Sophrology: The Key to Overcoming Stress

Sophrology is a gentle, safe yet highly effective holistic non-invasive technique which combines east and western traditions to successfully reduce and bring about healing and well being for a wide range of common stress induced health problems. It is particularly effective for stress management, feeling overwhelmed, prevention of burnout and for overcoming sleep problems and feeling tired all the time. As a therapy it stands at the crossroads between meditation and life coaching, Zen and classical relaxation techniques.

Sophrology, popular in France and Spain, but relatively unknown in the UK is a gentle, and safe and a course of Sophrology treatments can help with insomnia, stress, burnout, anxiety, IBS, migraine, weight, and body image issues, and any other stress related problems.

Stress, without proper treatment causes illness and disease amongst otherwise healthy people and if left untreated stress can lead to serious chronic health problems. At its worst prolonged stress can lead to burnout and collapse and in some severe cases untreated symptoms of stress can lead to death.

One of the most effective solutions to stress is Sophrology because it teaches people how to relax and heal and bring back balance and energy to their mind and body. It can ease stress, pain and once cured the patient will re-establish a good functioning body. Most importantly it teaches people to listen to their bodies, learn how to better manage their energy and overcome bad habits and the lifestyle choices that led to stress in the first place and.

Leading Sophrology practitioner and founder of the Sophrology Academy, Florence Parot, describes it as "a method based on relaxation and breathing techniques, visualisation and simple movements.

Florence sees patients in Kent and London, and runs three day sanctuary retreats at the beautiful Witherdens Hall and also runs the Sophrology Academy in Kent where she trains Sophrologists.

"Sophrology is a system of whole body and m! ind work ing together to become yourself again, it takes the whole person and brings them back to themselves so the body is not working against you but is operating in a peaceful way. With Sophrology we learn to centre ourselves and live in the now, says Florence.


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