Have a Healing Relationship

A healing relationship is based on awareness; in it both partners work to break old habits that promote suffering. They have to walk a fine line, just as my friend did, because compassion means that you appreciate the suffering someone else is experiencing, as well as your own. Yet at the same time there has to be detachment, making sure that suffering, no matter how real, isnt the dominant reality. The attitudes that make for a healing relationship become part of a vision you hold for yourself and the other person.How to Relate When Someone Else is in Pain
I have sympathy for you. I know what youre going through.
You dont have to feel a certain way just to make me happy.
I will help you get through this.
You dont have to be afraid that you are driving me away.
I dont expect you to be perfect. You arent letting me down.
This pain you are going through isnt the real you.
You can have the space you need, but I wont let you be alone.
I will be as real with you as I can be.
I wont be afraid of you, even though you may be afraid of your pain.
I will do all I can to show you that life is still good and joy still possible.
I cant take your pain on as my responsibility.
I wont let you hold on to your painwe are here to get through this.
I will take your healing as seriously as my own well-being.As you can see, there are subtle pitfalls in these attitudes. When relating to someone in pain, you have to extend yourself and yet remain within boundaries at the same time. I feel your pain, and yet its not mine is a tricky stance; it can tip either way. You can become so involved in the pain that you turn into an enabler. Or you can hide behind your own boundaries and shut out the person who is suffering. A healing relationship maintains the proper balance.

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