If you don't believe in every religion, you're doomed

There are lots of reasons to shun religion. On this video, Sam Harris describes one of the best reasons in less than three minutes. It's well worth a watch if you've ever believed that your religion was true, while others are false.

Harris says that Christianity holds that unless you believe in Jesus, you're doomed. Seems like bad news. But wait! Islam says that unless you believe in the Koran and the teachings of prophet Muhammad, you're also doomed. What gives?

Even worse, other religions say the same "you're doomed" thing.

The India-based faith I followed for over thirty years, Radha Soami Satsang Beas, teaches that unless you are initiated by a "perfect living master" (supposedly one with God), you are doomed to suffer endless rounds of rebirth in this decidedly imperfect world, bound by chains of karma which can only be broken by meditation under the guidance of the aforementioned guru.

So who are you going to believe? Christianity, Islam, Radha Soami Satsang Beas, or any one of the thousands of other religions? Almost every religion makes an exclusive claim to truth, yet they can't all be right.

How are you going to make sure that you aren't doomed by choosing the wrong one?

Well, Harris makes an excellent point. He asks the Christian next to him, who he seems to be debating, if he's ever lost sleep over being doomed because he isn't a Muslim. The answer, one must assume, is a hearty "No!"

This is exactly how non-Christians feel about Christianity, Harris says. More generally, it is exactly how everyone should look upon every religion.

Since religions make all sorts of competing claims, and many (or most) say that you're doomed if you don't sign up with their particular faith, the only way to be sure you aren't doomed is to embrace every religion in ! the worl d.

Assuming you can find them all. Assuming you will be accepted by all. Assuming you won't be chastized by some religions for simultaneously belonging to others. Assuming that you are correct in believing that at least one religion is true, even though you don't know which.

All that sounds complicated, and it is. Here's a simpler approach:

Don't believe in any religion.

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