Your Soul Knows the Plan

The more deeply you are connected to your souls plan, the more powerful it becomes in your life. Ultimately nothing can stop it.When writing about the spiritual path, I reach a point where I wish I could dispense with terminology like soul, God, and spirit. Because there is only one reality, we dont need a separate, mundane vocabulary for everyday existence, and another, special vocabulary for higher existence. Either everything is spiritual or nothing is. In Gods eyes, walking on water is no more miraculous than the ability of hemoglobin to bond with oxygen inside a red blood corpuscle. Neither is readily visible, and both belong to the infinitely unfolding scheme of creation.Yet it would seem that a life full of purpose and meaning must be closer to God than a life spent in aimless confusion. Dualism has a powerful hold on the mind, so we cant help but think in terms of high and low, better and worse. Whats hard to comprehend is that God, wanting nothing, also demands nothing of us. In spiritual terms, no life is more or less worthy. Todays thief will be reborn as tomorrows saint, and vice versa.In a divine plan everyone has a part. And because God is within you, you yourself have an absolute right to choose your part in the divine plan. How does that plan work in practical terms? A central feature is the issue of perception.When you were a baby, you perceived yourself in a very limited way. What you couldnt handle or understand was given over to your father and mother. They fed you until you could feed yourself, provided shelter until you could provide it for yourself, and so on. As you became more capable, your sense of where you stood in existence is that everyone is born with a desire to see more. Thats why the sages of India believed that even to think about God is a sign that surely he will one day appear. It turns out that expansion of consciousness is the divine plan. There is no other. As your awareness keeps growing, you become more and more certain that you are part of the divine plan a! s well. Nothing more is demanded of you, or ever was.

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