You Are At The Source

Every thought you have, as well as every object you see in the world, is a vibration of the universethe Sanskrit term is shubda. Shubda creates light, sound, touch, taste, and every other quality. In dreams you can also see, hear, touch, taste, and smell, both those vibrations are subtler. They dont have the same feeling as concrete reality.When you go beyond the subtle qualities of mind, shubda becomes so faint that the mind loses all experience of an outside reality, even shadowy wisps of memory. Eventually it experiences only itself, and there arent any vibrations at all. You are at the source.The threshold of the source is silence. But you must step over the threshold into the room where reality is born. There you find that the raw materials are threefold. Creation springs from existence, consciousness, and the potential for vibrations to arise. These three are the most real things in the universe because everything else that we call real comes from them.Its this experience of the source, a state beginning beyond silence, that the Vedic rishis considered the field of all fieldswhat physicists call the ground state or vacuum state. The vacuum state has no mind, no bliss. It cannot be experienced subjectively. There is no window separating the observer from the universe; we are not outside what we see.The field of consciousness works as a whole; it correlates distant events instantly; it remembers all events; it exists beyond time and space; it creates entirely within itself; its creation grows and expands in an evolutionary direction; it is conscious.The field of consciousness is primary to every phenomenon in Nature because of the gap that exists between every electron, every thought, every instant in time. The gap is the reference point, the stillness at the heart of creation, where the universe correlates all events.Adapted from Life After Death: The Burden of Proof, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2006).

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