Annoncement: AnmolMehta.Com Website Maintenance Monday Night EST

Hi Everybody,

First a Big Thank You from me for being a reader and a part of the Mastery of Meditation and Yoga.

The website has grown rapidly and recently broke into the top 100,000 websites in the world as rated by ( It is now ranked around 80,000 in the world, and it is a great honor to be part of this elite group. This has only been possible because of your help, love and support. So thank you once again.

With running such a high traffic website, of course, comes the need for upgrading the technology and such an upgrade is planned for tomorrow night (Monday January 24th Eastern Standard Time).

The upgrade is going to make the website more stable, faster and more secure, by bringing all the software that runs it up to date.

During this upgrade, tomorrow evening/night, you may experience some disruption accessing the website, which is the reason for this alert. The upgrade should be completed tomorrow itself and I appreciate your patience and understanding during this required work.

I have lots of exciting plans for 2011, including a whole new set of free yoga and meditation videos, as well as a new Yoga and Meditation Forum. I think a forum will be a huge plus for everyone, as then we can have enlightening discussing and healthy debates there. Be on the lookout for this in the near future.

Thank you once again.

Love and Light,

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