eros. Notions similar to which have been excellent so long as they remain in the area of communication as well as mythology, though have been definitely ridiculous when contrasted with complicated systematic understanding.

Anyway, have the review as well as have up your own mind about Wilber. There's some-more interesting spiritual-mystical-philosophical things upon MSAC Magazine's web page.

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