Love Awareness

When you have no relationship to another person, you are automatically thrown back upon yourself. The feelings that come out have no basis in what you need or want from othersthey simply come out.When the mind goes beyond normal waking awareness, the transcending process brings one in contact with unconditional love in its silent, unmanifest state. Unmanifest means that this love is not directed at anything; it simply vibrates within the nature of the silent witness, like a radio signal silently waiting for a radio to pick it up.At the end of meditation, the person returns to the waking state bringing some of this transcendental quality into his everyday consciousness. A new vibration has been added that alters, however subtly, the persons former awareness.By definition, you can love someone only if your love does not alter no matter what the other person does. A person who feels love no matter what is simply following his nature. In truth, this is all that can be asked of anyone. Acting according to your own level of awareness is inescapable.All of us are radiating our awareness out into the world and bringing its reflection back to us. The curative value of this kind of awareness is enormous.Adapted from Unconditional Life: Discovering the Power to Fulfill Your Dreams, by Deepak Chopra (A Bantam Book, 1991).

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