3 Emergent Spiritual Properties

If transformation is the norm, then spiritual transformation falls into place as an extension of where life has been going all along. While still remaining who you are, you can bring about a quantum leap in your awareness, and the sign that the leap is real will be some emergent property you never experienced in the past.

1. Knowingness means being in touch with the level of the mind where every question is answered. It is related to genius, although knowingness isnt focused on music, mathematics, or other specific subjects. Your area of knowledge is life itself and the movement of consciousness on every level. Knowingness feels wise, confident, unshakable, and yet humble.

2. Reverence for Life means being in touch with the life force. You feel the same power flowing through you as through every living thing; even the dust in a beam of light dances to the same rhythm. Therefore, life isnt limited to plants and animalseverything possesses a glowing, animated vitality. Reverence for life feels warm, connected, and exhilarating.

3. Non-violence means being in harmony with every action. There is no opposition between what you do and what anyone else does. Your desires do not clash with another persons well-being. When you look around you see conflict in the world at large but not in your world. You emanate peace like a force field that subdues conflict in your surroundings. Non-violence feels peaceful, still, and completely without resistance.

Adapted from The Book of Secrets by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2004).

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