Create Your True Self

The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself. It takes place on countless levels, seen and unseen. It marshals all the intelligence of the universe, compressing billions of years of knowledge into every second of life.Dont you realize that the history of the universe has brought us here to this second? We are the privileged children of creation, for whom all of this was made.If your true source is in the subtle, unseen world rather than in the physical, then your body isnt really made up of cells. These are not the building blocks of life, nor are the atoms and molecules that cells can be broken down into. The body is built on invisible abstractions called information and energyboth of which are contained in your DNA.Your deepest beliefs are the most powerful creative forces. Your physical body grew out of the surging impulse of life contained in DNA. Without this impulse, information and energy are inert. Likewise your thoughts and emotions flow into the world from the unseen impulses of intelligence that make up your subtlest body, the causal body.The reason we all go to sleep at night is so that we can put all these bodies in order after the exertions of being awake and active. But the subtlest work of all is done in pure silence. In deep silence we return to the ultimate cause, pure Being.Adapted from The Way of the Wizard: Twenty Spiritual Lessons for Creating the Life You Want, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 1995).

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