Holy Ones of the Past

Sole certain as well as constant refuge, Lord of a Mandala,
Kindly as well as many changed Root Lama,
Hold me with your compassion we who, oblivious of death,
Have squandered this changed physique of freedoms as well as endowments upon a concerns of only this life.

This dreamlike tellurian reason up abandoned of certainty,
If it's happy, fine; if it's unhappy fine.
Unconcerned with a objects of complacency as well as sorrow,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This tellurian reason up similar to a butterlamp in a wind,
If a long, fine; if it's short, fine.
Not seeking to tighten a grip of ego,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These discriminations as well as decisions similar to a bewildering apparition,
If they're befitting as well as correspond, fine; if not, fine.
The eight secular dharmas expel off similar to so much chaff,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These friends as well as acquaintances similar to a group of birds in a tree,
If they stay around, fine; if we're separated, fine.
Tying my noserope round my own head,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This illusory physique similar to a tumbledown hundredyearold ruin,
If it holds up, fine; if it crumbles, fine.
Not restraining myself up with a bid of obtaining food, clothing as well as medicines,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This forms of Dharma similar to a child's game,
If we have them, fine; if we remove ! them, fi ne.
Not deceiving myself with a unimportant,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These gods as well as demons similar to reflections in a mirror,
If they bring benefit, fine; if they bring harm, fine.
Not receiving my own deluded appearances as enemies,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This confused gibberish similar to a discontinuous echo,
If it's pleasant as well as agreeable, fine; if not, fine.
With a Three Rare as well as changed Jewels as well as my own thoughts as witness,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

Things which similar to a deer's antlers are invalid in times of need,
If we know them, fine; if we don't, fine.
Not fixation my conviction in various humanities as well as sciences,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These cache as well as possessions similar to a virulent poison,
If they come, fine; if they don't, fine.
Not wasting this tellurian reason up in dishonest acquisition,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This appearance of loftiness similar to a dogturd wrapped in brocade,
If we have it, fine; if not, fine.
Who wants to knowledge a stink his own rottenness facetoface?
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These relatives by matrimony similar to possibility meetings during a marketplace fair,
If they're sociable, fine; if they're mean as well as unpleasant, fine.
Cutting a hawser of connection from a heart,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

All these m! aterial goods similar to treasures found in a dream,
If we have them, fine; if we don't, fine.
Not branch others' heads with falseseeming as well as flattery,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This arrange similar to a tiny bird perched upon a tree,
If it's high, fine; if it's low, fine.
Not formulating a causes of my own suffering,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These immorality mantras as well as their compared activities similar to a pointy weapon,
If they work, fine; if not, fine.
Not shopping a razor to cut off my own life,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These recitations similar to a parrot mouthing a Mani,
If they're done, fine; if not, fine.
Not counting up a unconstrained accumulations,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This long-winded mouthing of Dharma explanations similar to a mountain waterfall,
If it's knowledgeable, fine; if not, fine.
Not mistaking this erudite blather for tangible Dharma,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This intellect so swift to jump to conclusions similar to a pigs snout,
If it's sharp, fine; if it's dull, fine.
Not stirring up a pointless whirlpool of hatred as well as desire,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These yogic use similar to a summer stream,
If they grow, fine; if they fade, fine.
Not chasing after rainbows similar to a child,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These pure visions similar to a mountain storm,
If they arise, fine;! if not, fine.
Not unresolved upon to these delusive use as real,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These freedoms as well as endowments similar to a wishgranting jewel,
Without them there's no approach to get ahead a Holy Dharma.
Not vouchsafing them go to waste right away we have them in my hand,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This glorious Lama similar to a lamp upon a path,
If we do not meet him there's no approach to assimilate a genuine inlet of all which exists.
Not jumping off a cliff right away which we know a way,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This Holy Dharma similar to a disinfectant to cure all disease,
If we do not attend to it there's no approach of knowing what should as well as shouldn't be done.
Not swallowing strong poison right away we know what brings good as well as harm,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This alternation of complacency as well as pang similar to a becoming different of a seasons,
If we do not demeanour in to it there's no approach to grasp renunciation.
Since it's certain which times of pang will befall me by a really inlet of intermittent existence,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This intermittent existence similar to a pebble fallen in to a depths of a water,
If we do not shun it right away there'll be no possibility of we do so after on.
Taking reason of a proffered connective tissue of compassion of a Three Rare as well as Precious Jewels,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These cordial qualities! of last ransom similar to an island of jewels,
If they're not well known there's no approach to set about developing perseverance.
Having recognized a pointed good in abiding victory,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These reason up stories of a perfectly cordial similar to a quintessential nectar,
If they're not understood there's no approach belief can arise.
Not shopping my own pang right away we know a difference between feat as well as defeat,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This perspective of a Enlightenment Mind similar to a fertile field,
If we do not give rise to it there's no approach Buddhahood can be attained.
Not falling in to sluggishness when there is good good to be gained,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This thoughts of mine similar to a chattering monkey,
If we do not watch over it delicately there's no approach we can absolved myself of conflicting emotions.
Not only we do as we please similar to some fool,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This connection to self similar to a shade a single is born with,
If we do not get absolved of it there's no approach we can strech a sure place of happiness.
Now I've laid hands upon a enemy, not befriending him,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These 5 poisons similar to embers aglow underneath ashes,
If they're not uprooted we can't dwell in a former state of thoughts itself.
Not harbouring unwholesome serpents in my breast,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This mindstream of mine simi! lar to a tougher or stronger skin of a butterbag,
If it's not softened as well as tamed a Dharma won't merge with my mind.
Not vouchsafing my own kid put up with a whims,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These karmic traces as well as inbred bad habits similar to a current of a river,
If they're not cut off there's no approach to apart oneself from secular activity.
Not selling a arms as well as fixation it in a really hands of a enemy,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These distractions similar to a neverending ripples upon water,
If they're not given up there's no approach a single can turn stable.
Not choosing to use samsara right away which we can do as we please,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

