When to Let Go

At those moments when you are most afraid, angry, stubborn or mistrustful, you are in the grip of unreality. Your ego is forcing you to react from the past, blinding you to new possibilities here and now. Fear, anger, pride and distrust are forces with no spiritual validity.A mind that is desperately holding on says things like:
  • I hate this. It has to end.
  • I cant stand it anymore. If this keeps up Ill die.
  • I cant go on. Theres nothing left.
  • I have no choice. It has to be my way or else.
  • Youre all wrong.
  • None of you understand me.
  • You always treat me this way.
  • Why do you always have to do this?
There are infinite variations on these statements, but the underlying feelings are remarkably similar. You feel you cant cope anymore. You feel boxed in. You feel you wont survive. You feel that something bad always happens to you. These feelings give rise to the rigid, contracted state of resistance, disallowing the reality that good things can happen any time.Sprit has a good outcome for any situation, if you can open yourself to it. A key word to holding on is always. Always is never true; reality isnt a vast, fixed scheme trapping you without choice. At any moment you have the choice to break out of what is really trapping you: Your automatic reactions dredged up from the past.

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