Chakra Meditation Steals The Spotlight

While yoga has become as common as jogging, a new kid in town is transforming the way people see their bodies and their health

Years ago, yoga had a reputation of being too "new age and even "fringe. However, as baby boomers and old men take up this practice, a new Eastern healing practice has invaded the West with surprising results.

Yoga is the physical practice of aligning one's 7 Chakras and raising the Kundalini (Serpent Power). Chakra Meditation, however, is a mental practice that also seeks to do the same. While this is still fresh and fairly new for most Americans, the desire for this is skyrocketing. More and more studies have brought light to meditation, including several prominent ones conducted by the National Institutes of Health, Yale, Harvard, and Massachusetts General Hospital.

Renowned energy healer and Charka expert, Carol Tuttle of has spent over 2 decades researching Chakra meditation and energy healing. Speaking on her work: "I assisted a woman who was bedridden due to a severe case of chronic fatigue. I spent eight weeks working with her body's energy system to restore it to good health, and teaching her how to take care of her own energy health. Today, she is out of bed and fully active! Her parents call it a miracle!

Other practitioners of Chakra meditation under Carol's care claim to have found more energy, healed themselves of pain, find guidance, and bring balance into their lives.

A Google search on the word "Chakra yields over 14.1 million results. Even large sites such as Groupon have capitalized on this by offering meditation classes as part of their deals. Carol Tuttle's newly launched 2-month old site alone has garnered over 400,000 visits and has 184,000 subscribers.

Perhaps Chakra meditation will soon become the new Yoga.

To Learn more about Chakra meditation and Carol Tuttle, please visit


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