Offering to the Lord of the Site

You can just suppose what a ancient Native Americans thought when they first noticed this haunted place. It is formidable to understand what gave climb to this unusual formation, if not a witty hand of strange wisdom. This is in my front yard, so to speak, so you can ponder a consequences during leisure. Having pondered, you came to interpretation a intoxicating beverage of a place -- as well as if there have been no intoxicating beverage here afterwards there have been no intoxicating beverage anywhere -- deserved an offering.
But, which offering? There have been literally hundreds to chose from. Usually, you like a Cha Sum Puja. But, on this occasion, you longed for something light, as well as simple, that could be used when wandering around from site to site.
So, somebody sent me something really close to a following text, without revelation me where it came from. Some online sleuthing revealed that it came from Thekchen Choling, in Singapore. They have it available for download, without saying really most about a root text, or what competence be compulsory by approach of preparation.
I to illustrate done exploration of a little associating lamas, who fine-tuned a content with helpful comments, as well as a suggested, easily revised version is now presented for your use. you like this version. It is handy, to-the-point, as well as it works.
Offering to a Lord of a Siteand a Hungry Ghosts
The Preliminaries
This charity protocol might be achieved by any one who has, during minimum, (a) rigourously taken refuge, as well as (b) received any tantric empowerment. If you miss even those minimal qualifications, afterwards examine your goal really closely. If you have been move from a genuinely unselfish instruct to good others, afterwards what is a harm?
Prepare a common torma of barley flour, with about a teaspoon of honey added. Omit a use of butter. A corn flour torma! might a dditionally be prepared, quite in a Americas. Lacking a ability to make a torma, afterwards acquire rice, wheat, corn, or barley grain, or even dried peas or beans of a little sort. The essential indicate would be to have 5 different, dry vegetarian substances. The strange content suggests regulating digestive biscuits (what you competence call crackers) crumbled up as well as placed in a play of purify drinking water.
This practice is best achieved before long after dusk. This is since a little intoxicating beverage have been fearful of light.
The Ritual
OM VAJRA AMRITA KUNDRALI HANA HANA HUNG PHAT(This is a clarification mantra of Trowo Dutsi Kyilwa)
Within a state of empty, simple space, there arises a minute DHRUM. From DHRUM arises broad, expansive vessels done of jewels. These vessels fill a complete realm. Within them, a minute OM melts in to light. From these arises a torma with a 3 good whites as well as a 3 sweets, which is instantaneously transformed in to a good ocean of a uncontaminated nectar of otherworldly wisdom.
OM AH HUM(recite 3 times)
NAMA SARWA TATHAGATA AVALOKITE OM SAMBHARA SAMBHARA HUM(Offer a torma with this mantra, reciting 3 or 7 times)
I abase to a Bhagavan, a Tathagata Many Jewelled One: Shakyamuni Buddha.I abase to a Bhagavan, a Tathagata Supreme Beautiful Form: Avalokiteshvara.
I abase to a Bhagavan, a Tathagata Infinite Bodied One: Manjushri.I abase to a Bhagavan, a Tathagata Free From All Fear: Vajrapani.
(Begin toll bell)
I suggest this torma as well as ocean of nectar,Endowed with a 5 undiluted clarity objects,To BSTAN-MA, a Goddess of a Earth,All lords of a site of a 3 thousand worlds,To a Five Sisters of Long Life,And to all a protectors who reside in Tibet (and in this land),And quite to a devas, nagas, as well as duke of a site,
And to a inspired ghosts,All who dwell in this really region.
Having to illustrate accepted, you ask you to gather, as yo! u wish,A ll conditions conducive for whatever actionsWe as well as a sponsors perform,Without showing anger or jealousy.
By a energy of my thoughts,By a energy of a generosity of a Tathagatas,And by a energy of a area of truth,May any role you desire, any whatsoever,Be realized without obstruction.
(Leave a charity of biscuits as well as H2O out overnight, as well as transparent a next morning. In rural or remote areas, it is nonessential to transparent them away, as they will good insects, birds, furious animals as well as so forth. )

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