Peaceful Warrior

I am very blessed to be able to do work in the world that truly makes my heart sing. I wont go through the story of how I got started on this journey as it is listed on our website, www.CelebrateYourLife.ORG under the ABOUT section, but suffice to say I get to meet and work with some of the countrys most sought after best authors and spiritual teachers.I recently had a phone conversation with Dan Millman in preparation for his appearance at our Celebrate Your Life conference in Chicago in June. Dan is best known for his highly acclaimed NY Times bestselling book The Way of the Peaceful Warrior and his story was depicted in the film Peaceful Warrior starring Nick Nolte.Our phone conversation reminded me of when I first met Dan, he was everything I expected. Being a huge fan of his work, I remember feeling a bit intimidated, but he immediately disarmed me with his gentle and kind manner. He is that peaceful warrior that one might imagine him to be and most especially when teaching where he has been known to demonstrate his Olympic medal gymnastic skills. I remember a workshop participant being completely amazed at Dans ability to address an audience as he did a hand-stand on top of a small cocktail table on the stage. He is not without creating a fun and humorous atmosphere while discussing lifes most contemplated issues.In his recent book that was just released, Millman goes even deeper into the realms of what life is about and our purpose on planet Earth. With endorsements from Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Ken Wilber and Quincy Jones to name a few, it is no wonder that Millmans book is capturing worldwide attention.The Four Purposes of Life was born from Dan Millmans decades long search to make sense of life. He distills his experience into a concise map of this journey and the full scope of what we ! are each here to accomplish on planet Earth.He discusses in detail The Four Purposes of Life which include:1. learning lifes lessons
2. finding your career and calling
3. discovering your life path
4. attending to this arising momentSome of the topics in the book also include, the higher purpose of daily life, twelve required lessons in the school of life, how to make better decisions in career and relationships and keys to mastering the most important purpose of all.
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