First Pyramid in West Bengal

Here's another reason to visit Kolkata, West Bengal!

The inauguration of the First Pyramid made in West Bengal by "Pragyan Foundation is happening on the 17th May 2011, an auspicious occasion, the anniversary of Lord Buddha. One of the greatest spiritual teachers of mankind which India has produced is undoubtedly, Buddha. Edwin Arnold has fittingly called him the "Light of Asia". Buddha's message has traveled far and wide and captured the hearts and minds of billions of people outside India also. Buddha taught many different types of meditation, each designed to overcome a particular problem or to develop a particular psychological state.

Meditation done inside a pyramid or underneath a pyramid is called Pyramid Meditation and it is thrice more powerful. Pyramids helps to reduce the level of stress and tension in the physical body. An Amethyst crystal has been fixed at the apex of the Pyramid. The crystal absorbs Cosmic Energy and radiates throughout the Pyramid. The use of a pyramid in meditation can give rise to feelings of calmness, well-being and a more open and a positive attitude. Many users claim increased memory recall, visions of past incarnations, telepathic communication and an expansion of awareness, by the use of this technique. The best results are achieved by sitting in a North facing direction. For better health, one must sit facing the East. If the Meditation is being done for having wealth in future, he/she must sit North-East facing direction. This is a unique experience of meditation inside a Pyramid.


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