Powerful Seventh Chakra Kundalini Meditation YouTube Video

Crown Chakra Meditation

YouTube Chakra Kundalini Meditation Video

In the important article, How to Analyze and Balance Your Chakras, I indicated that you need to practice the Crown Chakra Meditation Technique if any of the following applies to you

  • You are not at all spiritually motivated.
  • You have not experienced much in terms of spirituality or transcendence.
  • You dont see the poetry of life and nature.
  • You are too materialistic and frivolous.
  • From the above list you can see that the crown chakra, which is the seventh chakra in the Kundalini Yoga Seven Chakra Model, is responsible for spirituality and bliss, and is therefore considered by many to be the most important Chakra. Often, awakening kundalini and having her rise to this region, is considered the highest goal of kundalini yoga.

    It is through the Seventh Chakra that often the great Oneness is experiences and great bliss is experienced. You can read about many such experiences of other readers in the article Kundalini Awakening Symptoms.

    Given the above great benefits of opening the Seventh Chakra, one m! ight be tempted to simply devote oneself to this particular meditation technique, but that is certainly not recommended. This is essentially because directly opening the chakra points, especially such a powerful one, can lead to premature kundalini awakening, making it difficult to handle the energy and experiences that follow. So you should follow a measured approach when doing this meditation and complement this practice with lots of physical yoga and cleansing techniques to prepare the body well for intelligent kundalini awakening.

    In this article I am going to present a video of the Seventh Chrakra meditation technique. This video is uploaded to my YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/anmolmehtacom) and will become part of the Free Meditation Videos Collection here on Mastery of Meditation and Yoga. It will also become part of the multi-media Guided Meditation Techniques E-book, which has chapters that include videos for different meditations.

    For Yoga and Meditation Certification Program Students:

    For students enrolled in the Online Yoga Teachers Training and Certification Program, this chakra meditation is part of the Seven Chakra Healing Kundalini Yoga Set, which is part of your syllabus (Yoga Training Manual > Chapter 106, page 527). I will be uploading the video to that article as well, so you will be able to access it easily.

    For Online Meditation Teachers Training Program students, this meditation is not included in the Meditation Training Manual, as it is not one that we teach very often. You can though teach this meditation to an advanced class or teach it to your students to give them a taste for what chakra meditation feels like.

    Seventh Chakra Meditation YouTube Video Contents:

    • The video gives an overview of Crown (Seventh) Chakra Meditation Technique.
    • It gives a step-by-step demonstration of the hand positions, breathing and visualization used for this meditation.
    • It guides you through practicing the technique.
    • It discusses the benefits of this meditation, along with other practice tips and cautions.
    • As mentioned above this meditation is also part of the Seven! Chakra Healing Kundalini Yoga Set, which many have benefited from.

    Seventh Chakra Meditation Video


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