Online Yoga Teacher Certification Program Reviews

Yoga Teacher Training Course Reviews

Yoga Certification Reviews

Of all the online programs offered here on Mastery of Meditation and Yoga, the 2 that are the most popular are the Meditation Certification Course and the Online Yoga Teacher Training Program. These 2 programs are, of course, designed to create top class yoga and meditation teachers, but are also independently capable of transforming your life and helping you realize your full human potential.

The first certification course that went online was the Meditation Teachers Training Course and the feedback I received regarding it was quite incredible. You can read those reviews and testimonials in the following article Meditation Certification Program Reviews. This was the inspiration behind creating the Yoga Certification Program, and I am very happy to report that it too has received amazing feedback and has gone on to become one of the most popular yoga training programs on the web.

The Mastery of Yoga Training Program is very comprehensive and if you have any doubts of whether this is the best yoga program, or if an online yoga program is capable of creating successful yoga teachers, then go ahead and read the testimonials of the students below. I am sure this will help you clear any doubts regarding the quality and capability of this course.

One final note before I provide you the testimonials below and that is compare th! e prices between this program and other yoga teachers training programs. The Mastery of Yoga Program, at $47 and $67 (with listings), is thousands of dollars less expensive that other programs :-).

Online Yoga Certification Program Reviews:

Yoga Training Program is Comprehensive:

Leela Writes:

Thank you for the opportunity to learn and complete this Yoga Certification training. Even though I was exposed to Yoga with several teachers in the past, I learned mostly the practical part of the Yoga and only limited amount of theory part. You provided tons of information, very detailed, step by step referencing, benefits and guidelines and really I learned a lot from this material. The video pieces are excellent to learn, looking at them it is very easy to follow. We were thinking of completing the Certification process for a while and I am glad that we found you at the right time. It is a great experience and when I started to read the material, it reminded me of one the training classes that I took (work required) couple of years, similar method, lot of material, open book exam and therefore lot to read and understand and very challenging! Now, my understanding in several aspects of yoga, pranayama and meditations improved a lot. We, my husband and I always do things together, went to same Yoga classes before, and together decided to take your certificate training.

Dave Writes:

Thank you for an amazing and thorough program.

Brenda Writes:

It was quite a nice challenge and I enjoyed it along with the course very much. I will be on your site and also digging around in the manual for years to come! So much fantastic information. I cannot thank you enough!

Students Love the Yoga Certification Program:

Da! niella W rites:

I ENJOYED the program immensely!

Clarissa Writes:

I have to first say I am enjoying the course sooooooo much!!! You are a wonderful teacher.

Chris Writes:

I found the program very enjoyable. I will enjoy sharing this knowledge with others in addition to my other Yoga styles.

The Program Offers Incredible Value for the Price:

Katherine Writes:


I initally was apprehensive to pay for course. I am so very happy that I took this course; Anmol has a wealth of unlimited videos, emails & information and is very helpful and responds extremely quick to emails and concerns. Thank You Anmol for making it possible for me to be a Certified Instructor without paying thousands of dollars I do not have. I would have done this years ago if I had known.


Holly Writes:

I am so grateful that youve made this available and at such an extremely affordable price. I enjoyed learning about yoga from the inside out and look forward to all future studies, of which I know there are a never-ending supply.

Yoga Teachers Training Course Creating Successful Yoga Teachers:

Erin Writes:

Thank you so much! I taught my first yoga class with my new place of business (Excela Health) and I had wonderful feedback! thank you for the guidance and education :).

James Writes:

This program really helped me develop my yoga practice deeper and richer than Id expected. It was challenging, a pleasure and quite informative. Your videos, blogs and teachings are very sincere and great reference! Ill return over and over! and ove r!

You are a sincere and honest teacher, i thank you for your time and effort and I look forward to proceeding with confidence and joy.

Thank you!

Im already giving my first public yoga class on Aug 20th then in sept 2x a day at a 4 day retreat in the mountains!

Caryn Writes:

Knowing I still wanted to work with children (not Babies) I searched the web and came across a yoga for kids training program. I fell in love with it, did the training 2 years ago and have now been teaching kids yoga for two years, which I am loving. I became more serious about my own yoga over the years and now feel I have the confidence to spread my love of yoga not only to children, but adults as well. When my yoga instructor asked me to take over her classes when she went to India a few months back, I enthusiastically although nervously agreed. Although I had my (self) doubts, I really enjoyed working with adults for a change, (they stay on their mats and listen!!!!). So I decided to do an adult yoga training, and came across yours. It has been so amazing, I feel like I have grown so much in my own yoga practice and am now wanting to start spreading my love and passion of yoga and meditation to everyone.

Thank you so much Anmol for this opportunity, I am finally on the path of finding what I felt was missing in my life for so long.


