Life-Nourishing Aging

If we look beyond the false duality of old and young, what we find is a different reality: The body is a network of messages constantly being transmitted and received. Some of these messages nourish and sustain us, while others lead to disorder and breakdown. Life-nourishing experiences go far beyond cell biology.If newborns are touched and caressed, their levels of growth hormone increase, and a protective coating of the motor nerves, myelin, becomes thicker. A mothers loving urge to cuddle her baby translates directly into life-sustaining biochemical reactions. Babies deprived of loving attention can become emotionally stunted or dysfunctional.The tenderness of a mother watching her toddler walk for the first time feeds the babys body. To a growing child, the sensitive encouragement of a teacher is as important as a hot lunch. What makes for a straighter spine, vitamin-D milk or self-esteem?Once we reach adulthood, gaining the wholehearted respect of co-workers wards off heart disease as effectively (and much more naturally) as counting milligrams of cholesterol. Respect makes the heart feel trusting and confident, two ingredients that belong inside any healthy body.Adapted from Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, by Deepak Chopra (Three Rivers Press, 1998).

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