These blessings of a lama similar to a heat warming earth as well as H2O in a springtime,
If they do not come in in to we there's no approach we can be introduced to a inlet of mind.
Not creation a good detour right away I'm essentially upon a shortcut,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This removed retreatplace similar to a summer margin of medicinal plants,
If we do not essentially settle there there's no approach cordial qualities can evolve.
Not erratic back to a black towns as well as villages right away I'm essentially here in a mountains,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This enterprise for comfort as well as wish similar to a demon of misfortune entering one's dwelling,
Without separating yourself from it there's no approach to stop essay after secular gratification.
Not creation offerings to a really dem! on which seeks to undermine me as yet he were a god,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This aware recognition similar to a lock upon a castle gate,
If we do not maintain it there's no approach to stop a movements of delusion as well as error.
Not unbarring a doorway right away which a thief is upon his way,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This genuine inlet similar to a unwavering sky,
If we do not assimilate it there's no approach we can establish a basement for a right view.
Not fixture myself in my own fetters as well as chains,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

This pure recognition similar to an immaculate crystal,
If we do not see it there's no approach we can disintegrate grasping during contrived meditations.
Not looking for an additional when we have this inseparable companion,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

The face of ordinary recognition similar to an old friend prolonged known,
If it's not recognized everything we do is only a beguiling snare.
Not perplexing to measure things with my eyes shut tight,
Let me sincerely as well as wholeheartedly put a autarchic teachings in to practice.

In short, if we do not give up a doings of this life,
There will be no event to use a Holy Dharma during some after stage.
Having resolved to uncover myself kindness,
Let everything we do turn Holy Dharma.

Let me not have wrong views as regards a Lama who advises me in accordance with Dharma,
Lose conviction in a deity when immorality karma ripens,
Or give up use when conditions are difficult.
May obstacles to fulfilment such as these never arise! .

All these activities, whatever they may be, are as senseless as touring a wilderness.
All this bid only makes a mindstream more rigid.
All this thinking only feeds confusion.
Everything which passes for Dharma in a thoughts of a ordinary man only binds a single further.

All this wake up though nothing comes of it;
All this thinking though it has no point;
Need follows need though there's never time to prove them.
Setting in reserve 'doing', let me have a strength to put a oral teachings in to practice.

If we contingency do something, let me begin by receiving a words of a Victorious Ones as witness.
If something contingency be done, let me mix my mindstream with Dharma.
If something contingency be accomplished, let me take my example from a stories of a lives as well as ransom of a saints of a past.
Steeped in habit, how can we do otherwise?

Keep to lowliness as well as piety with gratification as your treasure,
Free yourself from a holds of a eight secular Dharmas as well as essay with all your heart for accomplishment.
When a lama's blessing enters one's understanding becomes vast as a sky.
Grant your blessings which we attain a kingdom of Samantabhadra, a AllGood Buddha.

This was stoical by 'Jigdrl Yeshe Dorje [Dudjom Rinpoche] for his own recitation as well as use as well as essentialises a definition of a unchangeable advice of a Holy Ones of a past. [Translated by Mike Dickman as The Essentialized Teachings of a Holy Ones of a Past.]Write to rinpoche2006@gmail.com http://tibetanaltar.blogspot.com

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