Karmapa Office Issues Strongly Worded Press Release

Following is a press release just issued by the Office of the Karmapa, regarding recent events in India:

"We would like to categorically state that the allegations being levelled against the Karmapa and his administration are grossly speculative and without foundation in the truth. Everyone who knows the history of our lineage, our struggle and His Holiness' life is very surprised by the allegations.

We categorically deny having any link whatsoever with any arm of the Chinese Government whatsoever. The Karmapa has a deep affection for the people of this great country of India where he has been practicing his faith for years. We have had a long and positive working relationship with the democratic Government of India that has always demonstrated great tolerance of cultural expression and diverse beliefs.

We have followers in a large number of countries who have placed their trust and faith in us and, through their individual donations, enable the sect to undertake substantial programmes of public service that have benefited many thousands in India and abroad.

Monasteries across the world receive offerings from devotees in various forms - there is nothing surprising, new or irregular in this. A representative of HH the Dalai Lama's office underlined this yesterday. The cash in question under the current investigation by the police is offerings received for charitable purposes from local and international disciples from many different countries wishing to support His Holiness' various charitable activities. Any suggestion that these offerings were to be used for illegal purposes in libelous."

Write to rinpoche2006@gmail.com http://tibetanaltar.blogspot.com

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