Brian Writes:

Guru, thank you for a fantastic opportunity to learn yoga. I have had an office job for eight years now, and have not had a daily exercise regimen. What you provided stimulated a lifelong journey into yoga. Actually being able to teach yoga makes it even more fun, and I just keep learning. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share yoga with others in my community.

Online Yoga Certification Prog! ram is C lear and Well Put Together:

Mandie Writes:

I have really enjoyed both the programs I have studied, and your delivery of the program was put to put together brilliantly.

Sanju Writes:

Thank you again for putting together such an informative and outstanding meditation and yoga programs for people like me. I am glad that I found you. I have learned a lot and now I can teach others as well.

Yoga Training Program Healing Miracles:

Ray Writes:

(Ray cured himself of brain cancer with the help of yoga and other alternative sciences. You can read his full and inspiring story here Yoga and Cancer: A True Cancer Recovery Story).

Half way through the Yoga course, deep in Mediation, I received Enlightenment. I understood the nature of all these disciplines, and how they fit in Yoga.

I used the technique in the course, in the pattern that was recommended, several times a day. Last month, I went to the Doctor, and he did not believe the results. My CT, MRI, EEG, showed no trace of cancer or brain damage, the blood tests all were in the normal range.

I am not a Cancer Survivor; I am, with the help of God and my friends, a Cancer Destroyer.

I realize that I have two things to do.

First, I must show and tell as many people as I can, about the extraordinary power of the Yoga techniques for self-healing and healing of others.

Training Program Expanding Your Yoga Knowledge and Skills:

Akasa Writes:

Thank you so much Anmol. Great work, It shows a lot your teaching e! xperienc e and prepares us for sharing this knowledge further. The teacher manual is actually very practical and personally I spent more time applying everything than studying the material and I suppose everyone did with all the benefits.

It is a great preparation for another step in our life and you described a lot of techniques valuable to anyone regardless how advanced. All this wisdom will need time to digest properly b4 we fully understand all the meaning. You are really a master on instructing spiritual climbing from one level to another, one step to the next one. Sat Nam .

Thank you also for sharing your experiences with us and your clear explanations and guiding us through the program. There are so many things nearly impossible to describe and you present them not only very well but also as achievable. You are very inspiring through your work, which you do for the benefit of the mankind. Im sure you collect many blessings from all your yogis on your path. Great work.

Ted Writes:

This is an excellent program for an experienced, self started and disciplined person to improve his yoga training. The information and video are informative, simple and easy to follow for practice.

Since I have gone through the Ashtanga teacher training, and do Kundalini 1 hour practice as taught by Yogi Bhajan regularly, I find your training materials extremely helpful in further improving my practice and understanding of yoga.

Michael Writes:

The program is fantastic, very informative and interesting. I have been practicing yoga for a long time and its great to get a deeper understanding.

Kerrie Writes:

Im already a yoga teacher, so I will tell you why I wanted to learn more about kundalini yoga teachings. I had an Indian professor ask if I knew about this type and I had, even did some of the ! poses an d the breathing techniques on my own. Well I found that my regular yoga school and trainer did not understand the meaning behind it or the teachings. So I went looking, I know hatha and all the basic modern yoga. But I want the spiritual cleansing to. I want to rid my body of the toxins and align my charkas; Kundalini offers all that to me. It offers my students a new style to learn. We can mediate like always but now add this new form into our sets. In truth its very exciting to know that I can do the breath of fire in different yoga holds and feel my body gets rid of the toxins or do meditations with this style of yoga. It had refreshed my learning and mind, and Im very glad to have come across this site and you, I hope to keep learning, I wish you had an open camp near gym!

Rafael Write:

First I want to thank you for the manual and videos. They are very valuable. Regardless of the certification you brought my practice and insight to another level.

Training Course Good for Seniors Too:

Kathy Writes:

I have really enjoyed taking the Yoga Teachers Course. Im older and have taken hundreds of continuing ed courses in the health business, and not only learned a ton of new stuff, but have changed in my own thinking and behavior. Postures are still difficult, but the information is really well done, and I understand it quite well, I think.

I feel as though I may have had a subtle awakening through this.

Online Yoga Training Works:

Arathi Writes:

Weekly build-up was wonderful, in terms of flexibility, then core strength, pranayamas, etc.

The whole website is just phenomenal! I call it the New York of Yoga Sites. Everything is perfectly explained in addition with your personal flavor. I would hav! e never considered an on-line training for a yoga teacher certification, yet it totally works.

How to Sign Up for Online Certification Courses:

To sign up for the Yoga Certification Program use the following link -

Yoga Certification Program

Online Yoga Teachers Training Course

To Sign up for the Meditation Certification Program, use the following link -

Meditation Certification Program

Meditation Certification Program

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