Meditation Technique for Pain Management

Pain Relief Meditation

Pain Management Technique

What was most amazing about the recent research which showed meditation reduced the intensity of pain by 40% and reduced the unpleasantness associated with pain by almost 60%, was that these benefits were attained with just 4 meditation sessions of 20 minutes each! Thats really incredible. Normally much more consistent practice is needed and the benefits of meditation are procured over time, but here we find that after just a few practice session, meditation helped enormously with pain management and pain relief.

This study, on the powers of meditation for pain management, was conducted at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, NC and published in the Journal of Neuroscience on April 6th. Even the researchers were amazed at the results.

How Meditation Helps with Pain Management:

Digging deeper into the study one finds that meditation was doing a whole lot of things in the body and brain, all at the same time, to help reduce the impact of pain. Brain scans were showing that areas of the brain associated with mental focus were more activated, while areas of the brain associated with the region where the pain was being applied were showing much less activity. So meditation was actually reducing the amount of pain by sensing less of it.

At the same time, those whose "focus areas" of the brain were most active, were reporting the least amount of perceived pain, so meditation was reducing the amount of perceived pain as well. All in all, it means that meditation was helping you feel less of the pain and at the same time helping you deal with the pain you were feeling better as well.

Meditation Technique for Pain Management:

So for those of you suffering from pain, chronic or otherwise, the question becomes, which meditation technique was giving such marve! lous res ults? It was good old, simple mindfulness meditation. This is a meditation where you bring your focus to your breathing and then simply become a passive witness to what is taking place in the mind and body, without analyzing, judging, comparing, evaluation, etc. Just simply watching what is taking place and allowing it to pass, while maintaining your awareness on your breath or mantra. You can get details of this meditation technique in the following article:

Zen Meditation Technique

In addition, the following articles also explain more aspects of Mindfulness Meditation and are definitely worth exploring if you find this technique interesting, or want to use for pain management

Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners

How to Meditate by Yourself - Zazen Practice

Health Benefits of Mediation:

This is just one of the many health benefits that meditation bestows and you can read about other great benefits of meditation in the articles: Health Benefits of Meditation and Top 10 Profound Benefits of Meditation.

What is happening these days is that meditation is speaking to us. In fact it is shouting at us. These many benefits are just meditations way of telling us that we ought to begin seriously practicing it. I almost prefer to say that all these benefits are the side affects of meditation, as its real purpose is to reveal to us the True Nature of Reality and our True Selves. But, it does not matter why you meditate in my view, as long as you do. That is the most important thing. The rest will happen naturally.

If you meditate you will certainly enjoy all these many benefits, including meditations power to help with pain management and pain relief, but most importantly you will move closer to discovering your Divine Nature and discovering the true non-dual nature of reality. If you dont meditate, then unfortunately you have wasted your opportunity and your life. Meditation is that important, so find a way to do it. It will then take care of everything else that needs taking care of.

If you need help in learning how to meditate, feel free to join the online classes that are offered here on Mastery of Meditation and Yoga. Links are below. If you are suffering from pain, I hope you enjoy the same degree of pain relief as those who participated in this experiment did.

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How to Meditate

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