Isha Kriya Free Meditation Process Launched

Yogi, Sadhguru Vasudev and founder of Isha Foundation, a public service organization that cultivates human potential through yoga programs and social and environmental projects, is introducing a simple but powerful meditation process known as Isha Kriya. The meditation process, involving sitting and performing certain conscious breathing patterns, requires an investment of only 12-18 minutes per day. Over time, says Sadhguru, the cumulative effects of this short meditation process are new levels of clarity and calmness, heightened focus and energy, and -- particularly important during increasingly troubled times increased feelings of well-being.

After performing Isha Kriya, people have shared a wide range of positive experiences, including feelings of deep relaxation and bodily warmth. Everett Goldner, New York City, reports experiencing an "organic progression over a long term, from noticeable feelings of relaxation to reduced physiological symptoms of illness to overall feelings of health and healing. Mr. Goldner further states, "I can say quite confidently that I will be doing [this process] for the rest of my life. The daily practice . . . has changed my life deeply and for the better.

Isha Kriya is taught to and experienced by people individually, but Sadhgurus eventual goal for this meditation process is global change. Sadhguru became inspired to offer the process as a response to the "over-engineered world that has overused and overbuilt upon its limited resources. As societies achieve satisfaction of all their material needs, says Sadhguru, their energies become focused on negative and destructive activities due to a lack of inner contemplation and consideration. To that end, "society is overripe for spiritual process. You have to provide a large scale, non-religious spiritual process which does not ascribe to any particular philosophy or ideology.

To turn the world inward, one person at a time, Isha Kriya has been launched at locations across the United States and Cana! da as we ll as in India as a free session that anyone can participate in. It is offered as an easily accessible online tool, completely free of charge, to anyone who chooses to invest a few minutes daily to make himself or herself clearer, calmer and happier. And, according to Sadhguru, each person who starts this journey toward personal well-being simultaneously makes a step toward the well-being of society at large.

For those interested in attending a live Isha Kriya session, see

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