Age with Vitality & Beauty: Guided Meditation

On Thursday, November 17th 12noon 1pm the Hendersonville Co-op is holding a free event with speaker and author Alice McCall. The event, "Age with Vitality & Beauty helps attendees understand the role of cellular health in the aging process.

"I am looking forward to sharing the concepts behind Cellular Level Healing, in a way that anyone can understand. After all, cellular health is vital to aging with a strong, healthy, vital appearance, explains Ms McCall.

McCall credits Cellular Level Healing to her self-healing of beast cancer in 2007. As well as, believing that these same principles can be applied to those looking to maintain their health and vitality as they age.

"I know that financially things are tight for so many of us, and with that in mind many of the tips I will be sharing cost little or nothing out of pocket, states McCall. "I hope that the attendees will be inspired to try new things in their quest to age with grace.

Following the explanation, McCall will lead a guided healing meditation utilizing her unique toning technique. The aim of the meditation is for each attendee to receive a special message related to their health and vitality.

All are welcome to attend this free event at the Hendersonville Co-op, Thursday, November 17th 12noon 1pm. The Hendersonville Co-op is located on 715 S Grove St, in Hendersonville, North Carolina.


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