Very Powerful Meditation Session Rebirth Therapy

Start your journey towards a spiritual renaissance by undertaking a very powerful dynamic meditation technique under the guidance of a truly enlightened meditation master for Rebirth Therapy.

The Rebirth Therapy is a dynamic meditation technique based on breathing. It is a tailor made technique for the contemporary person formulated by Swami Paramananda, the Scientist of the inner world. This powerful technique helps the individual to release blockages and suppressed emotions from the mind and the body.

The purpose of this technique is to give a second birth to the individual. This is only possible when the mind is freed from repression, suppression and all forms of conditionings. Rebirth Therapy simply allows the mind to regain its faculties through cleansing which happens through the release of tension and blocked emotions.

We may not be conscious of all this, but we can certainly see how society is becoming chaotic with the rise in criminality, theft, violence, family disputes, broken families and many other social problems. All these result from our state of being. If we are frustrated, unhappy, stressed and filled with jealousy, anger and so on, the society, which is made up of individuals like us, cannot be peaceful, loving and prosperous.

The rebirth therapy session will take place at the Cecil Sharp House from 9am to 1pm, with all proceeds going directly to SGAS UK.


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